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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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abc news, let's watch together and learn more news together. good evening from london on the air bbc ukrainian service from downing street, tectonic changes in the british. conservative politicians have lost power after 14 years, a new era is beginning, the era of the pleborists. keir starmer became the new prime minister of the united kingdom, his labor party won a convincing victory, gaining 412 seats in the new parliament. let me remind you that political parties needed only 300 to win. 26, but he is the prime minister
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became only after he went to the king's residence, buckingham palace, to receive a mandate from his majesty charles ii to form the next british government. upon his return, he addressed the nation with the following promises. let's listen. if you voted labor yesterday, we will. be responsible for your trust by rebuilding the country but whether you voted labor or not, and especially if you didn't, i 'm telling you straight, my government will serve you, politics can be a force for good, we you let's demonstrate, changing the country isn't just flipping a switch, the world has become more unstable, it's going to take time... but have no
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doubt that the work of change will start immediately, have no doubt that we will rebuild britain and bring prosperity to every community. our national health service will get back on its feet and step confidently into the future. the borders will be secured and the streets safe. everyone will feel dignity and respect in the workplace. prospects of pure british. for electricity, and brick by brick, we electricity will lower your bills forever we will rebuild an infrastructure of opportunity, world class schools and colleges, affordable housing, all of these things, i know what ordinary people, working class families like mine, rely on to build their lives because if i asked you now if you believe that britain will be better for your children, i know that...
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many of you will say no, and so my government will fight for that every day until you believe it again. the new british, new british prime minister sir keir starmer spoke without the rain that started just now in the evening. just yesterday, the country fell asleep with the conservative prime minister rischy sunak. today, downing 10. has a new owner and a new government, a labor government. rischy sunak himself, who called this election six weeks ago, hoping to reduce the gap between his party and labor, which was then in opposition, in his farewell speech as prime minister, apologized to the country for unfulfilled hopes and unfulfilled promises and pop' weighed the success of his successor, sir hiro sterner. to the country, i want to say, first of all,
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forgive me, i gave this job my best, but you have sent a clear signal that the uk government needs to change, your decision is the only one that matters. i have heard your anger, your frustration, and i bear the responsibility for this defeat. to all the conservative candidates and campaigners who have worked tirelessly but failed to succeed, i say: i'm sorry. that we have not been able to achieve what your efforts deserve. it hurts me to realize how many good colleagues who have done so much for their communities and for of our country, will no longer sit in the house of commons, i thank them for their hard work and service. my political opponent, sir keir starmer, will soon become prime minister. in this work, his successes are our joint successes. and i wish him and his family. whatever
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our differences during the campaign, he is a decent man and public figure, and i have the utmost respect for him. what's remarkable about britain is how commonplace it is... that just two generations after my grandfathers arrived here with nothing, i was able to become prime minister, and that i could watch my daughters light the diwali lights on the doorstep of 10 downing street, we must remain committed to these ideas of who we are, to the vision of kindness, decency and tolerance that has always been british features it's a tough day, at the end of many tough days, but i'm leaving this post of thoughts. what an honor it was for me to be your prime minister, this is the best country in the world. rishi sunak won the election in his constituency, unlike his 40 colleagues, former ministers
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governments that did not get to the parliament. in these minutes, the new prime minister of the united kingdom, keir starmer meets again. already appointed ministers of their labor government. he appointed rachel rhys, a former bank of england banker, to the post of finance minister. he appointed john healy as minister of defense and david lamy as foreign minister. let me remind you that these are the ministers, these persons who also performed these functions in the shadow cabinet when the labor party was in opposition. in general,... keir starmer took a long time to become prime minister. let's see how his views have evolved and what kind of politician keir starmer is. keir starmer rose to the top of british politics, but his path to
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downing street was not ordinary. keir rodney starmer was born in 1962 and was named after the first leader of the labor party, keir harty. he grew up on the border of surrey and kent and often spoke of a difficult childhood in the 70s. if you come from a working class background, you fear debt the most. my parents were afraid of debt. that's why they saved on everything. during his school years , kirstarmer was an excellent musician, then a member of the young socialists and a skilled football player, playing as a left midfielder. but in the end he chose law, entered the university and soon started working as a lawyer. sion as a workaholic grew, and her career developed rapidly. in 2008, he became the chief prosecutor of england and wales. in 2015 at the age of 52, his career changed dramatically. he became a member of the house of commons from the labor party while living in
