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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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in his speech at the recent forum of the expert network, he emphasized that we need to think about the formation of such a frontier frontier economy, unfortunately, modern russia leaves us no chance but to be ready for further unfriendly actions. i actually also wanted to mention the ecthr, but in addition, it is the latest news that was just spread by the media yesterday or the day before yesterday, which was announced at the... forum of the expert network of the crimean platform, but you did not say it, about the situation around hersenes, you must have heard , and some people interpreted that it was completely destroyed hersenez, well, that's not exactly how it sounded, damage was done, and damage was done by the large construction near hersenez, which we will see when we liberate crimea, whether the museum will still remain, what we will do with these illegitimate buildings, because
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the illegal building, which is called the kerch bridge, will of course be destroyed, but all these buildings that the occupiers will build, and have already built during these 10 years, what will happen to them, what will happen to the people who work there, what will happen to the people, who live, residential buildings are also built there, how will we act in relation to the russians who came to crimea, and in relation to all these inf'. structural changes, this is really a very thorough question, because according to various estimates, from 50 to more than 1 million russians entered crimea, these are people who did not have any rights to cross the borders of ukraine and stay in crimea, settle, occupy real estate, and so on. of course, the crimea was filled with real estate, and the taurid track and other objects. and in the future, of course, that ukraine will not destroy them, well, i... i can't imagine that
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our government makes a decision to blow up there residential buildings of such a number, i think that we have someone to place in the crimea in these buildings, we have a lot of people who went through the war and are still fighting and protecting our present, and therefore i think that this real estate should be distributed already because of some government programs, it will be confiscated and or distributed, as for these people, the situation there is not obvious. because some of them, well 100% have to leave the territory of ukraine, but there are people who came there as teenagers, who became adults, who created their own families, when, relatively speaking, part of the family has a passport of a citizen of ukraine, part does not have this passport, they can already have their own children during this time, so this issue is not mechanistic, that is, a certain policy must be formed there. how
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to treat these people, how to deport them or encourage them to return to the territory of the russian federation, the only thing we have to understand is that if we leave this million, relatively speaking, new crimeans in crimea, we will never see either ukrainian or crimean cream of tartar. and what is the recipe? was involved in the baltic countries with gray passports, whether it works or not, what does the experience of these countries show? this, this is true, this experience cannot... be used mechanistically, because despite the fact that even in such a small country as latvia, almost half of the population was the so-called russian-speaking, i.e. non-native population, some of these people after integration to the european union became absolutely loyal citizens of these states, learned the corresponding language, received citizenship and are working today, but a huge number of people from different including with some, you know, such
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soviet principles, they remain people with limited rights, and today this is also a certain challenge, a certain problem for these small countries, well, that is, they cannot go to elections there and elect someone there, and even go to state elections positions, but yes, but they live there, uh, but they live there, and this, by the way, was a requirement of the european union, that is, that there should be no forced deportation of these people, they are a certain part of these people. passports of the states in which they live, but they are there are located and form a certain political environment, emotional environment, and well, that is, in fact, these are people who, if they do not adapt to the state policy, to the state formation of the state where they are, they automatically become the so -called fifth column , that is, they are a certain danger for the future of this state, and the same will be true for crimea. and yet it is still
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an element of instability, even if, even if people are part of society, but have not changed their views, we know the story with latvia, that the mep from... from latvia, tetiana zhdanok, as it turned out, was an fsb agent, she was elected precisely by these russian-speakers, that is, she represented their interests in the european parliament, given the fact that ukraine is also going to become part of the european union, and we will also have deputies, people, who are not loyal to ukraine, but live on its territory, can once again delegate someone to the european parliament and actually influence all european politics in general, this is such a trojan horse, in fact. which is introduced into the body of ukraine, that is, this problem is deeper than it seems to me it seems that it is deeper, and you still have a solution, it is definitely deeper, well, today at the level of the expert network of the crimean platform , we discussed that after deoccupation, crimea should
