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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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advance in one direction or another, unfortunately, in recent weeks, the enemy has had tactical success there, in some areas it has advanced, it is, in general, it is strategic there, of course, there are no such losses of territories, but individual positions in individual areas, and in the direction of what is cheretino, we also know kurakhovo, the enemy achieved success at the cost of great sacrifices, including, but the enemy does not spare anything, he simply... paves his way with meat, therefore, in principle, we have nothing in the last days changes, maybe even months, the enemy is the main focus focuses on the donetsk direction, if we take the kherson direction, there is mainly artillery there, and there are some battles on the bridgeheads, they are also, let’s say, bloody, but they are not as large-scale as on the same donetsk direction, the fighting continues there on in the kharkiv direction, of course we paid all our attention there at the time when the enemy left... there were
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warnings here and there, we saw that the enemy was trying to create new fertile ground there, to create some kind of gray zone, but the enemy also during these battles, when we there focused attention still continued to advance on donetsk and , unfortunately, had some successes there, but again, these are not strategic, now the situation is more or less trying to stabilize due to, well, let's say, the enemy is pushing due to the fact that he has more artillery, more weapons, more personnel, and because of this they are starting to push, now the weapons are gradually approaching and the situation is compared, for example, even with may of last year and there with april, it is more even, and the enemy can be like this, you know , is still rolling, but i i hope that measures will be taken there now, including the near future, we are already expecting, i think there will be a maximum of a month, the reserves will be suitable, including the personnel that have been recruited now. and
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are now in training camps, and then the situation will stabilize even more, so now the main task is to hold on, to use correctly the weapons that are provided to us and the resources that we have now in the order of our commanders. i understand correctly that vladimir putin is just in a hurry, believes that now is precisely the moment when it is possible to achieve some real successes, at least there in certain areas of the front, and therefore it is necessary not to spare either people or equipment, nothing, just to... now, in this period of time, to achieve some of the results, well , it is, it looks like this, realistically, i ’m just not quite clear here, did they go with such a leap and just without stopping , well, excuse me, throw all their people into the furnace of war, when they see that the defense is sinking little by little, in the whole problem is that we are not we have a deeply echeloned defense, we all understand that from a military point of view defense is always a more advantageous position than er...
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offensive, but when the defense is built, well, we will not say that it is wrong, not according to the statutes, canons due to the lack of sufficient the number of personnel, when it is not, for example, three lines, when it is not depth, when you do not have, let's say, enough artillery, when you have one line, for example, a brigade is refined, it is easy to break through, but the enemy sees it and for he is the account of this, and it is with us because of the fact that in we lack personnel, yes, which we are still trying to recruit, so the enemy can see. does he understand that mobilization has become more active in our country and that people are now in training centers, and that, for example, in a month or two the situation will change, we will be replenished with new brigades, we have weapons, well, i am a person who will say so , i receive reports from the ministry of defense every week, where are the weekly reports, how much have we received, believe me, well, i already said that it is not enough there for wide'. offensive attacks, but for
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the defense from the point of view of the income of what is coming, there are numbers that add optimism, let's say so, so the main thing is to use it correctly, correctly distribute it to the personnel, although sometimes even there my comrades from on the front line, they call and send letters that they receive little, but this is already a question for those who distribute, because we see that it is coming, it is there and... it needs to be distributed, well, military science, it is also, you know , taka, uh, let's say, no, no appeared on the surface, there are many forms and methods of use, including personnel and reserves, everyone understood military science there, the main thing is not what is on the battlefield in the military commander’s possession, but what he just has in the reserve, because you can make maneuvers with forces and resources just for the reserves, and what is on the battlefield, it reads: the enemy and he is already
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fighting against him, he is sometimes, well, from the military point of view, uh, you can only count him but in constancy, as it is, that i do not want to delve into these military definitions, but... the reserves are important, that's why i sometimes see that it turns out that we have reserves, we are now accumulating reserves, the fact that we are improving our mobilization, and putin, understanding this, is really in a hurry subway, let's say, is gnawing our territory in order to have better positions until, well, let's say, when it is stopped, and please tell me, mr. roman, why then the president says that we have 14 brigades, but not enough for them... what do you say that the weapons do not yield, it was also a surprise for me, as i heard, that is we listened to the leadership of the general staff, maybe a month ago, they did not give us such information, i think, well, not really,
