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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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why is this necessary, why should it be brought to this point, and by the way, the same was the case with many countries of the world, well, they had international support, well, by the way, a great middle eastern example, palestine, we even have a case against ivan fedorov, there is the ambassador is feeling very well, he goes to some diplomatic meetings, but the so -called palestinian president mahmoud abbas decides to go to his summit... or not, he didn't come, only there is no palestine, and it may not even exist, well, neither will most of the states members of the united nations organization, which does not exist virtual palestine, which the inhabitants of its arab part never managed to create after the famous un resolution in 1948, they receive the full support of the majority, and what if there is no real political solution, it does not bother anyone, it is just such beautiful, created an embassy for themselves. they planted an ambassador there,
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some other person got a job abroad, moved his family, feels great , receives a salary from the funds of the united nations organization, but there is no state, because it cannot be created, we are not we want to be in such a situation, that is why it is more important for us, no matter how strange it sounds, maybe for many, the installation of patriots, yes, and that is why we need that there are countries that are allies of the west, not to the end they are the west itself, in principle it is almost a west, but still it is not a member of nato, so is south korea, it is actually a country that is an ally of the united states, there is the philippines, the president of ukraine visited the philippines before the peace summit with president fredenand marquez jr., i think it is more important than the summit, i'll be honest, because it is another ally of the united states, which has weapons, which it can produce, which can restrain some interests, can there be any number of such states? remember south
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korea, we also know, they used it to buy weapons, supply us, now it is ready and can even supply directly, this is the reality, those countries that can give us money and weapons are those countries with which we should develop relations, all other countries, as they say, the author of baron munchausen once said, england can wait, antigua and barbuda can wait, venezuela can wait. qatar for mamanom can wait, they can all wait, of course, if these countries participate in the release of our prisoners of war, this is also an important part of our track, it must be said that the people who use the capabilities of these countries for this are indirect, but this just an exchange, here the russians themselves are interested, it's important, you see, even the holy see, nariman djemali, the deputy head of the majlis, was fired yesterday. of the kota tatar people, by the way, i
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want to sincerely congratulate all our crimean tatar friends on this release, other civilian citizens of ukraine who were in the prisons of russia and the republic of belarus, this is through the mediation of the holy see, that is, the pope may have a political position that we do not like very much in the assessment of the war, but this position helps precisely such humanitarian matters, that is important, the energy of these countries can be used just like that. goal, but again, in order for people who are in the prisons of russia and belarus to return somewhere, it is necessary that there be a state where they can return, this initially, and the state can be saved only by closing the sky, building up the armed forces, producing weapons, recognizing russia, this is a task for the next decades, by the way, at this very moment, an air alarm is sounding in the north, in the center of our in the east of our country,
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in kyiv, that is, this once again reminds us that it is very important to have anti-aircraft defense systems, anti-missile defense systems, to cover our skies in all possible ways, and what we are saying is extremely important for ukraine to have , in ukraine had all the necessary weapons from our international partners, what are we talking about, that the last question is probably this... in the block, regarding these statements and regarding the position of ukraine, recently the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy stated that ukraine actually supports the existence of two states, israel and palestine, yes, that is, such a statement, it was made somewhere approximately, well , two weeks ago. so, mr. vitaly, if we are talking about this, are such statements correct?