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be deprived of the right to elect its representatives for five, or better, for 10 years until electoral authorities, that is, to the ukrainian parliament or to local elections, there is such a historical experience, for example, with the hitler regime, and, yes, yes, yes, and, and then a political situation, a political struggle with, in particular, members of the european parliament, will be formed if we by that time we will already be part of the european union, the military administration will be military-civilian, first military, then military-civilian administration, well, then we will move on to traditional forms of governance, there should be cultural educational programs that bring the ukrainian context into the information environment. and as far as i understand, the administrative reform must also take place, because despite the fact that the heads of military administrations are still appointed, a decentralized system must still be developed self-government, such as that which operates in the free
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ukrainian territories, and do you understand the final construction, that is, sevastopol, akyar will be part of a separate administrative unit. will be part of the crimean peninsula, there are various scenarios that are being discussed, it will definitely be part of the crimean peninsula, i would very much like it to be okyar first, sevastopol for me, secondly, we need a political solution and a constitutional solution , in my opinion, to deprive sevastopol as a ravine of its special status, that is, it has to be the same city as all cities in ukraine. moreover, taking into account a certain political component, which today we... see in sevastopol akyar, his status must be definitely not special, absolutely ordinary. how it will look in the future construction is a question that can be discussed. from the fact that it will be a city within the borders of the bakchysaray district, crimea, or it can be one of the cities, like yalta, with part of
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its own unified territorial community. but this issue today, of course, is not resolved, it is being discussed, it is a problem for... the communication of experts, government officials, but under any conditions we need to see a new such government construction of crimea today. today there is a decision regarding the formation of united territorial communities instead of those districts that exist in crimea today. it will be a completely different scheme of administrative management, and we will be guided by it, but it will still be fully operational only after elections can be held in crimea. well, now you said about akyar, and about... yes called sevastopol, and i am wondering here, will we see a change in the toponymy of crimea in the near future, is there any work being done on this matter? there are developments, in particular the crimean tatar resource center has done a lot to make these developments public, there are new
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names, new old names, let’s say, returned names, yes, toponyms of crimea, but it requires a lot of work from us with the deputies... body, so that the renaming takes place at the level of our parliament, and this is not an easy process, and a plus such a decision under during wartime, during wartime there are restrictions, so we still have two oblasts in mainland ukraine that should have been renamed a long time ago, i mean dnipropetrovsk and kirovohrad oblasts, which in fact are already syacheslavsk, and the constitutional court recognized that there may be such a renaming, syacheslav region and kropyvnytskyi region. and despite the fact that there is a war, these regions are still called that in our country, they remain so, it is simply a matter of the fact that even before the deoccupation of crimea, we must be ready, and even when we enter crimea, so that we all the work has already been done so that all bills, everything is ready, the
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only question is to accept and implement it in crimea. there are two more important questions, well, i will ask in one question, infrastructural questions, so that we are ready. before the liberation of crimea, we are liberating crimea, it is clear that the energy bridge built by russia, together with the kerch bridge, will be destroyed, and it is clear that the supply... of water to crimea is already a problem due to the fact that russia blew up the kokhovskaya hess. what are we going to do, where are we going to supply power to crimea, where are we from will we take water, will we find, will we restore the kokhovskaya, and will we be able, excuse me, i will add, to restore this northern crimean canal, first of all, we will not be able to restore it, and there is no sense in it today, it is standing dry. and after many years, when the fate of the kokhov reservoir will be decided, i am,
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in particular, a great critic of the restoration of the kokhov reservoir, we have an absolutely unique ecosystem there today, which must develop, live there and solve the problems of water supply in that part of ukraine, we have to look for other engineering solutions, i think we will find them, as for the channel to the crimea, these are again highly debatable issues. because , well, first of all, you can build a closed channel, not an open one, because, well, from the open channel , evaporation was 50%, or even more, that is, in fact, we evaporated this water absolutely needlessly, changed the climate, yes, slowly, yes, well, if you remember what this north crimean canal looked like, it is swampy terrain around it for several meters, and it was generally a structure that needed serious repair and renewal even before the annexation, but climatic changes. the lack of water from the north crimean canal and the increase in the population, that is, in crimea, water consumers became from 2 million to 3
