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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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in this process, there was a lot of criticism of the supreme court, that this process took a lot of time, because the charges against the former president themselves were brought back in august of last year, and then this process was considered on appeal in the court here in washington, and as early as march to be new hearings, but in the end, donald trump's team filed, filed an appeal to the supreme court, demanding, demanding such general blanket immunity. for the former president, according to which everyone would be taken, all charges against donald were dropped trump, as if he would have immunity against all accusations against him, and in the end the decision was so much more complex and we heard about it only today, and there were already many comments about this decision, trump himself and his team perceive this decision as such a complete victory, moreover, trump believes that after this decision of the supreme court, all accusations against him...
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including criminal, including administrative, including those related to even the activities of the former president until his presidency, on in his opinion, all these charges can, should be dismissed, and accordingly, conservative supporters, including among lawmakers, believe that this is such a significant victory for donald trump and a defeat for the joe biden administration, accordingly , democratic lawmakers believe that it is... a very bad day for history, i would like to hear the opinions of the legislators from the head of the republican majority in the house of representatives and the head of the democratic majority in the senate, i would like to hear their comments on this matter. it's a sad day for america and a sad day for our democracy. the very foundation of our judicial system is that no one is above the law. treason or incitement to rebellion. should not be considered the primary
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constitutional power vested in the president. in today's ruling, the supreme court concluded that what we knew all along, the president cannot be held accountable for his official actions, president biden's use of the justice department as a weapon against president trump is outrageous, unconstitutional, and must stop, even though it is increasingly clear that democrats believe their only path to victory in november is to prosecute their political...opponent, today's ruling makes it clear that this is prohibited by our constitutional system. these are the polar statements of legislators. oleksiy, how exactly this decision of the supreme court can affect the course of the trial on the charges of donald trump in an attempt to undermine the results of the presidential elections. and will this case be considered before the presidential elections in november? in fact, it has a very significant effect on the course of the process.
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today's supreme court ruling, and it 's really delaying the hearing of this case, even if there was a ruling today that trump has no immunity, no immunity at all in this case, the court hearings were scheduled for october in this case, the hearings would last at least 12 weeks, that is this case would drag on and there would be no decision on this case before the presidential election in november, given today's supreme court decision, it looks very, very likely. it is likely that the court case will even begin to be considered before presidential elections this year. thanks to oleksiy, oleksiy kovalenko was in direct contact with us, he talked about the decision of the us supreme court regarding the immunity of former president donald trump from criminal prosecution in the case of the storming of the capitol on january 6, 2021. leading politicians of the us democratic party on sunday supported president joe biden and rejected the idea that ... that he should end his
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campaign and not run for a second term in the white house, after according to polls and his own assessment of a poor performance in the debate with former us president donald trump. joe biden himself assures his supporters that he can still win the election. biden's campaign headquarters said that choosing a replacement for him as the only candidate from the democratic party will cause chaos before the national convention of the parties in august, and the state'. scott stearns and andriy borys discussed the freeway to losing the election, whether it is possible to replace the candidate from the party. after the first debate last week, donald trump and joe biden returned to their election campaigns. biden is trying to assure his supporters that he is ready for a second term in office after a poor debate performance. i give you my word like biden. i wouldn't be running again if i didn't believe with all my heart and soul that i could do
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the job because, frankly, the stakes are too high. the fundraising campaign that biden participated in over the weekend also gave him and his campaign an opportunity to address ... the concerns of those democrats who have begun talking about a possible replacement for the democratic presidential nominee party if there was a new, energetic, younger democratic candidate, i think people would immediately jump at that opportunity to hold trump back. trump instead said the debate showed this election was a choice between strength and weakness. the question every voter should be asking themselves today is not whether joe biden can survive a 90-minute speech on the dep'. at a rally after the debate, trump said he was convinced that biden would remain in the election race. a lot of people are saying that after joe's performance last night biden is leaving the race, but the fact is,
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i don't really believe it, because the polls show he has the best chance of all the democrats they're talking about. among the democrats who are said to be able to replace biden are: his running mate is vice president kamala harris, michigan governor greedhen widmer, california governor gavin newsom, kentucky governor andy bisher and illinois governor jb pritzker. none of these democrats are calling for a replacement for biden. a change of candidate can happen only if biden himself will decide to withdraw from the race. they're going to have to go to the white house and try to convince him, and he's going to be hard to convince. what you saw on the debate stage last night was joe biden, an honest
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president with character who told the truth, and donald trump told lie after lie. the first polls by cbs news after the debate show that most democrats believe that biden should still be their candidate, that the conventions of the political parties will have a greater influence on voters than the debates, says a professor of political science at marquette university julia azari. the latest research in political science about what events affect the willingness to vote, and which, by the way, is becoming increasingly accurate in predicting how people will vote in november, shows that party conventions matter. after the debate, the biden campaign held a conference call with members of the democratic national committee regarding the upcoming convention. some committee members told the associated press that this was too rosy an assessment of biden's path to re-election, criticizing the impact of the debate on the results were largely ignored.
