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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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you see on the screen, everything is fine, we will meet in exactly a week, there are discounts at travel pharmacies and savings of up to 30%, discounts are valid until the end of july, there are discounts that represent the only discounts on normoven, 10% at pharmacies. travel memories and savings. there are discounts representing the only discounts the court is separate. 15% in drugstores, travel stores and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to find out about... two hours to keep abreast
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of economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morshchevka field with me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, alina chenina, our tv viewer is ready to say good evening to the presenters, who have become familiar to many, she is ready to talk with me about... for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us. mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. new week on espresso. weekly summary information and analytical program. a clear understanding of the key events of the mine. of the week,
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analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week, the project a new week with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smolii, every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for recovery. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like? in the project close to politics , close to the world with maria gurska, every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with sestria au. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following frames can you. shocking
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news from the scene live, kamikaze drone attacks, political analysis, objective and meaningful, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai, frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. friends, my greetings, today we will talk about what happened this week in culture, in show business, and actually a lot of interesting things happened, not only in us, and abroad, we will talk to you about another phenomenon of taylor swift, i think you know such a singer, but her influence is just kind of incredible, and it continues. to grow, as
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talk about her political ambitions continues to grow, so against the background of those talks, that biden is not suitable, he is already too old, who should be nominated from the democratic party, and here is the candidacy of taylor swift, at least in the long term, is being discussed quite seriously , we will talk in particular why, we will also talk about kevin spacey, as already the cinematographers, which were a few years ago... who were canceled in every way, and now they are trying to think about how to save his career, restore his career, let's talk about it, but first we will definitely start with our re-singings, as always, we have very a lot of fun, interesting, scandalous, and people get into various scandals, and traditionally for representatives of show business, or almost for all representatives of our show business. they begin to say that
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there are all haters around, we are not to blame for anything, they begin to make excuses, the more they dig a hole for themselves, but let's start with viktor orban. viktor orbán, the prime minister of hungary, has suddenly turned into a filmmaker from my point of view, and i'm not the only one who came to this conclusion, the fact is that on his twitter, which is now called x, orbán posted a simply incredible, divine, epic video , i can’t call it just a video or a commercial, but this is a real short... sad film, even if for one minute, but the epicness there is simply sky-high, and the level of viktor orban’s heroism in this video is also sky-high and has no limits, in in it he is just some kind of superhero who saves the planet, like bruce willis in all his films
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, and this is a film that was edited based on the results of his visit to kyiv and his return to hungary, let's see and just... imagine, well, that hungarians, foreigners there, people who have not been to ukraine, have not been to kyiv, what conclusion can they draw about what kind of atmosphere prevails in our country in general.
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well, this is just a hollywood thriller and many of our people in social networks were amused by this clip, this video, this film, i don't know it's terrible, and now people are waiting for the results of mr. orban's visit to moscow, what kind of video... will he shoot from there, everyone is just waiting and even offers to nominate him for some kind of film award with this work, well, we'll keep a close eye on viktor orban's twitter , and now we turn to the social networks of our celebrities, or our former celebrities, i don’t know what
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to call all these people, but i think you have heard , or you must have heard about this ruslan khanumak, he is a comedian, he is a person who would constantly take participation in various of our humorous shows, leagues laugh, make the comedian laugh, in the 95th quarter and so on and so on, and now he announced on his instagram, he added such a video, now this is his son, he announced that he went to the united states, and he went to the united states, as he says, forever, and he is not ... afraid to admit it, he says that it is better for me to be called a traitor there than for my son to grow up without a dad, that is, he moved, he says for his son, to be with him, to see how
