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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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goes here or there to the police, is it really possible to quickly deal with those who were taken by the hand like that on the street, and in this way by law? we do not forget that during interactions with both representatives of the tsc and the police, the conscript first checks the presence of the necessary documents that confirm the authority of both the police representative and the representative of the tsc, that is, we do not forget, we demarcate , for representatives of the tsc - this is a business card. excerpts from orders of the commandant of the military, military command, excerpts from the orders of the head of the tsk, where it is clearly defined that this particular serviceman belongs to the system of the alert group, which concerns police officers, then these are service cards, a body camera, a special badge. first, we check the appropriateness of the powers of these representatives of state authorities, and only after that we present and show our documents, both military registration and documents
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confirming renewal or passport. we do not forget that any delivery to territorial centers of assembly takes place within the limits of administrative detention, which can only be carried out by a police representative. olena, and for those who did not make it because of the queues or because they simply did not go to update their data in principle, what awaits them from july 17? we do not forget about the beginning of administrative responsibility, about fines, later seizure of accounts and impurity collection of funds. and in case of accumulation, increased fines, possible risk of property loss. thank you, olena, i noted that many comments under our broadcast are written by people as if they were positive experience, it was quickly possible to update the data, and they write that here is a military person, and they write to her as a wanted person, issue a reserve plus, there are complaints about the work of the reserve plus, and again there are stories when everything quickly managed to update the same about tsnapy , that's why we continue to share stories, i urge our viewers to do this, it's important, so in our broadcasts we ... cover these
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topics that concern society today. olena khomenko, lawyer, managing partner of the aktom group law firm, answered all relevant questions about the update data thank you. let me remind you that svoboda morning is with you every weekday from 9:00 a.m. on youtube on the radio svoboda channel. subscribe, by the way, and also on tv channels. thank you for your support, for writing comments, sharing this video, it is important for the promotion of ukrainian-language content. on ukrainian youtube. and then we will talk about the nato summit. ukraine will receive the patriot system from the united states, and in the coming months dozens more complexes from partners. he announced this at the opening of the nato summit in washington us president joe biden. volodymyr zelensky thanked his allies, but he missed the solemn ceremony that marked the beginning of the anniversary summit. why did this happen and what results can we expect from the summit in ukraine? report from washington by a correspondent. radio liberty zoryana
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stepanenko. 75 years later, the allies gather where it all began for them. joe biden welcomes his guests, who are just now arriving in the andrew malone audience. this complex is significant in the history of nato. it was here in 1949 that 12 countries signed an agreement on the establishment alliance the cold war with the ussr was just beginning at that time. the threat to the alliance is now russia - the legal successor of the soviet union. and the challenges faced. nato, because of its war in ukraine, is considered the most serious in its entire history. before the summit, volodymyr zelensky outlines the expectations from him, especially after the attack on the children's hospital. first of all, the priorities to be discussed are the air defense system. i think that after this, both president biden and other leaders can be more powerful and more decisive than it was before, until this moment. for... biden, this reception is important not only
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because he is the host of the summit, but for the current us president it is also an opportunity to demonstrate leadership in the midst of the election campaign. from the stage, she declares that ukraine has the power to stop vladimir putin and announces a decision that will help her in this. ukraine can and will stop putin. especially for our full collective. support today i announce the historic transfer of air defense equipment to ukraine. the usa, germany, the netherlands, romania and italy will transfer equipment for five to ukraine additional strategic air defense systems. and in the coming months, the united states and other partners intend to provide ukraine with dozens of additional tactical air defense systems. of the five additional air defense systems announced by the president. the usa
