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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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negotiations on the nato summit, and in your opinion, are ukraine really being prepared for the negotiations, well, then we will talk, as promised, about the situation at the front. russian troops captured two villages in the pokrovsky direction, this is the area west of avdiivka, it is about the settlements of sokil and voskhod in the donetsk region. this is reported by analysts of the deep state project. in this direction, the russian army also advanced near yevhenivka and novopokrovsk. in addition, russian forces are making progress near friendship and in the village of severnye on the turkish direction. according to deep state , the russian army has also advanced in the north of kharkiv oblast in the village of sotnytskyi kozachok, which the russian military began storming last week. meanwhile, on another bridgehead of russian troops in the north of kharkiv oblast, in the city of vovchansk, there is an advance of the armed forces of ukraine. analysts of the american institute for the study of war write about this, and according to the analysts of the armed forces of ukraine, they are advancing slightly near kreminnaya. in the report of the general staff. they say about 161 military
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clashes in the last day, the most 37 on in the pokrovsky direction, the loss of territory, as well as the advance of ukrainian forces there, is not reported, in the russian ministry of defense, on the other hand, they report on alleged tactical successes and occupied more profitable lines in various directions, repelling counterattacks by ukrainian forces. in addition, the day before, the russian agency announced the seizure of one of the eastern districts of chasovoy yar, the novy microdistrict. analysts of the deep state project also wrote about the capture of this part of the city, as well as the commander of the revansh tactical group bohdan khodakovsky, however, this information, like other posts, has already disappeared from his telegram channel, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine did not confirm the events in chasovoy yar. ivan kyrychevskyi, a defense-express expert, joins our broadcast. mr. ivan, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good morning. we have a lot of news that the forces of the russian federation have advanced. they write that the villages of sokil
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and voskhod are occupied, and there is also an advance of russian forces in sotnytsky, kozachko, northern, near druzhba, yevgenivka, and novopokrovsky. why are there so many advances of the russian forces? i would say here and why do we talk so much about the advancement of the slrf and do not talk about our advancements. that awkward moment when i have to publicly give credit, say something positive about the institute for the study of war, which i usually do not like, refer to it, because, well, at least these people ... finally wrote something useful and recorded that they are making progress somewhere russians, we are advancing somewhere, then again, asking such a superficial question, we simply do not give ourselves an account of what stage of the war we are in, now the first point, about the stage war, the task for the russians now is not just to tactically advance somewhere there and the like, there are already offices there, well , dictator putin's public statement that there is a need to fix the realities on the ground, apparently, the russian army after this statement... and
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judging by the nature of her activity in all areas of the front, she is fulfilling the tasks of her commander-in-chief, that is , putin, that is, she is demonstrating the ability to fix on the ground, plus, all this is happening against the background of what we will call various diplomatic maneuvers related to the political settlement of the conflict, and to the armed forces of ukraine in this case, at least you know, to show the inability of the russian army to record the same realities on the ground, that is why it also turns out to be a slightly non-linear picture that... somewhere in the area of areas of the front that attract special media attention, there during the yar, for example, the same one, that the russians are advancing there, it looks alarming to us, but at the same time , it is equally important that there is confirmation of successes in the crime area, it is a confirmation successes in the area of ​​vovchansk, and let's say, even the very fact that you know, the fact that the russians can create a small advance there in the kharkiv region against the background of the fact that their offensive as such failed in principle. this just means
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that the ukrainian army is quite successfully fulfilling the task of preventing the russians from showing that they are capable of recording reality on the ground, because , you know, talking about why the russians were able to advance in the area of ​​separate forces there, it can be ignored in principle the price of questions, the question on which the future depends is not so what about the wars in ukraine, the future of our country in general, well, you mentioned it, indeed we are talking in the program today about these conversations about possible negotiations, well... here , with the naked eye, they are not professionals in military affairs, it is obvious and obvious with such news from front, that the russian side is not preparing for any cease-fire or truce, so who would have said that it was going to prepare in principle, there are wonderful people here who suggest, you know, first stop shooting, and then negotiate, they ignore just sad realities, well, let's call it that, just the general outcome of the conflict on the territory of the former. which lasted there from 1991 to the conditional
