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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EEST

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in july we will start the first bilateral negotiations in a number of areas, this schedule is already planned until the end of the year, and based on the results of these negotiations, ukraine will already have a complete list of its obligations, as well as a complete list of reservations, exclusions or transition periods that we will need in order to , to join the membership of the eu, then the technical process of opening negotiating... chapters, securing agreements and doing homework, and each chapter will be closed, so to speak, as some legislative changes are adopted? and yes, but actually the most important stage starts now from july 8, because the negotiation chapter in any area can be opened only when both sides understand the scope of work, this means that we...
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before opening any negotiation chapter section, we understand the future scope of ukraine's obligations, have provided plans for the implementation of key eu legislation, and on this basis we are opening the negotiation section, agreeing on terms, agreeing on transition periods and completing homework as promised before the beginning of a specific negotiation process in directions, that is why it is such a concept... but a gentleman's work, which is actually then fixed in negotiations in a specific direction. so i studied the dossiers of the countries that are candidates for membership of the european union until now, and i saw that among these sections that should be closed in specific areas of the economy, ecology, human rights, etc., there is still such a point, at least i i saw him in the serbian dossier. different, well, for
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the serbs, it is the normalization of relations with kosovo, we may have some such point, maybe already have well, for example, a polish minister came to see me in poland, just a week ago, he said, they told a very interesting case that only this year, it seems, the ban on german citizens, germany, to have the right to purchase land on polish territory, appeared. it was just from another section, but... the poles just now got the right to sell tomatoes to france, of course this is an issue, and this issue is important, of course territorial issues, issues of application of the agreement will be there, i also see that in this blocks, we will consider the issue of post-war restoration of conditions and conditions of market functioning, access of companies, there are very specific. there will be
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provisions, we hope that as soon as possible we will be able to start this section, but we are saving this for the end, for the end of the negotiation process, because now the main work will be - aimed at forming the body of our future commitments, so that ukraine also started this work, and brussels was not, let's say, overburdened by ukraine, since... we are now talking about eight enlargement countries, the new european commission has been formed, now the commissioner for enlargement, this will be a key, one of the key people in the european commission, and this portfolio has to be dynamic, so of course we have to move quickly and start every possible stage as quickly as possible , i understand that this will be the new european commissioner, right, can he stay, i also understand, i don’t... i think that the european commissioner for
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enlargement will continue this trend of extending the mandate of high-ranking eu officials, but it is very surprising to me there is that the candidacy for this position has not yet been agreed upon and there is not even an approximate, let's say, understanding of who it could be, there are quite a lot of applicants, but actually i was sure that, as of today, clarity would resolve this issue much faster. no, but i think that the hungarian presence in this direction has already been exhausted. thank you, ms. olga, and i wish you a successful negotiation process. olga stefanishyna, vice-premier, prime minister for european and euro-atlantic integration of ukraine, was in touch with us. now we will talk with russian oppositionist, former dorzhduma deputy ilya ponomarev. he is already in touch with us. congratulations mr. ilya. good evening. and let's talk about the caucasus. these
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terrorists are the children of the head of one of... dagestan, and here the question arises, how does it happen that radical islamism finds a place in the nomenclature environment? so , there is nothing surprising here at all, because in general the dagestan elite, they are very dissatisfied with what is happening in the republic now, and they are very dissatisfied with the relations that the republic has with moscow, because already the second president of dagestan, he was a vary, and before that in... in general, dagestan was such a unique republic within the russian federation, because it was a parliamentary republic, and there was such a complex agreement regarding the balance of ethnic groups, at the head of the republic, well and that's how it
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was governed, and now there are just varangians, first there was a russian man, vasiliev, now there... the direction of the republic's management, and of course the elite is dissatisfied, it is broadcast to their children, and this is what happens. and what do you think, in principle, what happened shows that the russian special services, they are already degrading little by little, you can say, and cannot even respond to... real challenges, because it is one thing to invent a ukrainian threat, you know, and another thing - this is to fight the real threat of people who are recruited by the islamic state, look, there are two opposite versions, one version is that it was from the very beginning and was created by the russian
