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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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information about the kremlin's progenitors, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. welcome to eter espresso news. kateryna shirokpoyas works in the studio. battle during the time of yar, ukrainian troops retreated from part of the city. this was confirmed by the spokesman of the khortytsia operational-strategic command , nazar voloshyn, radio svoboda reports. he noted that it is about the kanal microdistrict. it was impractical to keep him in the future, because the position of the ukrainian defenders was destroyed by the occupiers, explained volo. this area
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is separated from most of the temporary ravine by the siverskyi donets-donbas channel, which the armed forces of ukraine are trying to defend, and the fighting for it began at the beginning of april, when the aggressor advanced on the entire front, west of bakhmut. 16 residents of turetsk in donetsk region were evacuated by rescuers, three of them with disabilities, one with reduced mobility. this was reported to the state emergency service. life in front-line toretsk in... is dangerous, it is about a kilometer from the frontline, the russians constantly are dumped on the city of kaby, all the houses are damaged, the evacuation is ongoing, today there are about 10 thousand people left in the community. if ukraine goes to a ceasefire with the aggressor, then russia will launch another invasion, president volodymyr zelenskyi said in an interview with bloomberg, the so-called silence will be used to accumulate strength, and later... the kremlin will accuse ukraine of
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violating agreements, the head said state, because our military cannot respond to armed aggression, give russia an advantage today, it is simply impossible, we need to be reasonable, and it is important, again, who will be responsible for this, apart from ukrainians with their lives, which country, it is very simple to agree on a seisfiire. it is very difficult to keep him, very difficult, then there will be those who must answer why sisfire is broken. demonstrating solidarity, chief of the general staff of the armed forces of poland wieslaw kukula arrived in kyiv. he laid flowers at the wall of memory of those who died for ukraine, and also met with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. the generals held negotiations for the envoys. cooperation in
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against russian aggression. ukraine appreciates the military-technical assistance and diplomatic support of poland, and is also grateful for the training of our units, syrskyi noted. and to the situation in the regions due to enemy shelling. one person died, seven others were injured in kherson region, the regional authorities reported. two high-rise buildings and 37 private houses were damaged, the occupiers also hit an educational institution and a gas pipeline. water, at night the aggressor covered the central part of kherson with artillery fire. damaged surgical building and burn department hospitals at dawn, residential blocks were shelled, shells hit a high-rise building and a private house. fortunately, there were no casualties. and here there is total destruction, capital. ono, look at the mountains, everything is broken. well, let's sew up the windows in the house for you today, windows. in the summer kitchen,
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well, you can see what a shelter it was, in dnipropetrovsk region there were already seven victims of night and morning shelling, the enemy attacked with artillery, nikopol district, one woman and six men were injured. this was announced by the head of the dnipropetrovsk region, serhii fox the damage caused by the attacks is still being determined. three people were also wounded in druzhkivka in donetsk region due to... enemy shelling, informed the head of the region vadym filashkin. seven apartment buildings and 13 private houses were damaged, as well as the fire station, the blast wave and debris hit the ambulance, gates, doors and windows. in general, according to the police, the enemy damaged more than fifty civilian objects in the region during the day. an enterprise, a store, non-residential premises, wheat fields and agricultural machinery burned. at least 200
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men of draft age try to flee the country every day, such a shocking figure was called by the head of the parliamentary committee on economic intelligence, dmytro natalukha. he also added that the lack of economic reservation also contributes to this, it also leads to tax evasion, men quit their jobs to work unofficially and not appear in the registers. money collected for the treatment of children was appropriated. two pseudo-philanthropists were detained by border guards in transcarpathia. military personnel stopped the car at one of the checkpoints . the driver and passenger presented a certificate of ownership. working funds, residents of odesa and poltava regions reported about local stores collecting funds ostensibly for the treatment of seriously ill children, but 80% of the collected money was taken for themselves, and only 20% was given to the sick. in addition, a correspondence was found in odesita's phone,
