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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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detectors to ask, and how much will you drag this shit into our air, he will finally learn english, i don’t know, he will learn polish, czech, how much will you drag russian shit here, stop doing it, aristovych, this applies in the first place, so that this is not just russian shit, it is also a crook, just a crook, but perceive him, you know, as a market thief, and then everything will immediately fall into place with the goals of this being, and why he does it, where he is going does, for whom, do not take it as public. to a person, this is a crook, a crook, he just steals your money through your bags, and doesn't immediately go into his pocket, that's the whole difference. thank you, bohdana, ola, here is this, i would say, a political swindler, well, yes, such a concept, a political swindler, we will use to the extent that he has any opportunities at all, and how likely it is that he can claim at all. to something that he declared there in
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ksenia sabchak, that i will run for president of ukraine, and whether he has any voters at all, or listen to how he technically he can do it, he hasn't lived in ukraine for 5 years in a row, actually, actually, well , that is, in order to run for office, you have to live in ukraine for 5 years in a row, he hasn't lived in ukraine for, what, more than a year. anyway, this opportunity has already disappeared from him, even if elections are called tomorrow, well, if he suddenly decides to come and live, well, we understand that he will not do it, because it threatens a lot of things, he is afraid, well so no, i think that it is, but again, you need to understand a little bit here, but you, i absolutely agree with the matter with bohdan in the fact that the russians simply always do not... evaluate, but they do not incorrectly,
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underestimate and incorrectly evaluate, that is why they are trying this bet now, but i will draw the same, that is why arestovych they have absolutely such, you know, a wonderful plan, as they believe that if they provoke elections in ukraine now, some people will come who will want to negotiate with russia, and then they will finally be able to take over ukraine , you know, by soft power. they will just give up everything, well, this is their real plan, yes, you should not think that there is any other plan, there is no other plan, it is such that now someone will come who will first agree on the freezing of the war along this line, then admit that the territories that have been captured by russia, let it these territories of russia are leaving, after that, well, in principle, somehow it will be like that again under yanukovych, when some russians flood here... all the structures, well
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, they will somehow remove everything, that is, this plan, it exists, there is no need to say that he is not there, why them, why stand for them, because russians always choose a person who is public, they do not create anyone from scratch, they do not work like that, there is someone who has already gotten out, they choose from what is available, but now from what is available, they do not see more pro-russian politicians, who would be popular from their point of view, except for aristovych, yes... it happened that all their people got burned here, well, it really happened, it’s just that it’s called choosing the best from the worst, but they have such a choice now, well in fact, i agree with bohdan, and it's very good that they are so wrong are evaluated because it is absolutely, it will not play in any way, it is an absolutely losing bet, thank you, thank you olya, the very end of our conversation, let's remember about these week-long scandals of the presidential team, because mykola, you... from
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the trip to dnipro got as a result 24-hour house arrest for attacking a former soldier from the kraken, borzov, serhiy borzov, who headed the vinnytsia regional military-civilian, military administration, painted there in a drunken state, here is this video, ordered tetskashniks to issue summonses to young men with whom he... argued nabu came with searches to the former official of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration , the coordinator of the great construction, yury golyk , and the same nabu came to kyryl tymoshenko, the former deputy head of the office of the president of ukraine, how are all these stories, how do they influence whether and whether they influence on how people perceive zelenskyi's team, because...
