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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2024 11:00pm-11:29pm EEST

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oh, this bastard will not deport herself to bolot, she is guaranteed a cell in prison. there you can also engage in self-education and development, study the constitution of ukraine and remember that the borders of our state are indivisible, and its territory is integral and inviolable. well, this person literally sings the praises of russian soldiers. meet anna oleksandrivna shkinder, born in 2001. originally from henichesk. shkinder has been singing since childhood, dreamed of a career, a big stage and supporters, and when henichesk was occupied, the invaders made offers to the singer, they will wash the moscow stage, duets with putin's artists, concerts on red square, and she will sing the praises of the svo fighters and great russia. here is one of... her
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performances in bolotnaya capital, how much joy, how much pride in her eyes. along with the stage, the rascals gave the traitor the position of teacher of vocal art at the heniche school of arts. now she promotes the culture of the russian world among children, prepares them for performances on various russian national holidays, as well as for participation in russian song contests. it allows the integration of children's and youth music groups from new regions of russia into russian... shkinder is a frequent guest on tv, she even took part in the new year's program goluboy aganok, where she sings russian pop along with gazmanov. oleg radion gazmanov and other talented artists anna shkinder. there are no suspicions about this young prostitute yet, but i have a feeling that she is already facing a criminal case and
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a long prison term. and finally, i will tell you about the new head of the temporarily occupied oleshki, ruslan khomenko anatoliyovych. unfortunately, we are a frontline area. but despite the constant shelling of our enemy, we made a holiday for our children today. it is known that he was engaged in family business, was the founder of several companies, and in 2006 he opened the kompromis legal agency. his political and, at the same time, his media career began under the occupiers, when he sat in the chair of the fake head of the oleshkiv municipal district. oleshkiv municipal district shows a high voter turnout. we make our choice for the benefit of the future of our region. khomenko is in office works on russification of the city, receives awards from gauleiter volodymyr salda, restores memory to the city. soviet authorities,
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for example, lenin. we were able to restore such a remarkable pedestal to this day. it is very gratifying that people in the settlement are supportive. based on the pace at which the occupiers change heads in the temporarily occupied territories, it is not long to sit in the chair of leader khomenko, and we hope that we will soon tell you in our program how this sell-out will end up on the dock, and then in prison. it there was a collaborators program and i am olena kononenko, if you want to talk about the kremlin's conspirators, write to us at this email address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso.
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russian troops wipe toretsk and new york, which are in donetsk region, from the face of the earth. meanwhile, hungarian prime minister viktor orban offered kyiv to cease fire. we will analyze what lies behind such a proposal today in svoboda live. my name is vlasta lazur. hungarian prime minister viktor orban asked volodymyr zelenskyi to think about a ceasefire, which, according to him, can speed up peace negotiations with russia. this is undoubtedly the most resonant statement of orban during his current visit to kyiv. here , a lot of clarifications are immediately requested, what does it mean to cease fire, who should cease fire, only ukraine? and what about russia? what do peace talks with russia mean? and does it depend only on ukraine? zelensky, however, did not directly respond to such a proposal by orban, at least. i asked mr. president about
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can't we take a break, cease fire , and then resume negotiations, because a cease fire could... in all the issues of today, could be the basis for a future bilateral document between our nations, a document that will regulate all our relations, which can be based on a mirror approach to bilateral relations between ukraine and hungary, which will allow our peoples to enjoy all the benefits of unity in europe. we agreed that our teams will continue working on the details of joint solutions. well, before today, viktor orban remains almost the only leader of a european state who did not
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visit ukraine during the full-scale war. moreover, orbán remains the only european leader who maintains relations with vladimir putin and meets with him despite russian aggression. in principle, there was no hungarian prime minister in ukraine for a very long time. the last time he visited kyiv was during the presidency of viktor yanukovych. so why did orban come to kyiv? why did he talk to zelensky about the ceasefire? what could remain of their plots negotiations? well, in the end, orban came to kyiv as who? as the hungarian prime minister or as a representative of the european union? after all, from yesterday on july 1, hungary began to preside over the eu, as the guardian writes, for example, between the interests of budapest and the interest. the european union itself is a conflict. well, returning to orbán's statement today about the proposal to cease fire and that this will be the basis for further negotiations. again, i draw your attention to what we just showed you: volodymyr zelenskyi did not directly, at least publicly during the press conference, answer this
