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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EEST

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to ukraine, at the expense of, by the way, converting, we talk a lot about nato, we talk a lot about the importance of ukraine joining nato, today's events, all the events of all the previous days, months, weeks, they clearly indicate that the west, the civilized world needs to realize that ukraine must finally become a member of nato in order for this terrible terror and terrible genocide to break through, and when the world politicians come to this, finally, when the world politicians finally mature to this, then it will be possible some real turning point in favor of the civilized world, because up to this point , russia thinks, well, listen, if, if they can't act so effectively, if they can't take this step... if they, if
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putin demands that ukraine not join nato, the world basically allows us to do this, then we apologize, we will continue to do so, and in this case, this is not the last attack on ukrainian peaceful cities, on ukrainian maternity hospitals, on ukrainian hospitals, ukrainian houses, and i would like to remind you that today also in the solomyansk district a whole the entrance took place, there is no entrance, i will remind you that ... right now i am looking at the updates on the kmva page, and there is just an incredible, sad, terrible, huge list, which is updated every hour, a list of objects that have been visited, if not applied blows, which were hit by debris from russian missiles. the wreckage that
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russia brought here in order to kill our civilian population, to kill the ukrainian nation, but it should be noted that it is at such moments that some simply incredible consolidation of ukrainian society takes place, this is the chain reaction that was launched today in kyiv to help the okhmadyd children's hospital, it is absolutely impressive once again, in addition, the collection of united-24 and... the bank is ongoing , and private donors and businesses are joining in, and we are already talking about millions, tens of millions of aid for okhmadyd, horokhovsky from monobank says that this collection is unlike anything else, i have never seen such a pace, extremely unusual people and businesses, kudos to ukrainians, but in the meantime , i would like to touch on the other side of the coin, so why, unfortunately, i apologize . i
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will kill you, unfortunately, when you talk about association, society for some reason very often there is no such association in those days when there is more often than there is, more often there is not, that is , if in 2022, in my opinion, the association of society, it was practically absolute, it was felt, when you go out into the streets of our cities, regardless of where you will come, where you will go out, on which street, and now i would... see that part of society, part of people, especially those who, well, let's say, professed not completely pro-ukrainian views, whether political or ideological, these people are beginning to demonstrate a little its true face, we had several cases that week, which, to be honest, fit into a single picture for me, well, first of all , odesa... odesa, a client of a veterinary clinic and
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a specialist, a veterinarian who is a defender, and who has a double amputation of the lower limbs, who mastered prostheses, returned to work, who absolutely, based on the audiovisual materials about this incident, behaved more than ethically, simply a person from neither of these nor of that ran into an absolutely shameful reaction, what it was, i still do not understand , probably somewhere... true views are buried somewhere deep inside, here they broke out, this is a young man with a dog who asked for help, actually beat him up, sent, as they say, a person, then apologized, but the apology was not accepted, this is not the only case in odessa and odesa region, fitness the coach there wished death to the soldier. of course, it
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was handed over to the tsc, well, i don't know how normal this is in general, as far as the work of the tsc is concerned in general, but there are certain deviations, yes. as in any field and in any institution, they occur, but is this a reason to turn the car over representatives of tsc in vorokhta, for example, in the western part of our country? well, in my opinion, the question is completely clear. that is, we see, we see episodes of showing, to put it mildly, disrespect for the military and groups. speaking of real aggression towards our heroes, when a car is burned in kyiv, well, which belongs to the military, this, this is not normal, let me say this, well, i would not like us to talk about some trend anymore, i will say more radically traditionally, i
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would share these events, and there are actually many of them more, we are here, when we started our... program, we discussed that language conflict, remember, that is , there have been too many of these situations, and in different regions, burning military cars, constant language scandals, i apologize, i not wrong, maybe constant scandals with violation of the law, constant scandals with russian music, by the way, i've been here for the last week, if you take seven days, i constantly see that there are scandals posted here and there, posted there, some even episodic things , which apply to persons who violate the law in relation to broadcasting of russian music in the public space, of course there are also conflicts that