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here there are some nuances that can be objectively explained from a military point of view, for example, by the chief of the general staff, and this is not the case , that we have 14 brigades. which, let's say, are completely unarmed, we, again, returning to how the army works, we, there are different brigades, there are, for example, motorized infantry brigades, yes, there are mechanized brigades, there are tank brigades, for example, in the military stories were brigades, which were created directly to replenish the personnel of units that, for example, are there on the battlefield, when, for example, a brigade that storms, it goes to some line there, and we understand that in order to develop success, we need constantly new subdivisions, new battalions, these motorized infantry brigades are taken, and they are inserted by battalions in the directions where active hostilities are taking place, i don’t know the purpose of these brigades, if he said that we have motorized rifle brigades formed in which
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there are no weapons, we would understand what it is the brigade, uh, what he meant specifically, well, i can’t tell you, one can only guess, or these brigades are really designed to act in separate directions, well, or it really is, well, if we take there are 500 in each brigade, yes, then we will have around 70,000 people who are completely unarmed, that is , you can say that here, i think that at least small arms are we all have what he meant specifically , we need to sort it out, but tell me... mr. roman, what does the situation look like with respect to there is kharkiv anger, it can be assumed that after we got the opportunity to shell russian positions on the territory of russia itself, now it is not so easy to hold populated areas in kharkiv region and shell kharkiv itself, that it has not become so
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commonplace, well, definitely, well, look , right away we have to understand that we have fired at the enemy on his territory before, but they were different. for example, before that we could only use those weapons, which, let's say, were not the weapons of our partners, well , yes, no, no, no, not 155 caliber and not hyrsi, we used our hail, there, our hurricanes, some more of our own, let's say artillery, which is there 20-30 km, km, that's what was under the border, when it was necessary, of course, giving us the opportunity to shell our partners, it opened up opportunities for us to hit further at the range of the hymars missile, which is up to 80 kms, and with jamilres missiles, and this crawler tractor fell from its head, well, it doesn’t matter,
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so let’s say with one type of missiles, which can hit 12 missiles, it certainly gave it is an opportunity for us to push russian air defense further. and say with a normal organization of intelligence, it gave us the opportunity to hang, let's say, on the enemy's territory and not give them the opportunity to create strike groups there, at quite, let's say, long distances from our border and then enter in combat formations, so it gave us such opportunities in greater depth, but i will say that before that we also used what we had and struck in... blows when it was necessary, but i'm just curious, this is when marine le pen says that in the event of coming to power, her parties, they will forbid ukraine to hit russian positions with french weapons, there are some french weapons that we use, this can really affect something, it's just interesting purely logistically, on russian positions or
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on russian territory, on russian territory, on russian positions on russian territory, on russian territory, well, i think it may refer to... them, self-propelled artillery installations, caesar, is it to say that it will change anything, well, they are not the sky, well, not such a large number that it will change anything, their can completely replace. there are any 155 calibers that we have, i think it may refer to the fact that they are standing, they are anti-aircraft missiles of the scalp type, french, but maybe this is what she meant, because these missiles can still hit, let's say , serious strikes on the rear of the russian federation, everything else, well, it is a tactical weapon, which, in principle , can be replaced by any weapon from other countries. the same archers, the swedish ones, i will say, they show themselves to be better both in terms of
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accuracy and range, so i think we will find something to hit, i don’t know what they are for statements like this, well, these are political statements, i will say, the statements are political, but always, you know, mr. romain, it is always interesting what they are based on, because politicians make statements, and then you begin to decipher them, so to speak, this is, you know, a per fact check, and you... well, they will ban you with a scalpel, we have english missiles, that is, well , we will already be in storage there, we will not understand which of them, they are of the same type, which of them are whose, so i will say that the main thing is, of course, you need to work with partners, and all these statements are clearly not in favor of ukraine, on the benefit of the russian federation, when such politicians hesitate and give preference, we will prohibit when we are shelling our civilian objects, military objects. when they try to come to power with the help of our energy, and with the help of such statements, this is a crime
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that history will definitely not appreciate. thank you, mr. roman, roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence, colonel of the security service of ukraine was in touch with us, and now we are moving on to the topic of parliamentary elections in france. today, the second round of elections is taking place, the turnout is unprecedented, there has never been such a turnout in the history of france in 40 years, now. many are trying to understand how these elections will end, that thanks to the luck of the far-right party, the national association, whose leader marine le pen was long known for her ties to the kremlin, has now changed its position a little, but not so much that it would come to power, form the new french government, marine lippin has already promised that there will be no french troops on the territory of ukraine, in the event of her coming to power, that france will prohibit the use of its weapons for shelling the sovereign territory of the russian federation, but this is, so to speak, the ukrainian aspect, there is a french european aspect. global aspect of these elections, we will now talk with a political observer from france, denis kolesnyk. congratulations mr. denis. good evening.