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period of the defeat of the milosevic regime in 2000, because in principle there, too , it is simply customary to consider the sum of individual things there. which took place in separate territories, but in principle it can also be considered as, you know, one such big, also a classic war of attrition following the example of the iran-arab war of 1980-1988 , when parallel events are taking place at the same time two processes, there are some over there, let's say so, peace mediators who offer different options, well, political settlement, let's say so politically correct, and at the same time there are other players either there or. these are either direct participants in the war, or their satellites, or partners, who offer to show, well, excuse me, for the imprecise wording , some kind of movie on the battlefield in order to have a more favorable, let's say, position in the negotiations, based on the fact that that now, what should
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be prepared for, that it won't even be the next one a few months, maybe the next few years, that this so-called diplomatic track, it will happen in parallel, let's say, with what is happening there. hostilities in both cases, we will have a certain topical situation, but the way out of it, as such a quick way out, is in the style of orbán, and let's just stop shooting, well, unfortunately, there will be no such thing. in an interview with bloomberg, volodymyr zelenskyi noted that ukraine's situation at the front would improve significantly if there were a sufficient amount of weapons, although the president highly appreciates the aid package there from the usa, yes, but he noted that the delivery of equipment to the front takes too much time, are these some objective factors, or why are these...weapons taking so long to arrive in ukraine and what is currently glaringly lacking? no, let 's put it this way, don't take it as sarcasm, but no one has yet launched a giproloop as a transport technology, unfortunately, that's right, and driving a classic vehicle is either, you know,
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fast, but not enough, well, for example, in one , the heaviest c-17 military transport aircraft will fit a maximum of a bradley infantry fighting vehicle, but if they will be allocated there even in packages of 10, well, that is , just transferring a dozen bradleys is enough. not a difficult logistical task, or if you load something with a shaft, well, for example, shells, a logistics ship, well, give it a couple of weeks, it will sail the atlantic, if not more, so unfortunately, it is unlikely that anything can be delivered faster, especially since, well even in 2021, individual nato countries honestly admitted that they had problems with the logistics of these narrow places, especially in the event that russia would attack them directly there, there would have to be, you know, something transfer from the atlantic, let's call it that, to the fact that they... the eastern flank of nato, that's why it's such a problem, unfortunately, and what's missing, well, forgive me, there's not enough of everything, we actually have a million-strong army demobilized, if not more, we according to what is necessary, if we take the standards of the us army, we need to strip the us army of everything, and everything will still be not enough for us, because the us army now has only
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426,000 bayonets, that is, we can compare, well, how much more equipment do we need, than is even in the us military, unfortunately, well, if so, me i will ask primitively, i apologize for this, but in order to understand the situation. the situation at the front and the advance of russian forces, in particular, it all depends on whether for a certain period ukraine has enough of these weapons, which are arriving here so slowly, well, in general, not only in the first place, but you know, here you can even to say so, for six months we had no military aid, in the best case it will be possible to overcome it in six months, but those are all just people who are writing, trying to simply highlight facts without context, they forgive me, they are acting dishonestly, because before any reports, the russians advanced in a separate village in a week of assaults, a week of assaults advanced in a separate village, in theory it would not be necessary to discuss, it would be necessary to add, but six months later, after that , like the army, well, the us has resumed military aid to us, unfortunately, it hasn't passed yet,
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but you know, six months to catch up with all those effects, this is still an optimistic scenario, because usually the deception takes much longer to catch up, it's very good that you pointed to such a global context in order to... really, when we read there news from the front and various analysts also took into account that you are delaying us aid, let's fix another thing like that, really autoripstate in them, it 's just a task to fix you know, promotion in the area, and they carry out their task honestly, the problem is that they do not add some details, and this can cause, well , that is also called the entropy barrier in a non-scientific way, well, that is, when people do not understand what is happening, so that's why we are up to these news with front, we invite experts who can clarify this, experts... and military analysts, it is important to clarify. ivan, thank you for joining, ivan karychevskyi, defense express expert, was a guest of freedom morning, we talked about the situation at the front. well, there is a story from odessa, which is actively discussed in social networks, where
