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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio. iryna koval, i congratulate all viewers, and now to the most important events. let's start with the situation in kharkiv, the enemy hit the city of kabami, writes the head of the kharkiv regional military administration oleg sinigubov. there is no information about the victims yet. information about the destruction is being clarified, specialized services have gone to the place. rockets also flew during the air alert and the enemy had previously fired rockets at myrhorod in poltava oblast and... rm with a cluster warhead,
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monitoring channels reported. and updated information is known about two victims as a result of the russian shelling of the shipping area of ​​kherson, reports the kherson military regional administration. one of the women was concussed, she also received a traumatic brain injury, the other was injured in the back and leg. rescue of people from the turkish community in donetsk region. in three days, law enforcement. they evacuated 711 residents, including 20 children. the city is located 3 km from the battle line, the enemy drops 20 bombs every day for residential buildings. currently, at least 35% of the houses there have been destroyed, according to the regional police. currently, about 10,000 residents remain in the community, many of them seek to evacuate, but the russians prevent them from leaving and target civilians. during
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this time, 23 people have already been injured , and in a week six died and 17 of you provided assistance . i started sending parcels more expensive, ukrposhta increased the cost of services in ukraine by an average of uah 5.10. according to the standard tariff , the price for parcels up to 2 kg in the region is uah 40. in ukraine - 45 hryvnias. express tariff - 45 and 60 hryvnias, respectively. the cost of sending documents and international parcels has not changed. the reason for the increase is the rise in prices for electricity, fuel, inflation, as well as significant destruction of infrastructure, ukrposhta noted.
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the espresso channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for quick evacuation of the wounded and transportation ammunition support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they choose victory every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so, atvs are indispensable helpers for evacuation. and they also allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the people of kholodnoyariv not only to successfully carry out combat missions, but also to return from them alive. join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. they detained a man involved in the murder of an official of the zaporozhye city council. on june 11 , the suspended director of the legal security department was shot dead near the entrance of a high-rise building. by maksym
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denshchyk. the unknown person shot four times with a firearm and then ran away. the official died in hospital. the police identified the shooter and his classmate. the accomplice is currently in custody. the accomplice is currently in custody, the prosecutor general's office reported. the shooter was declared wanted. illegally sold military ammunition. the director of the company is suspected of fraud international purchases of goods for the armed forces of ukraine, the office of the prosecutor general reported. under the guise of humanitarian aid, the attacker brought 1,000 protective shields and 3,000 ballistic plates for body armor to ukraine. he sold the imported goods and did not hand them over to the military unit. law enforcement officers seized plates and helmets worth more than uah 40 million. the perpetrator was detained. and in the meantime. powerful storms
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swept across europe. the storm covered switzerland, france, austria and italy. as a result of the natural disaster , at least seven people died, they write western media. 10 years of war is a documentary film created by espresso tv channel with the support of internews network, usaid and the us embassy in ukraine. recent history of ukraine from the first euromaidan rallies to the active phase of the full-scale russian-ukrainian war. the pre-premiere screening was organized in lviv. about the tape and the first impressions of the audience from what they saw, see below. 10 years of war, which actually lasts three centuries. the espresso tv channel presented a documentary film about an extremely difficult period of time, key moments of our history and modern heroes. this is
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a struggle from maidan 2013 to ukraine's counteroffensive against the russian occupation forces in 2023. the heroes of the film were social activists. and the fallen defender roman ratushny, his mother, poet and activist svitlana povalyaeva, journalist, politician and military officer tetyana chornovol and paramedic yuliya paevska, with the call sign taira. for all of us with you, these 10 years were here, we all experienced these events, we remember them well, we know them well, we missed them because of myself, and for the western audience, many facts of this film will be new, so the main purpose of this... film is precisely to show this context, what happened during these 10 years and why the russians are killing ukrainians today. in the story, the destinies of the heroes are intertwined with key events in the recent history of ukraine. all in order to remind
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and imprint in the memory of the audience the difficult lessons of the past. every revolution, especially the revolution of dignity, is a transformation, transformation of people, transformation of society. in general, history is forced to repeat itself because no one listens to it. when we constantly remind people and explain all cause and effect relationships, i am sure, then the chances of war in the future will be much less. oleg garenchar, who lives and works in the usa, became the director and screenwriter of the film. he has produced a number of historical, documentary and feature films for the bbc, which have received awards from international film festivals. harinchar cooperated with tv channel.