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in which he hoped for russia's victory in the war. the detainees were handed over to the police. and in transcarpathia, the car fell into the river, the driver was saved... at night 37- 37-year-old a resident of the village of silce was driving and lost control. he drove off the bridge and fell into the irshavka river, the regional emergency service reported. the driver was locked in the car, he was unblocked by rescuers. currently, the man is in a satisfactory condition in the hospital. for the first time in the history of canada, the armed forces will be headed by a woman. a lieutenant general will be appointed as the chief of the defense staff. canadian prime minister justin trudeau announced that janie carnyan will replace general wayne eyre, who is retiring. she has more than 35 years of experience in military service, she commanded with two combat engineer regiments and the second canadian division, led crisis
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operations during the liquidation of the consequences of the flood in quebec. and early elections have started in great britain. precincts in all. england, scotland, wales and northern ireland opened at 7 a.m. and will run until 10 p.m. the vote will decide which party will form the next government, as well as who will be the new prime minister. according to the latest polls, the victory is confidently won by labor led by keir starmer, in second place rishi sunak's ruling conservative party. without running around the offices and a ton of extras. of papers in poltava have opened the premises of the center for veterans, active military personnel and their families, will provide, in particular, consultations on the preparation of documents and will direct them immediately to the appropriate structure to a specific specialist. yes, the military and veterans will not waste time on uncorrected
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bureaucratic mechanisms. our anna morozova attended the opening. in this room with an area of ​​120 m2, they provide assistance to military veterans. and also to the families of the victims defenders, the state guarantees benefits to such people and not everyone knows about them. it is necessary to hear clearly and help, well, for sure in some bureaucratic issues, because it is difficult, really difficult, and the guys sometimes come across some pieces of paper, and well, they don’t understand why, yes, why it can’t be solved somehow faster, because there on everything is clear at the front, there is an enemy, i kill him. i am protecting my family so im back to civilian life now please yes help me set it up. here, social workers tell how to apply for benefits or social benefits, what documents are needed for this and where to go with all this. the task of the veteran center is to simplify all paper procedures.
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a large number of the population of our territorial community already have the status of veterans, veterans, we are proud of this, we are grateful. families of defenders. this is all the same in the focus of the work, we must not forget that non-veterans need to integrate into society, society to veterans. in two months of operation, the center has already received 118 appeals from veterans, their families and active servicemen. there were questions about rehabilitation, i.e., they were looking for a place where a military serviceman or veteran could go to recover with his family, the maintenance of prostheses is also an important one. members of their families that need to be worked out. about 400 veteran spaces have already been opened in ukraine. the deputy minister of veteran affairs says
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that the main areas of work are psychosocial rehabilitation and assistance, physical and sports rehabilitation, leisure and professional adaptation of military personnel. the essence of the spaces is... the only entry point for receiving a range of services is from informational and advisory for rehabilitation, including plus free time. in the veteran space, the principle of an individual approach is applied. donor funds from the representative office of the council of europe in ukraine - uah 780,000 were used for the repair and furnishing of the rooms. currently, the center employs nine specialists who are ready to help with all requests. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov, from poltava for espresso tv channel. for now , that's all the news i have as of this hour. to learn more, stay tuned to our website and we will see you on our social networks in less than an hour,
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greetings to all espresso viewers, marta olyarnyk is working live for you in the studio, we will be with you in the next three hours... we will name the main events of today, there are many of them, but let's start, of course from the situation on the front line, it is quite difficult there right now, and i want to start right away with the latest messages from the spokesman in sukhorte, nazar voloshin, he says that the russians are destroying toretsk with aircraft in order to capture the ruins later, he stated this during the telethon. according to the spokesman, the russians are trying to destroy the entire infrastructure of the city of torytsk, located in donetsk region, in order to capture the ruins later. he noted that the enemy is active. uses aviation, i will now quote him: the russians carry out assaults in the areas
