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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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i want to add that in fact they added 100% of votes to their previous results in these elections, i.e. plus 212 seats in the new parliament can be won by labor, and this is rather a manifestation of disappointment, as sunok rightly pointed out, anger, disappointment in what way the country is developing, and it has been developing under the power of the conservatives for 16 years and... and accordingly there is a certain request of the population for changes, but to what extent labor will be ready to respond to this request, practice will show, because until recently there was a lot critics of the fact that labor still does not have a clear plan for how to build this very future, they have actually already lost those skills to be in power, and we will see what the mood of the public will be in 6 months, because if this is just a project ... dissatisfaction
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with the policy of the conservatives, and not the fact that the labor party will be able to demonstrate something radically new and effective in these 6 months, then disappointment among the population will appear again, and according to the liberal party. mrs. yulia, look, i looked at your resume, i saw that somewhere in 2010, from 2000 to 2010 , you worked at the embassy of ukraine in great britain, and it seems to me that... just when labor was in power, that is , it seems to me that you know labor, how to work with them. yesterday there was information that valery zaluzhnyi crossed the border of ukraine and went to great britain, he is starting to perform the duties of plenipotentiary, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador to great britain, he will work with the labor party. will it change, what should he be ready for, that is, whether will the work of the ukrainian diplomatic mission change now under the labor party, or nothing will change there, conservatives. fight,
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we just have to do our job. from the point of view of the consistency of the course of support for ukraine, we do not have any risks at all, and i even want to quote here the consistency of kir shteimer's statements from 2023, when he said verbatim that it is very important, life is important, that we support and stand by ukraine and ... in 2024 in february he said that no matter who is in power in this country, britain will always support ukraine and we will stand with you for as long as it takes. then we need to remember kir shteimer's visit to ukraine in 2023, when he met with our president and visited the irpin heap, and already formed his personal opinion about the atrocities that... the russians are committing in ukraine,
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then we need to remember the visit of two shadow ministers, of the minister of defense and the minister of foreign affairs in may of this year to ukraine, where relevant statements were also made, therefore, from the point of view of emphasis in the foreign policy course in support of of ukraine, they remain the same as those of the conservatives, in principle, if you take the configuration of all the parties that passed into the parliament together, then i can... say that in fact the entire parliament, in fact the whole, that is, the labor party, the conservative party and the third largest party , the liberal democrats, they are very active in supporting ukraine, so i think it will be very easy for mr. zaluzhny to work here, where i see an opportunity and prospects, because you mentioned that she worked there twice and in the embassy during this period , but even now i am very i actively maintain contacts and actually there every two months... we
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appear there with public speeches and work with the politician, including, well, firstly, he is very much expected, and secondly, there is a great interest and willingness to work just right in matters of working with veterans and with military personnel, because in britain itself this problem is quite acute today, and we at glubsek did a large study about the state of ptsd and how in different countries with... regarding military personnel and veterans, this problem is regulated, and accordingly, there is an interest in britain should cooperate with ukraine in this regard, it seems to me that mr. zaluzhnyi, given his previous experience, has very good prospects to make certain achievements in this direction, ms. yuli, i have a very short question, you know, because i read , that perhaps the biggest resentment among the citizens of the united kingdom against conservatives is for... the so-called brexit,
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which they still cannot forgive, they believe that it was a mistake after all, although again, well it's a complicated story there, but i'm leading to the point that you can't revise anything right away. with regard to brexit , the labor party can only try to minimize the economic consequences, first of all , of what has already been decided, whether it is still possible to somehow revise these issues, it is just interesting, because i, to be honest, i do not know whether it is possible or not to revise , i think it is legally possible, because you can apply, let's say, speak in the parliament with the initiative to hold another national referendum, but on a practical level, first of all, it was not... there was no way there was no hint of this in the pre-election program of labor, secondly, from the point of view of implementation, this is a very expensive, financial and costly process that will be very difficult to implement, especially now given
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the economic state in which great britain is, so we can consider , let's say that this perspective for today is ee... something that is not a priority, but from the point of view of practical cooperation , it can be expected that the labor party will try to find various more practical spheres of interaction with the european union, it is possible to expand some conditions for the liberalization of mutual relations, that is, in fact , we can observe the processes that were called the so-called bottom-up integration, when some conditions of some sectors... are made more liberal, and then this may at some stage lead to a policy review, although i repeat, today i do not see such grounds, it is politically very risky, thank you, ms. yulia, thank you for participating in our program, it was yulia osmolovska, the director of the kyiv office