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special services, which are trying to make the world understand this, this attitude that this is russia with the western...powers, it is on the same side of the fight against global terrorism, and there are even warnings that there could be a huge terrorist attack on the olympics in paris in france, and that this is what it takes to play the same game that took place in the early 2000s, when the world forgot about chechnya, precisely because it is there... terrorism and we must be together, but i believe that the reasons here lie in this socio-economic resistance in moscow and in dagestan for a long time it is growing, the peak was there somewhere there 10
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years ago, but then moscow already recognized that it cannot cope with it and... it even began to stimulate the departure, the departure of these people to syria, to the ranks of the idols, and now the influence of the islamist preachers of the salafist group is returning there or partially, it is growing because of the war in ukraine, they naturally, they are very negatively disposed to the mobilization of dagestanis. to the war, and it was because of this that there was already an armed protest in the fall of the 22nd, and then we saw these jewish pogroms in makhachkala, and this is what is happening now, in my opinion, it is all one chain, in these
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among putin's new ultimatums, which he explains there, how he sees the negotiations with ukraine, you? you see something new, it's a continuation of the old roach, it's all the same, he's betting on trump, he's sending the same signals, he's justifying how it will develop in the future, and he doesn't want to look like it's ukraine , who does not want to negotiate there, he is there in moscow, he is always ready. well, you just have to be constructive there and everything is so different, and for trump, of course, it falls on such a prepared person the ground, well, i think that everything is not over yet, and even because of these debates that
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have taken place there in the united states, the democrats there have started the process of finding a new candidate, and who knows, maybe it will not be biden as a candidate, and... many people, i think rightly, say that if it is not biden, then he will one hundred percent win against trump, if... if biden wins, will putin's position change? i think he's going to raise the stakes because he understands that biden, his administration, it's weak enough and it's not keeping up the pressure, i think he will increase various provocations, in order to force the americans already there... to pressure us to negotiate, but of course, if it is
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trump, it will be such a restraining pressure, and if it is biden, then it will be more gradual , but i believe that in moscow they expect that, by any means, the west will press for an agreement. tell me, in principle, how realistic are trump's proposals compared to yours? after the end of the war, to what extent putin is ready to listen to her, well, that's what trump is asked all the time, and he has none there are no proposals now, and he doesn't even have any ideas right now, he has only one idea, that he is as powerful as a negotiator, that he will put everyone at the negotiating table and everyone will agree, and that's it, he has nothing more , he has there are more... more stable approaches, he even now there, when there was a debate about it, he mentioned that they say iran
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didn't have the money to invest in terrorist activities there, and he thinks that he also, he will lower the prices on oil, through the stimulation of production in the united states, and which means that putin will have no money to continue the war. he believes that putin will be afraid of him, afraid that trump can actually put pressure there by armed means and everything else, and that is why he will negotiate, but from what position to negotiate, where will the front line be, where will it be, what territory , well, he does not understand this at all, there is now a competition of various advisers, there are fink-tanks who... want to push their concept there, yes, but trump, no, he
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is not stopping at anything, he has not stopped , and why is he then in your opinion says that he will solve all this before the inauguration, if he is elected president, so he thinks that it will be restrained, he thinks that he is so brilliant that he will do it, but of course that will not happen, and in this and there is our chance. because when he sees that it doesn't work that way, i think he will take a rather reasonable position, in the situation in which the russian elite is now, as you think, they still continue to have these attitudes that if started a war, then it is necessary to win, is there already an understanding that this is such a protracted process that there is no optimistic way out, on the contrary, unfortunately, the first, that is, from the very beginning. the russian elites had an oppositional, negative attitude towards this war, and
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it remains, they still have a negative attitude towards it, but they do not see a way out, if there was some way of agreement with the west, that you reject putin, you everything is forgiven, then they would certainly follow this path, but it does not exist. and that is why now the dominant position is simply to wait, well and of course, while we wait, we must not lose. well, that is, in fact, now all this will be decided, putin decides by and large, how he will decide, such a variant of his development will be taken by surprise, and also, they do not see any way of their influence on putin, this is his decision, and that is why for them it's just a matter of survival. thank you, mr. ilya, ilya panomer, a russian oppositionist, former deputy of the state duma of the russian federation was in touch with us, and
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now he is in the near east. svitlana glaz, a journalist, is in touch with us. congratulations ladies lightly greetings, good evening. well, there is a new one, i would say, now is such a stage in the war in the middle east, when iran threatens israel with a war of extermination, and israel replies to iran that it is ready for a war of extermination , if only for iran itself. you believe that a new, possible new... front, in the middle east, that there could be a real war in lebanon, is possible. if we talk about what israel wants... peace and an end to the terrorist organizations that israel leads, it is hamas in the south and hezbollah in the of the north, which is based in lebanon, then of course it is said that there will most likely be a so -called third lebanon war, because there have already been two wars, it is possible that israel is already preparing,
