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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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for performing the functions of the state uah 471 uah 471,874 , so this income consisted of the income of the wife, this income consisted of funds received as a salary, dividends from the company beyond the limit of ego's responsibility, and funds from the sale of two plots of land, the owner of which was the wife. it is good if we proceed even from this amount, the amount of keeping the wife at the end, at the beginning. at the end of 2016 17 uah 90 00, then the question arises, well, purely mathematically. moreover, the judge did not pay alimony for small children, but assures that his ex-wife asked him for money, and he gave it to her. the younger child was only 2 years old, what were the motives, if she needed these funds, to collect all the last funds she had and give them as a gift. to you, well, because
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i had an apartment in the white church before i got married, i sold it after we were married, and, well, i can't say the reason here, but i sold it for something, not for that reason, no from that, and i had nowhere to go, and she knew about it, she is also a human person, on money from igor's wife. bought an apartment in the village of khodosivka on kyiv region, and shortly before that he bought a car for almost a million hryvnias, paid half of the money immediately, took the other half on credit. if you understood that you don't have enough money for an apartment, then this car, uh, the oil in the previous car started to leak, and there was simply such a repair that had to be done. throughout the interview, judge ihor. boncheev
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made excuses as best he could, but it did not help him. recognize ihory volodymyrovych bonchev, judge of the fascivsky district court of the kyiv region, as unfit the position held the final decision on bonchev's dismissal must now be made by the supreme council of justice, and we will continue to monitor the progress of the qualification evaluation of themis officials and the implementation of the judicial reform. and for today i have everything. it was judicial control and i, tatyana shostro. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report an unscrupulous judge who makes illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to the e-mail address you see on the screen. it's all good, we'll meet in exactly one week.
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we are looking for 15-year-old polina hryhorova. information about the girl's disappearance came on the first day of the full-scale war. but this is not surprising, because the girl lived in the village of kivsharivka in the kharkiv region. it is not far from kupyansk and this area was occupied in the first days of the full-scale invasion. despite the fact that in the fall of 2022, the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces liberated kharkiv oblast, the girl was never found. so a child. and is still wanted. i hope that with your help the girl will be found. let's take another look at her photo. polina has light blond hair hair, blue eyes and a round face. i would like to note that this photo was taken before the war. now the girl is already 15 years old. if anyone has seen her or knows where she may be, please call the magnolia children's helpline immediately at the short number. 1163 calls from any
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ukrainian mobile operator are free, if suddenly there is no connection or an opportunity to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. and now , once again, i want to tell the amazing story of seven-year-old sofiyka golynska. girl lived with her mother in the odesa region in the city of balta, and imagine if she disappeared at the end of 2020 . the police say that the child was kidnapped by her grandmother. and for more than three years, it is not known where the woman is hiding the child. it was established that in december 2020 , a woman abducted her three-year-old granddaughter sofya golinska in the baltsky district of odesa region. but until now , their exact location is unknown. lyudmila mykhaylivna golynska was born on 01.04.1968, height is about 162-170 cm, dense build. caskets hair color can
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change, eyes are light, has visible birthmarks in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold. previously, there was a version that already during a full-scale war , the child could be taken abroad. to one of the countries of the european union, and later the police said that the alleged abductor of the girl, her grandmother, may be in kyiv. of course, if you follow her trail, there is a good chance that it will be the child's whereabouts, but sophia's grandmother disguises herself carefully and constantly changes her appearance, but i really hope that one of you will recognize her and help to locate her and the main thing is that you will be able to find it this way. sofia holinska. i'm appealing to everyone, especially kiyan, if anyone has seen this woman or knows where she might be, please call us immediately on the children's helpline on the short number 11630. calls from all mobile operators are free. as for seven-year-old sofiyka,
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now it is very difficult to describe her appearance. imagine, the girl's mother last saw her little one when she was only 3.5 years old. under i do not know about my fate of my child, in what condition she is, what she looks like, then she was 20 meters tall, she has blue eyes, the last time she was dressed was a bone-mesh coat, a blue blue dress, a little blue coat, with two ponytails, that was in the 20th year, of course, over three years, sofiyka has grown up and changed, but... .but i don't think it's so drastic that it's impossible to recognize her, so i ask you to look closely at her face. the girl has big blue eyes and light blond hair, the approximate height is 110-120 cm. in these photos, she is about three years old, but this is one of
