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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is the big ether program on the espresso tv channel. my name is vasyl zima, today is a day of mourning in kyiv in kryvyi rih, in memory of those killed in the enemy terrorist attack on ukraine that happened yesterday. yesterday in... in kyiv, well , as of now we know about 32 dead, ten dead were in kryvyi rih, one person died in dnipro and also yesterday three people died in pokrovsky, so today in the capital of ukraine and also in the city crooked rosie, it is a day of mourning, so my sincere condolences to the families, loved ones of the deceased, my sincere condolences to the kyiv community in general, the kryvyi rih community, and to all those ukrainians who in one way or another felt it, because today i read the history, died in kyiv. both the residents
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of zaporizhia oblast and the residents of lviv oblast, that's why it's such a common problem, well, you know, i always say that no matter where it is, no matter in which city the day of mourning is, it's mourning for the whole of ukraine, so today of course we remember it , we remember, mourn and believe in retribution not only to those who launched these missiles, and of course, to the main person who started this war and pushed his entire country into this brutal war, about the reaction of the west. to this attack, a lot of statements were made, the strengthening of air defense in ukraine, promises, promises of tsetsyanka, also preparations for the nato summit in washington, we will talk about all this today for the next hour and 45 minutes, but it will be later, and just now until serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency and host of the military summaries of the day column, is already ready for the air. serhii, congratulations, you have a word. i'm you
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vasyl, i welcome our viewers, today in our column we will talk about russia's lies and new details about the missile attack on ukraine and about the technologies that are aimed at training our military in order to be as effective as possible on the battlefield, that's all. after yesterday's rocket attack on the ahmadiyyat and other objects in ukraine. russia resorted to the expected lies and cynicism. enemies said that, they say, russia does not attack civilian objects in ukraine, but only hits military infrastructure, and victims in ahmadiyya - these are the consequences of the fall of the ukrainian anti-aircraft missile from the nasans complex. the fact that russia does not strike at civilian objects is actually a bigger lie , and this attack on a children's hospital in kyiv is like an airstrike on mariupol.
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cinema in march of the 22nd year, when, despite the huge inscription children, russian pilots struck with air bombs, then they did not have those cabs yet, and they carried out bombing almost at close range, and of course the children could not help but see that inscription, since then they were , i think hundreds, maybe even thousands of others war crimes of the enemy, about the fact that it was not a kha-101, but a missile from nasams, of course, also ... a lie that is not even worth wasting time on, but in any case , the security service of ukraine stated today that received new evidence that confirms that it is indeed an x101 missile, there are fragments of the engine, the housing of the control unit with numbers and so on, and in fact there is a video where the shape and size of the missile absolutely correspond to the x101 missile and are in no way related to the
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nasams missiles, by the way, there is one more interesting one detail that the nasams missile is actually a 120 aircraft missile that self-destructs when it does not hit an air target. so that in any case , a situation in which such a missile could hit an object on the ground, despite the fact that it has much smaller dimensions and dimensions, is completely impossible. at the same time, the question arises as to why not all missiles were shot down, although, let me remind you, if half of the missiles that attack there are shot down, then according to the old requirements there , it is considered a good indicator. over the past six months, ukraine shot down an average of 40.6% missiles, and for the previous half-year this figure was about 73%. now, during the second wave of the attack, 30 missiles out of 38 were shot down and this was reported by the air force command. we all saw the video where one x101 missile hit
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ahmadyt, and here is a new video where actually several missiles, as he emotionally comments there. and an eyewitness saw as many as five x101 missiles go sideways and hit the area of ​​the artem enterprise. why were these missiles missed? well, on the one hand, the enemy has changed tactics. the rockets there went at lower altitudes, they had those rockets there up to 50 m, and not 100, as before, they are more difficult to detect and shoot down. i am modernizing kha-101 and iskanderi caliber missiles. they are equipped with traps there to complicate interception, that's all true, but what else, here i will add the evaluations of two professional people, the first is actually general ihor romanenko, we often invite him to the air, he was the deputy chief of the general staff, and before that for a considerable period of time
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he managed, commanded the 96th anti-aircraft missile brigade, which covers kyiv, so romanenko believes that the russians did manage to reboot or the capital air defense system, this happened because the rockets were launched simultaneously in large numbers from different directions, but they converged in the attack on the capital from different directions almost simultaneously according to the terminology of the air defense forces - this is actually such a star or star strike, and they overloaded our air defense, and we don't have enough batteries of patriots to work first of all on all... powerful missiles, romanenko believes. and it also happened that literally a week before this enemy attack , there was an interview in ukrinform of colonel serhiy yaremenko, who is now the commander of the 96th