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of the globseka international analytical center, she told us, she told us in detail about whether something will change in great britain's relations with the world, with ukraine in general, in particular after labor won the general elections in this country and ended the 14-year rule of conservatives in power. well, the fat dot under the 14-year management of the conservatives on downing street-10 was put, or rather put, by the chief mousecatcher of the residence of the british prime ministers, keith larry. to be honest, from what he constantly wrote: i personally got the impression that he is a labor supporter. well, today's action probably confirms it. on your page in the network. - this is ex-twitter, he wrote the quote: "i just left shit in sunak's shoes for old time's sake." well, after rishi sunak asked for his resignation, kitlari, who lives on an official salary from the british government, wrote another and here it is, rishi sunak, offered his resignation to the king, but kir
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starman has not yet been appointed prime minister. so who's in charge? me, me, said the cat to larry. yes, well, let's get closer to now. i will tell you yes, i'm sorry, boilermakers are certainly not pespatrons, well , but the main one on downing street is 100%. he was warned, but he flew anyway, despite the warning, the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán, did arrive in moscow today, where he discussed with the head of the terrorist country, vladimir putin, the ways of settling, as he called it, the conflict in ukraine. this was reported by his press secretary bertalanha. yours, then they and putin confirmed this during a joint press conference. the hungarian minister for european union affairs, janusz boka, the day before during the visit, he said that viktor orban acts as a mediator who would like to clarify the positions of the parties regarding the resumption of the conflict in ukraine, but he
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cannot lead negotiations on this. next is a short quote from mr. rechnyk, the prime minister realizes that he has no right to communicate with the president of ukraine zelensky on his behalf. to speak on behalf of the council of the eu. and it is also interesting that during his visit to moscow viktor orban did not represent the european union in any way. this was stated by the leader in his statement this morning josep borel of european diplomacy. according to him, orban did not receive a mandate to visit moscow from brussels. well, this trip will take place exclusively within the framework of bilateral relations between. russia and hungary, well, let's listen to how viktor orbán answered in his every friday, but this time recorded, judging by the fact that he went to moscow, appearance on his favorite radio station koshut. the temporary presidency of
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the eu does not give the right to negotiate on someone's behalf, but i don't even need such a mandate, i just visit the places where it is ongoing a war that can affect hungary, and i bet. i did this during a meeting with the president of ukraine, volodyr zelenskyi, asking him where the red line that he established passes. this cannot be done while sitting in brussels, it is necessary to take measures for... ukraine will become a member of nato within the next 10 years. such hope was expressed by the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance, jens stoltenberg , in an interview with the german media group dpa. agency press. and before that, he says, ukraine needs to be helped to win. in russian war, increasing the amount of military support. according to jens stoltenberg, the stronger
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this support is, the sooner the war can end. at the same time, the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance added that russian president putin is trying to implement a strategy of stalling in ukraine, hoping to weaken the determination of the west, but he will not succeed. i'm coming for you. donald trump offers joe biden joe biden. to meet during the debate, as he called it, without rules, the 45th president of the united states wrote about this in his own social of the true social network, the ex-host of the white house offers the incumbent to meet during the discussion, followed by his short quote: "just the two of us on stage, no rules, let's discuss the future of our country." this is the end of the quote, and according to trump, the high ratings of the first debate mean that the new format will be even more successful with viewers, while the speech without moderation, he says, will allow the candidate... from the democratic party, septo biden, to more fully respond to the sharp questions and
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dispel all doubts of fellow party members and voters in his abilities and capabilities. well, what can i say, trump is still a troll? i'm still there, but in the united states of america there are several options for solving this or that dispute, let's say you saddled a mustang and you saddled a mustang, whom the mustang knocked down, he lost, well, from dawn to a respectable age, or two cars on the meeting is the only one who turned away first, he lost, well, you can play here. the question is that it is necessary to protect the health of presidents and presidential candidates, but there are actually many options, so yes, and in conclusion no rules, you know, i like it, and finally, now china will remotely sense the earth, a satellite capable of doing this was launched the day before from the spaceport, which is located in shanxi province in the north, under the sky satellite, which is called something that i will not to announce it, because the national council for television and rebroadcasting can issue a warning to the tv channel after that. so this satellite will be used to transmit geographic data and conduct scientific
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research. the device will work on low-earth orbit, whether it will be used for military purposes is unknown. well, it's not just that they launch such a probe into the sky, which will transmit some geographical data. well, i think it's no accident. well, that's all i have for today, as in the end, and this week in the column world about ukraine. i will meet you next month. deal, but do not switch, because there is still a lot of interesting things in our future broadcast. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine... and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and
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other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and forecast. for the world, trump's second presidency will be a terrible project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. yours is waiting for you. the light remains on, for
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dinner - what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are for.. . always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we gave ourselves, because we knew that you are already somewhere, half the battle is to know how hard it is victory and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible, so when you are at home, when we