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the last pictures of desofiyatsi, about 3.5. of course, the girl's mother also has a video of her daughter. well, you're a grown-up girl already, hey, not for that, but for that, not for that, but for that. let me remind you that sofia is now seven years old, of course, she already speaks normally and expresses her thoughts. if you see a child who looks like her somewhere, or if you see her grandmother, who is suspected of abducting a child, do not delay and call her immediately. the short number of the magnolia child tracing service is 11630. calls from any mobile operator are free. you can call the hotline at any time of the day. in addition, it is important information can always be transferred using the chatbot of the child search service in
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telegram. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on edem 20% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts representing the only discounts on troxevs inger, 15% in pharmacies, travel to you and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, two hours of broadcast time. time, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component, serhii zgurets, and what the world lives on. yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with
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economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchavka next to me and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. culture news. our art watcher is ready to say good evening to the presenters, who to many have already become as if they were next to me, is ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening on espresso. exclusively. on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and
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poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, attacks drones to moscow and other russian cities. process analysis. that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's... vygathe help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed informs about them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi. and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our
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future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. congratulations. another series of russian attacks on ukrainian territory, this time, literally on children. became, you know, not only, well, in principle, a terrorist act, but also such an information operation that russia did absolutely deliberately, i emphasize this, well, the first thing i draw attention to is the fact that the russians began to be proud of these strikes literally as soon as they happened, and they did not know then for sure what happened there in detail, and then the russian propagandists, well... today, the russian armed forces carried out
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a series of strikes, as i understand it, precise and in this sense painful, according to the ukrainian military industry. these were not just effective strikes, they were also, so to speak, with a clear element, so to speak, of demonstrativeness, i would say so, because the strikes on kyiv, strikes where else. in dnipro, it seems, there was an arrival, they say, via the airfield zhulyany was hit and so on, these were, i repeat, all of these were exclusively on military objects, i repeat, very clear, very serious blows, you see, with a certain element of demonstrativeness, these words were not just said, it is that that came to the russians as a method, and literally, when it was already there, they began to broadcast it to themselves, suddenly found out that... all demonstrativeness is the okhmadit children's hospital, and what to do with it? well, the first
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one is, you know, what they had a desire to do - it is , as always, to tell some legends from the series, they beat there because there is a military facility there, well , here is such a former member of the state duma and, well , an alcoholic who often speaks in skabiyeva and around there, and he immediately wrote that this morning ee... a missile attack by the russian army at the meeting of the general headquarters, which was in the building next to the children's hospital. the next composition of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine will surely sit right in the children's hospital. well, actually the russians just said what they usually do because, well, for example, just recently, last week, gov. of the belgorod region told how they put rep devices on ambulances, and this... ambulances are sent close to the ukrainian border in order to jam communication on the territory of ukraine, that is, well, as you understand,
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in such a case it is not surprising that they indeed, medical institutions are used as a cover, and since they do this constantly, when they finally hit some hospitals there in ukrainian, and this was not the first time, well, remember the maternity hospital in mariupol, which they simply bombed. then they told for a long time what it was it wasn't them, that it somehow blew up there, and some other legends. then, well , the people of kharkiv can definitely confirm that they hit medical facilities there many times, maybe they didn't talk about it much, but the russians also hit the prenatal center there, and it was also completely deliberate, moreover , well, one of the activists from kharkiv tells that in the first days of the war, there were generally some... people walked around making red crosses, well, they somehow
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reacted to it at first, well, this should show that there are peaceful people, and then they realized that no, you can't do that, because the russians are hitting directly on these red crosses, after all, the russians absolutely deliberately hit medical facilities, hospitals in syria, they simply destroyed them systematically, moreover , even there they made such a special decision that they allow themselves attacks on medical facilities. therefore, this is a common story for the russians, and they did it even now completely consciously, but you know, they probably did not expect how it should look like in the end, how it is... well, they will understand everyone around, what a resonance it could cause, so after all these conversations that this must have been a meeting of some fantasy general staff, then other comments appeared, you know, when the children were shown there, here is this photo from children, and where is one of their bloggers wrote that