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of the anti-missile brigade, which covers the capital and which actually bears the main responsibility for the formation of this system of protection of the capital, what he said, he said then. what we learn, and the enemy learns, and when we effectively destroy the enemy's means of counterattack, the enemy tries to make some kind of adaptation in his actions, he tries to bypass our system from interactive cover as much as possible, to reach the objects of attack along new routes, and improves trajectories attack, carries out overload measures, and it was just in a week. to this missile attack, and in fact, what can be concluded is that each attack by the enemy is more difficult than the previous one, and here the most difficult task is to predict the likely nature of the actions of the air enemy and to create a really
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correct cover system, this is now the challenge , which is in front of our air force, and also another assumption that i think for sure... not all patriots who are now covering the capital, maybe they did, some of them, or some complexes also performed, covered other cities or performed tasks that are also extremely important, so in any case we understand that the issue of strengthening air defense is relevant, we expect that the nato summit will be related to what will be announced about the supply of new complexes for ukraine, she already said about it in particular. the ambassador of the us ambassador to nato, that there will be fresh news, but in fact it is a pity that for each such decision to supply certain types of weapons, well, ukraine first inherits such an extremely high the price and then about other technologies, we have
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companies that are engaged in creating conditions or prerequisites for our military to effectively use samples of both domestic and foreign ones. of those weapons on the battlefield and now we are joined by igor bilov, he is the owner of logic 7 ukraine, which has developed a number of solutions aimed at ... improving the use of foreign weapons systems in combat operations, mr. igor, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear. i congratulate serhiy , i want to express my condolences to the victims and to wish a speedy recovery to those who suffered in relation to the previous missile strike, it is very sad our condolences. mr. igor, your company offers the armed forces, well, a number of such simulators that allow... to increase certain skills of our military personnel, and do i know that there are systems there
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with manpads, that is, or that is, are there systems that allow, well to effectively train our military to shoot down these cruise missiles, and in the context of that, tell us exactly what your company is doing for our armed forces, and since the beginning of a full-scale war, we began to develop fire training systems, today we have more than 50 products that help the military to train, and we can provide the opportunity to train almost the entire fire training system for training. what is the peculiarity of your simulators in comparison with such static simulators, what are the advantages, what is the interest of the military themselves in ordering the samples that you have developed. offer to our defense forces? and today our systems
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help to quickly and immersively prepare a fighter. and first of all, we currently have there are enough types of weapons that are supplied to us by western, western partners, partners, and this is a problem, because in a very limited time, our armed forces of the country need to train fighters, and such support systems themselves help to train fighters quickly and for free, and it is also convenient and does not require the expenditure of ammunition, but there are some types of weapons that are impossible to train at all, such as manpads, because it is not impossible to detect an air target at all, and with the help of such training systems it is quite possible and quite effective a... in addition, we use our systems, which have mathematics and ballistics
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that fully correspond to real weapons, as well as mass-scale mock-ups that provide an opportunity not only to show some picture in glasses, but also to tactfully er-er tactilely learn and ... mass-hybrid mock-ups fully correspond to the control bodies and their mass-hybrid characteristics, but now you are showing the ppzrk simulator, i have heard certain objections to such seemingly simplified simulators from other simulator manufacturers, who say, in fact, that there the company should know the tactics of using these manpads, how these or other calculations should work on the battlefield, what the target looks like in different conditions,
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do you have anything to answer such objections, or your simulator fully meets the requirements that the military puts forward for such simulators or simulators? well, in general , the military is quite strict about the characteristics, and this is very correct, we understand that, because after this training, the fighter will take... real weapons, and such real weapons are enough expensive to use, firstly, secondly, if the target is not hit, then the target will perform its, its tasks and will impress our military, so the military is quite picky about the characteristics, how they are displayed in the software plan, how it looks, as much as the controls correspond to the real weapon, this is very important, we will take all this into account. we have quite a lot of engineers and programmers working for us, and
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we constantly renew all these adjustments, which are provided to us by both the military and combat instructors, this is quite important, mr. igor, and how is the order system for your products built now, do you come to the military units, or can the military units purchase these simulators through tender procedures there? how is this a business component of your activity? well, first we are working on a half-scale full-scale invasion and we have already worked out some mechanisms. together with the military, and the system is a little outdated, but during the war it has already been adapted, and many military units of training centers, they already know what they need and draw up a technical task, and with the help of this a tender takes place, we choose to participate in the tender, usually, very often we
