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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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he negotiated with them, somehow nothing, he was not very angry that he was negotiating with these fascists, but this is the cynicism of the situation, and therefore no one understands what will happen, the question is not even that no one understands what will happen on sunday, the problem is that, unfortunately, no one understands what will happen on monday, but tomorrow evening i will host the broadcast from 8:00 to 10:00 kyiv time, when we will know the first results of the elections and we will be able to do something there . to determine thanks to andrii. thank you, mr. vitaly. saturday political club, we discussed many topics. thank you vitaly portnyk. and we will see you in a week, at this same time at 7 p.m. next saturday. take care and goodbye. victory
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in peacemaking from orban, which will ensure a long-lasting and just peace for ukraine. fierce battles at the front, in which areas of the armed forces are the most difficult, and where muscovites are helpless. heroes among us, who are they, how a soldier with the call sign "fierce" managed to survive and return home after being captured by the enemy. the espresso team sums up the week that we... are with you annayevamelnik. good evening. a historic visit after a long hiatus. on tuesday, the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, visited kyiv the day after the beginning of the country's presidency of the council of the eu. and already on friday, the hungarian official came to moscow. the purpose of his voyages is allegedly to settle the conflict between ukraine and the russian federation. what can such efforts to pacification turn out to be and what can realistically ensure a comprehensive and just peace. in ukraine,
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further in our detailed review. 2100 km, 3 hours of negotiations, 10 gas stations, 24 hours in the car, the road to peace in kyiv. such a pathetic post appeared on the official pages of the hungarian prime minister in social networks, under an equally pathetic video about his kydog car march to kyiv. why not by rail, like other western leaders, remained a secret. the last time orbán came to the ukrainian capital 12 years ago, during the 2.5 years of a full-scale invasion, the hungarian leader still did not find time to express solidarity with his neighbor, who was subjected to large-scale aggression by a nuclear state, and on the contrary, wherever he could, he put wheel sticks. we highly appreciate all the initiatives of mr. president... zelenskyi
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for the sake of achieving peace. these initiatives take a lot of time. it is precisely because of the rules of international diplomacy that they are complicated. and i asked mr. president to think about whether it is not possible to go a little differently, take a break, cease fire and then continue to start negotiations. orbán's role as a peacemaker turned out to be frankly bad. in kyiv, he was perceived rather as putin's trojan horse, with whom you like or not. but you have to deal with it the role was confirmed by the hungarian leader himself, who after kyiv went to moscow to meet with putin, who has become toxic for western leaders. kyiv was not too surprised, unlike other european capitals, because formally since july 1, it is hungary and its prime minister who preside over the european union. the country that presides over the european union does not have the authority to interact with russia on behalf of the eu. position.
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of the european council is unequivocal: russia is the aggressor, ukraine is the victim. no discussion about ukraine can take place without ukraine. orban is a new character on the list uninvited peacekeepers who impose their services, but also the old do not forget to remind themselves from time to time. at the shanghai cooperation organization summit in kazakhstan, turkish president recep tayyip erdogan again told putin that ankara is ready to help end the war. and reach a just peace that supposedly suits both sides. the leader of the people's republic of china, xijin ping, once again stated his intention to continue making efforts to end the ukrainian crisis, which is what official beijing calls russian aggression. ignored the peace summit in switzerland. us presidential candidate donald trump also promises peace in 24 hours, traditionally avoiding specifics. this week, politika
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reported that the politician's team seems to be seriously considering the version of the agreement with the kremlin, which provides for territorial concessions to ukraine and the rejection of ukraine's accession. to nato, if trump knows how to end the war, then tell us today, because if there are risks to our independence, risks that we lose statehood, then we want to prepare for that, we want to understand, will we be with the strong support of the united states in november or will we be... alone. most of it ends in negotiations, and although the current situation at the front does not contribute to a strong negotiating position for ukraine, zelenskyi and his team are increasingly talking about peace and have launched their own negotiation track. the first peace summit initiated by ukraine took place in
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mid-june in switzerland, without russia and china. according to zelenskyi, ukraine is currently working on the organization of the second summit, to which they are invited. and russia before that, as well until the agreement of a specific peace plan and the appearance of firm guarantees of its implementation, talks about a temporary truce in favor of russia. what is the second step, what is the third step, what is the step, when putin breaks the siesfiire, what is the next step, he will withdraw after the siesfire in a month, he will withdraw the troops, who is the guarantor that he will withdraw the troops from the occupation, from our occupying forces. territories of our occupied territories, and then there is silence, no one has an answer yet. putin himself does not seem to need peace. russian troops are pushing almost along the entire front line. he is not conceals that he is waiting for a change of power in washington,
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to negotiate with trump behind ukraine's back. meanwhile, for the global south and his sympathizers in the west, he tells tales about the so -called istanbul agreements. 2022, simultaneously demanding that kherson and zaporizhzhia be given to him. the dictator, who has been clinging to power for a quarter of a century, declares the illegitimacy of president zelensky and continues to insist on the so-called denazification and demilitarization. most western leaders understand that all this is not about a just peace, but about the capitulation of ukraine. in my opinion, a cease-fire aimed at... the surrender of ukraine is not something that germany should support. president putin's strange, peaceful proposal, which meant only further annexations of ukrainian territory, shows how cynically these people think, and putin has no intention of ending the war.
