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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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simply, so to speak, the basis of support for ukraine among european countries, and being a leader is actually not a very easy question to have a simple answer to, because, well, let's say, until recently, british government officials said that cruise missiles, stormshadow, in fact, almost no production and their stocks are limited, yes, that is how many in the... the question may be whether they will go to recovery, restart production, or whether there will be some other sources, in terms of tanks also, britain does not have additional, let's say opportunities to share with its tanks, britain also does not have many of them, but we know that britain actually conducted large-scale, we know, training of the ukrainian military in its territory, this is important, this is an important moment and we know it from time to time. starmer from his
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message earlier stated that yes, he considers this a very important matter in helping ukraine, ukraine, training the ukrainian military, in particular here on the territory of great britain, and i can probably assume with certainty that this matter, britain will continue . is it possible call the new prime minister of britain pro-ukrainian? i think it is possible in the sense that, first of all, of course , the new government officials will focus on british, on british issues, they were elected by the british, primarily to lead the country here, but defense issues will be important, by the way, i think that we also have an extract from a speech today by keir starmer, when he in... good afternoon, i have just
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returned from buckingham palace, where i accepted an invitation from his majesty the king to form the next government of this great countries. i want to thank rishi sunak, who is stepping down as prime minister, for his achievements as the first briton of asian descent to head our country. no one should underestimate the extra effort that was required on his part. yes, and also in that spirit of civility, as well as acknowledging the problems that british voters apparently saw with the current government. problems
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first of all, first of all internal, i emphasize, rishi sunak also gave a farewell speech today. to the country, i would like to say, first of all, that i'm sorry, i gave this job my best, but you've made it clear that the uk government needs to change and your decision is the only one that matters. i heard your anger, your frustration. i take responsibility for this defeat. the united states promises that ukraine will receive a so-called bridge to nato membership at the summit in washington. it is important that this bridge is not a bridge to nowhere - says ying dzhezinskyi, an expert of the atlantic council, who at one time took care of europe and nato policy in the ministry defense of the usa. he is convinced. ukraine is ready for
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membership and has fulfilled all the necessary requirements. my colleague yulia yarmolenko also asked brzezinski about what the allies can do at the summit in washington to really show that they want ukraine to win the war and become a member of nato. nato's outgoing secretary general said in washington that at a nato summit in july. what results can ukraine realistically expect? without a doubt, nato's relations with ukraine, what the alliance does or does not do for ukraine, will be defining issue of this summit. this will really give us insight into the continued reliability of the alliance and its deterrence posture going forward. and what can ukraine expect? it is difficult. i would talk about what ukraine should have received, which is strong support and acceptance of military goals by the alliance. of ukraine,
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i.e. full return of territories. anything less would be a disappointment for ukrainians and an encouragement for putin. a reliable flow of weapons, the means they need in the right amount with the right one. speed and without any reservations about their use. there is no reason why the west, nato allies, forbid ukraine from using any weapon against legitimate military targets anywhere in russia. thirdly, this summit is also a good moment to strengthen sanctions against russia. the fact that the russian economy grew by 3% last year really shows and speaks of the inadequacy of the current sanctions regime and its application. fourth, the summit is the right place to start a real information campaign. the undermining of political support for this war in russia, and finally, membership in nato, which should be on the agenda, it is time for the alliance to give ukraine a clear path to nato membership, because nato membership and the security guarantees that come with it are the only way to convince putin that ukraine is not in a gray area, vulnerable to his
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hegemony and his imperial ambitions, that's what ukraine should get from the nato summit, but i'm not sure it will. the biden administration, on the other hand, continues to talk about the so-called bridge to nato and uses different metaphors for this: it says that it will be well lit, made of concrete, but what should the allies actually do so that this bridge is convincing and that it really brings ukraine closer to nato membership. some say that ukraine started building this bridge back in 2008, when it was declared at the summit in bucharest that the future of ukraine lies with nato. you ask a very important question, because we do not want to have a bridge to nowhere, and you are right, after 16 years, the trust in the commitment to join ukraine to nato is weak. i would like ukraine to be invited
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to start accession negotiations and set a clear end date, but it seems that this is not the case. the summit in washington will not happen, but there are some things that can be done to revive it and give it more credibility. this commitment to ukraine's membership, and here are some building blocks for this bridge. first, the alliance must recognize that ukraine really meets the requirements for nato membership. if you look at article 10 of the treaty, it says that the country must be a european state. last time i checked, ukraine was in europe. second, it must be a nation committed to the principles defining the north atlantic community. during free and fair elections have been held in ukraine for the past 30 years. in some of them, unfortunately, russia interfered, but the ukrainians somehow managed to overcome this interference and hold free and fair elections certified by the international community, this is a functioning democracy, and thirdly, the candidate must contribute to the security of the north atlantic region , that