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the evacuated mothers with sick children from the okhmadit hospital in the yard, whose aunt fell... and he wrote: i alone think about the repeated stabbing of the dagger, well, that is, he saw the children sitting and let's go there he still very much daggers, it is to you just understood everything about how the russians think in general, yes, but you know , the resonance came out, yes, this is exactly this post and this is the comment about the repeated stabbing, and this photo that we all saw, and that's when it became clearly, it looks like when children with cancer are sitting and it turns out that it was they who were targeted, then the ministry of defense of russia also ran out, and their propagandists tell that it was not them, as usual, that it is somehow wrong, they do not do this , well, as usual, in short, they started lying, the ministry of defense of russia reported,
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that the massive attack of the russian army on ukrainian infrastructure and energy... the goal of the strike has been achieved. the ministry of defense also rejected kyiv's accusations that the russian army is purposefully striking civilian objects. it does not. at the same time , ukrainians' hysterical statements always happen on the eve of nato summits, the ministry of defense said. the next russofop match will start just in time. well, let's break it down directly, a little out of order, well , first of all , it's not for us to talk about the fact that the goals have been achieved, and then to say it, yes here either the goals have been achieved, well, or you threw somewhere the wrong place, well, you can't simultaneously achieve the goals and throw yourself into the hospital, you know that
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when you threw yourself into the hospital, you interpret it as the goals achieved, that is, wherever you wanted, there... and they threw her the following story that it's not them, they don't drop anything, they don't bomb hospitals, well, i already told you how they don't bomb hospitals, they bombed, they bomb and you know, sorry, but they will bomb, it is necessary to be ready for this, because this is how they imagine war, this is how they imagine how should they fight, that's just how they are, and in the end it's about... the nato summit, that's the story before the nato summit. let's just look at it from the other side, right before the nato summit, it's probably not for nothing that the ukrainians suddenly started saying, something over there, oh, over there, somewhere over there something happened in the children's hospital? no, just look at this map of the, well, this latest attack on ukraine to
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see what this is, this is their hysteria, this is them before the summit. nato arranges such a bombing of ukraine, and yes, it is true, as the previous propagandist said, it is absolutely a demonstrative action, so this is the hysteria before the nato summit, but it is not among the ukrainians, it is among the russians, it is the hysteria of the kremlin before the nato summit, that’s how it looks , and in the end, my... then they already started just inventing and lying about different things, well, first of all, about the fact that now the ukrainian authorities are trying to hide that it was not a russian missile, well, very interestingly, they started telling their own delusions in the news. meanwhile, ukrainian sources
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report, zelenskyi's office gave the instruction to remove civilians from the territory of the ohmadyt hospital, so abbreviated... in kyiv they call the hospital for the protection of motherhood and childhood, the goal is to prevent footage of fragments of ukrainian rockets from entering the network, because this will be confirmation that what happened was the result of the work of the same american, german or norwegian air defense equipment. here is an interesting selection of videos, yes, you see, they showed that it was just the military, and for some reason they did not show what was shown by almost all the world's media, and, well, for example, they were humanized, so... they somehow saw completely other people, and they did not see that someone was not letting someone in, they saw that hundreds of people from kyiv came to dismantle the rubble of the hospital. we are now in the largest children's hospital, ohmadit, several of its buildings have been badly damaged by blows and explosions. this three-story building is a toxicology
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department, the fire is still being extinguished there, but there may still be people under the rubble. residents of nearby buildings, shop workers, and several hundred kyivans helped to sort out the rubble of this building. new building of the hospital also very... well, that is, everyone somehow saw that there were a lot of people there, only russian propaganda somehow started telling some legends about the fact that civilians are not allowed there, only military personnel are there, and they are hiding something, in fact, if there were any well, these are the wreckage, well , almost all the world's forces were working there, and someone would have seen it if suddenly there was some u... ukrainian missile there, but no, there was no ukrainian missile there, so the next step was to invent, to pull up their own mercenaries that they have all over the world,
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who began to tell that it was not a russian missile that fell on okhmadyt in a targeted manner, literally, but it turned out to be some other missiles, and there was just a flurry of options, well, the first version... it was like a patriot. a well-known blogger from the usa , jackson hinkle, studied the videos and photos taken by local residents. he believes that by all indications this is a missile of the american patriot complex. the facts are such, despite kyiv's attempts, as usual, to turn everything upside down and blame russia. well, let's look at these rockets in general, because this really very interesting. here are these rockets, compare them. them, and it can be seen, well, since there was a video of how this missile flew, here you yourself see a screenshot of it, it is clear that no, the way it
