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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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and i just remember that the military that we, with whom we had a conversation, and last year, they did not believe that the war would end that year, and that means that we probably have a little bit of this gap between our optimism, conditionally speaking, and with a sober assessment, it shrinks, eh, kharkiv, which is very close, kharkiv, which is constantly shelled, what about the optimism, what are the current assessments, when and how should... this war end? well, as they say, people say who what, who says what, especially me, you know, i remember, the jews have such an expression, next year in jerusalem, and they have been saying that for a couple of thousand years, that is, this war is a war of a hundred years, it is a very long war, you have to be able to live in such a war, it is not something that... it can
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end even there with the death of putin and his overthrow, this is the idea of ​​the people of russia in relation to ukraine, and until they get out of their heads this imperial idea of ​​seizing lands, or rather from their point of view of returning separatist territories, as they think we and other republics of the former soviet union are , and in general. lands that once belonged of the russian empire, they will not stop, they carry this opinion from generation to generation, and to think that everything will pass by itself, this will not happen, it is definitely interesting from this history, because to a certain extent, in fact , at one time, kyiv founded moscow , founded the moscow principality, founded those principalities in principle east of kyiv and... to a certain extent
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it was such, there was such a development, colonization of the wild east, the wild steppe, the wild swamps and so on, and this is something similar to how as britain once colonized, you can to say north america, and then they were accused of separatism and there was also a war, but that, but if the united states now accused great britain of being separatists and separated from them, that would be strange, but we have... something similar with the russians, and in general, this is a very, very old story, i’ll go back a little now, i hope the quality of the shot will be lost, if you can see behind, but i guess you can’t see it from here, you can’t see the bath of st. michael’s cathedral, it’s still built, yes, it is still built by mazepa, ugh, and it's hard work, as they say, trying to
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remember, it's not talked about, that is, it's very, how ancient history is, well , you can talk about it endlessly, that is, we need to live in a different paradigm in which we lived the last decades, in the one in which the founders of modern kharkiv lived, when they came to the lands that were devastated by wars, well, when... they became an army, in fact, a fortress that stopped, as they said then, by the history of raids by the crimean tatars, but in fact they were, moscow was then under the crimean tatars, that is, they followed denmark, that's how we learned to live as an army in wars then, and now. there we have to become
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the same place, the city that we were there 360 ​​or 350 years ago, that is, we, on the one hand, you know, on the one hand, we want the war to end, and on the other hand, the goal is to learn to live in war, that's right, that's right, the other, it won't end by itself, it won't end because we want peace, we want to live in peace, and for it to be as it once was, as it once was. and that peace, er, that was, will not be either, it will be endless war until the collapse of the russian federation, but when it will collapse is unknown, therefore, when this war will end is also unknown, just as it is naive to think that we can solve all issues so that our children do not fight, so too, for sure it won't work, and that's why we have to make sure that even our children are ready for this war and pass it on... preparation to
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grandchildren, well, it just can't be otherwise, unfortunately, unfortunately, otherwise it will be even more painful later , and you know, also, yesterday lawrence free said about it. military historian and the military expert wrote very well , it seems to me that most of the soldiers, most of the soldiers of our time did not end with peace agreements and treaties, and it is unlikely that this is to be expected in this war between ukraine and russia, the stakes are too high, the losses are too high, the positions are too inappropriate, this is a war that is existential enough, that doesn't mean it won't end, that doesn't mean the fighting won't stop, it will stop sooner or later. and we want to be early, but this, but this does not mean, the war will end, we will be in permanent wars with russia, probably as many as russia will be in the form it is now, that's for sure, and i have rising prices, they are still small, and i think, in
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principle, i would really not like , so that they get this very war, during which one of them was even born at all, and there is a war for... a year, but life shows that it is essentially not endless and we need not just to live there, to be able to fight, to preserve life, to give, as they say, offspring, so that there would be grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so that we developed, it is very important to live there, teach children, teach children and teach well, develop the economy. pass the necessary laws, strengthen democracy in this country, give birth to children, and all this, all this must be done now, not postponed for later, but the main thing is of course happening on the front, which is very close to kharkiv now and we want it to move away, well, sir boris, thank you
