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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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this project is the charitable fund kolo, i am absolutely here, but you know, this is such a diabolical , such cynicism, hostile in the sense that whoever is there now, individual deputies are writing, and there are some activists, such insta-activists who have gone abroad, are writing from there, they say, well , don’t worry, you don’t want other children, and we don’t want them, and this is such a cynical approach, this is, well, well, let’s not touch the jesuits, the jesuit order, let’s not touch, a cynical approach in that sensei, and you... like if you say no, we have to fight then, you say, what do you want, so that the children continue to die, for this you do not need to agree to putin's terms, for this you just need putin to withdraw his troops and stop the war, he is to blame, well, you do not need to accept this guilt of the war, like, you don’t want to agree, so what will they agree on, just withdraw the troops, just stop the war, narendra modi told putin, you won’t solve anything with war, and such, but, but they were preparing, and they were preparing not only with missiles, but also with ot... by the emission of
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manipulative information, which is now flying around and on to the regret of many people, it works, well, we will do everything so that this information does not work, literally in a moment of news, good evening, we are from ukraine, so the state plans to completely rebuild the okhmadyt children's hospital, announced the prime minister of ukraine denys shmegal, under during the government meeting, according to him , kabin has already allocated 100 million hryvnias for priority restoration work, and another 250 million in charitable contributions, which were collected on the united 24 platform during the day, will also go to the needs of the institution. funding will be increased as it is ready the project will be rebuilt. president volodymyr zelenskyy set the task of finding a location for the arrival of doctors and small patients from the destroyed and damaged areas as soon as possible. sowing, such locations have already
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been found, these are kyiv regional clinical hospitals number one and number two. we provide the relevant mandate to start the move. it is important that children receive all necessary medical services in a new place. emergency and rescue operations in ohmadita have been completed. as a result of the attack, two people died, a doctor and a relative of one of them patients more than fifty people were injured, including eight children. they were admitted to hospitals, the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine reported. 94 children were transferred to okhmady - from okhmadyt to other medical institutions. let me remind you that the russians hit the toxicology corps with an x101 missile. the surgical building and oncology laboratory were also destroyed. well, the russians purposefully hit the okhmadit children's hospital in kyiv with a high-precision x-101 missile. its wreckage was found by workers.
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security service of ukraine. the trajectory of the rocket was clearly aimed at the medical complex, which is also evidenced by the consequences of the destruction and numerous videos and photographs of the moment of the impact, the special service notes. well , later yuriy fizer will tell how the un reacted, but i want to say that this is a story when you really have to somehow get out of it, get out of this story. it won't work, everything is obvious here, but here somehow even those who are very doubtful and want to very carefully walk through the droplets and say that this is not clear, maybe it was a blow from the moon, maybe a ufo, no, but in this story everything is very clear, very clear, the bodies of four women have already been recovered from the rubble of a building in the capital of ukraine, as of now we know about 12 dead, among them four children, the mayor of the city vitaliy klitschko said . in general,
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more than 100 people were injured as a result of the massive attack on the capital. let me remind you that the russians attacked seven districts of the city of kyiv. today in the capital, i will remind you once again, is a day of mourning. well , unfortunately, not only people were affected, but also buildings, as well as animals in kyiv. by after the rocket attack, the moose died in the animal rescue center, it was found the day before in the territory of the holosiiv district, but was not released into the wild, because the animal needed treatment, they say. animal rights activists yesterday morning, during the missile attack from the side of ukraine, the russian terrorist, los, dodged the explosions with all his might, and hit the wall of the enclosure. i would like to note that this is not the first time that animals have been killed or injured as a result of hostile attacks by russia. and four people were injured as a result of enemy shelling of the city of kramatorsk in donetsk region, the leader announced region, vadim filashkin, among the wounded is a six-year-old child. the adult is in
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serious condition. the russians struck the city today, hitting a nine- story building. well, it won't work. hide the enemy, as they say, or cover your bloody face from abroad with a mask of some kind of integrity, the bloody embassy, ​​the russian embassy in prague, in the czech republic, after the attack on okhmadita, kiev was doused with ketchup. a video of the action appeared on the x social network. the footage shows a man and a woman walking through the streets of the czech capital with two buckets. at the diplomatic gate departments, they splashed the liquid on the stand and... blitz near the entrance, by the way, we were just discussing with colleagues here that ketchup is still very , very acceptable, it was possible
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to find something more smelly for such a story, but thank you for that too , that people in the czech republic took a stand and showed that russia... and innocent blood is exactly what they are doing now. the sbi informed the former co-owner of the private bank gennadiy bogolyubov and another border guard about the suspicion that the law enforcement officer facilitated the escape of the oligarch. according to the investigation, bogolyubov is under escort on june 24, he left his close relative by train to poland. however, according to the database , he did not cross the border. the businessman faces imprisonment for up to seven years. at once, two schemes of illegal transportation of men abroad were abducted by the sbu in the lviv region, one of which involved lviv customs officials and his accomplice from the city of berehove. they helped violators leave ukraine, bypassing the checkpoints with their
