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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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there's nothing, that's all, i won't be able to take you by force, after all, there is no street where konstantinovka will not come, no matter where in life, in life, konstantinovka, even to new york, even to los angeles, to i don't want to die here, let's go to lenka, and there it will be...
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goodbye, what about you staying, i'm staying, but what 's left here, look, the houses are on fire, i'm a neighbor, well, well, what's up neighbor, you'd better leave, on what are you hoping for here in new york, come on, let's go, we have to go, look, on ozerska, again i couldn't pass, where are mine. this is your jacket, all that's left, yes, yes, more a toothbrush, they took a passport here, an application, a family, four people, slovianska street, terez stakhanivska, the baptist brothers arrived, tell me what happened to you, the drone arrived, and that's all. we barely had time to jump back with
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andrii for literally 3 seconds. will we be here? yes, they will take us away, have you finally decided to leave? yes, but what to do? and what do you say, many people died? so. a lot, a lot, there is an unexpected arrival, they were sitting on a bench near the entrance, and everything hit the woman, how many people died in the iron plant, and on the mountain, how many died, i worked in the hospital, how many nurses died, we returned alive, we took out a dozen people alive, gave them a chance to live on in ukraine, and why are we not returning to new york today, because new york, on alas, before... it was already happening, as
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i call it, on the alley of drones, that is, if the russians could accidentally hit us this morning, now it is already a targeted attack by drones. how will the evacuation take place now? now the evacuation will take place, i hope that the local authorities and the state will do a little more will allocate specific armored cars, and the police and rescuers will deal with it. well, what are they doing in turkey now. stanislav krasnov, the platoon commander of the first amphibious assault battalion of the 95th separate assault police brigade, joined our broadcast. congratulations. i wish you health, i congratulate you too. each other please tell me what is happening in the turkish direction these days. just now, just now, a person helping to evacuate people says that new york, for example, has changed. on the avenue
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drones, and i understand that this is unusual, this did not happen there a month ago, yes, the situation now is extremely difficult, extremely tense, exceptionally great resilience, the courage of our soldiers is at zero, it does not allow the russians to capture toretsk and the settlements that are nearby, but the assaults by huge overwhelming forces do not stop, not even for an hour, regarding the local residents, the plot that was previous, it really is, now the battles in the country estates near toretsk are going on very hard, and they are going straight where the local residents live, right next to their houses, this, even the people have not yet had time to come to their senses, do not understand what is happening, shops are operating at zero, right where the assaults are taking place, and because of this a huge number of victims, in addition to the russians they use the number of cabs, dozens and...
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accordingly, a lot of local civilians die because of it, they beat up the shops, they beat up the high-rise buildings here, well, it's pure hell here, they obviously didn't touch this direction until... a long time, so that it was here calmness, and somewhere more in the district weeks ago, they are here accumulated a huge amount of strength and made such an unexpected rush here that they do not stop and continue, they are trying to achieve success, i am stanislav, i draw the attention of our viewers, you are literally joining us from the trench, yes, yes, i am here right next to the battle line actions er... well not far from noises yes noises it's another settlement look, well, judging by the news we 're getting from the turkish direction, judging by the same deep steate map, the front line and the fighting is going on close to turkey and new york, is it correct now to assume that in the near
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future these settlements may be finally captured by russian troops? i don't think so, what i see is that... we managed to stop their advance, they are suffering huge losses, but they cannot advance strategically here at the moment, because, as i said, that our infantry stopped them, and in addition , the artillery works very professionally, the operators of attack drones work very professionally, so the enemy infantry is suffering huge losses and the equipment is here for example, cannot apply. in general , they only use numerous infantry assaults. stanislav, the question is: if the russian troops manage to gain a foothold in turkey or in new york, or both in turkey and in new york. we will now show the map again. this is very close. what will
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the strategic capture of these cities mean for them and for the ukrainian army? well, first of all, i'm sure they won't be able to get a foothold here by themselves. according to the type of fighting that we are currently observing, it is directly at ground zero, but their strategic plan is obviously this, that they want to reach kramatorsk and slavyansk, as the large settlements located here, they tried to do it through kupinsk, they did not succeed at the end of winter, at the beginning of spring, then they made a big dash in the direction of the lyman terni district, they also didn’t succeed, after that they uh... here they tried in this direction, that is, they are working from the north, from the east, and now, that is, yes, and now they are also trying to advance to kramatorsk from the south, that is well, they have a clear task, that now it is tactical to go to new heights to take under swamp control, the main routes, to seize
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the tiricons, and so on, and it is strategically clear that they want to seize kramatorsk and the entire donetsk region with it. military observers and with whom we also spoke, who write about it openly, state that the main success of the russian troops in june was just the beginning of this offensive on the turks, that from the end of june they managed to advance several kilometers there, captured the outskirts of the city, villages northern noises, where are you, i understand that you are nearby now, and by and large the russian troops were able to overcome exactly that area which was in defense or which was prepared for defense since 2014-15. at the expense of what did they manage to do it? solely due to the huge superiority in all their means, and in the infantry they are outnumbered here literally dozens, maybe hundreds of times, i would say, that is, one observed point, one firing position, on