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of dilyivka, toratsk, severnye and new york settlements , use aviation, which during the day carries out 10-20 airstrikes on the territory of the entire turkish community. in general, last week the enemy carried out 114 attacks in the direction of turetsk, last day there were 25 attacks, and we understand that now the so -called triangle of chasiv, ocheretyne and toretsk is being created in the east of our country. now we will talk about this and more with ivan stupak, a military expert and an employee of the security service of ukraine from 2004 to 15. mr. ivan, i congratulate you and glory to ukraine. congratulations, congratulations to the studio, thank you for the invitation, grim, glory. let's start with the situation at the front, it is very difficult now, there is already confirmation from the spokesman of hortetsi that our defense forces had to leave the kanal microdistrict at the time of the yarii language. i would like you to rate now. the situation in this direction: toretsk, chasiv, yar and ocheretyn, mr. ivan? yes, well, look,
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well, this is a difficult question, well, the situation is changing very quickly, and unfortunately, not in our favor, unfortunately, the russians have opportunities to press, and they have been stretching our forces to the north of the kharkiv region for several months now , unfortunately, and this allows them to use the advantage, well, in people, in technology and squeeze, push in the literal sense. our defense, these are all the settlements you name carry for the russians an extremely small goal, a small significance, a tactical, small, strategic goal - to enter the border of the donetsk region, and all these settlements are just bus stops on the way to this goal, there yes, somewhere, somewhere more tactics, somewhere less tactics, but the main goal is to reach the administrative limits, and all these movements are subordinated to one big goal, mr. ivan, today zelenskyi... gave an interview to bloomberg, i don’t know if it happened exactly today, or maybe yesterday, but today ,
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at least quotes from this interview appear in the press zelenskyi said that we have 14 unarmed brigades, help is coming slowly, he said this in an interview with bloomberg, and zelenskyi said that the situation at the front is not a stalemate and explained that one cannot simply talk about counteroffensive actions, because today it is necessary to protect what is. in the context of what is happening now from... everyone is already talking about it, both analysts and military experts are talking about it, about the fact that, unfortunately, we are losing certain territories, and now we are trying to hold the front with the capabilities that we have, yes, we see that zelensky is talking about a certain insufficiency of the aid that is coming, but on the other hand, there are also signals of possibly not very competent military decisions, regarding the activities of the same general sodul, we understand that... those posts that marina bezugla writes to herself are already such, you know, background noise, probably more, which we do not take seriously, we
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understand for what purpose she does this, but when it comes to that if the military already starts talking, then this is a serious enough matter, actually, what do you think, what is the reason that we are now, unfortunately, losing territories, is it the lack of some professional military-political solutions, or weapons, or is it a complex problem, well, a complex problem, cover it again. i will not criticize the military, i can’t afford it, only the military can criticize military decisions . it is completely unacceptable to do this, especially from abroad, sitting abroad, i think... that you are fighting the wrong way , this is absolutely unacceptable once again, and so, unfortunately, the weapons are moving very slowly, not in the batches, not on the scale that we expect, because there is a slight disproportion between what the russians use and what we receive, that is, ukraine uses much more various weapons than it generally receives from of all the countries of western
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europe, yes, they and the united states really increased production there, but it is going slowly, they say, here is the year 2025, we will produce such a quantity there, the 26th year, for a second, we still needed it there on the 22nd year, well, rather, we have what we have, unfortunately, this is the situation, so for now the russians are counting on the fact that they will be able to seize the territories that they are interested in entering the administrative borders with such pressure, ah, pressure, until the western countries of western europe gather there using. are really counting on political turbulence in european countries in the united states, there are elections, there are some opposition movements there, there are elections for the president, ah, parliaments, governments change, prime ministers change, and this is what the russians are very much counting on, that in this turbulence ukraine can get lost somewhere, besides, there are places where
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there is a discrepancy between what western countries promise and what... actually arrives both in quantity and in the nomenclature and so on. yes, mr. ivan, i agree with you in the aspect that our western partners are not helping enough, but on the other hand, we also see certain, well, corruption scandals, yes, well , that is, let's put it this way, we are not saints either, and to us too there are a lot of questions, in view of this , there is also a certain mood of psychologists. population is not very optimistic, and this is what the latest sociological polls say, what do you think they are preparing us for, in the context of all these events, what is happening? well, look, mr. president says that there is no stalemate so far, well , okay, he may have a little more information there from intelligence, from counterintelligence, from ukrainian, from intelligence,
