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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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let's hear what he said today. i am proud that the united states will soon announce more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance to ukraine. the package would provide more air defense missiles, anti-tank weapons, and other critical munitions from the u.s. stockpile as part of the president's authority. it would also allow the united states to purchase. more patriot and nasa missiles to be delivered on an accelerated schedule by rescheduling some foreign military sales, as well ahead of the nato summit next week, we will take steps to build a bridge that would bring ukraine into nato membership. just a few weeks ago, president zelenskyi and president biden signed a landmark ten-year bilateral security agreement that reflects our strong and steadfast support for ukraine, so i look forward to discussing new avenues of satisfaction.
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urgent security needs of ukraine and the creation of a buildup of forces to repel further russian aggression. ostape, is there currently any information, whether there will be new ones in this packages from shan not only missiles, but also the patriot systems themselves? in the future, of course , many people are waiting for such announcements, in ukraine, in europe, even in the united states, they want to hear from the united states not only calls to partners to transfer such systems, but also actions when the united states itself. they will give ukraine installations, radars, in general patriot systems. and when i asked pat ryder, the pentagon spokesman, about this today, he said that there are no announcements at this time, but he says that the system, the anti-aircraft defenses, strengthening them is a priority for pontogon when they talk to allies about supporting ukraine. natal was also informed in the press today that during the nato summit in ukraine we should expect good news regarding the strengthening of air defense systems, he said about it.
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phrase, this is what a representative of the state department said on condition of anonymity, reuters reports, hinting that ukraine may hear new announcements, specifically regarding additional air defense systems, not only regarding missiles, but again, we are waiting for these public announcements, not only on the condition of anonymity, not only from press reports. ostape, the bridge to nato that lloyd austin is talking about, what does it mean, can ukraine count on... an invitation to the alliance already at this summit in washington, what exactly is the format of the partnership currently being discussed? natalie, to put it briefly, there will probably not be an invitation to join the alliance at this nato summit, despite the calls of ukraine, despite the calls of other members of the alliance, and we do not expect such a decision, the representatives spoke about this earlier of the united states, in nato, representatives of other countries also spoke about it. what is expected? they expect a different format, which would ... these are the wordings we hear now
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from officials. and today information also appeared in the press, the wall street journal writes that one of the solutions that can be offered to ukraine is the creation of the position of a nato special representative in ukraine, who will supervise the long-term military support from the alliance for ukraine. this is done in particular in order to calculate various options, which may be after the election in the united states and, conditionally speaking, create a safety mechanism to help. it was managed and the main center for the provision and coordination of aid was precisely nato, and not the government of the united states, so such decisions may also pass, regarding ukraine's expectations from this summit and regarding what and what and about what and what are working today, rostem told about it today here in the pentagon, let's listen to his words. thank you for
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hosting us, and also for your personal leadership in the country contact group on defense of ukraine and with our other partners, we appreciate it, we appreciate your comprehensive help and all the support you give us, thanks to this support we stop russia, stop its aggression against people, against our values ​​and national interests, and we look forward to discuss with you how we can continue our partnership and become... the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yermak also participated in the meetings with washington high-ranking officials, what is currently known, in particular about his meeting with the us secretary of state anthony blinken. this meeting actually took place this morning. natalya, vedan patel, deputy state spokesman, spoke about it.
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therefore he said that she focused in particular on strengthening and helping the ukrainian energy system and also on other issues that are important for ukraine. let's listen to his words better. today, the state secretary met with the head of the administration of the president of ukraine andriy yeermak. they discussed a number of issues, including the upcoming nato summit in washington and the allies' intentions to bring ukraine closer to nato membership and contribute to strengthening ukraine's ability to defend itself against russian aggression. they also discussed energy security and the sama group's ongoing efforts to improve energy grid and energy resilience. topics of ukraine. the state secretary also congratulated yermak on his historic support at the global peace summit, and also spoke about ukraine's persistent and historic defense of the northern and eastern regions against recent russian offensives. thank you very much for your explanations. we will definitely keep an eye out for new
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announcements. with us in direct contact with the pentagon was ostap yarysh. hungarian prime minister viktor orban visited ukraine for the first time in 12 years. the visit took place the day after hungary took over the duties of the alternate six-month presidency of the european union. viktor orban is the only nato country leader who openly opposes helping ukraine defend itself against russian aggression. and at the same time , he emphasizes that he wants to cooperate with russia. we will talk more about the visit of the hungarian leader to kyiv with... our european correspondent bohdan tsyupin. he joins our studio from london. my greetings, bohdan. bohdan, what is the reason for orban's decision to come to ukraine right now? what is the purpose of this visit declared by the hungarian side? there is an answer to this question.
