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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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we honor and remember the memory of all fallen ukrainians and foreigners for our independence and because the occupiers came to our land. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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why is russia actively hitting ukrainian military airfields, or does it want to disrupt supplies and in 16, how can kyiv protect its fighter jets? orban offered zelensky an urgent. truce, why did the hungarian leader come to kyiv, and trump allegedly negotiates with putin about the end of the war, agrees on the territories that moscow can keep, at least this is what the political publication writes about. we will talk about all this today in the issue, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting. in the comments, by the way, i would like to remind you that during the broadcast on the radio liberty channel, you can join and discuss the topics and theses that sound in it. broadcast and i also follow
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the comments, so if there is something interesting, a question, for example, or a remark from you, i will definitely quote it in this broadcast. so, ukraine will receive f-16 fighters in the near future. the day before, the netherlands completed the authorization for the transfer of 24 aircraft within the framework of the aviation coalition. the letter about the authorization for the supply, the minister of defense of the netherlands kaisa olgen sent to the chamber. representatives of the country's parliament already on july 1. on december 22, 2023 and february 5, 2024, the chamber was informed about the development of events regarding the preparation and delivery of 24 dutch f-16s to ukraine. in addition to the previous information on the supply of military goods appointment to ukraine on june 13, i am also on behalf of the minister of foreign affairs and the minister of foreign trade and development of cooperation. i would like to inform you that
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the delivery of the first aircraft will take place soon, and we inform the chamber that the necessary permit for the export of military equipment to ukraine has been issued. and this permission provides for the transfer, in addition to the f-16 fighters themselves, and seven jet engines. in the letter to them, it is indicated that the planes will arrive in ukraine in the near future, but the exact date is not mentioned. a month earlier, the minister of defense of the netherlands stated that f-16 will arrive in ukraine. this summer. i would like to remind you that in february 2023, the netherlands made a proposal to create a coalition of fighter jets for ukraine. in may of last year, ukrainian pilots began f-16 training abroad, in august 23, the prime minister of the netherlands, mark ruty, announced the country's readiness to transfer f-16 fighters. now this coalition includes 14 countries, including the netherlands, denmark, belgium, and norway. and they
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announced their intention to provide ukraine with these planes. however, are ukrainian airfields ready to reception of f-16 fighters and whether these airfields are protected is unknown. and the sound of an explosion was heard in poltava the day before. in the afternoon of july 2, the air force of the ukrainian armed forces reported the threat of using ballistic weapons and the danger to poltava oblast. before that , monitoring telegram channels wrote about a reconnaissance drone that was in the air over poltava for several hours. the rocket attack was confirmed by the head of poltava ova philip pronin. he wrote in telegram that no hits to civilian or industrial infrastructure were recorded. russian pro-war telegram channels began to write about the alleged attack on the airfield near poltava. one of the telegram channels even released a video taken from the air above the airfield, which shows a helicopter standing on... an open
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parking lot, the post indicated that the drone that shot the video was launching a missile attack on the airfield and the mi helicopter was supposed to be the target -24. russian forces to attack. as it is claimed, iskander-m ballistic missiles with a cluster warhead were used, there were no official reports of damage to the aircraft. instead, ukrainian monitoring telegram channels wrote that there were no losses. we will talk about these topics further: roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, and also a sbu colonel joined our broadcast. roman, congratulations, thanks for joining. good day. to you, to you, you know, such a simple question at the beginning, but at the same time difficult, but explain, please, how to protect ukrainian airfields? well, the protection of ukrainian airfields, airfields in general, cannot be said to be one thing the question there, i don't know, they built some
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infrastructure of shelters and all our planes are protected, this is a complex, a complex that should be dealt with by the state, the air force, and, in principle, the cabinet. ministers, because this is a serious story, the protection of the air force, our planes, especially those that, let's say, our partners are going to hand over to us, and the concrete shelters that will allow you not to receive such damage there, only that you gave an example in poltava, when cluster munitions are used for simple attacks impression on a large plane, for this the planes have to stand in hangars. concrete ones, of course, from a direct hit, well, an iskander, especially a high-explosive mine with a high-explosive warhead, won’t save anything, i don’t know what kind of hangars there should be, these are the kind of underground storage facilities that have to be built there for a long time and with quite
