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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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uzhgorod points, which were dedicated to the preparation of orban's visit , started talking about his possible visit back in january, well, but now we will hand over the floor to our colleague irina koval, since it is time for news on the espresso tv channel, so iro, congratulations, we hope for more information about you will already announce orban's visit to kyiv in this issue. thank you marta, and about orban's visit, and about the ongoing russian terror, wait for the next issue. it's 4 p.m. in ukraine, and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel in iryna's studio for your attention blacksmith. i congratulate all viewers and just now about the most important events. and we start with the situation in the kherson region. a resident
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of bereslav was injured. the russians dropped explosives from a drone when a 54-year-old woman was in her own yard, the military administration of the region reported. the victim was taken to the hospital with a blast injury and contusion. and two women died as a result of a hostile attack by russians in nikopol , dnipropetrovsk region, announced the head of the region serhii lysak. there are also nine wounded in the city. during the shelling, the enemy caused a lot of destruction in the district center. local houses, educational institutions and a dispensary were damaged, shops and a beauty salon were affected. almost three dozen injured and four dead in donetsk region. in the evening , the occupiers shelled the village of novodmytrivka with cluster munitions. a 74-year-old woman died. four people were injured, the regional prosecutor's office reported. private houses were damaged. two of the dead are in ukrainska. thirteen more people were injured. in addition,
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the russians dropped an aerial bomb on silidove. a local resident died. three more wounded in the village of sukha balka and one each in kurakhivka. zarichny komari and new york. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they choose victory every day, they don't leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield, so atvs are indispensable helpers for evacuation. your support significantly increases the chances of kholodnoyarivtsi not only to successfully carry out combat missions, but also to return from them alive. so join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. ukraine and hungary are planning to sign a global agreement on cooperation, the prime minister of hungary said.
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viktor orban during a joint press conference with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi. orbán called the war in ukraine the most important issue for europe today, but it was not without provocative statements. the prime minister offered zelensky to cease fire at the front. he emphasized that he is not an opponent of ukrainian plans to end the war, but considers them too long in implementation. i wonder what's going on at the meeting. the coach of the ukrainian national football team, serhiy rybrov, was also invited. previously, he headed the training camp of the hungarian club ferenc varos. let me remind you that for the first time in more than 10 years, viktor orban arrived in our country. the last time he was in kyiv was during yanukovych's presidency. in general , the content of our dialogue on all issues today can become the basis for...
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a bilateral document between our states, a document that will regulate all our mutual relations, which can be based on a mirror approach to bilateral relations between ukraine and hungary, which will allow our peoples to enjoy all the benefits of unity in europe. mr. president said that we held constructive negotiations, we are trying to close all the previous ones. disputes and focus on the future. we wish to establish relations between our countries and sign a global cooperation agreement similar to those that we have with other countries. and while orban is talking to president zelenskyi, ukrzaliznytsia did not miss the chance and made fun of it the visit of hungarian prime minister viktor orban, who for many years could not get to kyiv. tickets from budapest can be taken from the day.
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it's hard for a day, - the press service of the company wrote on its official page. a new one is starting work in the netherlands. the government of 16 ministers, including prime minister dick schoff and deputy prime ministers, took the oath in the presence of the king at the hague palace, local media reported. before that, king willem alexander of the netherlands signed decrees on the appointment of a new head of government. dix hoff will replace mark rutte, who became general, in this position secretary of nato. the new ministers have already been approved by the parliament after six months of coalition negotiations. officials of the cabinet of ministers of armor allowed the working group on the organization of conscription of conscript civil servants to submit proposals to the minister of defense on increasing the volume of reservations. the relevant decision was taken by the government today, that is, the number
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of officials booked from mobilization will increase. more than 300 prisoners received permission for mobilization. of the armed forces of ukraine. they have already been released on parole and referred to military units. as the deputy minister of justice of ukraine olena vysotska noted, the interest in the prisoner mobilization program even exceeded expectations. the main motivation for volunteers is to return home a hero, not a criminal. the ministry emphasized that about 27,000 prisoners can be mobilized in exchange for parole. a copy of the military ticket can be obtained in the reserve plus application - reports the ministry of defense of ukraine. from now on, in order to reproduce a military registration document, it is not necessary to go to tsnapu or tsk. after the application in the application, a copy will appear in electronic format, it can
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be sent to yourself in any messenger. the ministry of defense notes that it can be used in all situations where it is necessary. dangerous flight. 30 passengers traveling from madrid to uruguay's montevideo suffered due to turbulence, according to reuters. people who were not wearing seat belts were suddenly thrown to the ceiling. due to the strong impact, the passengers suffered fractures of their arms and legs. the plane was urgently diverted to the natal airport in brazil. to the head of the state enterprise. arena lviv yury maidaroda was notified of the suspicion. the official is accused of purchasing equipment for the video monitoring system at an inflated price. according to the law enforcement officers, because of this, the state suffered losses of uah 2,900,000. maiboroda