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proposal, instead, his answer directly related to the relations between kyiv and budapest, further cooperation, further agreements, in particular he will mention. took hungary's participation in the peace summit in switzerland and emphasized that it is important for ukraine, and so on and so forth. dmytro tuzhansky, director of the institute of central european strategy, joins our broadcast. dmytro, my greetings. good evening. so i will repeat the question that western media probably asked themselves rhetorically. orban, like the hungarian prime minister, came to kyiv today or as a representative of the european union and the leader of the country that begins to preside over the eu. is there not such a big difference? viktor orbán arrived and he is playing with these very statuses, and this is exactly what he asked for a maneuver, that is, he believes, and this is, frankly, quite reasonable, that going to kyiv during or at the beginning
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of the presidency or the presidency of hungary in the eu council, is a much stronger position than, for example, going after the eu summit, when you were forced to go out for a coffee, you know, and this... in particular, the room for maneuver that he will use, for example , inside the country to explain to the hungarians why he went to the capital, where, i don't know, there is a government that apparently oppressed ethnic hungarians in transcarpathia all these years, i'm not talking about fascists and nazis, there are no such narratives in hungarian such mainstream propaganda, pro-government, well, some have it, but it is not something overwhelming, that is, fortunately, here. also, for example , viktor orban will now play this visit at the european level, that is, imagine someone telling him that you are putin's agent there, and he will say: wait, when was the last time you were in kyiv? i just came back from there, i went there on the first day of my presidency. that is why viktor orban is a very cunning, smart politician, he
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planned everything well. the question here is how we will use it and what will happen in the fall after the presidential elections in the united states, because in... orbán even did this trick because he no longer has the resources to wait for trump in a conflict position, he has to now play the good guy. he 's been a badboy for too long, he's out of resources almost we need european money, we need to boost our reputation a little bit, we need to become a constructive player a little bit, you know , plus show, you know, at a time when only the european commission is being formed, which will become operational sometime in december, by the way, this year, it is not so everything will be fast, look, i can be no... than ms. ursula or someone else, that's why viktor orman has such ambitions, such thoughts, and i wouldn't underestimate him in this regard, well, i wouldn't underestimate him, here yes, i understand, leaves room for maneuver, so that everyone would wonder in whose role he went to kyiv, then, then i have a second question, and how
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should one consider orban's proposal, which he made publicly during the briefing, about a ceasefire, is this his proposal, or is it a message from the kremlin . nist, or is it probing the soil, how to understand it? well, look, this is a pro-russian vision of the situation, and this is precisely one of the problems that viktor orbán very often evaluates ... or at least interprets it from a very pro-russian, or i would even say, frankly, from a pro-chinese point of view side, but this is something that viktor orban has been repeating for a long time, it is not something new, and the fact that he said it in kyiv, it still seems to me that it is such a gentleman's agreement, because pay attention to how volodymyr zelensky reacted to it, he pretended, and this is very clever, by the way, it seems to me that this, you know, is the limit of compromise, when the ukrainian side said, okay, well, i imagine... it's roughly like this, you remember, there was a conversation in brussels before this visit between viktor orban and
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the president of ukraine, where they were gesticulating something, well, now i just i'm improvising, but i think that at some point there was such a thing, well, orban says, well , zelenskyi, i can't help but say that i'm for peace and a ceasefire, zelenskyy says, well , okay, say it in kyiv, i don't mind, i won't be offended if, i won't object to you, but let's agree that you won't . block there for the next six months or you , for example, unlock 9 billion in picfacility for our weapons. orbán thought so, well, okay , well, let's do it. therefore, it all looks to me like such a gentleman's agreement, especially recalling how the ukrainian side reacted to all these statements, similar statements, by viktor orban, for example, in the first year of torture, yes, that is , they were always notes of protest, condemnation, hate, well, fair, to be honest, but now it all came out so diplomatically, as in... inappropriate, as if the ukrainian side did not even hear that orbán proposed a cease
