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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EEST

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situations for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week, the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smoly every monday at 20:00 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life, a bc ride, a boys ride, a quad bike is the way from zero to. our life at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we urge everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar.
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ukraine is taking revenge on russia for the attack on okhmadite, is the world ready to help kyiv in this, and specifically to allow hitting military targets deep into the territory of the russian federation. this is not the only thing we are talking about today at svoboda live. my name is sashko shevchenko, and we are starting. the rescuers completed the demolition of the debris on the territory of ohmadit. this was announced by the minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko. russian missile strike on the largest. children's hospital in ukraine took the lives of two people, a doctor and one patient's relative. eight children were injured. these are the figures cited by the ministry of internal affairs. for details on how the ohmadit hospital is recovering from the rocket attack and what is the fate of the evacuated children, see our story. 627 children were in ohmadit hospital on july 8, when a rocket hit it. this was announced by the minister of health viktor lyashko. in the surviving buildings of the institution, they continue to provide...
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help to children who need it. it is not yet known whether it will be possible to repair ahmedyt hospital or whether it will have to be demolished to rebuild from the ground up, so the exact amount of damage caused to the hospital by the rocket attack is unknown, but the general director of the okhmedyt children's hospital, volodymyr zhovnir , assumes that it will be hundreds of millions of hryvnias. on radio svoboda, he said that as of july 8 , about 600 patients were transferred to kyiv institutions, along with doctors and everything necessary for help, the entire medical community responded and created conditions for planned operations, emergency operations to be carried out, to dialysis therapy patients, patients with oncology did not stop, and our administration and all doctors do everything possible for this, and in my opinion, not a single child who needs medical treatment.
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highly specialized care, she does not suffer from the lack of this care now, well, we are essentially in the same medical space in the city, and everything that was needed to save the child's life, to be more faithful to the patients and not to interrupt the provision of services to them, yesterday everything for this was done, medical teams, an ambulance, yesterday as quickly as possible, as professionally as possible, transported them around to dozens... a doctor of hospitals in the city of kyiv, these are both children's hospitals and its transplant center. the government announced that the state will completely rebuild the ohmadit hospital. uah 100 million was allocated from the reserve fund of the state budget for priority restoration works. next, we will increase funding as the reconstruction project is prepared. each family with children affected by yesterday's attack will be allocated together with unicef. assistance in the amount of uah 10,800 for
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each family member. the destruction of the building of the khmadit hospital was probably caused by direct fire hitting a missile, and not due to interception by an air defense system. this conclusion was made by the head of the un human rights monitoring mission in ukraine, danielel bel. she also added that the team that was at the scene of the destruction could not come to a final conclusion, but it seems that the missile was launched by russia. july 9 radben. gathered for a meeting to discuss the massive rocket attack on a children's hospital. the head of the general assembly and the un secretary-general strongly condemned the russian attack on the children's hospital. directing strikes on civilians and civilian objects are prohibited by international humanitarian law. such attacks are unacceptable and must be stopped immediately. the un secretary general expresses his deepest condolences to the families of all the victims and wishes for a speedy recovery. according to the ukrainian
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authorities, the hospital was hit by an x101 missile. the security service of ukraine published a photo of the wreckage of the rocket found at the scene. but in the kremlin, ukraine was accused of... no, putin's press secretary dmytro piskov in his statement cited the message of the russian ministry of defense, which allegedly hit okhmadit anti-missile, that is, a missile of the ukrainian air defense system. russia did not provide any evidence of this version. more than 30 heads of foreign diplomatic missions visited the site of the attack on ohmaddyt. this was reported by the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine. deputy minister yevhen perebeinis, who organized the visit, urged representatives of diplomatic missions and international organizations to resolutely respond to this event and make maximum efforts to strengthen ukraine's air defense, by the way a representative from india, whose leader is currently meeting with vladimir putin, was also present on the spot. olga armyanyshina, radio liberty. a targeted
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missile attack on a children's hospital in kyiv is qualified as a war crime by russia, and once again the question is being asked to its partners: why at a time when moscow allows itself to attack hospitals? with children, kyiv still cannot use western weapons in the depths of the territory of the russian federation. in particular, the speaker of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, ruslan stefanchuk, called on the event to remove any restrictions on strikes against russia. he made such a statement while speaking at the war, democracy and parliament ukraine 2024 briefing yukraihaus in washington. stefanchuk also noted that ukraine needs to be able to hit russian airfields, from which, in particular, planes take off. which drop guided aerial bombs. it is not yet known whether ukraine's partners are ready to change their policy of banning strikes deep into the territory of the russian federation. this is what journalists asked the communications officer in the field of national security of the white house, john kirby, yesterday, and this is what he answered. there have been no
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changes to our policy. a few weeks ago, the president gave instructions to ukraine that they can to use the weapons provided by us to strike targets directly abroad. this is still the case. well , after the attack on okhmadyt, many ukrainians joined forces to help the victims, as well as to prepare a military response to the russian missile strike. for example, the financial institution monobank, together with the state, the state initiative united-24 started collecting 100 million to help victims of the russian attack, and in three hours the amount was collected, and in less than a day the amount of donations exceeded a quarter. uah. to ukrainian businesses joined the collection, including well-known supermarket chains, car dealers, it companies and others. and the famous blogger lebig announced a collection of fpv drones, as he himself says, in order to take revenge. as of now, the blogger managed to collect more than uah 5 million.