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and ordinary citizens. for more than a year, they worked on a documentary film, in order to as many people as possible could see and hear the value of the heroic resistance of our people in the war with the russian invaders. the film was translated into english. we must be able to learn from mistakes. therefore, the film tells about 10 years, and it also tells about 10 years because people have clip-on thinking. i really wanted people in other countries to see this film. many... what is here, we have seen, know, experience anew, and for many it will be a discovery, especially for those who do not know our history and have not followed much of what we have is happening, and of course we tried to tell about it through the fate of people, this is the most important thing, because the war is the fate of millions, here there are three fates, well, maybe a little
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more, parents, relatives, children, these are our friends and our acquaintances, and there are a million of such people , and i think that we will be able to... reach out to the world and release 10 years of war was managed by the espresso tv channel together with the all-ukrainian democratic forum public organization with the support of the internews network and the us embassy in ukraine. a delegation from poland, in particular, came to the shows legendary founders of polish and ukrainian solidarity, public figures, politicians. i advise everyone to watch this movie. this is a film about the emergence of the ukrainian state, how parallels were drawn with poland and its neighbors, and that we need to save ukraine at any cost, the speech is now about the existence of our state. screenings and meetings with the team of the film 10 years of war
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will be held in ternopil, ivano-frankivsk and rivne in the near future. in addition to ukraine, the film will be shown abroad, and later it can be seen on the air espress tv channel. and that was the news so far, you can read more on our website spreso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch our unique content on youtube. i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, quiet evening, in a few minutes meet the big broadcast and its host vasyl zymo. tingle. or creeping ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and worry you? the special complex of active substances dolgit
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our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how legislation changes our lives. what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 on the legal expertise program. on espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. my colleagues and i will be talking with you for the next hour and 47 minutes about the most important and many important topics for discussion. and economic. will ukraine be able to escape? default, whether it will be able to restructure its debts and why the imf does not want to write off
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ukraine's debts, as it wrote it off at one time to other countries, members of the international monetary fund, we will talk about this with the guest, we will also talk about ukraine's participation in the osce parliamentary assembly in bucharest, there is also good and important news today i will also talk to you about the situation at the front, because serhii zgurets is on important business today, so i won't be here today. but i will talk to the serviceman about the situation in the lyman direction, but before that i still want to remind you about the collection last week, we actually did a lot, we collected more than uah 70,000 in a week, so we did not have time to close this collection in a week. but we hope to do it this week, we are collecting on a minibus and jacks to repair heavy armored vehicles by warriors of the armed forces of ukraine, we are collecting for our soldiers who are fighting the enemy. in the zaporizhzhia and solodarsk directions, on the front line, in the so-called gray zone, that is
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, where neither ours nor yours, where the situation is very difficult, it is necessary to quickly send repair brigades so that they can restore armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles as soon as possible, tanks and ukrainian defense equipment could enter the battle again, so in order to deliver our repair brigades, mobile repair brigades to the contact line, wherever needed help, the military is asking to collect the following sum: uah 630,000 for a minibus, which they desperately need, and also for jacks, for jacks, because with the help of these hydraulic jacks, you can repair western military equipment, of which there are also many in the forces of defense and armed forces of the defense and armed forces of ukraine. now we have uah 585,523. in fact, i will say that last week you did a great thing, you collected more than 8,000 hryvnias, and we started with 54
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thousand, now we have 585. and i believe in you and hope that this week we will be able to assembly... to close and move to a new assembly, because in fact there are needs, we understand very well, again, that many things can be closed by our partners, many things can be closed by the state, but we must also close something, this is also our direct duty. rostislav, call sign rost, serviceman of the 97th battalion of the 60th separate mechanized brigade. mr. rostislav, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. mr. rostislav, can you hear me? i can hear you, good man, and i see that i will be you, well, now we will try to establish a connection again, because mr. rostyslav can hear me, we can see that there is some definite slowdown with his video signal, in any case, i think we can fix everything, mr. rosyslav, let's try again, congratulations,
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congratulations, and we will talk about the situation in the lyman direction, actually this is... the direction, if you follow the information from the general staff, from the operational and strategic management of the troops, has been under enemy attacks for quite a long time, the enemy is storming sometimes with the use of infantry, then with the use of armored vehicles, and please explain why the enemy has been active there for quite a long time, what is the importance of this particular direction and whether the enemy is continuing these infantry assaults, i don't want to say meaty, because it's probably the wrong word and i don't take part in them. defender so can't call if you call butchers let it be so i will say so using infantry is this continuing this week it was say last week or is the enemy changing tactics please i promise you, the enemy is not changing its tactics at the moment, the infantry is coming in large numbers quantity, i have equipment, because it