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the creation of two states, says president biden and the leader of the european country union, this is simply a western position, the president of ukraine has none. does not express such a special position, different from the position of our allies. yes, this position may not be liked by many in israel itself. ugh, because there are people out there who believe that the creation of a second state on the territory of the former mandatory palestine is wrong. these, by the way , are usually representatives of right-wing political forces, and this is part of the internal political struggle in israel itself, how to solve this issue? but at the same time, we are fine with you we realize that there is an international position, it is that there will be a real opportunity
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to resolve the middle east conflict when two states will appear, each of which will recognize the right of the other to exist, now, as you know, there are organizations , who support certain sentiments in the palestinian authority that just exists, the population of the so-called palestinian authority, why do the so-called palestinian authority enjoy their support, such as hamas organizations, they deny the right of israel to exist, it must always remember that the vast majority of the inhabitants of the palestinian authority deny israel the right to exist, we this factor behind... we very often reduce everything to the israeli internal political struggle, but also palestinian history, which in principle has not yet come to the conclusion that the vast majority of people who live on the west bank of the jordan river in the gaza strip, they agree with
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the right of israel to exist, but this is a different story, this is a middle eastern story, regarding the statement of the president of ukraine, i do not see anything that differs from the position of the united states states of the european union, because... everyone says all the time, we need to create the conditions for there to be two states, peaceful life, coexistence, but again, in order for this to happen, then these conditions must be created, so far they are not even in nature, and you remember, after october 7, for reasons that are completely incomprehensible to me, many people said that now, after this story, a situation is really arising related to the fact that, most likely , a palestinian state will emerge because that's what happened, that's... a clear, clear demonstration that a palestinian state should really be declared so that there would be no more such excesses as an attack on the territory of israel from the territory of the gas sector, well, i stopped talking about it, it’s true, because if and about which
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state it is possible to talk about which territory, when they have not even been able to agree on a cease-fire for several months in a row and on the release of hostages, and it became clear to everyone that the very idea of ​​the emergence of a palestinian state, even if a few new countries of the world appeared that recognized it, is completely virtual question, and actually october 7, 2023 year is not something that pushed the issue of this state into the background, but maybe put an end to the discussions on this topic in the coming years . ... this week a summit was held in the european union, negotiations between ukraine and the european union have actually begun, and a large summit
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of nato states will be held in the near future, where ukraine will also be discussed, our format, not accession, but cooperation further, the introduction will be discussed and. also, and in general, if we are talking about european integration, many people call this day, when the negotiations actually started, historic, in reality, this day is more of a legal date, since the negotiations will last for more than one year, and even ukrainian senior officials they say that it will be at least 200. 29 years, someone is talking about 2030, that is, another 5-6 years, but it is clear that for this we still need to carry out a huge number of reforms, unify ukrainian legislation, in accordance with the legislation of the european union, it is possible to discuss various topics regarding
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the protection of national producers, and to pass , including those obstacles that are called hungary in our country, yes, hungary also... made 11 demands to ukraine, some demands are called absolutely unacceptable, well, we 'll talk about that too, let's probably start with this date. what do we have to do in the next five years in order to really become a member of the eu, well, apart from certain technical things, well, and the second question, how many or what date do you think more real, more acceptable from the point of view of our realities, regarding the accession of ukraine to the european union? well, the first question, the first thing we have to do is to end the war, if the war continues. on non-ukrainian territory, there will simply be negotiations for joining the european union, but there will be no joining, so let
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's not live in illusions that we can fight and be members of the eu at the same time. there can be no war on the territory of the eu, and joining the eu will, in principle, be a statement of the fact that for by and large, we are unlikely to have any real chance of ending the war there very quickly. and to end it so that the europeans would have no doubts that it would not start again. this is not a european issue, but one of euro-atlantic integration. second, we 're going to have to really close chapter by chapter in these negotiations, if you've seen all these documents about the accession of other countries to the european union, there's just a whole list of laws that need to be passed, and when a national parliament passes these laws, then this chapter with... is considered closed, but it's not only from the european side, it's also
