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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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large ships from the influence of ukrainian naval battleships, and the fact that our maguras pyatiy and siyabebi have recently been able to cover a distance of more than 800 km in order to accurately destroy the enemy's port infrastructure directly in the novorossiysk, novorossiysk area, this indicates that we have acquired certain capabilities , and i am sure that there will be more in the future, because the domestic defense-industrial complex is working, there are certain developments in our special services, and all these developments are aimed at weakening the combat capabilities as much as possible russian occupiers operating on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, as well as those forces and means operating on the territory of the south of zaporizhia oblast and the north of sonshchyna. mr. vladyslav, i wanted to remind our viewers that if you watch this news broadcast from crimea on youtube, please subscribe, set the bell, comment, maybe ask questions to the expert and presenters, we will definitely come to the comments after the broadcast and talk to you. let's answer your question, and i
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also wanted to remind you that if you see on the screen qr code during our conversation, then you can support the liberation of crimea with a hryvnia, support the unit of the 48th ombsh named after noman chilybychhan, and thus contribute to the liberation of crimea. mr. vladyslav, returning to the issue of sea ports, here is an attack on novorossiysk. is it just some random incident or is it now the strategy of our armed forces of ukraine that we will free the entire black and azov seas from the black sea fleet of russia, and not only the crimean peninsula, everything is by chance and not by chance, of course, that in order for our attack to be as effective as possible, that is why certain preparatory processes, reconnaissance and further development of the area, preparation of appropriate conditions precede it.
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circumstances for the implementation of this mission, because in order to accurately target enemy infrastructure facilities, we need to clear the airspace from the influence of enemy anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense systems. please note that separate elements of air defense and anti-missile defense are exploding on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, system and metal. vorok constantly pulls from the mainland of the russian federation through the kerch strait, additional elements. recently, general budanov very... individual elements of the s500 complex. this is actually a research exhibit, which the russians are now trying to put on combat duty. nevertheless, even the most modern developments in the anti-flood defense system are drawn by the enemy to crimea in order to protect the sky above the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula. does it help? no, because even air defense systems are not always capable of protecting themselves. what 's next? this activity. of the ukrainian army
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takes place within the framework of certain preparations measures in order to further be able to use not only the missile and drone component to destroy enemy objects in crimea and the territory of the krasnodar territory, but also for those involved in our aviation component, because in the end the same miracle will happen to the long-awaited us, we will receive the first batch of destroyers-16, and in order for them to carry out combat missions in a safe space to destroy the enemy's military infrastructure. therefore, and sevastopol, we need to weaken the same opportunities as much as possible in the first place air defense and missile defense fences. our guns are working on this, our rocket operators, our saboteurs, our special forces are working on this, and this activity is given as a sign, because in order to overcome the airspace of the territory of crimea, so that our drones sound precisely and guaranteed the objects of the port infrastructure of new russia , before that it was necessary to work well on the crimea and... and accordingly in
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the crimea, having destroyed the elements of anti-aircraft defense in dzhankoya, on cape so frankut, closer to simferopol, in the east of the temporarily occupied krymlin peninsula, i.e. a lot of work has been done, and a lot of such work is worth and will have to be done, because the enemy continues to accumulate resources, but in this confrontation, the enemy is still forced to literally plug the holes in its air defense system, but the ukrainian army is systematic and methodical, all the tags are in the hands of the russians. in order to have appropriate conditions for further measures regarding the deoccupation of crimea. of course, i have no illusions here, it can't happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, there's too much homework to do the ukrainian army and create the necessary prerequisites for the de-occupation of the southern kherson region and the southern zaporizhia region, to destroy as much as possible the combat capabilities of the russian occupiers, but what is widely known is the way to defeat it. it is necessary to take
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step by step every day to achieve our goal, it is the implementation of this plan, and the ukrainian defense forces have focused their attention on these ports abkhazia and other regions where russian ships flee are a legitimate target of the armed forces of ukraine. yes, of course, and any warship in the waters of the black sea is a legitimate target for ukrainian kamikaze drones. note how much zuhuala. and the russian occupiers are behaving treacherously, they have now begun to redeploy part of their warships in the waters of the sea of ​​azov, for what purpose? well, first of all, they are sure that in this way they will be protected from our kamikaze attack sea drones, because in order for our drones to have
