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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

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scouts, watches for changes in the situation at the airport itself, and later ballistics arrives at the specified target, he does not fly further, he remains further to understand how much to adjust the next strikes. two days ago , we were told that there would be conclusions, and accordingly there would be some changes, but as we can see, it is a complete copying and repetition of the history that happened the day before yesterday, but we do not draw conclusions about it, so we will ask about it. military experts, those who know more, can read videos better, information and explain to us, so that it will definitely be on our airwaves today, i would like to remind you that the alarm continues in many regions, from sumy oblast, through poltava oblast to cherkasy oblast and kirovohrad oblast, zaporizhzhia, everything, all these areas are red, stay in shelters, we will move on to international issues and include oleg rybachuk, head of the ge center, in the conversation. of joint
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actions, mr. oleg, the vice-prime minister of ukraine for european integration in the past, so he is very well versed in those matters, mr. oleg, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations, mr. olezh, we will start with, well, as they say, apovo, it is the bearer of european values, democracy and everything else, and it is called orban for short, he was with us, now he is also going to moscow. despite the fact that they are in charge of the european union now, all the european leaders are shouting, it's impossible , it's a joke, but they fly, orban is not a joke, orban is a reality, a big challenge for the european union, and it's similar to as now some nebemzya presides over the national security council. un, just completely
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incomprehensible, incompatible things, but hungary received a mandate for six months, orban flew to kyiv precisely because he wanted to show that he is a dove not only of the russian world, but a dove of peace, he voiced phrases we have known for a long time, and of course we must continue to reconcile with putin, he does not hide this, he does not hide the fact that he wants, well, a little so eh... to score more points for the candidacy of the mediator in the future negotiations between ukraine and russia, which everyone from all sides is already talking about more often, and it seems to me that he is trying to demonstrate in this direction great activity, and the european union has real problems, the european union must draw conclusions. and must develop a certain
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policy, what to do with the countries that promised to be faithful to the spirit and letter of the european union there, to support the international policy of the european union, in fact they act as such orbans, and what will he tell putin now, and what will he do later in azerbaijan, in baku, that is, it's a different game here, that is, he will come to putin with the sidzenpinna formula. eh, which before even before the presidency in hungary they, well, somehow discussed and v forvaters of chinese investments and roads to serbia and chinese electrical plants, well , we understand that now it is actually not the putin formula that orban is carrying, like sidzen pinya, he will also take it to baku, or is there some other game? you see, the role of azerbaijan and in particular the president. aliyev recently, president
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aliyev, who is experienced there, international, he drags her to the club of authoritarian leaders, and several signals that came from baku indicate that aliyev is not so worried now and does not put such a the task of how to become closer to the european union, to the club. how about in this other environment, which is planned further, for orbán the topic of gas is important, for example, because he is economically trying to profit as much as possible from the problems that exist, and he wants to take advantage of the moment so that it is possible to come and to say to my compatriots:
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hungarians, that i am the best, i provide you with the best conditions, for me there is only you, everything else does not exist, hungary is above all, so he can speak fluently, in particular, about contract. on the gas supply, recently there was information that under the guise of russian under the guise of azerbaijani gas, in fact, europe is importing russian gas, which is simply being replaced, and so the europeans cover their eyes a little bit, they say, well, we understand that this is no, they are not russian, they are azerbaijani, but in fact there are certain contracts between russia and azerbaijan... certain contracts are agreed upon and europe imports russian gas, which formally according to the documents is azerbaijani gas, maybe orban has it too interestingly, not only us, in fact the whole of europe is now closely watching how
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orbán moves, the prime minister of finland says that this is disturbing news, actually, and on the one hand we understand that orbán cannot negotiate with... at all to speak on behalf of the entire eu with putin, it should be like that, but this is orban, can he dare to promise something, bargain, negotiate now on behalf of the eu, and then try to make such agreements of his own, perhaps private in does moscow dare to promote in brussels? he can do anything to moscow and... dare to do anything, but in brussels he will have a much more difficult situation, it is obvious that he is already, as you rightly said, in the focus of european politics there, his presidency of the european union was worrying
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europeans even before hungary took this place, hence the beginning of negotiations on the acquisition of membership by ukraine there and by moldova. before orbán formally assumed these duties, and although his ability to influence there is quite limited, it is more agenda formation, because the country that presides, it does not dictate the conditions, it does not set its conditions, but he will try, it is absolutely clear to me that he will try to score political points, to find as much as possible there ... profits from that , that he is now in the center of european politics, and one more thing, he formed a group of patriots of russia, united or patriots of europe, as they were called there, in the european parliament, where he and two other such and such pro-putin leaders formed a separate group, i don't know if
