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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EEST

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forces of the armed forces of ukraine, so we thank you for your service, do not insult them, let the russian-fascist occupiers march and once again happy holiday. these are actually the forces that every day shoot down something flying over ukraine, and sometimes shoot very clearly and accurately, as was the case yesterday in crimea. ah, our colleague anna eva melnyk knows how to collect the most important information very precisely, and the entire news editorial team, so we now pass the word to them, anna eva, now we listen to you. congratulations, thank you for your work, the newsroom is working, we will tell you about the main things, in particular, what china will produce for russia, and will the united states of america allow the armed forces of ukraine to strike at a greater distance deep into russia? be with us.
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i begin with the situation in the regions and the consequences of enemy attacks. several explosions rang out in dnipro, informs the public. the russians are attacking the city with missiles and drones, the air force said. eyewitnesses write that smoke is visible in various areas. also in the morning, the occupiers released drones and shelled the marganytsk community of the dnipropetrovsk region with artillery. a fire broke out in a private house. damage six buildings , a power line and a garage, informs the head of the regional military administration, serhiy lysak. one person was killed and wounded as a result of the shelling of the village of borova in kharkiv oblast. a 50-year-old man and a 75-year-old woman were hospitalized. also , two people were injured in the village of ruska lozova due to the night attack. as a result of the shelling, a residential building was on fire, oleg sinyohobov, the head of the region, said. and the previous evening, four
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people were injured in kharkiv. the russians dropped two aerial bombs on the city. among the victims are a 12-year-old girl and her 15-year-old brother. teenagers suffered concussions as a result of the attack, the building of one of the enterprises was destroyed and two women aged 51 and 26 were injured. a 53-year-old woman was injured due to enemy shelling in the dnipro district of kherson. she got it. a shrapnel wound to the leg, the city military administration reported, the russians also hit antonivka, four private and as many multi-storey buildings, an educational institution, an administrative building, a kindergarten and a medical facility were damaged. in general, during the day due to shelling in the community has 10 wounded and one dead. a man was injured due to enemy shelling in the pologiv district of zaporizhzhia. the occupiers shelled the village. - said the head of the regional
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military administration, ivan fedorov. in total, during the day, the russians attacked eight cities and villages of the region. 14 houses were damaged. russian air defense forces allegedly destroyed two unmanned boats in the black sea near novorossiysk. the ministry of defense of the country reported terrorists. instead, local residents complained on social networks about a series of explosions. loud sounds were heard all the time. less than half an hour the occupiers also announced the downing of five drones over bilhorodskaya, four over bryansk and one over moscow oblasts. the usa will allow ukraine to use american weapons deep into russia if the invaders expand the battle front. this was announced by assistant secretary of state james o'brien. we are talking about a distance of more than 100 km on... on the territory of the aggressor's country.
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at the same time, obrayan said that russia is allegedly losing strength and the ability to actively attack due to a lack of capabilities. the intensity of the fighting has decreased, but the line of the active front increased. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrsky spoke about the situation in the combat zone. the pokrovsky direction remains the most difficult, he emphasized. the russian army spent there. the rotation of the broken units and the offensive continues, the occupiers have also increased their attacks on the turkish front, the most urgent need for our military now is modern weapons and air defense systems, - said sirskyi. at the same time , he added that the armed forces have an advantage over the enemy in the number and quality of combat copters, primarily bombers and fpv drones. further operational information from the general staff of the armed forces. during the day, 158 combat
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encounters took place at the front, the defense forces repelled 51 enemy attacks in the pokrovsky direction, and also eliminated and wounded more than 350 russians and destroyed at least 11 guns and mortars. the occupiers are actively advancing on vozdvizhenka, yevhenivka, lozovatsk and novooleksandrivka. the invaders became more active in the turkish direction. there they tried to attack our positions 32 times. in the kramatorsk direction, the armed forces stopped 14 enemy offensives. they also repelled 18 attacks by the occupiers on lymansky. the situation is tense in kharkiv oblast as well. the enemy continues to advance in the area. vovchansk and hlybokoy. and about losses in the enemy army. early rotation. another 1,180 occupiers returned to erefius in garbage bags. and in general, since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, 546,270
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invaders have joined the ranks of the polyethylene troops. during the day, our defenders turned a lot of enemy troops into rubble. technicians destroyed 16 tanks, 17 armored combat vehicles, 57 artists, 63 vehicles, a rocket salvo system, two air defense vehicles and 12 units special vehicles of the enemy. the general staff reminds that all data are approximate. the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are calling to participate in the collection of drones and components for artillery reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadcopters are the eyes in the sky, burning safety and allowing you to move forward with confidence. and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our soldiers. the goal is uah 2.5 million. you can see all the details
