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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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tried to counteract this, it happened even now, in principle, so there will be further stages, you will see, they will try through the member states of the european union to block our negotiations, well, that is, to block the achievement of the opening of the next chapters, it starts with basic issues, but it is 35 chapters , 33 in six clusters and two separate ones, so they are in stages, i think they will block it, in many respects now in... tives what has been done, this is really a huge achievement of the ukrainian people, and i think that this is exactly that dream path which was thought about earlier, a lot of people gave their lives for it, and not only now, because now intensively and a lot of people give their lives for it, but also in the ato in the 14th year, and even before that, even defending this position in front of one or another authority in ukraine,
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therefore, in my opinion, it is somewhere halfway, somewhere yes, because further, not in terms, i mean not in hands, but specifically in the scope of tasks, because it is political to pass, but it is political to open negotiations now, this is half the work, then there will be very difficult work, where there will be a lot opponents, and i assure you, whoever will be the next government in ukraine, he will not be delighted with the implementation, because in essence it is necessary to accept the rules, this is not a negotiation, it is to accept the rules by which civilized european countries live , where the courts are independent, where there is no telephone right, where there is no selective justice, where there are no calls from the upper offices, who are chased and imprisoned, even from political opponents, and who needs to go to the forest under... calm down, where there is no
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repressive system, and we still have elements remain, that is, these are only flowers now, and when the berries begin, then everything will be understood, and one more point, i believe that without joining nato, or without providing a security umbrella, bilateral there, an agreement on the defense of the united states, not such as now, but about common defense, where troops enter our territory. without this, well , let's say this, european integration will be complicated, so there are a lot of tasks, we must continue to join forces, but this is the fact that, unfortunately, it will be difficult to take advantage of european integration now, but our children right now european integration, but our children will definitely live in the best, much more conditional or, well, it should be said that this week the european council approved the candidacy for... the same position in
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the key institutions of the european union, the prime minister of estonia, kaia kallas, was proposed for the position of high representative of the european union , ex-prime minister of portugal antonio costa was elected as the president of the european council, and ursula funderlaijen is taking the position of the european commission for a second term. in her speech after the agreement, ursula fondeen thanked the leaders of the eu countries for support and declared her readiness to present her program to the european parliament. let's hear what ursula funderlay said. i would just like to express my gratitude to the leaders who supported my candidacy for a second term as president of the european commission. it is a great honor for me and i am happy to share this very special moment with antonia kosta, the next president of the european council, and with my dear friend, kaya kalas, who is nominated for the position of high representative of the eu in the next european commission, for me it is... means that i
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i will seek the european parliament's decision on my appointment after presenting my political guidelines for the next 5 years, so we need to take another step forward. during the meeting of the european council, mr. valery, zelenskyi signed a security agreement with the european union, so what does this security agreement mean with the european union. institutions, because there are 17 or 19 separate security agreements that we have already signed, and at the same meeting of the european council we signed with lithuania and estonia, which means a security agreement with the european council, or with the european union, or rather, well, i will say this, all the agreements in themselves are diplomatic, as diplomatic work, and it is good that there is some kind of deepened fixation of deepened relations, er... for
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the practice of our relations with the european union, this agreement will not add much, it fixes those mechanisms, that level of relations that exists, although it also... intentions, well, it is indefinite, unlike the other ten-year ones, well, indefinite, it is clear why, because in fact it, well, it fixes today's attitude of the european union, if we open the foreign policy section and then foreign policy-security, then we will understand that it is precisely in this section that we have advanced more than anything, in fact, so i am not surprised that... we have such an agreement, i read it carefully, well, frankly speaking, there is nothing specific there, let's put it this way, i didn't find it, and it would hardly be there, because the european union is not a non-defense organization, despite the fact that
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the structure is largely military , it also duplicates the nato one, but still, the european union cannot provide ukraine's security, but it can... strengthen its bilateral actions cooperation, the supply of weapons, there are funds that were mentioned, that is, these things are simply collected in one document, and they give an opportunity to imagine our current state of relations, which is really the highest during the entire period of our interaction with the european union, and it at least records , that there will be no lower level, and how can it be lower, if we are going... to be members of the european union, how can it be lower? well, so added value, such as a small agreement, for example, with britain, which is not a member of the eu, or bilateral agreements with others, well, with the us, let's say, it does not have such added value,