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from western intelligence, their analysts there, they operate with a larger mass of information there hundreds of times, but... well, fundamentally, we are really moving in the direction of a stalemate, when not even the russians can, or rather, they they still can, but not as they would like, but gradually we are moving towards a stalemate, when neither side can achieve any advantage for a long period of time, just as it was, for example, in 1900 there in the 16th year, in the 17th year, during the first world war, and according to classics, according to science, the patio situation is the basis for holding peaceful... it was not for nothing that it was stated that representatives of the russian federation will appear at the next peace conference there, it is clear that putin will not be there, will there be someone from midinia, i don't know patrushev, a certain delegate from the russian federation, and then this will really be the first such real step in order to somehow start this war, well, to end it, because first
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of all, the russians are tired, their economy really is. is suffering a lot, we see it at all points, not only because of the telethon, but because of many external factors, which are suffering a lot, it is very difficult for them, they really brag that everything is okay with us, sanctions are only useful, everything is great, not everything is so cool, we saw that hypothetical plan for peace talks, or those peace proposals, announced by your colleague dmytro gardon, it can be argued differently that it is a fake. that it will throw everything away, but as it looks to me, well, it looks, well, not like game, something there, oh, this is incredible, please elaborate, because i am not in the context, to be honest, dmytro gordon published a list, there is quite a large one the list of points that he received from his sources, which the russian federation can declare in the form of a hypothetical plan for peace
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negotiations, there is ukraine's refusal to join the alliance, there are already missing items. about nato goes to the borders of 1997, it is no longer there, it is no longer there, there is a limit proposed on the number of the armed forces of ukraine, there it seems 350,000, well, this is unacceptable for us, based on the limitation on weapons, on the long-range of these weapons, for god’s sake, what there was still a language issue here and there , that is, there are many, many things, something debatable, something not... but in principle, yes , it looks more real, as the russians see it for themselves, as they present it to themselves and directly indirectly, therefore , as an option, these points may appear. there in the near future under discussion on some official platforms, well, these are actually the same conditions that russia was promoting even before
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the full-scale invasion, then the same conditions were promoted by russia at the istanbul negotiations, accordingly, ukraine was not ready to agree to these conditions, and it all ended by the fact that this negotiation process has stopped altogether, but we understand that, well, if russia also suffers from this, and ukraine suffers from this, then war, unfortunately, exhausts both the aggressor and the victim. well, don't you think that putin actually wants to enter these negotiations with any excessive expectations in order to secure the status quo in the end? well, look, with every negotiation in general, the standard tactic is to ask for what you need, and by the way, there are demands again, one of the demands is to lift all sanctions, that is, ukraine should initiate the issue of lifting all sanctions from the russian federation that were imposed on us . all the way there since 2014, so that there is technological cooperation again, that is , we see how it is very, very hard on them, so i, as an option, i assume that this is all really
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desperate, this desperate offensive of the russians, which has been going on, by the way, well, note since october 23rd, that is, it is really incredible, even there western analysts, western intelligence, they are not shocked, but they are so spontaneous, i say wow, the russians have taken this such a pace, that is, it is usually six months, well, there is a plus... here it has been going on for a very, very long time, but actively, so tiringly, both for them, and even more there for almost eight months, and very much for us, so maybe they want to take the most favorable positions for hypothetical peace negotiations there, in my opinion, this is the position to enter the administrative border of the donetsk region, at least, and then you can already bargain with something, for example, zaporizhzhia as, well, look, mr. ivan, i also wanted to ask you, we understand that the plan... of the enemy rests on the resourcefulness of the enemy, and he can want anything he wants, but if he has the resources to implement these plans, it's one thing, if he doesn't have these