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he grows, call me a traitor, he says ruslan khanomak, but here we are together again, look how happy we are, after ruslana was attacked traditionally in... comments on the fan, ruslan wrote another post where he displayed a chest from the action and wrote that he has a reprieve, but also in the comments they could not understand why, what is the reason for the delay, if ruslan said that he does not always go to the states, and not temporarily, and also in such cases very often famous public people resort to some excuses and often appeal to there, for example, bad... health to the fact that it's bad for them that they got sick, and hanumakh said that he has had asthma since childhood, and everyone he knows knows that he has this disease, and that's why i'm not fit for the army, but it didn't affect anyone anymore, so what , we have to state that ruslan khanumak has moved to
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the states and he will be noticed more, well, for sure, he will not belong to the ukrainian information space, they will not pay attention to him after that. i will remind you that he once made a name for himself with his track, his song called wild wild, remember he made that video there, and his... this video was accused of sexism, that it should not belong, not with due respect , in general, in singing about military girls, somehow too frivolous, hanumakh himself said that listen, i have military girls from gur in my video, if , well, if they it was okay, that's all, so why are you here hating me and commenting, well, let's remind ourselves of this song, i want. am i naked my oil, in one hand a machine gun, another cappuccino, this is not javelina, this is not hammers, this is my girlfriend, i can’t
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get the pixel skirt out of my head, and well, what can i say, i can only remember patap, very they have similar stories, patap also left, and he left even before the start of the full-scale invasion and also... preyed on his poor health, saying that he left for treatment and never came on his instagram, now we can see . i can, but there i often hear that our participants show business people already want to leave him,
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disown him, that many people have stopped maintaining relations with them, his former colleagues, and here they are talking about various financial matters, but as we can see, so far we have also lost such a character as potap lost their information field, i will say my subjective judgment, this is a positive connotation, because, well, i think... that such people as potap simply do not fit into our internal agenda right now, and i also heard a lot of opinions about that obviously you don't need it to condemn even for the fact that he left, it is not necessary to try to somehow bring such people back, because this does not make any sense, if a person wants to leave this country, if he does not think that he wants to work for it, then okay, then let him make a career in some other country, but... as we can see, potap, well, i don't see him making a career in the countries where he is, and that's why this is
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the case, but once again i want to draw attention to all these executions, which are not taking place in our country now, but took place before about all these songs, for a while there was just a flurry of scandals with different songs, this is the same song by the same hippopotamus, do you remember the volunteer girl, he was also accused of... inappropriate treatment of volunteer girls, because there in the chorus was, they say, she volunteered at night, somewhere with the boys, went, well, they say, the task of a volunteer, and her only desire is to go somewhere to be with the boys, for that he was criticized, and we see from the results that everything - still the authors of these tracks, who are accused of speculation, of the fact that... they simply do not understand the situation and try to saddle the conjecture that these accusations
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turn out to be correct, because we later see how these people behave, they simply leave the country, trying to justify themselves, but still there are more good people, like it seems to me in show business, and we constantly see in the news and on various social networks, how completely different representatives of show business about ... announce their mobilization, that they are going to study there or finish their studies, and these are very good examples that are always very well received, here, for example, new ones are andrii luzan, his, he is also a comedian, by the way, he is also a comedian, like ruslan kanumak, but completely different, here they have it, he and his colleagues have levin gypi's youtube channel is very popular, and he is also constantly with his colleagues. they can just, i
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don't know, put a camera somewhere in their house and collect a few million, because they keep making up some hikes in the woods, or some other concerts or some talks or whatever, and they really collected and collected a lot of money, and here is andrii luzan, despite the fact that this is also important, before a full-scale invasion. ukrainian, he is half, i think, korean, half ukrainian, and here he is now talking about the fact that he never had any problems with identification, of course, it is ukrainian, and, but, if we look at the shows in which he was participation, then the issues of war, politics were not raised there, it was such a political show, and now we see how this man, well, has completely changed
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his rhetoric, he continues to speak, for example, in ukrainian. and this is important to note, because if you look at our show business and the welfare sector, many people somehow roll back those who tried to switch to ukrainian, have now returned to russian, defend their right to perform songs in russian, for example, like nastya kamenskikh, here now and like verke serdyuchka, for example, who continues to perform with a new program with russian-language songs, and by the way, virka serdyuchka's performance at atlas weekend was canceled precisely because of her , this russian-language concert program, and therefore well, it was announced on atlas that andriy danylko will sing in ukrainian, and then they announced that he didn't have time to prepare, but they say that in fact the reason is another, that
