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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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savings. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on sudocrem. 15% in pharmacies plantain you and save. an unusual look at the news. good hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, i am bicola. if he did that, he would have gone to prison, a special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond its borders, then who is china, i have a heart it hurts, all this in the informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna
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yatskiv and invited experts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events based on facts. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch saturday's political club. every saturday at espresso. new week on espresso, weekly summary. informational and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and walk confidently into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly, every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. we are back, as promised, with us.
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live in the studio olga vakalo, journalist of radio nadovtyk from zaporizhzhia, welcome to lviv, welcome to our studio, and maybe first we will start with the general situation in zaporizhzhia, when we read the summaries in the morning, then zaporizhia is certainly impressive with the number of art shelling, just 300, 400, 500 or more , we understand that mostly it is front line, but still difficult. imagine how that can even be sustained, and does that mean it just explodes all the time? i congratulate the favorite viewers of the tv channel, the favorite channel, which means the viewers, well , those who share these values. zaporizhzhia, well , it's the third year of full-blooded war, in fact, shelling, well, the least, it's 200 per day, and somewhere 500 or more, that's how our number fluctuates. in the zaporizhzhia region, 70%
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of the region, unfortunately, is still occupied, temporarily occupied, the biggest clashes are taking place on the front line... clashes where the front line is, and where they are located, well, of those, the most famous are gulyaipole, orihiv, and these settlements, by the way, there are still people there, about a thousand people in both that and that settlement still remain out of the approximately 30 thousand who were there lived until february 24, well, in gulyai pole - this is even a little personal story, because at one time with the last barricade oles doniy... the makhnofest festival was born there and we managed to survive such upgrades, starting from the fact that then the local population under the first the festival perceived it as something not i know the people of bandera came, they still speak some ukrainian, yes, horror, and then and then they opened up like that, and then the family albums
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started to work, and then they helped, showed, restored the place where the headquarters was, erected a monument, all this happened, that is, we saw a change . across the field, as they say, from the deeply russified sovka, crushed by the authorities to this absolutely free makhnov village, as it is now, that is, as a result of work, well, constant military work, that is, shelling, shelling, plus informational shelling, because this strip is so hears and sees all the so-called russian war propaganda, i will tell you that recently we... were saddened to report that this sculpture of nestor makhn, it was also vandalized, although it was worn by vyshyvanka women for quite a long time, they packed it there in some kind of bags, well, that is, they tried to preserve it somehow, they didn’t preserve it, however, we have already learned to treat it philosophically, because the main thing is that everything
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can be restored, everything can be revived, only human lives, unfortunately, this is the biggest cost that now we give, and unfortunately, precisely because the cities are also occupied, and they are powerfully occupied. residents of our region, including, the de-occupation of the bridges will take a large part of time and effort, and unfortunately, the efforts that are currently being made by our side, on our part, are definitely not enough to de-occupy, if we talk about those who lives there now, they are in order to receive at least some ukrainian information, they need the printed word now, because they have no other opportunities to get information, there is no tv, radio, there is also the internet, but... this it is very difficult, because there is no lighting, there is no electricity, and what was destroyed, and on the eve of the second full scale invasion, these medium waves and the opportunity to convey information, well, it was possible to convey information today, how were these receivers that were destroyed, convey to the end of the zaporizhzhia
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region and beyond, and the same berdyanskyi, the same yes, it could all happen, and so we cannot convey the ukrainian word, and our people, because there are a lot of ukrainians in... the temporarily occupied territories, who they are waiting for ukraine, and they are forced now to worry in order to take at least some ukrainian information, very risky moments, because at any second they can be taken away for this, put in the basement, and the biggest problem of the zaporizhia region today is the huge number of missing civilians, about whom there is absolutely no information , or distorted information, or information about what is in the basement. and further no information about the future fate, therefore , in fact, in order to bring the ukrainian word there and nurture the ukrainian spirit there and this free will, well, it is now very it is dangerous, although we face it as journalists, which cannot be done in any way, but we in zaporizhzhia are holding round tables about how
