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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EEST

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watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. putin openly demands the surrender of ukraine for a ceasefire. this is reported by the institute the study of war. now i quote a small piece of theirs. report, so putin outright
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rejected russia's involvement in any meaningful negotiations on a ceasefire agreement, instead demanding the irreversible demilitarization of ukraine as a precondition for a ceasefire. analysts of the institute for the study of war point out that, in this way, putin demands ukraine's actual surrender. putin generally commented on the prospects for a negotiated ceasefire at the shosla stani summit, but instead of offering his typical feigned interest in similar things, he... outright rejected any negotiation process regarding the ceasefire, but now we will talk about the situation in our economy, in particular, recently there was information about a possible default, and we will not only talk about that: danylo getmantsev, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on finance, tax and customs policy. glory to ukraine, mr. danylo, we congratulate you, let's go. let's start with default,
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that's how information appeared about what is threatening, with the word default, we all remember the events that were in the 90s, and accordingly , it does not add positive emotions, from the other side there were explanations that it concerns certain technical things, so you, as a person who is simply obliged to know what is happening with our finances, you have the word well, look, actually the word default is very clickable, and that's why... it's also used by the mass media and certain pseudo-experts in the field of social networks to draw attention to yes, something we don't hear, actually, yes, you hear me, yes, yes, everything is fine, everything is fine, actually in fact, there really won't be any default, there is no reason for it, and today we are talking only about the ongoing negotiations with our creditors, the owners of eurob'. which
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were issued by ukraine in different periods in the amount of about 20 billion dollars and plus our warrants, so-called uh, in fact, some creditors insist not on the postponement of the term of servicing this debt, as was done in the 22nd year by two years, on certain restructurings, and on restructurings that are not bad for ukraine. conditions, which consists in the fact that the majority, most of this debt is written off, and we agree to service this debt, this is what we are talking about now, and we have to agree with our partners, with our creditors, by august 1. i am convinced that we will come to an agreement, since both the creditors and ukraine understand that we...
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cannot service these debts today, and if we talk about specific money, then if we were to service it, then on the 24th year we would have to pay two, pay 4.5 billion dollars for the body and on interest, there is no such money in the budget, you know that everything we earn through taxes, we finance the army, security and defense, so we and the creditors understand... that this option, it is actually impossible, and therefore self-restructuring or transfer the terms of servicing these debts for another two years, these two options are on the table today, surely one of these options will win, which of these options we will agree on, and this issue itself will be resolved, there should be absolutely no manipulation here, i would just like to clarify, and what kind of argument...
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can we apply in dialogue with our european private creditors, this is how we understand when it concerns, for example, negotiations with the international monetary fund, it can be one story, here it applies... more and private creditors, well, in fact , our partners help us in these negotiations, this is the same international monetary fund and the big seven countries, so here they are definitely on our side, at the same time, what are the arguments, well, i actually said that, obviously, if we're talking about the amounts that we have to pay for... in servicing these debts and paying off the body, it's $13.5 billion over four years, $13.5 billion, that's an amount that's practically impossible, our creditors, they are pragmatic, intelligent people, understand that it is definitely
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better for them and for us to resolve this issue through negotiations than to face the fact that they will not receive anything at all, so eh... actually, these are happening around this negotiations, i really want to emphasize that we are interested in negotiations, we never are we will refuse our financial obligations and we will make any changes in them only with the agreement of our creditors, because this is actually how a country that is part of the civilized financial world behaves, and actually any any , well any what a... refusal, it will have quite negative consequences for the country, so i would like to answer there, let's say, those citizens who demand a refusal to service our debt obligations, it can have fatal consequences for the country as
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a whole. mr. danylo, i had one today conversation with ilya neskhodovsky, we talked about this news for the economist about the default, and he said that in fact we have already experienced a default, because... a part, a huge part of the money that is in our state is all borrowing or some grants, that is, money that we did not earn on our own, and we understand that the economic situation is difficult, yes, we have certain needs for social payments and the provision of our army, we understand that funds, even those that are given to us, are not enough, what will be possible now, the change of flight is political some change in economic policy, i mean, some taxes, maybe i'll have to raise them? or consider the already significant economic reservation, which would somehow improve the situation with the economy in our country? well, let's list all the possible options, in fact the situation, well, first of all, regarding the default, no, i do not agree, there is no hiding the fact that the spending
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on the war is increasing, and well, for obvious reasons, and today we already have a statement from the minister of finance about 200. billions, which are not enough on the financing of the armed forces, on the financing of the army, which must be found from one or another source within the state, what, what is the cabinet of ministers actually doing now, preparing the relevant proposals, from what is on the table, this is undoubtedly the detinization that we are working on , in the 19th year, i am personally engaged in this, this direction, this program, and we have ee... very good results in this, we have an overperformance of the budget and in the 204th year and in the 23rd year, we have an overperformance compared to the peaceful 21 th year, though, you