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serious technologies, then, well, the main thing is that the counter-intelligence service of the security service of ukraine should work unequivocally, because often... the question is exactly what the artillery is aimed at, or approximately where the artillery is aimed, well missiles, this is primary, primary information, primary, it can come from an agency that is in one direction or another, and we know that the russians have this agency, and in those cities where there are airfields, they keep it there and even there sounds of airplanes or something else, information is transmitted, after that they fly... such as orlan or other intelligence agencies and are already looking at what is on these airfields, so this is a counter-reconnaissance operation, these are air defense systems that are supposed to monitor the air and shoot down, prevent that , so that these scouts join, well, this constant maneuvering, i don't know,
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the use of mock-ups, and there is a very, very large complex that must work constantly, a complex of measures in order to avoid... such situations as we recently saw at one of the poltava airfields, this is a painstaking daily work that may not be seen, but it, but the result of the fact that the planes will be saved, this is the result of this work, this is not a battlefield, this is not the destruction of aircraft on foreign airfields, this is not the magical detonation of tanks, but it is what produces the result it produces us later, well, i won’t talk about superiority, at least about parity in the air, well, roman, you know that ukrainian society is between treason... mine in various issues, and when it happened, there was a strike by russian forces on myrhorod, many there were indeed comments, and from experts, military journalists, well, a lot of different things were discussed on social networks, and here is the ex-spokesman of the air force yuriy ignat, he reacted to it on his facebook, and he wrote about the fact
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that above human efforts in general, there ukrainian soldiers protect the airfields, which a lot of work is being done, so you shouldn't perceive everything as russian forces, they exaggerate when they talk about it. about what kind of blows are being inflicted, nevertheless, he admitted that there are indeed losses, but this is a war, how should ukrainians react when there is such news, because you are a people's deputy from a specialized committee who has access to a lot of information , and all that list of necessary actions that you said, it is being done and to what extent what depends on ukraine today, there not on partners, and, namely, on ukraine, from the armed forces of ukraine, how is it performed, how much does it do? do ukrainians need to panic in the comments, or should they really pay attention to the facts and listen to such soldiers as ignat, who assures that a lot of effort is spent by the military to protect, including ukrainian airfields, ukrainian planes there, helicopters? look, well, you need to take a comprehensive
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approach, well, of course, this is the situation we saw, when a drone flies in for a long time, and then strikes, then probably only ignato's authority can somehow calm the society, because this is really... a situation that you would have to make every effort to prevent this from happening, if you have them there openly, these planes are parked, you need to do everything to ensure that, well, at least no enemy drone was flying, no one corrected it, it's very serious. the situation with it needs to be understood , and it is good that ignat came out and refuted it there, because right away we had scales that were raised bigger, and of course, let's say, the situation is that we don't have to comment on how many planes were destroyed there, ignat explained, but the fact itself, we are talking about the fact that it became possible on the part of the enemy, which means that this means that the complex of these measures was not fully worked out, when there is information , that this reconnaissance plane, it flew for quite a long time, i
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will say, even there, i don’t know, at the level of fighters of small, let’s say, small posasts, there are means that see there, i know, my guys, even those that leave on the field, there is an opportunity to see where the eagle is there, or the hall, or something else, we see what is above us, we monitor it all, and if he was flying there for a long time, i am sure that he could be seen, and therefore it ... should definitely be an investigation and to understand how this happened, as for defense in general, well, we understand that uh, works, i say again, recently even we had a committee on this matter, works are being carried out, in particular, and i will say that the construction is just there stone and shelters, it does not give anything, this is a very difficult question that our air force is trying to deal with in the conditions there somewhere absence air defense, somewhere in the absence of any opportunities to work, we understand that, for example, russia has its
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satellites, which can fly over the territory of ukraine several times a day and take pictures constantly, they know the location of our airfields there, because all the airfields, they were er, well, they were built back in soviet times, they are all on the maps, we have practically no new airfields, which are there, it is very difficult to hide them, because this is an infrastructure that you cannot hide from. satellite, that's why it difficult work that our pilots do, and of course there are cases when the russians still lose, because the war consists of who beats whom, who finds whom, but our task, being in the minority, having fewer resources and fighting for every plane there , we could-29, for the f-16, communicating with our partners, to do everything so that such losses do not happen to us. and we still have to work on it for a long time, but the work is going on, of course, everyone understands the problem, everyone understands that from
