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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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we hope that you will listen to it already from the shelter. irina, we give you the floor and want to hear about the most important thing at this moment. thank you oksana, well, in just a moment i will tell you about the situation after the night shelling of the russians in different regions of our country. and there will also be information about what is happening in russia itself, so stay tuned. eight in the morning in ukraine news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. so, at night ukraine was attacked by 32 drones. our sky defenders destroyed all the drones they launched russian terrorists, the air force said. air defense. worked in
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the mykolaiv, odesa, kherson, dnipropetrovsk, kyiv, chernihiv and cherkasy regions, attacked the russians, attacked the russians from their border region of kursk, primorsky-akhtarsk. due to the fall of the wreckage of the drones, there is damage in the kyiv region. there are six private houses and a car in the makariv district of ponivycheni, the head of the local community said. in the dwellings , windows were broken, doors were damaged. and roofs fortunately, no one was hurt. and another victim of russian terror in the dnipro. a 72-year-old woman who was seriously injured during the shelling of the city on wednesday died in the hospital in the morning, the head of the region, serhiy lysak, announced. a 58-year-old woman also died the previous evening. thus, there are already eight dead as a result of this attack. another 58 townspeople were injured. there are still two dozen wounded in the hospital. three are in serious condition. the occupiers
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targeted the dnipro with missiles and drones, damaged the hospital building and the shopping center. enemy attack on odessa. one person died, seven more were injured attack on the port infrastructure of the city - reported the regional prosecutor's office. in the evening, the enemy sweated along the coast with ballistics. port facilities and building administration were damaged. one person died. eight were injured as a result of the shelling of the novogrodiv community in donetsk region, the head of the regional military administration, vadym filashkin, said. the day before, in the village of zavitne, russians killed a 55-year-old woman with a drone, and the district center was hit twice. first, the occupiers aimed an fpv drone at a two-story building in novogrodivka, then fired in the middle of the place from hurricanes among the wounded are four children. three high-rise buildings, two were damaged.
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ministry of construction and a coffee shop. three people were killed and two more people were injured as a result of enemy strikes in the kharkiv region, the regional prosecutor's office reports. a 67-year-old woman was fatally injured in the village of hlushkivka, kupyansky district. another local resident was injured. a resident of ruska lozova was also killed in an airstrike. her husband was injured. russians also killed a man in the chuguyiv district. released guided aerial bombs over the village of losivka. law enforcement officers who arrived to provide assistance, they found the deceased under the ruins of one of the houses. and a large-scale drone attack on russia. the governors of the krasnodar region and the rostov region announced the attacks, fires and casualties. as reported by the russian ministry of defense, 24 drones were allegedly shot down at night. in rostov, in particular. it was rumored
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that this was the largest shelling of the city. falling debris caused fires in open areas, and local media reported that an oil terminal was on fire. primorsky-akhtarsk was also found. from where the enemy launches kamikaze drones across ukraine. the local governor said that air defense shot down a dozen uavs. as a result of the attack , a three-story residential building was damaged. apparently, six residents were injured. also damaged. local tets-2, which supplies a significant part of the city of struma. and to the operational situation on the front line from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 130 combat clashes took place at the front during the day, the hottest in kharkiv region, pokrovsky and turkish directions of donetsk region. more than two dozen times with the support of aviation, the occupiers tried to attack hlyboke, libtsi, vovchansk and senkivka in the kupyan region. fierce
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fighting continues on the pokrov section of the front, where 33 clashes took place. nearby, the turkish enemy went on an assault 18 times, on the kurakhiv area, the russians tried to attack the positions of our defenders somewhere... times. on vremivskyi 7. twice the enemy advanced in the areas of small tokmachka and robotino in zaporizhzhia. on workaholic day , another 1,110 occupiers burned at work, and since the beginning of the russian invasion, thanks to their dedication to their cause, our defenders eliminated more than 548 thousand invaders. sincerely, the armed forces of ukraine. russian equipment is also dusted. during the day, they destroyed 10 tanks, 11 bmps, 54 artillery systems, and 59 units of enemy vehicles and special equipment. 59 operational-tactical drones of the russians did not reach the ground either. the general staff reminds. data