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win, because we consider the quality of our equipment to be the highest. and we have quite good feedback from the military and in this way all the work has been adjusted and what are the main goals or objectives of the company for this year, you said that you have 50 simulators, according to 50 samples of weapons, what are you planning to do next, where to move, where to develop? our goal is the same, we want to develop all video weapons used by the armed forces of ukraine. namely the infantry, to conquer almost all the basic fire training, we believe that this mission is very important, because it is necessary today to quickly and effectively train the mobilized and close those holes that are on the front, and today we are developing such
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simulators, air defense simulators for the destruction shaheds and... half-vitrons and everything else, that is , then we will produce artillery systems and other things, today until the end of the year we have about 10 more weapons modules that we will develop in the form of simulators so that the military could train. and when you mentioned that you are developing simulators for shooting down shaheeds. what is it about, about the equipment for these mobile groups that go out to hunt for mines, or what directions are we talking about? yes, that's right, that is, we have quite a lot of mobile groups that work with the so -called with, most often, they work with large-caliber machine guns, and there
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you need to know how to aim at... that minefield, how to work together with the operator , which leads to the manhole, that is, it can be a large lantern or something else like a pointer that points to the target, you need to make an advance and many other things, this can be learned precisely with the help of our simulators, and such simulators, they consist of different models of weapons, it can be browning m2, it can be ... it can be dshk or anti-aircraft guns and much more. now, what is the most urgent need or problem facing your company in order to increase the production of these simulators: organizational, financial, human problems, what worries you the most as director? ah, i'm more worried
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about security, and in general, in general, our personnel, because... the personnel problem is very timely now, and we have questions about reservations, the reservation system itself, how is it, what time is it takes, i would like this time to be shortened, because there are some personnel in general, which are almost impossible to replace, in a very short time, and this is also a problem, because our production, and in general, our, our... that's why it's - firstly, there is a personnel problem, and secondly, there are certain financial problems, because there are enough of them the complex system of purchases in general, as it is built, and the very prioritization regarding the purchase of training systems, well, we understand that even if we take volunteer
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charitable funds, mr. chmur spoke about this recently. uh - it's easier to buy drones and pickup trucks than, uh, to buy systems that help train fighters, and we understand that a trained fighter is very important, in terms of his life and in terms of victory in general, and we believe that it is necessary to pay attention to this, and we appeal to the business community, and to charitable foundations, and in general, we are starting such a program on... building a fund-raising system, so that such systems, training systems are in every part, in every training center, it seems to us that this is very important, we also have similar feedback from the military. mr. igor, thank you very much for the inclusion, for the fact that you strive to help our military master
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all the types of weapons that they use on the battlefield, i will remind our viewers that it was igor bilov, the owner of the company logic seven ukraine, which manufactures simulators for various weapons systems used by our military. these were the main emphasis of the military. this day, vasyl zima will continue the broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you very much, serhiy zgurets, thank you to his guest. the great ether continues, there is still a lot of interesting and important information ahead, now we will have a conversation with the regions, and we are also waiting for oleksandr morchuvka today , who will tell an interesting and important story about money during the war, there... there are certain changes in duration and frequency outage schedules electricity, maybe something will change from the end of july. well, apart from what putin
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talked about with narendra modi, the united nations security council meeting is going on right now. as they wrote, the pro-russian prime minister of slovakia expressed his condolences to ukraine due to the hostile attack on the okhmandite, you know what they said in china, and this is simply something to understand, or even about, well, as if about... but he says, we express our condolences and offer help , in china they say, i am so brief, because yuriy fizar will tell more, of course, they say, we we call on both sides for calm and for restraint in this, as they say, conflict, calm and restraint, both sides, of course, it’s right now in the center of moscow, too, probably a flight from okhmadit somewhere there, so let’s be together restrained and calm, it sounds cynical, but it would be better to be honest. sometimes it's better to chew than talk, it definitely applies to such situations, you can't say anything meaningful, well, it's better to say nothing, express your condolences there, people died, children died, no, let's all be calm, i
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i will call on you to join the collection, we are now collecting quad bikes for our soldiers, and this is a very important collection, it is called from zero to life, these quad bikes actually save lives, because they provide an opportunity to deliver. and the wounded, and sometimes, unfortunately, the dead, to get to the wounded very quickly, and then to go from scratch from them, to where there are staging points, where there is what is called life in the war, this collection was announced some time ago, but the amount is quite significant, we want to collect 4 million hryvnias for our soldiers, 93 separate mechanized brigade cold ravine, legendary brigade needs. this money needs these quad bikes, so look at the qr code, go ahead, i'm asking you to join, and i 'll tell you a little later how much we've already managed to raise, you know, not millions, but several