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to be able to enter the sea of ​​azov, they have to overcome the same barrier barriers that cover the structures of the kerch bridge from the south, so far for us this is an impossible mission, and secondly, the traffic of moving civilian ships in the waters of the sea of ​​azov and often densely hostile military ships literally hides behind the sides of civilian ships, barges, supply vessels, and this actually creates serious problems, because in order to determine priority targets , a lot of effort must be made, and this is exactly how the enemy... literally hides his warships among civilian vessels and ships, this is a challenge, but again, a challenge is not a reason to say, it is impossible, it is a reason to look for options for the use of our strike weapons in order to work jeweler, accurately and as efficiently as possible,
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will this happen , i am sure that it is, because the enemy must understand that we did not start this war, but we ended this war with our victory in the crimea. the war has begun and in crimea it should end with a solution, well, except for the black sea fleet of the russian federation in russia has other fleets, can we somehow strike or perhaps do some sabotage on russian ships that are located, i don't know, in the northern seas or somewhere in general in another part of russia. as far back as 2005, the armed forces of ukraine made a decision that creation of the command of special operations forces, at that time there were a lot of surprises, why, why such a structure in ukraine, but the military and political leadership at that time, making such a decision, acted as rationally as possible, the opposition of a small ukrainian against a large
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of the russian army, we don't have many chances to win, but for the use of asymmetric actions, we have, we had many opportunities, and accordingly. the talents and capabilities of ukrainian military personnel, this is the experience that we received in particular from our western partners, this is also the acquisition of appropriate equipment, equipment and weapons for the implementation of certain tasks, well, for example, the well-known case of the destruction, partial destruction of a battleship of the baltic fleet , due to the fact that before that our special forces conducted accordingly. agent activity in order to recruit one of the servicemen, members of the crew of a small rocket ship, who was called serpukhov, it seems, who was stationed not far from st. petersburg. for a certain period of time, this active russian serviceman gave us information that was
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extremely sensitive for the russian army, and when the question arose about his exposure, there was an operation to evacuate that military serviceman, and before that he was literally second to none. destroyed part equipment and equipment of all modern russian warships. what do i enter? we are always looking for ways and opportunities to use our efforts to cause as much damage as possible to the russian occupier. vorokh must feel that the war he started against sovereign ukraine on february 20, 2014, will not take place somewhere far away. the war came directly into the homes of russians, and they must feel all these people. all this power of the ukrainian army, because it cannot be otherwise, otherwise we will not win in this confrontation, and this means that systematic and methodical work on the organization of the enemy's military potential not only in the numerically occupied territories of the country, but also directly in the territory of the russian federation is a significant factor that brings our victory closer. well
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, actually, i wanted to add to your information, really, my question was dictated by the recent press conference of russia. once, and now, rather, it is already on the ukrainian boss of a fighter with the call sign goga, goga or goga, now he is a recruit of the legion of freedom of russia, he is the one who set the fire. electronics on the ship serpukhov on april 7, when it was standing in the city of baltiysk in the kaliningrad region, and in gur they said that the fire had completely destroyed communication and automation, which makes the repair of the ship quite long, the more such gogs there will be in russia, in the russian fleets and in general in the russian army, the better, the sooner russia will be free, and ukraine will be free. mr. vladyslav, if we talk about the recent events of this week in crimea, once again we
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learned that russia will be hostile to ukraine, even after the war, from the speech of the professor yevhen khlobestov of the kyiv-megylian academy, and he means that even after the liberation of crimea, we cannot avoid danger and we will have to rebuild crimea into such a fortress. already ukrainian, do you agree with this opinion? i think that the determining factor that will ensure the security perimeter on the territory of our country with the border of 1991 is resources, it is the powerful provision of the ukrainian army, it is a developed and multi-level complex of defense industrial production, it is collective security agreements, in principle i i understand that russia will not rise anywhere even after our victory, but... in order for the price of any aggression on the part of moscow in relation to our country to be unacceptable
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and very painful, we need resources, resources that will absolutely clearly demonstrate that is, we are ready to repulse any foreign aggression and are ready to retaliate by using all our resources, and this response will be so deterring, so large-scale in terms of crisis-level consequences. that any of vladimir putin's successors, who will give birth to some alarming cries of the priest, even thoughts and guesses did not arise that he would be able to win in a new confrontation with ukraine. well, i have this, you know, maybe a global question, and how to make russia no longer capable of showing aggression, you are not the only one against it. ukraine, and against other states with which it now has occupation relations, including
