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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, incl. from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday, from 8 to 10 p.m. they say 200, 250. the maximum that
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the russian army loses in the so-called svo, he drew attention to the fact that the so-called liberal , good russian media write about the svo and lie about such a number, while we say something else, because the general staff gives us information every day and 1,260 occupiers were liquidated in the last day, which are confirmed from the battlefield, because there are much larger numbers that cannot be confirmed, and such numbers are actually standard already for... the last probably month, so just compare, they don't add a thousand, some thousand just for nothing, and that's it, let's move on, we have our next guest in touch with us, roman vlasenko, head of the severodonetsk district military administration, mr. roman, glory to ukraine and we hope that good morning, yes, we can see you, but we can't hear you very well, good morning, hear me, now everything is fine, great, yes, what to hear, glory to the heroes. what do you hear from your
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hometown, which is still under temporary occupation and in this whole direction, in fact, as they say, from belogorivka to north donetsk, are they also spreading such numbers as they produce from moscow, well, if it is about the battlefield, then indeed the situation has worsened recently, precisely from bilogorivka to the swatov direction, active hostilities continue, they are trying to pressure the russians, they are actively using aviation, all types of artillery. several more were evacuated this week people from the de-occupied settlements of the krasnolichynsk community , the humanitarian situation is getting worse there, let's say so, but the occupiers do not have any significant advances in victories there, and we are talking about art duels there, they use less and less equipment in their attacks, and there is a certain one.. cautious optimism in the fact that
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they are increasingly deploying reserves in other areas of the front, namely kharkiv region, donetsk region, and let's hope that the situation will remain stable for our armed forces. what about severodonetsk directly, then the situation there is not particularly improving, let's say, recently they summed up the results of two years of occupation of the city and, in principle , north donets. district, not only the communities, well, not only the middle, but the surrounding communities, it can be noted here that in two years there has been a certain degradation, both in the humanitarian sense, and in the economic, and political, and ecological sense, that is, the situation remains difficult, and since july 1 tariffs have increased, with medicine, all the same problems, problems with water, from the last one.
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fires started again closer to krymina rubizhnoy, and there is even information that these forest fires are already spreading to populated areas. well, once again, the activation is certain, nationalization from the squeeze of real estate. the people themselves are already starting to appeal to their own occupation administration on this topic, which state we live in, that's all. legally, without trial and investigation , they extort money from apartment neighbors, now this is such a new wave that has flooded almost the entire temporarily occupied territory of luhansk region, not only the north donets region, but we are talking about the old occupied territories, pervomaisk, for example, and old bolshchyna, well, the russian tradition of the bolsheviks looted or nationalized, take away what is not yours, if it goes... you mentioned the evacuation, where are these
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people being evacuated and how many are they talking about, are there actually many more here along the line of hostilities civilians remain, well, in our e... where in the occupied territories of the luhansk region, about 50 people remain there in several settlements, this week we are talking about three people, some of whom left for slovyansk, some of them for kharkiv oblast, ugh, but it is in this area and a little further north that we have front-line successes, at least there are changes further north, this is what i mean, when it was possible to seriously suppress the enemy in the area of ​​the thorn, well ... traditionally , what was once silver forestry is advancing step by step , well, i understand that there is not so much like a forest, but in fact every week there is a change in the line of contact in our favor, that is , it is simply more efficient, our units have started
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to work, or they simply do not have enough reserves there, because they threw their further south to the donetsk section of the front, i think that it is precisely both of these aspects, firstly... the best units of the defense forces of ukraine, azov, work there, and er, the other aspect is about what i said that they were forced to at the beginning of the kharkiv operation , the reserves were first dropped on ovchansk, and now, i think, they pay more attention to the direction of toretsk, chasovya. ugh. ugh. how does this ukrainian land, which is under occupation, look like now, from the excavation. from spirny, verkhnyokamyanka and to severodonetsk, to these settlements, is there life there, or did the people who lived there have to evacuate somewhere, go deep into the occupied territory to save their lives, well, this very territory, the territory