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the forces and means available in the russian federation, well, it is quite difficult to oppose them, but we are doing it. roman, that is, you, as a people's deputy again from the specialized committee, have a question here for the military, whether it is possible or whether everything was done in order to protect in these cases from, say, the intelligence we conducted just a week before that's what the committee is about, it was closed, it was secret... i can tell you everything, i have information there about the shelters, about the movement, about, let's say, f-16, about stage, everyone, but unfortunately i can't say this, but i will say that our air force is doing everything there is to, let's say, uh , bring closer, firstly, the appearance of these planes, and secondly, to protect them already here on the territory of ukraine and to the maximum of them, to use it as correctly as possible, including, but we
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see that such cases show that there are shortcomings, and for them it is necessary to order very harshly, i believe, because well before that , what happened, well, just now the logic for our people, who see a drone flying for a long time, then a blow is delivered, the question of why it flies, we understand as military personnel, it means there were some malfunctions, we need to deal with it, so that in the future, if we lose planes on such and such ... on such, then no one will simply give us them again, well, and here the question is, first of all, for you regarding the reconnaissance drone, and are there in general in ukraine the means to counteract it, to shoot it down there with skulls, or missiles, with what it is shot down, or is it generally just a hopeless situation, when the armed forces they see that there is a drone, but they cannot do anything about it, look, the means are there, unfortunately, they are, let’s say, less than since the beginning of the war, but now they are increasing again for... now new means are already appearing, including uavs, which can do this, so you
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said correctly, means of radio-electronic warfare, i don't know what was in that particular area, how that area is protected, but in general ukraine has such means, it is not an easy job, but we have the ability to destroy orlan-type aircraft or other russian , which are specifically designed to conduct intelligence, therefore, i don't know how this particular direction was protected, but... in general, we have such means, i believe that if we move something somewhere, we must first create all the conditions so that we can protect one or the other means that ukraine's partners, who are about to transfer f-16s to ukraine, in your opinion, are generally connected, these strikes by russian forces on ukrainian airfields are connected with the transfer of the f-16, in order to somehow influence the partners, and on the other hand, maybe the partners are looking at the fact that ukraine may not be ready to accept these fighters, well, the decision has already
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been made, but we have seen the terms, the terms are important. everything will be fine with the terms, uh, look, russia is, these are the hostilities, what, why is russia hitting the airfields, russia finds out, for example, with the help of its agents once again, confirms with its reconnaissance drone, this is also complex work, well, i will tell you, on any agreement, if i was in charge, for example, of some direction, and i had operational tactical missiles under my command and my scout hovered on the airfield above the airfield, where they stand or there models, or real planes, it is very difficult to distinguish them there, very often, and the enemy uses it, and we use it then, sometimes like this in the video, it seems that there are many planes, and when you start to understand, they are either old, or non-working, or after all , the models are standing, if i had such an opportunity, of course, i would also use them, this is a normal practice of combat operations, because you
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have to destroy the enemy's aircraft, because whoever has an advantage in the air, a real advantage, is the one and let's say, has an advantage on the battlefield in the future, therefore air defense means and aviation, it there are also means of impression and means of air defense, these are the goals that are a priority, for which the enemy does not, does not spare anything, there under the soviet doctrine, there having tactical nuclear weapons, even operational, even nuclear missiles were intended, well, nations with nuclear warheads designed to launch strikes primarily on enemy airfields, because everyone understood... the importance and now nothing has changed, this is the most priority target, enemy airfields, and the main jump airfields, there and others. roman, i will clarify you once again, you they said that you own a state secret here, ukraine is ready to receive f-16s, which are already promised, the netherlands, in particular, that they will, at least one fighter should be in ukraine this summer. well, if we're ready,