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hungarian prime minister viktor orban himself said today that it was the european presidency that brought him to kyiv. whose term of office began on july 1, and in fact the first first visit took place to kyiv, until now hungarian representatives, even mr. orban himself , met with russian leaders with greater pleasure, viktor orban was in moscow in september 22, hungarian minister of foreign affairs peter sierto travels to russia and belarus regularly. just after the invasion of ukraine, sigerto was in russia at least five times, my colleagues counted his visits, and today it is also worth noting that hungarian prime minister viktor orban, having arrived in kyiv today, became
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in fact the first international leader to visit of ukraine, but at the same time did not offer ukraine help in its struggle for help in protecting ukraine from aggression, instead he did not mention russia and russian aggression in general, at least in official statements, so there are no great expectations in kyiv from the hungarian prime minister's visit, and dmytro tuzhanskyi, a ukrainian political scientist, told voa the following today. he did it for himself, for his reputation and for his geopolitical game. he wants to take a very firm political position from the very beginning of his presidency in the eu to lead, moderate, push his agenda. he announced a list of seven priorities to protect himself from being named
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pro-russian after the trip to kyiv, he will scoff at any accusations that he is pro-russian. at the same time, he did a favor to the key capitals, he did. service to the germans, french, and italians, so he is now in a very strong position. yes, he did it for himself, not for ukraine. believe me, but this is exactly the moment when ukraine could get something for itself from this trip, try to change the trend in ukrainian-hungarian relations and try to influence orban from the point of view of ukrainian interests. look what we have necessary, do not veto the european peace fund for ukraine. 9 billion are now effectively blocked by hungary. the point is not that kyiv could change orbán's policy from very pro-russian to very pro-ukrainian, no, he will still be pro-russian, at least it is possible to make hungary a country that will not impose a veto on ukraine. bohdan, hungary actually does not support the peace plan
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of volodymyr zelenskyi, although it is worth noting that budapest did join the joint communique following the results of the peace summit in switzerland. so, what is the alternative to the peace plan'. suggested by viktor orban. well, in fact, the hungarian prime minister said today in kyiv that he supports all directional initiatives. to end the war, initiatives from ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi, obviously also referring to the peace plan of ukraine, and these peace, peace summit or peace meetings, peace process that ukraine is trying to initiate, but again, the hungarian prime minister the minister asserting that he is for peace, that his government is for the war to end. does not call on russia to withdraw troops from ukrainian territory, he
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does not call on russia to stop aggression against ukraine, on the contrary, very often, and in particular , today in kyiv , calls were again heard from him for ukraine to agree to a cease-fire, this is how it sounded from his mouth. my first trip is here because... the issue of peace is of primary importance not only for ukraine, but also for europe. this war you are suffering has a profound effect on european security. we greatly appreciate the initiatives for peace that president zelenskyi has made. i shared mine with the president thinking that such initiatives take time, as the rules of international diplomacy are slow and complex. i asked the president to consider whether it is possible to change the order of things and speed up the peace talks by first ceasing the fire. a cease-fire for... i with an indefinite deadline will give a chance to speed up peace negotiations. i have explored this
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possibility with the president and am grateful for his honest answers and negotiations. so, now special attention is drawn to hungary in connection with the beginning of the six-month presidency of this country in the eu. among the priorities, the budapest government named, for example, strengthening. competitiveness of the european union, helping to reduce immigration to the eu, and also says that his country wants to contribute to the process of expanding the european union, but again budapest emphatically states that it is primarily about the countries of the balkans, which have long been candidates for joining the eu , they either do not mention ukraine, or emphasize very loudly that... ukraine, they say, is not ready for eu membership now. thank you,
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bohdan, for your work, with us in connection with our european correspondent bohdan tsyupin was in london. we talked about the visit of the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, to kyiv. president joe biden cited a supreme court decision that granted the president of the united states broad immunity from prosecution. for actions committed while in office set a dangerous precedent. on july 1 , the us supreme court recognized that former us president donald trump has a certain level of immunity from criminal prosecution in the case of the storming of the capitol on january 6, 2021. this is the solution may significantly delay the trial on charges of trying to undermine the results of the presidential election. trump himself welcomed the court's decision and called it, i quote, "a great victory for us." this country was founded