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it is very powerful, but nevertheless, it is very symbolic, and it emphasizes that our integration into the european union is also about security, mr. valery, one more important point, returning to our path to the european union, it is hungary that has published or prepared a list of 11 proposals regarding national minorities, ukrainian pravda has published this list and writes about the fact that ukraine publicly undertook to fulfill in order to start negotiations on accession to the eu, the key a stone stumbling block, the publication calls the paragraph about the conditions for the implementation of the language. of the rights of the national minority, according to which the whole transcarpathia should actually be recognized as traditionally hungarian. well, these 11 points, these 11 proposals, now look like an ultimatum to budapest, kyiv, or am i
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misunderstanding what the hungarians want and what concessions they want in transcarpathia for themselves? to begin with, i have not seen this document, well, exactly what about... the hungarian side proposed, but i thank our investigators, experts, journalists for showing it, although these points were known also from the statements of the minister of legal affairs, mr. siyart, and i heard them somewhere during my work, when i participated in meetings with the hungarian side, so, in principle, that is the position that ukraine has taken now, that we should miss this moment now and we seem to be talking about the fact that we will do everything. well , maybe she was practically correct, because now we are escalating the issue, we had to decide the beginning of the process, but then i know what the hungarian side wants. in short, the concept of the current hungarian government now
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the following: not only with regard to ukraine, but with regard to slovakia and romania, they want not only that the countries should ensure... the rights of national minorities, well, hungarians, they want the governments of these countries to specifically create conditions for the development of these minorities, so that they were no longer minorities, but developed in such a way as to have dominance, i.e. the idea in ukraine to obtain first cultural, then territorial autonomy, i.e. what we, what is the difficulty, we got from this. trouble with the russians, we actually gave crimea such autonomy, yes, even this one autonomy was enshrined in the constitution, this, by the way, is one of the consequences of the compromises of the social contract of that constitutional night of 1996, which we now remember today,
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so it was a compromise, so it was an exchange, that is, it was a very big compromise to secure the autonomy of crimea , and as we saw, the compromise, well, which gradually led to very... big problems as a result, so once again going through the process of stepping on the rake of some kind of territorial autonomy on its territory, it contradicts the national interests of ukraine, it unequivocally, and... there are additionally mechanisms, that is, civil servants, hungarians, so that they are not required to speak ukrainian at work, so that representation is fixed in the central structures of power in ukraine, well, in the parliament and so on and so forth, that is, these are already further processes, so i think so, in order to remove the question of the goals of hungary, and i remind you that no one from... told, well, at least i did not receive an answer, what was done two days before the invasion
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of a large-scale ukraine on the 22nd, somewhere on the 22nd of the year in february, what the hungarians did military units in the border villages, when they were withdrawing their troops, evacuating people and tanks were entering there, what happened, i am told that they were preparing to cross the border in order to then evacuate the ukrainians. i doubt that the military was preparing equal crossings, so until i get an answer to this question, and why ukraine was forced to do some things even earlier, that is, these questions, let the hungarian side tell, and then we will talk about other things, so national minorities rights will be guaranteed in ukraine, and if we are with the hungarians let's restore trust so that we will be together and we will see that the hungarian side. promotes our integration into the eu, because look, they want to support the hungarian community, so
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unite its hungarian community in a single political, cultural, there economic space within the framework of the european union, help ukraine to join faster, and you get everything you want today, and then ukraine will look more calmly, i am sure even about some things there that are autonomous inside, that is, i believe that this list of demands must be resolved... in parallel with already in the process of accession to the eu, maybe there will be when it closes, well, we so dream about the future, when the issue base will be closed, when it will be there in every way, there will still be certain transitional provisions, but then we can talk about some kind of requirements, so that in parallel with from the moment of accession, some additional things were introduced, and the protection of national minorities, including hungarian, the hungarian language, the world , a lot of things are being done now, and these issues can be removed, there are moments, it can be removed, but
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definitely not to create autonomy, not to create some officials who do not speak the state language, i am categorically against this, and if the demand for ukraine from the side of hungary is the loss of our, if sovereignty in terms of security, well, in that case, i am sorry, why would we then... such an alliance with such countries, members of this union, and maybe hungary will leave this union? now, i would actually consider such a scenario, because what hungary is creating, it has already got everyone there at the level of its leadership in brussels, now there was even a question of depriving them of the presidency from the first day, well, they didn't this, so it is a bargain that is not appropriate, as putin would say to orban. well, that's the end of our conversation, sir. valery, the world 2 global summit is to be held at the end of the year, andriy yarmak