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putin's plan is clear, but the west still has its own plan. perhaps this will become clear next week, during the nato anniversary summit in washington. it is already known that ukraine will not get to become a member of the alliance. most of the countries of the alliance, in particular the united states and germany considers this a risk of being drawn into a direct nuclear conflict with russia. instead , the countries of the alliance promise to significantly strengthen ukrainian air defense, and have already agreed on 40 billion euros in military aid to ukraine for 2025. they also plan to announce a decision on a significant expansion of the production plant. armament and standardization of ammunition for artillery, as the ancient romans said, if you want peace, prepare for war. next , about what is happening at the front, the difficult situation in the donetsk region. the defense forces had to withdraw from the canal district
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in the city of chasiv, according to the spokesman of the khortyts operational-strategic command, nazar voloshyn. it was impractical to receive the channel in the future. all positions of ukrainian defenders. destroyed by the occupiers. our troops continue to hold the defense line west of the siverskyi donets canal. fierce battles for the city continue. the invaders also stepped up their offensive in the toretsk area. they are storming further south near klishchiivka and kalynyvka. the attackers do not stop trying to press the pokrovsky and kramatorsk directions. president volodymyr zelenskyi noted that the situation at the front remains difficult, because the promised weapons from the western partners are still not... and the reserve brigades simply have nothing to fight with. we have 14 brigades of undermanned, which are undermanned, which do not have the appropriate weapons, which have already
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been voted on, which have been talked about, the packages should come, but they go, unfortunately, slowly. the largest attack on lviv, a year ago, on the night of july 6, russian... a rocket hit residential buildings on stryyska street. then 10 people died, another 48 were injured. we will find out how the reconstruction is progressing and when residents will be able to return to their homes. where is she, here, here from above, come here , above you, above you, carefully, carefully, that night the lives of the residents of these buildings were divided into before and after, russian terrorists attacked lviv, one of the rockets hit a residential building, under the rubble people found themselves, more than 30 houses, 250 apartments, 300 windows and hundreds of doors were damaged, the most... four houses on stryyska street were damaged. rescuers immediately went to the scene. the search operation lasted 30
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hours the bodies of ten people were recovered from the rubble. be careful not to move from above so that the brick does not fall. in memory of the dead, a memorial statue was erected near the house. 65-year-old olga dudka is on one of... her daughter lidia was saved from death by a vacation. on july 4, she and her daughter went to visit her father. she didn't learn about the terrible tragedy right away, but she hoped to see her mother alive until the end. neighbors said they saw my mom getting into the ambulance. we went around the hospitals, morh, she was nowhere to be found. in until the last we had hope that my mother was alive. until... i was called to the emergency room for identification, my mother hid in
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the corridor, but it did not save, because just in the summer in the heat we did not close the door to the room, and everything flew from there, it fell asleep, this is what lidia's apartment looked like until the tragedy, now there are only bare walls and installed windows. in the near future, they promise to provide us with compensation for the repair of the apartment. and we have to do it on our own, you see, there is still a large volume of work here, the terrible events of that day, the resident lyubov kotsyubynska of the 58th building recalls with tears in her eyes: she owes her rescue, the woman says, to her husband oleg, he was the one who guided her and helped her to hide behind a bench in the yard. my husband and i ran outside, right there is a bench, which we call our savior, because the husband got his bearings. there he threw me under the counter , actually made me fall, fell next to me,
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covered my ears from the concussion, and my husband had already gone to save people from the house, i am very proud of him, i started beating myself in the chest, i did not understand whether he was injured or what the situation was , he says, i went outside, i'm tall, he says, a woman comes up to me, she stuck her face in my face, she says: i don't remember your face, but i remember the t-shirt that saved me. the houses of nastriyska destroyed by the russians are included in the historical area of ​​the city, so they will be rebuilt as they were before. of the four houses , the 64th was the most affected. he had a direct missile hit, so it was necessary to restore all the floors and walls from the first floor. in order to preserve authenticity , wooden windows were installed in all buildings, and roofs were laid tiles that were specially ordered abroad. 39. we spent roughly another 39 million on the restoration of work, these are the funds that