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are approximate. 9 billion dollars are needed for the next 10 years to restore cultural monuments that have been damaged as a result of the war. such calculations were given by unesco - chiara deci bardeski, head of the organization's office in ukraine, said. she also noted that she is cultured and the tourism sphere of ukraine lost more than 19 billion dollars of income, and the total amount of destruction is 3.5 billion dollars. the head of the unesco office also stressed that the numbers will continue to rise as long as the russian invasion continues. 19 billion usd is the loss of the sector as a whole, this means the loss of not only physical assets, but also includes the loss of collections, the loss of wages, particularly for professionals who cannot return to the profession and even the loss of people's access to
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the creative sector, to cinemas, theaters and to tourism without running around the offices and tons extra papers. the premises of the center for veterans, military personnel and their families were opened in poltava. our anna morozova also attended the opening. in this room with an area of ​​120 m2 , assistance is provided to military personnel, veterans, as well as families of fallen defenders. the state guarantees benefits to such people, and not everyone knows about them. it is necessary to hear unequivocally and help, well, definitely in some bureaucratic issues, because it is difficult, really difficult, and the guys. sometimes they come across some pieces of paper, and they don't understand why, yes, why it can't be solved somehow faster, because there at the front everything is clear, yes there is an enemy, i kill him, i defend my family, yes i have now returned to civilian life,
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please help me arrange it, here social workers tell me how to issue benefits or social payments, which documents are needed for this and where to go with all this, the task of the veteran center to simplify... all paper procedures. a large number of the population of our territorial community already have the status of a veteran. we are proud of this, thank you. families, defenders, it's all the same in the focus of the work. it should not be forgotten that it is not the veterans who need to integrate into society, but the society to the veterans. in two months of operation, the center has already received 118 appeals from veterans. their families and active military personnel, there were questions about recovery, that is, they were looking for where a military serviceman or veteran could go to recover with his family, the maintenance of prostheses is also an important fact, we had a lot of legal requests, there were also psychological support, that is, these
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are all critical moments that are experienced veterans, servicemen, and members of their families who need to be trained, ukraine has already opened about 400 veterans' homes. the deputy minister of veteran affairs says that the main areas of work are psychosocial rehabilitation and assistance, physical culture and sports rehabilitation, leisure and professional adaptation of military personnel. the essence of spaces is a single point of entry for receiving a range of services, from informational and advisory to rehabilitation, including plus leisure. in the veteran space, the principle is applied - an individual approach to the repair and furnishing of rooms attracted 780,000 hryvnias of donor funds from the representative office of the council of europe in ukraine. currently, the center employs nine specialists who are ready to help with all requests. anna morozova, bohdan proskorov, from poltava for espresso tv channel. and to
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international news. parliamentary elections in great britain. the political force of the current prime minister rishonyk is losing the race horribly. the world is about it. exit poll data. the conservative party lost its majority after 14 years in power, reports european pravda. according to the results of the survey at the polling stations , the opposition party. the borys party will receive 410 seats in the parliament, and its leader, kier starmer, will most likely become the new prime minister, while sunak's party will have no more than 131 seats. the liberal democratic party is in third place. the final election results are to be announced today. and that was the news at that time, we will see you at 10 o'clock. hours you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social
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networks, there you will find a summary of the main points, and also watch us on youtube. oksana vysochanska and roman chaika continue to broadcast on the espresso tv channel.