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which there are two or three people, it is stormed by dozens people at the same time, as well as total superiority in artillery and absolute superiority. in aviation, because we have here, on alas, we cannot use it, it is absent, and the russians are constantly releasing cabs at us every few minutes, if they have tabs, if they have such an advantage, then why are you sure that they will not be able to capture these places, cities, because the first thrust, which they had evidently planned for a long time, and on which they had placed all their bets, it choked in them, and... they did not advance beyond that short distance you spoke of, and were stopped, and for a long time, not move forward, almost not by a meter. i am also attaching to our broadcast, roman pohorily, co-founder and analyst of the deep
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state platform, roman, i welcome you, but now we will move on to you, but i will ask stanislav a question, and please tell me the situation in turkey and new york, it is different, is it more or less the same everywhere? yes, the situation is more or less the same everywhere, a very large number of confused civilians who still remain, a large number of victims among them and constant large numbers of infantry... prisons that do not stop, 24 hours a day, well, i thank you very much, stanislav, stanislav krasnov, the platoon commander of the first airborne assault battalion of the 95th separate assault brigade literally turned on us from the trench in the turkish direction, and now the question is for you, roman, that you, roman, are in touch with us, i understand that yes, yes, roman, what can you, as an analyst of the deepstate platform, note how the situation in the turkish area has changed? direction over the past few days, because our colleagues, journalists who work there and see the situation, well, not from the map, maybe, but
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visually, say that it has changed radically the situation, the situation is difficult, i did not have time, unfortunately, to thank the fighters, to express respect for their work that they are currently doing there, it is extremely difficult there now, difficult primarily because the enemy is making constant attempts to advance, he is looking for weak points , since they managed to have some... some success, they are immediately there, as they always do everywhere, they raise some reserves, they try to continue to develop their success, to look for sweet spots for further promotion, now they continue to raise there reserves, some forces, of course, that they, when, well, it was then the moment when we were caught in the rotation of our fighters, and accordingly they ... had certain passes, there was a more unexpected moment than
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expected, and now this pressure, the fighters of the defense forces, especially the fighters of the 95th brigade with other units, they are doing everything possible to restrain this onslaught, to show that they can restrain this onslaught on the muscovites, it will not work there, because the muscovites are very reactive on all these processes, only they see that there is some slack, there is some... there is some possibility, well, a weak spot in the sense that they tore it, they see it just like that, and they begin to press there, see some prospects to build, roman, what about the defense, what about the defense in this direction , uh, there are two aspects here: first, well, the brigade positions, which have been held for more than the first day, for a very, very long time, the fighters there, well, they lined them up, you can say so, this is logical, considering the fact that they are there how many time stood with... on the other hand, if you talk to the military, there talk about higher level, if you take that area as a whole,
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then they say that it is not quite ready, and there are certain problems with the eps, uh, that's all that could be taken from these sources from these descriptions, that is , here again it is still necessary to check, we see that the situation now in the advance from the enemy is not as critical as it was in the first days, that they took the noisy population there like that, approached the north, now they began to press new york very hard, they have there certain movements, and again, it must not be repeated here that our fighters are now in the first place are making maximum efforts to stop this onslaught of the enemy, to stop somewhere on the approaches to new york, in fact already on the outskirts of new york, if they stop them, then it will be somewhere already in the city, in fact, or immediately outside the city, it's hard, it's hard to spend some time here. because everything depends on the situation, it is logical that the fighters try to make such efforts to stop
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in the exact place that they are and not to allow a single centimeter, not to advance, that is why all stabilization measures are carried out, accordingly restraining this pressure, it is difficult , first of all, not only in addition to the number of brains that are used, they climb, really under fire, the russians climb with the help of fire... hold, that is why the situation is like this in such difficult conditions now, but i doubt that with the numbers that they have now, they cannot speak pro-turkish there, although i will not complain, because here everything depends on the situation, how it will develop, whether they will have moscow success, how many reserves they will have time to pull up and how much they are ready for, you you say turkish languages ​​are impossible, did i understand you correctly, the chances of capturing turkey are less than the chances... to capture new york or something? this, again, it depends on the situation, these are not planned actions, how
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they collected and climbed, they caught us on rotation, they had such advances, and they want to develop it, they withdraw reserves, they press, they search weak points, and our fighters accordingly carry out the deterrence of this onslaught, and you agree with some military observers, they they say that maybe this is already the beginning of it. of the big russian offensive, which, which they, which they hoped to start in the summer of the 24th, and the russian offensive is a rhetorical question, because whatever direction we take now... whatever area we take, look how many pigs there are in the avdiivka area and how the map is changing, what is the pressure along the entire stretch of arkhangelsk to let's have animals, well, let's not mention, i guess, what's the point of animals here, pigs, good animals, in fact, we won't really offend, so we'll see how many there are