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georgia, moldova, etc., and so on, that is, is it possible to talk about the future demilitarization and possibly the future denuclearization of the russian federation? so, ms. gulsyum, the remark is absolutely correct, of course, the plans are very ambitious, but the key element of this plan is resources, and accordingly, if ukraine, of course, with unconditional support. our western partners will manage to destroy the key elements of the enemy's military potential, i think that the position of the conditional vladimir putin , in general, of the highest military and political leadership of the russian federation will be transformed from the current one, which literally demands the surrender of ukraine, and de facto the entire collective event, to a more lenient and more constructive one . systemic and methodical destruction of enemy entities, this is the basis and drive for our victory and stabilization. such a space not only on the territory of our country, but also, in principle, on the european continent, because putin does not
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accept his almy plans regarding the baltic regions and other countries of eastern europe, and therefore only together, only by combining our efforts, we will capable of weakening the enemy's military potential as much as possible, which means creating the conditions for a predictable and sustainable peace in europe. thank you very much sir vladyslav, the most important thing is that they were found often. joined our broadcast, see you on other broadcasts of the atr tv channel and the espresso tv channel. vladyslav sariznyov, military expert, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2017, 2014-2017 was on our air, now we are going on a short break and will be back, don't switch. more in the joints it is so piercing, it does not... move, i bought a yellow dolgit cream at the pharmacy, it saves me from pain in rheumatism, dolgit is the only yellow cream for
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one of the best special forces in the country. we are expanding and announcing recruitment. we invite civilian specialists from various fields. experienced commanders will ensure your high-quality training and education. fill out the questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the team of tssoa asbu. together we will write the history of victory. details on official pages of the sbu. salam aleikum, welcome to the razom beraber program. it is shared the project of the first crimean tatar tv channel atr and tv channel. i work for you in the studio, khalilov's gulsom, and my colleague andriy
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yanitsky. i invite you to subscribe to the atp youtube channel and the espressa youtube channel, set favorites. comment on this video, ask questions to the presenters and guests, and let's start with the hottest topic of this week, gulsum, well, this is probably, well, the main news of this week, and i just have, you know, a very large scale of emotions, because we spend a lot of time this was expected, we waited and we are waiting still all political ties. the kremlin, all our guys who are currently in russian prisons, but this week we saw one of them, mr. nariman dzhelal, he is a crimean tatar politician, the first deputy head of the mezhles of the crimean tatar people, he is already free,
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he is already in ukraine, in kyiv, the leader of the crimean tatar people, mustafa dzhemiv, the head of the inter-community of the crimean tatar people ryfat chubarov, we can now see these footage, and i would like us to hear mr. nariman now, his first words after his release. i'm already in ukraine, i met such nice guys. what gifts did they give me? will end, although internally i was ready . i did not lose hope that one day it would be
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the most important thing to withstand the entire unjust term that was assigned to me in the occupation court of crimea. for us it was to know that ukraine continues to fight for its own freedom, independence, and this hope, this resistance, it inspired us not to give in to any provocations that were there. along with mr. nariman jelyal , nine political prisoners of the kremlin were also released, and we very much hope to see after that. to our other political prisoners, who are still in the prisons of the fsb, the prisons of the russian federation, and we will see all of them on the loose in... the country, in their country, in their homeland, and i hope, in the future already on the territory of crimea , on the territory, on
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the territory of the liberated crimea. yes, and of course, we all didn't expect the return of mr. nariman, i had the whole tape tearing up on facebook because of the emotions of the crimeans, who were very emotional. reacted to this news because the person was in the womb for not a year or two, from which year, from 2021, after the inaugural summit of the crimean platform, where he came, he then returned to crimea, and as mr. riman dzhelal said in his first interview, he understood that his occupiers are detaining him after returning to crimea, but how did he, how did we liberate him... we will speak with the head of the border of the crimean tatar people, mr. rifat chubarov, who is now in direct contact with us and we are happy to congratulate him, rifataga, salaam alaikum , welcome to you, alaikum
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hello everyone, good evening everyone, i promise you, we have already told you about the dismissal of mr. nariman, but still you were in the process of his dismissal, how did it happen and how, how much time did it take? the release, well , look, the release of prisoners of war, civilians, hostages and political prisoners, a large team is engaged in, in general, starting from the office of the president of ukraine and the authorized person of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on human rights issues, the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, human rights organizations, lawyers, i.e. everyone on... is trying their best to facilitate the release of our citizens as quickly as possible, we had to