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andriy continues to sing in russian, the organizers of the festival don't really share this, come on. let's listen to andrii luzin, how he publicly announced for the first time that he would mobilize, he said that he would mobilize on july 6, but then he said that it would be a little later, but still , he is already preparing for mobilization, to be honest, i there are 808 of you now, i have about the same number on the broadcast, in a closed account, this is a closed account, this is the only place where i... said that i was mobilizing on july 6, i went on this tour to just before mobilizing, get high from ukraine, and i am now, maybe i'm drunk, maybe i'm getting high with you, but that's how it is, also
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very recently about the end of my studies, said dmytro mazoryak, a participant, kurtu fairy tale, now we can watch it, if andriy lozen is preparing to go to study, then dmytro has already finished them, this he wrote a post on constitution day, congratulated everyone, and said that he was fulfilling his duties according to the constitution, and he also said that he really hoped that he would at least occasionally take part in concerts there, for sure not knowing whether he will meet with his fans, but he hopes for it, the fans also thanked dmytro in the comments and said that they also hope to see him at least sometimes at fairy tales concerts, so in conclusion, i want to say that we really have , as for me still examples of how men and women are mobilized much more than some scandalous examples where
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they start to run away or declare something like that, because there are a lot of really. and representatives of male show business, they talk about the fact that we are not created for war, or for war, someone is created to die, someone is not created there, i don’t know, but we will report or we will somewhere there is still something to do, but still we see that we have much more examples of the mobilization of public people, and i will add about serhiy zhadan, who, as you remember...also mobilized together with his colleague composer yevhen turchynov, who work together in play in dogs, and they, first of all, i want to remind you that with serhiy zhadan in we also have a lot of funny jokes, i am very happy for serhiy zhadan, that he has an excellent sense of humor and
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self-irony, that he laughs at all these things, but, for example, recently, already after zhadan declared... that he mobilized, he was seen in one of the kharkiv institutions where he was in to a civilian, he was drinking coffee there, or something else, well, he probably came for the weekend, and many people began to spread all this, they say , look how greedy he is, almost a liar, here he is serving, it is not clear how, here he goes and chilling somewhere in kharkiv at various events, well, events and institutions, to which , of course, serhiy eagerly reacted, again with humor. and, but he found, as always , a lot of defenders, people who said that, well, there are military personnel who are given days off, it depends on which commander, which conditions, ah... but i will say the following, together with turchynov, they just now released a video for the song mysholovka, and this song became the soundtrack
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to the tape, which is also called mysholovka, it was directed by the screenwriter serhii kastornikh, from whom many people did not expect that he has directorial ambitions, but here he made this thriller, we can now watch in if de... the video of this particular video so that we understand the way the music video looks and there are clips from the movie, i'll just tell you , in which there will be a plot, and the plot is about a military man, who fell into the dugout, it seems, and here he is trapped there, he can’t get out, and here the whole film he is there, that is, this is such a chamber story, usually such chamber films, they can be interesting. it is thanks to a good script that we are promised a thriller, we tension is promised and we are promised such a psychological, interesting portrait of a military man who finds himself in such
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a situation, and in general what a person is capable of when he wants to save himself there, or when he finds himself in such circumstances, and whether the film will justify all these descriptions, we let's see of course, we will follow this, let's listen now, if possible, well, i'm very glad that our artists often know how to combine some of their creative, creative work. actually , it turns out that it is possible to do your work with service in the army, although i will say that there are many people who worked there or were in
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show business or there in culture in general, but they simply practically disappeared from the information space, they refused publicity, they are only engaged in military affairs, for example, dmytro dekusar, a dancer, i in general... very rarely he shows something about himself on instagram, earlier yesterday he was very public and by the way surprised many when he joined the army, when there were still many people, well, it was unusual that a dancer, here he is in the army, i will also remind you of oleg sentsov, that he now went to karlovy vary for a festival, one of the most prestigious festivals, to present, to show his real tape, which he shot on location, just wearing a camera, which he wears not so often. i dressed it here and the film was released, which immediately entered the film festival, i hope oleg sentsov is there exhibited photos with many influential people, and i hope that he did
