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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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the defense industry, become part of the american defense industry, and it can be done with such steps as they are, i assure you, they will popularly tell trump that what and where should be helped, then build, taras zagorodnyi, political technologist, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group was on the air espresso, we're moving on, it's time for news on the espresso tv channel, so we pass the floor to our colleague irina koval, iro, i congratulate you and pass the floor. thank you marta, well, i will tell you about the situation in just a moment. after morning and afternoon shelling in different regions of our country, then there will be information about why the ex-mayor of vovchansk was informed about the suspicion and about the explosions in belgorod and much more. wait.
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it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. so let 's start with the situation in the dnipro. there , the number of injured has now increased to 33, and five people have died, reported the head of the regional military administration, serhiy lysak. the victims mostly have shrapnel wounds, cut wounds, bruises and... broken bones, also due to the morning strike on the city damaged the hospital building and the shopping center. there was a fire near the metzzaklad, the russians hit the dnieper with drones and rockets, local residents heard at least 10 explosions. a day of mourning has been declared in the city tomorrow. the headquarters has been deployed at the site, emergency workers are working at the site, all utility services are working at the site to eliminate the consequences, we continue to evacuate people from the site.
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the enemy attacked the crooked horn with ballistic missiles from the occupied crimea, targeting the city's critical infrastructure, he said head of dnipropetrovsk region. fox there were no casualties. prior to this, monitoring channels wrote that they had spotted a russian reconnaissance drone. he probably corrected the shot. kherson is again under enemy fire. as a result of the russian attack , two townspeople who were in the yard of the house were injured - the regional military administration reports. a 58-year-old man has a contusion and an elderly woman has multiple injuries, her legs are amputated, and her forearm is damaged.
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injured head, this is already the second blow to the city today. because of the morning shelling in a 53-year-old woman was injured in the dnipro district. a large-scale fire in the mykolaiv region in voznesensk caught fire in dry land that spread to residential buildings, the state emergency service reports. due to the gusty wind and heat, the fire quickly began to cover the street. eight private houses caught fire at once. osel firefighters fought the elements for more than 5 hours. karma in action. explosions in russian belgorod. on the way out of the city, a powerful fire broke out at the service station. enemy publics say that a pillar stands over belgorod black smoke, fragments of downed aerial vehicles scattered on the streets. the authorities there announced a missile attack and traditionally blamed ukraine. the ex-mayor of vovchansk,
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who supported the enemy during the occupation of kharkiv oblast, was informed of suspicion, the regional prosecutor's office reports. antoniy stepanets held the position of the head of the enemy administration, after the liberation of vovchansk from the invaders, he fled to the belgorod region, in an interview there he thanked the propagandists for the hospitable reception and assured that he sees kharkiv oblast as part of the russian federation. now the suspect is wanted. and the espresso tv channel calls on all our viewers to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they choose victory every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so for evacuation, atvs are indispensable assistants, and they also allow. move as quickly as possible
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off-road, which helps efficient work. your support greatly increases the chances holodoyariv residents not only successfully perform combat tasks, but also return from them. alive, so join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. the spresso tv channel demands a return to digital broadcasting. the supreme court considered to's cassation appeal in holber. i would like to note that in april 2022, the concern of radio broadcasting, radio communications and television illegally turned off our tv channel from the digital network. this happened despite the presence of a broadcasting license from the national council. the supreme court adopted a resolution rejecting the cassation appeal in the goldbor and upholding the valid resolution of the court of appeal, this resolution changed the motivational part of the decision of the first instance. they refused us completely, that is
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, neither the first instance, nor the second instance, nor the third instance will agree that our rights and legitimate interests have been violated. new tranche. ukraine received more than 2 billion dollars from the international monetary fund, prime minister denys shmyhal said. the government will use these funds to finance critical budget expenditures, social benefits, and salaries of doctors and teachers. the usa will allow ukraine to strike with american weapons deep into russia, if the occupiers expand the battle front, said assistant secretary of state james o'brien, and we are talking about distance. more than 100 km on the territory of the aggressor country. at the same time, o'brien noted that russia is now losing strength and the ability to actively attack, and all this is due to a lack of capabilities.