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we have monopolies, well, monopolies, as i always repeat, imply monopolies, is zelenskyi responsible for what we we see, on these zaskhvaras. is there any electoral answer, will it be? bohdan? well, i will remind you that according to the latest polls of all, our people, well, first of all, finally, support for zelenskyi itself is starting, soon it will be less than half, but it is not very good from the point of view of , that we, excuse me, should still have the legitimacy of the government, but less so with those, look, people hate those around them, they have long been shifting the direct responsibility for everything zelensky does to those around him, to the fact that he does not know how to choose. there for yourself environment, even his supporters, again, these are not my words, you can open the research of kmis, razumkov, who else published the rating, there is a red thread everywhere, so everyone here, if it is all slightly different stories, styshchenko is very a revealing moment, after all, it's a joke and it immediately went very hard on the media, but they
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couldn't help but react to it, look at all these stories, they are as if, they are from different moments, they are not that there, it's just one a trend, because with kiryusha tymoshenko, it's hers there... this is a story about a case that stretches back to the 21st year of grand theft, tyshchenko is a more recent moment, if you just understand, everything starts to come together in a single ball, why? because, how to say correctly, you know, it accumulates, accumulates, accumulates, people, okay, people understand that under zelenskyi will be a legitimate president until the next elections, whenever they are held there, but that does not mean that zelenskyi has the right to complete usurpation of power, not only that a few people rule on his behalf, which no one chose at all, not only... each of which has a lot of issues of a corrupt nature, of an emotional nature, just about everything, about their past and so on, and people, well, society begins, someone consciously wants to change, and they start, and these, and these don’t want any changes, they start messing around, and you know it, like a snowball, it’s just
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real that these moistures will become more and more, and the more volodymyr oleksandrovich will fight against the fact that somehow update the government, do something to prevent it it was only decided, excuse me, between him and ermak, well... there will be more such situations, because it is impossible for two people to control the entire situation in the country, especially with the help of such completely incompetent people, who are actually these five or six so-called managers , which he has, thank you, thank you , god, olya, i think that they will have to show some demonstrative, well, punishments, because life after life shows that, in principle, when you have some very, well , let's say, dubious power, yes where very ba... there are many such fecaps, well, you have to find them you are guilty, then you will be able to hold her well for quite a long time actually, there are many examples of how it can be done for a long enough time, but for this you need to really punish someone of your own, i think they will be forced to do it and that's all, just forced, it whether it's buyatishchenko or
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someone else, just from the other side, you know, well, it won't have such a big impact on society. if it is only tyshchenko, they will have to do much more so that the society at least somehow starts to take these punishments seriously, so like yes, well, really, look, they are doing something, well , one tishchen is not enough, roughly speaking, we need more, thank you olya, olga, len, bohdan butkevich were guests of our program today, let me remind you, friends, that throughout our broadcast we conducted surveys, we asked you about this, do you believe that trump... is capable of ending the war in ukraine, we already have the results of our television poll, let's look at the results of 12% yes, 88% - no, that is, 12% of people still believe that trump can end the war in ukraine. well, by the way, uh
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similar, similar figures in the youtube channel, too, 12%, yes, and 88%, no. er, once again, friends, i encourage you to subscribe to ours. social networks, to our pages on youtube, facebook and other social networks, your support is very important to us, read our news on the website espresso tv, we are working for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and watch the broadcast of the tv channel continues, i put an end to today's verdict, i wish you all the best, take care of yourself and your relatives, have a good weekend, goodbye. there are discounts, which represent unbreakable discounts on estefin 20% in pharmacies, psyllium bab and oshchadnik exclusively on... on the air of our channel.
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congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis. on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country has to get the right start negotiations on accession to the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's you. help make sense of the present and predict the future for the world, a second
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trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, pawel kowal, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important thing that happened recently week in poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics , close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with sestri eu. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, my name is vasyl zama, this is. broadcast on the spresso tv channel, i and my colleagues are with you for the next hour and 46 minutes. we will talk about many important
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events that happened. they will be today this week's economic results from oleksandr morchivka. in a brief overview , we will talk with a specialist about the labor market, which specialists are in short supply. how are they trying to replace those people who were mobilized or who left ukraine, in general, what is happening with the labor market, offers, vacancies, salaries and where. we can sit back, where in principle we have at least some gains, how to withstand the labor market, and therefore withstand the ukrainian budget and the ukrainian army, because i will remind you once again that the salary of our the military is mainly paid from taxes, and the people who pay these taxes, who earn money, they, in addition to that, will contribute everything else to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. and joe biden and donald trump, as they say, met face to face at night, well, it was in ukraine. last night there was a debate between the candidates for the post of president of the united states of america, joseph biden
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and donald trump, about the main nuances and who won and what will be said next about it, of course, yuriy fizar, sports news today from yevhena pastokhova, and today is also the day of the constitution, i congratulate you on this day, and we will have a guest with whom we will talk about the constitution, how many times it has been violated and what is its perspective, its future. well, now about the situation at the front... as of friday, an overview for the week, as well as the defense industry in ukraine, successes and opportunities, and perhaps what are the failures and problems. serhii zgorets, director of the defense express agency, and host of the military summaries of the day column. serhii, please speak to you, good one evening. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, indeed, today we will talk about the weekly summaries of what happened on the front line and about our capabilities and opportunities. of the defense industry in a conversation with the directors of leading ukrainian private enterprises, more on that in a moment.
