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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EEST

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it will be managed by them, that is, you see, this is how historians write history, and we are actually writing this history right now, and that is why the russian federation has the impression that there is no final answer, and a plus again when you talk about the collapse of the russian federation and so on. and as far as i can see, the western world does not want it, but it does not want it at all, well, the western world did not really want the soviet union to fall apart, and ukraine to be an independent state in general, but there are some historical objective processes that are taking place, bush convinced, the elder, convinced that ukraine cannot be an independent state, but it literally happened there with a short period of time. another topic
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is relevant enough, but it was updated by the german columnist jürgen naudit about how chinnin will help putin by sending north korean engineering units to war in ukraine, and he claims that the central military commission of north korea has announced that the country will unite forces with the russian military as early as next month, the engineering unit of the north korean army will sent to donetsk. these are all the efforts that are now... used by putin in order to activate this conditional axis of evil, a new conditional axis of evil, and his flirtation with a kimchi, well , it is as humiliating as it is for putin, who is trying to decide the fate of the world, and his trying in some way to use china in the war against ukraine, will it bring results for putin and will it help him in the end...
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er do something important on the russian-ukrainian front? well you see, it looks like so far kima is cooler than macron and the rest of the western officials who actually allowed the sending of their troops to support ukraine, and there are talks, here, well, for now, there are also talks, here is the question, whether they will really enter the territory of ukraine or not, the situation here is as follows: even if these north korean comrades do not run away in in search of a better life right away, and they will perform purely engineering tasks, and they are military, what is there, military engineering troops, these are trenches, dugouts, everything that is connected with this, this is where they are in the rear of the russian army, hardly they will do it, but even if it will be like that, how now a statement then putin will be able
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to transform part of his body units there and send them forward, that is, i don't see any good news here, to be honest, because they - if our western partners this and that echelon, how fashionable now talk escalations, they drew, but crossed exactly comrades or. comrades are going to cross the veil of evil, well, it seems to me that it is obvious, the only thing that will somehow have to be translated into korean in google is that here the right rules apply to invaders, regardless of their citizenship, in ideas in dreams, it's great, a good idea, eh, one more news of today, already roman, it's poland, lithuania, latvia and estonia are going to build. line of defense on
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the border with russia and belarus, and reuters writes that the letter to the eu president, which will be discussed at the summit in brussels, which began today, said that the project is aimed at protecting the bloc of 27 countries and 450 million people, and demand financial support, what is it about, it is supposed to build a 700-kilometer defense line, and some diplomats admitted that its cost will make... when we talk about the future of ukraine, about the fact that russia is obviously a neighbor that will be with us for a very long time, and an aggressive neighbor, and it is clear that we would also like to build either a wall or a moat with crocodiles, or i i don't know what's there, or to create this sanitary zone at the expense of the belgorod, kursk, voronezh, bryansk and rostov regions, how, in your opinion, should this
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safe zone between ukraine and russia look like, given that the european states want to build this 700-kilometer defense line, we will have to build more, because we still... we need to build somewhere more than 200 km of common border with belarus, well, you see, our european friends looked at the russian nazis and came to the conclusion that at first glance it is expensive, 2.5 billions of euros to bury in the ground, but it is much cheaper than to later kick russian fascists out of their cities and beat them, including their infrastructure, where they climbed... and this is the conclusion of this war, you see, we once had dmytro koleb was offended by the western partners that they advised to dig trenches in ukraine before a full-scale invasion, but as it turned out, if you look at this situation from a purely military point of view, trenches,
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fortifications, and now we have a lot, we are talking about engineering structures, it all works, and yet, if.. . you have such a stupid neighbor, then it is better to dig these engineering barriers and prepare them on the state border, in the depths of your state, so everything is clear here, in our case, well, i am absolutely convinced that where the front line will be, ah , and the de facto border of the fascist russian federation, we will have everything there equipped to the highest standard, and also... the only nuance is that we would still like for this front line to pass along the state border, here, as we have already talked about, there are a lot of unknowns in this regard, so you see , when, well, apparently the europeans
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came to the conclusion that it is better to learn from this terrible ukrainian example and draw conclusions, and here, to a certain extent, it seems to me a conclusion. which have already been done during the war, but unfortunately, the kharkiv invasion is the second time, it started more than a month ago, at the same time there were talks that not everything was prepared in this regard, and well, this is a problem, because one thing is that the soldiers in the american browning in the concrete bunker, which can withstand, including the aviab. and the other thing is he is in the apiary, well , it seems to me that everything is obvious, it’s simple here, there is no place for this discussion, to concrete or not to concrete, of course to concrete, because there are simply no other options, because arda will move on,
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thank you roman for the conversation, this was roman tsimbalyuk, i remind our tv viewers, you can subscribe to roman tsimbalyuk's youtube channel and subscribe, watch him in youtube, friends, we are summing up. of our poll, which we conducted throughout our broadcast, now let's look at the results of the television poll: 61% yes, 39% - no, is it appropriate to rate ukrainian politicians during the war? that's it, friends, i 'm putting an end to it, it was a verdict program and serhii rudenko, i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, goodbye. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 1.49. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we
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hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, what for many , the events of the day in two hours became like, as well as honored guests of the studio. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws. but how do these changes affect our lives? we analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel.