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concern, perhaps, everyday things, perhaps that concern more people's misunderstanding, the powers of some body, but come on... let's talk about tendency, and the tendency is that russian forces, pro-russian views, pro-russian some kind of agenda that practically disappeared in 22, it starts to raise its head, and it started to raise its head even in 2023, sometime at the end of the year, i saw this trend, this year, this trend has simply increased many times, the problem is, the problem is possible without... the state's activity, maybe the state does not pay enough attention to all kinds of, sorry, cotton elements, but there is another side of the medal, it is in the fact that in ukraine the persons who professed the russian peace, the opposition platform
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for life, the political force that was banned, its deputies are still in the verkhovna rada of ukraine and... for 2.5 years everyone is talking about the fact that well, we apologize, how can it be that people's deputies, who went to medvedchuk's channels, who almost dragged putin here, who dragged the russian language here, who dragged the russian church here, dragged the russian peace here in any of its manifestations, they vote everything is normal, the same situation is the same in local councils, i'm sorry , there are people, there are people's deputies who already directly, for example, protect such and such persons, by the way... one of the people's deputies, mr. dmytruk, said that demyana hanula, who, in fact, is in odesa a person who helps to reveal all these ruskomirov elements, it is necessary to bring him to justice for what he is doing, and i am already silent about
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the fact that no one in the verkhovna rada of ukraine is going to consider the law on the prohibition of the russian church for some reason. the people's deputy of ukraine, mykola knyazhytskyi, by the way, constantly talks about this, emphasizes, writes, draws attention to it, as one of the co-authors of this draft law, about the fact that for months one of the key for ukrainian security, as a state security, information security, any security, how can it not be accepted, how can it be sabotaged such questions, i... i say once again, certain pro-russian persons who are still in ukraine, who are already openly speaking on various platforms about the fact that there is a need to reconcile, there is a need for some kind of negotiations,
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but the russian the church should not be banned, but it is not necessary, and the russian language should still be in ukraine, it does not belong there to putin, it belongs to the russian people, it does not belong to anyone, that is, if there are public figures. if there are people's deputies, if there are forces, if there are activists, bloggers of all kinds, who in general they suggest disrespecting the state, breaking the law. in fact, they are promoting the russian measure, well , such a light measure, so far, well, so far, because in the 22nd year at the beginning of the 23rd they did not allow themselves such a thing, and now they are already very , very slowly starting to promote it, so what can let's talk, these people have their viewers, they have their voters, there are people who, who, who profess all this, that is, we understand that because of such people or. it is quite possible that the russian peace is shaking the situation. i am already silent about the fact that russian peace is very much in social networks
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active, very active, and we don't react to it as well as we should. we also do not react as a state to manifestations of various kinds of provocations in social networks. i understand that we are a democratic country, but if we do not respond to the manifestations of terrorist russian. in ukraine, well, democracy may not happen in ukraine either, because ukraine may not happen if we tolerate russian in ukraine, but the results you see on our screens of anything russian now, well, in general, you can't help but notice, andriy has already said a few words about it said that those people who... who in the opposition are quite critical of the armed forces, of the defense forces of ukraine, in general, the same
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shevalenko who almost attacked a veterinarian and our veteran, he was actually a freelance adviser to the vice-prem of olga stefanishyna, this is a reminder, dmytruk, who defends, defends what happened in odessa, and now... actually initiates, initiates some negative consequences for demyan hanul, who defends ukrainian in odessa, all these people or otherwise, they are present and represented in those chairs that well are related to decision-making in our country, to be honest, this does not suit me very well in the third year of the great war with the russian federation, but... nevertheless, we also cannot ignore the stupid, which is
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periodically done people in chairs. i don't know if we can talk in this context about the altercation between some people's deputies and representatives of the armed forces of ukraine. so. we see that, in general, compromising the adequacy of the work and the implementation of its direct. responsibilities by forces defense of ukraine in the political community is gaining momentum, and in my opinion this is an insanely dangerous story, somewhere someone will say, well, the drama requires it, yes, our military cannot be cats forever, they also make mistakes, but excuse me, there is a hot russian-ukrainian phase of the war, extremely high on... and on the other hand, we see a complete compromise of the air force on the part of