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well, the results, as we understand, there are not even previous ones yet, but the very atmosphere of this second round, how would you describe it? well, look, we are seeing essentially the same powerful mobilization as in the first round, in some cities, even greater mobilization, in some cities a little, a little less mobilization, but in general the trend is the same, people go to vote, as, as you said, a record. turnout as of 3:00 p.m. paris time, almost 60% of voters predict that there will be a total of 67.5% turnout, which is actually very, very, very, very, extremely high turnout, and you can see that people are really engaged this time in politics, they probably want their party to come, some are probably guided by logic in order to prevent the inadmissible nacional from getting, say the majority there, or this overwhelming majority, or, the absolute majority, i apologize, or,
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for example, those who vote for the rn, also , where they can vote, where their candidates are, also mobilize and vote for them, so that they did get that maximum majority, but the problem here is that, as far as i understand it, if the french far-right fails to get an absolute majority, there is even more uncertainty than if they get that majority, right, because then none of the political ... forces the french will not be able to form an effective government, well, in general, if you look, there are, there are, if in theory, four scenarios, the first scenario is that rn gains a majority, bardela becomes prime minister, well, it looks like this will not happen, because here i am i see, the data for the fifth survey predicts from 175 to 205 places, 200,289 yes in order to single-handedly form pain'. well, the second scenario is that they will not have enough seats, relatively speaking,
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they will recruit somewhere, maybe someone from the republicans, maybe even someone from mamanuelle macron will be pinched for himself, and there will be a brothel again. the third possibility is the situation when, a purely theoretical situation, when, for example, macron's party, the presidential majority and the left alliance new ashes will form a government, this is also theoretically possible, at least in theory, although there were declarations. from emmanuel macron that there cannot be any coalition with the lfi, which is in the new popular front, and the fourth thing is some conditional technical, let's say, governments that can fall there every few months and be replaced by other technical governments, this is also as a possibility, that is, the current prime minister of france gabriel athal most likely will no longer be the prime minister, here you see, at 6:30 emmanuel macron invited the leaders of groups, parties, his party to him, that's how
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he invited gabriel atal of the prime minister for consultations, but it is also necessary to understand that... the french constitution does not oblige the president to nominate the prime minister conditionally on the same day or the next day, it may take time , it can drag on conditionally until the end of the olympic games, which will take place literally in 15 days or 19, how can it last even until the end of the summer, so this does not mean that if there is a conditional result, that emmanuel macron immediately, i mean except.. .. for the vast majority of rns, there may be different scenarios and it may even take another 2-3 months. and can you even understand why he could not wait for the olympic games, and then hold parliamentary elections? macron, what, what, where was he in a hurry? frankly to say, it is very, very difficult to say, and the logic by which he was guided, i think, were both
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logical, let's say, there may be logical explanations, but there were also, for sure, some emotional things. and i think some kind of emotional history might also have played a role in what he decided, we know that gabriel atal, for example, the prime minister, he asked emmanuel macron to fire him, to dissolve his government, but not to dissolve the parliament, but emmanuel macron refused. well, well, he could dissolve the parliament, but why there, conditionally saying, there, at the end of june, and not at the end of july, well, the olympics would have ended and everyone would have gone to the elections, that's the pre-olympic chaos. such a problem, but on the other hand, the election in august is very difficult, because there are a lot of people in august , in fact, the whole country will be on vacation, so august is not a good month to hold elections, in principle, he probably counted on greater mobilization of the population in order to prevent, so to speak, i say in the devil's mouth, well, by