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greetings, i'm olga len, this is the chronicles of the war, and first of all i would like to remind you about our very important collection for the repair of armored vehicles in the combat zone , because we are already, well... we are reaching the finish line here, we have collected almost so much and we are getting close, very important gathering for our two best brigades, in the soledar and zaporizhia directions , the repair and restoration regiment is working in full, mainly on the contact line, in the gray zone, in the open sky at night, this is all necessary for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, bmp, tanks, minibuses, a very important thing, please join us, we need to collect 600, 30,000 uah, there are already 563, we really
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hope that we will collect this 100,000, well but for this week, maybe a little more, so look, here you see the qr code, the account number, please join in, it is very, very important to close this collection, because it is a very necessary thing. for our soldiers, well, we can already see for several, well, probably eight months , attempts of offensive actions by the russians, let's see what has been happening on the battle line lately, well , let's talk about it, the map of the hostilities for the period of june 19-26, the front became even hotter, the armed forces of the russian federation broke through near toreysk. during the week , the number of clashes increased by 30%. the russians advanced the most in
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the pokrovsk-turkish direction. they also became more active in the kupyansk region, but in zaporizhzhia and southern donetsk their activity was reduced by almost half. vovchan front. fierce continues in the city of vovchansk local street fighting without significant advancement of either side. due to the heavy losses of its infantry, which attacked mostly unarmored components, the russians surrendered. in the end , they realized that the offensive had failed, so they changed their tactics and began to actively use cabs, in particular, in this area, for the first time during the war, they used the most powerful bomb that the russian federation has (kap-3000). the russians hit our positions in liptsi with it, and then repeated it twice more. it is in liptsy that the situation is for the rashists was the most difficult, because here the armed forces began to push them out of their occupied positions. a large number of others. the russians drop rockets on vovchansk, and also use tos thermobaric jet artillery to
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destroy dense urban structures. instead, the defense forces in response carry out systematic attacks on the rear of russian territory. yes, our airstrike destroyed the control post of the russian regiment, which was located in the village of nekhotiivka in the belohorod region. and in the volkhovatsky district of the voronytsk region , our drones destroyed a field warehouse, which then detonated for many hours. also, the armed forces of ukraine used hymars for the first time during an attack in kursk region, where they hit an fsb building in the village of suja. kupyansk is next. the advertised offensive on borova has not yet begun, but still... the kupinsky front has significantly intensified, mostly on the northern flank, where the occupiers in the vilshana area have captured several of our positions between vilshana and senkivka. in addition, the enemy attacked to the south of berestovo and to the west of kolomiychikha, but the defense forces repelled these attacks. turkish failure of the armed forces. in while near the temporary ravine, the defense forces
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manage to successfully hold back the enemy and prevent him from either bypassing the city from the flanks or breaking through the kanal district, the occupiers... capture our positions near turetsk almost without a fight. thus, during the uncoordinated actions within the framework of the rotation of the armed forces, they lost well-fortified positions on the outskirts of turetsk, in particular in shumy and severnoye, which were built since 2014 . in general, the russians managed to seize the site 2 km deep and 3.5 km along and come close to the urban development. probably right now to storm turkey. they are not ready to decide, but they have improved their positions, which will make it possible to increase. pressure not only on turetsk, but also on the southern flank of the defense of the temporary ravine in the area of ​​kurdyumivka and kliishchiivka. the pokrovsky front is waiting for the climax. if there were about 40 battles near turetsk this week, the same number took place in the vovchansk direction, and in pokrovsky almost 300. from week to week, the number of clashes here only increases, which indicates that the rashists, feeling the taste of victory, are throwing
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everything here strength to develop it. during week, the enemy continued to move in the direction of the intersection. along the pokrovsk konstantinivka highway and almost completed the occupation of novooleksandrivka, where he advanced 500 m. in addition, the armed forces of the russian federation occupied half of the village of sokil, and are also trying to bypass the settlement from the north in the direction of yevhenivka. near novoselivka, the first defense forces were able to completely hold back the zagarians and prevent their advance from the previously occupied novopokrovsk. to the south, between novopokrovsk and umansk, the russians are gradually leveling the front and advancing. to the southern outskirts of novoselivka the first. our soldiers, who found themselves semi-surrounded in yasnobrodivka, managed to completely gain positions in a week, as well as in the neighboring area near the karlivsky reservoir. the environment of the employer. of course, the encirclement is still a long way off, but the occupiers have realized that they cannot take the city head-on, so they are gradually
