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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EEST

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and because of those people who then had a majority in the verkhovna rada and whom today we would confidently call collaborators, in general, without even thinking about their position then, which was then considered almost the norm, but we have to correct some things in this constitution and now, particularly the imbalance between the branches of government, which we've been living with for 30 years, which prevent us from finally becoming a full-fledged democracy, when we always have a president who overstretches his powers, who always has such a... ized demonic office of the president that is also informal the center of power, which is not responsible for anything, in a word, this is a problem, we can talk about it more, we will have a former head of the office of president rybachuk, and then it was not called the office, then this, but what was it called, the administration, in general, said that he wanted to rename the presidential administration to the office, to emphasize that it is an auxiliary body, literally, well, i don't know, like a secretary under
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the head, but where did it happen later, as we remember. volodymyr bitsak , deputy chairman of somska, joins us district council. mr. volodymyr, we congratulate you on the holy day of the constitution. good morning, the north-east defense corps of our country congratulates you, i also want to congratulate all ukrainians with the basic law on constitution day. congratulations. you are even vyshyvanians, i see that you are so serious about this important holiday. is there a festive mood in sumy oblast, how did the night pass, mr. volodymyr? if you look at the previous nights, the 27th to the morning of yesterday, there was such a record in my opinion, somewhere in the last year of such a small number of explosions there were no, there were only five explosions, but apparently the logistics of the moneylenders worked, and as of this morning there were already 102 explosions in the krasnopil community, anpyrekord was also placed, 21 kamikhadze drones. was dropped on
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the krasnopil community, so the rashists again began, let’s say so, to do their own, as always , their mischief, which they have been doing for the last two or more years, and people, despite the fact that the russian shelling does not dry up, people do not reluctantly evacuate, in which the reason, mr. volodymyr, what kind of words have an effect, what kind of help which people can be persuaded to go to places where it is safer, well... the intentional number of shelling, the single main factor, if there are shellings, they increase, do people leave, the shelling stops, people return to their gardens, to their land, to their hut, because we are ukrainians, we can’t , so that we can throw away our disobedience and go somewhere second place, in your opinion, actually, what is now or how is it going now, by the way, uh, not
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mobilization, but how is it now cases with blackouts in general in the regions, as much as the border ones suffer now, says the cabinet ministers, that it is possible that there will be some relaxations for the border areas, you know, that is, if the situation with the disconnection were easier, it would be very good, because the schedules are constantly changing, constantly sometimes after two after four, then on the contrary, it is very difficult, especially, i am on this this week they were at the forum ee... for cattle in dairy processing and cattle breeding and they feel very sorry for the farmer, they were at the production where the farmer produces cheese, they say that it is necessary to maintain the temperature, a third of the dairy products are processed into cheese, but it is difficult to survive as the lights are turned off, well, yes, that's why it's very difficult, if i did it for the border, it would be a very, very, very big plus, because even so, let's say, they impose. these are the realities of life, plus
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the blackout, it's very difficult. well, and yes, i will ask at the end, we, returning to the day of the constitution, in your opinion, and what - what, what is the most important thing in our constitution, what should be conveyed so that every ukrainian from this constitution for carried myself, now during the war, especially now during the war, i i believe that every ukrainian should be... understand that he is a 100% ukrainian, that he is ready to stand up for his state, for his constitutional rights 100%, defend them, and i hope that we will return our constitutional rights after our victory thank you very much for this conversation and this speech. volodymyr bitsak, the deputy head of the sumy district council, was with us, we are now, we will now move to odeshchyna, and... we will ask how