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was removed from duty. the lviv it-cluster handed over equipment worth over uah 1 million to the air command. the military received computers, monitors and communication equipment as part of the sky project. the project is a joint initiative of lviv it-cluster, lviv oblast military administration and pmc. west. the goal of this project is to help our air defenses be as effective as possible. obviously, communication, this is the basis of cooperation between the city, between the military, that is why we have such requests. a lot and we try to fulfill them, we even joke that after the end of the war, our pmcs will be able to open some probably quite a large it company, therefore, despite the difficult times, we carry out both our main activities and,
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of course, our volunteer activities. in everyday life, everyone feels when the internet goes down, everyone feel when the connection is lost, in the same way , we need a connection, a stable connection with each group with... each unit in order to be able to prove information and get exactly the data from them that we need necessary. look for more interesting videos on the espresso youtube channel. be sure to subscribe, because there are live ether broadcasts of all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section. share them, comment and be. such was the news at the time, we will see you already at 5 p.m., our team is working to ensure that you are the first to learn the latest news, you can also go to our website esreso tv and follow us on social networks, there you will find a summary of the main points, then
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my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antin continue the broadcast barkovsky. thank you to iryna koval, we gratefully take over the informational and analytical relay of events today as usual. a very important signal from the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. we will talk about how to bring lasting peace in ukraine closer. so? thank you to hungary, the president wrote, for participating in the peace summit and supporting communiques. this work in the format of a peace summit is really helping to stop war. well, as they say, let's wait and see, but in any case, the kremlin reacted neutrally to viktor orban's visit to kyiv and noted that they don't know anything special, and orban didn't consult with him... well, let's move on , we go further and involve ivan kyrychevskyi, a military
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expert of defense express, we are now trying to establish contact with him, we understand that due to power outages across the country may cause some or other problems with communication and sound and image, so we try to work in such difficult conditions, but we hope that the fact that we have certain technical inconveniences, the very meaning of what we are talking about we say, of course he will. more important than form, and today too, mr. ivan karychevsky, we would like to discuss the topic that, by the way, in our live chat on the espresso youtube channel, you are asking why we are not talking about the explosions in myrhorod, we are about it was spoken on at the beginning of our broadcast, we had vladyslav seleznyov, and we asked him about this topic, so we will talk about it with mr. kyridzhevsky, so i want you to understand it and also understand it. that we try to talk about everything and about important topics that concern not only our state, but also
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international topics, so we will talk about all these topics with our guests in turn there is our youtube channel you can join, subscribe if you haven't already did, because on our youtube channel you can find not only live broadcasts of our live broadcast, but also in the video section to watch videos and... special projects of our tv channel and programs, and exclusive content is there, so please join, spread that content you like, comment on it, and yes, by the way, it will be recommended and seen by as many people as possible. well, gloriously of course, or sadly, of course, the american congresswoman victoria sparts, by the way, ukrainian by origin, got to she managed to pull with her. a gun in a suitcase on board an american plane, so
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according to the representative of the airport authority of washington spart was charged on friday, this is how it happened, according to the press secretary of victoria spart, it happened before the international departure of the representative of congress from dallas airport to the meeting of the parliament the assembly of the organization for security and cooperation in europe, so ... by accident, says the press secretary of sparts, she accidentally carried an empty a pistol without a magazine and cartridges, and she did not know about the presence of which in the pocket of the suitcase, well, this is exotic news from a rather exotic ukrainian woman who currently works in the american congress, but okay, myrhorod, let's start with him, ivan kyrychevskyi, military expert defense express is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. ivan, good day, glory to the heroes, well, they jump up in... in russian, the ministry of defense begins to tell how they destroyed all, okay, it's dry there, how they all destroyed the f-16, f -35 and
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so on, in short, they destroyed the entire aircraft fleet, we understand that this is a lie, our officials assess the situation quite carefully, because most likely the so-called false targets could have been used, yes, there are wooden plywood or inflatable ones, some or the other - aircraft objects. well, we understand the purpose for which all this work is being done, but what is possible, what is already proven, in your opinion, will you voice? you know, in principle, we are in a bit of a strange situation, when some leaders of the houses decided, let's say, to emphasize a certain problem that is not hidden, that is, that we need more means to fight reconnaissance drones, but they passed, well, let's call it that, on the verge of a foul, because that's what yesterday... an info drive, well, that is , russian video footage where it seems that something is depicted, well, the essence of those footage