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was previously aware of four from its european partners, the american patriot is fundamentally new to the list. in the coming months , new complexes will also arrive from partners, in particular, the airisti nasams. and during the next year, ukraine will be provided with hundreds of additional interceptors. on her territory, she says nato secretary general to allies, the fate of the world is now being decided. remember, russia's victory in ukraine will be the biggest cost and the biggest risk. we cannot allow this. encouraging not only president putin, but also other authoritarian leaders in iran, north korea and china. they all support russia's brutal war and want nato to fail. the outcome of this war will shape global security for decades to come, and it will be in ukraine. the ukrainian president, who asked
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for at least seven patriots in the hall at the ceremony, was not present. his office explained was preparing for the next event. in social networks , zelensky thanked his partners and praised specific results. on the first day of the summit, expressed the hope that the us will lift all restrictions on strikes on military facilities in russia, and separately emphasized the world's need for american leadership against the backdrop of a possible change in the us leadership. even the anniversary of the nato summit, which was supposed to be a top event, really does not look like a big deal in contrast to what is expected from november. america cannot be the leader and creator of world dreams, no taking care of world affairs. america must not shy away from its strengths, it is america that preserves freedom for the world. zelensky will also meet separately with biden scholz, as well as the new heads
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of the governments of the netherlands and great britain. in the final communiqué of the summit, which will continue for two more days, ukraine's path to the alliance can be called irreversible. however, it has nothing to do with de facto allies. binds, ukraine will be invited to membership only when there is political will of all. from washington. zoryana stepanenko, radio liberty. konstantin is in touch with us yeliseev, diplomat, ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary, and former deputy of the ministry of foreign affairs. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. i congratulate you. biden said: ukraine can and will stop putin, especially with our full collective support. why does he say that? are they just words ? does he really believe that? well, first of all, unfortunately, the nato summit is overshadowed by the fact that the politicians are talking about biden's physical condition and his ability to endure another presidential
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term, and of course, biden's pr people tried to use this speech to to affirm it and affirm the american leadership, but unfortunately, today i am here with... i agree with president zelenskyi's comment, i agree with the fact that today the summit lacks a historic summit, i emphasize, a key, strategic discussion is lacking about how to help ukraine win, and how to restore peace and security in europe, and what the us, as a global leader, can do for this, unfortunately, this strategic discussion is not yet... 75th anniversary, and it was a wonderful occasion in order to make a historic decision, the historic decision is to give ukraine an invitation for membership. let me remind you that with each summit, we in ukrainian society in
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ukraine wait for such a decision. i believe that without such a decision, that is, without an invitation to ukraine, this historic summit, as american political scientists say, is historic. in no way will it become a historic summit without historic decisions on ukraine, which, unfortunately, will go down in history. for this invitation, biden is not ready personally, or indeed the whole alliance? consensus is needed, and i think that only the lazy do not talk about the two countries that , unfortunately, are currently resisting ukraine's invitation, these are, you know, the united states and germany. but i think that in the current conditions and in the current situation, as biden found himself, he could take the leadership and do a miracle, a miracle, by announcing that ukraine is invited to join the alliance, i believe that no nato country , no
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nato country has done more for the alliance today than ukraine and the heroic armed forces of ukraine. i think today is the time. for nato to stop hiding behind ukraine's backs and finally demonstrate a strategic approach and strategic leadership, and i think that's right. must happen, because when we are made up of various excuses to push back our membership in the alliance, it is not acceptable. you know that there is already an idea about the so-called construction of a bridge, about ukraine's membership in nato. well, i think it's, you know, a play on words. we are already on the threshold of membership, and as we are told since 2008 the door has been closed alliance to open for ukraine, we don't need a bridge for this, we are standing on the threshold, we just need to... enter these open doors, moreover, at the last nato summit , in vilnius, the alliance countries very
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positively sold that the fact that one more intermediate link to the membership of the alliance was eliminated, this is the membership action plan, the so-called map, and they said that after the elimination of the map of this link , ukraine has only one step left, this is an invitation, so we are waiting for such an invitation, there are experts thoughts that such an invitation may be after winning. biden in the presidential race in the usa, well, that is , then he will be able to act more radically there, perhaps american politicians really act like this, because they pay a lot of attention to their ratings, to what support they have from their party there, respectively from the people, and maybe this decision of biden to wait with the invitation depends on it? i think it depends not on that, it depends on, i say again, strategic leadership and courage. because the american people and american politicians have finally to understand that only ukraine's membership in nato