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are together, we are more than... a person, we, a nation that has united around you, good evening, we are from ukraine, we will continue , and now we will have the economic results of this week, after all, whether there is more good or more disturbing information, we will ask oleksandr, oleksandr morchenko is already in the studio, good evening, please, good evening, i congratulate the audience, i have collected the most important things for you. dear ukrainians, learn about the experiment ukrenergo, also about the fact that ukraine's international reserves are dwindling, and money from the imf is coming in, about this in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morchenko, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, i will start with important
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news for all of us. one bright day for two weeks. so, ukrenergo, you. decided to conduct an experiment from july 9 to 24: in each separate region, the lights will not be turned off for a whole day, on other days consumption restrictions will take place according to the schedules, they say that this is necessary in order to measure the actual consumption in to each region, well, i understand it, vasylyu, then from such a hypothetical measurement figure to make certain limits for each region separately, well, it is quite difficult for me, it is colder today, less reproach. to prepare eat in advance somewhere there to cook some soup i still had 6-7 hours there i was something else something and the load was more if i had known that i had a certain time, i would have used electricity more economically and would not have loaded so much all at once, i don't
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use air conditioning, well, i just made such a decision for myself, but it doesn't matter, but when in you have a day's electricity, you know, well... it won't be an indicator, i think, well at least it won't be a hundred percent indicator, i think that a certain methodology exists in ukrenergo, i think they are average, so to speak, arithmetic will bring out and they will know where it is possible more clearly, for example, whether to add hours with light or, on the contrary, to limit it, well, this is actually an interesting practice, i think that everything will work out in the ukrenergo company, but here i will tell you about the new tranche, which this week, ukraine received more than 2 billion dollars from the international government currency fund. this was announced by the head of our government, denys shmyhal. the cabinet of ministers will direct these funds to finance critical budget expenditures. well, this includes, in particular, social benefits, salaries for doctors and teachers. well, vasyl, it is good news that money is coming from our main partner, the international monetary fund, vasyl, and this is, in fact, a beacon and
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a signal for other international partners that we can continue to provide funds, grant funds, loan funds. preferential interest, this is money from the imf, i always call it such a beacon, but anyway, sorry, i'm just saying, there's either a beacon here, or they're just providing it, because they understand what not to provide now, well, it's just not possible, i do, i just don't know, well, but i hope that it will still be a beacon, but by the way , after receiving this money of the fifth tranche from the imf in the amount of more than 2 billion dollars , ukraine's debt to the fund increased and amounted to almost. 14 billion dollars, and this is stated, in particular, in the statistics on the website of the international monetary fund, and thus ukraine became the second among the largest imf debtors. argentina is in first place. well, this is news from the world of money, but i will continue to talk about the state of finances in ukraine.
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as of july 1, the international reserves of our country amounted to almost 38 billion dollars, after all , in june, they decreased, and the national bank states that it spent international reserves on certain such smoothing of fluctuations in the exchange rate, and also partially settled the foreign debt, well, in fact, the financial sector is currently in such a situation that money is coming in, and in particular the national bank is trying to balance with reserves. on the market, in order to restrain the hryvnia and at the same time somehow settle with loans, i think that this is a decrease in international reserves, it is not critical, in general, for the financial sector, well, but... here it is not that which is alarming, it is simply symptomatically, you said that we are now in second place after argentina, and a few weeks ago there was information that we were in third place in terms of quantity, in terms of debt to
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the imf, well, now we are already in second place, yes, that is, yes, well, if we continue to talk about the debt, then there is not much time left in ukraine, less than a month, to resolve issues with external creditors, and to avoid the so-called default in economic practice, but... he is restructuring and negotiating with the owners of debt obligations, so if the state fails, in fact, to solve this problem, it can undermine the confidence of investors in the commitments of the west and will mean great risks for the recovery of our state, well, in fact, now we are talking about the bondholders of ukraine writing off part of the debt, ukraine wants 60%, but investors insist on a much smaller figure, it is approximately 22%, well, the ministry of finance is really conducting negotiations on such an important strategic and complex matter, and
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i am sure that this issue will be resolved, despite all the horror stories that have been heard by various experts in recent weeks. i am sure that international partners will meet. well, despite the earlier rejection of the initiative by the international monetary fund, the creation of ukrposhta won this right from the state bank, so the state company will create its own finustana. therefore, the government does not plan to prepare draft law on new specialized and limited banking activity, it has, it will be aimed at quick access to financial services. i understand that it is precisely in the post offices of ukrposhta that such desks will operate, as i understand it, where... it will be possible to obtain, for example, take a loan or put money on a deposit, in fact it is a good idea, because ukrposhta has the most extensive network its branches, and it is precisely