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you understand that the economy has fallen significantly and the base in our country has shrunk, at the same time, the rejection of tax evasion schemes is giving... its results, and we estimate that we will collect about 80 billion hryvnias per year, but even 80 billion , this is less than what the minister of finance said, and the minister of finance was very modest in his estimates, very optimistic in his estimates, i believe that the amount there is much higher, so, actually, what are the options for solving these . of this problem, except, except for the promotion taxes, this is the attraction of additional money from the banking system, i.e. the conversion of banking liquidity into ovg, there is, well, actually we do this, and it is happening, and we have
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a good rollover, we have 124% of the rollover, which means that we borrow more , than we give, but this... we don't have enough sources, we can have sources of emission, or an accelerated devaluation of the hryvnia, which we would not like, and this is... a solution of last hope, we will refrain from it as much as it will be possible, and among other things we have, as one of the options, this is a revision of taxation, which the cabinet of ministers is currently working on, to whom, what proposals he will give regarding these decisions, we will discuss, we will make decisions already then, but he is currently working on them, and now we are waiting from... the cabinet of ministers of the relevant decisions, it is very, very important not to delay them and not, as we like it in
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ukraine not only under our government, but this is our tradition, to wait until the last and then put out the fire, we must not wait with these proposals, we must give them , discuss, discuss publicly, with society to discuss, it is clear that the choice that exists now is a choice between life and... life and death, i.e. between financing the army and preserving property, of course, if on the one hand there is life, on the other hand there is property, then we will make a choice on the side of life, so yes, the situation is as it is, thank you, danylo hetmantsev, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on finance, tax and customs policy, was on the live air of the tv channel, now we will have short pause, after it continue. attention, profitable offer, order
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stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from ground zero. we urge everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yat. there is an information day of the tv channel that a major political coup has taken place in great britain. well, not in the sense that the military junta came to power and so on. no, it's about the fact that the conservative party was literally crushed in the last election. we will talk about the consequences of a possible radical change in british policy with ihor kharchenko, diplomat, extraordinary ambassador of ukraine in great britain in 2005-10. glory to ukraine, mr. ambassador, glad to see you. glory to the heroes, good health. well, conservatives take a long pause in what is
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called government formation, policy formation, and so on. labor won and. that is, a party with such a vividly perceptible pink flavor, we understand that they should not be called socialists, but first of all we would like to ask what prospects there are for us, for the ukrainian cause , from such a huge reversal in britain, i will start with the fact that i listened as it was announced. the results there are a reversal, a cardinal turn, it seems to me that nothing cardinal has happened, has happened normal elections in great britain, there was an event that the british, well, have been used to for a long time, maybe the longest in the world, i would say, this is an exercise that they have been doing, i mean parliamentary elections, for a long time, and
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they are doing it again - anyway from my point of view. perhaps the best of all in the world, that is, nothing so extremely drastic happened. the conservatives were in power for 14 years, that's a long time, that's a very long time. and of course, psychologically a voter in any country, be it britain, be it france, be it, i don't know, anywhere where there are democracies, democratic way of governing. britain is what is called a traditional democracy, one of the first democracies. in this regard, it is not much different from established democracies around the world, that is , when one party is in power for a very long time, there is an element called psychological fatigue, and it seems to me that this is one of the main factors, that such a really
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very serious victory of the labor party, when i got acquainted with the news, today i just noted for myself that, apparently, in my memory this is the first time that almost the whole of london voted for the labor party, this is a very unusual local event for london, there were traditionally conservative areas in the west of london, here the whole of london voted for the fishermen, which will change for... i think for practically nothing will change for us in the strategic plan, because ukrainian issues, well , ukrainian in quotation marks, of course, means the aggressive war waged by russia against ukraine, this issue had not just bipartisan, but general national support
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of all the political actors in great britain for the last, not even two, but... longer since the beginning of the war since the 14th year, so maybe some nuances will be different, but in the strategic plan, it seems to me that there has been no earthquake, no reversal, if if you have followed the votes and statements of the leaders of the labor party over the past two years, you will understand that the policy of ... repelling aggression, helping ukraine is a general national consensus in britain, so, well, congratulations to the new british government and we hope on the fact that... he will triple his efforts to help ukraine after this aggression, that 's how i would comment on the results of the elections in great britain,
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the results of which we just got acquainted with. mr. igor, let me ask you, what do you think is the reason, you said that london usually voted for the conservatives, here a large number of people in the city voted for labour, why do you? thinks, well, what is the reason why do you think they were forced to change their political position, what could have prompted them to do so? well, i'm talking already about the fact that 14 years of one party in power is too much, even for conservatives, even for conservative areas that traditionally vote for conservatives, voter, in britain, as far as i follow the development of events there, there is a lot of internal uh ... politically sensitive issues on which, well, you can change voters' sympathies if you're