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is being destroyed on the approaches, our fighters block... the junction, the delivery of food, bullocks and provisions to the forward positions, therefore we make it difficult for the enemy to do their work and destroy them, we win every centimeter at the moment, which is very hard, a lot of fp, a lot of fpv, a lot of volleys at the enemy that never end in them. tell me , please, if you don't reveal secrets, again, because i understand, enemy, but i don't understand. i know, he follows all ukrainian broadcasts, both television and telegram channels, and there he is trying to get some information for himself, which he, let's say, does not have, although he also has means of observation and means of reconnaissance, so i do not think that the enemy knows anything at all, but is it possible to find a solution now , well, at least, if we are talking about strongholds, about trenches, in order
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to protect ourselves as much as possible from drones, are there in principle the eyes of drones in this war ? flying death, from which it is very difficult to protect yourself with nets, with the help of some other things, but is it still possible somehow, well, apart from the work of the reb, and again, to the work of the reb, are there in i will not say in sufficient quantity, because in sufficient quantity, as far as i know , there is never anything at the front, but are there these means of roaring, which could make the work of the defense forces easier, and thanks to our compatriots, who will donate to our brigade, our battalion, we are purchasing but we install them, so we ask to fight against fpv, against mavics, against outtels, with the latest technology, which is being modernized almost every day and it is supplied to us, from the basic protective ones, it is of course digging, digging and digging again, the
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deeper people dig, the more lives are saved, it is very difficult, but they dig. by the way, what is your weather situation now? i understand very well that, as they say, the fight will take place in any weather, and, you know, living now, working, say, in a rear city, in the capital of ukraine, and looking at what the weather is like, what the heat is, well it rains somewhere, but mostly in ukraine it is hot, you understand how difficult it is at the front and physically, because military people, or people who get tired, who must always be ready, but... work with what you say, dig, how much it affects the work and in general, how the heat affects, maybe it weakens the enemy in some way and he is not so active goes on the offensive when, let's say , 30 plus there. please, of course, the heat is very, very hot, today it was 36° celsius, people are exhausted, water leaves
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the body quickly, it is necessary, the fighters need a constant supply of water, because it is necessary, well, sweating is a normal function of the body, so to speak , and the enemy has that this is exactly what is happening, but for the sake of it... due to the fact that we block the paths of logistics, and the enemy is much more complicated, more difficult than we are at the moment, please tell me , but if, well, again, i ask, are you somewhere you know what to say and what not to say, you don't say what not to say, you say, we're working, there's a result, and that's all, and i'll allow myself to ask, only long-distance logistics succeeds in blocking there, let's say, maybe with artillery there or maybe... some other means, or here drones can also work, just to understand how far it needs to be aimed and how large-scale
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damage is needed in order for these logistical routes, well relatively speaking, those supply columns or whatever the enemy is using there, to be able to or destroy, or damage, or at least stop, stop the movement here and there, yes, please, of course, of course long-range artillery is there, it works. constantly, but constantly we use our fpv drones, which are very powerful, can fly very far, fly above zero, directly behind line-up for 3, 4, 5 km and inflict effective damage with four or five drones at the same time, and one unit of equipment can be destroyed in 2-3 minutes, three minutes. but we, you know, the viewers who follow the program of my colleague serhiy zgurets, the military summaries of the day, and generally follow our broadcasts, daytime marathons, there are morning ones, people roughly
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somewhere understand, say, the meaning of the time gap, somewhere they understand how the enemy wants to go to slovyansk from bakhmut through some way, i would like you to understand avdiyivka there, west of avdiyivka, where is the enemy heading, where is kramatorsk, where is pokrovsk, what is he doing? he wants, what he doesn't want, under what threat, well, there is new york-torets, it's a little different story there, but the lyman direction, why the enemy, what kind of enemy does he have, well there slavyansk is also not far to the west, but what is the main the enemy's goal, why does he not stop trying here, actually losing manpower every day, first of all, in equipment, and even more so, because he can gather manpower even from the migrants caught there in russia, they are 30,000 migrants, well, these workers were sent to... to the front , this information is only there, for example, but why is he spending armored vehicles and manpower now in this direction, what is the key goal, is this some kind of complex work of the enemy and he wants
