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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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the day of the quarter-finals has come and about each quarter-final match, one of them in particular is ongoing , we will talk more in detail in a moment in our sports column. so , today the first two semi-finalists of the european football championship, which continues in germany, will be determined at 19:00 . are meeting with the spanish national team and so far the score in this meeting has not been opened, so far the first half ends 0:0. at 10 p.m., another top match will start: portugal-france, the finalists will meet the last euro (euro 2016), which was then won by portugal, and on saturday, july 6, the england team will play against switzerland, and the netherlands will face the national team of turkey. and further, we are adding andrii
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tverdokhlib, editor-in-chief, editor of the champion website, to the ether, we will talk with him in more detail about today's matches, the quarter-final matches of the euro, literally in a few moments he should be in touch with us, i will only say that that in the first half both the germans and the spaniards did not sit back in defense, what to me managed to see, it was quite equal football, it was... a game of teams, each trying to stick to their philosophy, each trying to attack. indeed, we saw, perhaps, the draft of the finals of this european championship, because these teams would surely be worthy of playing the main trophy of this tournament against each other. well, but really, in such a match there can be no beauty, great football, there is a struggle, yellow cards, well, because when the teams are equal in terms of class, somewhere someone has advantages. in some ways, someone
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is tactical, someone is technically, well, but you you understand that here some minimal mistake can cost you victory in this match, and you can count on some kind of firework in such matches, well, for sure, it is not so precise, the hosts, the germans, and the german fans have very high expectations from their national team, of course they expect nagelsmann's team to triumph in this european championship at home for the germans, but also spain in the previous matches in the group and in the play-offs. demonstrated how powerful a team it is now, and which in principle does not notice their opponents, the spaniards very confidently dealt with the play-off against the georgian national team with the debutant euro, i don't know whether it is possible to draw certain conclusions about the spanish national team from this game, but i will also remind you that the spanish were very convincing in the group as well, where they in particular beat and italy and croatia. our directors tell me that the first half ended 0:0.
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so all the most interesting in this confrontation is ahead: spain-germany, the quarter-finals of the european championship. the match between the french and the portuguese will also start on the 22nd. this too a confrontation with a very interesting history, a confrontation that we remember in the final of the last euro, when cristiano ronaldo, the leader of portugal, was injured in the first half, i will not say that in the first minutes of the match, he was injured in the first. and then it seemed that portugal was doomed, then everyone thought that, well, without ronaldo , the portuguese would definitely not be able to do anything against the hosts, against the french, who were then hosting the euros, but, but the portuguese won the final then with a score of 1:0, i think that today the french have this desire, if not revenge, then sports revenge, now i suggest listening to what the head coaches of both teams said before this confrontation. everyone knows how
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big teams play, the main thing is the performance and talent of our players. i think we are fully prepared. this is the quarter final. and we are focused on ourselves. we always want to improve, but we don't have to change everything from match to match. such matches are often decided by small details. both teams have players who can make the difference. in this collective portugal has a lot of great footballers, our team too, we are one of the best teams in europe. i'm sure it will be an important game. historically, the matches between us are very intense. there are rarely one-sided games at this stage of the tournament. well, we heard from the head coaches of both teams and portugal and france. and now we will hear, i hope, our guest, who joins the editor-in-chief of the
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champion website, andriy tverdokhlib, in communication with us. andrei, good evening. good evening. first, first of all. let's talk about the current match continues, the break has already started there, spain-germany, what are your impressions of the first half and who do you think is still the favorite? spain favorite in my opinion, good first half, enough, as the commentators always like to point out, it's unusual to see such a percentage of possession in spain, but still somehow i think that spain ... will win today, if we talk about the second match, about france-portugal, now i will ask our directors to show a comparative table of the statistics of both national teams on this the european championship, there is information from the uefa website, there are a lot of indicators, but we