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from our side, because we have to have comments on certain points that the european union will propose, and let's say that, the easier it is for us to abandon our own interests in favor of the european union's proposal, and the sooner we abandon the interests of our own economy, the sooner we join the european union, the more seriously, professionally we... will defend our interests, the longer we will join, simply there are countries which quickly joined, because their legislation was already unified, and they did not need to talk about much, and there were also countries, such as poland, which fought very seriously for the interests of their agriculture, as we can see, they are still fighting, so well but with the european union, given that we are a country with a large agricultural economy so far, i think that it will not be easy for us either, so this is the second such moment. the third point is negotiations with
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specific states that can at any moment block our entry into european union, accession negotiations. and you mentioned hungary. well, by the way, it must be said that hungary is still behaving very intelligently. i can remind you about another country, north macedonia. north macedonia, first greece, and then bulgaria, were not given the opportunity to start the negotiations themselves, and no one could convince these countries. the process of negotiations with north macedonia never started. greece initially demanded that north macedonia, then simply the republic of macedonia, change its name. after the governments greece and macedonia before... reached those agreements and this new constitutional name north macedonia appeared, then at
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this moment a new story arose with completely unexpected bulgarian claims, claims of a historical nature. ugh. bulgarians began to demand constitutional changes in macedonia in order for this country to recognize the existence of the bulgarian minority and the bulgarian historical heritage and everything else. which by and large is to a certain extent, well, how do you explain it, virtually, why? because from the point of view historical, i would say, reality, you can either consider the entire population of north macedonia as bulgarians, as the bulgarians do, by the way, or nobody, because it cannot be, if you believe that it is all one people, you cannot demand from this one people , that it is some group of people that needs to be found, considered part of bulgarian. on the territory of macedonia, and this in general, as you understand, is an absolutely strange question from the point of view
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of european standards, because of course the republic of macedonia has to ratify certain agreements on the protection of the rights of minorities and bulgarians there also, if they are on the territory of north macedonia, but bulgaria definitely cannot demand changes in the macedonian constitution, and it demands, and not knowing that other member states of the european union sought a compromise, because this compromise was proposed by france regarding constitutional changes in north macedonia macedonia. constitutional changes still haven't happened, instead macedonians who feel deeply aggrieved, by the way, it may be waiting for us, they voted for radical national parties, who now say they don't want talk about it with bulgaria. do not want any changes to the constitution, and this means that these negotiations will not start again, and we may in principle end up in a completely similar situation, the only difference is that, fortunately for us, i do not know what will happen with the claims of other countries , our problem, our hope in general is viktor orbán's ambition, but
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viktor orbán has much more. idea about himself, than that of any prime minister or president of bulgaria, about his role in the world. why? you mentioned these 11 demands, viktor orban. along with this, viktor orban tomorrow heads the country that the day after tomorrow becomes the head of the european union, and information has already appeared in the online edition of european truth that he will allegedly visit kyiv next week, that kyiv will be the first capital that he visits as a person in charge in e. the fact that he still hasn't come here, it's true, he wasn't here once after the big attack, he was in moscow before the big attack, do you remember? and why is that so? and because if viktor orbán does not have time to jump into this boat, then george maloney will not take his party into his faction in the european parliament, and if
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it does not take his party and its faction in the european parliament, then hungary will not... be able to get any positions in the committees of the european parliament and in the european commission, and viktor orban will get rid of his influence on bulgaria and you will never press it, because i i understand that everyone in bulgaria is not very worried about this influence in the european parliament of the european commission, but viktor orban is worried, and who is the euro commissioner now for the expansion of the european union? hungarian politician, representative of hungary, viktor orbán does not want to lose such positions, and that is why he he's just sitting now, packing his suitcases, what's there... what won't fit in there, can you put a photo of zelensky, maybe his wife, he's fighting, but he's leaving, which means that it will also be possible to work with all these demands, that is, in your opinion, conditionally speaking, we will have the opportunity to at least level some of these