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can stop the bloody war in europe, restore stable peace and security, and until ukraine is invited to join the alliance, unfortunately, the war will not only be in europe, but will also threaten the civilized world, so i i think that biden should understand this and remember the lesson. history, let me remind you, back in 1955, when germany, which was partially occupied by soviet troops, was accepted as a member of the alliance, and then, despite the threats of the soviet union with a nuclear war and the third world war, the leaders of nato at that time were too very wise and brave, and accepted the then democratic germany into the ranks of the alliance, and as you can see, this decision came true and brought a lot of positives for peace and security, security in europe, so i
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would like to remind this lesson to american and german politicians and still call them to show courage and courage. during a speech at the reagan institute in washington, zelensky expressed the hope that the united states will lift all restrictions on strikes on the territory of the russian federation, and this will allow ukrainian cities to be protected from strikes with the same guided bombs. in your opinion, this permission will still be there? you know, indeed, we are now talking with you about strategic things, about invitations, but many positive and concrete decisions were made at the summit, which will be very important for ukraine. actually, you already mentioned in the previous report and president biden confirmed it in his speech, new air defense systems will be provided, in particular patriot, indeed, i think that decisions will be made. about the establishment of one of the most powerful missions in support of ukraine,
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which will be based in the german wiesbaden, and it will be one of the most powerful indeed missions in nato. you already know, for sure, that the status of the nato representative in ukraine will be increased, instead of the technical coordinator , a representative with the rank of nato ambassador will be appointed, and this will also be a positive political signal, and of course, we expect that there will be ee... discussed so the so-called israeli scenario of support for ukraine, when the countries of the alliance will help us protect the sky and shoot down russian russian missiles over the skies of ukraine, as they did recently over the skies of israel, and of course, what you said, too, i hope that any restrictions on the use of western weapons by the ukrainian armed forces against legitimate targets in the... the russian federation, of course, we expect it, and of course, you probably know, an additional
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financial package of 40 billion dollars from the alliance countries to support ukraine for the current year should be approved. this is very important, because until now nato has been funding the program in ukraine through voluntary contributions for a while now, but when this is transferred to a permanent financial basis, it will be very good. of course, these are all positive decisions, but they have so... tical importance, you know, i would like to see more strategic decisions that would be taken at this summit, this summit has exactly the decisions that should correspond to the importance and historicity of this, this is the anniversary summit , this is... important, and according to your words, such a global thing as an invitation to nato is not enough, although ukraine will have a practical practical effect from this. thank you, kostyantyn yalisyev, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador, former deputy of the ministry of foreign affairs, was a guest of svoboda ranok. thank you for your comments, for being with us every morning from 9:00 on the radio
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liberty channel, as well as on the tv channel. take care of yourself and until new meetings. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price of only uah 149, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores , ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, but we offer you a lamp. which shines, even when there is no light, for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity, up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery. it's so convenient, especially now. and the smart light bulb is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when dropped. the standard base is suitable
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it has become much easier to follow your indicators. take care of your health now. by. at a special reduced price of only 499 hryvnias, but hurry while the product is in stock, unpack your health from the packaging, call! friends, we're back on the air lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working until 12 o'clock, and thank you for being with us, thank you for donating, there are already 14,000 for this morning, i hope you will not stop there, add more. if another 1,900 is added, then we will already have uah 1,400,000 in our monobank account, we have a few hundred thousand more in a private bank, and in total we need 2.5 million for mavics, so you can donate while we continue to talk with our guests, and our the next guest is oleg synyutka, people's deputy of ukraine, let's add him to the conversation, mr. oleg,