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have singled out the main ones in my opinion, do not look at the fact that the portuguese have run so many more kilometers, because they ran an additional two overtimes. in the match against slovenia in the last round, in the play-off round, but in general we see that portugal traditionally have a lot of possession, instead the french have a little more than 53 there 54% possession. this team, which in principle is one of the contenders for the final, and possibly for the trophy. how, what can you tell me about such and such data of france, and thanks to which, apart from... own goals, yes, they can succeed at this euro? well, you 're right, actually, the french probably still have the strongest squad, but they had it in my opinion, both in the previous european championship and in the world cup, well in the world cup
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, at least they played in the final where lost, i don't see any reason for such a percentage of possession of the ball. 53-54%, which is a completely working indicator, and actually, it seems to me, france, it should be checked by statistical portals, on statistical portals, but it seems to me that france has never dominated ball control, well, maybe it dominated the euros that we remembered in the final over portugal in 2016, but should we go back now on... eight years ago, it's probably better to talk about tomorrow's two games that will be played at 7 and 10 p.m. on saturday. the english national team will continue its journey at the european championship, a path not without problems, with great difficulty the english reached the 1/4 finals, and
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the swiss also knocked out the current champions in the 1/8 europeans, italians. so do you think the swiss can afford to send home now? the finalists of the last euro, the english, absolutely, i absolutely believe that due to the strength of switzerland i liked it very much in the group stage, the team probably does not have such stars in the composition as the leading teams of europe, but for many years switzerland has been playing very stable, very balanced and without any such big sinusoids, and what they are... they play equally successfully both against middle-class teams and against top teams, i.e. they never fall apart, that's how we actually are saw in the confrontation with the italians, maybe this result was a bit of a surprise for someone, but we remember the italians in the group, who were not too convincing,
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on the other hand, the swiss, by the way, did not lose to the german national team, if i, if i'm not mistaken, if if i remember correctly, that is, this is a team that repeatedly proved its qualification in principle, finally about... the netherlands-turkey match: in your opinion, have the turks already exhausted their reserves, their resources at this european championship and will we see the dutch, the dutch in the semi-finals? i i am inclined to think that the netherlands will go to the semi-finals, you know, in my opinion , the netherlands have the best game from the point of view, i will try to explain now, it is quite attractive, fun, but still... it has a certain solidity and a certain reserve, that is, the team plays in attack, the teams play very powerfully on the flanks, the team creates, well, it's nice to watch, i think that the netherlands will be in the final. we are waiting for
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spectacular confrontations in the quarterfinals, in particular in the performance of the netherlands national team, which many ukrainians are sure to see tomorrow will support in the match against turkey, but that's it. this is a different topic, more political, thanks to andriy, the editor-in-chief of the champion website andriy tverdohlib was in direct contact with us, and we talked with him about the quarter-final confrontations with the champion. europe, i should also tell you about tennis. today , unfortunately, marta kostiuk finished her performances at the wimboldon tournament, but we don't have time to talk about it in detail, so we will only summarize the fact that kostiuk, unfortunately, stopped her performances at the big tournament. at this point, we will say goodbye, i will say goodbye to you until monday, when we will talk about football again, then my colleague vasyl zyma will continue the great ethereal espresso.
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thank you very much yevhen, now natalka didenko will tell us about the weather and at 20:00 the verdict is waiting for you in the program, stay with espress. hello everyone, dear ukrainians. before we talk about the weather, which is expected in the coming days, in the near future. on the weekend, well, who cares, given the rather difficult weather conditions due to the heat, today we will talk about how to save animals from the heat, and it is not only about kittens, cats and dogs, but about domestic animals, which for some reason are often shy to talk about or simply avoid this topic, and our lives often depend on them to a significant extent, and that is why we let's talk about it, so... the signs of heat stress, heat stroke in domestic animals, chickens