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tens of thousands yesterday, yesterday we were able to raise with you, i i hope that today will be an equally good result. well, now i will add our guest to the conversation, we will talk about the situation in zaporizhzhia, dmytro kerylchuk, deputy of the zaporizhzhia city council. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you. good evening. glad to see and hear, first of all i will ask about the security and humanitarian situation, the strikes on zaporizhzhia, on the zaporizhzhia region, i know that the enemy struck two strikes on vilniansk, one of the enterprises was destroyed there, the missile attack was hostile, let's start with this, as the last day, maybe even a few days have passed in this aspect, and then we will move on, please, yes mr. vasyl, really the enemy against the background of what he did yesterday, crossed everything... the limits that are only possible, yes , when he, once again, struck a targeted attack with high-precision self-launching missiles, well, it ’s just here, you know, without comments, in general
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, how can someone find some other opportunity to somehow call these cursed monsters with human words, well, we won’t choose these words, unfortunately, and of course, against the background of yesterday still hostile to a missile strike. and there were exactly two of them, again, yes, they were high-precision missiles, precisely in the zaporizhia district, precisely in vernyansk, where not so long ago he launched this terrible missile attack on the center of the city, vilnyan, yes, yesterday he repeated this story, these are damned rashists, and of course, as a result of this strike , local enterprises were destroyed there, we emphasize here that, as always, they strike exclusively at civilian infrastructure. as a result of this strike , a service station was destroyed and a few more local industrial enterprises were damaged, and this is against the background of the fact that
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civilians were... again, many of their homes were damaged, and so in this difficult situation, and we note that as a result of this strike, injuries were sustained , two people, one of them is now in a moderate condition, hospitalized, all help is provided, the consequences of these arrivals of yesterday, yes, currently and still continue to be raked up, yes, and to eliminate these consequences, all specialized services. i would also like to ask about the humanitarian situation in zaporizhzhia, and we can also talk about the communities of zaporizhzhia, i understand that somewhere the situation is very difficult, the closer to the front line, somewhere it may not be so difficult, but again after all, it does not always depend on whether the enemy shoots the inhabitants there every day with various forces and means points, or drops drones, or hits from mortars,
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from artillery, or flies in. missiles, ballistics, the situation with, is there, let's not talk about everything, because i think that everywhere in every settlement, every community has its own history, are there communities in the zaporizhzhia region where the situation is critical , let's say, with water, with electricity, or let's say, there is no electricity at all, water needs to be delivered or not, that is , places where people are really miserable and without certain humanitarian support. they just don't can live and survive, especially in such a heat, in such and such a difficult time, please, yes, mr. vasyl, here we will add specifics and note, yes, what about these means of defeat that you mentioned, from which he suffers the most, yes, against the background of these missile attacks , zaporizhzhia also succumbs, and yes, the nearby cities and vilniansk are nearby, and nearby cities, communities, and villages, yes,
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again. it is the front-line settlements of the zaporizhzhia region that suffer the most, and here too the character, if in the background e the last day, that it is in general, yes, that 341 strikes were only made by various means of impression, and of course the enemy puts the greatest emphasis on the attack by robotic and small combat, conducting, well, of course, we will add yes, that there are only 127 drones used there. yes , over the past day there have been strikes on various settlements near the front, that is why there is also a bare field, orihiv, malynyvka, again a small takmachka, work for others, rszv - it is the orihiv direction that suffers the most from this, it is the takmachka that hired workers, in two artillery strikes in a day, as they always do, they target exactly the same populated areas, drawing a parallel with the humanitarian situation, it is extremely
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difficult there, it is difficult there, it is a zone of active hostilities, you know, the delivery of humanitarian aid assistance provided, it is a very, very complicated issue, it is not delivered to the temporary territory at all, because there is no such possibility, yes there is the regional government, yes, there are specialized services that can, again including us there the police, yes, they are trying to deliver humanitarian cargo precisely to the eye of the populated areas near the front, which are closer to... the edge of it and bordering, yes, right there , the walnuts, i had so much, walk the field, robots, and if there is an opportunity, it delivers, yes the situation with water, gas and electricity is also extremely difficult, in general, it is stated that about 40 settlements in the zaporizhia region are currently without gas supply, and this is a total of about 40 thousand residents are now without it, and somewhere around 400 there 3.7 yes now .
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the population of these front-line areas only, they are without electricity, and about 14 settlements are now without water, this is a short story, in what conditions are people currently living there or surviving, those directly who remained in these settlements, because the evacuation there are opportunities for her from time to time, yes, every week she organizes herself there and tries to take these people out, but let’s note that every week it’s a number there... roughly speaking, up to 10 people, then she manages to take out a few people there, that’s in general let's note the region, i would also like to ask about whether they are ongoing, well, again, from what can be said, maybe there is some information for internal use, as they say, and it should not be made public, but the work on the restoration of repairs dniprogeso after an enemy hit, the roadway was also damaged there , and the damage was as bad as it was.


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