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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EEST

6:30 am
this is a kind of new level of training on objects of military infrastructure and dual-purpose infrastructure. so, what kind of messages are these? let's try to figure this out as well. well, of course, if we talk about the russians, then they are only pleased by any such beatings and murders of children, women, anyone, it could be seen in their social networks. let's show there such a set of comments under one of the russian posts, you see, we need one more missile while they are being disassembled, this is a very typical missile carrier, this is very a typical comment in general, i would even say that this is still necessary while the debris is being sorted out, from what i have seen, this is a top comment, it is a leader... a comment that
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is repeated from post to post, around in telegram under the news , which relate to this strike, several russians will surely run up and write that one more is needed while the debris is being dismantled, you understand that, but when the people have already arrived, they are trying to save someone there, you still have to throw them there, when the children are sitting, you have to go there still throw, and this is not news either, it is... already there was a time when they threw it where the rescuers had just arrived, it happened in many cities, it happened in pokrovsk, it happened in kharkiv, they are trying to repeat it in one way or another now, and this is also a completely demonstrative action, you have to understand it , that this is happening, and it is thought out, moreover, it is supported by the russians and these ordinary orks, so any strikes on the civilian population are
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of course to convey the orks, but not only for the internal audience, that's all, there is two more such, you know, important audiences, which they have, are trying to somehow demoralize with it, well, first of all, it is the ukrainians, obviously, not only mosiychuk got out at once with his talks about some not-so air defense , so that, well, in general, everyone who got out at that moment talked about some not like that... air defense, well, believe me, they took part in russian information campaigns in order to, well, undermine some, you know, normal work of the armed forces of ukraine. so all of them just worked together for russian money, well, you can directly take it under the label, who there at this moment i wrote something about the ukrainian air defense, but immediately to the sbbu, let them deal with them, because i do not believe in the coincidence of these things, i do not believe that these
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posts appeared just like that, so massively, it does not happen like that , this is participation in a russian information company. second, these are the conversations that a whole bunch of non-dobloggers came out of here literally at once, with conversations about how it is necessary to immediately run and give everything, surrender everything to the russians, because look at this, how many more will die. i will remind you, we had already agreed with the russians when we passed the nuclear test weapons, this agreement was called the entire budapest memorandum, where it was written that those countries, signatories of the budapest memorandum, guarantee us the inviolability of our borders and that they and no one else will attack us, and the signatory there was russia, so after that there are no... . other signed
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documents, agreements, they do not guarantee anything to anyone, you understand, after such a global big international agreement, signed with pomp, there are simply no bigger, more reliable agreements that we can sign, which guarantee us something somewhere, especially if it's signed with russia, they 'll just keep going. will try to do what they are doing, just kill us, gather forces and try to take over ukraine, as they do in principle, and everyone who got away with this also took part, believe me, in this terrorist act, in that , to support him, well, there is a third audience, it is basically abroad, and there, of course, too, it is absolutely. a terrorist
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act, a demonstrative terrorist act, the russians wanted to get into the hospital, they got into it, and this is also calculated for show them the western audience, you see. we will destroy the civilian population, and not only, you know, in ukraine, but maybe in yours as well, and that's why we need to do something now, let's do something, give us a piece of ukraine, all of ukraine, well, you know, this is actually where we are now in 38, 1938 and in an attempt to pacify hitler, give them a piece of the czech republic, they will not go any further. well, now it sounds like this: give putin a piece of ukraine, and they won't go any further. no. history shows us what will happen next. they will go further, they will be what the piece gives, so i am preparing that they will, the russians will try,
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will take the next piece, and all this will simply be accompanied further, by bloodshed, murders, throwing rockets, into a children's hospital. and that's why, of course, when, well , everything that happened was shown to the whole world, well, you have to understand what it means, you know, for example, british newspapers, if we have them, let's see, they basically had very similar headlines , putin bombs hospitals, with children suffering from cancer, because of the damage. children, the oncology hospital was bombed by the russians, and that's it so on and so on, well, that is, all this, you know, on the one hand, it must be shown, it must be shown how all this happens, it must be documented, because