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open their beaks and spread their wings, horses, for example, start to wet themselves a lot, and the classic signs are trembling, lack of appetite, and animals lose their orientation, which it is necessary to immediately, if possible, usually smoke them from a hose, move the animal to the shade, if this is also possible, and provide obviously drinking water, preferably chilled, this is necessary. a condition for obtaining cattle, regardless of even what the air temperature is. a place in the shade should be available to every animal, of course, that near the forest in a wooded, shady area for animals, well, it is simpler and easier than in some barn with a hot roof, but you can, for example, stretch a tarpaulin or fabric on four posts, the animal is intelligent , she guesses where to find, you also need sufficient space for ventilation of the room, and... that you can bring an animal, well, this probably applies more to some large animals to the pond, to
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the river, the only thing is that access to the river can lead to pollution and infections, that's why it's such a question, as they say 50 on 50, well, there are also fair-skinned pigs who are touched by the tan and suffer from it, i don't think that there's anything funny here at all, because it's obvious among us. that there are vegans and vegetarians, but still there are fewer of them, and very much many of us eat pork and raise pigs, so this is recommended, it's a terrible problem for them, and that's why pigs cover themselves with dirt, not because they're so dirty, it's just a self-preservation instinct, and if they can't provide for themselves mud baths, so to speak, it is even recommended that if you have some valuable breeds there, there are not many of them, even use sunscreen in... these are the tips i found and this topic is actually very interesting. we are now moving from
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our own animals to such cosmic ones processes, so to speak, let's look at the behavior of the earth's magnetic field and tomorrow fluctuations are expected, the fluctuations are insignificant, a strong magnetic storm or something so powerful is not expected, so we move on to the actual weather forecast. and we traditionally start with the western regions. for... in the west of ukraine, the air temperature will be comfortable, 25-28°, precipitation is not expected. in the north , the temperature of the air, +25 +29, dry, air mass is still quite faint, so to speak. it is dry in the east, and tomorrow in the east, although there will be heat, it will be more merciful, so to speak, it will not be 35-37°, somewhere around 31-33, and also an anticyclone, dry and sunny. the center continues to be so, well, moderate heat tomorrow at least 28:30 28:31 dry
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weather, the southern part of ukraine will be the hottest, 30-35 above zero, no precipitation, well, in kyiv and on saturday and sunday, so far the air temperature will be quite comfortable, it will fluctuate within +28°, but i remind you, i already talked about this and wrote on social networks that from monday and... practically the whole next week in ukraine will be dominated by intense heat with an air temperature of 32-37° in the southeast in most of the central regions 34-39, in some places even up to +40. here's the near term outlook, keep an eye out for our updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. see this week in the collaborators program. leaders of putin's youth organizations in the occupied territories.
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today, the entire zaporozhye region celebrates the day of reunification with the russian federation. but what are the prospects of the country. teenagers are blamed for treason of ukraine. i advise you to contact the ministry of youth policy. greetings, i'm olena kononenko , and this is a collaborator program about traitors who follow the call of their hearts and wallets to serve the rashi occupiers. in today's program , we will continue to talk about putin's youth organizations, which create sales outlets in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. yug molodiy, or young south, is a russian youth organization founded in 2002. 22nd year. it is directly financed from the budget of the russian federation and operates on captives territories of zaporizhzhia, kherson, donetsk and luhansk regions. officially, the young south is about leisure for teenagers, but in fact it is a powerful recruitment center. the basis of the organization and its leaders are the so-called volunteers of the zrf, activists of the youth wing of united russia and local
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collaborators. the movement organizes masses for all russian events and holidays. invites to hold lectures for young people, kremlin politicians, bloggers and pop stars, who in turn talk about the sky-high career prospects in russia. the movement constantly initiates actions in support of russian soldiers, collects and delivers humanitarian aid to them. the last such initiative was called: i will help you, son. mykyta romanenko is in charge of the young south organization in the occupied part of the zaporizhzhia region. i am sending a message to the armed forces of ukraine. how mykytka cut from a guard at the cemetery to a leading figure of the rashish organization, i will tell you now. the people of melitopol report that mykytka lived in melitopol, in his hometown, from birth, worked in an office, that is , he cheated money from people by phone, after moved to dnipro to a similar call center. from a young age, he began rooting for russia,