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requirements, because, because, if we speak, in particular, on the same same european truth, i am now open. ugh, there are quite a few demands that are problematic for our country, and orbán demands to change the constitution there representative of the hungarian national minority as a mandatory delegate in our parliament, i.e. to be a mandatory deputy, so there we are again talking about the ukrainian language, well, hungary is number one after russia, yes... relatively speaking, a fighter against laws that concern of the state language, and there is even talk that those people who represent the authorities, elected in the territories of the hungarian national minority, so that they can generally level, conditionally speaking, the status of the state language, there are a lot of things
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that relate to the actual recognition of transcarpathia is all hungarian, not hungarian, but... hungarian national heritage, somehow it is formed there, it is not hungarian, the question is that they want to raise this percentage percentage, so that not only berehiv district, there are also small territories of transcarpathia, in principle, all of transcarpathia was considered the region of gorska and what, what will this give practically, please tell me, well, let's say, we raised what it will be, there will be bilingual signs for you, this is very disturbing. well if, if we talk about the population census, the population of transcarpathia according to the data of 2001 , and these are already data that are not entirely correct, hungarians in the territory of transcarpathia are 12%, i think that now it is much less, i do not even argue with this, i mean that how much you worries if even at the entrance to
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settlements where there will be no hungarian population in the transcarpathian region, there will be a historical inscription of the hungarian language, well, i think that this is... somewhere approximate conditions that russia imposes on us, that is, we have an analogue somewhere , no, we do not have an analogue, russia requires simple ones from us things, for ukrainians to speak russian, for the russian language to be here, for the russian language to be taught here in schools for ukrainians . school, imagine one class for the whole school, and we well understand that a school can have 20 - 30 classes, 40 classes, if one class is hungarian, then this school must already be recognized as a school with hungarian hungarian as a hungarian school, in fact in vernacular meaning that the children who will be in this class will be taught the subject of all the others 19 and including this school will be called the hungarian school of the hungarian national minority, well
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, you understand, it is about justice, it is not quite fair, well, look, if ukrainian students will study at this is not about justice, it is about the protection of interests, justice, so that we join the european union, but here the question is, where are our interests, our interests are in the fact that we become members of the european union, is it possible to join the three north macedonias? well, we well understand that such requirements, for example, hungary can put another 11, then another 11, another 11, of course, if orbán is not in power, if orbán is in power, then no, i think that it will not only be agreements, demands from orbán, again - still, look, it should not be confused with russia. russia has a simple thing: russia wants a russian-speaking ukraine. orbán wants hungarians, transcarpathians, to speak hungarian, to be taught hungarian . but i think that hungarians are maxim now. by the way, if we talk about the statements of the hungarian national minorities who currently live in
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the territory of transcarpathia, then you can, can any of our viewers google it now, even look, they clearly say that they have no demands, no conditions for ukraine, because their rights, as of now, the ukrainian state is for me well, i'm not arguing with that, i'm arguing with the fact that she will be with us if... suddenly such a tragic event, if we have bilingual signs in e-e settlements of the transcarpathian region, where there is not a large number of hungarians , well there will be these signs, what will change from this, but ukrainians still live there, moreover, you understand that the number of the hungarian population will not increase, but decrease, that is why i gave the data that it is for 2021, now they are even less, of course, this is logical, because taking into account the economic situation in ukraine. which differs and will differ for the worse in the economic situation of hungary, if you want a country whose territory is at war, then the number of the hungarian population will decrease objectively, orval is simply making efforts to virtualize
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problems, but what do we get from this, you say about justice, politics is not about justice, you are again resorting to this category, which all the time leads ukrainians to a dead end, politics is about art , maybe, but i tell you again, i will return to north macedonia, is it fair that the north ... macedonia changed its name to the northern one, as now, as its new president gordana silyanovska davkova is now saying, if there is a northern macedonia, then where is the southern one? it is unfair, but she joined nato. will it be fair if some of these appear in the constitution of north macedonia? articles macedonians don't want to see. it's unfair, but they can join the european union, or they can sit with their justice in... er, hallway, for another 20 years, and we will sit together with her and talk about what a terrible orbit. i 'm not telling you that these demands, the demands