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they will succeed in becoming a faction there, because it is necessary that there should be seven countries, so far there are three countries, but he is trying to bring himself to such a... european political arena by increasing his influence in the european parliament. oleg, maybe we will move overseas, a big family meeting has taken place, the president says: i feel okay, my family supports me, nevertheless, here and there, the names of potential candidates instead of biden, what the vice president and vice president are called , and michelle obama, and several senators. one in a word, now, with an address to unknown democrats, they are diametrically opposed to the headlines during the day, it goes, it does not go, the family will persuade, the family will not persuade, the congress
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will persuade to withdraw from the elections, joe biden will not persuade, and this is a little reminiscent of the ukrainian information map and such a bipolar girl, yes after all, what will happen? this is all in the hands of biden now, because no one can force him to withdraw his candidacy without his will, they are working with biden, they are working in different directions, well, the family council, as you rightly said, took a strong position that it is necessary to continue, biden is publicly at a meeting there with democrats, senators and congressmen. he repeats that he is capable of leading the country in the future, that he can defeat trump, and he knows how to do it and how to defend democracy, for which trump is the biggest threat, among the democrats, in fact
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, there are almost no active public appeals to biden , there one or two democrats declared out loud, and in general their party active. well, he pauses, because they have difficult situations, you said about the congress as possible, a possible place where we could to ask this question is a lack of faith. worthy, because it is already necessary to leave the position to eat, time now works for biden in this case, because if a decision is not made, he is from and from all sides now there is information that biden is not going to leave the distance, then the closer to the convention, the less chance there is of a worthy, worthy, worthy replacement. i think an important factor is the position of donors and sponsors, such heavyweights. of a political party, and they follow very closely what is happening now, i i am sure that they have conducted a number
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of sociological studies there and depending on these studies they will adjust their position, but with each day that brings us closer to the convention, the chances that there will be some kind of replacement for biden are significantly reduced, but sociology was not reflected in at least the assessments and analysis of the first debates. very reminiscent of these, you know, ukrainian elections and the likes, no matter what my party does, this is my football team, and my position is unwavering, i will vote until the last, on the second day after the elections i will scold that it is in is there a criminal government or a criminal opposition, we see something similar in america, in particular, in the nuclear electorate of biden and trump, only that trump still allows himself comments that he is, in fact. on the contrary, trump says that
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he and his staff would very much like biden to be their opponent, well, it is clear that this is such support in quotes, that biden should be their opponent, because they say that they will easily win against him, but i think that including in the information war, of course, both the republicans and the media from them work very hard... but voters, you are right, support has fallen by half-15% there, this is more than within the margin of error for biden, and trump has grown by half a percentage after this debate, so now, well , in a certain way, information is being pumped up that this is going to be so full-fledged an interview of president biden, i think abc, a world agency, there will be some other public events. and that the team is preparing for the second debate, meaning the biden team will now
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try to demonstrate that he is in great physical and mental shape, and that what happened is such an unfortunate misunderstanding that this does not indicate the inability of biden to perform the functions of the president in general. yes, in fact, this interview today, july 5, will give biden the opportunity to rehabilitate for what happened during the debate, we will observe. and donors can also draw certain conclusions, we probably have literally a minute and the question is rather rhetorical, but perhaps there is something unexpected, the elections in britain, we understand that rishi sunak will no longer be the prime minister, and labor will now take over power, we hope , that it will not affect the support of ukraine, whether we have that's right, we have, look, already during the war there were several prime ministers. have changed, ministers, prime ministers change, and the foreign policy of britain does not change, and in this
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relationship we have a very serious and consistent partner, the elections in britain are still important in the context of relations with the united states, but the result of the elections is actually predictable, and the policy is equally predictable britain in relation to ukraine, this will be support, stable support, guaranteed... and we have many more questions before the elections in france, which will already be tomorrow, huh, although there is also a little bit of optimism, we have a little bit about the fact that the far-right will still not be able to have an absolute majority, that is , they will not be able to make a mono, mono majority, as in ukraine, it looks like that, yes, mr. oleg, thank you for analysis of the current situation, oleg rybachuk, the head of the public organization center for joint actions, in the past the vice prime minister of ukraine for integration was with us, but we will move to another dimension of the present, we will communicate with
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the executive director of the ukrainian of the geltsin union for human rights, oleksandr pavlichenko. mr. oleksandr, we congratulate you. greetings to you and the audience. mr. oleksandr, you know, i am constantly alone with roman and it drives me crazy. every time we see footage of russian prisoners in ukraine, where he communicates with his wife. and says: you 've recovered, and it's so nice, you know, in quotes, of course, and then we see footage after the exchange of our ukrainian prisoners, and they remind, for some reason, prisoners from the concentration camp. german nazis, but that's not all, except for this shameful and simply terrible inhumane treatment of prisoners, then they are also numbers, the data of the prosecutor general's office call the figure 110 ukrainian soldiers, the russians executed already after the moment of surrender, is there anything at all that can be done about it?