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million, that is, this is a huge number of added water consumers, at the same time, let's pay attention to the fact that not a single serious water communication facility was updated in crimea, all remains in such a rather complicated state, we studied the water communication systems of crimea for the 13th year, for example, when there was still a ukrainian objective statistics. there, the level of attrition of funds related to water supply and drainage reached 80% in certain administrative units. in other words, nothing better has happened during this time than anything else. and the second problem is that today the authorities in crimea, the russian authorities, raise underground water from underground horizons and run it into communal water supply systems. this is not a controlled flow of such groundwater. first, it's from... actually dewatering these horizons, the water changes its quality, it becomes very salty,
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it needs additional refinement in order to make it safe for consumption, well, the main thing is that now this water will not be available, and when we return crimea, we will see this water crisis in all aspects, as they say, and that situation, which will be very difficult for ukraine. as for energy, this is a difficult issue, but today we do not have enough power. moreover, this deficit is very glaring for ukraine, if, conditionally speaking, crimea were to be annexed to ukraine tomorrow, we physically have no way to ensure crimea's energy supply today. of course, russia nothing will be delivered there, that's obvious. that is, electricity, water, and gas supply, these will be challenges for which we must prepare. at our meetings of the expert network, we talked a lot about this, the mechanisms there to involve our partners in the black sea basin, to create a system
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of post-tax local generation so that people do not end up in a disaster, well, imagine the situation there one happy day for ukraine, the last russian soldier is left crimea, after that the russians turn off all generators of the entire energy supply and everything situation, crimea stops in a state of disaster, and we have to have an answer at that moment, we will now introduce some... power supply system, we have a solution to the problems of water supply, drainage, and we have to provide the basic needs of crimeans so that life remains there, this because we still do not know under which scenario de-occupation will be implemented, and we still have problems , we have problems, well, it is possible that the experience of solving these problems, which we are currently experiencing, when mobile power plants are created, and when is created just right some autonomous energy sources, it is possible. would be used after the liberation of crimea in order to provide crimeans with electricity, so
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the capacity of the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant will not be enough, or can we not predict what will become of it at all? we have a couple of minutes, as nuclear energy experts say, in particular olga kosharna, today the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is in such a state that it is technically impossible to put it into operation, it is a long way to... the plant in a safe state to be included in any - which one power grid, it is in the state of so-called cooling or cold idle for too long, and therefore we cannot count on power. zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, even after we fully restore our control over this facility. thank you very much, mr. yevgeny, for coming to our studio often. khlobistov, a professor at the kyiv-myhylya academy, was in the studio of the beraber program on the atr tv channel and espresso tv channel, this is a joint project. well,
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and we, the presenter andrii yanitskyi and gulsum khalilova held this program together. see you in a week. february 28, 2022, the fifth day of a full-scale russian invasion. it is already clear that putin's blitzkrieg has failed, but the fate of kyiv has not yet been decided. under such conditions, ukraine submitted an application to join the european union. our goal is to be together with all europeans and the main thing is to be on equal footing. i'm sure that's fair. i'm sure we deserved it. i'm sure it's all possible. then the eu took an unprecedented step and granted ukraine status under an accelerated procedure candidate for membership. our state received
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it already on june 23, 2022. and already in two years between ukraine and the eu. official accession negotiations have begun. i have never seen such a strong desire to make a country a member of the european union, as in the case of ukraine. i have never seen the process go as fast as in ukraine, never. the intergovernmental conference has already launched the negotiation process. if you compare the schedule of what is happening in ukraine with other cases, then we are running at the speed of light. joseph borel, supreme representative of the eu on foreign affairs. affairs and security policy. ukraine's path to the european union began back in the 90s. then, for the first time, president leonid kuchma announced his intention to become a full member of the eu. however, 2013 was a turning point. under the pressure and threats of vladimir putin, viktor yanukovych at the last moment refused to sign the association agreement with the eu.