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are currently being spent so that people banally make appropriate repairs in their homes, buy furniture, sanitary ware, everything necessary, and in general, we come out with somewhere on the order of 132 million , this is taking into account all 17 buildings, because there are hundreds of windows, doors, roofs in this building due to such global destruction. all networks were replaced, electrical, water, sewage networks, the house as such, was destroyed as much as possible by the arrival, dismantling works, assembly works, and it is very difficult to talk about any specific deadlines for completion, restoration, repair works to restore the facade in four... more damaged buildings are planned to be finished at the end of the year, already at the beginning of 2025
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, residents will be able to to start repairs in their apartments. ema stadnyk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. heroes are nearby and some walk the same paths and streets with us. next, we will tell about our soldiers who defended kharkiv oblast. yurii manjulo, there was captured by the russians and miraculously returned to his homeland. his... he told olena boyko. his military career was short, but these two months of service turned into russian captivity for him. in april 2020 , in the second battle in the village of borova, kharkiv region, the enemy surrounded and shot almost the entire group of ukrainian soldiers who were defending their homeland. a warrior with the call sign ferocious, one of the few who miraculously survived and was captured. it was on april 13, and when there were only a few of us left from the three companies, the order to leave was given, and we went to
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breakthrough, that is, two of my cars, the 11th separate. there were two infantrymen with a landing party, but we fell into a trap in the forest in the forest zone, they were waiting for us from three sides, on the left, right and in front, as if in a shooting range, they shot me, in this way my comrades threw me, with a hole in my head, with a pierced skull, somehow miraculously remained alive, and there were very few people left from the landing party, the betets were beaten, here is serhiy khakas, the call sign, here... he saved me from being shot in captivity, how exactly it was, he does not remember, because head injury received by battle, but he knows something from the stories of his comrades, one of them is a military man with the call sign khakas, he twice saved yuri from being shot, they took me out of my minibus, and from khakas they took out a wounded man from beter, he was lying
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next to the minibus, they are interrogating me, according to them did not like. the answers will be shot, and he says that you will look, he has a hole, he has a hole in his head, but he does not understand you, he may not understand you, he does not know what you are saying to him, and he can say it himself you can't, you don't need him, there's definitely someone you need on the bus needed, he will tell you everything, and my dead boys are already there, but he said so, you will find him there, now leave him, and they dried him up, left him, got on the bus again, well... of course they did not find anyone, but and so we were taken to svatovo, and there we were interrogated again, they put a barrel to my head and that's all, they said, disperse now, so that it doesn't splash with blood, and he climbs in again and says, but you look, look, at him a hole in the head, what was in captivity, the ferocious does not remember, but he understands, judging by the scars on
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body and weight 45 kg, before that he weighed twice as much, on may 24. in 2022, a turning point in the man's life, he and his brothers were exchanged. the occupiers were taken from kursk to mariupol, and then to simferopol and mykolaiv. due to an injury, yuriy came to tyama already during treatment in odessa. however, he does not regret for a moment that he stood up for his country back then. two women approached me. and i see, they thank me. they thank us all that... we are here, that we are not orcs, and i see what they want to say, but strange eyes, i saw women with eyes in grief, in trouble, in illness, during my life, i have seen many women, and these eyes are kind of strange, they are kind of inhuman, like aliens, kind of very wide, on one side enlarged to the edge of the eye, and both of them are the same, they are not sisters, these girls, i looked
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into those eyes , could not, and they showed me, they spoke very little, so briefly, they showed me where they hid during the time of the orks for several weeks in the basement of a non-residential building, and then they left, and those eyes remained with me, and already when i started in odessa to realize oneself in this society, the first thing that came to mind was those eyes, i just saw them in front of me, since the beginning of a large-scale war , it was possible to return from enemy captivity... more than 3,200 ukrainian soldiers. all of them are exhausted, tired, but unconquered. unfortunately, many of our soldiers died at the hands of putin's terrorists. in particular, we will always remember pavel sukhanov by his nickname mekhan. andrii zinchenko, fireman, yurii shkarubu - stalker and andrii polusmak with the call sign afgan, who died
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in that terrible battle in april 2022 in the village of borova. elena boyko, oleksandr kuga, espresso bila tserkva. danced at a concert with a folk dance ensemble, went on an expedition to antarctica, and also dreams of jumping with a parachute, and all this on a prosthesis. military serviceman oleg slyvar from lviv oblast lost his leg on fire. let's take a look at the incredible story of titan with an electronic knee. 25-year-old military serviceman from drohobych, oleg slyvar. for more than 12 years, he was engaged in folk dancing, but in 2018 he changed his costume to camouflage and joined the army. oleg met a full-scale russian invasion in his homeland. gobichi, but from the first days he was looking for an opportunity to transfer to combat part, i tried to transfer to kyiv, they didn't want to take me, i tried 4308,