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first, about the front line, where the enemy continues to implement the strategy of creeping offensive. creeping is constant attacks on counters. bones of the areas primarily by manpower with limited use of armored vehicles, but with the support of aviation and artillery. living force the enemy is spent, sometimes in a ratio of 10/1, when we talk about our losses, this is what our military is talking about, that is, 10 times more than the enemy loses, but the enemy recovers losses through reserves and continues to conduct assaults, hoping to exhaust our forces. the intensity of combat clashes during the week was quite high, it fluctuated. there are from 100 to 140 clashes per day, but yesterday there were 148, the peak of such clashes was
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last year, when there were 170 clashes just during the fighting for bahmud. of course, the enemy wants to be pressed, but there are news that our armed forces are also carrying out successful counter-attacking actions, in particular, this concerns the lyman direction, where the enemy wanted to push our troops beyond the stallion river. but now we have information from osinters that a part of our territory was liberated in the area of ​​terna and yampelivka settlements, this is actually the lyman direction. there were counterattack actions from our side, and the 95th assault brigade, the 60th, 63rd, 93rd mechanized brigades took part there, but this information was there, these actions were a little earlier, but now this information became common knowledge, there were also changes or conditional changes in the kramatorsk
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direction, because there was information from the spokesman of the khortyts technical university that it was possible to... push the enemy out of the novy district in the yaru time zone, we know that for several months the enemy has been attacking chasivyar and one of the central districts, we can see the diagram of the canal district where the enemy is carrying out frontal attacks, and yesterday nazar voloshyn reported that the enemy had been pushed out of this district, although today the deep state community has stated that actually... the enemy is in this area, but not in full control of this area, and we can say that the situation certainly remains extremely dynamic in this area, where the enemy is trying to continue to push our defenses, well and the two most difficult directions, the most heated directions, are actually pokrovsky and turetsky, which account for 2/3 of combat battles and in a week and
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even a day, the pokrovsky direction, we know that here the enemy is quite likely in... perceives this area as the main direction on the eastern front, here the enemy has the intention and plan to advance from novooleksandrivka, where our 110th brigade is holding the defense, of another brigade to this route kostyantynivka-pervomaysk, kostyantynka pokrovsk, and we know that here... the enemy is trying to use all his reserves to the maximum, but the enemy advance is minimal. and the second direction, which we are betting on this week, is exactly turkish. we know that since june 18, the enemy has launched attacks in this direction, has a certain advance. it is claimed that this promotion took place on
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against the background of the rotation of our brigade, although other experts emphasize that, in fact, the enemy is simply on... in strength and really wants to advance on this part of the front in such a way as to distract our forces from other directions. and today, by the way, there were certain conclusions of the institute for the study of war, which said that, in fact, russia does not have sufficient opportunities to achieve any tactical quick successes in the turkish zone, but everything will equally divert the forces of our armed forces from other directions, conducting such... creeping attacks and trying to somehow implement a strategy of attrition with the use of aviation artillery and other means of impression, and therefore, as experts of the institute of war studies recommend, the west should quickly provide the maximum amount of weapons so that our defenders have the opportunity to counter this
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the enemy's strategy for exhaustion, but besides hoping for foreign aid, of course we have to do. bet on our own defense industry, and over the past two years, our defense industry has made such significant progress with deploying the production and systems of rebs and drones and armored vehicles and artillery means and even partially producing ammunition, what exactly can be done, what problems exist in this direction, we will talk with our guest, who is joining us now: i am the general director of the ukrainian armored vehicle company vladyslav belbas, mr. vladyslav, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you on the espresso channel. good evening. you returned from the eurosatori exhibition in paris, there was the largest such exhibition of weapons, which is considered, well, so trendy in itself
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europe, and on your facebook page you wrote that there were many negotiations. there is good news regarding the creation of joint ventures, regarding the increase in the supply of components for the manufacture of ammunition, please tell us in more detail, as far as possible, what your company managed to achieve at this exhibition in the process of negotiations, and how do foreign partners at this stage generally treat the ukrainian defense industry? well , the arrangements, if we wanted to disclose in detail we would... disclose, er, thank you for your interest, well, now in general, er, trending very defensive area, ah, no, can't as of today there. to fully disclose everything that we have agreed, but the main such trends of the exhibition are interest in
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ukrainian products, such strike drones of the tactical battlefield, these are surface drones, they are of interest, especially... our developments, which have and the technical characteristics are so different from what was, and yet the experience, because we have such an interesting mobile, constantly changing experience of using weapons in the mode of such active war. regarding cooperation plans , there is a lot of interest, and i think this is partly due to the defense forums that