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things are there, so a little, i don't know, it is hardly even humor, because there is nothing to do here just kidding, but i read that in the odesa region, a man received... eight years in prison for killing his wife with a shovel, oh my god, this is this is scary and, but, but, but to a certain extent, it's kind of like that too a metaphor that in odessa, a scoop kills, you know, because to read the news that someone killed someone with a shovel, well, it's funny, you know, a shovel is not the right tool, let's say murders, although of course people do all kinds of things, but, but, but it is, there is this story. sosovok, and in fact, in the context of odessa , it really plays as a certain metaphor, because, too there are recent social polls that show that, unfortunately, unfortunately, odesa remains the most pro-russian and pro-soviet region in ukraine, despite
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everything, and this is also a question, a challenge, what can be done for this, we today i started only with the fact that we had the autonomy of the crimea at one time. in 1996, in exchange for the communists' concessions, she actually made such a de-sovietization and de-russification of crimea impossible, and this later laid the foundations, unfortunately, for crimea to reach russia so relatively easily, in fact without battle, because the people who were in the crimea in the armed forces of ukraine, at that time, according to the law , they were also conscripted from the local area, sometimes from the local area. residents and it turned out that few of them would be ready to offer military resistance or leave crimea as it happened, for example, in belbek, when ukrainian pilots left there, but not all, of course, not all, kasatonov, the admiral turned out to be a traitor in general, admiral of the fleet, switched to
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the russian side, listen, i don’t understand why people were suffering so much, the 91st year came, they thought, they were not suffering, they were there well, while there was this autonomy, because the government. to a certain extent ephemeral, they had a wonderful life, built dachas on the seashore, robbed people, and created chaos, had the largest racket in the country and the largest mafia, they wanted to preserve all this so that they would continue to have the russian language, here and there what was the problem with the russian language, there if you got on a trolleybus in simferopol and said to someone: "good afternoon, give way, the whole trolleybus was staring at you, like , i don't know, bandera got up and got in with by two" schmeissers, wait, wait, bandera is still alive, and they are looking for him and promise a reward, to be honest, yes, let's not break the dog here, dear friends, we are moving to odesa, the deputy of the odesa district council, serhii sizonenko is with us on communication, mr.
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serhiy, we congratulate you, good morning, studio, good morning ukraine, i sincerely congratulate everyone on the day of the constitution of ukraine, i wish us all the fastest victory and prosperity in the constitutional, legal, ah, such a prosperous ukrainian state. eh, how was the night in odesa in odesa? in odesa, thank god, night passed quietly, without air raids, without bombings and attacks from our insidious enemy, this cannot help but rejoice, because we know how our enemies like to congratulate us in the pews ... with all our holidays, but let's hope that the day will be no less calm than at night, and everything will be fine, and we will get closer to our victory with every minute, and here andriy mentioned, i am in the crimea somewhere in some kind of public transport, if you spoke ukrainian and everyone looked around,
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odesa from time to time, even during a full scale invasion unfortunately happens all kinds of language scandals, but according to your observation, mr. serhiy, if right now... go by public transport in odesa and say somewhere that you pay for the fare, or stop there, is there any kind of close attention to a person who speaks ukrainian? no, there is no longer 100% such close attention, but as far as i am concerned, it was the full-scale invasion of the russian federation that greatly, shall we say, contributed to this mild ukrainization in the society of odesa, because... let's say, acts, a more active local population began to use ukrainian in everyday life language, starting from the 14th year, but from february 22nd, it is directly very visible, in any service area, when we are,
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all the shops already, well, almost, i don't know, maybe with some very rare exception , but all network 100%, shops, all establishments. public catering, well, almost all of them, that is , mostly 90 5%, we hear the ukrainian language, people in the building communicate, there are already a lot of people. in the ukrainian language, more and more is becoming the ukrainian language every day, the youth is the main thing, our future is the youth, mostly switches to communicating in the ukrainian language in everyday life, so i think that every day, every year this situation in odelshchyna will only improve, there is no longer anything like it was there, i don't know, in 2010, when on a trolleybus from there... a passenger i communicated with all of them, maybe in ukrainian or there were two, not anymore, it is, let's say, everywhere, and