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the way, we can say that he achieved mobilization of the population, however, there is mobilization, we can see it, so it cannot be said that these are days. but to what extent it will be useful to him is another question, because look, the problem with mobilization is also that, for example, there are many communes, yes, many cities, where there are polling stations, where, for example, a person who voted for one the candidate will no longer find him, and for example, if you have a choice between the candidate from emmanuel macron and the candidate from the new peoples, and you voted for the republicans or zamblimal, then you can theoretically come to the elections and vote, it is called. white vote, like, well, so to speak, vote against everyone, that you don't support any of the candidates, but you will be counted, as usual, the turnout, and the turnout is high, but on the other hand, it won't be, let's say, it's not will add votes to any of the candidates, and you understand why marine lipen started talking about all this before these elections, the ukrainian issue, what, that we will not allow
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the shelling of russia with french weapons, that we will not allow russia, ukraine, and france. troops on the territory of ukraine, well, in principle, this is definitely not the most relevant question of french politics, why did they even mention them in such a context? this is generally a foreign agenda, a subpoena, yes, it is not, it was not, it did not play an important role, for the lfi the role was partly played by the issue of palestine, we capitalized on it for a certain part of the voters, but with regard to ukraine, i think it is about setting up some red lines, but if we talk about... sending troops, then this is not only the position of hasamlim national, in principle, there is no consensus on this in society, the majority of french people, i don't remember according to polls, are against such a story, so she did n't say anything that could offend someone, it's basically a consensus, no one wants to send troops to a warring country, and this is logical, why right now, maybe
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it is about mobilizing some additional people for whom this issue is important, but of course what... it is difficult to say here here here, because the external agenda she is not no is not important in this election, how much does the government really influence what happens with foreign policy? well, i will tell you, for example, about the issue of sending troops, or war in general, right? if, if it's a declaration of war, then that's the power of parliament, right? but the president can decide for himself where and... which troops to send, for example, to deploy some operation, as we saw it, for example, in africa, in saele, and the simple question is that the president is obliged to inform the parliament for two months . after the troops were deployed, if they don't come home, but stay for some time, and then, the president is obliged to inform the parliament, the parliament can vote,
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let's say, to withdraw these troops, but it will be essentially a declarative kind of story , which does not affect the decision of the president of the republic, so i would once again, i have already said it more than once and explained it more than once, i believe that there will be no drastic changes in... the foreign policy of france, even if purely in theory national wins the majority majority vote well, you and i have already talked, i think, several times before these elections, about the fact that the danger of the french far-left is now perceived by many french people as no less than the danger of the french far-right, and this raises the question, if there will be a situation that is greater, so you say , and even more, it is this unruly france of jean-louis. milanchon, its leader, is actually like this, this is marie lepin on the left, and you can say that, even more seriously, because marine lepin is changing, and mélenchon somehow not much, but
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there may be a situation when the left parties of france will be ready to form a government with macron without this party of mélenchon, if they have a majority, without him, this can happen at all, or hardly history, of course, in theory, of course, everything can be, but it is worth noting, that after all, elifi's party... it has the majority of votes, has the most weight of deputies in the new popular yes, so it is difficult to imagine if melianchon is nominated from this, let's say, marginalize him on the ultra-left, on the ultra-left spectrum, where he is in principle, it is also then try to form some positions, but if you look at the data, i will tell you... now i will tell you that as of july 5th, macron's party is forecasting 118-148 seats, and well
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, in general, from 145 to 176, and if we throw out some conditional 80 votes or 70 votes, which are in favor of elee, will not be obtained, a majority will not be obtained, 289 will most likely not be obtained, well, that is, in fact , it will not work out that way, but still... one must take into account his ambitions, if so, of course , or if, for example, republicans, attract republicans and maybe something will work out cool, but again, we've also seen the split within the republicans and basically the reluctance of the republicans to deal with left-wing and far-left stories, so it's quite difficult, i've actually announced four, well, three possible scenarios, and any of these scripts, it is quite enough. unpleasant for france from the point of view of the stability of the country, from the point of view of the implementation of some reforms, but on the other hand, i want to emphasize that the president of the republic has the opportunity to dissolve the parliament once again in a year. well