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a center for veterans, active military personnel and their families was opened in poltava without running around in offices full of extra papers. specialists will help you complete the documents and direct you to the right specialist. at the opening. visited anna morozova. in this room with an area of ​​120 m2, assistance is provided to military veterans, as well as to the families of fallen defenders. the state guarantees benefits to such people, and not everyone knows about them. it is necessary to hear clearly and help, well, for sure in some bureaucratic issues, because it is difficult, really difficult, and the guys sometimes come across some pieces of paper, and well... they don't understand why, yes, why it can't be resolved somehow faster, because there at the front everything is clear, yes there is an enemy, i kill him, i defend my family, yes, i am now back in civilian life, please, yes, help me arrange it, here social workers tell me how to issue benefits or
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social payments, what documents are needed for this and where to go with all this, the task of the veterans center is to simplify all paper procedures, a large number of the population of our territorial community already... the status of a veteran, female veterans, we are proud of this, we are grateful, the families of defenders and defenders, this is all the same in the focus of work, we must not forget that non-veterans need to integrate into society, society to veterans. in two during the first month of operation, the center received 118 applications from veterans, their families and active servicemen. there were questions about recovery, i.e., we were looking for where a military serviceman or veteran could go to recover with his family, the maintenance of prostheses is also a very important fact, we had a lot of legal requests for psychological support, that is, these are all the critical moments experienced by veterans , military personnel, members of their families,
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who must be processed. about 400 veteran spaces have already been opened in ukraine. the deputy minister of veteran affairs says that the main areas of work are psychosocial rehabilitation. and assistance, physical culture and sports rehabilitation, leisure and professional adaptation of military personnel. the essence of spaces is a single point of entry for receiving a range of services, from informational and advisory to rehabilitation, including plus leisure. in the veteran space, the principle of an individual approach is applied. donor funds from the representative office were used for the repair and furnishing of the rooms. council of europe in ukraine - uah 780 00 currently, the center employs nine specialists who are ready to help with all requests. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov, from poltava for espresso tv channel. and that was the news for this time, you can
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read more on our website esreso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch us on youtube. my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii continue the broadcast. we will see you soon. thank you to iryna koval, thank you to the editors of novyn, well, what is going on with the information day of the tv channel at 10:30, in the next hour we will talk about the internal ukrainian situation, not only about it. marta oliarnyk and antin borokovskyi live in the espresso studio, and now we will involve anton hrushetskyi, the executive director of the kyiv international institute of sociology, together with him we will talk about the mood of ukrainians regarding various issues, but we will probably start with the last survey. which was held by the mr. anton, please tell our viewers about
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the results of your own all-ukrainian survey regarding the level of our unity. yes, on the beginning of a full-scale invasion, this level of unity, it seems to me, was simply off-limits, but some political, and not only political turmoil in our state, they still divide people into certain camps. how is the situation with this now? you are absolutely right. that is why we asked the question, because in fact at the beginning of the invasion there was a feeling of total unity of different sections of the population, different regions, but now more and more often we can see, for example, in the same social networks , complaints that before were unified, but now a lot of disunity, we asked respondents to rate from zero to 10 how united ukrainian society is now, and in fact, currently about 44% of ukrainians consider ukrainian society rather united, although only 10% of them consider it completely united. at the same time , only 15% consider it rather disjointed, and about a third of ukrainians, 35%, believe that
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we have elements of unity and disunity in equal measure, therefore, in fact, this question can be interpreted as positive, which in principle, despite everything, the majority ukrainians still maintain a certain optimism, and negatively, that we still have a majority of people feeling a certain disunity in ukraine, and therefore the question is that the trends are alarming, they are not critical at the moment, but they are alarming, and they need attention and the authorities, and civil society and definitely ordinary citizens. you said that the trends are alarming, but are there any specific numbers that can show how much these trends have become more alarming and what exactly is the reason for this disconnection of people? well, about the trend i can't tell you for sure, because before there wasn't even a feeling of needing to ask this question, because if we remember the first year, even the 23rd year, there was a feeling of more tension, even the hard winter of the 22nd of the 23rd year. mutual aid, there are considerations and so on, if we were to survive the winter and move on. now
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we see at different levels, from the authorities to ordinary citizens, you know, such disruption is psychological, and there is a feeling that the issue of psychological factors, that many people are tired, and react more easily, to everything that happens, and of course, there is not always decisions of the authorities or other subjects that upset the population, so when we asked the question, what exactly in your opinion is dividing society now, that is, what are the reasons. why society is not united, most often actually people talked about answers that are related to certain elements of justice or good decisions of the authorities, that is, people talked about corruption, about the fact that the authorities lack a certain competence for decisions, также samo, that not all people feel the same war, you and i hear that there are conditionally residents of front-line cities, there are people in trenches, and there are conditional residents of kyiv or lviv or other residents of more peaceful cities and they do not understand what is happening, also formally in second place is, of course, the language issue, but you have to understand that this is all... 15% of people chose him , and this is both a part of those who would like a higher status of the ukrainian language and