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a visitor to the veterinary clinic oblayev the doctor. the man was allegedly outraged by the doctor's request to pick up the dog for examination. the veterinarian's name is oleksiy prytula, he is a war veteran and has disability during the attack on lyman was seriously wounded in september 22 and lost both legs. the behavior of the clinic visitor chose both civilians and military. later in the evening , a video even appeared. his conversations with this doctor, the man apologized for his behavior and noted that it seemed to him that the doctor was somehow not speaking in the right way, the police also responded, they drew up a report on an administrative offense, see the details of the story in the story of our colleagues. in this footage, a visitor to the veterinary clinic swears obscenely at the doctor and runs away the video from the surveillance cameras was posted by the veterinarian oleksiy prytula himself on his social networks, the man. he says it was a regular reception, and he saw the visitor for the first time. a person came in,
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i always sit this way, it’s more comfortable for me, because i can lean back there and, well, in short , it’s more comfortable for me, i look like this, i don’t see a big problem in this, i already read that someone criticizes me there, that i meet a person with his back, this is not true, i say: please, pass, sit down, i repeat again sit down, he finally sits down, i ask what exactly you have... what it happened, he says that the animal somewhere has something like only me, he thinks so, i am asking him, please tell me where exactly, the animal is between us, he is sitting in the tutu, the animal is near me, yes, he is something somewhere there he is groping in the shopping area, looking for something somewhere, as if he has found it, and says: here , here, look, i say, i am not comfortable, can you move me here, please, it is as if he is not even trying. he says: can you get up? i say, i can't, i turn around, i can stand up, but look around
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sitting, i can't be an animal, i can't sit down, that's why there is such a moment, right at this moment, and flees. oleksiy says that he does not understand what exactly provoked such aggression, instead, the management assured the veterinarian that they will no longer serve this client. meanwhile, the situation gained publicity on the internet. they published a photo of a visitor to the clinic, local activists even visited his home, but no one opened the door for them, and the man did not answer our call. zabunet is out of reach. sorry, but you can't leave a message right now because your inbox is in your inbox full of messages. please try again later. oleksiy prytula has been working as a veterinarian in this clinic since 2011 . with the beginning of the invasion, he immediately joined the army, during the war he was seriously wounded
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during the attack of russian troops on the lyman. a man lost two legs as a result of shelling with cluster shells. in january of this year , oleksiy returned to work at the clinic. since then, there have been no such cases in his practice. for the entire time, i will say not only for work, on the street, i did not meet any negativity anywhere. i could meet there is some misunderstanding, yes, some not so much. well-behaved children and parents, so never any aggression, there are by no means people who are surprised, for example, there are people who clearly do not feel very comfortable, but this and this unit, how to react to people with prostheses in wheelchairs , people have to be explained by their parents, and they should n't do it now, when something happens, it's a problem from birth, i'm sorry, my child knew that prosthetics are normal, a chair is normal, long before puberty. probably 15 years ago it was shown on the example of some kind a girl who just ran on a prosthesis, and my
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child in life would not have reacted, and my child in life would not have grown into such nonsense as this. psychologist mykyta permyakov says it is difficult to say exactly what provoked such a reaction in a visitor to the clinic. now there is a very high level of aggression, we do not know what happened to this man, maybe he was very worried about his dog, so maybe what happened. it is possible that he has some economic problems or family problems, that is, this reaction is effective, so this aggression, this is, firstly, secondly, a person could not orient himself and not knowing how to behave with a person who has prostheses, that is, a person could be confused, and this is the first reaction of defense, this can be the third lack of education, lack of education and not understanding that there are certain boundaries, yes, certain boundaries, and that there are certain rules of communication , in turn , oleksiy prytula wrote: a statement to the police, the qualification of the case will be given by the law enforcement officers,
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poyshots, friend, you saw me, share your reaction, what did you feel, what did you think when you saw such a video and such a reaction to a ukrainian soldier with prostheses, as you can explain? that's it, and thank you for spending this broadcast with us, let me remind you that you can support our channel with your subscription, comments, likes, and you can also share this video with... colleagues. let me remind you that today we talked about incredible negotiations, whether ukrainians are really being prepared for negotiations with russia. you have heard the opinions of many experts. i will also note that we invited representatives of the servants of the people, representatives of the president's office to this meeting, no one has been able to join yet, but of course we are waiting and always we invite you for the completeness of the conversation. my name is