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implementing a plan that involves cutting off the city from logistics. for this, they need to block the road from korakhivskoe. somewhere in the area of ​​the epiphany. today, to achieve this goal, the enemy is needed to break through another 13.5 km, but on the other hand, in the last year they have gone about 8 km on this part of the front. in a week , the russians managed to occupy a large area in the volodymyrivka area and break through 4 km to the west, which is a pretty serious blow to our defense. destruction of russian infrastructure on the southern front. if you take a broad look at the map, the situation in crimea in... depends heavily on the available resources and logistics in the southern regions of the russian federation. throughout the spring and in june, the armed forces of ukraine concentrate their strikes on precisely these enemy regions. this week, the armed forces of ukraine, together with the security service of ukraine, hit the key police stations of the southern district of the russian federation, afipskyi, iliskyi, and krasnodarskyi. in addition, in azov, our drones blew up half of
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a large oil depot, in yeysk they flew over a warehouse and an air defense training center, from where in ukraine. shahedis are launched, more than 120 drones of various types have been destroyed. we win daily, death to enemies. well , viktor kyvylyuk, a military expert of the center for defense strategies, a reserve colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, joined us. greetings, mr. viktor. good evening, mr. ulgo. you know, let's start with the most such a high-profile story that happened this week. well, it was actually zelenskyi who announced the change of unit commander. that this happened after the chief of staff of the 12th azov brigade , bohdan krotevich, accused the general of incompetence and the loss of people, well, that's basically it, well, i
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don't remember such stories for all these 10 years, no such of... open ones, when an application is submitted to the sbi, nor such quick dismissals, which is evidenced by the fact that you can say that it was like that at all, this is ukrainian personnel policy, and to be more precise, it is completely absent as far as the president's actions are concerned, he is in his legal field, because his competence is to appoint and dismiss the senior officers. i don't see any violations here, why one commander of the joint forces was replaced by another commander of the joint forces so quickly. well, this question should be asked to the minister of defense. who wrote a submission to the president and commander-in-chief, who made the decision. as for the message with which the chief of staff
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of the ozo brigade addressed the sbi, well, it is also interesting me personally, why a person with an education, if i 'm not mistaken, mr. krotevych, graduated from our water transport academy, and an official who is a specialist in the field of water transport undertakes to evaluate actions. a graduate of the operational-strategic faculty of the national defense academy, well, i don’t know what such a thing is at all, but this is our reality, on the other hand, the chief of staff of the brigade is appointed to the position if he has an operational-tactical education at the same national defense university, what mr. krotevych does not have, in what way he does appointed, well, it's probably too, let the dbi figure it out at the same time, that's why he was replaced, or rather not replaced, but why general hnatiev was chosen, it's the president's decision that the commander of the combined forces has enough deputies to hand over the command
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of the troops to someone else, well, but the president decided otherwise, not consistency, not continuity when replacing an official, in principle it looks strange, but the reasons are probably that we... we don’t know, well, some of the reasons are known, because actually the azov regiment, well problems with sodol since time immemorial mariupol, they have big complaints against general sodol regarding the organization of the defense of the city of mariupol, where, as we know, azov was surrounded, and whether it was justified or not, this question is still very controversial, i understand that now it is precisely them who got in... sodel's subordination where they stand, and there again some strange stories begin with the fact that people are taken from them, new ones are not given, well, actually, they have problems on the flanks, well, that is, there is a whole bunch of stories
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of some kind, that is, there there exactly, exactly, exactly related to combat activities in them, the 36th marine brigade defended the same mariupol, the commander of the 36th brigade, former general hnativ, was appointed commander. there are no complaints, that is, here, apparently, there are more political reasons than purely military ones, there is also some strange story that at the same time sodol was left, left to lead osuv khortets, that is, as if he still continues to lead the same azov, i understand that , well , that is, it is not clear, yes, yes, that is, that is, but you know, here, well, in fact, it is like that maybe as a conversation starter, because it's... after all , the event of this week is the loss of noise on the turkish direction, and this direction has settled down for quite a long time in such a quiet way that