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andriy borys, scott stearns, voice of america. in the first round of the parliamentary elections in france , the far-right national union party won. according to preliminary estimates published on the website of the ministry of the interior of france, she won almost 30% of the vote. the new people's front coalition took second place, and the centrist alliance of president macron came in third. the national union party was founded by marin lupena. currently, it is headed by jordan bardela. if the national association will receive in the second round, bardela can become the prime minister of the country. we will talk with our european correspondent bohdan tsyupin about what the potential victory of the far-right would mean for france, for europe as a whole, and how it might affect support for ukraine. my greetings, bohdan. bohdan, the current
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president's party took third place. what do these results mean for macron, and what might be the new arrangement of political forces in the country? in europe, about these results, the third place of the pro-presidential block in france is already they call macron's big political defeat, and they remind that president emmanuel macron himself announced these early parliamentary elections, they should not have happened so quickly now, he went to the bank and, as it looks, lost politically, lost these elections at this stage. but let's not forget, there is still a second decisive round, which means that the results may not be as big as the national union, the far-right party that is primarily associated with marine le pen, hopes
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for, that is, the system is that in the districts, where candidates did not score 50% yesterday, june 30. they will vote again, and now the opponents of the extreme right are trying to join forces, maybe even agree on the removal of the weaker one. a candidate, for example, from the left in favor of the center-right, or vice versa, the center-right in favor of the left, and such political maneuvering can rally the votes of the voters, and it is not yet clear whether marine le pen's party will get such a majority that will give it the right to form a government, at least an ally of president macron, prime minister. minister gabriel atal calls for political allies allies to prevent this. the lesson of this
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evening is that the extreme right has come to the door of power. never before in our democracy has the national assembly been at risk of being dominated by the extreme right, as it is today. and therefore, our goal is clear - to prevent the full majority of the national association from entering the national assembly, and therefore into the government. bohdan, what can change for ukraine if the far-right will still win a complete victory in the parliament, if jordan bardela becomes the prime minister of france, and actually what positions are expressed leaders of this party regarding support for ukraine? well, it is interesting that this party categorically rejects suspicions of being pro-russian, and himself... bohdan bardala said that he wants to help ukraine defend itself, but then
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certain reservations appear, and here the point is that president macron will to be in office at least until 2027 , and it is he who is responsible for defense and foreign policy, although if ... the government is formed by his opponents, it is clear that ms. le pen and her political allies have already plan to obstruct the president? yes, i believe that jordan bardela spoke very clearly on this issue: we support ukraine in its struggle with russia, we are ready to provide ukraine with everything it needs. aid, there are two limits, and president zelensky knows it, because we have always talked about this limit, it is the supply
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of long-range weapons that can deeply affect russian territories and turn france into an enemy country, and it is also the deployment of the military to ukraine, but this does not mean , that jordan bardela does not want to continue his studies ukrainian military. bohdan, what does the victory of the far-right, at least in the first round of parliamentary elections in france, indicate? what trends can we talk about? in europe in general, if you add to this the results of the recent elections to the european parliament or local elections, in particular in germany, it can give the impression that far-right parties, some of which are said to be more pro-russia, may be gaining more strength, although ursula funderlein according to the results of the european elections, she said that it... is holding, and it is, for example, the example of poland, where pro-european,
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strong pro-ukrainian forces won the recent elections, and let's not forget that the far-right forces are very different, for example, the far-right, as george maloney is considered, vitalii leads the party of brothers, brothers of italy, she speaks very loudly, very firmly in support of... ukraine, in support of nato, different from her, of course, is mrs. marine le pen, who looks skeptically at nato and at the united states, in particular, but the trends are certainly disturbing and worries, in particular, supporters of ukraine and those who are concerned about europe being a reliable support in the defense of ukraine against russian aggression. thank you, bohdan, we will definitely follow the second round with us on... our european correspondent bohdan tsyupin was in direct contact. we talked about the course of parliamentary elections in
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france and the impact of their results on support for ukraine. torture, hunger, lack of water and medical care. this is how most ukrainian prisoners describe their russian captivity. during the capture of the city of mariupol on of the beginning of a full-scale secondary. both civilians and military residents were imprisoned. yuliya imatviyeva, the judge of the mariupol ilichev district court, was captured during an evacuation attempt and spent eight months there. hennadiy zeleny took part in the defense of the city and was imprisoned after a concussion. however, he escaped from captivity. both currently work in kyiv. anna kostyuchenko and pavlo sluhodolskyi shared their testimonies about the russian captivity. 33-year-old ex-marine gennady zeleny trains new recruits at the training ground. rpg works.