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look, as of when... these planes come to us, we'll be ready to receive them, i'll answer like this, you know, to, let's say, be objective, when they will be, we will be ready to accept them, accept them while they are gone, then this means that ukraine is not ready to accept them, i will not to comment, well, roman, you voiced this topic, we will also discuss it with the expert later, i can’t help but ask you about the information from the political publication that trump is allegedly... negotiating with putin about how much ukrainian territories moscow can retain, again the topic of negotiations, truce, orban was in kyiv yesterday and also spoke about the truce, about stopping shooting and proposed such a format, about how the ukrainians are being prepared for the negotiations is being discussed been in society for a long time, the question for you is how much
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such prospects are serious for ukraine, of course, in the event that trump is elected president there... the usa, no one knows, really no one knows what will happen when trump becomes president, well, he is not predictable, yes , some experts are talking about the fact that he will pour water on ukraine, someone gives examples that it was under trump that we got the first, our first javelins, the first weapon, and a person who can fiercely defend his position when she said that she was there, for example there, i will finish this war in an hour, and it can be different. situation i have heard from others experts, with whom it is also possible to discuss and agree that he can propose his, shall we say, in principle, his own rules, and if russia does not agree to this, he can help ukraine even more with other weapons, and this can also be, in fact no one knows how it will be, so of course everyone is talking about a truce, about peace, i think that even the russians
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do not fully understand what will happen when trump comes, he is more convenient for them, because for them. .. then there were different, let's say, relations between russia and the usa, when he was there to biden, things are different now, so we definitely see that the world is moving and trying to go towards the end of the war, i wouldn't call it a truce, there the end of the war, the conditions can be quite different, as far as the loss of territory there is concerned or that we will decide. we will decide either delegated people, people, what in general, under what conditions we will do it, of course there are many visions on this matter, but i am sure that as of now... well, maybe there are some opinions, but exactly what negotiations will be solely for the fact that ukraine will give us all the territories occupied by russia, or
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those regions where russia has criminally introduced its pseudo-constitution there, no one knows this, i think that the main events will develop after the elections, and now nothing is happening, because even communicating there and in... circles with our partners there in the united states, even european ones, and even here with us, with some of our people who are tangentially related, let's say so, to diplomatic missions, who communicate, everyone says, all they are waiting for the elections, eh, everyone is waiting, and this will be the decision later, of course, it is very good here that europe is already playing a big role here, that if before everything was 100% dependent on the united states, now... europe too is beginning to be included in the regional leadership, and this is quite good, so i think that europe, in the event that everything is
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bad across the ocean, can become our safeguard, which will not allow us there to, well , let's say, make ukraine angry with ordinary people words, so that we would sign peace there with the very bad ones conditions or ended the war. at the moment , i believe that we should talk about negotiations only in the context of how quickly russia will withdraw its troops from the occupied territory, we will see. thank you, roman, thank you for your thoughts, for the information that you were able to share with our viewers. roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the parliament's committee on national security, defense and intelligence, was a guest of svoboda ranok. perhaps one of the most expensive days for ukrainian aviation, according to the publication forbes called the attack on the airfield in myrhorod, which occurred on july 1, when six ukrainian su-27 fighters came under threat. of the missile attack, the planes on the airfield were in the open air, and the distance to the line of battle was about 160 km. the russian army launched iskander ballistic missiles with
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a cluster charge, the strike itself was corrected by a russian reconnaissance drone, which was in the air over the same airfield for more than three hours. the russian ministry of defense released a video shot by a drone from the air, which it captured consequences of the attack. the video shows planes on open parking lots. and then ignition points. the russian federation said that as a result of the attack, five planes were allegedly destroyed, and two that were being repaired were damaged. instead , the air force of the armed forces of ukraine does not confirm such figures, and the former spokesman of the air force yuriy hnat wrote on his facebook that the losses are not at all what the russian ministry of defense claims, and he added that the air force is doing everything to oppose the russian forces and mislead them, even for this... models and other means of camouflage of ukrainian aviation. so we continue this topic, we talk about aviation, about airfields, valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher