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are fair, listen to me, i'm telling you that in any case, a country that is a member of the european union has much more opportunities to prove itself right than a country that aspires to be there . hungarians simply had time before us, if we behaved like hungarians, we would now set conditions for the hungarians. well, this is another question, here comes the question of what we have been doing for 30 years, well, this is another discussion, in general, i think that what do you know, how did the macedonians behave when they told the bulgarians that they needed constitutional recognition of minorities, the bulgarian minority, we said, we are doing it together with other national minorities, constituting the status of all minorities in the article of the constitution, bulgarians, vlachs. albanians, well, albanians generally have a special status in the constitution of north macedonia, retro-romanians, taga is that, romas,
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bulgarians are unhappy, but they cannot say, no, we forbid, you need such an article, where there would be no one else except bulgarians, that bulgarians are good, and these are not good, no, they are not real national minorities, they are forced to accept it, i admit that we can... change the legislation in favor of all national minorities of this type, we have a law on indigenous peoples, we can absolutely calmly grant some rights to bilingualism in certain settlements, and they are now, i know, i mean change the percentage uh so that, let's say, not only hungarians would fall under this bar, but also poles, bulgarians, romanians, gagauzians, for hauzians, how many percentages in hauzian villages do you think is less than 15, right? and maybe if we had plates in the haussian language, that would also be absolutely correct, what makes hauss different from other national cars, it is not their fault that
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there are fewer of them. you understand, we can go this way, the leveling of requirements at the expense of constitutional changes, if at all we are talking about regulatory changes, some decisions we can make, with whom we can work, in some cases we can, like macedonia, demand international arbitration, so that this is a plan, let's say, that france and germany will offer to hungary, ukraine, and both sides will then be forced to compromise, but just saying. we don't like these demands, they are unfair, andriy, this is a road to nowhere, justice never works in politics, the art of defeating the opponent always works in politics, the most important thing here is what i am leading all this to, the most important thing is that this does not happen, that we fulfilled the demands of hungary, we did not join the european union, this is bare, and by the way, you talked about the fact
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that... there is a whole series of obstacles, obstacle number one, we understand, it is the war, obstacle number two, it is not only a matter in hungary, it can be a matter in other the requirements of various sectors of our economy, of course, and those are not economic requirements, but these are no longer economic requirements, and the third question is that those forces will definitely rise up on all this that we are talking about in the upcoming parliamentary elections. who will say, no, i'm sorry, we are against this, and many people in they will say to ukraine, we will support them, andrii, that's right, well, again, just like the macedonians, how the macedonians supported these national parties, that's what i'm leading to, the main thing here is to find the golden mean for all parties, to come out victorious, look, no a golden mean must be sought, people must be given the opportunity to express themselves, if the people decide,
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it is more important for them that they write simply, relatively speaking, in one language in the transcarpathian region, this is necessary so that not only transcarpathia does not accept it, but all of ukraine, that for a person, let's say there in lviv or poltava oblast, it will be fundamental that this sign is not there, and she will vote for it, and the political party will get the majority there, which will say, when we come to power, we will not make any compromises with hungary as it happened in north macedonia, it means that the people need the european union so much, it means that they are calm. russia, she will get there. and by the way, there will be no plates. everyone in the zakarpattia oblast will calmly learn which hungarian language they taught until recently. and orban will have no complaints. can you imagine? because there will be no complaints from
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orban. and oh orban can claim transcarpathia in such a case, why transcarpathia will be more conventionally speaking, orban, look at what, what, what is the whole, this, what is the whole story, orban, most likely, when russia on february 24, 2022, she dared to launch a large-scale offensive, somewhere in her deep dreams, don’t make it up, andrei, she had in her head a utopia of fictions of people who do not understand at all how politics is built, as only the first hungarian soldier enters the territory of zakarpattia oblast, hungary withdraws from nato, the european union, and what kind of money does it live on, russian or trans-chinese, that is, it is a priori impossible in the future, what is the population of zakarpattia oblast, well, i think that as of now somewhere 1 .5 million. what is
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the population of hungary? eight, probably imagine that hungary decided that it didn't need the european union and nato at all, and occupied the zakarpattia region, what is the population of hungary, 8 million hungarians, 1.5 million ukrainians, hungarians of the zakarpattia region no, you understand, you get a region with 1.5 million foreign population, hungary has not lived in such a state since trianon, since 1918. hungarians have already forgotten what international relations are, they are the last national minority, i apologize for the political incorrectness , there were jews who were destroyed during the holocaust, there was no one else, and how, hungary in principle.


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