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let's practically answer this very. a painful question, to this day the war has already lasted two years of full-scale invasion and almost four months, and what could be done at the level of national or international institutions, ah, the first thing is to open and register first register, then open criminal proceedings, investigate, that's what the attorney general's office does, and what they report, for example, about... at least 110 cases, or rather people who are presumed dead or killed already after being captured, that's the result of that work, but is it possible to bring to justice those who first commit these crimes directly, these are possible shootings right at the place
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of hostilities, when a person surrenders as a prisoner and ceases to be a combatant, so to speak... he enters the battle and the orde combat, yes called status should receive protected as a prisoner of war, but we know that there are numerous cases, even documented on video, in photographs, of shooting prisoners of war, well , a striking case is the murder in olenivka, more than 503 of our defenders died on the night of the 28 -th on july 29, ah, correspondingly, in the 22nd year, this is also the murder of matsievskyi, which became such a, well, in fact, a symbol of the massacre of an unconquered ukrainian prisoner of war, and there are a number of such undocumented murders, what
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to do with it, find out as much as possible all circumstances and... to wait for the moment when it becomes possible to bring to justice, firstly, as i said, the direct executors, and secondly, those who gave the order and are responsible for this policy of impunity, because at the level of the russian federation these crimes are not actually investigated and no one is brought to justice, that is, they are sanctioned and they are part of this policy of aggressive war, unfortunately, the situation is like this, and international institutions and international bodies, we know that there is only one body that may consider, first of all, such cases in the judicial procedure, this is the international criminal court, to this day there are still no cases announced under this category, i hope that this
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year they will collect enough information and materials in order to open and... this category , because i will remind you that there are two big cases, this is the case with the deportation of children, the first with the shelling of the energy system of ukraine in from october 2022 to march 2024, but other cases are also waiting for the specific responsible persons to be announced first, which arrest warrants are obtained, and secondly it will actually be a case that will be investigated. iss, well, the third option is that this information is, of course, registered, recorded and, uh, placed in possible reporting documents, such as the same, ah, reports, eh, or regular reports of the observation mission of
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the united nations organization, or we have them. likewise , the inquiry commission is a commission to investigate crimes committed during the armed aggression of the russian federation, as well as an instrument of the organization of the united nations that consider all cases in the same way and submit them by documenting and proving the truth in their report, but these are all materials for possible further criminal prosecutions, because these reports in themselves, they actually only confirm the fact of the commission of such war crimes, and the fixation facts have you already mentioned about this actual mandate for the detention of an international mandate for the detention of a criminal in relation to the international criminal court? we saw this the day before, two days ago the shos meeting of the shanghai organization ended, we watched
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we were there as putin and his boss sidzenpin conducted the negotiations, then we monitored everything, then we carefully looked to see that the warrant does not threaten putin in kazakhstan, because kazakhstan did not sign the rome statute, in the future we are told about the second one. the second summit according to the peace formula, where the russian side should be, well, maybe putin himself, and we know that the places where these summits are held are precisely those countries that signed the rome statute, that is, in this case, the implementation will finally take place warrant, will be detained, for example, if putin comes, or shoigu comes there, there is also the same warrant for him, or it is invalid, there is a warrant, but they will not detain him. first, let's talk about the fact that this is about 123 states that not only signed, but also ratified the rome statute, because ukraine also signed, but
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has not yet ratified it, but we hope that it will happen this year finally, ratification is meant, uh, in relation to possible detention in one of the states that are parties to the rome statute, so they have obligations under this roman statute in fact. to carry out arrests in the proceedings of those against whom arrest warrants have been issued. when we talk about this, well, this kind of situation, it's a little bit of a hypothetical, i would say, more than a real situation, because when it comes to organizing a summit like this, and when there are some obvious key decisions that will affect the course of the war, then i think that some additional immunities will be included. in order to have guarantees, although, ah, in the case of russia, it is difficult to predict something, er, in, say, in the form of guarantees and compliance with those
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guarantees, because the state is absolutely, let's say, uh, outside the legal field and does not fulfill any legal obligations to this day, and to hope that it will change this uh, for example, from some point of uh, its behavior . without any real coercion, without any factor such that she suffers some kind of defeat there, i think it is futile to hope for that, so the situation with a possible invitation and, let's say, a guarantee, not to detain or not not not to arrest the same persons who have a valid arrest warrant issued by the party international crime. to the court, first of all, well, it puts in a certain ambiguous position those states through which the flight and transit must take place, and accordingly the place of stay,
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so i think that there is also a separate issue here that will be discussed, but it is not the most important thing, in my opinion, because in the ordinary course, which is important, the international criminal court does not recognize functional immunity for any of the representatives, because putin has this... immunity, like the president of the state, for example, but this immunity is overcome by this warrant on arrest, and accordingly, any of the states, as participants of the rome statute, has such an obligation to date, there are quite a lot of them, i will remind 123 states to arrest, even though this is the procedure, thank you for the clarification, mr. oleksandr oleksandr pavlichenko, executive director of the ukrainian geltsin union of affairs. a person a short pause, then don't miss the news on the espresso tv channel. after that, roman and i will return. there are discounts representing the only
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11:00 am
lawnmowers, oil or gas to... trim just convenience and a well-kept lawn, order now lightweight, powerful and reliable cors trimmers all from uah 799, offer is limited, call! it's 11 a.m. in ukraine, and to your attention is a news release on the espressu tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. two explosions rang out in the myrhorod community in the poltava region, reports the public. before that , the air force warned of a high-speed target moving to the area.


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