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resources, it's a little different, and there they talked about what they were planning 30 dash 40 thousand new recruits every month to attract to of russian aggression against ukraine, but there is also information from various sources about those so -called renegades, who use and drink drugs there and on... do you estimate the number of enemy manpower that the enemy is currently using and the potential of how many more they can throw at these meaty assaults in order to knock out our defense forces and occupy some new settlements? oh, well, it's a difficult question, frankly, i won't take bread from mr. budanov, because it's his competence count, analyze. and see how many of these recruits are deep in the rear, what kind of training they have, how many five hundred of these defectors, what happens to them, we
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know what happens to him, they are caught, they are put in improvised prisons, improvised such pits as it was in vietnam, that's all there is, but unfortunately there is not such a critical mass of these responders yet, how many people are there in total, that's what the figure was called, half a million, it seems up to 60 thousand around ukraine. and together in ukraine today here is the number, but not all of them are fighting, a large number of administrative personnel, headquarters, there are bath attendants, drivers, logisticians, adjutants, that is , there is a certain part, maybe a third, maybe a little more, here are all the auxiliary units, unfortunately, in russians have the opportunity to recruit new people from africa, sri lanka, nepal, they are recruiting, unfortunately, we see how hard it is for them to recruit in the russian federation, and here we are all the time. we're telling you about it, it's money, it's the indicator that shows that recruiting people is difficult. money in which sensei? increases the amount of one-time payment for
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participating in this war. over the past 2.5 years , the russian federation has already raised the figure of the one-time payment more than 70 times, that is, now the minimum amount, i already said about it, it should be reminded that which is paid from the region, there is the mayor's. payment, federal payment, there is a regional payment, that is, the total amount is 7,500 us dollars, this is the minimum, the maximum that was declared and not the fact that it is paid, it is 18,500 us dollars, this is an insane amount, and by the standards of the russian federation, therefore alas, they are they take money, if the problem can be solved with money, then it's not a problem, it's an expense, well , for us, unfortunately, such an option does not shine, because we don't have money for it, and accordingly, some legal mechanisms. in the same way, probably, ukraine simply does not have any mercenaries to attract. well, look, as for me, maybe i'm not very good at this material, but as for me, maybe from
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the regions, if i don't know there. the heads of the regions of ukraine would gather, i don't know, there at the level of mayors, i don't know, regional administrations, and they would decide, there, what amount each region can to allocate, for example, servicemen who are mobilized from each region of the fate of the armed forces, in the form of a one-time payment, it would really be cool, wonderful, why agreed, because each region has its own opportunities, the opportunities of the lviv region - one, the opportunities of the khmelnytsky region - others , the possibilities are clear. to kyiv is completely different, it will really look like a dissonance, for example, let’s fantasize, for example, there, it’s khmelnytskyi oblast allocates 100 dollars to each one at a time, and kyiv can afford there and i don't know kyiv region, there is 500 dollars, of course it will be such a big dissonance, so it seems to me that if it were all agreed, a single amount was so unified for each region, then it would really be very, very appropriate. thank you, ivan stupak, a military expert, an employee of the sbu from 2004
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to 15 years old, was in direct et. espresso tv channel, now we will move on, in a few minutes we will be in touch with the bakhmut direction, one of the most difficult, which is currently on the eastern front, but before going on a short break, i want to remind you of our collection, now a qr code has appeared in the corner of the screen, which you can use to donate to our collection, which we are conducting together with the charity fund of our colleague iryna koval, we are currently collecting uah 2.5 million to purchase quadcopters, they help to our military, both in... tasks and actually saving lives, so we ask you to contribute in hryvnia, euro, dollar, wherever you are, whether you are abroad or in ukraine, please join, your donation is needed for our defense forces now we will have a short break, after which we will continue the information session espresso day, so join us. attention, total sale, kors garden trimmers,
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15% in pharmacies plantain pam and savings. the hungarian prime minister arrived in kyiv. the leader of hungary remained almost the only one among the leaders of european states who did not come to ukraine during the war. orbán still supports relations with putin. and meets him despite russian aggression. the most important thing today at 21:15 in the project is spoken by velikiy lviv. a square where everyone gets to speak and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign


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