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of active hostilities from the very beginning, since the spring of 22, i think people there they have not lived there for a long time, and there is a large... structural object - the veschansk national defense plant, which in fact all this time was or was the location of the defense forces of ukraine there, now the russian military is stationed there, and in fact active combat operations are also taking place there around the clock , artuels, drones are actively working, and we are very we often see these territories from... drones of the defense forces of ukraine, they work there for the national army, there are currently no locals there, and all of them are either closer to lysychansk or in general on the old occupied territories. there is information that people live there in volchayarivka, malorizantseva, this is between the oil refinery
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and lysnychansk, a little further from the area you mentioned. do you have contact with those people who are now in the occupied territory, what do they say, because we have heard that people are actually being forced to record somewhere a video about how they are doing well there, about the fact that they support the svo, that it is wonderful, that is, they put such pressure on people, i am already silent about the fact that men, actively conscripted, are being recruited, they are trying to be recruited into the army, as do the locals advise themselves with this? again, people are different, there is some part that really supports what is happening, they are conditionally pro-russian, pro-soviet, there is a significant part that is so conditionally, weather vanes, who do not care plus or minus, what is happening, under which flag they live, well, there is a part of people who support
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ukraine, they are waiting for her return, and about opportunities they help us, they help the defense forces of ukraine, there is a significant part of the people who do not communicate with... the occupation administration does not receive a russian passport, avoids any uh-uh intersections with the occupation army, with by the occupation administration, it is precisely on these people that administrative and police pressure is directed by the occupation authorities, phones are checked, various persuasions are tried to move, to get a job, to receive medical services, to receive some explanation, communication is certain, and even the facts that there is no internet in the severodonetsk district, mobile communication works very poorly, i think this is just a manifestation of the fact that the occupiers are afraid of communication, ukrainians in the occupied territories, and how these
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people are with each other communicate in them, these are all ukrainians who simply happened to be in the temporarily controlled territory of russia. there are, and how they have radically different views, how they contact and communicate with each other there, is there such a thing, or is it meant for them, those who support russia and those who are waiting. liberation of the ukrainian armed forces, so we lived there until the 22nd year, i think that in most cases people are not frank in communicating with their neighbors and try to talk about some topics that are so neutral there, and i think that a significant part of people, what then, what now, they just keep their thoughts to themselves, now there really is such a policewoman... the regime and for any wrong word said there you can go to the basement or in fact and in fact
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, mr. roman, this is the second sad anniversary of the occupation and for when you remember, there are two of you years ago, then just in my opinion, on july 4 , the armed forces of ukraine received an order to retreat and the guys were forced to withdraw because there was a significant breakthrough. along the bakhmut highway, i mean, novote, novoshkovka, yes, and the breakthrough was right there on the golden, on the mountain, in order not to be encircled, at that moment the guard had already fallen, and such a stronghold that covered lysychansk was it was this khiva community, when this breakthrough took place there, the boys were forced to leave lysychansk, they saved their people, but they lost the city, i think that... as of today day, both then and now, our main task is to destroy the enemy, to protect our
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military, and the territories, cities, i think will be liberated when we reach this parity and will be able to fight back with dignity not only in our defense . thank you, mr. roman. we hope that it will be so. roman vlasenko, head of severidonetsk district. of the military administration was in touch with us, we will take a short break, we ask you to inform us and we will talk about the north, about the vovchan direction with yuriy fedorenko, we'll also talk about drones, so stick with espresso. these discounts represent the only discounts on combi grip hotsiep, 10% in the pharmacies psyllium vam and oschad, there are discounts in the pharmacies psyllium vam and oschad until 30. the discounts are valid until the end of july. fm: galicia.