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, only one conclusion can be drawn: the russian occupiers claim that they apparently hit the parking lot with a cluster iskander, well , let's just say, the object is similar to the parking lot of our planes, that's all, because there you can start in the nuances, garage, there is something there it seems, some kind of object, similar to so27 ub, but it could be... well, in the sense of ub training-combat, but it could even be, well, a long time non-combat aircraft, and besides , you know, we can't even be completely accurate, well, sure of the location of this place, moreover, the people who started... to film the violence there yesterday, look, it’s somehow ours, that, let’s say, we’re opening up their judgments, what’s possible, it’s our aviation, the russians can work so freely there, it seems that they they forgot about, maybe about the restrictions of national legislation, if it forbids the dumping of any there are estimates or data on where certain means of espionage
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of the defense forces of ukraine can be located there, so you know, this is a certain paradoxical story that for some reason the infospace will drag us... to discuss something that, in principle, should not be discussed, if already, let's say, the option of believing in reasons has fallen away, let's say that everything that could be done in this situation has been done, so we could at least turn on common sense and the instinct of self-preservation, well, because let's say so, we even take the official first , you can you know, to open the official telegram channel of the air force, and establish two things for yourself, first, that the fact of the flight. drones or reconnaissance drones in the direction of poltava oblast, myrhorod oblast, the air force recorded and warned the residents of the region that there would be combat operations. second, if you open and kill there, you know, the request: myrhorod in shelter and calculate, accordingly, it will turn out that the russians are hitting myrhorod for incomprehensible and rational reasons, perhaps not
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much more than they did at old kostiantynov, it's just the paradox of the russian attacks on old kostiantynova, what are they trying to do? you know, we discussed, but with regard to myrhorod, why is it so often recorded there, for example, attempts by russian strikes, this is not discussed, so forgive me, well, some of my fellow students yesterday, as if they had just seen some realities of the war, that the russian occupiers are actively trying to be on our airfields, and, let's say, with varying degrees of success. by the way, in this context, i want to quote yuriy ignat, the former spokesman of the air force, he says that look at the official ... gram of the air force , they are airfields under fire every day, under ballistics every day, under the eyes of enemy drones and constant attacks. our people on the ground are trying to protect what they have and strike back, and i won't go into detail about the incredible efforts that are being made, this is war and unfortunately not without loss of equipment, and he also said that when the enemy strikes attack, so what can be said, it hits
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our airfields every day, trying to destroy the ukrainian aviation, and sometimes it achieves its goals, we are ready to tear. in the social networks of everyone and everything, i mean my commanders, who could not, did not take care and so on. well, i will tell you here, i completely agree with yuriy ignat, because when we have some complex massive attacks of ukraine, and our air defense shows fantastic results, then everyone claps their hands and says how well done, and when there is a certain an unpleasant aspect of the work, since due to the fact that there is even a basic lack of certain means, they cannot cover all needs. then this is what happens, you see, already contemptuous attitude, and this is a big problem, and by the way, mr. ivan, i wanted to ask you, we just had vladyslav seleznyov, we also talked about this topic with him, and he says that maybe he was, after all, well, it was expedient to build some hangars in order to cover our aviation, i think that this work is already being carried out, but i would like
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another position, the key story here is whether ballistics was used or ba... so iskander, were there still uavs of different types, we understand that certain such palliative measures, they may be relevant if we we are talking about shahedis and so on. when ballistics is here, you understand, build a hangar, don’t build a hangar, maybe, i don’t know, somehow hide it, but taking into account the enemy’s intelligence in the sky, yes, the work of various russian intelligence systems, including drone systems, it is not so easy to do it. but we have, mr. ivan, yes, if we talk about, it would seem that the idea lies on the surface, well, we just need to take it, build a very powerful concrete fortification, only there is such a very unpleasant for us structure of reality, when even the americans with their officials, it would seem that they cannot afford such resources, there is an unpleasant statistic for the americans, and not a very happy one
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for us, that in the last six months, i ask , not six months, but five years, the us air force has helped the oceanic region. using its resources to build only 20 fortified facilities there in the pacific region, well, that is , hangars, well, a hangar for one tactical aircraft, in fact, and this despite the fact that there is a constant threat there that, god forbid, if a major war begins with china, then china is not will spare any arsenal of medium-range ballistic missiles to protect these hangars, because it is one thing that you can build a hangar that can withstand the impact of a drop-caliber kareonno aerial bomb, and it is another thing that the occupiers are working on us with ballistic scanners, this does not justify any inactivity, that there is no need to build anything there, of course there may be different options, only here is another specific story, but you and i have already outlined what... er, myrhorod, if we even just go by official reports in open access, it is, unfortunately, shot at by the russians with a certain regularity, so it is possible to build something
