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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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broadcast, we understand that tyshchenko allowed himself to cross all legal and ethical boundaries, we hope that this whole cohort of all his mistakes will be taken into account in the investigation, if we talk about any further proceedings against tyshchenko, well but now it's time for news on espress tv channel, so i'll pass the floor to my colleague irina koval, who is ready to share with us all the most important state of affairs at this moment. iro, we welcome you and we ask. let us know what we found out. marta, thank you, you also congratulations, congratulations to all our viewers, literally in a moment in the episode i will tell about viktor orban's visit to ukraine and about the situation in different regions of our country, so please wait.
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news time on the spresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all the viewers and i will just now tell you about the most important events. ukraine and hungary plan to sign a global agreement on cooperation, prime minister of hungary viktor orban said during a joint press conference with ukrainian president volodyr zelensky. orban noted that his country is ready to support the modernization of the ukrainian economy and has. the intention to help kyiv during its presidency of the council of the eu. at the same time, the leaders of the two countries agreed to open the first school for ukrainian-speaking children on the territory of hungary. this is the first visit of the hungarian prime minister to kyiv in the last many years of strained relations. he came at the invitation of the ukrainian president. it is interesting that serhiy rybrov, the coach of the ukrainian national football team, was also invited to the meeting. he used to be an eye. to the training camp of the hungarian club
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ferenc varos. in general, the content of our dialogue on all today's issues can, can become the basis for a future bilateral document between our states, a document that will regulate all our mutual relations, which can be based on a mirror approach to bilateral relations between ukraine and. hungary, which will allow our peoples to enjoy all the benefits of unity in europe. mr. president said that we held constructive talks, we are trying to close all previous disputes and focus on the future. we wish to establish relations between our countries and to sign a global agreement on cooperation, similar to those that we have with other countries. and orban communicates with
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president zelenskyi, ukrzaliznytsia did not miss the chance and ridiculed the visit of hungarian prime minister viktor orban, who for many years could not get to kyiv. it is difficult to get tickets from budapest from day to day, - the press service of the company wrote on its official page. a new government begins work in the netherlands. 16 ministers, including prime minister di'. shoff and vice prime ministers took the oath in the presence of the king in the hague palace, local media write. before that, king willem alexander of the netherlands signed decrees on the appointment of a new head of government. dix hoff will replace mark rutte, who became the secretary general of nato, in this position. the new ministers have already been approved by the parliament after six months of coalition negotiations. armor officials
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of the cabinet of ministers allowed the working group on the issue of organizing the conscription of conscript civil servants to submit proposals to the minister of defense to increase the volumes reservation the government made the relevant decision today. that is, the number of officials booked from mobilization will increase. more than 3,000 prisoners have received permission to mobilize into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, they have already been released on parole and sent to military units, as the deputy minister of justice of ukraine olena vysotska noted, the interest in the prisoner mobilization program even exceeded expectations . the main motivation for volunteers is to return home a hero, not a criminal. the ministry emphasized that there are about 27,000 prisoners can be mobilized in exchange for parole. "copies of the military
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ticket can be obtained in the reserve plus application," reports the ministry of defense of ukraine. from now on, in order to reproduce a military registration document, it is not necessary to go to the central committee or the central committee. after the application in the application, a copy will appear in electronic format, it can be sent to yourself in any messenger. the ministry of defense notes that it can be used in all situations where it is necessary. and about the situation in different regions of our country. so, it grew to nine the number of victims as a result of the morning shelling of kherson. a 37-year-old man sought medical help. man. in the morning, the invaders attacked the city with artillery. a 54-year-old woman died. utility workers working in the central part of kherson also came under enemy fire. a 63-year-old woman received a blast injury and a shrapnel wound to her leg. her colleague has a contusion. two more men
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were injured in the yards of their own homes. took away aluchuv. an infection has arrived here. they called an ambulance, they pulled me out, pulled out the fragments, i refused. almost three dozens injured and four killed in donetsk region. in the evening, the occupiers shelled the village of novodmytrivka with cluster munitions. a 74-year-old woman died. four people were injured, the regional prosecutor's office reported. private houses were damaged. two people died in ukrainska, another 13 people were injured, in addition, the russians dropped an aerial bomb on selidove, a local resident died, three more were injured in the village of sukha balka, and one each in kurakhivka, zarichny, komar and new york. two women
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were injured as a result of the shelling vasylivskyi and pologivskyi districts in zaporizhzhia, the head of the region ivan fedorov said. during the day, the russians attacked 11 cities. and villages of the region, eight residential buildings and infrastructure facilities were destroyed. four people were injured as a result of shelling in the city of pivdenne in kharkiv oblast. as a result of the evening attack, a private enterprise and a warehouse building were destroyed. power lines were damaged, oleg sinigubov, the head of the region, said. russian terrorists also fired at a wheat field in the village of karasivka. the fire covered more than 2 hectares. harvest tv channel espresso invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation.