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these are simply crimes, war crimes of the russians, which must be documented, but with on the other hand, you know, it's like with terrorists, ordinary terrorists, when you have a dilemma, to spread this terror. continue to frighten, or somehow oppose him, it is a problem, because you are showing, you are spreading this terror. the only thing we can do against it is when we show that's all, we also have to show that we're ready to stand up to it, to fight it, and we're ready to do it all, you know, well, we, we're ready to resist, that's the only thing in this situation that won't let fear spread, that's not ... will allow the terrorists to achieve their goal, because their goal is to intimidate, their goal, to force some kind of surrender, their goal, well, literally, you know, to plunge us into this state of some such fear, and only our unity and only
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opposition to all this, only readiness for what we will give in return. serious and strikes are very sensitive for russia, only this can stop such terrorist attacks by the russians, and one more thing, you should also understand, all these strikes that happened both in kyiv and in the crooked corner, where they literally threw a rocket into the office center and killed 11 people at once simply, that's how all these blows happened. in response to the conversations that have started now about how to come to an agreement with putin, because an agreement is exactly how russians understand them, exactly how putin understands them. the one who started looking for ways to negotiate, he must be pressed, he must be pressed,
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he must be forced to capitulate, just like that. if you're not ready to talk, if you're ready to fight, well, it doesn't make much sense to scare you somehow, but... if you've already started wanting to negotiate, something, started looking for something, then you need to take more, more , more, to intimidate and take away as much as these russian little hands simply grab, so don't believe it, there is no, there is no diplomatic solution, there is no solution in any negotiations, because russia does not want negotiations, it wants a captain. surrender is death, death and death, and we see this now in the occupied territories, where people are simply being killed en masse, and that's all, that's it, see you,
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tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin did so, he would go to prison, he has a special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, but beyond its borders, who is china then? me, my heart hurts, all this in the informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. your place is waiting for you. light. remains on, for dinner - what you love,
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a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of eyes, they are crying for you, they are praying for you, we were there because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how hard victory is given, and we will do everything to quickly... hug you, so when you at home,
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when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you.
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watch this week. in the collaborators program. putin's election. who is preparing a pseudo -voting in kherson region? we are fully ready for the elections. and also the names and stories of traitors who became fake deputies. by support of the united russia party and our senator kostyukevich. greetings, i'm olena kononenko , and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. september 30, 2022. signed a decree on the accession to russia of the captured donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhia
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, and kherson regions. and not long after , the local occupation-military-civilian administrations began massive preparations for holding the so-called elections to fake authorities. they said, it is necessary to elect those who will rule in the captured territories. russian parties have formed lists of those who seek to serve the kremlin loyally. both local collaborators and those who specially came from russia entered there. hopes to get at least some kind of mandate, even if it is not valid, even if it is illegal, but still a mandate. the two-headed chicken launched a major propaganda campaign in the illegally annexed territories, a million. rublef for campaigning, bribery of the local population, involvement of athletes for intimidation and promises of a better future. methods to achieve the main goal - to attract as many people as possible to the fake the votes were different, but equally dirty. so our today's issue is about those who helped organize the so-called pseudo-elections last fall, who
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agitated people to vote, who became a candidate himself, betraying ukraine. organized a pseudo-referendum on the 22nd, local elections on the 23rd, and now there will also be presidential elections on the 24th, the head of the fake election committee in the kherson region, marina yuriivna zakharova. kherson is russia, indeed russia will not give its lands to anyone and will fight for them until the last these traitors, 38, originally from donetsk , are married and have a son. in 2008, she... donetsk national university majoring in political science. when russia captured part of the donetsk region in the 14th, zakharova supported the occupation and remained in donetsk. at that time, on her page in social networks , she displayed a photo of the terrorist dpr with the symbol of riv. under the russian cloak, she worked in various positions, led work with the so-called ministry of labor and