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very much for this conversation, boris redin was with us, an activist, a public figure, as always he showed us a little bit of morning kharkiv and gave us a little of this sunny vibe and to the lviv studio, for that very much. thank you, i wanted to say that lesya vokulyuk joined us, yes, lesya vokulyuk, you know, lesya, now i wanted to say that i am glad to see all our viewers, together with us on this sunday morning, in spite of everything, in spite of everything, this morning is possible, possible because of our guys, listen, there was this recently, there was, there was an important debate between biden and trump, uh, and everybody's saying that biden lost. biden himself says that he lost the debate, said that he was not feeling very well, that he had a little something or a cold or something else, he has a temperature, in a word, he felt bad, well, he is 81 years old, he knows that he had to stand, but rather stand, suffer, but listen, if he has a temperature, even a young person will not feel well and will not be very well, maybe insomnia was another thing, i
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don't feel calm about it at all, well , but everyone knows, they made noise, buzzed, that's all, trump looked better, that's all, biden will lose, let's shoot with your candidacy, you have to come up with something and so on. polls are now open, ugh, actually the ratings are not neither the first nor the second have changed, because in reality people are not even voting for biden, although biden has actually proven himself well as a leader, as the economy grew, everything is great there, oh, oh, ah, everyone is voting against trump , but what's the point, now bloomberg, nbc, everyone in the world is writing about the fact that the only person who can influence him is biden, if he suddenly decides to retire... then who? who is jill biden, then his wife, they say that if she says, like, yes, in short, joe, go to retirement already, waved, everything, he will leave immediately, but what did jill biden say, she said, so who is the real president of america? yes, what i
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'm talking about right now is that the real president of america is jill biden, and the fate of humanity for the next 100-200 years literally depends on jill biden, biden's wife now. we don't know, but it's possible, and jill biden, you know what she said, she said, 90 minutes of a bad speech, joe, can't erase everything he's done for this country and everything he's going to to do, and so tipa hu, and just like that, the main thing is when the president or a presidential candidate has a wise woman, and this trump has a wife, you know he has ivanka trump. and you can also do a lot of things with her she has
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it she has it it’s just such an application it seems to me like you know somewhere somewhere once well i’m milder somewhere once he decided that it would be nice, and then he got bored, he should be a model, a beauty , wife, well, somehow it looked like that, you know, well, to be honest, i don't remember her being anywhere proved herself as the first lady, on the good side, because... there are first ladies who look much better than their husbands, for example, mrs. yolanta, klashnevska, klashnevska was incredible, well, for example, obama, barack obama, looked good herself, wife, and and, and zelensky's wife looks better than him, i would honestly say, now he will start to get jealous, and what to do, dear friends. we continue our roll call, now we will move with you to nikopol region
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, the long-suffering, acting head of the nikopol district council, dmytro bychkov is already in touch with us, mr. dmytro, good morning, good morning, how did the night pass, how is the morning in nikopol region? well, i think that all the nights, frames and dinners, dinners in the nikopol district, they are plus or minus the same, there is a long terror of our district, yesterday during the attack a person was injured, there will be splinters, injuries, so in principle, the enemy , which is located around the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, attacks the cities and villages of the nikopol district every day, destroying, trying to infrastructure, private houses, high-rise buildings, a lot of drones are flying now, artillery is moving. yes, in principle, the days in our area
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are plus or minus the same from the point of view of shelling, they regularly attack, there were almost no such days when there was no shelling, it is even difficult to remember when it was like that, so these are the days in nikopol district, and what, despite everything , people remain, or does someone decide to leave, but there are certain people who leave, but... people who return, so the situation is such that there are safer areas in nikopol district district, and less safe territories in our area, that is why people continue to live, work, go to work, to ensure the livelihood of large industrial enterprises, critical infrastructure, for this we are grateful to them all, for the fact that we have free-loving people, stable and continue to live and work in the nikopol district e. mr. dmitry, the country for the first couple