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they choose victory every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so, atvs are indispensable helpers for evacuation. your support. significantly increases the chances of the people of kholodnoyariv not only to successfully perform combat tasks, but also to return alive from them. so join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. to the head of the state enterprise arena lviv yuri maiboroda was informed of the suspicion. the official is accused of purchasing equipment for the video monitoring system at an inflated price. according to law enforcement officers, the state suffered because of this. losses of uah 2,900. maiboroda was removed from duty. the lviv it-cluster handed over equipment worth over uah 1 million to the air command.
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the military received computers, monitors and communication equipment as part of the sky project. the project is a joint initiative of the lviv it-cluster and the lviv regional military administration and pmk zahid. the goal of this project is to help our air defense to be as effective as possible. obviously, communication is the basis of cooperation between the military, that's why we have so many requests and we try to fulfill them. we even joke that after the end of the war, our pmcs will be able to open some probably quite large it company. therefore, despite s'. time we perform both our main activities and , of course, our volunteer activities, in everyday life, everyone feels when the internet goes down, everyone feels when the connection goes down, as well as we need communication, stable communication with each group, with each unit in order
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to be able to prove information and get exactly the data we need from them, that was the news at the time, you can read more : on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks, there you will find a summary of the main points and of course watch us on youtube, and we will see you at 16:00 on... our team works to so that you are the first to know all the current news, then the ether my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii continue. thank you, iryna koval, thank you to the news editorial staff for their tireless, extremely important work. meanwhile, about important visits, not only orban. rushed to kyiv today, german chancellor olaf scholz came to poland for the first
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intergovernmental consultations since 2018. olaf scholz has already met with polish prime minister donald tusk. yes, this is reported by donald tusk himself on the x social network. i quote. europe today needs strong leadership and a common position on security issues. yes, donald tusk congratulated his german challenger at. of poland and i will remind you that the last consultations took place between poland and germany in 2018, between chancellor angela merkel and prime minister of poland mateusz morawiecki. well, we understand that polish-german relations were quite tense, in particular during the time of the previous government team in poland, the question was about compensation or reparations, which the polish population suffered from during the second world war. from the german nazis, but now we will talk about something else, about ours
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utility company, and we will also talk about our tariffs, a rather complicated topic, we understand that the electricity tariff has been increased since june, but it will probably not end there, well, at least such signals have begun to arrive from the international monetary fund. now we will talk about it in more detail with oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine and first deputy chairman. on energy and housing and communal services. mr. oleksiy, we congratulate you. congratulations, good day, glory to ukraine. slava is the hero, so what, are you expecting an increase in gas tariffs and the light of ukrainians, this is a big question. at least now there are some signals from the imf that tariffs will have to be raised sooner than when the war is over. we would like to ask you what exactly the imf requires of us and whether there is really a threat that these things will happen. can be increased in the near future? thank you, well
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, that's a good question, of course, it's better for pef to find out what they want from us, but they always wanted one thing, that our budget should be non-deficit, deficit-free, and that excess funds from the budget should not be spent on unnecessary things, including subsidizing everyone's tariffs as unnecessary. electricity, electricity, gas, heat, water, utilities and so on, they have always had this position there for 15 years and they have not changed, and the governments of ukraine have always tried to convince them that we will one day make tariffs market-based, although now we will discuss there , what are market, non-market, simply high - this is one thing, market - this is another, you understand, if there is no market, then no matter how high you make the tariff, it will never be enough, that's by the way. today is a threat the main one for the ukrainian energy markets, because there are clear signs of monopoly, and in such
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conditions, what exists today is very difficult to call a market, well, whatever it is, we are talking about an increase, they demand it all the time, i read there that after all, they say, you will have to do it right after the war, right after the war, and well , there is nothing strange here for me, this is... such an attitude of ukrainians that after the victory, after the war, an easy life, well, unfortunately, it won't be, well, these are obvious things, you see, and it should have been understood yet a long time ago, when we chose the path of european integration, joining the european union and unifying the markets, it is absolutely clear that if we build the energy and gas market together with the europeans, the prices for electricity and gas will definitely level out there, that's one thing. .. will happen much sooner or later, i understand that the key question of ukrainians here is that