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explain a lot how difficult the processes are in general discussing the issues of political prisoners of the residents of crimea, we explained that the aggressor country avoids any here. negotiations on this topic in general, the russians demonstratively emphasize that our fellow citizens, who are deprived of their freedom, are actually, as they say, citizens of russia, and we are allegedly prying into their internal affairs, well, such cynicism, on the part of russia, but in reality this is revenge, their revenge on the crimean tatars, ethnic... ukrainians, and political prisoners are those people who are at the forefront of those hundreds of thousands who do not accept the russian occupation, the task
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of the mejlis is to try to attract third parties, those who can, in a special way, enter into a dialogue with the aggressor country, you know that there is a certain group of countries that maintain a dialogue. including arab countries, but the results, you see, they are what they are today, in 5 years, that is, after five years, when sentsova, political prisoner oleg, and edem bekerov were released for the last time, and now nariman dzhilyal, though, and you know about it as journalists, and i am saying this more for those... who watch you in the occupied crimea, although dozens of configurations were discussed, almost all of them are surnames, which uh, well, all
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political prisoners , who are deprived of their liberty , groups of political prisoners who suffer from diseases incompatible with being behind bars were discussed, political prisoners with four or more minors each... children were discussed, women and women who ended up behind bars were discussed, e -e, i.e. e, but this time it was only possible to release narimana dzhelal was captured, and this is understandable despite all our joy, and it also adds, well, great bitterness, because we know... we know with our minds, but i don't know how to feel the pain of relatives, loved ones, those more than 200 political prisoners
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of crimea . but nevertheless, we understandably thank everyone who was involved in the release of nariman and will continue to work for the release of other political prisoners. i would like to say here that there was a certain silence after the release, i have to explain it, because now i have the opportunity, and you are the first to whom i tell about it, uh, because literally a few hours ago we on... we made sure that all the conditions that we had to follow in order to ensure the safety of nariman's family, and other such, you know, things related to the fate of the political prisoners there who remained, all these, well, procedures by us seasoned and nariman's family, and this is
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his wife, and four minor children, they are already accepting ukraine, we hope that tomorrow they will already be in our country, and i hope that by tomorrow morning nariman himself will be in touch with everyone you, he is really looking forward to it, all those were what proposals. message for nariman, we sent all this to him these days, and he, i think, will also respond to those requests or appeals to him that have been made these days, they are all in his hands, as they say, in phone, and from tomorrow, i think he will inform himself by which phones, in which city, well, of course, his workplace
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will be... people, but we will ask him, when he meets his family tomorrow, that he at least, even if he rested for a short period, tariman is very eager to work, but we want, as i told him, well, i already the person is older, simply by age, i say that the children should return the smell of the father, the children should be with the father at least for a short time, so tomorrow we are waiting for such a joyful meeting of nareman with his wife, and now we can say that all those threats, that could happen to the family, they are also from the aggressor country, it seems that we avoided them, it was a complete such evacuation, and we thank everyone who helped us to do it, thank you for all this work, rifataga already said that will deal with issues as soon as possible
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political prisoners. russians to continue your case as well, and now there are 334 political prisoners in crimea according to my data, 217 of them are crimean tatars, that is, there is obviously some kind of special political mission here, what numbers do you have, what can be said about political groups? know how they are ethnically. is there any selectivity in the actions of the russians? look, here it is necessary, well, to them , it’s easy to search for them according to certain such factors or criteria, in general, the number of people who, let’s say, were persecuted, ah,
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and in relation to which... there are sentences, there are many more of them, but we will distinguish between criminal prosecution and deprivation of liberty, and her prosecution for political motives, but which, thank god, ended only in administrative punishments, er, in administrative punishments , i don't know if any public organizations are currently campaigning for human rights. such a list, but they have already gone far there, about a thousand people, starting from the breakthrough of the blockade, well, starting from february 26, 2014, because as soon as the russians occupied crimea, they started attract people to, well, not attract, but repress people for the events that took place.


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