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of years of the war lived in expectation that the war would end soon, but now we have, for example, from sio, it is clear from the akhmetov corporation a good hardening forecast that the basic version, for example, us, what will happen to the light in winter, it’s 12 hours of outages per day on average, this is the basic option, and we understand why ... won't stop and what should be then, in your opinion, the region is much better prepared than it was at the beginning of the bina, of course, this cannot be said for all residents, who definitely do not have such suitable generators to provide, especially in high-rise buildings, but the situation... is as it is, so i think it's work in this direction, it continues, i think, on the contrary, it will be
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strengthened closer to the end of the summer, because there were many and various challenges in nikapelshchyna, this includes the launch of the water pump, and the return of drinking water centralized to the taps for today, and the same shelling , and the support of the armed forces of ukraine and a lot of different directions that nikopol is overcoming, today in those conditions of daily shelling. what's up with business in nikopol region now? i read the news about the fact that i will not name brands, of course, juice producers, but the producer of juices from ivano-frankivsk region bought a line of juice production plants from nikopol region, and now it is not nikopol juice, kolomy juice, in short, we see that some enterprises, one or... and others, simply cannot carry out their activities, as it is happening now in nikopol region, sir dmitry? well, it is very
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difficult that, if we speak from the point of view, of course nikopol, yes, because anyway business works, small and medium business, yes, he, he suffers the most, because those who worked in the market, those who had certain difficulties regarding constant shelling and the location of this business in places of regular shelling by terrorists and the enemy, and of course it is... business suffers the most, although big business also suffers, because the enemy systematically and regularly tries to shell large enterprises in our region, but - i will say that life continues, people are trying to change their activities, optimize them, ah, so i can say that despite the daily attacks, we are very grateful to all small, medium, large businesses that continue to live, work, support with, let's say, income taxes to state and local budgets,
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this is something that is very important that in these very difficult times people know that there are jobs, yes. i wish there were more wages, more additional requirements, but it is as it is, and we are very grateful to everyone who continues to work and support the economy of our country. survival is something that ukrainians are very good at, not because they want to be able to do it, but because life simply forces them to do it, not just one year, not one decade, not one century. mr. dmytro, thank you for conversation, despite everything, we wish nikopolshchya a peaceful day, dmytro bychkov, executor of the head of the nikopil district council was in touch with us before we go on a short break, i want to say that our viewers, i adore them, they are very, very attentive people, and also very knowledgeable, andriyu, trump's wife, not ivanka, and melania, melania for sure, talent, you were wrong, ivanka is his daughter, but look, trump has a wife and a daughter, even though
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he was an american president and an american citizen, they have ukrainian names, and his wife exactly melania. by the way, my grandmother's name is melania, exactly melania, not milana, because the name milana somehow became very popular in ukraine, and everyone forgot that there is a ukrainian melania, it seems somehow, probably not very fashionable to people or something. but i have a friend ivanka, she was even ashamed of her name for a while, trump was not ashamed, the billionaire was not ashamed to call his daughter ivanka, people here are ashamed of ukrainian names, think about the fact that trump. trump? i must have picked up a book with ukrainian names somewhere and yes, so i will name my daughter ivanka, and then i will have a wife, so, well, i will have to choose her by name, oh melania, i like it, melania is looking for everything now, well, why isn’t trump’s son ostap, if that’s the case, something to him, something's wrong with him, maybe milania already chose that name, maybe it's her, then whose son is there from
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his previous wife, listen, i'll be honest, i'm very bad at understanding what... you can forget it, dear friends, let's go to pause, let's come back and continue, sumshchyna will be in touch with us, stay. in a fresh issue magazine ukraine. exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr khara. why does russia have the right to veto ukraine's entry into nato. resonant investigation, the road to nowhere. how the construction of a forest road can destroy a historical monument. the unique vitaly portnikov. about the impact of the war on ukrainians and the values ​​that unite the nation, the diary of the legendary nationalist mykola kokhanivskyi: the country, always at the forefront, look for it at press outlets or subscribe online. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want. click and now you are in charge game tits and you in a tv show. oh, what is needed.