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euromaidan began in ukraine, which ultimately won. since then , the path to membership in... did not cause serious internal discussions, but ran into serious resistance from outside. paris and berlin were extremely skeptical about the european integration of ukraine, even despite the russian occupation of crimea and donbas. however, after february 24, 2022, their position changed dramatically. now president emmanuel macron and chancellor olaf scholz are ardent supporters of ukraine's accession to the eu. when we talk about... the restoration of ukraine, we are discussing the restoration of a future eu member. a few months after the start of the invasion of the russian federation, we gave ukraine a promise about ukraine's future in the eu. we keep that promise. scholz also testified his support for ukraine's european course in december 2023, when eu leaders were deciding whether to give
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the green light to negotiations with ukraine. the prime minister of hungary viktor orban. was opposed to. when the leaders were sitting at the table and preparing for the vote, the german chancellor sent the hungarian prime minister to drink coffee. orbán left the room, the decision was voted without hungary. however, budapest, which has been presiding over the eu since july 1, will still have the opportunity to stick a stick in kyiv. june 27 site european truth declassified 11 demands that orban's government put forward in ukraine. advantage. they concern the hungarian national minority, and some of them have the appearance of outright blackmail, for example, the demand to recognize the entire zakarpattia region, the territory of traditional residence of hungarians. it will be extremely difficult to find a compromise on some issues. we are sincerely committed to solving and, on this basis, fully implementing the 11
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problematic issues raised by the hungarian side to strengthen the protection of national rights. and we will continue bilateral consultations with hungary in this regard direction but negotiations will be difficult not only with hungary, but also with other bloc countries, primarily those with interests in the agricultural sector. i still remember the footage of ukrainian grain scattered on the polish highway. and polish farmers still threaten to renew the border blockade from time to time. this is not surprising, because in the event of ukraine's accession to the european union, ukrainian... state-owned producers will claim the lion's share of european subsidies, and it will be extremely difficult for european farmers to compete with ukrainian agricultural companies. process... negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu will be difficult and will require our country to maintain the current pace of reforms. we understand that, for example, from the point of view of the agricultural sector, these will be difficult negotiations. some
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decisions may be postponed, for example, because poland, germany, and france have their own interests. adam szlapka, polish minister for european union affairs. but still not the greatest threat to european integration remains within ukraine itself. this is corruption. a problem that western partners repeatedly remind, even in the background full-scale war, and which public activists constantly talk about, which does not always cause understanding on the part of the authorities. ukraine is not the most corrupt country in the world. corruption exists everywhere, and to combat it, we have created a large anti-corruption infrastructure. i constantly communicate with western partners, they always note. our level and successes in overcoming corruption, but some people deliberately escalate the problem, because otherwise the meaning of their work may be lost. thus, helping the russians,
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who are investing millions in the promotion of the according to the narrative, ukraine is the most corrupt state. andriy yarmak, head of the office of the president of ukraine. how long can ukraine take from the start of negotiations to accession? this question cannot be answered. exact answer in the case of poland, it was six years. turkey is already on this path for almost 20 years . in the public space, in the context of the european integration intentions of ukraine, moldova and the balkan countries, the year 2030 often appears. in particular, the current president of the european council , charles michel, mentioned this date as one when a big wave of enlargement could take place. so ukraine needs to hurry with reforms. no matter how difficult it is in... the conditions of a full-scale war. congratulations, friends,
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the saturday political club program, andriy smolii and vitaly portnikov, is on the air. today we will have a slightly different format. today, for two hours, we from the studio, yes, discuss , discuss, talk about all topics that concern you, that are important for the country. this is essentially military affairs and european union affairs, there will also be debates between biden and trump, ideological affairs, in short, everything will be, so now tune in to the fact that for two hours we we will be with you, so let's, mr. vitaly, start, yes, apparently, with military affairs, this week putin's next statements, he says... again about missiles, about the production of shorter, short and medium-range missiles, well, his traditional scarecrow such that they will produce them, maybe they will
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place them somewhere in other countries of the world, apparently, it compares something to how the north atlantic alliance does, how the united states of america does, because often they place their own missile complexes in allied countries. but the question arises, and where putin can place all this, except we know which countries? well, nowhere else. in principle, putin's resources are limited in this, because the only european country in which he can place his own weapons is the republic of belarus. he has already placed nuclear weapons in it, he can place missile weapons. there is one more, in fact, such a territory, which is not a country, but which is an important bridgehead for scaring the west, this is kaliningradsk. another country, well , if we talk about geography, and not about politics, then officially it is part of the territory