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hennadiy was born and grew up in mariupol. for a year of conscription since 2011, worked in the structures of the ministry of internal affairs. in 2014, he took up arms for the first time to defend mariupol. on may 9, in mariupol , the central police department, i was just there when we came to receive the 100 hryvnias prize. this was the first time i saw a russian soldier with my own eyes. after that, hennadiy took part in the anti-terrorist operation in the east of ukraine as a volunteer. of 2016. signed the contract. in the 19th year, after a severe concussion, he resigned, and later worked in the court security service district court of mariupol. from the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russians , he went to fight as a volunteer in mobile groups of tro in a week. our first task is to evacuate the wounded with food or food to the position. but then the situation escalated even
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more and we already fought, took part in battles outside the garden, then in the place itself. inside. in march 2022, the fighting for mariupol centered around the azov steel plant. when gennadiy tried to get there, his car blew up with an explosive device. at that moment, we already had some left only two of my group of 10 people remained, me and my comrades, the two of us were asked to break through on a car, and after the explosion he died, i was seriously injured, well, i also got a contusion there and then i was captured. according to gennady. he and 20 other prisoners were kept in the basement of an apartment building, fed potato peels and technical water irregularly, tortured every day, he says. i was undressed, but due to the presence of a large number of tattoos, they somehow decided that i was some kind of intelligence officer of the azov unit and had some information for them
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important, then i was hanging by my hands, my hands were tied, there... communications in the basements of houses, there were such hooks, here i was hanging by this hook, eight teeth were knocked out, my shoulder was torn, there as a result of that , who hung for five, five or seven protrusions, well , concussions, concussions, there are problems with the legs, they were often beaten on the legs, then the russians began to shoot the captured residents and defenders of mariupol, says gennady. they shot over the head and that's all, and after a few days they felled again and shot another half of me was not shot because they thought that i was some important military man
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and could know something, he spent a month in captivity , one day gennady told his guards to move, but i tried something. according to gennady, he lived for months in the basement of a destroyed building, fed himself. scraps of food that he found and caught pigeons to survive. then, he recalls, he accidentally met a civilian acquaintance, and with his help he was able to call his brothers and tell them where he was. they approved my evacuation plan, the plan was dismantled, and i was evacuated from mariupol. hennadiy is not the only employee of the ilychiv court of mariupol who was
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captured. 42-year-old judge yuliya matveeva spent eight months in russian prison. her. age, a daughter, a teenager and a mother were detained by the russians on march 19, 2022, when they tried to leave the city. yulia's husband , an ex-prosecutor, was sent to the pre-trial detention center in olenivka, the woman says, and she was kept in a detention center in the city of dokuchaivsk, donetsk region, for two months. there, the woman tells, for a certain time she was in the same cell with the doctor yulia tyra paevska. later, yulia matvieva was offered to cooperate with the occupation authorities. there was a position. proposed by the judge of the supreme court of the dpr, and everything else, an apartment, and cars, and the release of the husband and reunification with the family. well, after i said that i was not interested in it, they charged me and chose a protective measure in the form of detention in the detention center of the city of donetsk. since the end
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of may, yulia has been in the pre-trial detention center in donetsk, along with 17 other prisoners in unsanitary conditions, the woman recalls. not that there is no water in general, there is nothing to wash your hands, even to drink. we saved that water as much as we could, and...saved it, when we really didn't have the strength, there the girls asked for water, they brought brine. because of the bad water, some prisoners got intestinal infections, but the women were denied medical care, says yulia. there was a very high temperature, all the signs of this infection were also there, no one did anything. it was forbidden to sit or lie down during the day, the woman says. according to her, the jailers demanded. your
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strength, you know, the more you are worthless, the rather, you try to prove the opposite, but in these situations it is just so. yulia was regularly taken to interrogations, threatened with shooting, tortured with electric current, the woman testifies. matvieva was released on october 17, 2022 as part of exchange of prisoners, it was possible to take the incriminating document that the russians had drawn up against yulia from her prison. complicity in actions aimed at violent seizure of power. i voiced my position that i do not recognize it. this article was particularly severe, from 12 to 20 years of imprisonment or shooting. julia's husband, artem matveev, was exchanged in march 2023. you watched the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas taay. y. natalia leonova. good bye.