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that is, in fact, we can have this parliament as such temporary, but what will happen if he dissolves it, unless, if he dissolves it, he will not help the national unity to come to power, then the majority of people can already vote for the far right, because it will chaos, crisis, or the opposite may happen, we'll see what will happen... they get 289 together, we'll see how the situation will unfold, and do you think that these republicans, who did not agree to unification with the national association, and even decided to exclude own head from the party for going to this union, mr. ciotzi, then they will be ready to form a government with marina le pen and jordan bordela. i believe that if it is about the conditional 10 votes there, if the rn lacks 10, maybe even 15 votes, they will find a place to get them, partly even from
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macron, partly from the republicans, and someone like that will come, and there is such a situation, when, on the contrary, there will be some people in their faction who will be ready to support some technical government, is this impossible? and which, looking at how much they will gain, if they gain a majority, or almost a majority, yes, well, a conditional majority, if they gain, then what is the point, if they do not have a majority, if they have 220 votes there , i think we will find out almost everything in half an hour, so in fact, yes, yes, literally yes, of course there is such a possibility, i think that some of those deputies can easily join some kind of conditional, to support some initiatives of the conditional government , which, again, will last for a few months at most. and will be again replaced by monzu, it will be like mistrust , it will be replaced by another temporary technical government, so to speak, and then another one
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, and another one, and then a year later, for sure. in the form of a crisis from one vote to the previous national assembly existed in such another, well, the governments did not change much, they changed only once, but there, too , every time you had to vote for something, you had to simply, i would say, hunt for these deputies, had to apply a lot of kva, it's 49.3, that's it the article of the constitution that allows the government to turn a blind eye to the parliament and still pass the reform, and here is elizabeth bogna, the former prime minister, she resorted to the application of article 49.3 a lot, for which she was very strongly criticized, because it is essentially anti-democratic when your parliament votes against it, and the government says, we are fine, we apply 493 and vote, well, we do not vote, but accept, well, this is the logic of the fifth republic, so to speak, the legacy of charles de gaulle, yes, but charles de gaulle he, once again,
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let's say... so that 493 is like exceptional history, you can't rule him, and what emmanuel macron did, i mean, as the president of the republic because of his majority, it was actually a rule through 493, and for that they were criticized a lot, and now, by the way, they are reaping the benefits here is his party personally because of, let's say, the application of this article of the constitution, i just don't remember the numbers, but there are a lot of pores. it seems like a record number was used by the elizabeth bourn government or very close to a record it's something like, you know, unacceptable i i would like to say, thank you denys, denys kolesnyk, a political commentator from france was in touch with us, we will return in our program to the results of the second round of the parliamentary elections in the french republic, and now we will take a break for just a few minutes, do not switch. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the very point.
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the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. your place is waiting for you, the light is left on, for dinner, what you love, a warm bed made, will be. walks, swings
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and swimming, they are waiting for you on your streets, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we are sorry. found out that you are already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how difficult victory is, and we will do everything to quickly hug you therefore, when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than family. we are a nation
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united around you. we continue the politclub program on the espresso tv channel, vitaly portnikov is with you, but in fact , the first results are already appearing, even. elections in the french republic, you ask yourself how this can be, yes, it is because there are overseas territories, overseas territories of france, and in these territories the voting takes place, of course, in a different time zone, and the notification of the elections of deputies appear much earlier than in the rest of france, that is , the rest of france is still voting, waiting for exit polls,
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finding out... what is happening'.


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