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services. such plots were valued at 10 to 15 thousand dollars. another escape scheme organized by a 21-year-old resident of stryi. he is for the round. also promised conscripts to leave ukraine without hindrance. he was detained while receiving $10,000 and reported as suspicious. also, the two previous suspects were notified of suspicion under the third part of article 332 of the criminal code of ukraine. a collaborator who worked for the enemy during the occupation of balaklia in the kharkiv region will spend 13 years behind bars, a former convict. an employee of the local heating network, who after the capture of the community was in the russian police, the security service of ukraine reports, a man in the so-called rapid response squad carried out mass repressions, people were kidnapped, tortured and their homes were robbed. after the release of balaklia, the traitor
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fled to the village of pervomayneve, law enforcement officers detained him in the spring of last year. the victims of robbery in the dnipro were detained. fraudsters who took money from the bank accounts of fallen soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine. five criminals took all the savings of the soldiers, whose bodies were delivered to the morgue, helped them in this is an employee of the regional bureau of forensic medical expertise. it was he who stole payment cards and mobile phones from the defenders. criminals in custody face up to eight years in prison. medical examination to dnipro. fraudsters tried to carry out the procedures as quickly as possible until... until the financial institutions received information about the death of the real owners of bank accounts. thus, the attackers appropriated almost 1.5 million hryvnias, which belonged to the fallen defenders of ukraine. during the searches of the homes and cars of the detainees, mobile phones and sim cards were seized
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cards and bank accounts of those involved, as well as cards, personal belongings and uniforms of fallen servicemen. so, when you... hear such news about such rascals, you don't even understand that people have any humanity at all in this story, well, i hope that there will be a fair punishment, if all, of course the crime will be proven, and the court will decide on the appropriate legal decision. comprehensive support, protection of democracy, freedom of speech and development of civil society, the european union confirms its solidarity with ukrainians in word and deed from the first large-scale day. russia's invasion of ukraine. currently, europeans continue to help civil society organizations and independent ukrainian media, which are and remain a controller of change, laying the foundation for the restoration of our state and successful european integration. together we act, together we are europe. this is the name
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of the communication campaign about supporting the eu, civil society and the media. ukraine is the essence of our cooperation. how this partnership is implemented in daily life. work in our plot. they work to save and save the lives of young ukrainians, pregnancy and childbirth during the war. for future mothers - a double challenge, the 280 days charity fund helps to cope with it , thanks to the support of the european union, from the very beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, he was able to quickly organize the provision of assistance to pregnant women in need, as well as to many prenatal centers and maternity homes in different parts of ukraine . we had to implement critical aid projects in a timely manner. help here and now help as pregnant women who found themselves in a difficult situation
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due to a number of reasons, some lost their partner or husband, some lost their jobs, some were forced to move to other parts of ukraine, as well as the maternity hospital, which was experiencing a very large redistribution and load from new patients who left the occupied territories, or from territories where hostilities took place. charitable foundation. 80 days was founded as an informational and educational project, however, the great war made its adjustments, the organization began to receive about 500 requests per week from pregnant women and hospitals, they decided to reclassify the work, and it was possible thanks to the urgent support of the european union. the institution was able to quickly adjust its activities and make them more efficient and sustainable. every month we closed about 500 applications from pregnant women for targeted assistance, in addition, we were able to implement
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the project of warm assistance, which is the provision of warm clothes, just when warm clothes for babies began to fade in the autumn and winter period, in addition, thanks to this project, we were able to establish an effective partnership with by our donors, as well as to expand their number, because thanks to the help of the eu we have. a manager for work with partners and a fundraiser appeared, who helped us scale these projects. the kyiv regional perinatal center is one of the medical institutions that received help from the 280 days charity fund, thanks to the eu support project, the neonatal intensive care unit was given three devices that are absolutely necessary for babies: an audiometer, a bilirubinometer and... a ventilator. in our in the department there are babies who
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were born prematurely, babies with very low birth weight, babies whose condition is sometimes extremely difficult and they need specific treatment and care, that is why our department needs specific equipment, special equipment, thanks to which we can provide qualifying assistance for newborn children in order to have... a great result and so that our little ukrainians have a chance for a happy future. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the european union has singled out unprecedented over 101 million euros in grants to civil society organizations and media in ukraine. already on february 24-25 , the european union allowed ukrainian public organizations to use the funds provided for current food. for the needs of saving people and protecting the country. in general, during the project, we were able to provide