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to go in different directions is attacking, or does he have some strategic goal somewhere, perhaps that general gerasimov knows, at the moment it is not a secret there, why the enemy is asking any there... to approach lehman with his own forces and surround it in order to get to the main road , which goes from izyum to sloviansk, konstantinivka, slavyansk, liman - this is the route that also goes to kharkiv, first of all, the dominant heights, izyum, the dominant heights, and the enemy, of course, will constantly try to break through there, yes, a way out. to the commanding heights, this means a loss, a great loss of territories and positions, so we cannot allow it to happen that the enemy even approached the liman within a distance,
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so to speak, of an artillery shot, or a mortar, that is, if i am very important, it is very an important direction that provides our rear, and the delivery of ammunition, there is food and everything else, but tell me, please, again , he does not name... or the moments, how it happens, because we know that, for example, when there is a rotation, some leave, others enter, or in within the limits of one brigade, or there is something different, it can be, there other brigades can go to one or another position, this also happens, and the enemy very often, if especially about this, we still have some people's deputies, by the way, who like to whisper about it, they are now not allowed on the front line, i will not name, but i think that everyone knows about such a people's deputy and. and the enemy, well , there were already stories when the enemy, having received information that they left somewhere, and where they did not enter, well, you know better, maybe
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even now you will tell more about how... maybe to have time to do all this before the enemy notices, that is why rotation is a very important moment, and it is also necessary, especially under such conditions, constant battles, heat, replenishment of forces, recovery, injuries, well, we understand everything, is it now such an opportunity to regain strength, retreat, rest, somewhere to take some necessary means, to come back with new forces, and as far as it is now possible, whether these means of enemy intelligence, well, these. their well-known lancets, there are eagles, everything that flies in them there, and they can control whether it is somehow possible to level them, so that not without information for the enemy , they can carry out the necessary rotation, the necessary replacements, the necessary carriages, and still keep them in good health 'y, both in strength and in providing the necessary those forces that get those important heights that you are talking about speak, please, and i can say for our lane, in the lane of the 60th brigade. rotations
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take place within the units according to the schedule, without the soldiers sitting in the positions, and we do not leave any positions, the rotation takes place in the positions themselves and the fighters from the positions already go to rest, when the fresh forces entered the positions and stood, nothing else happens , well, we fight with lanfets, we disguise ourselves. there are some measures that we conduct constantly, which help us in this, to carry out rotations, unfortunately, to tell i can’t, which ones exactly, and actually, that’s why i said that you don’t tell what you don’t need to, i absolutely understand that, and actually i don’t ask, because these are my secrets, my work, which should give the result, and not to be known to the enemy for sure, but do i understand that the effect of the law
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on mobilization could hardly be... tangible for you now, because so little time has passed, and even if you take the period of time that goes on the training of the mobilized, not even two months have passed, so it is unlikely that the people who were mobilized are there after the entry into force, but the information remains open, with us, here i will not reveal a secret, no one, that among the 2.8 million people who updated their data, one million 100 00 people are recognized as eligible, and now there is no limit of eligible , but in any case it is more than a million people. there is, as they say, who to choose from, and when you expect it, and how, perhaps, it happens to you, they go, well, that’s what the buyers from the brigade call it, and, for example, they choose who is needed, or whether these people should be brought , and i, it's just important to understand what the needs are and how, if you have them the opportunity to choose those people, maybe pointwise, maybe in a larger number, who could really effectively become a replacement, you
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understand. people are prepared, well, they either served or received some basic training, no one will immediately send them to the front line, but they can do some other work there, as you say, dig, well, at least, for example, how it happens and when there are expectations high-quality, well, first of all, high-quality, it is important, high-quality, i think you know it even better than i do for sure, the replenishment of a and e by those people who or went as volunteers, or were mobilized, at the moment we can say that we... we do not receive mobilization resources from this mobilization, which was also from the previous one , but we do not count on the fact that in the near future we will receive the authority and we will send of his people to select fighters for his unit, i can tell you that not a single fighter who was mobilized... to
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the front line earlier than two months is the minimum time required to train a person in the basics of this war. taking this into account, in two months the fighters will get to our battalion there to the brigade, and there will still be peace within the units of the unit of our battalion itself for another month, that is, three months. will pass from the moment of a person's mobilization to his departure to the front, it won't happen before, but it's still strange, but you know, i don't like to dispel treason, i never dispel it, but when i was reading like that today i was looking for our topic conversation topic for conversation, for our conversation and there, let's have people in active brigades, don't put them in brigades that are formed under some generals, well, i understand, we have
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people who always have winnigen. and so the colonels are to blame and so.


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