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-fire, well, then maybe, dmytro, you have been following hungarian and european politics very well for a very long time. which depends on the personal relationship of the two leaders, just visually look at this meeting, how they exchanged remarks, after all, how they both interacted, can we say that orbán somehow favors zelenskyi? orban is cautious, orban has lost his sense of ukraine, the ukrainian media say that he has not been to kyiv since the 12th year, this is a mistake, he was in the 15th year, no, he was in the 15th, he was at the inauguration poroshenko, they later met again, but still from my understanding and from the fact that a person is outside the system, but for him politics is also personal relations, emotions, here they are, by the way, very similar, but whether there is chemistry between them, well, it can appear. and to be honest, it seems to me that this visit, it is important, of course, but
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somewhere such a turning point was their conversation in argentina, when volodymyr zelenskyi, then at the inauguration of mr. miley, he simply caught orban, it was before the summit of the european union, at which orban wanted to block the opening of negotiations with ukraine, he was caught there by volodymyr zelenskyi, and they talked like this, it may appear that if volodymyr almost zelenskyi... wanted to have a fight there, you know, if, but because, if, as the information spread after this conversation, it was a very objective, good conversation, and it seems to me that after that orban respected zelenskyi even more , as a leader, here, so let's see, maybe such a chemistry will appear between them, eh, but the question should be opened, i say, the relationship is too neglected, the communication is too complicated... and the vision of the situation is too complicated, they are different, and the factor
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of russia is a very toxic factor and it is very, very big for china as well, by the way, as well do you think there could have been something so interesting behind the scenes that we don't know about, but what was definitely the topic of conversation? i think that the key thing remained the plots, i will tell you, this visit of orban to kyiv, his behavior, well , it is something... unprecedented, i remember this only when volodymyr groysman went to budapest in the 16th year, his everyone met, how then, after poroshenko, such a nice person with a potential cavalry, everyone said he was, well, the dust was blown off him, now viktor orban's behavior is very much like that it's not typical for him, and yes, i think that exactly all the peace plans and peace initiatives and the end of the war, that's what was seriously discussed. zelenskyi and orbán not so much in terms of what orbán is, if the
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decision-maker, but orbán is a serious communicator between moscow, beijing and trump, and also these right-wingers in europe, and he is after all an experienced smart politician, i'm not sure that everything he says in public he says behind closed doors, i think behind closed doors he's more open, more substantive, so it seems to me that there were many things there. plus a big intrigue is ukrainian-hungarian relations and their restart, getting out of this clinch, from these permanent conflicts, this constant , i apologize, so to speak, but... this is also chewing gum about national minorities, that someone is oppressing the hungarians, it must be completed already, because no one oppresses them anymore, the legislation has been changed, improved, now these 11 points are actively working on them, actually, actually, i wanted, i wanted to move on to this, what to expect in the context of hungarian-ukrainian relations, explain in simple words what exactly budapest demands from kyiv, because you mentioned these 11 points, i reread them,
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to be honest, i didn't understand much, but there was, for example, one such point among them that. .. hungary demands, as far as i understand, to recognize the entire transcarpathian region as the territory of traditional hungarian residence, to change all the signs there, including to make them bilingual, and even in those settlements where hungarians have never lived en masse at all, what is this that's for snitching in transcarpathia, if i understood correctly, and whether this is a serious demand or just a game for its internal hungarian audience, look, in fact, this moment with the recognition of transcarpathia is traditionally hungarian. this is not a demand, it is not in the 11th list, it is a proposal, a request, a demand, i don’t know how, but in the course of negotiations, it is like an additional thing, and i know there is such a blogger, mr. roman, who has such a meme, when he looks at someone who said something stupid, i want to see who it is from the hungarian side, yes formulated, there is a hungarian ambition, they have been asking for this for a long time, remember when we
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passed legislation on indigenous peoples, and they say, well, we are not a diaspora, and it is true, hungarians in ukraine are not a diaspora. people, people have not moved here, they have lived here for a thousand years, and this is a central european phenomenon, when people live in one village, i don’t know, all their lives, but at the same time they live there in three or four countries, because the borders are moving, here, but we cannot legally make a decision to recognize hungarians as indigenous people, because in they are the mother state, that is, it is a kind of casuistry, you understand, these details that should be discussed publicly, well, they should be discussed by professionals, that's when there was a request, this is very emotional, well, well, admit it. then they are called indigenous people in zakarpattia, well, how do you recognize indigenous people in transcarpathia, and it seems to me that this proposal appeared because of these emotions, because it was just discussed which territory of the place of compact residence should be extended to this new legislation, where there are these additional rights for national minorities, you will understand, duplication a sign in hungarian or in romanian, it is not a problem, it is a european