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opposed nato and supported the war from the first day of the invasion of the invaders. after 20. february 4, he went to the crimea, where he tried to fix his life by working as a guard at the cemetery, but something went wrong, and the traitor had to return to occupied melitopol, there just as the rashists began to create youth organizations to instill the kremlin ideology, so they really needed those who will lead them. mykytka was perfect for this, young, unprincipled, talentless and lust for money and illusory power. russia russia russia also found out that romanenko had been waiting for the russian peace in melitopol for a very long time, tried to organize the movement of the immortal regiment and invited everyone to join the so-called underground melitopol legion. our law enforcement agencies found out that in may 2020, romanenko and
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his aides planned to distribute propaganda products of a russian nature in melitopol. in one of the messengers of the group. called melitopol last, he called to the overthrow of the constitutional system, promoted the idea of ​​violent federalization and the withdrawal of the southern regions from ukraine, promoted the idea of ​​creating a fake zaporizhia republic and novorossiya. therefore, there was no need to prove loyalty to the russian invaders. by the way, for his anti-ukrainian activity in 2022, he received a medal from the yevgeny balytsky rouge. today, the entire zaporizhzhia region celebrates the day of the driver. with the russian federation. this is a very significant day for all residents of the zaporizhzhia region, because they have been waiting for it for a very long time. also activists for half of the day, the symbols of the zaporizhia region and the russian federation will be distributed. later, this supporter of the tricolor became the head of the organization south young in the zaporizhzhia region. actions in support of the chmoviks, the kremlin, interviews with the main pro-putin stars,
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discrediting the armed forces of ukraine and the ukrainian authorities, recruiting young people to join the anti-ukrainian movement. and this is far from a complete list of mykytka's occupations in office. they will never succeed because russia will never kneel. this young traitor has a fanatical love for the kremlin grandfather. under during the presidential pseudo-elections in russia, mykytka headed the volunteer staff supporting putin in the zaporizhzhia region. he can even often be seen next to neofur at russian events. here he stands. and lovingly looks at the unchanging dictator of russia after the elections, but sings with him on the same stage. sing the national anthem of the russian federation on stage with volodymyr volodymyrovych on red square. for me, as a resident of the zaporizhia region, it was something incredible, i still remember it, it seems to me that this is exactly what i will tell my children and grandchildren. glory and
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romanenko is very fond of the media, for this he runs a telegram channel called nikvanta, where he has 4 thousand subscribers and works as a correspondent for pomyny zmi srochna militopol. zaporizhzhia region is in touch. now we are at the world youth festival, the city of sochi. this fanatic of everything russian now. very useful for the occupiers, because he is engaged in agitation and propaganda among the youth. often in a playful way to music, he posts videos about how cool it is to be russian, to have a passport with a chicken and, in general , russia is the center of the universe. like a head romanenko is campaigning for young people to enroll in rashist universities, go to russia and support those who allegedly liberated them in every possible way. this young traitor doesn't have any suspicions yet, but he has already pushed and done it to the whole. of the criminal code. at first, he was an active member of the russian organization pivden-molodiy, then he got a significant promotion. we are talking about
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kirill oleksandrovych kuzyakin from melitopol, born in 2002. my name is kirill. our movement joins the action victory for us. and expresses huge support and gratitude to our state and military personnel when russian troops captured his hometown, kirill was a student. he saw in the occupation. his prospects, for which he began to actively work. the boy was seen in almost all pro-russian youth organizations. initially, he was a member of the south-young movement, which is managed by putin's united russia party. in the organization, kirill began to do pr for helping veterans, often went to putin's speeches as a representative of zaporizhzhya youth, which he was very proud of. our russian federation is united with us, and we appreciate it very much. in the rooster
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young, there were enough other talents who are able to better fulfill the roles of recruiters and agitators, so kyrylo applied to the eco-organization do, which supposedly saves the nature of the zaporizhzhia region. we are already conducting the previous million motherland campaign on a regular basis, and having covered schools only in the city of melitopol, more than a million tons of secondary raw materials have been collected. kuzyakin's career as an eco-activist was on the rise, he even won a grant of millions of rubles for his own project under the name мастерская проедофотки раздай from the ministry of youth policy of russia. its essence is to make souvenirs from garbage, this is how i understand the latest ideas. we are already with the boys. we recycle caps throughout the year, and our main eco-habit with them is usually collecting caps from bottles and recycling them. but not only ecoactivism.