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i think that this is very good. odessa is the only regional center, the only one, well there, i don’t count, of course, there is some simferopol, luhansk, donetsk, occupied, yes, but the only one in ukraine, where less than half of the people support ukraine's accession to the european union, and... as many as 10% frankly said, they were not afraid, that they want a customs union with russia, belarus and kazakhstan, that is kazakhstan, but now this year, how could you explain these figures, unfortunately, this layer, let's say so, of such scumbags, it still remains, they have quieted down, let's call it that, that is, they do not actively express their position, even there, in some probably private communication , they refuse it only... they consider it their own in quotation marks, but we understand that they remain
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here, the situation is the same not only in odesa, we all understand that where do those people come from who point russian missiles at our infrastructure facilities, at our military units, put these marks, direct them there with some kind of curator, i.e. where did these people come from, they were not brought here? this word is a position, but i really hope that this percentage will only decrease, and one day we will see that people with such an anti-state, anti-people and generally ludezher position will not be possible at all, and also only 40. support the accession of ukraine to nato, this is also the highest indicator in ukraine, in kharkiv, for example, 55
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are in favor of joining nato, and in lviv, which is in the first place, 87% are in favor of joining nato, only 2% in lviv are against, in odesa every fourth against nato, i don't know, i don't have a breakdown of the data regarding the age category and so on, well, we can assume that these are probably older people, maybe some pre-retirement. age, who remember how it was good in the scoop from their youth, when everything was cheap, even though there was nothing, there was nothing, but still whatever happened, it was already cheap, well, at their behest, there were enemies for that, well, to be honest , yes, well, but less so, it’s just that you mentioned gentle ukrainization at the beginning, we use the example of crimea, in particular, to see that gentle ukrainization did not lead to anything good in the end, and maybe if we had some alternative ideas. then maybe some story in the 14th year would be a little different, we
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don't know what, but it would be, but, for example, we would have crimean tatars who would understand what they are losing with the occupation crimea by russia, for example, lose their cultural autonomy, and it would be a completely different story, we would have, for example, a generation of ukrainians, patriots who would be proud that they are ukrainians in crimea, and not ashamed to speak their own language. .. in the native language on the street, mr. andriy, i completely agree with you, but you see, unfortunately, it was built a little differently, we do not see anywhere, for example, on any hryvnia, that there was an image of khan herai or someone else from such, shall we say, significant crimean tatar figures, who would like people who also accepted active participation in the construction of the ukrainian state, could be noted, let's say, for everyone. therefore, unfortunately, this moment was missed, let's hope that for now you and
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i will not miss the opportunities that we have in order to defeat our enemy not only on the front, but also in the minds of these zhduns, because as no matter how sorry we are, these are also our fellow citizens, and we must win the battle for their consciousness. we have to fight, i think, for the children and grandchildren of these singers. citizens faster, that's it this, because there it is already impossible to win this second battle, those people can only obey, but they will not do this of their own free will, thank you ukrainian, ukrainian language attitude to the european union before joining. and i also wanted to, you already said goodbye, and to mr. serhiy, i wanted to ask, no, there is more, mr. serhiy, mr. serhiyu, in conclusion, very briefly, yes, no, that’s it, i said goodbye, i wanted to say about this, about that the scandal at the customs office in odesa with corruption, and the fact that the largest container,
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the container company of the planet refused to enter the port of odessa, because they started with them. there to demand some money, here you understand, you fight, you fight, we show the whole world our, our huge desire, which we defend with our lives, to be among european countries, to be among countries where corruption, of course, that it exists , but not in such places, but somewhere in the customs office, there is such a well-knit team of the odessa customs office, they celebrate professional holidays there. and they say, and they say, oh, the largest continental company on the planet, why not take money from them, no, he says, and what will i get out of it, huh, that i will be from that magician, and that the children also ask me to eat, the child is studying in london, you know how much i have to pay every month, dear friends, that’s it, we will talk about it on our broadcasts, we will do it more than once we will still ask about the roll call with odesa, i