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no country sheds as much blood to protect the interests of the north atlantic as ukraine. and the last, strictest requirement is unity among the allies, and this to us missing today when we say no. admitting these facts disappoints ukraine, it is so wrong, it should be obvious even to putin, and it only strengthens his efforts to conquer ukraine, so it is worth admitting the truth, ukraine is ready for membership. everyone knows why the alliance is not taking a step forward, it is because they are afraid of being drawn into a war, and this is a topic for a separate discussion, but this is a reality that cannot be masked under the misleading statement that ukraine is not ready. you mentioned that... do you think that the word of the united states is decisive meaning, in other words, whether the largest partner of ukraine, the united states, is at the same time the country that does not allow ukraine to receive an invitation to join nato. you described the situation very well, at
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the vilnius summit last year, all but two countries were ready to offer ukraine some form of accession process. to give an invitation in some form, and it was the united states and germany, i bet germany would follow the us, so it's unfortunate for me as an american that the united states is the biggest obstacle to the path of ukraine's accession to nato. vilnius marked an unprecedented demonstration of support for ukraine's nato aspirations throughout the alliance. unfortunately, washington has done a good job of pushing it off the agenda, which is a mistake. i want to emphasize again, the best way to demonstrate. what are these reservations about and what could change washington's position? it's hard to say because i'm not privy
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to these discussions from the inside, but it's my understanding that the people who make decisions in the us at the top level... have decided that accession ukraine's accession to nato poses a risk of escalation of this conflict, and therefore they want to postpone it. some do not believe that ukraine should ever join nato, and this worries me even more. i believe. that it showed putin that the alliance is fully committed to this and that ukraine is not available for an effective strategy to win this war, because ukraine's accession to nato should be part of his hegemony and that his plans are an absolutely useless waste of his resources and people. if this nato summit ends, ukraine will not receive any convincing results regarding future nato membership. this summit
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should focus on something more than just ukraine's aspirations to join nato or even the interests of nato itself to have ukraine among its members. at the washington summit , we must present a comprehensive strategy to ensure ukraine's victory in this war on its terms quickly and definitively. here's what it takes to be successful. if the summit ends with results from which it is not entirely clear that we are strengthening our current level of support for ukraine, it is not very clear that we are confident in victories of ukraine and are comfortable with this idea, if the summit shows ambiguity about our intentions to strengthen ukraine, it will be a failure not only for ukraine, but also for the alliance, because it will demonstrate, emphasize that the alliance no longer has the political will and determination that were the basis of eight decades of effective defense and deterrence. in order to get out of the impasse of the war, ukraine needs effective aviation, as well as combat training, which would
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allow it to be used decisively. retired american generals spoke about it on a meeting dedicated to a professional report on possible ways to strengthen ukrainian positions in opposition to the russian war. they emphasize that ukraine needs air superiority to achieve victory. my colleague oleksiy kovalenko followed the meeting of the american generals. congratulations. alexei, congratulations! oleksiy, at which steps of the strategy is emphasized in the report, and what role do experts think air superiority plays? yes, natalya, in fact, this week i followed a meeting of generals, this meeting was held at the institute of aerospace research named after no wonder, this is the same institute that recently published a study, a report on how much ukraine needs an air force to win, but actually the whole meeting was focused on how ukraine needs an air force. how ukraine needs air superiority to achieve priority on the battlefield
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and to achieve victory, and the report actually says that air power needs to be integrated with ground, ground and other forces to achieve such a winning strategy. it is also noted that tens of years the air force of ukraine was undermanned, so it is necessary to provide more air power, it is necessary to conduct... more exercises, it is necessary to attract more resources to be able to achieve this priority on the battlefield, and it is also said that focusing on a purely land strategy will not work, because in this case, the side with more human resources will win, namely experts, generals, former commanders of the us air force, former commanders. commanding nato forces in europe, as well as commanding of nato air forces in europe and
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africa, they focus on the fact that there needs to be a combined focus on the integration of land and air forces, and if that does not happen, if the focus continues to be on defense and only on land forces, then there is a possibility that , that the side with more human resources will win, which means russia. this report says that ukraine needs to increase its air force more, it needs to provide more resources and it needs to so that ukraine has the appropriate air resources, to be able to strike where ukraine needs it, where ukraine strategically needs it and at the time when ukraine needs it, i suggest listening to the opinion of one of the generals, the general of the depot on this matter. the main lesson today is the absolute necessity of air superiority to