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on the principle that america has no kings, everyone, every one of us is equal before the law, no one is above the law, not even the president of the united states, but today's supreme court ruling on presidential immunity fundamentally changes that. in practice, today's ruling almost on... probably means that there is no limit to what the president can do. this is a fundamentally new principle, and it is a dangerous precedent because presidential power will no longer be limited by law, including the us supreme court. the only restrictions will be those imposed by the president himself. perhaps the american people need to decide if they want to trust donald trump with the presidency again, knowing now that he will have more courage to do whatever he wants... whenever he wants. historian hiroaki koromiya is
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one of the leading experts in the world on the history of donbass. his 1998 book, freedom and terror in donbas is considered the most important study of the region so far. koromiya continues to conduct research and monitor the situation in eastern ukraine. khrystyna shevchenko talked to him about why exactly donbas became a region where the russians managed to spread separatism. in your opinion, why was there an opportunity for russian peace in donbas? i think russia's main goals in 2014 were to capture dnipro, odesa and kharkiv, if they captured these three cities, then the rest of what putin called novorossia would fall into russian hands. as far as i can tell, russia had no
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particular interest in donbass. for them, donbass is, so to speak, an industrial wasteland. this region. difficult to understand and manage. donbas has always been a problem child for politicians. yes, donbas fell into russian hands, but i don't think it was predetermined. i do not believe that russia really, really wanted donbas. russia wanted much more. of course, kharkiv or dnipro are much more attractive places. but still, why was it possible to capture donbas, and not such cities as? kharkiv or odesa. the penetration of russian agents into donbas was deeper than in kharkiv or odesa, due to the fact that it is closer to the border. but at the same time, donbav was a relatively open place for such things from the very beginning. for many years before 2014, the russians
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were already training their agents in russia and donbas. they moved there and back. ukraine and russia. they received military training, studied primitive activities. and these people, there were not many of them, but these people were already working in the spring of 2014, so russia already had some basis. in addition, the elite of donbas, the political elite of donbas fluctuated. akhmetov did not show certainty. i mean, he probably was. the most influential person in donbas, but he hesitated, trying to understand what would happen next. from a historical point of view, have you noticed the roots of separatism in donbas?
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the majority, the vast majority of people in donbas supported the independence of ukraine. they believed that if ukraine is free. ukraine will be better off from moscow's intervention. they knew how difficult it is to live in soviet union in the russian empire. in the times of the soviet union, they did not trust moscow. there is no doubt. in 1989 , there was a major strike in donbas, which contributed to the collapse of the soviet union in 1991. therefore , they knew how terrible their life was during the soviet period. so, as far as i can tell, no, they were not interested in separatism. the threat of autonomy, the threat of separatism was used as a weapon to extract as many dividends as possible from kyiv. they didn't mean that they actually intended to join russia, they did not really mean that they wanted to become
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independent. it is obvious that they wanted to stay in ukraine. they wanted to participate in kyiv politics. is that how yanukovych ended up in kyiv? but why did such rhetoric appear at all, even if it is only in the form of blackmail. not every region close to the border mentions separatism if they don't like the government's policies. can we say that due to geographical and historical conditions, donbas... became a land of rebels and individualists, donbas was characterized by mistrust of external forces, external power institutions, regardless of whether it is kyiv or moscow, so they wanted, so to speak, to protect their own interests, and therefore in fact they did not like any
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particular ideology, nationalism, marxism or liberalism. donbas has always been a problem child, it is such an industrial hinterland. yes, you can use it to exploit ukraine's resources, but is donbas politically reliable? historically, no, and no. stalin had terrible problems with the management of donbas. the same at the end of the soviet union. there was a strike movement, for example, in the 1970s, where did the free trade union movement begin in ukraine? in donbass. it was before... trotsky used to say: you cannot go to donbas without a gas mask. and is it possible that? donbass will actually be against russia if it becomes part of russia. it seems so to me, my