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capital, long-term there, it is technically difficult, but there, because, well, fortunately , the territory of ukraine is large, there are also enough infrastructure sites , and fortunately we do not know what is happening at other infrastructure sites, by the way, just in case, about various unpleasant moments, that... open access, i think that, in principle, you can say such a thing here, so what air force official communications, this also did not come, they even told that , for example, as of april 2022, when the first wave of full-scale russian aggression had just been repelled, 100 units of radio engineering equipment had to be restored somewhere, well, to put it simply, there are radars and other , the fact that for the detection of air targets, statistics were not provided there, for example, for aircraft, for anti-aircraft missile systems, but this is simply even this figure that was laid out. its time for official communication of the air force, it directly points to us that it is possible that when the occupiers declared that they were very close to destroying our air defense system
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in general, maybe they did not do much, it was just that a certain feat took place here and there in all places that generic anti-aircraft fighters, who repaired equipment, for example, in their time, that our defense units, who simply raised anti-aircraft defense from its knees, which actually then provided us with such, well, you know, right... well, a relaxed lifestyle, when cruise missiles go astray at the level of efficiency there 75%, not 10 and 30%, it was the first weeks of the war, or full-scale war, or previous local conflicts there at the end of the 20th, beginning of the 21st century, so literally i , personally, subjectively, emotionally, this story with myrhorod i perceived it roughly in the way that i imagine that there are still people in ukraine who think that nothing is happening here, and for them this is the first terrible discovery of how intensively the enemy works on our military infrastructure, unfortunately, well not the first mr. ivan, well, on the other hand, extremely
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our fighters are working intensively, in particular, on military facilities in the temporarily occupied crimea, yes, well, it was hot and loud on monday. here, in occupied sevastopol, balaklava district and so on and so on. it happens quite regularly, yes, it explodes, we don't know if it's... pla, if it was point targets that were hit, well, the russian interventionists are spreading their propaganda that they need, so that they say, ukrainian drones are flying and they were destroyed by the russian occupation air defense, so that there was in fact, i don't know, maybe you have such information, and in general, if we are talking about crimea, the crimean peninsula and the presence of the occupiers there, how far we have progressed in what is called elimination. of russian air defense systems from our long-suffering peninsula, hovered, hovered,
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ivan kyrychevskyi, well, problems with light, and yes, problems with communication, well, maybe it will unfold now, yes, well, let us remind you that several loud explosions rang out in the evening in occupied sevastopol over city, there was smoke, this is in this area, in balaklavskyi area, they are based there. russian air defense systems, according to russian sources, which have no analogues, anti-aircraft defenses also have no analogues, and they defeated everything, as usual, but it is also known about the attack on a military unit near the village of flotskyi, the russian authorities traditionally announced the work of air defense, allegedly over the waters of the black sea, they destroyed air targets, as many as four pieces, and the debris fell on the coastal zone, but, as he rightly noted... the commander of the air forces of the armed forces of ukraine, mykola olashchuk, was alive. considering also and the situation in myrhorod, i will simply quote olashchuk. in which, in quotes, destroyed by enemy
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propaganda, ukrainian planes continue to successfully perform combat missions, launch missile and bomb attacks on the positions of the occupiers and eliminate important military facilities in the enemy's deep rear. on july 1, ukrainian pilots inflicted a devastating blow on an ammunition depot in crimea. thanks guys for the great job. yes, well, ivan kyrychevsky is not joining us, we understand that there are legitimate problems, yes, communication, electricity and so on. let's go now for a short break, after it we will talk about the most important things, wait. attention, total sale, garden trimmers kors unboxed with a discount, only from 799 uah, only 799 for reliable. tool, high power, ease of use, very profitable, minimum effort, maximum result, have time to order while the video is being broadcast, trimmers are light and very powerful, mow with gas near the fences along
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week in the collaborators program. leaders of putin's youth organizations in the occupied territories. today, the entire zaporizhzhia region celebrates the day of reunification with the russian federation. but what prospects do the rashists offer teenagers for betraying ukraine? i advise you to contact the ministry of youth policy. watch the collaborator program on tuesday, july 2 at 5:45 p.m. with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in the new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and
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turn on. verdict isergy. rudenkom, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. a new week on espresso, a weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, an analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion. take stock with us. monday evening and confidently step into the new week, the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smolii every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. the espresso tv channel's information day continues. well, orban visited our glorious kyiv today. ihor chelenko, in touch with us, is the head of the center for analysis and strategies. glory to ukraine, mr. igor, we congratulate you. glory to the heroes, congratulations. well, the ukrainian president had a conversation with
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the prime minister, and several messages were sent, and the message was official from our president, it was about the fact that orban will work more actively to hold the second peace summit, and in response , a signal came from the kremlin , that they say that orban did not consult with the kremlin about anything, well, and accordingly orban himself said that they will work on bilateral relations, as well as... and ukrainian european integration, so the air alarm started howling, or whining, well, nothing, sir igor, let's go for now, for now say, it flies, can you give us a brief outline of your feeling from orbán's visit? well, in my opinion, this is now one of the elements of shuttle democracy, not the fact that orbán flew...


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