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to proceed with the residents of the currently temporarily occupied territories, and those who left say, listen, the main thing is not well, this is a temptation. objectivity, well, the deprivation of their subjectivity, to talk about them in general, people in the occupied territory, people think, people think, everyone is there, it is each and every one, and each and every one experiences different moments each and every second, and we we can't say anything about them for sure now, because now it's a threat life, first of all, well, we understand that what is inside each person is something that no one else can understand and... what you are talking about, about these circumstances, about these conditions that our compatriots have there in the occupation, we understand that it is certainly very, very difficult and that it is much more difficult, probably, than for us here, especially somewhere further in the body, but the question now
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, we understand that it is not about one day, not about a week or two or three as we thought in february 22nd, so was this conviction that everyone who left will return and we will return the territories, now that there is an understanding that this is possible for a longer period of time, will this encourage people to try to leave the territory under control in some ways. kyiv territory, so that actually, at least to have that freedom of speech, freedom of thought and to be yourself, not to be afraid every minute, because we know that this is not an easy path and that it is a very expensive path, that not everyone, not everyone can even overcome this expensive, but are there such attempts, or are people going to this now, is the number of such people actually decreasing or increasing they leave, return to the controlled territory of kyiv, here it is divided into two parts and... one, which concerns the territory under shelling, there is always an opportunity
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to evacuate, it constantly offers, well, at least zaporizhzhia, volunteer centers, we have a powerful kharkiv center and zaporizhia volunteers are constantly they offer evacuation, there are no more children there now, this is the front-line lane from the right bank, closer to the right bank, no, it’s the front-line lane of the left bank, and from there, well, you can leave and they do, but well practically. they no longer leave, the same applies to the occupied territories, i.e. there it is a completely different story, there you have to leave through the occupier’s country and then somehow miraculously get there, there are such cases, but they are so rare that we even know about them, i.e. it is very, very there are rare cases, there are cases that go to russia and stay there, it is even less, and there are those who, through the territory of other states, still try to reach the territory controlled by ukraine, or remain in europe. where there are loved ones, relatives, or there are ukrainian centers where it is possible to stop, but here, well, i will tell you that it was still
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the first year of a full-scale war, well, in general , the road of life, what we called the road of life, unfortunately, it closed on october 22nd, after those terrible shellings, on september 30th there was shelling of the humanitarian columns, and this is the beginning of the end, and there were attempts somewhere back in october, well, finally since november... the road of life did not work, that is, the road that led through vasylivka to the zaporizhia region and the zaporizhia region, zaporizhzhia was such a gate for three regions of ukraine: donetsk region, kherson region and zaporizhzhia region, did they enter zaporizhzhia, after it stopped, well, it was no longer possible to go through ukrainian territory, these long lanes were still there for the second year, by the third year of the war there were almost no, and well, these are very, very isolated cases. not the many people you are talking about who left and did not settle in europe, namely in our ukrainian lands, do they
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tell what they tell about life there, about their motivation, about why others do not leave, and whether you have the feeling that they say everything that is, as it is, because we understand that it is still not true a long time ago, literally 30 years ago, after the declaration of independence, our grandmothers were afraid to tell what happened 50 years ago. isn't this cyclical, isn't it happening again, these may wars, i think that these are definitely cyclical things, and i remember how we talked when after six months the kherson region was liberated, and we talked with a journalist from kherson, and he said , he was not in the occupation, but his mother was in the occupation, they had no contact, and then such happiness that the mother is alive, and he says: i am coming, they me they know, in izyum, i come, they know me, and they don't tell me, that is , they have become... different not only externally, but also internally, it's been six months, now two and a half years, the occupation is like captivity, and it it is really
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very difficult, and if you take those stories, we record these stories directly, and people come to our radio and share, and we have several very interesting guests who spoke, they are also representatives of the city and local authorities, we have mr. zakharevich, who was in captivity for 34 days, was kept there, released, and here he is told... he is very concerned about the situation, berdyanshchyna, this is sofiivka, berdyansky district, and we have a priest, father oleksandr bogomas, who was deported for 10 months of occupation, was deported, he tells very interesting stories, and they all tell what is most important, that we here in the territory controlled by ukraine should know that the ukrainians there should not in any way condemn those who cannot leave, because for the majority there is no, well, they don't know what to do, they don't know how to get settled. to work, they no longer trust after seeing the story in the third year of a full-scale war, where there is no
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such thing as that everyone is settled, everyone has at least some means of livelihood, all this information about how they support, how support for internally displaced persons, to put it mildly, subsides and becomes not at all so systematic and not at all as basic as one would hope for, many are put off, given that it is still twisted there. because of all the possible ways and channels of conveying this information, then people just don't want to break down anymore, and they have already encapsulated themselves and are sitting there, believing that these people sessions after de-occupation and filtering measures, they can be forced to certain types of activities, when the law on collaborationism is applied, at the same time, it will be our person, absolutely ours, not rusamir, not vata, but specifically ukrainian, so there is a danger in this too, i have a lot of memories and, most importantly, friends from this environment, our colleagues and, valery