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soldiers of the ternopil 44th artillery brigade were shown shells with the inscription "for ohmadit". let me remind you that the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi himself. the day before, he promised to respond to russia for the missile attack on ahmandite. undoubtedly, we destroyed everything these terrorists, we will restore and definitely we will respond to these non-humans from russia, not people from russia. everyone affected is now receiving the necessary assistance, and it is imperative that we all work to hold russia accountable for terror. and putin for ordering strikes. what might be ukraine's response to the russian attack on children and whether western countries are ready to push their own red lines in support of kyiv. we will talk about this later. ivan stupak is in touch with us, he is a military expert and former employee
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sbu i congratulate you. greetings from the studio. thank you very much for the invitation. thank you for joining. let's start with this statement of volodymyr zelenskyi, which he made yesterday. what can it be about when it comes to from. to russia's attack on ahmandite? yes, the question is clear, let's partially analyze it, you and i assume, i have information, president zelenskyy did not call me, he did not drop smeski, so we can only assume what could be, the first thing is, of course, well, what comes to mind first , blows, in response, i don't want to say that, because unfortunately, ours western friends, they are afraid when the strike back is planned strikes from... the armed forces of ukraine deep into the territory, deep into the territory of the russian federation in the borders of 1991, but with the use of ukrainian weapons, ukrainian drones, this is their own invention, which can fly a thousand plus kilometers, by the way, there are already flights from the very
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morning over various oil depots, over akhtyubinsk, if i am not mistaken, airfields where russian planes are based, the results are still completely unknown there, but... well, there something exploded, something caught fire, there was a lot of smoke, that's all understandable, there will be such strikes, plus, i don't rule out that, for example, the security service of ukraine, the main intelligence department. will carry out their active actions on the territory of the russian federation to destroy those pilots of russian military aviation who participated in the launch of these missiles, as well as ground personnel, as well as commanders who gave such orders. again, i'm suggesting that this kind of story could actually happen. i can only add context here, that the analysts of the monitoring groups. molfar, they claim that they actually identified those pilots and those involved
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in the military of the russian army in this strike, so it is really likely, well, at least this information is probably already available, at least according to analysts, i think that the ukrainian special services may also have it, but you actually mentioned the fact that in ukraine there is an opportunity to strike with drones, but as we can see from the public discourse , the minister of foreign affairs and... the speaker of the verkhovna rada are precisely in the context of this strike according to ahmadit, they say that the time has come for the west to lift the restrictions on the use of western weapons for strikes deep into the territory of the russian federation . do you think that such an alleged war crime, which russia committed yesterday, can really push the west to push its own red lines in support of ukraine. unfortunately, he didn't push, but we saw mr. kirby's statement, he says, no, nothing has changed. and although, well, once again, it was a strike exclusively against civilians, i just want
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to emphasize this point to your esteemed viewers once again, there were no military personnel at all at all, that is, hundreds, if not thousands, of people were present at the scene, all with their phones, and in the event that soldiers got there under the rubble, or there was military equipment, then it was not possible to administratively say, stop filming, not to show, that is, it would... sail, unfortunately, once again, it was an exclusively civilian object that it flew over, and unfortunately, once again, western friends, well, they do not want to cross these self-drawn red lines, in my opinion , for example, i would personally, how would i communicate, for example, our with to our western friends, okay, you are afraid of these red lines over there, which are gradually turning into pink lines over there, let's try to build our communication as follows, for example, ukraine, we have identified our... intelligence, our counterintelligence, for example, there 10 planes of the russian air force, there is a list of these
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planes with callsigns, with numbers, locations of bases, which take an active part in the bombing of the territory of ukraine, both with submarines and cruise missiles, and with these sonic supersonic missiles, so whatever please give us permission to point-blank destroy exactly these planes, which have already been recorded in attacks on the territory of ukraine. not just random strikes on the territory of the rafah, but precisely targeted strikes, there is the lipitsk airfield, i don’t know if there is an airfield there, akhtyubinsk, but only these locations only on these planes, maybe then the position of our western friends changed, well maybe, i suppose , do you think this could be a convincing argument for such a truly intergovernmental communication, i ask why from the public statements of us government officials, it seems that there they have a problem precisely with the use of western weapons, because they are afraid... that the russian federation may consider this as the involvement of western countries in the war, and then what would be the problem