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kuzyakin tried his hand at politics, tried to become a candidate for deputies from the united russia party in the zaporizhzhia region, but did not even get on the lists. now he walks around, collects his own garbage, no, not russian black bags. thank you government of the invaders and tries to attract as many as possible. teenagers to the kremlin youth structures. we, in turn , invite kirill to join the ukrainian organization of collaborators who will bear responsibility for the betrayal of the homeland. and finally, i will tell you about another young traitor who is a member of several putin youth movements, alina bezverhnya, a native of melitopol. until february 24, she was very famous in the city, because she had been building a career as a singer since childhood. she studied vocals at a children's music school. number one and took part in various international competitions. so, in particular, in 2020, the girl won the grand prize at the bukovel starfest international festival in
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the vocal art category. but the young performer easily exchanged international competitions for a narrow perspective, where a performance at the stadium can remain the pinnacle of her career. when melitopol was captured by the russian army on february 25, 2022, alina quickly understood the rules of the russian peace. and became his activist and propagandist. i advise you to contact the ministry of youth policy. awesome people work here, they they will help you with promotion, and an equally cool recording studio. she became the leader of propaganda for young people in pivna molodomy, and also became the vice-president of the russian movement of children and youth, the first movement. on camera, the girl broadcasts success, which, according to her , is possible only in russia and only on the moscow stage. she is often invited to perform patriotic songs at all kinds of concerts. as a representative of the so-
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called new territories of russia, alina entered the moscow university of arts. no one is waiting for alina to return to ukraine, well maybe our law enforcement agencies to imprison her for a long time. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, we will send it together. all traitors follow the russian ship, see you in a week on espresso. congratulations, this is the beraber together program, a joint project of the crimean tatar tv channel atr and the tv channel. i'm andrii yanitskyi and
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gulsum khalilov in the studio. congratulations to silyam. we are very happy to welcome you to this studio today, as always traditionally, we will talk about crimea, about deoccupation, and about the reintegration of the temporarily occupied crimea peninsula, and of course, we will sum up, and this week, we will talk about everything that happened, and in the first block - the block of a military expert, vladyslav seliznyov, a military expert and spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in the 14.17 years, mr. vladyslav, congratulations, greetings, greetings, greetings, glad to see and glory to ukraine, the hero, well, mr. vladyslav, recently the commander of the navy of ukraine, said that russia is losing military russian maritime center in crimea, what does this mean, how much, well, when we say loses, how serious it is at this stage, here we are talking about the fact that
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the russian occupiers. it is slowly, but nevertheless, losing its military presence on the territory of the currently occupied crimean peninsula, including first and foremost through the destruction by the ukrainian defense forces of their military facilities in crimea and sevastopol, because when the enemy is forced to hide its combat ships carrying sea- based missiles of the caliber type closer to novorossiysk, this is definitely not pro-military presence in crimea, when vorok loses the resource capabilities of its anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense system. this is the weakening of the combat capabilities of the russian occupiers, when the enemy’s warehouses and arsenals with ammunition are reduced to ashes, including the shaheds with which the enemy targets the territory of our country, this is precisely the loss of key elements that ensure the combat power of the russian army of occupation, and i i think that this activity is not accidental, the ukrainian army once announced that the 24th year will be year of special attention to the... territory
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of the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, because the enemy has the feeling that crimea is not his land, it is ukrainian land, and it, this land will be under the feet of the russian occupiers, until the foot of the latter the russian occupier will not leave the territory of crimea, and here i think that they should hurry, because it is not for nothing that our two glorious generals, general malyuk and general budanov, have repeatedly stated that the construction of the kerch bridge is unnecessary, and therefore it must be destroyed, so until there is an opportunity to cover heels with cream. therefore, using this infrastructural structure, it is worth taking advantage of this opportunity, because on the one hand, i understand the russians, they have several options for escaping from crimea, and on the other hand, i understand that all these options are vulnerable, it is not only about the kerch bridge , it is also about the kerch ferry crossing, along which we have repeatedly kissed the armored infrastructure and the same ferries, it is also about the aviation
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component military transport. what a harvester aviation, which can also be fragile, vulnerable, only the nome receives the first batch of f-16 fighters, which will be able to operate not only over the territory of the occupied peninsula, but also over the waters of the black sea and the plains of the sea of ​​azov. of course, we are talking about large amphibious ships, which until recently were used by the enemy as express ships, i.e., vehicles that transported cargo of military importance to the bay and water area of ​​sevastopol, which are now such. they are trying not to implement things, because the russian air defense forces have recently become too vulnerable, due to the active activity of our naval of kamikaze strike drones, of course there is still a land route, a route that runs along the northern coast of the sea of ​​azov, but there is also fighting nearby , and who knows, today trucks with military cargo can move in space, and what will happen before tomorrow is far from known.


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