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achieve decisive military superiority. air superiority can provide ukrainian forces with security from attack and freedom to launch an offensive. this is necessary to gain an advantage over larger ones and stronger russian forces. from the ukrainian point of view, it is difficult to achieve this, given the limited resources and opportunities. the second important conclusion is achievement. air superiority at a time and place that ukraine chooses. thirdly, ukraine needs weapons systems and ammunition in sufficient quantity to achieve strategic successes in the combat space. this applies to both manned and unmanned vehicles, precision surface-to-air weapons, cyber operations, electronic warfare, reconnaissance and special operations. oleksiy, in addition to all these weapons systems that general deptula is talking about, ukraine needs the permission of the allies for the unlimited use of western weapons. a number of
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american lawmakers are calling on the administration to lift all restrictions on ukraine's use of american. the us president's national security adviser, jake sullivan , recently said that if russia tries to expand its offensive front, ukraine will be allowed to reach targets at greater distances. what do american generals say about it? yes, all the generals who participated in this discussions, focus on the fact that it is necessary to remove all possible bans on the use of western weapons, both geographical bans and bans on the type of weapons, on the type of class of weapons that ukraine can use. and it is about the fact that the united states also needs to change its strategy and not just react to russia's actions, restrain russia, but not be restrained. i suggest listening to general breedlove's opinion on this matter. we studied the principles: restrain your enemy, don't let him restrain you. try to take
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initiative and support the initiative. we did not cope with both tasks, there are three of us. and we do not react to what is happening, to what russia is doing. we are not taking the initiative against russia because we are being held back. so i would like us to take it to a new level, in terms of air power, and for the west to make it clear that we need to stop being reticent, we need to stand up and have the moral courage to address this issue, to overcome the information fear that putin is using to control us. to us you need to step up. heard white house representative john kirby say that we are giving ukraine everything ukraine needs to win. i couldn't agree with that more. we are not giving ukraine everything they need. if the question were put in such a way that the us was needed for this battle. what is needed, yes, are all these tools that would provide an integrated opportunity to acquire targets in
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russia before russian forces enter the territory of ukraine. also, the generals focus a lot of attention on the fact that ukraine needs an air force for victory, and ukraine can't just focus on defense every day, focus on attacking russia every day. thank you oleksiy, for your work oleksiy kovalenko told us about the ways american generals see to strengthen ukrainian positions in the face of russian aggression. us president joe biden said that he did not cope during the debate with donald trump last week, but will continue the fight for re-election. voa's scott stearns took a look at the state of the presidential campaign during the celebration independence day americans. tetyana brushko tells the story. independence day celebrations during
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presidential election years are usually a time for patriotism. events attended by the candidates' loyal supporters, but this year none of the leading candidates campaigned on the day after their first debate last week. currently, president joe biden is trying to calm his entourage after his poor performance at the debate, while his rival donald trump is trying to stay focused on failure of his opponent. in an interview with wisconsin radio station wb on july 4, biden admitted that his performance at the... debate last thursday was a bad one, i had a bad night, i had a bad night, the thing is, you know, i didn't do well, i made a mistake, but i learned from my father, when you get knocked down, you just have to get back up, biden's staff is trying to help his candidate get back on his feet, enlisting the support of
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top democratic governors, including hotchul of new york, i'm here today to to tell you that president joe biden is in this race to win, and we've all pledged our support to him because the stakes couldn't be higher. trump's congressional allies are fueling democratic concerns about biden. i think they know they have a serious problem, but it's not just a political problem, it's not just a democratic party problem, it's a countrywide problem. we have a serious problem because we have a president who is clearly not up to the task, and that is very dangerous. poll conducted by cnn after the debate found that 56% of democrats and democratic-leaning registered voters say they believe they would have a better chance of winning with ... a candidate other than biden. all campaigns go through cycles, says university of texas history professor jeremy suri. but the question of biden's health
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will remain relevant in the future. he can still win this election. in fact, he could still be the favorite for this election if he stays, but his team hoped the debate would put an end to concerns about his health. these concerns about his health will not go away, they will be with us if he stays in the race, everyone. day of the campaign this week, trump's staff held no public events, saying in a statement that they will, quote, continue to build on the momentum president trump has created to grow our movement, raise the money we need to win and enter the fall determined to win a historic victory. on july 4, on independence day, trump, in a video posted on his choov social platform, said that america is one of the greatest stories that ever... we will never forget that we are americans and the future is ours. the spirit of american independence
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will never be extinguished, never defeated, but will reign forever and ever. happy independence day to every citizen throughout our land. as the republican party prepares for its political convention this month. trump could benefit from a more moderate approach while his opponent struggles, says university of texas professor suri. it seems to me that donald trump would like not only to show energy, but also to show judgment, to make it not brahun against a feeble old man, but perhaps a feeble old man against an acceptable candidate. between july 4 and election day in november , biden and trump have 100.24 days left to convince voters that they are the right choice. tatiana vorozhko, scott stearns, voice of america. you watched the program