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our incomes, and they are right, of course, here it is necessary that the incomes of ukrainians grow as much as possible ahead of time, i can say that the latest trends, no matter what, average wages are increasing and it is now almost 1900, and besides, there is a shortage of workers these days, and i'm sorry if a person at a young age... can't make a living from one job, well, it's okay , so it will work on the second day, well, that's how the whole world works, you see, another thing is that pensioners are the most vulnerable, which worries me. personal, this is the most vulnerable category today, these are pensioners, and the state has to take care of pensioners, well, and disabled people , to ensure the maximum possible, well a more or less comfortable level of the transition of this tariff experience, but i tell you right away, i divide in principle, the incomes of ukrainians are the incomes of ukrainians, pensions or pensions, pensions
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in our country will unfortunately lag behind, this is such a curse of the countries of the post-soviet period, all countries that... were breaking away from the snow, they passed, unfortunately, this period is very difficult especially for pensioners, here they need to be maximized, subsidies should be supported, look, i would like to clarify, in our country there are schedules, emergency schedules of power outages, as well as in different regions, they seem to be different, that is, as far as we understand, there is some kind of specification, someone controls similar processes, or it is determined at the level of, i don't know , ukrenergo or something like that. good question , look, the graphs are secondary, because the graphs are drawn on, well, they are prepared in advance, but they depend on the real limits, the limits, yes, these are the limits, they are in numerical form, the specific consumption volumes that can be allowed, this is the central company dispatcher ukrenergo allocates these limits for each day, maybe about
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to redistribute during the day, because the situation is dynamic, and within these limits it must... be, accordingly, the schedules must be squeezed in, you understand, so that the consumption is squeezed within these limits. unfortunately, there is a question for me, why many people in kyiv complain that they sit for 10-12 hours, well , no, this should not be the case, i conclude from this that there are limits for kyiv that do not take into account the entire volume critical infrastructure, everything belongs to critical infrastructure, you understand, not only here. there is some kind of warm water there, but it is administrative buildings, this is a multitude of administrative, both city and state institutions, you see, i have the impression that this critical so-called infrastructure of kyiv in quotation marks eats up a significant part of this limit, and as a result, the people of kyiv do not have enough, who would have to check, this is definitely such
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a body of the state energy inspectorate, and i believe that it is simply obliged to do it, the only thing is to make it... as independent as possible, because that is how it enters into this, into the ministry of energy, and it becomes political, to a great extent sorry i don't i want to insult the manager, but you understand, the government is always politics, and here we have to talk about institutions that are as far removed from politics as possible, and there is one more nuance that is very important, but by the way, no one talks about it, look, i 'll explain to you on your fingers, these are batteries, yes, batteries, everyone is now a fan of batteries. in ecoflo, let's recharge and all that, it seems attractive, and now we turn on the brain at the level of an experienced, well, intelligent schoolboy, yes, look, we have a stable consumption, and when there is no, the light disappears, then it is turned on, turned on, we consume stably
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and add this battery, which is very rich, pulls from the network, do you understand? everyone turned on these batteries at the same time , a very serious load is additionally coming from the network, and the limits cannot calculate it, and as a result, the limits are highlighted, and these moments, when there is electricity, the load increases significantly and as a result, all the graphs are broken, this is my hypothesis, which i am checking now, mr. oleksiy, and what to do with it, we understand if it will be hard... winter people will buy some kind of charging stations in order to somehow work when there is no light, so you understand when, excuse me, babbling experts tell that everyone should buy these batteries immediately, i say, if they are batteries from the sun, that is, not from we take the network, you understand, but from the sun, yes , i support it, that is, we do not put an additional
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load on the network, from the sun they can install it individually. houses, but it costs a certain amount of money, but i can calculate it quickly, 3 k - mr. oleksiy, in the winter they are sunny the panels will not be able to cover, so absolutely true, absolutely true, that’s why they are summer, that’s why these batteries are from the sun, they are for 6-7 months, then they will work very inefficiently at 15% power, and from the network, well, sorry, we are all the same we take it from the network in winter. it will be even more, you understand, and then i have really serious questions about how these batteries will save us, because you turned on the battery, maybe you had time. to charge it, but you thereby took some limit from your neighbor at the same time, you understand, and he may not have light, he can make some other groups, other schedules
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in order to take into account that they will be turned on at the same time, these are very serious tasks that today face energy workers, namely network workers, that is, not generation, but the network network stations, but unfortunately, it was not calculated, we have very... such bad accounting, consumption regulation is very primitive, you understand, it is not automatic, there at the automatic level they turned it on, turned it off, but no, there is a lot of manual regime, and this is what we have left behind weak networks, and indeed today the energy industry in manual mode is trying to somehow ensure this very justice, well, you can see that it is not very successful, and unfortunately, this is the backwardness of these networks, and networks are a separate conversation on... it is definitely necessary to understand , what with the tariff for this distribution and for supply, what were the investment programs, how was this money spent, whether