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brain units, and accordingly there are storms, as i speak. how many are watching the active battles there, the question did not stop there for a moment, but then where was the beginning and where was the end before the start of the offensive actions, which were non -stop, let's take the maryanka district, absolutely the same, from krasnohorivka, georiivka, novomykhaivka victory, the line of the ughledar vodyanyi kostyantynivka track, now they are already climbing to kostyantynivka in paraskovik, constant day and night shelling, assault attempts, convoys of equipment, constant infantry. where is the beginning and the end offensive actions, time, and so on, so toretsk, well, again, i have already told the reasons, how it happened, and this is just another district that began to be more active and, accordingly, mentioned in the public space, and very often civilians die there in recent days. roman, i have one more question, it already concerns another direction and another location: myrhorod, the strike on the airfield in
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myrhorod, what is happening, because what i understand and what i see, ukraine is not officially... this missile blow, at the same time we see a message that ukraine is there lost a su, so fighter jets, what does this mean, it is very strange, that it is very strange that in this process , for some reason, we have a lot of society , we have been at war with the muscovites for 10 years, various bloggers, representatives of the media there, in general , caring people are conducting some kind of clarification, training, that... this is not the source of the muscovites, and our society immediately began to eat this russian information space, there are 10 planes, 150,000 personnel there, various other numbers that they came up with there, er, i i don't know why i'm commenting on this, because it's the first thing unpleasant moments for us, i hope that
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attention will be paid to them, if there were any mistakes and it is necessary to learn from them and accordingly ask questions to the responsible persons. but to comment on all these processes, they were provided directly, in particular, by representatives of the air force, well, maybe because, because there are very few planes in ukraine, ukraine is waiting for planes, and secondly, i’m sorry, but this video has already been published, russian sources, yes, but if there is already a video, then the reaction should also be of some kind and explained, we had a blow, we had an attack earlier once on the airfield, where there were er... mock-ups of planes, uh, the muscovites said that they hit planes, and immediately everyone began to react to it, then it turned out that they were mock-ups, so here are the conclusions, i would not be in a hurry , of course there are problems, there are defeats, there are unpleasant moments, but they have already been commented on, so i will not say more here from what has already
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been said in this sense, thank you very much, roman pohorily, co-founder and analyst of the platform... deepstat was on radio svoboda. we have everything for today. i encourage you to subscribe to the radio liberty page internet like this broadcast to support our work. and until tomorrow. there are leftovers representing the only discounts on normoven. 10% in pharmacies for travel memories and savings. euro 2020. exclusively on mine , the discounts are the only discounts on the 10% combo in travel pharmacies for you and the saver.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about war, about military, front, component. serhii zgurets and what does the world live on? yuri fizer is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchavka field with me, and sports news. i invite you to talk. two hours in the company of favorite presenters about cultural news, alina chekchenina, our tv viewer, is ready to talk, good evening, presenters, who have become like a daydream for many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for... this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemiliv, leader of the crimean tatar people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, greetings, good day, events of the day in two hours,
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time means to save his life, a ride bc, under... from the guys, a quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating wounded soldiers. we urge everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yara in the direction of chasiv. get closer to victory together with the central security service of ukraine and the security service of ukraine. join one of the best special forces in the country. we are expanding and announcing recruitment, inviting civilian specialists from various fields, experienced commanders will ensure your high-quality
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training and education, fill out the questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the team of tssoa asbu. together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. six-year-old yegorchyk egorov. before the start of the full-scale war, this boy lived in the luhansk region in the north donetsk region in the city of zolote. the territory has been occupied since the first days of the russian invasion, but yehor disappeared in june last year. i really hope that thanks to your concern, the boy will be found. please look carefully at the photo and try to remember the child. yehor has an oval
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face, blond hair and blue eyes. obviously, the boy in this photo is under six years old, but i don't think that would prevent him from being identified. if someone suddenly sees yehor, if he knows something about his possible whereabouts, don't delay and dial. from any mobile operator , the short number of the magnolia children's search service is 11630. calls are free. if it is suddenly not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we are looking for six-year-old sashko hrytsenko. i have already told the story of this boy from the temporarily occupied territory of luhansk region in previous programs. the child was abandoned by his mother. and now sasha is trying to find his father, who is in the controlled part of ukraine. we spoke with the man, and now i will tell all the details of this frankly shocking
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story. his ex-wife left him, and i 'm looking for him, i want to take him under my wing. she left home and then came back, but then, then she left again and i don't know the whereabouts of her common-law wife. so, when the full-scale war began, a small sashko lived with his mother and his husband's grandmother in the city of lysychansk. this territory was occupied almost from the first days. at the beginning of last year, the child's mother left home and left sasha with his old great-grandmother. with my great grandmother. yes, i was with my great-grandmother with my grandmother. it was a long time ago, probably somewhere in the 23rd year for sure. this is the beginning of the 23rd year. i learned about it. maybe she threw it earlier on the ill-willed grandmother. i left the house. for a long time, the boy was taken care of by his great-grandmother, but soon the elderly woman died and the child was taken away by social services in the occupied territory. sashko was immediately taken away from lysychanskyi.