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some educational diplomatic work there, which is one of the tasks of our artists and cinematographers, in particular, not just to show their films, but also to tell something about politics. okay, and now we will move on to what was happening in... in our world, well, at least two such events seemed interesting to me, firstly, there is a city in germany called gelsen-kirchen, and at the end of july it will be called in another way, it will be called swift kirchen, everything is so serious that now in america they are even preparing to change road signs, for example, or signs that mark some, well, road signs, all because at the end of july taylor swift, singer americana will give as many as three concerts there, and
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therefore the city management decided to use it to the fullest, they took advantage of the fact that one of taylor swift's fans wrote a petition and asked to rename the city itself for a few days, and the city hall agreed. and with that officially, with various explanations and justifications, the mayor of this city, karin welge, came out, and she said that there will be not only a renaming of the city, but also various actions, including that some specialized transport will be launched, there will be various events dedicated to the arrival taylor-swift, it will be different too, well, guess what will happen, and i will explain why, taylor swift. can be called the most famous and most influential singer in the world today, she is constantly included in the ratings there not only
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of the most influential, not... only of the most public, not only those who earn the most, and the one who, well, generally sets some records and is always taylor swift, and her concerts are some kind of newsmakers, because she is celebrated by her fans, who are often called even a sect, because they are her totally supportive, they're willing to do whatever she asks them to do, and that... at some point in time , american politicians took notice because they realized that the singer is so, so influential and has so many fans, almost half america, why did they think about the fact that it is necessary to have a good relationship with taylor swift at least and reckon with her, because she can really somehow influence the course, even
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pre-elect him there. campaign, at one time, even when taylor swift supported the democrats, she still supports them, and she openly said that yes, maybe some of her fans who support the republicans will turn away from her, but they did not, and so we see , that it really is such a certain phenomenon, and it is also rumored that after some time taylor sfiv may very well claim to be... a political role, and i want to tell you that taylor swift is a very interesting singer in the sense that her influence, her influence, and why it is, is not apparent at first, because when you watch her music videos, you just see a singer, so pretty, well, some songs are cute, so about love, but you cannot understand why this phenomenon arose in general, why such an influence, it is not clear, but if we immerse ourselves in her work, then we will understand
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that she and builds his career very competently and gives the impression that there some political technologists work for her, or she herself is a political technologist, her entire team consists of her closest relatives, mother, father, sisters, brothers, and they have such a family business, and here she is for years together with her management and family, they built a very correct image, which was built on the stories on... the stories that were in the songs, on her kind of image, on her sincerity, and that's why she won the favor of more and more people year after year and americans just started to love her, in particular , because she started singing country, it's such a purely american style of music, and she's just loved by a lot of people, and so you see what's happening very...
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it will be interesting to watch taylor swift's own influence on the current election campaign in the united states america's respected publications have whole analytical materials about this, and here we will also keep an eye on whether taylor herself will enter politics one day, after possibly ending her singing career. well, there is another interesting situation now it's happening with kevin spacey, and... you remember 2017, the loud scandal that took place in the wake of this movement of myth, when it was initially, well, and in general completely justified, the fact is that there was a lot going on in hollywood and rape, and harassment of women, of actresses, and it was very often hushed up, and when it all broke, it all broke on harvey wanstein,
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on the producer who absolutely completely... lost his reputation and is in prison, there was a wave a myth that at some point, according to many people, has already begun to pass certain limits, well, it usually happens when you stay silent for a long time and the problems are not solved, it all explodes and the pendulum swings in the other direction, but kevin spacey was then accused by many people on many points, which also related to rape and harassment. men began to complain about him, despite the fact that one of the first is a young actor who said that sometime 20 or 30 years ago, he experienced harassment from kevin spacey at one of the parties at home, and then another accusation followed in a wave , and kemena spacey, that is called absolutely canceled, that is, he lost his job, he was then filmed super popular.


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