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a good politician, because they concern everyday things, like the system, i don't know, the health care system, the tax system, and so on , and so on, that is, that is all that concerns... again and on these issues, of course, i wouldn't say, but your colleague said that the liberals are pink there, or that the liberals are a party that is traditionally considered a party, well , of the social democratic type, but let's not forget that the newspaper of this party also in the 1930s, it was called, well, close, let’s say, to the labor newspaper... now it is called the guardian, then it was called the manchester guardian, it was there that for the first time in the western press true reports about the ukrainian holodomor were published
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with the correct accents, with correct accents and so on and the like. mr. ambassador, yes, for years, i won't say tens of years, but we lived in the fairways of what was called the policy of conservatives regarding ukraine, so we could predict it very clearly. now laborists are less predictable for us, they got full power, they will form the cabinet, well , in general, they have gone into political oblivion for a certain time, well, such great sympathizers of ukraine as lis tras. i am not saying that labor will not be sympathetic to ukraine, but the agenda of their election campaign, i think significantly different from the conservative party, that's why they and the conservatives lost it, yes, that is, as far as... for example, the influence of certain political circles that get the party, well, for example, i wouldn't say that politics , i don't know, the green party was different from
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its predecessors, i don't know, the change of yushchenko, yanukovych also had certain changes, and i would just like to get your understanding of where they can go in the direction of isolationism, or vice versa to try to bring... great britain back to of the european union, some such global things, global trends, which are programmed in them even in their election e-e programs. come on, we are primarily interested in what you asked about, how it will apply to us, first of all, because britain has been one of the most powerful ukrainian partners, er, allies, i would even say, the first to sign the agreement during the last two years about ee... security cooperation among the g7 countries, will anything change in this position? it seems to me
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that no, it will not change, because once again i i emphasize, the issue of aid to ukraine is not the subject of political discussions in britain, whether it is labor or whether it is the only exception, the only exception, and unfortunately, we see that there , in my opinion, nigel farage spent several mandates in britain. parliament, but this is what it is called, absolutely, well, you can count them on the fingers, that is, they will not do the weather there, all the rest of the political parties in britain are more or less solid, there are not so many of them, er, on this issue , take a very clear pro-ukrainian position, but the nuances may differ in cooperation this industry, but the strategic direction... will not be subject to change, i am absolutely convinced of this, eh, why did you win again, eh, that they have other priorities there, well, i
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answered in the previous question, to the previous question, that ... in every country there is a set of sensitive, internal political issues on which local politicians try to gain the sympathy of voters. libertarians, who have traditionally positioned themselves as a party of, well, before the working class, now of the middle class and, let's say, wage workers, according to these, they questions for a very long time delivered messages to the british public, which eventually led to the fact that even a part, not all of london, but a part in the west of london, there were such a few traditionally conservative areas, where the conservatives always won for decades, but even there these questions ... of a different
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nature, internal, obviously correct messages were built by the representatives of the livbariv party in order to win there, mr. igor, we have two minutes, but i would like you to describe your feelings, as you think, a british voter, what is he in general, he is sufficiently educated, he analyzes the programs of political forces, how does he generally approach the election of power, well, to the first question... when i answered, i said that perhaps the best in the world are the british who conduct elections , precisely because they have the most educated and experienced voters, that is why the populists will not deceive them, the populists will not deceive them, that is exactly what i wanted to say, the company there, you see, they voted yesterday, today there is a new government, and the campaign in they go there, they go from door to door, they have it, and it’s not called the cabinet there,
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it’s the government, the cabinet is ours, there is a ceiling on this ceiling for political campaign donations, very strict, very strict election legislation, so and that majoritarian system, it cannot be applied in our country, because there is a pure majoritarian system, there you win your precinct, then you pass the parliament, and in order to be liked in your precinct, you need... well, the number of voters attract, and this can only be done legs and mind and political effort in order to gather the majority in this and that way. thank you, mr. igor, for the analysis. ihor kharchenko, diplomat, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine in great britain from 2005 to 10 years. so, let's remind those who didn't watch, who didn't follow, elections were held in great britain and labor won.
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keir starmer, a labor member, will be the prime minister, he is 61 years old, and he is married to an occupational therapist, has a son and a daughter, this is such a short biography, but he will tell us more news our colleague, kateryna shiropoyas, who is ready to share all the most important things, katya, we congratulate you and give you the floor. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about ukrenergo's experiments and the visit of hungarian prime minister viktor orban to moscow. greetings, it's news time, kateryna shiropoyas works at eteriya with presso in the studio. one bright day for two weeks. ukrenergo decided to conduct an experiment in each
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separate region for a whole day from july 9 to july 24. they will not turn off the lights on other days of the limit.


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