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good morning, greetings to you, greetings viewers of espresso, mr. maleje, let's try two topics. to quickly discuss, this is one of them - these are rumors about the resignation of the shmigal government, which have intensified again and there is an investigation on this topic , etc. bogolyubov, as we can see from the investigation conducted by colleagues from bigusinfo and ukrainian pravda mykhailo tkach. it turns out that gennadiy bogolyubov probably left for a fake passport, by the way, the sbu has already detained that border guard who, although the man is 62 years old, has five minor children, but for some reason he needed me the most in this story to go abroad, you know what struck me that as we can see, even from the picture, which was made public by the ukrainian truth, giving a lift
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to the billionaire, who simply dug out the last compartment in the train and went to poland, and then... all in vienna, his wife, in a modest car, without any security, and his wife - it's a coincidence, a kind of cleaning machine, she was the deputy minister, er, minister kuleba, and now she, er, now she heads some such in vienna, permanent representative to international organizations in vienna, that's what her position sounds like. it turned out very conveniently, because the person involved in another case is gollikov, you remember this story with reznychenko and 4.5 billion, and he, too, who is now in vienna, it just seems to me that this official representation can already... rename the official representation, i don’t know, there are corrupt officials in exile in vienna, and fir is somewhere not far away, in a word, it all comes together, sir olezhe, what is yours, your comment on this
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story, well, it is a bad story, because at this time the nato summit is taking place, and discussions are going on around ukraine, international partners, international media are saying today that the key challenge that is heard in relation to .. of ukraine is actually a measure in corruption, in the unwillingness of the authorities to fight corruption, and such facts, they only add fuel to the fire, and they do not create a positive image of ukraine, because of course, i believe that the gentleman you are talking about, he should have legal grounds to leave, if not for one small one, but these are criminal cases, which also surround this name around the privat company. to which, to the group to which he was related, well, another separate question, because today information appeared in a lot of media that
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there was a statement that, in fact, in the case of leaving the borders of ukraine, this gentleman will talk about demanding a bribe in some astronomical limits of 100 million dollars, and all this does not make ukraine a good image, all this against the background of the ukrainian... moscow confrontation against the background of our aspirations to become a part of the civilized world does not give ukraine a positive image, let's just want to understand that i'm sorry, this is his wife emine japarova, who i heard information that she has already been dismissed from her position in vienna, and it seems to me that this information, she is reliable that after this incident. i also do not understand, if the incident happens even with the husband, then what responsibility should the wife bear for it, but it seems to me that this fact has already happened,
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well, taking into account the fortune of mr. bogolyubov, it seems to me that he with his wife, children, grandchildren, lawyers, great-great-grandfathers, great-grandfathers, in principle, can live peacefully without working in one of them for a long time and happily, or i may be wrong here, eh, it’s not about... the person, although, of course, the surname is very loud , here it is a matter of principles and approaches, if there is a criminal case against a person, and this criminal case has been going on for a long time, then this person should, of course, be brought to justice, and justice should act regardless of surnames, because i think that now only lazy will not talk about the involvement of the private group in the growth of today's head of state. you know that recently there was another scandal about the fact that one of the representatives of the quarter told about the fact that he wants to be with his children like a father, some truths and lies he also
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ended up outside ukraine, and against this background, against the background of mobilization , which continues in the state, against the background of discussions about economic reservation, it does not give, does not add to stability within ukrainian society, and this is the most important thing today, because we... have to win muscovites, and we can defeat muscovites when there is a strong army and when there is a sense of justice within society, and these situations definitely do not contribute to the emergence or revival of this sense of justice of ordinary citizens of ukraine, and this is the biggest problem. er, the second story, which i would like to briefly touch on: er, this is the possible resignation of shmygal, or this or these rumors have some basis behind them... because what they write, once again the ukrainian truth, roman romanyuk, writes about that referring to many sources in the office of the president and in the parliament that it seems that zelensky is tired of