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poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's go come up with, help understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. it's about politics, about the world maria gurska, a journalist of the ukrainian tv channel espresso and editor-in-chief of the eu sisters portal, we are talking to the head of
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the foreign affairs committee of the polish sejm and the head of the council for cooperation with ukraine pawel koval. and let's start with the fact that on june 25, the european union began negotiations on accession with ukraine. what is the meaning of this ceremony for us? the key, this is the most important thing that has happened in geopolitics in recent years, the european union is really starting to expand, the eu is showing putin that it is not afraid, this is really a ceremony, it will last a long time, because it is about 35 gaps to discuss, this is all true, but also a fact , that on june 25, 2024 ye said yes, we want ukraine to be in the european union, like moldova, we are starting negotiations.
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putin loves the west's weakness, its indecision, and when there is no hesitation, putin is afraid negotiations on accession with ukraine were supposed to begin six months ago, at the end of the 23rd, but then hungary's position stood in the way. you and i discussed then the scene from the vote for the start of negotiations, when charles michel had to take viktor orbán out for coffee, so that there would be an opportunity to vote for, despite his opposition. negotiations are finally starting, but july 1 also marks the start of hungary's presidency of the european council. what to expect from the start of negotiations in such conditions? this means that everything is now in hand officials, the hungarian presidency may have some influence on this, but not too much. and the good news is that poland is coming after hungary, so if hungary delays the talks, poland will try to speed
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them up, because poland is... and the one eu country that really cares about enlargement, so i'm all for it i say, there is no such case in history that someone lost due to the enlargement of the eu, it is obvious that we will win both politically and economically, there is a super synergy, because ukraine also wins in this case, this is important for both countries, it is also necessary that the negotiations pass quickly, it is important that they are deep and thoughtful, because from the polish point of view there will be several important topics related, for example, to the protection of agriculture . poland, of course, is not the only country that will try to negotiate good solutions to protect its market, but the process itself is already beneficial for us, and most importantly, poland does not put forward an additional essential condition that almost every western country puts forward, they say, well , let's expand, but a new contract is needed on the functioning of the eu. poland believes that the negotiations should take place on the basis of the current treaty. and in this sense, poland is the only such partner of ukraine among large
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countries. we believe that to go through difficult negotiations and do it quickly, maybe one more thing: poland and maybe also romania, but romania was a little delayed because it was not in schengen at first, so we are the only one of the big countries who do everything right at once and quickly. poland is a country that joined the eu and has experience. germany did not join the union, italy did not join, neither did france, they did at once were in the eu, but poland was not. we joined the eu, we passed it, and we want ukraine to join as well. you mentioned that poland will preside over the european council from january 1. it is predicted that the first chapters of negotiations will be opened at the beginning of 2025. it will be either a chapter on justice, or on freedom and security, or public procurement. not yet accepted, but it
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will definitely be something from the base unit. it is also clear that the speed of negotiations will depend on the pace of reforms and the demands are high. what reforms does the eu expect, and how to implement them during the war. of course, during the negotiations, it will be taken into account that they are taking place during the war. i would not be afraid of it for ukraine either. it is actually about these topics, if someone in the west criticizes ukraine or expresses various doubts, we hear precisely about the fight against corruption, about increasing the competitiveness of the economy, about de-oligarchization, and all these will definitely be important elements for the western partners, and these things are hidden in the negotiations . and puki...
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but while ukraine is joining the eu, the path to nato does not look as concrete as we would like. not so specific, but the statement of the deputy head of the state department was clearly prepared in advance, and let me recall exactly how he formulated it. integration bridge, integration bridge, but he also said that ukraine will get a clear perspective of membership. perhaps he even used the word to emphasize a clear, educated path to nato. these are not legal provisions, these are political declarations. but they are, and we are very happy about it. but i would also like to ask you about this bridge that supposedly guarantees membership when there is political will, when will the political will appear and what is the point of bridges that do not work? this bridge will work, the current nato summit is special because, on the one hand, it is an anniversary event, which means that everyone pays a lot of attention to the issue of the anniversary itself, but it is also special because of the flights...


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