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practice, if the rights of national minorities were to be ensured, if you go to eastern slovakia, you will see a lot of signs. in the ukrainian language , the same thing, you will all go to the romanian language, you will see the same in romania, there will be a ukrainian radio, you will go, for example, to pejce, hungary, a city near the croatian border, and you will see the ukrainian flag in the city hall, i was there, i saw it, because there is a ukrainian community there, so it is very important for us to separate this one, you know the russian colonial discourse, when russia used national minorities to annex crimea and occupy donbas and start a war from the european discourse, where national minorities are a matter of dialogue. knowledge, greater rights, bilingualism, that is the way to move, it is clear that with this hungarian rhetoric it is difficult to do when you are being blackmailed, demanded, but you know, you have to try and depoliticize this issue as much as possible, but i say again, with hungary it will be difficult, and orbán will hold on to this lever of the rights of national minorities until the end,
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because you understand, for europeans, this is such a very sensitive issue, and it's like, you know, like a litmus test of democracy, that is... you'll never completely solve this issue, especially with the hungarians, when there's this trauma of trianon, when i say the borders changed during the 20th century, well, a crazy number of times, and it is the same as between hungary , romania, hungary, slovakia, this is the only, only option, it is simply the accession of ukraine to the european union, and then everyone will be happy, both ukrainians and hungarians. thank you very much, you absolutely right yes, that's how it should be. dmytro tuzhanskyi, director of the institute of central european strategy. we talked about the results of viktor orban's visit to ukraine. well, we continue to discuss the results of the hungarian prime minister's visit, his proposals, kostiantyn eliseyev, head of the public organization center for new solutions, extraordinary honorable ambassador and representative of ukraine in the eu 2010-15 joins our broadcast. congratulations. i congratulate you. why now, why exactly now
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, from your point of view, viktor orban has come. well, first of all, this is not orban's first visit to ukraine. where some media report that this is the first visit since the 12th year, in fact there were his visits to ukraine in the 14th year and in the 15th year, but this current visit is very important for orbán from a political point of view, he tried during the visit to assert himself and show himself as a leader in the european union, primarily as the chairman of the eu, and of course, he also tried to assert himself in this way in the context. formation of the new composition of the european parliament, you know that today is being formed, and now orban is trying to form a new political group in the european parliament. unite the so-called far-right and become the center of gravity for all far-right political forces in the european parliament, and actually the day before there was
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information that he had already attracted certain far-rights from the czech republic, austria, and portugal to this group, and that is why he is now gathering this group , according to this, in order to record it, it is necessary to have 23 deputies from at least seven countries, and he tried to do it. third, he tried to show his pragmatic position towards ukraine and somewhat dispel the narrative that orban is allegedly playing putin's trick, but, but we can stop here, he also offered ukraine to cease fire, isn't this such a russian narrative, that's exactly what what is calling, what is russia calling on behalf of ukraine, to cease fire? you know, you have noticed very correctly, but i, as an expert , have a question about whether he did this on behalf of the european union, because let me remind you, he is the president of the eu, and when the leader of the presidency countries in the eu goes to any country, in fact he speaks on behalf of the entire european
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union, so i would now recommend to our foreign ministry not to make a request officially to brussels and inquire whether this call to stop shooting is the official position of the european union, whether he agreed such a position, for example, during the summit of the european union, which took place, by the way, last week, of course i understand that he did this in a national capacity, but this, if you are a responsible politician, then he should have said this, that he makes the national quality, but this statement really shows that he came to ukraine and offered to simply surrender, because you understand that if ukraine stops shooting, there will be no ukraine, if russia stops shooting, then there will be peace, that's all. maybe viktor orban demonstrated in this way that he claims the role of a negotiator between ukraine and russia? i think that he tried to use this visit to