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has already announced that this summit may be held in saudi arabia, and i do not rule out that russia may participate in this summit. participation in this peace summit and in general, well, what does this mean for their presence at this peace summit-2, the initial positions are very well known, where the occupation is. of the entire territory, inclusive with donetsk, luhansk region and crimea, well , the second is the return of all prisoners and compensation for losses, at least that's all, then summits are a good thing, but nothing will happen this year, i'll tell you briefly, no, summits can be , there will be no decision, and why i already said, because everyone will wait for november 5, then there will be a certain period, that is, no matter how much we want it, and the ukrainian side said that the plan will be now. specifically, these are all maneuvers, and the parameters for exiting
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a large-scale war will be set, because i do not believe that with russia, under this regime, we will be able to, well , end the war, but the way out of such a large-scale confrontation, well, it will not be within the framework of the summits, but in completely different mechanisms. thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation, it was valery chaly, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine, politician, mat who knows about ukrainian politics and ukrainian foreign policy, everything. thank you, mr. valery. and let me remind you, friends, that during this broadcast we are conducting a survey. we ask you about this, do you believe that? trump is capable of ending the war in ukraine. so, let's see on the interim results of our television poll. so, 13% - yes, 87% - no. we will continue this survey in the second part of the program, which will start 15 minutes after the news from our colleagues from the bbc. let me remind you that you can vote both on
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youtube and by phone lines, if you think that trump is able to finish. in ukraine, call 0800 211 381, not 08021382. after the news release, we will return to the studio, i will have colleagues, journalists olga len and bohdan butkevich, we will talk about trump, about biden, about arestovych, about mykola tyshchenko, about members of zelenskyi's team, stay with us, next news release, and stay, most importantly, with espresso with the verdict. there are discounts representing unbreakable discounts on hepatrombin 15% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. vasyl
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zima's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, for two hours, to learn about the war, about the military, front, component, serhii sgurets, and what the world lives yuriy feder, it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money, during the war oleksandr morchavka next to me, and sports news. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, the events of the day in two hours,
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. new a week on espresso, a weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, an analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and walk confidently into the new week. new week project with khrystyna. and andrii smoly every monday at 20:00 at espresso. a journalist who joined the zsu, a political expert, who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces.
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how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. real front program. every saturday at 21:30 at espresso.
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greetings, friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on the tv channel, my name is serhiy rudenko, and in the next 45 minutes we will talk about the following. hard day for joe biden, the majority. americans believe that donald trump defeated the incumbent president in the debate. which of the us presidential candidates looks more promising for the future of ukraine? rising star of russia. oleksiy arestovich gave three interviews to opposition russian bloggers in one week. why are the russians promoting the former adviser
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to the office of the president of ukraine? cleaning in zelenskyi's team. the scandalous cases of tyshchenko, borzov, tymoshenko and golyk. what is happening around the head of state and what they can be consequences. we will talk about all this. after you, friends, join our survey, today we ask you about whether you believe that trump is capable of ending the war in ukraine, yes, no, please vote on youtube, with the appropriate buttons or your own opinion, write, please in the comments below this video on youtube, like this video, and if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you believe that trump is capable of ending the war in ukraine, 0800 211381, no 0800. 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free and vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. today, just like every friday, we have
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a traditional journalism club, so i want to introduce the guests of our program, this is bohdan butkevich, a journalist, radio host and host of two youtube channels censornet and the show bisika. bohdan, i congratulate you. i congratulate you and the audience, mr. serhiy. thank you. and olga led, my colleague, journalist of the tv channel, author and host of the war information chronicles. olga, i congratulate you, i congratulate you. and gentlemen, since ladies and gentlemen, as we're asking our viewers whether they believe trump is capable of ending the war in ukraine, i'm going to ask you in a flash poll format, we'll talk about the debate in literally two minutes, but in a flash poll format, how would you answer is that a question or? do you believe that trump is capable of ending the war in ukraine, olga? no, of course, he is not capable of doing this in any way, moreover, he absolutely, in my opinion, does not, well,
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does not understand the reality around this, that is , he says something that he thinks sounds very vividly, he tries to guess the impressions of life there for a certain american audience and speak with appropriate slogans, but he does not understand the reality of this policy at all. well, that is, it was visible even from the fact that he was talking, the war would never have started, he was the president when the war was in full swing, well, why didn’t he end it, well, the question is rhetorical, bogdan, well, you definitely need to understand, that of course, he is now saying what his voters want to hear, the main thing is to show him everything he says, in reality trump must understand that he must be shown that biden is not capable of action, he is so active, cool, and he can do it alone. there against the background of this type of german grandpa, well, that is, these are all his words, he has, if you, well, i then transferred this debate to him, it all boils down to two things: that biden is weak and that the border, border, border, border,