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who can, how much , please, transfer these details that you see on the screen, the details always appear in the... on the screen during our broadcast, the lower left corner, if you see a qr code, feel free to scan it, it's actually on maviky for our defenders. well, and we, in the meantime, you collect for the defenders, we collect information for you, and our next guest is the deputy general director of the company for the production of radio electronic warfare equipment, aviation expert anatolii khrabchinskyi. mr. anatoly, we congratulate you. congratulations. we are already today with the military. we started this conversation, it is about the history of attacks on the open airfields of myrhorod, poltava, and kryvyi the horn sounded yesterday, and the question that is asked, as they say, not by specialists, but by the community, is that they pay attention to the fact that they follow the same algorithm, constantly, eagles hang for several
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hours over the objects of attack, this was previously also in cities. the same over kharkiv or over the dnipro, but here drones hang over these airfields, then they work for quite a long time, then iskander strikes, and then they also work to collect information about hits and about these strikes, and the question arises, why do they allow this there is no way for drones to work in the air for so long opportunities to, if not to shoot them down, then at least to act by means of radio-electronic warfare. let's probably start with the fact that in fact we are already seeing the results of the work, for example, of enemy drones due to the fact that the information is posted on russian publications, and of course it reaches us. i just want to give an example that in the month of june, the enemy carried out six massive missile, combined missile attacks on ukrainian airfields. 14 attempts to break through air
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defenses at the expense of bepala typeshed drones. every day, the enemy launches cruise missiles of small and medium-range kh-59, kh-69 in the front-line border zone. once again , the enemy hits with iskander missiles and other ballistics every day. also along the border and in the front-line zone, but at the same time we see several episodes this month, when there were attempts by russia to strike at airfields, something worked out again, but i want to note that all the strikes that we see on the video, they took place nearby, not even on the taxiway, not even on the aircraft parking lot, in contrast to ukraine, which demonstrably destroyed two mig-31s ​​at the bilbik airfield with a direct by hitting... the planes are direct, so in principle it should be understood here that the russian eagles flew all this full-scale second time over ukraine, they are actively working, of course,
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that the time of such means appeared much more, because again it is necessary not to forget that ukraine has actively tested russian radar devices, such as a50 planes, in the sky in crimea, a container, the same drones that they tried to put near the border. or thereabouts in crimea, so basically we are saying that we deprived them of the opportunity to see, that is why they began to increase the presence of intelligence chambers, of course, that in their opinion spectacular operations, which will be visually perceived as effects, they will publish and russian propaganda will already work, therefore, in my opinion, it is necessary to understand here that, in principle, countermeasures against intelligence pila, the search is now underway, we are already ba... russian eagles, halls, we see how in odessa the yak 52 is used in order to intercept these means, that is , countermeasures are now underway, now we are in the state
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when we first encountered by the shaheds, when there was an influx of shaheeds and we were looking for the right solutions, then mobile groups appeared, it is clear that mobile groups will be ineffective against reconnaissance bpola flying at an altitude of 5 km there, just as some means of radio-electronic warfare will also be ineffective when this tool is located at an altitude of 5 km. therefore, in principle, we are saying that the search for a countermeasure is now underway, but nevertheless it is necessary to understand that it will be found and this issue will be resolved, but there is no need to engage in such dispersal of the russian propaganda, that in six months they managed to carry out a number of operations there, which they consider successful, because again , it is not known until the end whether these were really operational planes, they are, after all, planes that were still there with... us it was precisely the military intelligence officers who pointed out
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these individual details of the video, in fact, that these could be models and so on, we have already warned our viewers about this. then the next question, mr. anatoly, about their tactics and how they started to attack yesterday, for example, it was during the day, first shaheds, then various types of rockets. not quite typical for of russian mass attacks, this night it was exclusively shahedis, but only from the north they flew from kurshchyna, and the monitoring channels write that most likely part of these shahedis were without a combat unit, that is , they were faster, lighter, more maneuverable, and in this way it is assumed that it was not just an attack, but additionally reconnaissance. what can this last few days tactic of theirs lead to? predictions with their attacks ahead for the next few days? at the beginning of this week , the netherlands has a public meeting in which noted that they allow the transfer of 24