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on the screen. china produces drones for russia - the news agency b reports that the attack drones will be similar to the iranian shaheds and will be called sunflowers 200. they are currently undergoing testing before being sent to moscow. several chinese defense websites wrote about it at once. a center for veterans, active military personnel and their families was opened in poltava without running around in offices full of extra papers. specialists will help in... form the documents and direct them immediately to the right specialist. our correspondent anna morozova also attended the opening. in this in a room with an area of ​​120 m2, they provide assistance to military personnel, veterans, as well as families of fallen defenders. the state
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guarantees benefits to such people, and not everyone knows about them. it is necessary to hear unequivocally and help, well , precisely in some bureaucratic issues, because it is difficult, really difficult. the guys sometimes come across some pieces of paper, and well, they don't understand why yes, why can't it be solved somehow faster, because there at the front everything is clear, yes, there is an enemy, i kill him, i defend my family, yes, i have now returned to civilian life, please, yes, help me arrange it, here social workers tell me how to apply for benefits or social benefits, what documents are needed for this and where to go with all this, the tasks of the veterans center... a large number of the population of our territorial community already have the status veterans, veterans, we are proud of this, we are grateful, families of defenders, this is all the same in the focus of work, we must not forget that
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it is not veterans who need to integrate into society, but society to veterans. in two months of operation, the center has already received 118 appeals from veterans, their families and active servicemen. there were questions about recovery, that is, we were looking for where a military serviceman or veteran could go to recover with his family, maintenance of prostheses is also quite an important fact, we had a lot of legal requests, there were also questions about psychological support, that is, these are all the critical moments experienced by veterans , military personnel, members of their families, who must be processed. about 400 veteran... spaces have already been opened in ukraine, deputy minister of veteran affairs says, the main areas of work are psychosocial rehabilitation and assistance, physical and sports rehabilitation, leisure and professional adaptation of military personnel. the essence of the spaces is a single point of entry for receiving a range of services, from
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informational and advisory to rehabilitation, including plus leisure, in the veterans' space the principle is applied... it would be an individual approach. donor funds from the representative office of the council of europe in ukraine, 780,000 hryvnias, were used for the repair and furnishing of the rooms. currently, nine people work in the center specialists who are ready to... for all appeals. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov, from poltava for espresso tv channel. there will be no light for 4 hours until noon, and from noon to midnight there may be 6. ukrenergo told about the schedules of power outages for today due to the high level of consumption associated with the heat, they can apply mandatory and possible hours of disconnection at the same time. warned in the company. see you at 11:00 a.m., read more about important things on our espresso tv website, subscribe to our
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social media channels and see you on air my colleagues, oksana vysochenska and roman chaika. we return, we thank colleagues from the news editorial office for their work. and we will try to supplement all this by analyzing the news with our experts, but instead we ask you to donate as usual, we remind you that we are currently collecting 2.5 million uah, it will go to mavics and components for the military art reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade, at the moment in the account is 120,606 uah, a considerable amount, oh, i just updated it and it is already 121,306 uah, that is, 600 uah, 700 uah. arrived literally in a moment, scan, copy, rewrite these numbers, and we
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will see how the drones fly even faster and how many defenders there are, they themselves turn to you, i wish you health, we, the fighters of the art reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade, ask you to join our collection for drones and their components , which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland, glory to ukraine, glory, another plus 15 hryvnias, this is what we talked about, donations are big and small, but it is important that they all be, and i just can just imagine what a joyful and optimistic voice ours will have defenders, if they, asking to support them, say so cheerfully and cheerfully, what will happen when they get what they need, so do not be stingy, please, if you have such an opportunity, then contribute to the front, and we will continue to tell and to... ask our heroes about the situation there and about other matters, in particular international, and
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also about international matters. in order for you to have a cheerful morning, you need to start the morning, for example, from the facebook page of the deputy of the committee on national security and defense, marina bezuglai , you open and you know, update yesterday guilty, that's how the dpr clause was written yesterday, because they were not the only ones to blame. general sodol, but also the head of the armed forces tsirskyi, and they are doubly written to open criminal liability. regarding the attack on the myrhorod and poltava airports, there was also appropriate criticism, and former spokesman ignat entered into an unequal battle and sparring with maryana bezugla, and she started the morning today by accusing the now commander of the air force general. mykola olashchuk was accused of the lack of preparation