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london. in 2020, he headed the labor party. here, in a video shot in his own living room, he agrees to take this post in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. do not doubt, i understand. the entire scope of work. the beginning of his leadership was not easy. two years later, when the conservative party led by boris johnson defeated labor in the by-elections. at hartlepool, starmer wanted to leave his post, but did not. labor went into the general election race with a single slogan - change. he is only the seventh labor prime minister in british history. and that's how starmer talked about how his work affects his family. i worry about mine. children, probably the only thing that keeps me awake at night is the question of how to protect them from everything that is happening. now there are many questions about the new prime minister, the coming weeks and months will provide answers to some of them, but there is no doubt that he has already done what for many seemed impossible just a few
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years ago, he returned labor from the opposition to power. in general, the question of foreign policy is not a guide. them in any campaign, in any election campaign in britain, labor's victory was secured by the economy, their promises to pursue a sober, balanced policy. the issue of the russian-ukrainian war served as a leitmotif, a background to explain the economic troubles, but it became the leading and burst into the headlines after farage, the leader of the populist far-right reform party, made very ... controversial statements in an interview with the bbc two weeks earlier vote, he said, he actually blamed the west and nato for putin's attack on ukraine. let's listen. it was the most cited interviews with political party leaders recorded before the election by veteran
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bbc political journalist nick robinson. it was we who provoked this war. of course, it 's his fault. i predicted it 10 years ago. i was the only one. british politicians who predicted this would happen, and of course they all called me an outcast for daring to say it, it was obvious to me that the eastward expansion would not stop. gave this man a reason to say to the russian people: "they are coming at us again" and thus start a war. farage thus became the only politician in britain, which justified or tried to explain putin's actions, the ratings of his party went down. what he said is completely wrong and plays into putin's hands. this is the man who used the nerve agent on the streets of britain. which negotiates with countries like north korea. such statements are risky for the security
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of our country, the security of our allies, and can further encourage putin. all the leading parties in britain are more or less unanimous on the issue of the war in ukraine. farage's comments about russia and ukraine are shameful. i always clearly said: putin and he alone is responsible for russian aggression in ukraine. let me remind you, anyone who puts forward to our par'. we are against russian aggression in any of its manifestations, whether on the battlefield or online. liberal democrat leader ed davey, who campaigned at a poultry farm that weekend, said putin, not the west, was responsible for the deaths of ukrainian civilians. farage's political opponents hoped that his views on the war in ukraine would contribute to his defeat in the clacton constituency. that east of london. the hopes of farage's opponents turned out to be in vain, he won and
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entered parliament with three other members of his party. and this is how the seismic changes in british politics from this very place where i stand, but without rain, commented the political commentator of the bbc. this is a truly radical restructuring of britain's parliamentary, electoral and political landscape. we witnessed... a rout, a total rout of the conservative party, one of the worst defeats in history. what led to this, a partial stay in power 14 years, this is a record term, the stagnation of living standards and of course the chaos that we have seen since brexit, with changes of prime ministers, scandals during the covid pandemic, the conservatives were replaced by the labor party, it won a majority in parliament, but with relatively a small share in general. what will change under the leadership of thackeray
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starmer's labor party? for example, in foreign policy there will be much more continuity than change, and this is not surprising, because the foreign policy of great britain is dictated more by history, geography, economic and security interests. we should expect the same position regarding ukraine, the middle east, and that britain will remain close to the position of the usa and europe. this is a sign of the heredity of the policy towards ukraine and support for kyiv that downing street 10 hangs the national flag of ukraine, as it did under the conservatives. such is this fateful day of seismic change in british politics. the conservatives lost with a bang, paying for the economic troubles, the voters formed a new government and at least they rule for the next five years. this country, and i suggest you look at the highlights of this dramatic day
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for the united kingdom. rishi sunak, conservative party 23, thank you.