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prediction is that if the war does not end, if part of donbass ends up in russia, russia will be indifferent to donbass. it will be very difficult to support the entire industry, mining and metallurgical enterprises. this is an industrial zone that already partially destroyed. that russia will take care of donbas. it is very important for kyiv to win the hearts and minds of the residents of donbas, that they will be better off in ukraine than in russia, it is very important to convey this message to the residents of donbas. ukrzaliznytsia, together with the ukrainian resistance , the yellow ribbon launched the odesa-kramatorsk train. the route runs near front-line settlements. on board the train. a yellow ribbon, on it are written the names of settlements, territories under temporary occupation, which offer unarmed resistance to the russian occupiers, draft
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odesa-kramatorsk is a symbolic support for ukrainian partisans and those who are waiting for the de-occupation of their cities and villages, and most importantly a signal that they are remembered. in dnipro, the train was met by yaroslav movchan and oleksandr pronskyi. ukraine! in march, april. in 2022, residents of kherson protested against the russian occupiers, and yellow ribbons were hung around the city, thus the resistance movement in the occupied territories was born. then the russians, under fear of being shot, forbade the people of kherson to gather in groups. pro-ukrainian activists went underground. so he did local stand-up artist nakhmet ismailov. i knew that sooner or later they would come after me for my activities. i was, well, i really understood that. ugh.
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but to stop doing something, well, that was somehow not in my rules. the 38-year-old man from khersonets says that he secretly passed information on the deployment of russian troops in the city and region to the armed forces of ukraine. i marked the coordinates when i was volunteering. helped people with food and medicine, such activity, says nahmet, was not given to the occupiers. they could pick me up on the street, they personally picked me up from my apartment in the morning broke in, took me away and took me to torture. later, nakhmet was released, he says that he became one of the participants of the pro-ukrainian yellow ribbon movement, who waited for the liberation of kherson in november 2022.
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this blue-yellow flag was erected in march of this year near makiivka in donetsk region, it was unfurled by activists of the resistance movement. a big goal. there is support for people in the occupied territories, we show that they are not alone here, that is, yellow placards, yellow ribbons, posters, all this shows that even though they cannot directly talk about their position, after all, they are not alone. currently, according to the spokeswoman of the yellow ribbon valeria, there are at least 15,000 people participating in the movement, they are brave people who leave the occupation patriotically. inscriptions and hanging yellow ribbons. it is also a demonstration to foreign partners that there are people in the occupied territories who are waiting for ukraine, who believe in returning home. and this destroys the propaganda
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of the russians that everyone in the occupied territories wants russia to come so that they stay here. tape number 192. guaranteed odesa-dnipro-kramaton. to the station the odesa-kramatorsk train, which ukrzaliznytsia launched together with the resistance movement, arrives in dnipro. here is a box where every passenger can write their wish in some town, village, well, in support. wishing for an early peace. postcards will be in safe. a way of spreading through the internet to support the movement's activists morally. olena tsekova, a passenger of the train from odesa , got off at peron in dnipro with a symbolic ribbon.
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the odesa-kramatorsk train runs regularly, its route runs closest to the temporarily occupied territories and stops at... stations yaroslav movchan, orespon, for the voice of america from dnipro. we will say goodbye on this. you watched the program of the ukrainian voice of america service. thank you for trusting the voice of america ukrainian service. i am natalia leonova. good bye.
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our society. drone attack on... kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's let's make it up they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general , i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win.
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all. the most important thing every thursday at 21:15 in the project is spoken by velikiy lviv on the air espresso tv channel. your place is waiting for you. the light stays on, for dinner - what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of
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their eyes , they are crying for you, they are praying for you, we are sorry, because we knew that you are already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how difficult victory is, and we will do everything to make it faster. to hug you, so when you are home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation that united around you.


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