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border. everything else is actually like that, a derivative and ukraine, believe me, it was far from the most important role played by these insiders there, and as for whether he can end this war, well, look, theoretically, of course, the president america has serious enough powers to actually do some very serious things, but still, come on. do not forget that there is a democratic congress, and, oh, excuse me, the senate, where the majority of the democrats, and a very, i would say, tight situation in the congress, where the republicans have a majority, it seems to be three votes, it can be at any moment destroyed, so i don't think that trump, even if he really thought something like that and wanted to, that he would be able to do it quickly, because there are too many different, let's say, fuses for this, another matter is that i do not rule out what exactly is asking the question... he will try, if he becomes the president, he will try to decide as quickly as possible for what? because everyone likes to start with a small victory war, relatively speaking, if he decides that,
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like, this topic is ranking effective for him, well, i would not underestimate the fact that this person can rush with all the passion of his nature on this fact. what will come of it is another question, but i would not rule out these moments, i would have it in ours, so to speak scenario planning, i would consider the possibility that he will decide what... has to be done, unfortunately. thank you bohdan. well, actually, we have to explain to our viewers, those who did not watch these debates, this is the first time this round of these pre-election debates took place, two more politicians, because now they do not have the official status of presidential candidates, the official debates will take place only in september, this there was the first round of pre-election debates, they took place in the cnn studio in atlanta, they were going on'. minutes, this was a rare case of an early debate, because again, there is none official candidates from their two parties, and these debates were heavily moderated.
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contestants were expressly prohibited from interrupting each other because in the past debates that took place in 2020, trump interrupted biden quite often and decided not to repeat this trick on air, and hired two moderators, jake tapper and dana besh, they had the opportunity to stop two opponents or two debaters at any given time, after these debates took place in the new york times , political columnist thomas friedman wrote about that biden should withdraw from the presidential race, and i quote what thomas friedman said, wrote, or rather, i can't remember a more frantic moment in american presidential politics in my entire life, precisely because he showed joe biden to be a good man and a good president should not be re-elected. olga, is it possible to...judge
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by physical condition or by the condition in questions and answers about biden, can he run for president or not , he is 81, trump is 78, but again, this is how valery chalilei said literally before our broadcast, in the previous broadcast, he told me that it is the fact that american politicians are already at a respectable age, it is much better than the young field. in ukrainian politics, well, that is, two extremes, but still, what are your impressions of what happened, how did it happen in relation to the age condition of, let's say, two candidates? well, you know, you can say as much as you want about the fact that, in general , a person’s ability to provoke, to evoke some emotions during debates is not an indicator of whether he will be
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a good or suitable president, that professionalism politics is in no way connected with the way he speaks or answers any questions there, it is all the way it is in reality, but what is the problem for these debates, these debates were conducted, well, it was the idea itself democrats, to hold these early debates now, they were hoping for them to show that all the questions about biden's age, about the fact that he is not as lively there as not make any sense, and we see the result, the result turned out to be really amazing for them, that is everything they tried to refute from the point of view of mass communication, as a result, this debate intensified it, that is , i am not talking now about the reality of who is a better president, who is better at managing the state, because it is clear that biden is a much
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more experienced politician in this matter. well, this is 100%, he is a more responsible politician, so the economy of the states is even growing now, in contrast to the moment when it was raised from its knees by trump, even so, but all this in reality, as i found out, it does not play on the mass consciousness for some reason , so it happened, you know, and this is reality, which has to be reckoned with, that is, as a result, it is biden's associates who are demoralized by these debates... it can play a very bad joke, because as a result they may simply not come to the ballot boxes, they may simply refuse to participate in the vote, and in this way it is enough, well, let's say so, now mobilized this and that fan group of trump will simply win, because it will get to the ballot box itself, and that's all, this can happen, and
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well, it's a big danger. yes, that is, the issue they were trying to remove from the agenda, that there could be another candidate in the democratic party, on the contrary, it became the order of the day, because they started in the party, well, let's not publicly discuss that it might be worth changing the candidate, this is also the result of these debates, this is a bad result, this is a bad result, and in the end, i just want to say about such a maybe not obvious thing, you know, we would not discuss bai's physical condition right now. not whether he can speak there for a long time and speak better than trump, if only one thing happened: if, during the presidency of biden, ukraine would have taken its territories, repelled the russians and moved forward, but if ukraine had been successful in the war, all these current problems for biden simply would not exist, because he would look like a man.


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