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serves as a reserve, our colleague yehor checherinda, with whom we have been working for a long time... i also worked as journalists now , in fact, there are a lot of colleagues, even from the tv channel, i am even visiting the games so actually, i am talking about people from zaporozhye, as they say, and they helped me to understand a lot of things around the city, a city in which, as they say , the heart of the cossacks beats, and lenin stands at the top of his lungs. ... simply a fantastic ukrainian environment and , at the same time, one of the most aggressive anti-ukrainian environments, we remember the events of the maidan, and then it went wild, remember, from the 14th year, all the creatures began to come out and these russian combat priests with red cossacks, who turned out to be absolutely some kind of almost agent, a very aggressive uncle, on behalf of
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the ocp, always shouted that putin is our relative, that's all. the environment, it remains, it sits in place, it simply does not manifest itself, like this, this mixture, this bipolarity, this schizophrenia, or ambivalence, let’s call it more beautiful, all this is there, you know, here i remember the 14th year and our , then on the 15th we made the zaporizhzhia city of eggs festival, as a response to the egg sunday event, it was april sunday on the 20th, oh, the 14th year, when in the cossack spirit were able to defeat this snake of the russian world, because i really, i, we took part in this, it was so accidental, that is, they crawled behind a stone to throw a pebble at this viper, and suddenly an egg appeared instead of a stone and threw it the first egg and 8 hours were thrown with eggs, flour, milk, it was something, and they laughed at first, i remember it, because
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they umbrellas prepared everything, and then we will remind the contagion, because to sneeze. that's how this unique zaporizhia spirit was revealed, that is, we, i remember how we rejoiced then that we did not kill anyone, that we had there is no blood on the hands, there was still a moment when it seemed that it was possible to hold on without blood, and here it was half joking, but very serious, and then they were taken out alive in the corridor, the priests did it, it was 14, what will they be like tomorrow , as they will be after the war, because these are also people who have a passport in their pocket. ukraine: you know, today zaporizhzhia has changed its composition of residents by about a third, because a third left, especially after what happened on october 22nd, these terrible shellings in the city center, well, the first wave she left when the zaporizhia nuclear plant was captured, that is, march 4, the 22nd, became such a starting point, it seemed that this was no longer a turning point, and what is happening now at
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the zaporizhia nuclear plant, it is scary to turn the air, thinking what could happen, i will take into account... how much has already been lost and that they are now stealing equipment and machinery, these are not toilets, they are taking this equipment away, but it was the first wave, the second wave was october 22nd, then many people returned, again some waves, and after all , a third, well, about a third of zaporozhians left, a third of the residents of the region moved in, and now it’s such a conglomeration, it’s interesting, in which, on the one hand, those who came in first , what you said about... here we are with our suitcases, we are going back to melitopol, we are now we are already in berdyansk, we are all returning, then the second year, this is the realization that something is not coming back, and now the third year has passed, we still have a change of government, we now have a misunderstanding again, because we are now headed by mr. ivan fedorov, and now there is already too much melitopol for zaporizhzhia, so here we go its own internal processes of understanding,
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integration, which is also such strange waves and... here in this integration and the discovery of this pro-ukrainian position, the discovery and hiddenness of the pro-russian position, unfortunately, the russian language is still heard in the city, many people still jump the difference , well , now they are finally selling here, you did not accidentally mention lenin, zaporizhzhia is the last regional center that still met lenin on 16, 2016, but in zaporizhzhia he was uniquely removed, uniquely, this was also an event for four days. the whole city also felled him silently watched what was happening and in the end it was overthrown, and now it is being sold, will be sold, yes, so here we are now having a change of power, and it is also such waves and sleepers, we have such emotional goyim. we are worried, because there was a very large credit of trust at the beginning, when the city government was changed, now there is a rollback, because the acute humanitarian issues of schools and hospitals
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are not being resolved in the way the community would like, but it is also difficult for the community to speak here, because where are the eyes indicators of the voice of the community, when there is no local media, there is only one tv channel, which is a city tv channel, and therefore it is servile a priori to the authorities, therefore there is such a brownian movement, such... in which both the whole of ukraine is a cauldron, and zaporizhzhia is a cauldron, in which all this is bubbling, after the adoption of the law on mobilization, all the country is shaking, and here zaporizhzhia is definitely not an exception, and it is getting stronger, i have the impression that we are currently experiencing something like this on some, i don't know, nano level, that here or here, or we have this one now, well, i hope that everything - after all, the lord loves us, and will either be in the direction of exit and transition, mrs. olga we understand that they are trying to adapt our people there in the occupied territories in every possible way, this reliving of children and adults, everything in