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demonstrate to moscow his readiness to promote a peace-making narrative in kyiv, and here it is very important for the ukrainian authorities to prevent the use orban of the meeting with zelenskyi is a propaganda operation, a special operation of the kremlin. and let me remind you that six months ago there was a statement by the security service of ukraine, remember, on december 2, when poroshenko was not allowed to go to budapest to meet with orban, then there was an official statement of the security service of ukraine, which characterized orban, i quote, as a person who systematically expresses an anti-ukrainian position, coma, is a friend of putin and calls for the lifting of sanctions from russia, and at that time the sbu was just drawing attention to the ... unacceptability of a meeting with orban, who is promoting the russian narrative and promoting the need, i quote this statement, of the negotiation process with russia under the conditions of freezing the war, that is
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, nothing has changed since then, then this particular visit did not take place under this pretext, but today he is coming, so the same narrative is being promoted , so we need to be careful about this, maybe something has changed, maybe we just don't know about it, we don't know, maybe orban thought and... decided a little bit there, i don't know, to put one foot on the side of ukraine, if he made this visit, after all? well, you know, i think that he calculated more pragmatically, all the puzzles fell into place on his side, on his side, and he decided to come, because i did not hear those questions that concern the interests of ukraine, the answers to those questions, for example, i did not hear whether hungary supports, for example, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine, here is a simple statement, he said it, he didn't say it, or? supports, for example, the membership of ukraine in nato, clearly, he did not say, especially on the eve of the nato summit, whether he supports, whether he will finally unblock the european peace fund, you know that
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so far they have blocked more than 5 billion euros, whether he supports the use of profits from russian frozen assets, they are now also expressing a rather cautious position on this, whether he supports the introduction of increased sanctions against the russian nuclear power plant, for example, he did not say this, there are many. these are very important statements that you have just made, and it is in the interests of ukrainian society to hear these statements from orban, but you are an experienced diplomat and you know that as a rule such visits are prepared in advance, and the messages, narratives, speeches, as far as i presume, can you correct me agreed by the two sides, if it was planned from the very beginning that orban would not answer all these questions, then the ukrainian side accepted it, which means... the ukrainian side is simply thinking of using this visit for their own interests, i think that they probably thought because to show this visit to moscow, and it was exactly what was expected.
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slightly different statements from orbán, i think they expected exactly those statements, although about the support of territorial integrity, on the other hand, i believe that orbán made more positives for himself, because he tried immediately after the beginning chairmanship and after the start of the negotiation process with the eu, concrete the known 11 conditions in the relations between ukraine and hungary, pay attention, it was he who proposed to conclude a new one. bilateral political agreement between ukraine and hungary, and of course one of the goals of this agreement will be to once again fix these 11, it seems to me, conditions, which in my opinion are not very acceptable for our country. i would like to remind you that we currently have an agreement on good-neighborly principles of good-neighborly partnership and cooperation, which was concluded in 1991, and it was
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one of the first. if i am not mistaken, on december 3 , 1991, and there it is written in black and white that hungary recognizes the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine. this is a principled provision, and by the way, please note that this agreement could not be ratified for two years, because hungary was constantly questioning this sovereignty and territorial integrity. finally, it came into effect. i don't know what new they want to insert into this new, as he says, agreement. all the more so if we aspire to join the eu and will members of the european union. therefore, i think, here the game was, as they say, one goal. thank you very much, kostyantyn yelisieev, head of the public organization center for new solutions, extraordinary honorable ambassador and representative of ukraine in the eu 2010-15. we talked about the visit and the results of viktor orban's visit to ukraine. thank you. well, in the meantime, russia is stepping up its offensive on toretsk and new york. this is bakhmut
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district. daughter the settlements are located next to each other, and judging by the map, the russian forces have about one left to turkey kilometers, and even less to new york. a few days ago, for example, there was light in new york, but now russian cabs are wiping the city off the face of the earth. journalists working there say that no one even takes out the dead civilians anymore, they are buried right in the courtyards of high-rise buildings. our colleague serhii horbatenko filmed one of the evacuations in new york. take a look. you'll be here, where should i go, well, why burn here or what? konstantinka, let's take you out, i won't go anywhere, not for us, where i'm already 85 years old, where i'll go, think about it, when it arrived, well , when it's 2 o'clock today, why don't you want to go, there's nothing, that's all, i won't be able to take you by force, after all, there's no street,
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