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on the coast of the sea of ​​azov. as of february 24, 2022, 60 thousand children lived in the city, how many of them russia stole under the guise of rescue. the russian military is blocking any efforts to organize humanitarian corridors and save people, our people. did the children have a choice? these are children, a choice was made for them, they were captured, they became there
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hostages who was behind the deportation of ukrainians? the president noted that it is important, if we understand that the child is not expected to be placed in a family in their territories, in their homeland, then to give them the opportunity to arrange their lives for all our russian citizens, we know for sure how far the russians have gone, at least about 1,955 deported ukrainian children. and this is only a part of all our little ukrainians and ukraine, who are still in the hands of the enemy. i don't believe in the numbers of 19,00 children. but i think it's well, it's up to 100 thousand children for sure, it's not, it's not 19,000, children are a sacred thing, we took them out of the conflict zone, saving their
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lives and health, life and health, life and health me, life and health, life and health. since february 23, i have replaced one. in the morning on duty in the city of mariupol, and when it all started, we were raised on the alarm, well, after significant explosions, and we started, we were lined up and began to prove, well, that a full-scale invasion had begun.
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well, of course, there was panic, and my mother said that she would not be able to come from work to pick us up. mariupol is located 40 km from the russian border, the left bank district is one
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of the first to come under fire from the russian military. tetyana's children, sashko, karina and danylo, stay alone in the apartment, don't reveal, don't reveal, they have already started bombing the school opposite the house, and a kindergarten, a kindergarten next to it, and then they started, as i understood, targeting houses, and then we quickly with... we got together and went where it was safer at the time, the children are moving in with family friends in a house with a reliable basement, well, something quieted down, we left, we thought just to eat, cook and warm up a little, we went into the house, then just as
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the sun came out, everything was fine, ladies, the ceiling is falling on me. the windows also flew in on me, i get up, my girlfriend is pulling me by the hand, i was very stunned, sasha was already lying on the floor, everyone was jumping like sasha into the basement to run, i stopped and in front of my eyes he was attracted, his eyes rolled up and face all white, nyaga fell on his lap, began to cry, tried to lift him up, of course, shouted, sasha, get up, sasha, wake up, why are you silent. well, i remember a complete breakdown, i started asking to get up, it doesn't work, i realized that i, well, i can't
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feel my legs, and i started to drag them to me, turned over on my side and everything, and then i woke up in the basement, me took karina and the others, they were angry, i said. sashko coughs and vomits blood, he manages to say that it is difficult for him to breathe and he is unconscious. neighbors find a surviving car and take the boy to a local hospital. at this time, in another district of mariupol, a family is also escaping from russian shelling piles we didn't go to the basement, because it was dangerous, because we were told that people also went to the basement, they were trapped and no one could get them out. they were dying there, i immediately told her to leave mariuppol, that i would meet her in the dnipro, just come. the mother said that she did not want to leave. that is, this is how
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it was. communication, light and heating disappear in the city. sofia, together with her mother, brother and sister, go to live with a friend of their family to get food, water and woogies. they go to the ilyich metallurgical plant, where else there are supplies left, they just walked behind, and i ran away, i just wanted to, and at that time a rocket flew by, and i was only hit by a stone, and my mother and brother were buried, at first everything was like in a fog. you can say that i didn’t see anything, then i get up, like hallucinations, it felt like i was in some kind of game, then i started calling my mother, she answered me, i went to dig her out,
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i tried with my hands, because there were no shovels nearby, that’s it , and planes are flying nearby, i was scared at that time, and i wanted to help my mother, i dug her up so that she could breathe, and then i went to ask for help, they found shovels and... dug them out, they dug her up, and somewhere in the day, maybe at one o'clock, maybe at 12 o'clock, she died, we put her on a wheelbarrow and took it to our yard to hide it, it is not possible to get sofia's brother out from under the rubble, he dies on the spot, around 5 o'clock we heard explosions, maksym wakes up. i wake up too, i said, it's training, everything will be fine. a social worker from the college called us, told us to pack things, he will come for you in a day or two