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they didn't take me either, and then somewhere in the middle of the summer , an order came to second the personnel to the part in sloviansk. since the end of the summer, oleg has been working in the donetsk region, and in november 2022, he was wounded there, during one of the assaults, he got under the gun. school mortar shelling, received shrapnel wounds to his legs. oleg lost consciousness and woke up in the hospital. the boy learned from his mother that he had lost his right leg. when i woke up, i didn't know i didn't have one my right leg, because i felt it as a phantom pain, and i thought that i actually had a leg. i wasn't worried about my leg, because i knew that now there are prostheses, that you can walk and run with them. the news about the opening of a new prosthetics and rehabilitation center superhumans was found. oleg's girlfriend, sofia. i immediately sent it to oleg and said, well, let's try it, it's opening, they're recruiting new guys, new supers, let's try it, maybe he also
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sent a photo of his amputation, wrote down the operations, and literally 10 days later they call me and say that we are ready to take you on rehabilitation, well, i didn't believe it at first, because it was something like fiction. oleh was measured already in a week. he received his first prosthesis. on the very first day, the boy began to walk on crutches. he admits he didn't believe it when he saw two sneakers again. the feeling, i don't know how, well, it can't be expressed in words. later , the boy switched to an electronic knee, which, according to oleg, completely replaced the lost limb. from the role of fantasy to have an electronic knee, because, firstly, it is expensive, not everyone can afford it, yes, but with with the help of volunteers, as well as superhumans. we managed to achieve this goal to sustain this protest. we can always fold our hands and
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do nothing, we need to try , we need to fill out not only one questionnaire, you can also fill out 10, and everywhere you can be accepted and you need to try everything, because it is always a new chance, a new challenge, and you are not you know that you will have eyes. in january 2024 , oleg went to antarctica for 21 days. during the expedition, he jumped into the icy water from the yacht, however, for such an extreme during the test, he removed the prosthesis so as not to lose it in the waters of antarctica. after realizing one dream, oleg decided to work. over the realization of the second, to dance again with his team. in june, this dream became a reality. the 25-year-old warrior once again took the stage and performed a choreography: people,
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titans. and we still, we will, and we still. ahead, oleg says, he will definitely jump with a parachute. ema stednyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. the jewels of crimea, for which ukraine fought for almost 10 years, were presented in the national treasury museum of history. the unique collection includes 565 exhibits. the exhibition will continue until the deoccupation of the peninsula. in june of last year , the supreme court of the netherlands decided to transfer the objects of four crimean museums. to ukraine. during the occupation of crimea, the artifacts were on display in amsterdam. russia demanded to give the values ​​to the peninsula occupied by it, however, themis put a fair
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end to this matter. calling it exclusively skov gold is a big mistake, because such things, these things that lie in showcases, they belonged to many peoples, many archaeological cultures, if from a scientific point of view, and if from a decent point of view, then... crimea is ukraine. watch espresso, read our website and subscribe to our social networks, and of course, support the espresso youtube channel. be close, it's all good.
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taras berezovyts became a special agent in a new project at espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. new week on espresso. weekly summary of information. analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week, the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smolii every monday at 8:00 p.m. at espresso.
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congratulations, the real front program is on the air and i am with you. taras berizovets. today in our program. the situation at the front. the family called joe biden to continue the fight for re-election to the post of president. marine le pen wins the first round of the parliamentary elections in france. diplomacy in hungarian.
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orban to. kyiv, siyarto to moscow. nato suspects russia of mining the north sea. also, the updated novator 2 armored car entered service with the national guard of ukraine. the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces oleksandr syrskyi announced a meeting with the commanders of the air defense units. where it is planned to discuss the development of this promising type of weaponry. more details about the situation at the front, see our next story. the large-scale armed aggression of the russian federation against ukraine continues for 862 days. the defense forces continue to fight against the invaders. commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi.


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