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maryana bezuglai, the air force did not claim that ohmadite was hit by debris, she accused that the representatives and spokesmen they said about the wreckage, well, in a word, i don’t understand why this is and whatever it is, it is not good for society in any way... it does not give any balance and harmony, we are all shaken, and to shake even more, even more so, to shake what is on the ukrainian state is standing now, ukrainian society is the armed forces and the defense forces, well, as far as i'm concerned, it's just a disservice, i just see that someone, in relation to someone , is trying to settle accounts, that is, when someone does not like someone, we have such talking heads, as they used to be called, and they begin to settle accounts with someone, first mention the industrious one, by the way, by the way,
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today is the birthday of mr. valery, and we congratulate him by chance from our program, from the espresso tv channel, but we will return to our topic, first the discrediting of the industrious one, then someone else, another someone, someone else from the generals, now oleschuk has already fallen out of favor there, by itself, well, that is... we see that through certain people's deputies, through certain public figures, the discrediting of someone, the settlement of accounts with someone begins. this is normal in a warrior a country in which, i repeat, what happened today is happening, is it normal, no, it is not normal, another story which is that yes, indeed there may be some problems somewhere, and yes, when, for example, active military personnel who
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directly, or at the front, or somewhere have a question for someone. from their management, someone else, they have the right, either to file an application somewhere in accordance with the current legislation, or if it does not work, to go public carefully, they ask and they do it, and i think there are no questions about them, because these people have right, these people know from the inside what is right and what is wrong, and i apologize when some politician, or blogger, or expert. is there anyone else coming out of the absolute or the one who nominates himself for the presidential elections, and this is an arrestee, a well-known fugitive from a delusional arrestee, i don't think you should pay attention to him at all, i still hope that after all those statements anti-ukrainian, finally, there will also be certain actions by law enforcement agencies regarding him, but less, however, there are, there is
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a whole series of directions where, unfortunately, it is intensifying... from the point of view of society, and here everyone should work around this, both politicians and the state should work, by the way, if we are talking about the russian measure, when you spoke, including for this, for this person who came to the veterinarian, yes, i believe that there should be responsibility for spreading in ukraine the russian world, the narratives of the russian world, because a person comes, here he, for example, confused this, our, our. hero, our defender, and how much will be written out to him, 170 hryvnias for petty hooliganism, and it is not easy there, or, for example, this and that person who wished for death with to the armed forces of ukraine, our defenders, how to qualify this, i apologize, for many of these things there is simply not even an article on how to qualify all these statements,
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all these things, or some bloggers who leave, flee from ukraine and then leave... on live broadcasts, throwing mud at ukraine, how to qualify it? i believe that for any promotion of the terrorist russian world in ukraine, there should be, at a minimum, a fairly significant administrative responsibility, and at the most a criminal one, because these people, dragging anything russian into ukraine, they tanks, rockets, daggers, iskanders are drawn here and, accordingly, in the final case, that, death and occupation, this must also be understood, the state is here once again... i repeat, not finalizing, i would also like to outline a little the peculiarities of the reaction of ukrainians to the what happened today, we saw everything during this war, but it breaks through the bottom again, there, relatively speaking, there was a knock from somewhere below, i observed approximately such reflections
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today and among my circle of acquaintances, and in social networks, seeing how people react , and i was a little surprised why they were surprised people, ugh, they say, well, the russians fell even lower, hitting the okhmadite, but no, they were there in principle, that is, it’s not another bottom, it’s just, well, if it was a static stay on the day they got into, which they organized , for example, in kyiv region or kharkiv region as early as 2022, because this perversion in murders, in tortures, in absolutely genocidal practices, we saw all this in the occupied buch, in the raisin that was liberated later, when we found it in the forests, excuse me, our people, and there was an understanding of how these
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people died, what was their terrible path to the last... breath, so the blow to okhmadyto should not have surprised the ukrainians in any way, but he surprised him like that, that's why he surprised andriyya, because people relaxed, because people relaxed, maybe we are too humane ukrainians, and we even we can't imagine that someone can do that, on the other hand, krystyna, in fact, ukrainians are really humane by nature, ukrainians forgive very, very often, this is one of the features i don't want to discuss there, because... it is, as they say, everyone's business, but in general we really are a people who very often forgets, who forgets very quickly, unlike... some others, who for years, even centuries, carry the memory of certain events and carry certain cautions about