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its use, and those who, on the contrary, would like a slightly different attitude towards the russian language, but in fact, if you look at all the answers, it is still a feeling that in people have a certain feeling of justice. look, sir anton, i understand that you, as a sociologist representing the kmis, should hardly comment on the sociology conducted by the mind center. but as a sociologist, you could assess certain trends, we understand that polls are different, i don't know what methodology was used there, but recently a poll was conducted there, it was released on the 27th, in particular, it is about the month of june, and there was it is said that the personal level of trust in volodymyr zelensky exceeds the institutional level of trust in the president of ukraine. well and made public, so to speak, the degrees of trust of our society in the institution, right? well, in
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first place is the armed forces of ukraine - 90%. next, volunteer organizations - 81%, volunteer battalions - 80, state emergency service - 79, national guard - 75, state border service - 71, church - 63, ministry of defense - 61 and so on and so forth. the heads of the city, town, village where respondent 51 lives and the president of ukraine - 50. what does this case mean, and how can one explain the level of trust in volodymyr zelenskyi? exceeds its institutional level, more precisely, the institutional level to trust in the president of ukraine, well , this is actually a difficult issue, in fact the difference is not so great, institutional and personal trust, but because when a person hears the word president of ukraine, a conditional set of ideas about a person and certain functions that he performs forms in his head , and actually
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people immediately judge, if it's the president, how much he, let's say, reflects my thoughts and views, how much... he's able to deliver on promises or what's important to me. when people hear the word volodymyr connection zelenskyi, they have a slightly broader view, because volodymyr zelenskyi is, after all , a person broader than the position of president, he is a certain human being, they often perceive volodymyr zelenskyi as a person better than the president. but of course you read this list, and on this list, volodymyr zelenskyy does not look in such an attractive place, but actually, given that after two years of a full-scale invasion and after five years of the presidency, now ... the trust scores, by the way, are quite good ones remain, but as in our survey, by the way, coming back, the more people trust president zelensky, the more they see unity in society, so in fact, these moments, when they trust the authorities less, they feel injustice more, and accordingly, this affects the worse perception of the unity of society. another interesting survey that you conducted concerns
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the mobile project, which was conducted from may 26 to june 1, and it asked... ukrainians what they thought about increased mobilization, and this survey showed that 34% of respondents, it every third person who was asked agreed either completely, or rather with the statement that they disagree with the statement i support the new law on mobilization, but at the same time , 58% of ukrainians agree with the statement that the ukrainian authorities should not compromise in negotiations, that is, it turns out that one in three does not support the new for... law on mobilization and most likely does not support mobilization and does not want to be mobilized, but at the same time, 58% do not want concessions in negotiations, that is, people want somehow it all collapsed by itself, they are not ready to defend the state and at the same time they do not want the state to make certain concessions, this is the kind of thing, you know, cognitive dissonance causes a little, well, the fact that cognitive dissonance exists,
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you are right, but here a little precision is needed, because this question was about the law on mobilization and the facts... there were 34% who agree with the statement that i support the law, about 50% disagree with the statement, but in fact in other polls we really have a very yes, a third of people support it the law, a third of people do not support it, a third actually take a conditional intermediate position, do not support, i do not support, you are right that if we have a third who support the law, but the majority opposes, it gives rise to a certain idea of ​​a certain dissonance, but if we asked whether you are personally ready to join the defense of the country, we have 50% or more of ukrainians still saying that they are ready. are ready to defend and join even the defense forces, of which, of course, only a smaller part, there about half completely are ready for this, but it must be understood that considering the number of people in ukraine, which is still at least 4-5 million only men of mobilization age, even the current readiness inatli, by the way, of other countries for which we see the results of surveys is still quite high , that is, the people, ukraine has both the human resource and the readiness
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of the people to fight, there is a great demand for modern weapons, and therefore the request here is often not even to our authorities. and to our partners regarding armaments, therefore, in fact, there is a request and willingness to defend ukraine, but you are right that there is this moment of dissonance, and it is, by the way, one of the things that leads to an increase in the share of those who are actually ready for territorial advances, that is, there are only such people now, depending on the question, it can be a little more than 30%, we have a survey that will be published closer to the middle of july, who are generally ready for certain territorial concessions, but in fact the key issue for... people, not even so much the territorial concessions that we are discussing, the issues that will be security configuration for ukraine, which will be offer, western countries can offer us, now ukraine is signing security agreements, and by the way, on friday we will have a shooting with the results of how the ukrainians feel about these security agreements, and you will be able to see them and understand how, by the way, ukrainians also perceive this issue and how they see ukraine's long-term security. mr. anton,