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meg turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. there are discounts, introduce yourself. unbreakable discounts on hepadrumbin gel 15% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and... poland, topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing
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to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. world, trump's second presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. summer is a time of rest and recovery. and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a little peace for children, a world destroyed by war. these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting us and you, our country, died at the front, and they need us like no other. support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children recover more quickly after a loss. children feel
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better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, with a new culture, will find new friends, and most importantly, what they will get. the help of qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really liked the trip to austria, i liked the museums we went to every day, it was incredible. and i really liked how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna, and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me,
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i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. dear friends, we are back, you just saw iryna koval on your screens, who appealed to you to help support the children of military personnel, who, unfortunately, these military personnel died, and she wants to... take her abroad to rest, eh, but she is more than that everything is being assembled in the same way now for the hundredth beard of the armed forces of the armed forces, so you can join,
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you can see the card number, qr codes are just now appearing on your screens, monobank is on the right, if you are facing the screen on the left , it is a private bank, the card numbers are listed under that , and we are actually approaching the mark of 1,400, and in total we need 2 million... 5,000, in short, we have already collected most of the amount, and this is pleasing, because we still need a smaller part, and i hope that with your help we we will do it very quickly, yes, we already have it our next guest, and while you are donating, we will ask that sumyshchyna is there, andriana kostenko, doctor of political sciences, head of the social research center and board member of the non-governmental organization sumyshchyna intelligence is already with us, mrs. andriana, good morning, good morning. studio, good morning, i understand that if we are talking on the phone with you, then you must have been unlocked by electricity, yes, yes, well, we work and live in conditions of constant schedules
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of power outages, and in the morning in my micro-districts, there is no such thing now, and there is no stable, stable electricity, the internet, accordingly, we understand, i think our viewers also understand, because we all live in such similar... circumstances now, ms. andriano, how the night passed on sumyshchyna? unfortunately, unfortunately, each of my inclusions is accompanied by information that both at night and in the morning, the russians shelled the sumy region, in particular, that night , seven communities were affected, usually border communities. such as the youth community, bilopolska, krasnopilsk, shalygensk community. unfortunately, along the border, yes, along the border,
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there are no living conditions for people, today most of the villages that are in a five-kilometer zone, even this territory is already so dangerous, it has expanded to 10 km, in fact this territory is unfit for life. the majority of the population leaves, and if, if we talk about this night, then as always they are shelling from drones, shelling from mortars, carrying out airstrikes, dropping bombs, actually destroying, destroying the border areas of sumy oblast. the day before in sumy oblast some rain fell and people began to feel worse, it was already raining. from the city authorities that there is no chemistry and radiation background, everything is fine, ma'am. so what
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kind of wonder was it and what kind of rain was it after which everything became worse? well, it was unlikely that it was such mass information about the deterioration of health, as far as i know from the mass media from the public, it is separate, several people applied for her medical care, so they really stated that in one of the microdistricts of our city ... there were inexplicable precipitations in them there was an allergic reaction, actually, it does not apply to most of the city there, if you look at the specific features of our city, the regional center, then there are quite a large number of enterprises, especially chemical industry enterprises, and the information is official. that
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there were no, there were no mass appeals for medical assistance, i will repeat once again, last, last day there were, there were isolated such appeals, in general, everything seems to be calm, there were no more departures, on the contrary, we have heat and yesterday and today will also be warm, what now side of the border, are there any groups, has this danger receded. russian offensive? er, no, actually, along the border, the military is observing and recording the gathering of the enemy, the russians, well, is it their rotation there, or vice versa, they are also trying to somehow control it, they are worried that the bryansk, kurdish region does not
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wanted to join to ukraine and perhaps in this way they are gathering troops there, that is , there is no information about what has decreased, the enemy military groups, on the contrary, in principle the situation is the same, the only thing is that continues, getting into our territory through various loopholes, yes drg, well, this is also a constant story, permanent for us, that's it. the only thing is that, to be honest , there is a direct decrease in air strikes, yes , the decrease is certain, compared to compared to the spring, it is relatively calm now, but when we say relatively calm, it does not mean that they have completely stopped , you heard the previous information that, unfortunately, the enemy continues to fire, but
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not with such a intensity... we wish you a peaceful day, andriyana kostenko from sumy oblast was with us, dear friends, and now there is a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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