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nothing is happening there and as if no one is going to advance anywhere, and but suddenly it turned out that as soon as the replacement of brigades was unsuccessfully done there, the russians began to advance there, and this also tells us what it really is, that russian troops are actually conducting an offensive. on the whole front and where they simply do not advance, it is not because they do not try to advance, but because they are simply restrained there, and if the possibilities of this restraint of these offensive actions are violated, then actually, you see, there are losses right away, well, i can't simply explain these results in any other way. let's try to figure out the points, who decided that the replacement of brigades was unsuccessful? well actually talking about her, these are conversations that have nothing to do with reality in principle, the loss is not noises, but the ruins of the settlement
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are noises, except for the foundations, there was nothing there at the time of the beginning of the russian offensive. russians have been preparing for an offensive in that area for the past two years, they finally got ready, there was a group formed of five brigades, our intelligence... saw it all perfectly, the commander of khortytsy had known about it for at least a year and a half, this is no surprise, the enemy took advantage with their numerical advantage, five brigades are competing for two villages and access to the outskirts of toretsk, which the opponents have there today, it is about 10 thousand personnel, we were ready for this, the fact that the opponents, who have... an advantage captured the ruins of noises, well, this is a normal phenomenon, but tactically, the defense zone of the khortets in the turkish
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direction has not been breached, and in principle. nothing tragic happened there, the fact that the enemy will continue to move forward due to inertia for some time is normal until it exhausts its offensive potential thanks to the efforts of the ukrainian defenders. if you look at this region a little more broadly, you will see that the enemy is stuck during the dimension that they had planned to capture on may 9. outside. in june, but during the yar period, the defense forces are under control and the enemy has no chance. at the same time, the enemy wanted to cover the turkish defense area and target our forces there, but the northern flank was hampered, the task was not completed. on the southern flank in the ocheretny area, the enemy is doing much better, but it
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is not possible to cover one of the flanks and the encirclement. therefore, the command of the enemy's troop group center decided not to wait any longer for the 98th airborne division to achieve something in the abyss of time, because it was stuck there tight, and it seems that soon there will be one less division in the russian airborne troops, because almost the entire staff has been eliminated, it is being replenished with those called up for mobilization, various kinds of volunteers, formations... such as the bars, that is, it is no longer paratroopers, it is what is at hand, so toretsk should not be considered as some kind of surprise or a big failure, well , this is a completely planned development of events, well, but nevertheless, they seem to have reached the beginning of urban development somewhere close there , and then the question is whether or not it is realistic to hold turetsk now in this story, if everyone there
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was preparing for something. for today it is real, but we will witness street battles in turkey, this is absolutely certain, i think that in 7-10 days the enemy will enter the city and the fighting will begin there, and how does this threaten the larger, well, on a larger front, that is, the capture of turkey, what may threaten, this is an attempt to complete the capture of donetsk region within its administrative border, ukrainian, administratively. territorial division, accordingly, the enemy will do everything possible in the seversky, chasivoyarsk, turetsky, a-a, kramatorsk, kurakhovsky directions in order to fulfill their military tasks and achieve at least some goal that their president announces, announced, announcing the beginning of a special military operation, the so-called. mr. viktor, look,
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but... if you take the whole of this eastern zone, the most threatening situation is the pokrovsky direction, as i understand it, of course, and this very development of events in the pokrovsky direction is also threatening the biggest consequences, as i understand it, if we talk more broadly along the front, yes, on in the pokrov direction, the enemy has achieved tactical success and has strength. the means to turn this tactical success into an operational one, the enemy has approximately 6 km left to cut the logistical routes of the defense forces defending in this area, in turn, such a development will allow the enemy to create unfavorable conditions for further defense on the same in the turkish direction itself, we will be... forced
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to withdraw to the line sloviansk, kramatorsk, druzhkivka, kostiantynivka, pokrovsk. and this is a completely undesirable development of events for us, after all we lose control over serious territories, which we will have to liberate later. therefore, maintaining the situation in the pokrovsky direction is probably the most important task in the east of ukraine today. but do not forget. about the direction of urahivsk, where the enemy intends, at least until the middle of next month, to wedge into our battle formations and cover at least from one flank the tactical group defending ugledar, this is also happening within the framework of the seizure of donetsk region.


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