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think that this story will develop, and in the meantime we are going on a short break, we will return. and we will move to occupied mariupol, what is happening there, we will ask petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol, stay with us. attention, a profitable offer: order a light bulb wisely light at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, but we... offer you a light bulb that lights up, even when there is no light, for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity, up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery. it's so convenient, especially now. and the bulb is a smart light, it is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when falling the standard base is suitable
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a sovereign and independent, democratic, social right. state, the sovereignty of ukraine extends to its entire territory, ukraine is a unitary state, the territory of ukraine within the existing border is integral and inviolable. today, the armed forces of ukraine, all ukrainians, stood up to defend the state and the constitution. we know what we are fighting for, what we can lose and what we will never allow it to be taken from us. happy constitution day. glory to ukraine. get closer to victory, together with tssoa asb. join one of the best special forces in the country. we are expanding and hiring. we invite civilian specialists of various fields. experienced commanders will ensure your high-quality training and education. fill out the questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most
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effective. we are waiting for you in the team of tssoa asbu. together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. let's return to. friends, let's go to etero and continue our roll call, there is a response to andrii that you said that people are mostly older, who can give positions and are nostalgic for the soviet union, our viewer writes that you have a stereotypical thinking about older people, the sbu detains traitors who are 37, 27, 17 , but i actually agree with this opinion, because it seems to me that the worst thing is, perhaps, ukrainians or ukrainian citizens in ukraine now. because it was such a time of unprincipledness
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and such disorientation in ukraine, and very often these people have such porridge and chaff in their heads, it's just scary, sometimes 37 years old, 35, up to 40, yes, because those who were a little older, at least something was left in them. some kind of order, because it was the end of the 80s in the soviet union, it was good, it was so correct, because the entire pseudo- soviet history was being debunked, all those idols were falling, there was communism for some and so on, it was in general throughout the soviet union , democratic processes were taking place, and people were infected with that spirit so good, in fact, not only in ukraine, of course, there in the baltic countries, the most, but even in some conditional one, i don't know, in turkmenistan. something happened anyway, but here i am treating you, perhaps the most rotten ones now are those between 35-45, so now everyone will start writing between 35-45 and saying: what you say about us is
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on our shoulders now the whole front and the war are going on, and they will also be right, in fact, they will also be right. hey, dear friends, we have petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol, with us, let's add him to the conversation, mr. peter, we congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, thank you, something happened the day before in... in mariupol, mr. peter, is there any information about it yet? well, in principle, what we were talking about from the very beginning, in fact , all these explosions were connected with the fact that , judging by everything, our armed forces were exhausting the enemy's system, we know that there was a shooting in the primorsky district, in the district of the so-called former, because it has already physically ceased to exist in the chelyomushki micro-housing micro-district, and so the same explosions were heard in berdyansk, melitopol, that is , along the... it was the approach of our air targets in the water area of ​​the sea of ​​azov, let’s not forget that somewhere on the ford these carriers
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of calibers are still having fun, or the equator of the sea of ​​azov, and what is beyond the water area of ​​the sea of ​​azov, and there we see the krasnodar territory, i.e. all refineries and so on, that is, judging by everything, it was simply what we call a predation, and the first line... of defense of the russians, which is right next to prizovshchyna, and it worked, well, let's hope that the next one will already be more, we will have more to talk about in the sense results, if we talk about the sea of ​​azov, recently our former work colleague saw a russian video report about how in mariupol, there is a collective report on... indeed, about mariupol, and about the occupied zaporizhzhia region, of course, about the delicious the melitopol cherry and the berdyan beaches, about crimea and sochi, in a word about the azov and
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black seas, how good it is for russians and ukrainians, for those who have already joined russia, how well they are resting, this is a report, the author of the report, as it turned out , another former colleague of ours, with whom we once long ago... 20 years ago, they worked in kyiv on the same tv channel, but he, his heart was drawn to everything russian, despite the fact that he was young, again, remembering the age of people, he is even younger than andriy and me, but, but he is drawn to everything russian, he is so attracted that he is already working in russia, but apparently he was sent on a business trip, here he is walking along the beach, mariupol, i will repeat this report for you, because we cannot let him in, because the russian language is there, and yes, you know, a person with a ukrainian nickname, literally revels in how he