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drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's win. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world. the second trump's presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. summer is a time of rest and recovery. and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a bit of peace for the children, whose world was destroyed by the war. these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting us and you,
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our country, died at the front, and they, like no one else, need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children recover more quickly after a loss. children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we plan to host two this summer. trips for children of fallen heroes. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, and most importantly, they will receive help. qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to hope, dreams, and support for those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i
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really liked the trip to austria, i liked the museums we went to every day, it was incredible, and so did i. i really liked how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linsk. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. we yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the akhiles shock bpak battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after koshovoy ataman, ivan sirko, is coming back to contact us. mr. yuri, thank you for joining us. glory to ukraine. glory to the hero. let's start from your direction of vovchan, about what is the situation there now, and of course, what is interesting, because we already
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see that there is no such separate island on the map. that is, there is this separate island with an aggregate plant further on the map, but this impression, well, at least to us from the map, it looks as if this white area is decreasing a little, in fact, the one that is partially controlled by our troops, or is it really like that, we are asking about the situation from the first mouth, i will say in general about the kharkiv region, because the unit performs the task, the main area of ​​concentration, it is deep sticky, but in general... e-e groups work all over the line in case of military expediency. in general, the situation looks like the defense force has stabilized, the enemy's further advance is not possible, that is, all the positions remain behind us, the enemy has no success. moreover, the defense forces conduct a systematic work on knocking out the enemy from the positions
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he managed to occupy. during each assault, we have a counter-fight, that is, against... just does not retreat and does not surrender, i will say more that in the last year of the full-scale war, i do not remember at which time we did not fight, so that the enemy voluntarily surrendered or retreated from one or another position, we knock him out from each position, after knocking out the enemy always carries out reverse shock-assault actions, that is, he tries to accumulate forces in order to knock out forces defense from those positions that we managed to de-occupy. at the same time, the enemy uses all available weapons. when we say omnipresent weapons, it is necessary to single out several means that at the moment the enemy is working quite intensively and have a significant power of defeat, both on the frontline of the conflict and on the front-line villages and cities. these are both drones of the strike type of action, and, accordingly
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, the enemy's aircraft. the enemy's aviation uses the control of air bombs of different weights, intensively enough on... in these branches, and objectively, the enemy clearly understands and realizes that when he hits civilian cities, peaceful cities, for example, the city of kharkiv, the pilot, who is in the cockpit, presses the start button, he knows for sure that he is shooting at residential buildings, accordingly, the situation regarding the presence of enemy aircraft will be one way or another resolved, and i sincerely expect that it is not far off, why there is reason to believe that, as you remember, it was recently given... to use high-precision weapons on the territory of the russian federation, and this made quite significant changes, in general, to the nature of actions the enemy, because if before they said, that everything is fine up to the ribbon, up to the ribbon it means up to the state border line, they felt relatively safe, they understood that they could only be attacked by ukrainian drones, at the moment they
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could be attacked by high-precision weapons, as a result the enemy was forced to move, its forces and means in addition to fire means, well, of course, means of air defense and electronic warfare, but despite the fact that the enemy moves, tries to cover them, one way or another, the sword justice catches up with the russian occupier and in his territory, accordingly because, allow me, i will finish this opinion, because foot under foot, under the feet of the occupier, the ground began to burn and on the territory of the russian federation, their logistical shoulder regarding the crossing of the line. the state border has become longer, and the longer the shoulder, the more quickly we can detect and effectively inflict fire damage before the enemy comes to our positions. accordingly, there are all prospects. er, to show clearly that the defense forces did not just intercept tactical initiative, and will have tactical successes on the battlefield, regarding the deoccupation of our land. i actually wanted you to clarify,
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mr. yuriy, you can see it from, including in the monitors from the sky, but from the ground, our military man, stanislav bonyatov, here he is painting such a picture in himself: in the direction of vovchan. .. forced parity, the infantry on both sides is exhausted, mostly there is a fight for the same positions, the russian fascists have an advantage in kababs and artillery, on our side the bull on the artta has become less, and we pull it out with the help of fpv. so, that's it as of yesterday, he wrote: in your direction, do you also confirm this, or is the picture a little different? "as i said earlier, cabs are a problem at the moment that needs to be solved, huh, but what about artillery fire, our artillery is firing quite