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assistance to about 4 thousand pregnant women, and we also helped about 15 maternity hospitals throughout ukraine, and this assistance included various directions, that is, it was purely medical equipment, it was related materials, these were, for example, at some point large generators, yes, when the need for this began. our managers could seek such support to help the maternity ward run smoothly. currently, 56 grant projects are operating in ukraine in the field of supporting civil society organizations. the total amount of financing is more than 101 million euros. civil society organizations of kyiv, kharkiv, lviv, sumy, and zaporizhia regions became the leaders in receiving grants. today, as we know, a huge change is taking place in ukraine the demographic crisis is simply catastrophic, and
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support for future ukrainian families should take place already at the stage of pregnancy planning, and now, fortunately, we have the resources and understanding to plan our activities and direct them in this direction. today, when ukraine continues its struggle against the russian aggressor, such support from the european union lays the foundation for democratic and european. the future of our country, the information campaign let's act together, together we are europe, which is ongoing in ukraine, tells ukrainians about it. tatiana golonova, yulia bielska. espresso tv channel. well, let's continue, and in fact, today i already talked a lot about the statements of certain politicians and about certain events outside the borders of ukraine that directly affect ukraine. and yuriy fizar will tell much more. yuri. good evening, please. good evening to you vasyl. good evening to everyone who joined us this time. today it is about this, in particular about this. ukraine
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and nato, orban talked about what he talked about with putin, russia is doing well. it was burning hot was burning my name is yuriy fizar. this is a world about ukraine and i will start in a moment. well, let me start with this: the process of ukraine joining nato is irreversible. this is stated in the draft declaration of the summit of the north atlantic alliance, which will continue from today to thursday in washington. the text of this document was seen by journalists of several leading world publications, although. at the same time, they add that during the meeting of the leaders of nato member countries, this text may be changed, since the usa prefers to call this process a bridge of opportunities for of ukraine. at the same time, the american tv channel cnn, citing its own sources, reported that the white house is ready and can agree to use the wording in the reverse process, but they are making demands. they
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are ready if ukraine's obligations are also recorded in the declaration. not to continue democratic reforms, i.e. about this irreversible process and about the bridge, i have already told you about this irreversible process and about the bridge to those who watch the column world about ukraine for a long time, several days, weeks, several weeks ago, it was precisely about the fact that it would be better for us if it was not reverse process, because if we started, we will already reach the end and become a member of nato, the bridge of opportunities is like this, you went to this bridge and at some point you were not allowed to go to the end of it, and you return. back, so we will see how everything will develop, by the way, today the summit of the leaders of the nato member countries is just starting, it is an anniversary, there they will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the creation of the alliance, but the real work begins tomorrow, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, well, taking into account the difference in the time of 9 o'clock with washington, then
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all this we will be witnesses of this work, we will mostly get up somewhere in the evening ukrainian time, and sometimes even at night, so do not forget to follow everything in the evening about ukraine in the world, as well as in the morning broadcasts of espresso. ukraine's possible accession to nato requires a serious amount of work, it may take time to form a consensus in the alliance on this issue. this was stated by the coordinator of strategic communications of the national security council of the white house, john kirby, during the briefing. according to mr. admiral, president joe biden is still in... believes that nato is in ukraine's future. but what exactly this future looks like depends on many factors. at the same time, john kirby emphasized that there is currently a war going on in ukraine, and the focus of the north atlantic alliance should naturally be on helping us to win this aggressive russian
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war. well, these golden words that nato is... the future of ukraine and therefore for us precisely the wording is an irreversible process, it of course shows that this is the future and not just a bridge opportunities, opportunity window. this week , important statements are expected about the necessary steps that ukraine should take for a possible future membership in nato. this statement was made by the official representative of the us state department matthew miller during the daily briefing on the eve of the start of the summit of the leaders of the member countries of the alliance in washington. here is his short quote: i don't want to go into details about what ukraine's membership in nato will look like and what steps they have to take for this, this week we will make statements on these issues, that's the end of the quote, and at the same time, mr. miller refused to answer the clarifying questions of journalists. i watched this briefing and i must tell you that there were several questions, well
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, what exactly, and somehow they approached him from one side, approached him from the other side, tried to twist him somehow, did not spin him, did not say, so we have to wait for these statements, but one, the most important statement for us, unfortunately, will not be heard in washington, most likely, we will not be invited to this summit nato. washington and its allies intend to continue strengthening ukraine's air defense and air defense potential. this is stated in... the statement of the president of the united states of america, joe biden, his statement was distributed by the press service of the white house. the american leader emphasized that he will meet with volodymyr zelensky this week. president of ukraine in washington washington and will receive the leaders of nato member countries. well , the united states of america, together with its allies , will announce new measures to strengthen it