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social policy of the donetsk people's republic and in the administration of the head of the dpr. she was sitting in donets. under the supervision of the rashist zakharov before the start of a full-scale invasion. when the russian army occupied part of the kherson region, marina decided that her love for all things putin could come in handy and finally lift her to the top of her dreams. well, it was not for nothing that she took her son to all the parades of the defenseless regiment for so many years, wore the hegor ribbon. so in 2022, the traitor moved to the kherson region, where she took part in the creation of fake authorities. later received a new task from the kremlin, headed the election commission of the occupied parts of the region. the question of the ballot will sound like this: you are in favor of the exit of the kherson region from ukraine, the creation of an independent state by the kherson region and its entry into the russian federation with the rights of a subject of the russian federation. we are ready to organize a referendum on the entire
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territory of kherson region. zakharova became the face of the fake. in the kherson region, the propaganda media broke her speeches into quotes, in which she reported on the organization of the referendum, people's interest in voting and high turnout at the elections precincts we are already being informed that queues are even forming at some stations. 497 51 participants in the referendum answered yes to the question of leaving ukraine, which is 497. more than 50% of the number of participants in the referendum. zakharova was involved in the creation of territorial election commissions, the formation of voter lists, the arrangement of premises and other organizational issues. for such fruitful work, gauleiter volodymyr saldo awarded the traitor with the order of honor. thank you very much for the congratulations, thank you for the award. i justify
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the trust you have given me, which the leadership of the kherson region has given me. to the person of volodymyr vasyliovych and of course i justify the trust of all residents of the kherson region. the security service of ukraine has already informed the traitor about the suspicion of encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of ukraine and collaborative activities. zakharova's property was seized, and she herself faces up to 12 years in prison. the kherson regional prosecutor's office has already sent an indictment to the court. the case is being considered by the malinovsky district court of the city odessa. but one criminal case. it turned out to be not enough for zakharova, she diligently worked for another one. when this zaprodanka was appointed as the head of the elections in the kherson region, she understood. if you intimidate people and force them to vote, if you throw in ballots and falsify the results, bunker grandfather will be very pleased. and what could be more important for her in this life? we are already fully ready for
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elections in september 2023. in september, the security service of ukraine informed her about the second suspicion. the police established that this traitor, on the instructions of curators from the kremlin, created the appearance of an election process in the kherson region and falsified the so -called plebiscite in favor of russian puppets. she also organized a process in which representatives of fake election commissions , accompanied by armed militants, carried out yard rounds of residents of temporarily occupied districts of kherson region and forced them. to take part in voting under the muzzle of a machine gun. all this in order to later report on the camera with a smile about the high turnout and sky-high ratings. leader for voting results. but the united russia political party. now, with two suspicions, zakharova is preparing for the next presidential election, which is to be held from
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march 15 to 17, 2024. perhaps, for their organization and conduct, this sales pike will receive a third suspicion, sit in prison on a comfortable bed and finally calm down for many years? let's hope. yevheniya rubin is running with the russian mandate from the united russia party. romanivna, born in 1995 , until february 24, she worked as a deputy director for administrative and technical questions in bc kherson bldg. evgenia is known to the people of kherson as a fan of scriabin's work. during the election campaign in the fall of 2020 , with the participation of volodymyr salda, she revealed the morality of the image of the musician and held a concert in his memory. i am a fan of kuzma's work. we probably wanted to implement this idea. four years ago and accordingly searched around the city where this mural could be placed. when kherson was occupied by the rashists, evgenia exchanged scriabin's work for russian songs. she sat in the chair
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of the head of the department of land relations in to the occupying ministry of agriculture and fisheries of the kherson region, after which she was promoted to become the director of the institute of livestock breeding askania nova. apparently, the occupiers really liked the work of this traitor, because later they included her in the list. candidates for deputies from the united russia party. after the semblance of the election, evgenia not only received a mandate, but became the head of the faction. as the head of the united russia faction in the kherson regional duma. as befits an important official, she created a telegram channel for herself, where now 31 subscribers. in it, rubin glorifies the russian swamp, putin, tries to tell people that russia helps, liberates and saves, but for some reason no one does. and does not understand and does not hear, well, except for the traitors themselves, just like her. i really hope that our law enforcement agencies will soon clip the wings of this angelochka.