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fighters to the f-16, so russia is now actively trying to change any approaches to see if these aircraft are already operating in the airspace of ukraine. ah, it should be noted that after the first such of the appearances of the official regarding the possible receipt. ukraine of planes, it should be remembered when there will be a mass launch of missile fire and there was a launch of only two kha-10 missiles from the caspian sea, and these missiles entered from the front line, that is, the enemy is trying to understand whether there are currently f16 aircraft in ukraine, and of course he is is trying to simulate some strike systems in order for you to check whether f-16s actually appeared in ukraine and... whether they will, how ukraine will act in this case, again, regarding the strike yesterday on the dnipro, then here is exclusively the terrorist approach of the russian federation, which all these years since
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the 14th. never changed. mr. anatoly, you have already mentioned the f-16, some kind of reconnaissance or air defense or the presence of aircraft, but with these aircraft we also want to ask you for clarification, because we heard officially from various sources, such a total figure, by the end of the year to 70, and maybe more, even f-16s should be in service in ukraine, and here the question arises whether we have such a number of ee-ready aviation groups. pilots and maintenance engineers, because congressmen, i see , are writing letters to the pentagon of the white house to expand the training programs, that is , will it not turn out that we will have more planes than are ready to work on them? it is the congressman's job to put pressure on his, his, his military, and his levers to use the opportunities to increase the training of ukrainian pilots. actually we are we are talking about the fact that in any case we
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need to increase the number of pilots , taking into account the fact that there are three or four pilots per plane, and here we must not forget that in fact ukraine receives planes and there is a program transition to f-16 aircraft, which involves two years, that is , retraining of both combat officers, pilots, and pilots without experience, without cadets, so to speak. again, we must not forget that denmark has already graduated 50 engineers, before that there was a group of engineers who graduated training, for comparison, 50 engineers can serve about two squadrons according to the nato standard . planes, which we are the first on
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the first. will receive, this is very important, and here it must be understood that any number can perform certain tasks on which they will be relied on, it is clear that most likely there will be a phased operation of these aircraft, phased entry into hostilities, we understand that we all wish that 150-16s flew there, dobryachen launched missiles towards russia over the occupied territory in order to knock out all of russia, as they say, from ukraine, but none the less it should be noted that there is... an understanding of correct use, effective use, by the way, a very valid remark from the commander of the danish air force, jan dam, that the ukrainians must prepare well in order to use these aircraft effectively. well, actually, we have one more minute just to see the comments that also accompanied this information were about the fact that at the first stage the f-16 will have to be used as anti-missile interceptors, and they will not be able to perform combat missions as
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attack aircraft. in particular, regarding aircraft that launch cabs. there were such comments. these aircraft will perform the tasks that will be assigned to the air force. undoubtedly, the main task is to repel the russian aviation, because in principle , we can see that we have opportunities to intercept missiles during massive missile attacks. of kabyov, i think that the use of such an opportunity should not be ruled out, because in principle f-16 aircraft will be able to significantly drive away russian aviation from the borders of ukraine or. front zone. ugh. thank you, mr. anatoly, for the conversation. anatoly khrabchinsky was with us, the deputy general director of the company for the production of electronic warfare equipment and an aviation expert. well, and about kaby, this is what we said, that in fact now they have modernized the fap-500 in such a way that it flies at 80 km, that is, the distance is quite far. well, but the f16's radars go even further. so. and this is actually an argument why exactly this aviation can help us now. news time on the espresso
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and tv channel. iryna koval is ready to talk about the most important thing at the moment. iro, we congratulate you and give you the floor, which will be discussed in the next issue. thank you oksana. of course, aviation is very important, but drones, for which we collect funds, are also very important, and you know, it is important to thank our viewers very much for their donation, and each of your donations is actually very important, from a small one, from 10 hryvnias. and i want to thousands now i want to tell you and our viewers that just a few minutes ago alix donated uah 16,222, so we thank alex for such a wonderful donation, you probably have the information from another bank, which i have from the second one, and i see it.


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