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in the front-line territories that ukrainians often need to obtain various banking services, and insurance services, in particular, despite the fact that that the share of state banks in ukraine will grow, this is not welcomed by international partners, i think that such a thing is necessary, but... an investor in other state banks, we are talking about ukrgasbank and sensbank, will appear soon and the cabinet of ministers will be able to sell these institutions, find a private owner there, well , in this way the market will be balanced, the situation is kind of long-term, but they are working on it. next, important news for those who wish to receive a grant and start their own business. veterans receive another uah 30 million. on business development, this was reported in according to the results of the next wave of applications, the ministry of reintegration has already identified 62 winners, among them 35 participants in
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hostilities, 27 representatives of veterans' families receive from uah 250,000 in non-refundable funds to up to one million. most of the participants of this initiative are from vinnytsia, lviv, ivano-frankivsk, rivne, kyiv regions and the capital. the most popular. the areas, well, for which veterans and their families take money are trade, repair of motor vehicles, as well as the organization of food, and traditionally, it is agriculture and processing industry, well, but if we turn to general statistics, then the numbers may seem so unoptimistic to many now, i will talk further about... the closure of fops, therefore, in the first half of the year, almost 92,00 individual entrepreneurs ceased their activities, and this is by 54 %
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more than in the same period of 2023. this is stated in the research of the yutrol market company. dnipropetrovsk oblast, lviv and zaporizhia oblasts mostly closed their own business, in particular, they stopped their activities in the field of wholesale trade, real estate and buildings. roman kornelyuk, financial analyst of yukontrol, explains that there is no need to look for a certain betrayal here, in fact , this is the traditional life of ukraine, the economic life of ukraine, and the closure of fops actually occurs against the background of the opening of new entrepreneurs, so this figure fluctuates, but we still see 54 per 54% more than in the same period of 2023 were closed, this is a little alarming, in my opinion, but big business has its own problems. ukrzaliznytsia plans to raise the tariff for freight transportation by the end of the year, otherwise the company will not
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avoid losses. this was announced in an interview with forbes ukraine by yevhen lyashchenko, the chairman of the board of the carrier. in five months, ukraine actually exported the old crop, the volume of grain transportation collapsed. exports of metallurgical and iron ore industry products also decreased due to restrictions on electricity supply. well, we see that it was one of the company's main revenues, so we decided to revise the tariff based on preliminary calculations. the costs of a large business that used freight cars of ukrzaliznytsia may increase by 7%. let's go further, more foreign producers will have to be supported now, so the kyiv cardboard and paper mill announced this week that it may stop its work. the enterprise in obukhov informed that this will happen in case of total mobilization of male employees. we are talking about those
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specialists who are impossible. it is now possible to replace them with women, currently in the ranks of the armed forces every tenth employee is an employee of this enterprise, and they say there that to become a machinist, for example, of a paper-processing and card-making machine, you need about five years, since it is necessary to study a number of different phased works, and the company is already saying that consumers will be left without sanitary and hygienic products, and large manufacturers of products without cardboard containers, well , we keep the topic of economic mobilization under control, discuss with economists and with politicians in large broadcast, i will not stop there, but i will finish summing up this business week, the big broadcast does not end, vasyl winter will continue, watch us. yes, thank you very much
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oleksandr morchytsa, thank you for the help economic results this week. i will remind you that i will also be with you today from eight to nine, what will we talk about, well, actually we will sum up the political results of this week, scandals, statements, a lot of important statements were made, well, important for discussion, at least for understanding situation, so it will be about it. let's talk, we'll concentrate on that, and now i also encourage you to join the project from zero to life, which is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate unit with a donation of the kholodny yar mechanized brigade, our defenders will choose victory every day, leaving no wounded and dead on the battlefield. so for evacuation, atvs are indispensable assistants, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible on
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the off-road, which means. perform combat tasks more effectively, and soldiers who have already passed more than one test are always ready to fight back at the enemy, now for our peace of mind, they continue to be on duty on holidays and on weekdays, your support increases the chances not only of successful to complete the task, but also to return from it alive. our goal is uah 4 million, and i believe that we will definitely be able to close it, so far we have managed to collect, well, of course, with the help of my colleagues, who are also on the air in... voice these, these fees uah 1,447, thank you for that, and i'm ready to add my colleague yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, about sports today, by the way , a very important event at the euros, i wonder what the result is, yevhen, good evening, please, good evening, vasyl, congratulations dear viewers of the tv channel, what about euro-2024 in germany
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the day of the quarter-finals has arrived and... we will talk more about each quarter-final match, one of them, in particular, going on right now, in a moment in our sports section. so, today the first two semi-finalists of the european football championship, which is ongoing in germany, will be determined, at 19:00 the match started with the participation of the hosts of the tournament. the germans meet with the spanish national team. and so far the score in this meeting has not been opened, so far the first half ends 0:0. at 10 p.m., another top match will start: portugal-france, the finalists will meet the last euro, euro 2016, which was then won by portugal, and on saturday july 6, the england team will play against switzerland, while the netherlands will face the turkish national team.


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