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they are talking about it, a coup. to the north of israel, some military units, say, those cities and settlements that are on the very border with lebanon, and from which absolutely all the people left, say, the large city of kiryat shmona, which had almost 25 thousand inhabitants, now there are a little more 2 sich, 50 mobile bomb shelters were brought for them, and this suggests that israel rather than... everything is getting ready for a war with lebanon, well, judging by the latest statement of the minister of foreign affairs of israel, israel katze, who said that, well, iran wants a war with us, then we know how to respond to it, i i think that israel is preparing, and unfortunately, it probably will be. so, what do you think
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about this recent decision of the supreme court of israel regarding the possible mobilization, when it has not yet happened in israel, here. it will be ten months soon, and in this war both those people who serve in the army and reservists are involved, that is, another 3,000 people were involved who left everything, their families, their work, their business and went to defend the country, eh, they defend, they defend it well, and they die, unfortunately, this is a war, and deaths happen in it, more than... almost 400 of our soldiers died, and of course, society, especially families, and those people who once served with these soldiers, they began to say, good people, why are we fighting, here we are losing everything and businesses and our whole lives, we abandoned our studies, and there is a large number of israelis
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who also have the right to serve, but they do so they do not, so israel does not have a constitution that is not separated from the state, and this also causes its own difficulties, but they have a duty to the state, as citizens, they have a duty to fight, they do not do this, and because of that the supreme the bagats court passed such a resolution that ultra-orthodox people must join the army and serve, in addition, yeshiva, yeshivas, or these schools where religious people study,... and they went to rallies, went to protests, we don't want that, we will die, but we will not go to the army, and this one when i was preparing for the broadcast, a very, very large demonstration was held in israel, in jerusalem, where a large part of ultra-orthodox jews came out, there were only
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men, of course there were no women, and they already had completely different inscriptions, posters , and they talked about something completely different... they said not only that we will not go to fight, we will die, but that the army protects the zionists, not the jews, because they do not associate themselves with the zionists, this is a little necessary here in israel a lot of sorting out to understand who is a zionist and who is not jews, well, the obvious zionists, who want to have a state, and a jew who wants to, who is ready to live, under any conditions, on this territory, absolutely does not care whose government it is, what is to be understood here is what ukrainians are, no matter what the state is, there are people who are ready to live under russia, this is how it goes here, and this is now this, this is such a confrontation between some people and others, although both these and other jews, and these and those profess judaism, and everyone wants , so that there would be, that there would be peace and that there would be no terrorists who, alongside us, caused such terrible
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of the terrible war that is going on, you understand that we do not have only one front in the south, we have... after all, fronts in the north, because hezbollah is shelling the northern areas a lot, and the 150,000 jews who lived there, they now there are also refugees in their country, they live sometimes in a hotel, sometimes in rented apartments, sometimes with their relatives, and they do not know how long this will continue, it has already been going on for nine months, and we are very restless in samaria and in judea, where there are also terrorists who from time to time, almost every day, go out and attack... jews, on the settlers who live there, because of that israel now, i can say that israel now has three fronts in the army, these are the south, the north and the jews. the idea of ​​samaria - what is called from an international point of view the west bank of the jordan river, yes, yes, of course, it worries you, because
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the acts of violence against the arab population that are there are also increasing on the part of the jewish settlers in this territory lives, you know, by virtue of his profession, and when i worked for 17 years as an in-house correspondent of the national radio company of ukraine and had the opportunity to be there with our foreign correspondents. we were taken there, we were always accompanied by the police, the israel defense forces, and strangely enough it was the first time that we were more protected from jewish settlements, they were not very calm, they attacked us, well, they tried not to spread biased information information, absolutely accurate, absolutely accurate, and there were jeeps near the arab... villages, our military was standing, and i was very surprised and i will ask why, they say, well, it is not peaceful here, well, due to my profession, i was in settlements and