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it went into the network or not, this needs to be analyzed, which no one has ever done in this country, and some kind of analysis would be useful to us an interim energy commission of inquiry or something such that it is somehow taken off the tongue, well , that's why, well, i don't want to get into politics now, but you know tymoshenko's position, well, it is... helped our leader to formulate it, and we, we ask, we, we demand, friends, well, it's not just kucherenko tymoshenko, well, you enter the same way, but then we 'll figure out what happened to the money that was spent on the network during this time, because mr. pavlyuk goes on the air and says, you ate there, yes the money is there somewhere, and now you have to pay €3-400 somewhere, and i want pavlyuk to tell me personally and millions of ukrainians, and... where do we go, if we have this money, and where exactly do we have to pay it now, in order to help ourselves and the state as much as possible. can pavlyuk show it? absolutely not,
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i guarantee you not, understand? story, and what else needs to be done now, well, we understand, now it’s summer-summer, july is a month, the heat has started, everyone is thinking where the next air conditioner would run away, yes, right here, in fact, the main story about what to expect in october, november months, because knowing the vile nature. the russian federation, what will it do, it will continue its criminal activities practice, they will be, they will be beaten both in terms of generation and energy distribution, well , accordingly, i would like to know that someone controls all the sporadic, perhaps sometimes chaotic or non-systemic, and maybe on the contrary systemic movements of our energy workers in order to prepare our the country to extreme scenarios, yes, which can start, well, i would not like to, but one must have confidence that... someone controls those who do? unfortunately, unfortunately, i have to disappoint you, i'll be honest , i don't want to crush the betrayal panic right now, but i'm absolutely in this regard
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consistent, i will remind you, and on your broadcast i said dozens of times, i wrote letters to the government, i spoke at the government meetings, i addressed this prime minister, who is just like billiards, like pin-punk, you know, there- here, a ball to the left, a ball to the right, i ask one question, we are the last years from 19'. year since the launch of the energy market, this process was for deregulation and liberalization, i.e. the state withdrew as much as possible from management, all companies are independent, everyone works there exclusively under their own conditions, there is no balance, as the norms of the law, you see, at most this is such a decentralized, deregulated energy management system, which theoretically should become a market one, unite with... well, does anyone still not understand that during the war , the management system, primarily energy
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and the country itself, must be adequate to the state of war, it must be a system of management during wartime, no one does this, and therefore all the tasks, these slogans that you hear at presentations, are there in luhansk in nime... chchini, somewhere else , there is no one to give these commands to, because there are everywhere, or private companies, or some supervisory boards, an independent regulator, part of the campaigns under the ministry, part of the energy under the government, others under the state property fund, and i declare that this is an absolutely unmanageable situation that absolutely cannot, it is such a form of management , save us during martial law, what is wrong here? during the 2.5 years of the war, not a single law, not a single normative legal act, which would work specifically for the war in the field of energy, excuse me for interrupting,
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finally i would like to clarify what to... expect with such a pace of restoration of our transformer station is asked a good question so that we will finish everything with optimism, i will just tell you that we are full of optimism, traditionally, fortunately, the average bank of energy and energy companies, both public and private, knows what to do and does its job, they are now doing it very correctly, they have practically nothing about they don't say that. these are now the pseudo-experts who are spreading the word, you see, the energy specialists have closed their mouths, well, in a good sense, exclusively either kudrytskyi kukrenergo or the ministries, and this that's right, this is all the information, there is preparatory work on the part of energoatom, unequivocally, this is the main hope, there is preparation and preparatory work on the part of other energy companies, don't disturb them, that's the first thing.
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to provide resources and a stable tariff policy, but so that the tariff policy also reassures the consumer, so that you and i are convinced that this is money for energy and not for yachts, this is a key issue, this is for that tsk, you understand, and definitely the main factor, we all pray, air defense, and every statement of president zelensky about what we have something in this regard is improving, i am very positive. i take it in a good mood. the last one was just yesterday. we thank you. oleksiy kucharenko was in touch with us. people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the committee on energy and housing and communal services of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. on this optimistic note, we are now taking a short break, after which we will analyze equally important topics. wait, literally a couple of minutes and we will be with you again. there are discounts presented. the only
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