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looks, it is not a patriot, it is a russian missile, ha 101, the patriot has completely different polls, and actually it shows that it is a russian rocket, well, there is such a thing, you know, a turbojet. the engine is in the tail part, it is very clearly visible, we will look at it again, well, you see, these are pieces from this video, you can see, first of all, that the rocket flies directly to okhmadit, that is, it is not does not fly somewhere else, it flies aimed at okhmadyt, here you see this turbojet engine, which is very well visible such a piece on the rocket itself, well, in the end , this is what it looked like, it was also quite well visible how it has you. .. what does it look like, where is this turbojet engine located, and in the end, this is what the patriot would look like, as you can see, it does not have this engine, it has completely different shapes, that’s right,
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there are no such engines behind the nasamsa rocket, there are no such protruding parts behind, but just on the russian h101 missile has one, you can see it there, on the back part , there is an additional thing hanging, that is, this is the story, that’s why it somehow didn’t work out with the patriot, and you know, by the evening even solovyov would have been forced to tell that it was not patriot, but this is something else, it’s nasams, well, we’ve already seen about nasams, no, it’s not on samsa either, but it’s just interesting how it didn’t stick to him in the literal sense, not not that, not those photos, not this video, not those confirmations, because there simply aren't any. then there is only something to confirm just empty, lying words. all speculations on the part of the ukrainian authorities, and attempts to accuse
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our army of targeted strikes on civilian objects, have the appearance of another circus on the eve of the nato summit. photos of the parts of the rocket that fell near the affected hospital building were distributed in the ukrainian public and mass media. not only that, they also managed to show photos of the exact moment the rocket fell. here, let's take a look at a series of these photos. at the same time, they absolutely honestly write that it is not patriot. yes, they absolutely are right this is not a patriot system missile. however, this is a rocket of a completely different system. here is a comparison of the patriot missile. no, that's not the missile that came in, but it's not the x101 they think it is. don't be lazy and show all
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the photos that are available, then you will see the correct ones, so this is what they look like from sams commercials, how it should look, and this is what our rocket would look like, then we see the production shots, well i.e., you know, they couldn't even pick them up themselves, they literally only found some advertising ones. hereby they are trying to confirm something there, it is all very unreliable, and in principle, today, almost the majority of analysts, observers, and international organizations confirm that it was indeed a russian missile, moreover, it flew aimed at okhmadit, that is, it just not somewhere else, namely to a children's hospital, it was
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a completely deliberate action, here... you see this video, how it all happened with this missile, and you know, of course, literally right there they are on social networks, the russians , russian propagandists attracted a lot of people, some of them tried to tell that the general staff is nearby, no, the general staff is far enough to miss by a couple of kilometers, well, you still have to know how, then others said that it was all ukraine's fault. russian air defense, this is the most widespread, because it was and still is, in principle, the main thesis of russian propaganda, and of course, ukrainian nits who escaped from ukraine got out, are sitting somewhere there, hiding on russian money, apparently, and telling literally the same exactly what solov'ov says, well, eat it right away sing along the rocket, it was shot down, and it was
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shot down near kyiv, and they are shooting them down in kyiv, crooked-ass ppo, well, what can i say, their concept has changed, at first, you see, they talked about the fact that it was demonstrative. blow, then it turned out that somehow talking about a demonstrative blow when he is in the hospital is somehow not very good, well, now they say that it is not them, as usual, well, of course, solovyov cannot help but talk about the fact that it is like flight mh17, this malaysian boeing, as it were, well, literally a list of all crimes, you know, the russian, he, something thinks that
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on... someone, it should make some impression, other than confirming that this is another equally well-thought-out action by the russians. well, but you know, at the same time, they also try to talk about the fact that this has some kind of symbolism, and this is really becoming very interesting, because they also directly talk about this symbolism, despite the fact that they already see , where it flew to and how everything is happening, that it is literally such a message. today's ones are tough enough and, let's say, higher, brosher of medium hardness, strikes on the capital of ukraine, this is to some extent a message, and the message is not to ukraine, it is a message to those who stand behind ukraine. i haven't seen kyiv like this for a long time.
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mine those who are in this kyiv, this is some new level of training on objects of military infrastructure and infrastructure of dual purpose. well, then, what kind of messages are these, let's try to figure this out as well. well, of course, if we talk about the russians, then they, any such blows and killings of children, women, goats, water, only please it could be seen in their social networks, let's show there such a set of comments under one, well, from russian posts, you see, we need another missile while they are being disassembled, this is typical, very similar to a missile carrier, this is very typical in general, well, a comment, i i would even say that this is still necessary while the debris is being sorted out, from
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what i have seen, this is a top comment, this is the main one.


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