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acceptance of the f-16, i.e. the fact that they have not yet been handed over to us and the crews are not ready in sufficient numbers, our general is to blame according to the version of maryana bezuglai, but in such a morning paradigm, we are in an informational situation, and what is also necessary, in addition to that , in order for personnel to be trained, it is still necessary to somehow provide the infrastructure. so that such cases as were in myrhorod, which were in poltava, were not repeated, so that there was in fact reliable protection for this arriving aircraft, then probably not exactly the generals should care, but about this they are quietly silent, but yes, yes, unfortunately it happens, meanwhile, today we were talking about sumy oblast, about how the russian plaster worked, that in parallel with the hostilities and the invasion of the borders of kharkiv oblast, sumy oblast was promised a similar history, and we asked, and how does it actually happen in your place, the answer was not given
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by our guests, as the security service of ukraine, or as the people call it now, the service of god of ukraine, in ala tkach, it is such a raschit, which is in sumy, it was detained by the sbu, because it actually worked by merging the collected geolocation, actual information about local enterprises of the defense-industrial complex, that's why i have it strangely... my family in russia for some reason did not geolocate there and did not carry out their relocation, so she was detained today by the sbu in sumy oblast, that's the continuation of this story. they asked that there are a huge number of roadblocks, the locals say that sometimes it takes an hour to drive literally 5-7 km, because at all roadblocks they check carefully, they check even knowing the people sitting in the car, that is, acquaintances acquaintances, there is still no such level that yes, i know you, so please drive by,
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a thorough inspection of each vehicle, and this, for sure, in wartime, especially in the border. zone is very important and correct, that's the case. next, for your attention, about 10 years of war. about the documentary film created by espresso tv channel with the support of internews network, usaid and the embassy of the united states of america in ukraine. recent history of ukraine from the first euromaidan rallies to the active current phase of full-scale russian-ukrainian war the pre-premiere screening of this film was organized in lviv. i was there. and the film deserves attention, and the film deserves to appear on all streaming platforms around the world, that's all, but we can show it a little later, we wanted to show this plot, but now we have the opportunity to contact an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, a volunteer myroslav gai, and first we will talk with
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him, then we will go to the plot, mr. myroslav, glory to ukraine, thank you for joining, heroes of glory right away. i'm sorry, we have very bad internet, it might just be bad you can see, uh, so far so good, so use it, the main thing is that it is also good to hear you, because your opinions are important to us, and first we want to question these statements, the politician writes that trump is already saying there, donbas give crimea, give it, we let's quickly agree on everything and there will be peace, the president's office says what kind of territorial concessions, forget what you're talking about, i hear you, you're asking me... you're asking my opinion, yes, the constitution does not allow us to give these territories, and it contradicts international law, so accordingly, of course, maybe we are not now we can de-occupy all these territories, but legally we have no right to give them to the russian federation, and this will never be
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done, that's all, and the fact that in the third year of a full-scale war, such theses are generally the case. they appear somewhere, someone publishes it, despite the fact that more than once ukraine has declared no territorial concessions and it cannot be, why is someone somewhere still trying to trade in this way, is it not clear? well, because everyone wants to end the war, and russia is making great efforts, including through its own diplomats, through their economic emissaries, is making efforts. in order to maximally take these territories for themselves in some legal way, and then they will get rid of the problem of sanctions, because if ukraine recognizes, for example, these territories with the russian federation, then there is no subject of dispute, please, this is legal, ukraine transferred the sanctions , then it will be possible to shoot little by little,
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that's all, that is, they are most likely russian. the russian elections are what they are conducting secret negotiations with around the world, they voiced these demands in public, directly by putin's mouth, and i think that we do not see it on some negotiated unofficial ones, it is also voiced. yes, we saw similar theses voiced yesterday, just stop shooting only in hungarian, from orbán, we also understand, this is one of the ways of pressure and coercion to surrender the territory and simply stop shelling, instead of entering into a peace agreement, and this is completely different , this is a completely different story, that is , in fact, a ceasefire will be possible, but will russia stop shooting, you understand, if
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orban is a friend of putin, he is his friend, he went to him and met with him already during the full-scale... war in ukraine, that's how they are, if friends came to the opinion that mr. orban should come to kyiv, make such a proposal, well, let russia do as they like do it out of good will, stop firing, stop shelling ukrainian cities, stop missile attacks on ukrainian infrastructure, give commands to its units to stop hostilities, and then ukraine will probably stop firing for... this period, then such agreements are possible, and what does it mean to come unilaterally, to tell ukraine, don't shoot, well, we've already been through it, actually what is this, we've already been through it, he said, yes, volodymyr zelenskyi said exactly that to orban, and orban told dievelt about it very offended today , that there was already such a one-sided sad experience in
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history, there is nothing for us to repeat it, but what about a new experience, i wanted to hear your opinion, mr. miroslav, these shellings in broad daylight by iskanders with cluster munitions on our airfields in myrhorod and poltava. forbes and other publications today say yes, stop, and then how will we help ukraine with f-16s, if these soviet planes, su-27s , stand openly, unconcealed, without protection and are being destroyed on the airfields, and in this case, firstly, by -first, which is forbes, because we know that the edition of forbes is, let's say, have the territorial affiliation of some. they have owners from the russian federation, maybe this is also such a narrative, you need to see who exactly wrote this article, then