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actively, the enemy will of course have an advantage due to the support of our international partners, we are not we provide, unfortunately, the paritert of the shot, so behind the enemy objectively prevails, as for the use of drones, the situation is different here, so which is due to both state programs and constant ukrainian support. today we have one to two to two on priority directions, that is, for one of our drones, the enemy has only two, and the skillful use, in my opinion, of ukrainian pilots is much higher than that of the russian federation, so indeed drones are one of the tools very significant and intense impact on the enemy. as for the infantry units, unfortunately, the enemy, despite numerous losses, has the opportunity to reduce his losses in manpower in the infantry units, so the fighting continues around the clock, yes, but actually i’m still watching the video from july 4, that is, the day before yesterday, a column
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of tanks, and among them there was even this one, the tsar mangal, as they call him, this is the district of the deep, and izbushka, and here they are, well, well fired, that is, they are still trying to try to pass with those columns, this is... in general , an event, the enemy, after crossing the state border line in the kharkiv region, used a significant number of lightly armored armored vehicles, the village of defense objectively at the expense of combined fire impact artillery plus means of pla and podroni, burned and removed the evil to most of the equipment that took part in shock assault actions. the enemy switched to easily maneuverable equipment, as it uses, for example, in the bakhmut region, these are motorcycles, buggies and many other things. the defense forces of their pair are exactly the same... successful, but periodically the enemy tries under the pressure of the generals of the russian federation, who command back and forth, and tries to use light armored
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vehicles. this time there were four units, which were successfully destroyed due to the activities of several units, this is the akhilets battalion, this is the magyar birds, and our guys from the self-propelled artillery division, which also took certain measures that helped. to move the column, the enemy lost all its equipment, as well as the majority of attack aircraft that were on their way. is it possible to use the same fpv drones in order to destroy not only personnel, not only equipment, but also their fortifications on the other side of the border, or is there enough force and explosives to cause there are proper damages. objectively, a very active die. the enemy's equipment, which is used for the opening of engineering constructions, the enemy unfortunately has it in quantity, but the intensity of construction of these engineering constructions
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is reduced many times. as for the use of equivdrones on the territory of the russian federation, under certain conditions they are capable of carrying sufficiently powerful ammunition that helps destroy not only equipment and firearms, but also the place of concentration of personnel, who are at the same time in shelter. it is clear that this is not a cap that... weighs 250-500 kg or 3 tons, which has very serious ronin power, but as a sector impression, half drones provide the necessary result in sending the russian invaders straight to pekva. ugh, this is the story with the rebs, which we have been talking about all week, that the russians use drones at low frequencies and, accordingly, it is a little more difficult for us to jam them, intercept them. did you also face this problem in your direction, or do you still have them? don't work that way? i would emphasized the other thing, that the enemy is modernizing and improving very rapidly, just as
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the defense forces are doing, and somehow from... the basic means of radio electronic warfare, the defense forces, the enemy is trying to find another frequency range in order to to be more successful. we, in turn, when we understand that the enemy has changed something, also adjust the means of electronic warfare in the necessary way so that the enemy does not succeed, and this happens in a mirror from the enemy's point of view, but despite the frantic the pressure of the enemy, in particular the saturation of means of electronic warfare, the defense forces are in the air with reconnaissance means and the occupiers with shock means, unfortunately, the enemy has the opportunity to bypass our means of electronic warfare and inflict damage on our targets, so it is important when you see the assembly on portable means of radio-electronic warfare, which protect cars, protect assault groups, this is what gives the opportunity to preserve life, so be sure to support the defense forces, mr. yuri, we have one more minute to national moment of silence, the day before yesterday
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, the enemy... posted on his propaganda resources the very video, when we together with the audience collected these funds for these robotic platforms, they destroy our robotic platform with a fidron, which brings the bk to zero, eh, how you evaluate the actual training and skill of the enemy, you cannot draw a conclusion from one video, robotic equipment is what is actively filling the defense forces, and in particular, the russian occupation forces again. such happens in a mirror, the main ones the task is correct, it is the delivery of additional supplies to the bk to the front line in order not to risk personnel, the evacuation of the wounded, demining, demining and many other functions that we will not detail now, how we hunt for enemy platforms and succeed in their elimination , and he looks after our platforms, but the defense forces additionally have several arguments that give us the opportunity to make green equipment, those joints that have already
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proven themselves effectively at the front. apply somewhat more creatively, so the enemy has less success in destroying these platforms, ugh, mr. yuriy, thank you for your service, thank you for participating in our broadcast, yuriy fedorenko, commander of the akhiles air defense missile battalion, this is the 92nd separate assault brigade named after koshovoytamin ivan sirk. i will just add, because actually it is hot in the north, our defenders manage to push back the russians, but the situation in the turkish direction is very difficult, in fact 140 clashes took place there in just one day, they are actively pressuring toretsk, they are trying to capture new york, in fact , we know their goal, it is to reach the highway, under fire control, to take the highway from pokrovsk and further north to kramator, and at the same time, here are a few words about in the north when we stayed, there is still a mystery about the sotnytskyi cossack, the settlement right on the border, someone is sitting there,
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we will find out and tell you. silence is approaching, the time to honor the memory of all those who died on our ukrainian land because of the occupiers. let's honor the memory of the ukrainian military with a moment of silence peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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