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i was in these arab settlements there and i will honestly tell you that i was without security, so maybe i saw it differently, but it seemed to me that there was a very tense atmosphere, the situation and people practically do not perceive each other at all, there is no even a chance for compromises, that is the question. how to solve this problem, because it will become the main one after the end of the conflict in the gas sector? of course, you know, going back to the topic of calling ultra-orthodox people into the army, there is a very big problem here, and the army is ready this year to receive 300, but how they are to serve, where they are to serve, this is also the place where they will live, where they will sleep, where they must pray, because they must pray, this is their food, it must... unless , is this the first, is this the first religious jews who serve in the israel defense forces, this was always resolved with the religious zionists, they also prayed, ate kosher food always, you are
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a little mistaken here, because there are just jews who are very religious, they serve, they have so-called knitted kippahs, ugh, and these are ultra-orthodox the people you already said, they do not perceive israel as a state at all, but the menu they have is the same with these people who serve, which or not, sometimes the same, sometimes not. but with them, the most important thing is that there should be no female soldiers, girls, and we have women and girls everywhere in all units, no matter what they are, top secret, our women, girls still serve there, but for them it is it is also very ugly that they will also be there walking around them, well, in a word, there are a lot of problems with such people, because they do not treat women the way ordinary citizens do israel, well, they don't behave that way a little bit, well, that was a correct answer, listen, but what happened to the warrant of the international criminal court for the arrest of prime minister benjamin netanyahu and minister of defense yaav galant, i understand that he somehow slowed down, he has slowed down so far, and i
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think that the reason here is great britain, which has put forward its claims to this international, to this international criminal court, and to other countries, to other countries, they... moaned that they also have the opportunity to express by july 12 their claims to the international criminal court with the fact that they wrongly want to issue an arrest warrant and accuse israel of what they did, of committing a war crime against the residents of the gaza strip, but excuse me, when you live, they come to you, attack you, then you have to defend yourself and defend yourself in such a way that you... uh, well, you enter the territory from which you were attacked, israel entered the gas four times, was in the center,
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in the south, in the north, and of course, they die , peaceful people, as we say, but how can you separate them to see if they are peaceful or not peaceful, and when schools, hospitals, you know, were located in the underground tunnels, in those offices where the leaders of the hamat terrorist organization were located. how is it possible that you are walking down the street of the same gas, a woman or a man or a boy is walking towards you, as you know, he is dressed in civilian clothes, although, what does he think, on whose side is he standing, who is he protecting, we cannot know that, on nothing is written in the eyes, although you know, it is very, very difficult to lead the israel defense forces without being accused of killing civilians. population due to the fact that the palestinian authority and the gas sector do not have their own army, and all those people, people, i said so, very figuratively,
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belong. to the terrorist organization hamas, they are all civilians, and when the israel defense forces destroys and kills them, it turns out that they are committing a war crime against civilians, an interesting circumstance, thank you so much, ms. svitlana, svitlana glas, an israeli journalist was in touch with us, thank you for participating in this broadcast, for clarification, just passed the results of the first round in... the national assembly of the french republic was waiting for this, so the right radical party the national association led by marine le pen is the leader of this first round, according to the exit polls, she has 34% of the popular front, the new popular front , which united all the left-wing forces of france with 28% of the vote, in the party of president
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emmanuel macron. 20.3% of the votes of the republicans, the right of the conservative party, which was created in support of charlie dagol once, 10% of the votes, well, that's basically all, all previous results, we will return to them at the end of our program, and now we will take a break for a couple of minutes and after this break we will start our conversation with the former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine vadym prystayk, who will be with us in the studio. your place is waiting for you, the lights are left on, for dinner, what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be... walks,
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swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your streets, at school, in your church, because in your house about they see you in dreams, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, we pray for you gave because they knew that you are already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how hard victory is given, and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible, so when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than a family. we are a nation that
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has united around you, we continue the politclub program, vadym prysteiko, former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine and ambassador of ukraine to great britain, we are in touch in our studio, mr. vadym, congratulations, good evening, let's start from search the answer to such a question, which confuses me somewhat, why did such serious discussions suddenly begin at the official level these days about the models of changes with moscow ? president volodymyr zelenskyi said that the only model is his model of the grain agreement, when they talk through intermediaries, it seems to me that there is logic in this. because if zelensky does not recognize putin as a negotiating partner by decree, and zelensky, and putin does not recognize zelensky as a legitimate president, how else can they talk?


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