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it comes out with such messages, but as far as i understand, the first v16 were not supposed to be based in lithuania, but there were agreements that they might be somewhere near the borders on the territory of a nato country, well, due to the fact that such aircraft as the f-16 require modern infrastructure, that is. maintenance is needed, accordingly, repairs are needed, and to what extent it is currently possible to do this at the airports of ukraine, it is difficult to say, yes, but in this case, whatever the force, mr. myroslav, the question is very correct, because history repeats itself twice, when intelligence drones hang for hours over airports, on them nothing works, no rap, nothing works, and only after that actually. iskanders are flying in, that is, it is not even about the fact that the patriot should deploy the entire battery near each airfield, but about the fact that the military is asking the question, why
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do they allow the drones to work for reconnaissance and targeting over airfields for so long? look, on the one hand, i agree with you, and this story has caused a wide resonance in society, in the professional community, i think that ... we do not have enough by the amount of data, i am sure that now the general staff will be forced, in particular, due to the fact that you raise these questions, to conduct an investigation and draw appropriate conclusions regarding the presence of air defense equipment, rtr equipment, to detect drones, in particular reconnaissance ones, near our important strategic areas objects, well, but you see that sometimes we do not have enough air defense to protect all our cities, maybe we are now forced to choose whether to protect first of all the resort, for example, or cities
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like kharkiv, which are constantly being conducted missile attacks, that is, it is also a problem of having a sufficient number of forces and means, object air defense, in particular, that is, we are forced, unfortunately, in the conditions of the insufficiency of these means, to make a difficult choice, but the question of... what is not fair, i think that an investigation will be done and done, at least about possible concrete shelters for our planes, like the ones that the russian federation itself does, after ukraine successfully attacked their airfields several times, they concluded, well actually caponirs, hangars and so on, at least there are solutions, but you said correctly about this dilemma, objects or cities, and i wanted to ask you... do you volunteers communicate with each other exactly? serhiy prytula yesterday announced a test of something that would allow effective combat against guided air bombs,
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against cabs, and thus, if everything works out, there will be help and an answer, for example, for the same kharkiv. well, we won't reveal the secrets, and probably no one knows them except sergey, but you can at least say a few words you, as volunteers, will tell us among yourselves. how fast are these tests and did they really find any solution, because we were told that, apart from the f-16 decision to shoot down the planes that launch the kaba, there is none. well, look, it's hard to say what exactly mr. tutula meant, but it could be completely different means, i think we 'll find out soon. i want to remind you how at one time i laughed at the companion who was paid for by their fund, but at the same time he really did good. work for the benefit of the armed forces of ukraine, our services, so that any such initiative, even if it will not be completely successful at first, it will, under any conditions, lead us to
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a certain... technological breakthrough, which can then be scaled, and the main thing is that it is an engineering idea, remember where we got drones in the first place, it all started , well, first of all , we had beyraktars, which are not effective enough, we don't hear anything about them now, it turned out in the modern war, but later, in the conditions of a shortage of ammunition and means of intelligence , we had so-called household ones. as one minister called them, these are the same maviks, autels, which they initially performed, this is from the 14th year, by the way, the first mavik in our unit appeared in the 14th year, so at first they performed a reconnaissance function, quite limited, they flew at much shorter distances, not yet there were such repeaters, there were no such batteries yet, but then they began to be used as drones with resets, when they
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could deliver. pass and drop on the head of the enemy, and now we already have the goals of the technical units of the armed forces of ukraine and volunteer organizations that make fpv drones, attack drones, ukraine has failed a large number of enterprises, already such design bureaus, which make drones for operational distance, for strategic distance, we see that our drones are large, conventionally speaking. or large ones already fly up to 1000 km, and at the same time can carry a payload, that is, we made a certain technological breakthrough, but i think that what i was talking about is also such an attempt at a breakthrough, because now kaby is one of the number one problems , which must be resolved, if there is a solution, one can only congratulate and support, mr. miroslav, thank you for participating in our broadcast,
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a volunteer and an officer of the armed forces. myroslav gai of ukraine was with us, we have to go for a short break, then we will stay on the topic of defense, about economic reservation, in particular, the statements voiced over the telegraph that they cannot take us to nato because of corruption in the country, we will ask our next guest , please wait. when you sleep on an uneven surface. the spine is in the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the matryk stopper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order toperick for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matrix, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover in which you
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