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ukrainian air defense system. and added a short quote from joe biden. it is extremely important that the world continues to support ukraine. well , as you understand, we need new air defense systems, given these barbaric shelling of the russian federation. of our ukrainian cities, for example what happened the day before in kyiv, kryvyi rih and dnipro. vladimir putin is ready to consider the terms of a truce that will not serve as a covert redeployment and reorganization of ukrainian forces. in addition, the russian side is ready to agree only on the conditions were determined during the negotiations in istanbul in april 22nd. this is stated in the letter to the prime minister. hungary's viktor orbán sent the president of the european council charles michel and a number of other european officials after his trips to ukraine and then russia. well, but, according to him
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, the attitude of the russian leader towards the war in ukraine is significantly different from the interpretation of this war by the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. well, i will immediately remind you that orban did not receive a mandate from the eu to travel to russia. at the same time, in his letter the head of the hungarian government justified himself by saying that during during the visit did not put forward any proposals and did not express any opinion on behalf of the european council and the european union. china will continue to contribute to the political settlement, and there further as they always say crises in ukraine and will take further steps depending on the development of the situation. this was stated during the briefing by the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of the chinese people's republic of china, lin jiang. this is how he commented on the visit of the prime minister of hungary. viktor orban to beijing, according to him, the leadership of under the sky is ready to continue to maintain contacts with all interested parties in order to create favorable conditions
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for a political settlement through joint efforts, and here again my word that drives me crazy is crises, but mr. rechnyk did not say under what conditions they will do it, that he what exactly he meant when he said depending on the situation, something with this situation. should happen, and today about the war in ukraine, which russia brought to our lands back in february 2022 in 2008 , indian prime minister narend ramodi visited putin in the kremlin. yesterday , they talked for several hours in one of the residences of the main criminal of the world near moscow. today, these talks officially continued in the kremlin, they talked about bilateral cooperation, sang praises to each other about how they managed to establish cooperation when in other parts of the world... they suffer sometimes from a lack of fuel, sometimes from a lack of energy carriers, but that's all was about nothing, only one moment was interesting when he kept his word on the ren-dramod and talked about
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the war putin tensed up from the surprise. what exactly did the prime minister of india say to the russian host, we will hear in the direct speech of mr. modi. any person who believes in humanity feels pain when they die. people, and especially when innocent children die, when we feel such pain, the heart just explodes. i had the opportunity to discuss these issues with you yesterday, as your friend, i always tell you that for the light of the future of our future generations, peace is mandatory. we believe that war is not a solution, a solution cannot be with the help of war. bombs, missiles and rifles can't bring peace, so we're emphasizing dialing. indeed, putin tensed up after these words. of course, you can say, well, what did this statement lead to, what was the result of this statement? well, none.
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narend ramodi did not tell putin directly: putin, withdraw his troops, putin do this and that and that in order to stop the war. well, at least he said something about killing children. he, he didn't, he said something that putin really didn't want to hear, especially considering yesterday's mess, gas and oil still have to be sold. yes, well, we talked, the european union has suspended the process of georgia's integration into the european union. this was stated by the eu ambassador in tbilisi, pavel gerchynskyi. according to him , the actions and words of the country's authorities are completely incompatible with the declared goal of joining the european union. according to him, such a decision is caused by sumy, but it was provoked by the leadership of georgia itself, moreover, brussels also froze the allocation of 30 million euros of aid for... the ministry of defense of this country, well , how many times have they been told, what do you think? before saying something first and then
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doing it, well, they... thought that they thought, they didn't think. finally, we flew to volgograd itself. drones friendly to ukraine today covered a considerable distance and hit the targets they were supposed to hit. a strong fire started around four in the morning local time at the oil depot in kalat on the don. and this is despite the statement of the local governor that all the drones were shot down by the crooked russian pposhniks. more than one tank burned, and in some places continues to burn. with fuel, and besides, smart iron the birds also hit the electric substation, there were also two fires, and as a result, several thousand russians were left without electricity for a certain time, it is good that they hit, it is not happy that they were left without electricity only for a certain time. well, for today i have everything in the column world about ukraine, everything only for today, tomorrow there will be more and more will be in
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antinevro. help to your nervous system there are discounts representing the only discounts on eurofast softcaps 10% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about ukraine. the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the great return of great lviv , conversations, discussions, finding solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime. in general
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, i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important thing is that thursday at 21:15 in the project "great lviv speaks" on the espresso tv channel. good evening. we are from ukraine. we return to the great etheria. i remind you that in kyiv and kryvyi rih today is the day of mourning for those who died from a missile attack, from a terrorist missile attack by the terrorist country russia, now is the time to talk about money, oleksandr moschevka is already with me, money during the war. oleksandr, good evening, please, good evening, vasyl, i greet the audience, in the next few minutes you will learn about energy, when you turn off will become less, also continue in the active harvest phase, and you will learn how ukrainian men work abroad and what awaits them in poland,
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details in a moment.


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