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of the russian federation, but it is an exclave that is surrounded on all sides by countries that are members of nato, but at the same time it is not just controlled by the russian federation, but is a part of the russian federation, and you know, i once remember, i came to svitlogorsk. and it was the beginning of the 2000s, the first attempts to civilize the kaliningrad region had already begun, because in soviet times there were no such attempts, it was simply a completely neglected territory, even compared to the neighboring baltic countries, which were also then by the soviets, but you can clarify the question, but for the audience to understand, we understand that keninsberg, which was before... the real name, is kaliningrad, in fact, it was at one time a quite, quite prosperous city, and quite prosperous region, why. then
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the soviet union treated this region so indifferently, compared, for example, with others, with lithuania, well, compare with those, with those regions that it controls, that's how you can answer this question, they didn't believe in the constancy of the borders, 1975, approximately before the signing of the helsinki act, the soviet leadership, of course they didn't say it out loud, but they weren't sure that it was all theirs... forever, and that's why the kaliningrad region was like a springboard for them, by the way, you asked andrii a good question, because this also applies to crimea and donbass, they will never believe, even if they control it for a long time, that it is theirs forever, and if it is not forever, then it is necessary, let's say , to use it, not to develop it, if you look to moscow, and not only to moscow, to kyiv, all these famous high-rises, they
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built up from... they literally dismantled the old city center, it was in ruins, but many german cities, as you know, after the second world war were in ruins, next to königsberg there is gdańsk, the old danzik, which was completely restored by the poles, the central part, all this was literally collected piece by piece, why, because the poles treated gdansk as... their own city, yes, of course, they were neighbors there with the germans, with other peoples, but for them it was part of theirs, you can say, hearts, they are his with joy and satisfaction restored, and when you come to gdańsk now, you see an incredibly beautiful, ancient, medieval hanseatic city, when you come to konniksburg, you see khrushchevs in the center of the city, these are some new cheryomushki built in the center of konniksburg, and even before the 70s x years... the ruins
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of the royal palace were in the center of the city, it could be restored, it could be made into a medieval city center, and the russians first wanted to destroy all uh, i would say, such signs of the german presence, the only thing what they did not destroy is the cathedral where khan is buried, because it would be completely blasphemy even for them, it remained in the center of this completely soviet terrible city, a medieval cathedral on an island. where immanuel kant is buried, everything is always in the kaliningrad region, if you are interested, all the people who wanted to restore something were persecuted, they were silenced, they were explained that it was not necessary, i remember even in the 90s there was a certain schoolboy who rode alone on the old german kirks and tried them himself guy to restore, because he understood that it was just something catastrophic happening to civilization, and the people who came there, they
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were absolutely ... on the drum, they did not understand where they were at all, and that was also important, but why i started talking about it, because when i came to this svitlogorsk, which was the famous german resort of rauschen, where all the nobility rested, and now in the center of this svitlogorsk there is such a big poster that svitlogorsk is an outpost of russia, an outpost, well, an outpost, such a resort , and i was traveling with a person who took care of some hotels and apartments there. you are probably glad that you now have holidaymakers, as in neighboring lithuania, just in palandza, there is nowhere to fall an apple in season, and he tells me: listen, it would be better if we had rockets, and i tell him why you have cancer, you need missiles to make us afraid, this is an ordinary person, whose business is to rent out hotel rooms and apartments to tourists, but she needed missiles, that
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's why when i hear from donald trump that ... he will be able to explain something to vladimir putin, i would like to buy him a ticket for a flight to gdansk, and that he drove from there to kali to svitlogorsk, found this person and first tried to explain to her why hotels are better than missiles, if donald trump succeeds , and i think that he will not succeed, he will have a heart attack, he will die in svitlogorsk, there will be a beautiful memorial to him, so if he succeeded, then he could go to vladimir putin, but through svitlogorsk. and this is also the place where they can place these weapons, because this is just very unnerving, but cuba, no, some other latin american countries, that is, no one, will not give them such an opportunity in these 2.5 years , we heard something from cuba that cuba would like to help the russian federation, that she sympathizes with her that they are trying to do something to make amends...


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