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we are coming back, we thank irina koval and the news editorial staff for their work and for the information, we are picking up the baton and continuing, maybe even a person who knows all this well will ask about such things, i mean about the material that you saw in the news , because a veteran, an officer, a combatant, a medic, a rocker, a biker, and the head of the lviv center good morning, glory to ukraine,
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glory to the heroes, hello, good morning, so let's start with a fairly resonant story, it happened in the west, someone who went to the carpathians knows where the enemy is, someone can just look on the map, but there was an incident, which is part of the current general trend that someone... plays quite skillfully on emotions and instead of what we heard two years in a row, that is, i believe in the armed forces, they said in the deep rear, now, on the contrary, they go with their fists and attack, for example , military, who say, take away the tcc, because tourists are afraid to come to us because of them, business is not going well, money is not coming and so on, this trend from the beliefs of the armed forces to attacking the armed forces, well, somehow it happened very quickly. what is this, and this is animal fear, it’s just
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this primal animal fear inherent in people, as it is now skillfully said, leaving the comfort zone, and such a very scary one, leaving the comfort zone, when you have your comfortable, beautiful ride with trampolines and all the rest of the tourist viaducts and all pleasant things, you must to take and go to a place where it is clearly not about comfort, but... but about the protection of the state, and here women simply start to fear losing their breadwinner, but in principle i understand that my wife was also afraid of losing me, this is normal, can they this is to use the forces of enemy propaganda, and of course, they will also inflate it with joy, because turning a hero, a representative of the armed forces into a cursed, evil thief, a barmale who wants to take your husband away, in principle... is not so difficult, in general, these military vehicles look terrible with
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glued a4 sheets, where it is written no tsk, but tsk simply turns into some kind of monster that lives under the bed, and in principle, this does not play positively in any way in favor of our defense against the enemy, both ipso and in general from the enemy, but history? which just yesterday was scary, as it made a sensation, it's not animal fear anymore, i'm talking about odesa and about this man, who turned out to be not, not even an average person, so he turned out. advisor, and in this way, and in this way, he communicated very badly with the veteran, it's not about fear anymore, it's just a person reacted to the fact that his animal is accepted by a person with, a person without legs, a person who lost both legs at the front, it's about what, it's
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about superiority, it's about a sense of leadership. world, which is characteristic of certain watchmen who are in these middle such non-official positions, but consider themselves, well, just solid louis vuittons and gods from politics, and this young god, he actually thinks that he can afford everything, and this is his apology , which is absolutely logical, that the veteran did not accept, and this is just a bad rant, you know, bad attempts like that exoneration, just like exoneration from the army, here he is exoneration from responsibility, exoneration from simply saying that he is guilty and that he did an incredibly stupid thing, uh, but in this case, look, we're just showing this footage, two a poodle is in the frame, one is a little
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sickly with fur, and the other is completely without a conscience, and this is the type of people who came... he gets involved where he needs to, there is a little on the short leg with kim, on the short leg with the freelancer from the vice- prime minister, everything to me anything is possible, after that in odesa, in fact, it was the public who searched for him faster, even than the service of god and the national police, so the distance to actual lynching in such cases is not very small, because they continue, i apologize, to bully the word, instead of realizing their responsibility.. that is, how to extinguish such stories on a national scale, because this is not the first and not the last. it's a pity that the owner of that poodle is such a dog, really, it's very good that there is media coverage, and such inflated opinion of such situations. it's good that we have smartphones with cameras, good in general,
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that there are brothers who can raise this information, yes, such people directly need it, it is... public bullying, i will not call it otherwise, but it is a very correct public bullying, and in particular, not so long ago we had a situation with two girls, this is no longer about the military, but two girls who beat a child in lviv, well, this too, this public bullying is needed so that they are ashamed, so that tears and snot flow both from this bearded dog and from other people , who allow themselves to cross the line, who allow themselves to simply... consider themselves superior to humiliate someone and someone else, i.e. self-trial, of course, this is not a decision, but what is not the trial itself, this is this media presence, this is the exaggeration of this situation, a person is not punished physically, but he is humiliated and absolutely deservedly humiliated for his attempt to humiliate absolutely of a worthy person, mr. andrii, in addition to
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the media, media publicity, in addition to the fact that people themselves take up the story. dissemination of such information for education, in the end, communication in society in general must change, we understand that there are a lot of veterans now, not always we we know who among us is a veteran, because it is not always visible at first glance, and therefore, probably the whole society should change now, talk and communicate a little differently, so that it is correct in the conditions we have, or is there any idea, how can this be ensured at all, because if... the majority will communicate correctly, then the rest will somehow either catch up, or they will be taught the appropriate methods? i am now watching the comments on facebook that appear under some state and city projects, i i am generally observing what is happening, how this social project