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i congratulate you on one of the most significant holidays of our state, the constitution day of the russian federation. this is another traitor with a mandate , andriy mykolayovych kharitonov , born in 1969 from the city of kherson. he is an ex head of the watercraft section of the kherson shipyard. battle plant. in 2015 , he ran for the kherson city council from the our land party and was unable to realize his political ambitions, but now the occupiers helped, who lured him with candy in the form of a mandate. and he was happy to run, but about everything in order. when kherson was captured, andriy kharitonov betrayed ukraine and was one of the first to rush to help the russians. they thanked him with the chair of the director of the kherson sea and trade port. according to our information. kharitonov of the law enforcement agencies ensured the transfer of military equipment and ammunition of the russian federation from the left to the right bank of the dnieper. kharitonov proved that he is an obedient
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dog, so he was made a deputy of the fake kherson regional duma. with the support of the united russia party and our senator ihor yuriyovych kostyukevich, we do not forget him either, we thank him. kharitonov has already received suspicion from the sbu. his case is now being considered. kherson city court of kherson region, the traitor faces up to 15 years in prison or life imprisonment with confiscation of property. we really hope that he will receive a severe punishment for his actions against ukraine. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. greetings,
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i am asking for your help in the search for four sisters who disappeared in kupyansk, kharkiv region, they are seven-year-old yana, ten-year-old katya, 12-year-old veronika and 17-year-old lisa dvurychanskyi, the girls are missing early. full-scale invasion and since then there is no news about them, where and with whom the tapes are now unknown. kupyansk was occupied almost from the first days of the invasion, but after the de-occupation of the city, unfortunately, it was not possible to find the girls. so please look closely at their faces. if you know any, even the slightest information about them, report it to the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the number " 116.30. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. we also seven-year-old darynka kozachenko from kharkiv region. i
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know that... the girl is an orphan and met the war in the border town of vovchansk, this is the chuguyiv district of the region, which was occupied from the first days of the war. in the fall of 2022, this territory was liberated, but there is still no information about the missing child. perhaps the girl was taken to russia or to the temporarily occupied territories. of course, it is not excluded that the girl may be in the territory controlled by ukraine. so please. anyone who has any information about the child, call us on the hotline of the service magnolia children's search service by short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, or write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. another child who disappeared in kharkiv oblast and also in vovchansk is 12-year-old vlad lyubichev. communication with him
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was lost. on june 1, 2023 and since then , nothing is known about him, if you know even something about the authorities, do not delay and inform us on the hotline at the number 11630, or write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i emphasize that they are important there are any, even the smallest details to search for, and as usual, i ask you to share the video on social networks, it is really very ... helpful in the search and it is possible that one of your friends or acquaintances can recognize the child and inform the important information and i also ask you to look at the photos of the missing boys and girls, which are posted on the website of the children's search service. if you recognize any of them, please report it immediately by calling 116.30. this is the magnolia child tracing hotline.
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calls from all mobile phones. in ukraine free of charge of course, now the vast majority of children we are trying to trace are missing due to circumstances related to the war in one way or another, but at the same time, as before a full-scale invasion, children often go missing because they have run away from home. therefore, the child tracing service has prepared a series of advice for parents from a psychologist about what you should do first of all to prevent this. or a child from home. let's listen. create a safe space for your child, because children, and especially teenagers, live in a state of constant war, hormonal war, war with themselves, wars for their place in the peer group, for their future, for their values ​​and beliefs. and in order to have at least a little rest from this, to have at least a little opportunity to reset, the child must have a place in the world where he will feel
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safe. it could be him. if there is no room, it can be a corner in the common room or something else, but it should be a place where she can be heard in safety, from claims, from remarks, from complaints, from everything else, and even when you want to express to the child some claim or complaint, think, weigh, how important it is now, how fundamentally important this complaint is for your relationship, for raising a child and so on, and maybe, thinking this way, you will give up this idea, once again... and keep your warm, trusting relationship. we have created a resource where you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopprymua.
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news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio kateryna shirokopol works. ukraine was attacked again at night by enemy shahedis, the occupiers launched them from the occupied crimea, monitoring channels write. alarm sounded in the south, west and center of the country. the air force reported the downing of russian drones in odesa, the explosions were also heard by residents of the rivne region.


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