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if there is really a point strike, but nevertheless, with western weapons , it will still be possible to use this kind of logic, do you think it is possible to convince washington that this is not the case, well, no, you should not be afraid of it, well , look, i proceed from the following logic, if washington, okay, we will take the white house, he does not agree to grant ukraine permission the use of western weapons at our own discretion, both as our commanders see it and as i use it... i understand their fears, their anxiety there, okay, let's narrow down the issue, don't just strike where the ukrainian command wants, let's choose the locations, let's coordinate with our respected western friends, okay, there is one more time there, that airfield, lipitsk, there are more than a hundred planes there, 250, 80 km from the border with ukraine, they found, fixed these planes, where they are located, transferred, for example, i do not know there to a person liaison with the cia, he went to the white house, showed them, it was agreed whether it was possible
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to fly only these planes, not to lipetsk, not to tula, not to that novosibirsk, only here, here, here is a military location, there are no civilians, civilian casualties no, maybe we need to go from the general to there, to the small, to the specific, i apologize for the russian language, that is, maybe we should communicate in this way, and then maybe there will be more trust in us and more peace. er, in the souls of our western military, military and dignitaries politicians, i understood your explanation, in fact, it is possible that such conversations will begin already during the nato summit, since... in particular, the state department confirmed today that at the nato summit they can change their agenda, modify it a little, in particular, discuss the mechanism by which poland can to help ukraine to shoot down missiles and drones in ukrainian airspace, so do you expect any changes in this matter and why have you not talked about it before, because i have heard similar
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calls from ukrainians, from the ukrainian authorities heard a long time ago. look, it's... this story really seems to have been there since march 22nd of the year it appeared, but unfortunately, this story did not go in the direction of development. unfortunately, there are many politicians in western europe, but very few leaders who are ready to take responsibility. at the moment, here i am, i'm very fond of metaphors, i imagine the north atlantic alliance as a boxer holding a punch, holding a punch, defending, but... no proactivity, no fighting back, and this is the decision about shooting down all missiles, drones that even hypothetically fly in the direction of poland using polish air defense systems, this is proactivity, this is not a reaction to oh, a russian missile flew over there, what will we say, what will be our response, what will be a loud statement, shooting down everything that potentially
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can harm, harm the civilian population of poland, the infrastructure there, okay, yes, it will go astray on the territory of ukraine, and there are no questions at all, there to the poles, i mean international law, poland defends itself, their military, what is the main task, well, the main task of the polish military, i apologize, is to destroy everything that poses a threat to the polish people, they saw a kalibr cruise missile flying somewhere over lviv, they don’t know whether it will fly to lviv, or whether it will fly somewhere there to the left on... the right to the north, east, hypothetically a threat, a decision was made, shot down, on the contrary, there the minister of defense should give a medal to these soldiers who shot down a missile that could hypothetically harm the poles, plus, this is military experience, it combat experience, this is not the shooting down of someone there, i don’t know, we sent the drone, we practiced, your military, on the contrary, get a lot of crazy
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combat experience, and this is how it should be done, of course, really, probably such conversations can... start more seriously and already in higher offices. ivan stupak, a military expert, was in touch with us. we talked about the likely consequences of the western policy after the russian attack on ahmadit. well, the destroyed buildings of the ahmadiyya patients were redistributed to other hospitals throughout the country to ukraine, some went to be treated in the cities of their place of residence, some others. sent to hospitals that were able to provide the treatment required by the diagnosis in kyiv. radio liberty correspondent anastasia sereda visited the national cancer institute and spoke with those who survived the shelling of the russian federation and continue their struggle with the patient within the walls of the new hospital. their emotions, experiences in hope, further in the plot. lisa, polina.