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look, ukrainians are a gullible people, in general, yes, well... about half an hour ago , we talked about certain promises, yes, and our expert said that, well, ukrainians in fact, they don't always believe in the promises they are given, and we understand that there is a certain perception of the real situation, we understand that it is very difficult to measure this in one survey, but you possess, i think, a certain dynamic up to the level the trust of ukrainians in what is called the intra-ukrainian political process, what about that? i apologize for my lack of trust in the internal ukrainian political process, so understand, we can measure trust in this or that institution, in this or that. structure to certain people, well, but in general there is no such so -called stratification or splitting of what is called public trust, well
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, without a doubt, they existed and in fact overlap, that is, in ukraine there was critically low trust, especially to the top and to elites, i.e. the ukrainians had the feeling that we have an ordinary people there, this is the majority of the population, there is a conditionally elite that always behaves decently, and the invasion changed something there, i.e. people smoothed out some corners. but we are now seeing an increase in this criticism, and that is why, to things, now there is actually a great demand for new faces, there are competent, honest faces, and now you read the list of institutions of trust, and people first of all expect changes to be brought from such categories as military leaders, defense forces, and volunteer movement, classical politicians really do not use much trust, as well as the political process, by the way, one of the questions, as people answered, that brings about the separation of society, it is precisely politics and political activity. people do not want to see politics now, political activity and react to it sharply enough. but if, for example, we have to make a choice between new faces and competent faces, well
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, ideally, we understand that we would like new faces to be distinguished by exceptional competence, but sometimes our ukrainian history tells us that this is not necessary, a face can be new, but the level of competence or other additional virtues may be close to zero. well, you know, i have a feeling that, after all , people are moving now, that a certain competence is needed to bring the war to a certain ukraine's success will be completed, but then there will be a demand for new faces again, and what is this for a certain success? this is a difficult question, because formally, of course, people would like it to be the borders of 1991, and the collapse of russia and the absence of danger for ukraine are also a video game, but in reality, the key moment now is security for ukraine, that is, it may be a certain postponement of liberation . it may be certain other difficult things, but people need to understand that, say, we become members of nato, or conditional western military bases there in ukraine, or we see echelons of trains that
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bring us not 31 abraz there and there, but 300 abrams with the appropriate finances, that is, so that people feel that there is security, because it is really fundamental, if you do not feel security, you are not you can start a business, you will think whether you should have a second or third child, whether it is better to send the children to study abroad, so it is really a question of safety. when this security configuration is secured, it will be so fundamental that it is a success for ukraine in the war. and also, i understand that this is not in to your extreme sociological research, well, maybe you have a feeling and understanding, yes, to which formula of our victory are ukrainians leaning now? well, actually, too, as if, without running ahead and without disclosing what is, again, a formula that will provide security. may indeed be postponed for the future liberation of certain territories, but this is ideally nato membership or an equivalent substitute for security, and this is membership in the european union,
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which is again perceived as also security, of course it is not entirely justified, but for people also, membership in the eu will add peace, also as an economic reconstruction for the population with a possible postponement for the future of the liberation of all ukrainian territories, for example, in a certain better time, when western friends strengthen more, or maybe finally a black... swan will fly to russia and stir up the local nest. and maybe, well, in conclusion, such an honest question. i don't know if you asked, if you did, how people answered that it was more important for them to end the war or to return the territories that were taken by the invaders. you know, people, you, we don't have a request for peace under any conditions, so when we, you know, we are often approached by journalists and experts of the event, and they all, as it were, ask about the terms of peace, but i don't. that there is a large layer of intellectuals, humanists in the west, who stand for the main thing is to stop shooting, the main thing is simply peace under any conditions, there is no demand for peace under any conditions,
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that is, once again, people here understand what can happen postponed to the future liberation of all territories, not to give them up, but postpone for the future, but here the question is not to stop shooting, but to ensure that russian aggression is impossible in the future, but people, you know, you talked about credulity, but after all, our people are trained by the budapest memorandum... agreements, even the last two years people also see that not everything that was stated in the promises was given to ukraine in a timely manner, and that is why people want much more serious guarantees, and not just some piece of paper where they will say that "you will dopo, we will help you as much as necessary" . thank you, anton hrushetskyi, the executive director of the kyiv international institute of sociology, was directly involved in espresso. now we have a short break, after which we continue the espresso information day, so stay tuned. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb, all at a special promotional price, only uah 149.
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the information day of the tv channel is ongoing. that an important publication in ukrainian truth.


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