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shmyhal, yermak does not like shmehal because he is not his person, although he seems to be super loyal, only bad news comes from shmyhal, there is always a default, then reforms are needed to do, and shmegal is personally approached by the us state department. is tired of the racket and wants to exchange him for someone whom yermak has already found for him, and they say that this could be yermak's person, who actually came from yermak's team, and this is the current vice-premier olga, olga, yulia, redone is there any reason to say this, can it happen, is there any legal possibility for this, as far as i know, it is impossible to change the prime minister just like that during martial
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law, well... old ukrainian wisdom says that there is no smoke without fire, and if this discussion has already hatched in the public space today, it means that it is functioning, living and has certain grounds within the government. i think that shmyhal's resignation, although really, well, if we talk about martial law and the fact that during martial law, resignation government is impossible, the resignation of the prime minister entails the resignation of the government. it really should not have legal grounds, although on the other hand we have already experienced the changes of those people who, according to the constitution , could not be replaced even during martial law, therefore, unfortunately, today in ukraine, political expediency is higher than the legal component, and this is also wrong, because it also does not add points to ukraine in our promotion to nato and the european union, but i
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think that shmegal's resignation... will take place when ukraine has already reached the bottom of its problems, economic, political, and it will be so certain, the release of tension, and, if you want, not parliamentary, then the search for such a scapegoat on which all the problems in the state will be hung, because it seems to me that the level of problems will continue to accumulate, then no i think that shmogal's resignation will take place right now, but the prime minister, who on the one hand... has been in office the longest, and on the other hand , the program of actions, which was never approved by the parliament, will actually leave his post sooner or later when it will be necessary to blame all the problems that are happening in the state on someone, you see that the level of problems is increasing, and either it is necessary to make quick changes, or to make someone extreme and responsible for all these problems
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that are increasing in the state today. we have two minutes left, i will try to ask a mega-difficult question, which few people are talking about now, but everyone is thinking about it. experts say that the war in such a state as it is now, with such intensity, can last another 2-3 years. russia can afford it 2-3 years i just want to understand that if the war doesn't have some kind of formal ending, most wars don't have the kind of formal ending that we have, full-scale big wars with... with opposing sides' goals, and how do we know that we have no it's time to complete the state, for example, when we will have elections, what will be the legitimacy of the government, whether in two years we will even have, i don't know, school directors will be yermak's friends, well, where will we end up in two or three years, as we really do to keep democracy, we have a moment, in fact the problem of authoritarianism in the state, it
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is growing and... this is again an obstacle to our movement towards the european union and nato, because the european union still lacked one more authoritarian state or a state where power is concentrated in the hands of one or a few people and which does not meet democratic standards and procedures, in my opinion, the war will end when ukraine becomes a member of the north atlantic defense alliance, then we can say for sure... what for us, and for future generations, the war is over, because ukraine has become a zone of security and a zone of growth, and ukraine has become part of that world, which is able to defend itself and which no one dares to attack, because the stories that nato is weak, nato is insufficient, that's all stories let's look at the facts and the baltic countries, and poland, and any other countries feel confident in relation to moscow,
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because... that they have a collective security system behind them, and the end of the war is ukraine's membership in the collective security system. me it is very disturbing that today the ukrainian delegation in washington is talking about air defense, about the f-16, this is very important, but we must talk about receiving an invitation to nato, because nato automatically means patriots, and f-16 and f-35, and security, and that help in money in... weapons that ukraine will need, we are waiting for good, good news from the summit, thank you very much for the conversation, oleg synyutka, the people's deputy of ukraine was a guest of our telethon, well, it's time for news, kateryna shirokopoyas, the story of what happened there in ukraine and the world in the last hour, katya, i congratulate you on the floor, i congratulate my colleagues, in a moment i will tell you the most operative news as of this hour, i ask our viewers to wait and not switch.


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