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are held either in our country or in partner countries with the defense industry, and there is such a trend: cooperation, a trend for the organization of production, a trend for supply, interaction , some kind of joint production, joint development. that is, it is increasing, it is increasing, this interest in ukraine is increasing, and we already feel it so significantly, in one of the analytical materials that i saw, you prepared for one of the publications, you wrote there that the situation is actually that foreign companies want to work with ukrainian enterprises, but the state is starting to... should intervene in this process and give priorities so that the partners of western companies are state enterprises, and not private ones. eh, explain why such actions on the part
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of the state and what consequences can be such, well , strange priorities, how will they later affect the attitude of western companies themselves to work with ukraine? ah, as of now, it has no effect, that is, we see, er, those partners who wanted to work with ukraine, they working with ukraine, perhaps, and this is also the fate of our functionaries, of the executive branch of government, who communicate with them, drag them to ukraine and so on, but, ah , the problem is that, uh, uh, you can't build a society with socialist methods. capitalism is yes, if you regulate, you regulate relations too much, if you direct the tasks you set by non
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-economic methods, in a manual mode, then of course such systems, ee economic systems, such as production, they will be unsustainable in some period, of course, weapons, military equipment... technology is political and it is the tools of power, yes, it is not quite like that in open trade, but we see that in principle , a country with a free economy, democratic, ah, where private enterprises are contractors, the main defense contractors. customers, there is precisely the most significant development of the defense industry, and i will give an example of the production, for example,
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of artillery ammunition there, not a single private enterprise of the private form of ownership, it did not receive from the state financing for the organization of... such production, and its state enterprises receive significant investments in fixed assets, in the purchase of lines, production equipment and so on, that is why we are in such an unequal, ah, unequal position, in an unequal, no no we are not in an equal market, yes, since private... enterprises without any investment from the state offer the same value, for example, units of equipment, as enterprises that receive significant e-e
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capitals. investing in the organization of such production, so this is precisely the key problem that we have in ukraine with such an approach, this is what concerns our internal, well , accordingly, when you have invested a certain amount of funds in such productions, of course, you can show external partners already some some active production, good equipment. and quite significantly invested, but private enterprises, this is precisely the strength that private enterprises, they are interested in profit, private enterprises, they pay much more taxes to the budget, er, and this is precisely the strength, the economic strength of countries with developed economies, well
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, in fact, i think that your... enterprise has something to show foreign companies, given the volume of supplies of equipment for the armed forces and supplies, including ammunition , but about the ammunition, your company is currently going through the process of supplying 120 mm mines for service, what about this process, has it really been possible to simplify the process of passing, or are the labyrinths of the past still enough to... complicated, a- but, the labyrinths have not gone anywhere, and there are questions to of this process, but, ah, as of now, it is adequate, i will say so, because it is necessary to check, indeed, this is a weapon, it is, uh, a dangerous product, yes, it explodes, therefore the characteristics, it is necessary check,
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but... it would still be possible to speed up, simplify, and maximally show, let's say, focus on the result, provide opportunities for such provision of such tests and so on, unfortunately, as of now, it is carried out there enterprise on its own with very such a complex. how many have been going on about the supply of this mine, how many months have passed since the beginning of this process? yes, and i will ask about one more story related to the bmp, because the spanish government announced that it is considering the option where the spanish manufacturer will produce and supply a certain number of bmpscodos to
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the armed forces there, so far this is... the topic is being discussed in in the spanish government, but we know that your company offered an option where this project would be such that ukrainian enterprises were involved in the production of this bmp, what is the situation at the moment, how do you feel about the initiative of the spanish government, what is happening around this project now, well, from the point of view, as a ukrainian, i support it. of course, everything that will be provided to us for free or at the expense of other countries, and as an entrepreneur who understands military equipment, i will say that after testing this machine by representatives of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, they were simply delighted with the results and according to the reports that were. according to
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the results of these tests, the second question, that from the point of view of a businessman, let's say, who understands the principles of supply, there must necessarily be competition between the several systems offered for supply in order to lower the cost of the offer, let's say, a package, what, what is offered in that package. to increase the position, so on and so forth, our proposal concerned precisely the supply of samples that will pass tests, in the future with the organization of production in ukraine, including there it was possible to immediately start with the localization of the combat module of the tower and so on.


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