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tell me, girls, are you friends? girlfriends, girlfriends. we were outside after a rocket fell, and then we arrived here and already started talking, making friends and walking, we had a puncture before that, probably 20 minutes later, and we arrived in the ward, the firewood was still there, well, she was sleeping after the anesthesia, i heard there was shaking .
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we just went up to our floor after this procedure and this terrible, terrible event happened, this explosion, shooting, the whole relationship is very cool, but we would like to go back there, we know that our children are loved there and... they worry about our children there , explode, noise, dark, everything, child's passport. the phone is fine, he will call his phone, say that we are alive, we are whole, somehow i am not crying, everything is fine, our
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nurses were always with us, constantly walking with the children, then volunteers came, brought water, certain foods, so we for now we are holding on, we are waiting for the results of the tests, our doctors are with us and we are still waiting, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, blood cancer, chemotherapy, transfusion. of blood constantly, treatment, let me tell you, don’t you want it, daily drips, weekly drips, well, this is constant treatment, this is an urgent need for chemistry, an urgent need for blood transfusions, platelets, nutrition, certain, conditions, sterile conditions, and in most cases we are simply not allowed to come into contact with people, that is, on... for yesterday, we are very worried that we do not catch anything anywhere, let's say that we yesterday we did in the basement, we ate, we ate in the basement, what else did we do,
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play on the phone, and what else did we give out to our neighbors, water, yeah, yeah, and food, yeah, yeah, yeah, and keep an eye on each other so that we everyone was here, then we were driving a car, yes, what car are we in? an ambulance, that's how we ended up here, in our country, our doctors are our everything, they reassured us, we will be treated, we are sure, we, we will find a way out. well, in the meantime, the anniversary summit of nato will start in washington, kyiv is again waiting for a clear plan from the alliance under which conditions ukraine can become a member of nato. but are such expectations realistic? according to information from the american channel cnn, in the final communique of the nato summit, ukraine's path to joining the alliance can be called irreversible, but the project may still change.
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the presence of wording about irreversibility can to become a significant signal for kyiv and moscow, the publication writes. cnn notes that many european countries insisted on the need for strong wording regarding the possible future of ukraine in the alliance. at the same time, one of the sources of the edition is america. the official said the white house would support the use of the word irreversible in the final communique if the document also affirmed that ukraine's work on democratic reforms should continue. next, we will discuss, then we will talk about ukraine's expectations from the nato summit and what is happening right now at it by the way, our correspondent zoryana stepanenko is currently working in washington, and she is in touch with us. soriano, hello, tell me what can be objectively expected? ukraine from the summit in washington and will it bring it closer to membership, how can it help, perhaps already now? good afternoon, sasha, ukraine's expectations
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from the summit in washington, in order to avoid such misunderstandings as there were last year in vilnius, were tried to be managed, in principle, long before the event itself, high-ranking officials of the united states made it clear publicly and directly that the invitation to nato was not will be namely, his absence last year almost forced the ukrainian delegation halfway to vilnius to turn around and go home. after all, volodymyr zelenskyi and the entire ukrainian delegation were already in washington to settle the passions. delegations from allied countries continue to arrive, and this morning the ukrainian president together with the first lady commemorated the victims of the 1932-33 holodomor here in the american capital. in addition to the busy program of the summit itself, he has a number of bilateral meetings, in particular with the president of the united states, she will take place on thursday, as announced in the white house. joe biden condemned the russian mass attack on the eve of the summit, which cost dozens of lives of peaceful ukrainians, khukray said,
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it is important that the world does not ignore russian aggression and continues to support ukraine, and confirmed that the nato summit will announce new steps aimed at strengthening the defense of ukrainian skies, to what the ukrainian authorities have been calling for, respectively, in the last few months, when answering questions about expectations, and in the united states state department announced good ones. news in this direction , i mean the strengthening of air defense for kyiv without specifying what exactly ukraine will receive, actually the patriots that zelensky asked for, missiles for them or something else, we will hear directly at the summit, and besides bilateral commitments, the alliance is preparing to announce joint financing of the defense of ukraine for the next year 2025, the allies will allocate 40 billion euros, the costs will affect each other in proportion to their gdp. an exception can be made for hungary so that it does not block this decision. nato is also preparing to take on itself coordination of the supply of weapons to ukraine from the countries united by the so-called rammstein format. well, as for the perspective of its membership, the final declaration and