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the world, but there is one more element, and we are already observing it, unfortunately, not for the first time in our history either, when what is on our land, and animals, nature reserves are being taken away, minerals, now they are being reported over the kerch bridge, they are already afraid of some kind of technology, how do you have it, or something else? perhaps it remains in zaporizhzhia, or perhaps the custodians of the funds manage to preserve something, or this is simply an impossible mission, and what, first of all, they drag, take away, well, if the zaporizhia brothers make heroic efforts by our local historians, historians, and there i read the materials and want to immerse myself in this topic, what can be preserved, because now that’s all even the smallest weight of gold from what is stored, vasylivka, they probably do not touch. because there, the kremlin reminds them of the popov palace that stands, and because of this, nature also has its own debates about what to leave there, but the fact
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that everything related to nature in there was a very interesting private zoo in vasylivtsi, in which there were tigers, predatory animals, it was still destroyed in the early days, something was taken away, someone was saved, well, animals were saved in the early days, now what is there from... i i understand, well, what we hear about the chersonese, well , that is, where they go, how they see acculturation, that’s how it all happens, and that’s why everything that is preserved, some details, some trifles, about which now we have to tell and appreciate and shout to the whole world, but for now we know that cult sporads are only being destroyed, they are also being destroyed, well , there are not many of them in the territory of the region, most of them belonged to the moscow patriarchate, but it all happens there too. as destruction, the issue is very acute and painful, unfortunately, its value is not really realized, because we, well, it is still in the background, it
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is in the foreground security issues, because when i started talking about these shellings, it does not arrive every day , but alarms per day 12-15 alarms per day is the norm, it already causes habituation, so well unfortunately, to provide security, to go to the shelter... this is rarely done by anyone, and we still see when the dnipro flies through us, we also see it, and it worries us, and it is also such a feeling of solidarity, where, is it the right bank or the left bank, that, well, we all already know where someone is thundering and who needs to call relatives on the left bank or relatives on the right bank, to find out how they are, in what condition and what exactly arrived, ugh, but this is one separate part, i did not mention it for nothing. about the church, because luka is not just a metropolitan of melitopol-zaporizhia, he was the bearer of aggressive anti-ukrainian propaganda, for which, in principle, after
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the sbu searches, the court went to trial, that is, there is a court verdict, we can safely say that this is a criminal who disguised himself as ryasa and christ. well, it's us, yes, as journalists who track every letter, and as locals, this whole story with luka, for example, and in general. well, first of all, the preventive measure in the form of night arrest surprised and amused everyone, because we all have night arrest then, because none of us go out at night, we have a curfew, so it is an interesting, original way, i would say more, i was very indignant when i found out... that on the eve of the easter holidays , priests of various churches and denominations were gathered and asked to observe this, not to go out,
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not to take the flock out at night, because... the curfew and luke was still at that time after that, the sbu was still at large, and when he talked about the fact that they had a shelter in the church, and the local representatives of the local authorities said, well, if you have it, that is, some strange reaction of the local authorities to activity of the order of lenin, order of moscow patriarchy, i also did not understand, for laymen and believers, many, i will say that... many have changed and are now looking for a ukrainian church and are surprised that it is not so easy to find it in zaporizhzhia, because in other words, what should be looked for in the churches of the ocu google map and tips from locals, many people need it, because they are used to going out on the street, well, for many, the church is like a church laundromat, a shop that took something, bought it, consecrated the water, consecrated itself and came, and it was on distance, well, not hands, but the neighbors crossed the road, and now
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you need to go to some area of ​​the city. because the orthodox church of ukraine has several churches and the ukrainian greek-catholic church does, but it is necessary to set a goal and go there. and the moscow patriarchate was here and still is. unfortunately. yes, but we need to continue this conversation. unfortunately, we have to say goodbye now, but by all means, continue, because we heard a lot of interesting and important things, and i am sure that much more remains unfinished. a journalist from radio nadotyk from zaporizhzhia was with us. olga vakalo, mrs. olo, thank you for participating in ours ethers, a short pause, and then we will continue, be with us when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine is in the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the matryk stopper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface, order topper
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10% in pharmacies, plantain, pam and save, there are discounts representing the only discounts on gliciset and gliciset max 20% in pharmacies plantain, bam and saving vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours, in the company of favorite presenters, presenters that many became like-minded, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, pavel koval, the commissioner of the government of poland for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland.


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