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works now, in principle, how society communicates, the condition here is very simple, in fact, you just need to communicate in a human way. regardless of whether a person is a veteran or not, if you communicate with him absolutely adequately, normally, you really can not understand what you are talking to a veteran, er, the point is not to single out a veteran and find for he has some special words, it is not necessary, then i will tell you as a veteran, you just need to speak adequately, communicate, to understand each other and not to hit each other on the shoulder, there really is no need for any special secrets, then... just humanity and understanding that the person opposite may have his own feelings, thoughts, we just have to be a little more delicate now, more empathetic . andriy, one more aspect that is very important, we, together , even have, have this experience, when unexpectedly, even at some public events, suddenly a person is covered, yes, that
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what we call ptsd, post-traumatic syndrome , saw, maybe, maybe you saw too this video, when a military man walked into a supermarket in kyiv, he suddenly saw that red tape was being sold in household goods , and in and for him it was an association. with the enemy, and not just with economic ones with a blue or red ribbon, as in general, when we get into certain emotional ruts, when post-traumatic syndrome somewhere covers one of the participants in hostilities, he can react quite emotionally and unexpectedly to something, as some kind of recommendation actually for us, for body freaks, how to react correctly in such and... situations, and i will say that in fact, in such a situation for a veteran , another veteran will be the most helpful, because i am modeling the situation on myself, when you are now talking about a person who
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reacted to red tape, i would definitely go to that guy myself, say brother, what happened to you, what can i do to help, er, we already have contact between veterans that is so specific, very invisible, and with regard to civilians, we actually start with our center for providing services to participants in hostilities, from our training psychologists for business, in particular, when such a person can react in such a way in the store, how to react in the first place to the employees of the store, that is, i absolutely understand perfectly well that there can be such a situation that when a young seller approaches a veteran who, well, let's say now, it is difficult to forgive. condition, a difficult psychological situation, a veteran can react, and why aren't you in the trenches, if i was there, this employee should be ready for that and somehow smooth the situation, in fact, we will
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separately conduct such consultations for businesses so that to explain how to communicate correctly in order not to get into trouble, well , using the opportunity, as they say, i am asking the veterans very much, well, i think, there is no need to remind. this support, we have to create a shoulder for each other, we have to create a kind of commune that will pull each other out, and remember that no one understands a veteran like another veteran, and programs like this, it's really very important, but there is another point, it must exist, yes, when veterans receive certain benefits, certain, that's the last thing i've heard, it's specifically about... for example, veterans who have ubd may not have car insurance, and some drivers complain that look, it's going to be a lot more difficult now, in the event of an accident or
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something . we understand why this is happening, we understand that in the end, the transport companies will settle it all, but doesn't it look like they are just trying to split the society as well, that is, now they are pitting the military against civilians so that there is this split. two years ago we were all together, and now. should be more united it looks like no, but this separation is a normal process in this situation, i actually spoke with veterans of other countries, and there must be a separation, we will not avoid it, really here is the main message from the veterans, if you want to have benefits like mine, then please go and do what i did, and indeed, if the civilians did not want it now, but the veterans have a preference, in particular... if the business works correctly and works intelligently, it will make those preferences for veterans when hiring work, and people made it so that we can sit
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to use the internet, that i can give you an interview, and these people deserve slightly bigger bonuses than all the rest who are not currently in the armed forces, but for the armed forces, well, because surely everyone understands that we now have the right only to have two categories, no... you can look from the side, as you said, about folded palms, thanks zsu, you have to be a direct participant in the events. therefore, well, it is necessary to understand, it is necessary to accept that a veteran is now a very important part of society, which should be duly thanked, and these programs for veterans, these benefits for veterans, this is an absolutely deserved result. well, yes, i would like it to finally be a common denominator for society. thank you for your service, it was a traditional greeting from civilians, andriy, thank you for participating in our program, andriy zholub,
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combat medic. a veteran, head of the lviv center for providing services to combatants, was with us. next, we will take a short break, after which we will talk directly about the front line. we will be in touch with the chief of reconnaissance of the artillery of the fourth rubizh brigade about bakhmutskyi direction, about what is happening now in chasovoy yar, we will ask in more detail, wait. there are discounts representing the only discounts on... 15% in pharmacies of travel memories and savings. euro-2024 only for mego. football europe is ready to crown a new national team. who will become the champion and forever go down in history. watch all euro 2024 matches exclusively on meago. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on estaziping. 20% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr
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your place is waiting for you, the light remains on , for dinner, what you love, a warm bed made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for your streets. at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, behind they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not give up, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby.
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half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win, and we will do our best to embrace you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you. we are coming back and , as promised, we are adding to our conversation the intelligence chief of the artillery of the 4th rubizh brigade, the captain of the national guard of ukraine, volodymyr nazarenko, mr. volodymyr, glory to ukraine, glory to us, dear, we would like to ask you what you can tell, actually some...


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