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of the ukrainian voice of america service. time time, i'm natalia leonova. good bye. there are leftovers to present. 15% in pharmacies plantain, bam and savings, there are discounts representing the only discounts on normoven, 10% in pharmacies for travelers and savings. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isota interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in heartburn symptoms. izota is your water if heartburn bothers you. there are discounts at travel pharmacies and savers up to 30%. discounts are valid until the end of july. there are discounts representing the only discounts on sudokrem 15% in pharmacies psyllium to you and savings. exclusively on
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the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. most current topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis. on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's win. help understand the present and predict the future, for the world, trump's second presidency will be terrible, a project for those who care and think
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politclub, every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time. let's talk about the most important thing, for two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front-line, component, serhiy zgurets, and what the world is about. yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two o'clock, to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchavka is next to me and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. about cultural news, alena chekchenina, our art watcher, is ready to tell, good evening. presenters that many have become movridnidenko already next to me ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, leader of the crimean tatar people. we are in touch, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good
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day events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. get closer to victory, join one of the best special forces in the country, together with the central security service, the sbu. we are expanding and announcing recruitment, inviting civilian specialists from various fields. experienced commanders will ensure your high-quality training. and training, fill out the questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the team of tssoa asbu. together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. we will continue
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i remind you that my name is vasyl zima, for those who have just joined, for the next hour, i am with you as part of the verdict program, and we will spend this hour together with you and our guests, whom we invited to the conversation, with us already there is viktor yagun, reserve major general of the security service of ukraine, and we will also have political scientist viktor bobarenko today. let's summarize the political and not only political results of this week. mr. viktor, i congratulate you, glad to see, hear and thank you. who joined, good health, good evening, but, well, i still want to ask you first of all, as a person who understands not only what is visible, what is not visible, but what can be guessed or even known. viktor orban's visit, today, he is in moscow, he was in kyiv before that. in your opinion, this is still his desire to talk, as he says, with the leaders of those countries where the war is going on, to learn about
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zelenskyi's red lines and talk about something else. with putin, could he be performing some other mission right now during these visits, please listen, well, orbán doesn't do anything just like that at all, and if we think that he is pro-russian or, i don't know, something else, he is definitely not pro-russian, he is a pro-hungarian politician, and pro-hungarian precisely in his direction, that is, towards himself. the fact that he appeared in ukraine with strange proposals speaks volumes. one thing is that he really brought certain, certain nuances that are related to possible negotiations or proposals, and the fact that he ended up the next day there after a day in moscow, this only confirms this information, i liked how piskov said that no, no, no, he, we did not send him there, we did not give him any friends there, if piskov said, then there were definitely some assignments, well, roughly
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speaking, this is one thing, and the other is the question ... which he is very interested in is everything related to the transit of gas through the territory of ukraine, which may suddenly stop on the 24th of the year in december , and what they will do, well, they partially receive gas from the turkish stream, the same situation, by the way, in austria, but i think that austria has left for now in a different way, issues are being resolved there now, and hungary is completely dependent on what is supplied through... from ukraine, so it is the same issue, and it is clear that orbán gravitates towards the leaders who, in his opinion, are solving something there in the world, yes, that is, those meetings with senzenpin, who was in europe, and the meetings with erdoğan, when it turned out that the hungarian people turned out to be non-linguistic, which was a complete surprise for me, well, that's the same and...
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history, and meetings with putin, and a trip to the states, a meeting with trump, this is all part of one one thing, which is called attraction to the strong, that is, you think that after all , orbán is looking for some options for himself now, or wants to occupy his niche, find his role, or maybe get the role of peacemaker, which he claims and would probably dream of act as a peacemaker. in this in this story, but if we talk about the real ones, well, it is clear that they have not been made public to us and it is unlikely that they will be made public about the real proposals, and why this particular time, well , it is clear that it is unlikely because orban is now hungary now presides over the european union that to him it was difficult to come earlier, let's say how the minister of foreign affairs siyar traveled, then to moscow, then to belarus, then somewhere else, he met, by the way, there were such moments with kuleba and yarmak.


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