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all this happened about a year ago. the service came and took the child. and after that, i knew where he went, well, i relatively knew that he was there by hearsay, by gossip, that he was somewhere in alchevsk, then he was transferred to luhansk, and then his whereabouts . he is unknown, so i will look for him, whether the child is still in the temporarily occupied territory of luhansk region, or whether the boy was taken to russia, it has not been possible to find out the father so far. the man, of course , turned to the police, but so far there is no clue to find out where he is six-year-old son. i want to hear about my child, hrytsenko oleksandr oleksiyovych, i am asking someone who has seen him, if someone can tell by signs that he will be suitable. boy, be sweet, i will be very grateful to you. i appeal to everyone who sees this video, and especially to the residents of the occupied luhansk region. look carefully at the photo of sashko hrytsenko.
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boy. he looks about 6-7 years old, he is thin, about 110-115 cm tall, he has straight light blond hair, an oval face and brown eyes. he is very kind, child, he is very attracted to people, more, if anything, what he liked was to play there, well, like all children, but this child, she has cerebral palsy, he could not pronounce such formulations, what words, if sashko has a medical diagnosis of cerebral palsy, that's why he can't always clearly formulate his thoughts, but he is very sensitive and reaches out to people, if suddenly someone has seen the boy or knows where he might be now, call the hotline immediately magnolia children's tracing service at short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if it is suddenly not
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possible to call, write to chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. the chas time program of the ukrainian voice of america service is on the air. my name is natalia leonova. congratulations. the united states will announce soon a new package of security assistance to ukraine in the amount of more than 2.3 billion dollars. this was announced by pentagon chief lloyd austin on july 2 during
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a meeting. with the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umyarov. the meeting took place in washington a few days before the nato summit, which is hosted by the united states this year, and at which military assistance to ukraine in defense against russian invasion will be the main item on the agenda. the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yermak also took part in the meeting of the heads of defense departments, who previously met with the us secretary of state to anthony blinken. more about the visit of the ukrainian delegation to washington, as well as details of the new military. help, we will talk with ostap yarysh, who joins our studio from the pentagon. congratulations ostap. congratulations natalya. hey, what do you know about what's in the new us aid package? natalya, the briefing here at the pentagon literally just ended, we asked a lot about the announcement of this package, and you correctly said that today the state, today the secretary of defense of the united states clyde austin, he announced the announcement of this package, however , we have not yet
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seen the official publication of the list of these weapons. who said in the pentagon that this package for 2 billion 300 million dollars, it will consist of two parts: the first part under the program of presidential powers, this will mean that these weapons can be delivered to ukraine within days and weeks, they will be provided from the warehouses of the states, the other part of that large package will be allocated at the expense of the ukraine security assistance initiative program, which is when the united states purchases equipment or ammunition from manufacturers and then send them to ukraine. the delivery of this and the production of these things in the package may take longer, from previous experience, we know that it can take months, and defense minister laidostin today at a meeting with rustem omerov, who is also in washington today, said that this package will primarily include air defenses, when we talk about patriot and nasams missiles in particular, we also expect to see anti-tank weapons and other critical weapons in this package munitions are important for ukraine. let
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's hear what he said today. i am proud that the united states will soon announce more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance to ukraine. the package would provide more air defense missiles, anti-tank weapons, and other critical munitions from the u.s. stockpile as part of the president's authority. it will also allow the united states to purchase more missiles for the patriot system and on. which will be provided on an accelerated schedule by changing the delivery sequence for some foreign military sales, and ahead of next week's nato summit, we will take steps to build a bridge that would bring ukraine into nato membership. just a few weeks ago , president zelenskyi and president biden signed an important ten-year bilateral security agreement that reflects our strong and steadfast support for ukraine. so i look forward to discussing new avenues of pleasure on…


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