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something, but people relaxed, people forgot, especially where there is no missile strikes, where there are none, and even, listen, even how, even where there are missile strikes, even where there is constant russian terror, we see that there are people who are ready anyway, to justify russian, to justify russia , that is, it is a problem, it is a problem in the context of what we have said several times minutes ago, people should not be surprised, people should understand that russia and russian will always be like this, it was like this for 20 years, 10, 100 years, 200, 300, it is like this, was and will be, and no matter how many days pass , even if... conditionally speaking, peace will come, or they will stop shooting, as someone says, or if there will be some kind of freeze, will the russians
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become different from this, will they be in their essence, will they forget that they want to destroy ukraine and ukrainian, never, they will never become and they will never disappear, let's face it, there might be some enlightenment there. periodic, but in no way does it change them in essence, our task, our task to do everything to protect ourselves, and a huge wall or moat with crocodiles between us, well, it is hardly, to be honest, but an invisible shield from the consolidation of the civilized world , here it can be, invisible, until russia attacks, of course, and if she dares to do it, then... receives the answer of all those who subscribed to the holy cause of protecting her victim of aggression.
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we really hope that the crime of aggression will generally be recognized as a crime in international courts. our law enforcement officers, our lawyers continue to work on this now, and it will set a precedent. after that, we really hope that anyone who... wants to start armed aggression against someone for any reason, will be considered a criminal and an aggressor. it is very important to finish it. it is very important to watch how tomorrow they will react to everything that happens publicly and behind the scenes in washington at the nato summit, which will be 100% under the banner of child mutilations. and of the deaths of doctors in okhmaditya, we remind you that not only kyiv suffered today, kryvyi rih, dnipro, and the cities
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of donetsk region, which suffer practically every day, suffered today, all this has become ukrainian everyday life, i would not like all this to become the everyday life of a civilized the world so that they continue to be shocked, because only shock therapy obviously leads to some systemic changes, we... we really hope for these changes, we hope for the work of western fighter jets in our skies for usually russian purposes and not not only on our occupied territories, but also on russian sovereign territories, because that is where they are concentrating their forces, that is where they are gathering with courage, excuse the words, to attack and conquer our territories, as they believe, but we have to fight against this, and the western world should help us, tomorrow... we will wait for some reflections, and the results of the survey, we asked you whether we should wait for a sensation in favor of ukraine at the nato summit in washington, and we would like
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to understand what results we have today, 17 % those who called us believe that this way they will definitely tell us something extremely important and sensational, and 83% of our respondents believe that no, nothing will change, we are waiting for you... of course, we are grateful for staying on the express tv channel, for watching a new week. we will meet with you in seven days, at the same time, on monday at 20:00, and we will continue to analyze, discuss, talk among ourselves and with our guests about ukraine, about its prospects and about the ukrainian victory. thank you, let's keep going date! tingling, numbness or.
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2024 exclusively on mine there are discounts representing the only discounts on magnesium 10% in travel pharmacies to you and save. the book women at war is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and letter publishing house. the book is based on the reports of the presenter of the espresso tv channel khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the army. in the ranks of women at war, look for it in bookstores of ukraine, with the support of the konstantin zhivago charitable foundation. fm halychyna, listen to yours. tingle. if you are worried about
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greetings to all viewers of espresso, i'm namelnik and the news editor talks about the main thing for this hour. the bodies of four women have already been recovered from the rubble of a building in kyiv. as of now , we know about 12 dead, among them four children. mayor vitaliy klitschko announced. in general, as a result of a massive strike on more than 100 people were injured in the capital. let me remind you that the russians attacked seven districts of kyiv. in shevchenkivskyi, a children's hospital and a multi-story residential building were hit. search operations are ongoing there. a medical center in the dnipro district was also destroyed. an industrial facility, an educational institution, a business center and a college were damaged. today is a day of mourning in the capital. and...


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