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its wording are still being worked on. our sources are involved in this work, they say that tomorrow it will be ready in principle, presented publicly, most likely, and the ukrainian side insisted on the formulation of the irreversibility of ukraine's path to nato, and the us official quoted by cnn emphasizes that the white house , as you already mentioned sashko, supports the use of this word, if there is also a mention of the need to continue reforms, ukraine is also preparing to offer a so-called bridge to membership, which will ultimately lead to it, again, provided reforms are carried out. to the alliance, but there will be no mention of a timetable for joining or the time it will take. it's early, but what is happening in washington right now, are the delegations already meeting, if someone is already there, who is already there, maybe some statements have already been made? sashko delegations will still arrive during the day, since the official start summit, and it will be opened by a festive ceremony, after lunch it will be deep night in ukraine at that moment, and at this moment, judging by...
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the schedule, a plane with a turkish delegation is boarding. president erdoğan, as we remember, at one time significantly delayed the nato membership of sweden, for which, by the way, this summit will be the first in the role of an ally for sweden, i mean, the leadership of the british government, which has just changed, will be late and miss the ceremony until authorities, as you know, the labor party came and informed them that emmanuel might not make it to the ceremony either macron. all because of a politically turbulent period in his country, where parliamentary elections have just ended. essentially a crushing result for macron's pro-presidential bloc. by the way, he said in one of his recent interviews, he directly named the two nato countries that actually hinder ukraine's path to membership and do not agree to give ukraine an invitation, namely the united states and germany. now not about the guests, but about what is actually being celebrated? i have already mentioned several times the ceremony that will take place today, so the alliance is 75 years old, and today will be this
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a solemn event that joe biden will hold. in washington's melon auditorium, where she once signed an agreement on the creation of nato to contain the ussr. 75 years have passed , the threat to the alliance is now russia and close attention is focused on the us president, the host of the summit, whose election campaign is in full swing, and the debate with the rival, a possible rival of donald trump for joe biden, as many politicians believe, did not go well and in that whether the current us president should fight for this position was doubted in the future. even his fellow democrats, worried and allies in europe and in the white house are trying to dispel any doubts. at the nato summit , there will be a lot of public events with the participation of joe biden, who considers international politics, in particular, his strong point, and see how the summit will end, which will be closely watched by the kremlin. dmytro piskov said about it today, it will have a certain influence on the presidential race of the united states, in particular. sasha thank you very much, zorina stepanenko, our
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correspondent, was in touch with us. now she is in washington, is following the nato summit and will continue to work there in the coming days. thank you once again. well, now let's talk in more detail about what might be in the final communique of the nato summit and what the countries of the alliance are currently ready to do to help ukraine. for this purpose, we invited hanna shelas, director of the security studies program of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council. she is in touch with us now. good evening. good day. of various editions of radio liberty, in particular, with reference to sources, they say that this is the final wording in the summit communiqué that is still being agreed upon, it may still change, what are the reservations of ukraine's partners, why is there still no understanding, under what conditions ukraine can become a member and when it can happen? well, as far as i hear here in washington, the main problem is in one word, how irrevocable or not irreversible
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ukraine's future membership in the alliance is, that is... one word that has very serious consequences, what is it connected with? if we add the word that there are no other options, at one time ukraine really was will be in the alliance, we fix it very strictly, and this is what ukraine really wants, it is in our interests, it is in the interests of many of our partner countries, and it is a very clear signal to the russian federation. on the other hand, both in washington and, unfortunately, in some european countries, there is still an opinion that future nato membership is possible. it is possible to trade with the russian federation during future peace negotiations, and therefore they are very afraid to add this word, because they believe that then it can be, well, something that is not at all it will be possible to change it, although of course it is perfectly clear to everyone that the declaration is not an agreement, a contract or some binding document, theoretically this issue can become a subject of bargaining and through a party.


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