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pronounces all these beautifully in a moscow style. words and he walks along the mariupol beach and says: look, there is nowhere for an apple to fall here, it is so good here, people are resting, and you may not believe that we are in mariupol, but if you do not believe, then now i will approach the women and ask them to after you believe it and are convinced, he approaches the women who are lying there, some are lying on their backs, some are standing, they are all marked in the same caps, and says: please tell me, we are really in mariupol, they say, yes, yes, we are really in mariupol, and we ourselves came here from kazan, well... this beach shows how beautiful it is, golden sand, all kinds of these, the roofs are made there, beautiful, in short, eh, heaven, heaven on earth, heaven in mariupol after the hell that was there, mr. petar, do you believe our former colleague vitaly katchenko and his report or not, well, especially for kazan, that’s for sure, believe me, i know very well that a section of,
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say, russians who come and have come. from soviet times to the sea of ​​azov, where they lived, how they lived, in what conditions they traveled and were happy, then for them it is definitely paradise, but for the people of mariupol it is definitely not, well, that is to say that there is no rest there today, i see beaches, i see beaches even in in the city, because no, there are no people, relatively speaking, if we compare it to the war, there are no people, because before the war, before the full-scale invasion of the war in 2014, there was a lot of apple there, there was nowhere to fall, that is, it was not what... . to lie down even on the central beach in the city, there was nowhere to sit, but now you are free to leave you can come to mariupol, and it’s still on the beach, if you go there to the coast, there are generally only tourists there, mostly for some reason in russian military uniforms, and berdyansk stands empty on the embankment, who, like once , was in berdyansk at this time in peaceful times, it was simply impossible to pass there, now i don't even know there, even if you ride a kamaz, there are
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simply no people there. well, that is, they killed everything, now they are telling how beautiful it is, it is definitely not beautiful, that is for sure, mr. veter, we have less than two minutes left, today is the day of the constitution ukraine is celebrating, what does this day mean for you and for the people of mariupol? and this means that there are rights and there are duties, that now our rights are violated by the russians, who else do we recognize what the lack of basic rights really is. and probably, like no one, like the majority of the country, we still understand that such duties are to defend the country, and these are other things, and i will say that the people in the occupation, who are there, who understood what rights and duties with examples of the constitution, and what it is like when you have no rights at all, and you have been deprived the right to speak, the right to live, the right to think, the right to speak the language you want, it's
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difficult. therefore, this is a really important day of action, well , that is, without exaggeration, without just a date on the calendar, this is a very important day, which, unfortunately, gained weight during the war, but it will definitely not go anywhere, i am sure that if things were not bad because of the war, but in everything , even the bad, there are good things, that is, the understanding of the importance of the constitution, it will remain with ukrainians now forever and for generations unequivocally, so happy holiday to all, it is really big holiday we thank each other and petro andryushenko, the adviser to the mayor of mariupol, was with us, thank you for this conversation, dear friends, we are approaching the 80th morning, at 8 am, i will remind you that we will watch a fresh selection of news, our journalists have already prepared and are ready to tell you, what happened there in ukraine and the world, kateryna shirokopoyas appears on your screens, katya, congratulations, you have the floor, congratulations to olesya, andria, in a moment i will tell you about the consequences of the night attacks on ukraine and why trump and biden argued at
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the debate. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. two people were injured as a result of an enemy attack in the pologiv district of zaporizhzhia. the occupiers shelled the village. the head of the region, ivan fedorov, said. a 45-year-old man and a 74-year-old woman were injured in their own homes. during the day, the occupiers set fire to eight settlements in the region. the occupiers attacked nikupol from the very morning, serhii, the head of the dnipropetrovsk region, said.


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