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the bus will pick you up, but no one came to pick us up. ivan and maksym are orphans, their official state guardian, anton bilay, director of the mariupol construction college, where the boys study. anton lives with his family near the student dormitory, when the lights go out in the city... and the boys can no longer cook for themselves, anton comes to help. the flashlights are turned on, here i am with a shovel from a bucket, scooping and distributing soup on plates, and everyone is standing like you know, like in that movie, like that with plates, and here i am pouring soup for them. shelling around are getting stronger. anton breaks through to leave the city and loses contact with ivan and maxim. at this time, ukrainian police officers in armored cars take the boys to a shelter in the center of mariupol. rockets and mines flew from us, i don't know, somewhere
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50 meters. not far from the boys' shelter is a drama theater, in which hundreds of people are hiding. in a few days, the russian military drops an aerial bomb there. ivan and maksym decide to leave mariupol on foot. there has been no mobile communication in mariupol for more than a week. since march 2, people have been living as if in vacuum it was 11:08 a.m. at that time, i called and there was no connection. and after that, we were told that the towers in mariupol were demolished and fired upon. according to our information, during the first month of the war
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, about 600 people contacted the obbutsmen hotline, they were looking for more than 2,000 mariupol citizens with whom they had lost contact. constantly, constantly , a plane circled above the column of cars, constantly, and it ran out of fuel, one flew away, another arrived, took its place, that is, one, you understand, a nervous one tension, because you understand, right now he will release a rocket and everything. and to our girls, who are my acquaintances, my friend from mariupol used to take children, then she died, and i was worried that my children did not get there in that corridor, and there, when there were shellings, they posted children on the internet there constantly, the boy was taught there for 2:10 months, well, how midanya was at that time, he says the girls look like you, well, the child died. i
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looked around, well, constantly, it’s just that there is a relative in the data on the legs, i, well, thanks to these photos, yes, there are legs, and i asked for some and that's what i say, no, it's not him, it's not him, it 's not she, it's not him, there was a radio in my bedroom, and i was catching communication there. dpr radio, and we sometimes listened to him on that dpr radio, they just said how many settlements were captured and all in mariupol. nothing was heard about green corridors at all. at night, we agreed to open a humanitarian corridor in mariupol. the gathering of people was supposed to happen from 9 to 11. unfortunately,
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at about 9:20. the shelling began, the humanitarian corridor did not work. sashka is brought to the mariupol hospital, in which there are still doctors and dozens of patients. the boy has an injury to the chest, spine, spinal cord, a fracture of the scapula, a rib, and a fragment from a projectile passed through his lung. lying down, i don't remember how much, but it was very scary in the clinic. it was peeling, it all came together, people could make windows out of anything, but it all flew out, well , it was cold, it was very cold, i also had a fever, we went to see him every day, one or two men at a time, and he lay there for sunday and then he started cry and say take me from here because
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the hospital is being shelled. the fourth floor is gone, the third is already being shelled, there are more and more corpses under the hospital, the last time i came to that hospital, there were corpses under the second floor, saving sashka, the children return to their own apartment, many videos published in that time in... they put him on a wheelbarrow, his legs were tied to the frame for the front wheel, and
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a mattress and a pillow were placed under him. they covered him so that he wouldn't freeze, and left like that, well, we understood what he needs help more qualified than we can give him. everyone agreed that he was going to donetsk and that was it, there was no more contact with sasha, there was nothing, a local volunteer had to take sasha to occupied donetsk, but he left the boy in the hospital in novoazovsk. it was three o'clock, already after dinner, he sent sms on viber, son, mom, we're all right, we're alive, maybe i'll go someday. i, well, i
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first. that's what i thought.


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