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of the state aviation museum, joins our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. yes, good morning, thank you for the invitation. i just talked about this with mr. people's deputy roman kostenko, and about ukraine's readiness to receive the same f-16s. and what is happening today with the protection of ukrainians. airfields, because we see two situations, two such cases there in the last few days, which cannot help stressing, i will say this, ukrainian society there, ukrainian airfields are protected today, not very well, you yourself saw that there are problems, we just don't have enough anti-aircraft missile complexes in order to protect all airfields, and they are protected for low altitudes, mobile groups work there, but look how many mirrors we have... we have three patriots, one sampte, well, four to four or five sams and aeste, and it is necessary
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to protect a huge territory, the largest, let's say, in european countries, of course, there are still some old soviet complexes left, starting from the ragged years, there are s-125, produced in the 70s, yes... there are some newer complexes, but still soviet, so the russians have the opportunity to fly quite deep into our territory, and the airfields, well , there is simply no way to protect all the airfields, because, first of all, aviation is dispersed, if during, well, in peacetime, each brigade had one main airfield and mainly there were based, now brigades scattered across... operational airfields, that is, each brigade is stationed at three or four or more different airfields, it may even be in different parts of ukraine,
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it may be myrhorod, or it may be one. from the southern airfields, some unit is even there, that is why to protect all the base and operational airfields, it is simply not possible with those forces, they are protected there by the rebo, they are protected by mobile groups, some airfields are protected together with the cities near which they are located, some remain with such protection, well, let's say insufficient, uh, and can we talk about whether? during these 2.5 years of a full-scale russian-ukrainian war, ukraine has increased the number of airfields, improved defenses there, are there any concrete underground storage facilities there for the same fighters, are those airfields and airbase still used, which are essentially from the soviet times remained, er, all that remained from the soviet times and, moreover, part of it was largely destroyed, unfortunately, we do not have the opportunity.
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to build new protected, new, let's say, protective structures, because it is very expensive expensive, in addition, they break through, they use modern rockets, well, i don’t know how much, that is, what concrete, how thick is the layer of concrete, but because several meters of concrete are broken through, the shdow storm is able to break through 4-5 m there concrete and even iron, and i... i just take the british missile as an example, the russians can also put penetrating warheads, concrete-piercing warheads on their missiles, even on cruise missiles, according to stormshadow - it’s a cruise missile, it’s not a ballistic missile, but ballistic missiles that strike vertically from above, moreover, they can even have a non-penetrating, non-tandem warhead, well , not a tandem warhead with a leading charge, but simply a penetrating one in...
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a hard alloy case. ugh. roman kostenko just said that when f-16s are in ukraine, it means that the infrastructure for them is ready, this is the answer he gave, in general, for f-16s, these currently operating airfields are suitable, or do you need something completely different there? there, something newer, or after all , what is already, so to speak, in stock, can be used for these western fighters and look, some base airfields really need to be upgraded, but first of all it would be nice, you understand, no one is currently conducting presentations of new airstrips, and in wartime, but f-16 they are used to operating from smooth ones, from asphalted runways, or as an option it is possible from ordinary runways, but with a lower combat
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load. so that there was less load on the landing gear, but in general, i think that indeed from the base airfields there were improved runways, and in addition, the base airfields, they sometimes use the strips of international airports, which by definition are paved and you can fly from them, but from operational airfields, well, you can simply operate with a smaller combat load, anyway, but the f-16 is capable of ... carrying up to 6 tone of the combat load with three tones, it will be able to perform the main number of combat tasks assigned to it, and on the other hand, well , the system is such a navigation system, it has long been laid in ukraine, the beacons of this system were placed on our territory, and their deployment continues, well, according to reports, and the expansion of this system continues, the flight deck is being prepared,
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planes are ready for maintenance, we were already informed, i don’t remember who, whether it was norway or the netherlands, someone is handing over the planes, and already it was about the transfer of equipment, and the netherlands said that they are transferring spare engines for the planes, that is , the repair, well, the maintenance base for these planes as well, i think it's in the final stages right now, huh, and you mentioned certain factors, like in general and. .. scattered there ukrainian fighters are currently at various airfields around the country, taking into account the fact that there is a lack of air defense, how is it possible to protect ukrainian airfields today with the resources that are available, it should be a set of measures, such as these constant movements, or must be underground storages, for example, and in what quantity, do they really exist, for example, in ukraine, and do the layouts have more activity there?


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