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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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greetings to everyone from espresso, i'm anaeva melnyk and the news editor will tell you about the main thing, at this hour, in the middle of the day, the russians hit a civilian object in the city of voznesensk, mykolaiv oblast. are wounded - reported the head of the regional military administration vitaliy kim. more details will be made public later, he promised. and a man died during the russian shelling of the village of ingulets in the kherson region, the enemy hit one of the residential buildings, - said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. in just one day, the russians killed two people in the kherson region, four were wounded. 11 settlements in the region came under enemy fire.
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the russians once again hit nikopol in the dnipropetrovsk region with artillery. a 62-year-old man died. three more people were injured. serhii lysak, the head of the military administration of the region, reported. private houses, farm buildings and a car were damaged. all emergency and rescue operations. in kyiv, 33 victims are known in total as a result of the rocket attack on the capital on july 8, among them five children, more than 120 people were injured, 38 remain in hospitals wounded, six of them are in serious condition, reported the city military administration. irreparable loss. in lviv , they said goodbye to the deceased doctor svitlana lukyanchyk. 30 years old. a woman from lviv died
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as a result of a russian missile attack on the okhmadyt children's hospital. after completing her studies at the medical university, svitlana worked as a nephrologist. in the department where children with chronic kidney disease are treated and saved. according to colleagues, at the time of the impact, the doctor was evacuating small patients on dialysis to a shelter. relatives and friends came to see svetlana on her last journey. and caring lviv residents will bury svitlana lukyanchyk next to her parents at the holoski cemetery. ukraine lost a very bright, very bright person, a very beautiful , bright, young, young, specialist, a natural specialist, who loved her profession, who devoted her whole life to that work. you see,
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she didn't even come to lviv, didn't rest, because she was constantly at work, she saved those children, she gave, she continuously donated blood, her own, well, she was donors, you see, work was everything for her, a bloody meal, the russian delegation arranged a lunch on the occasion of its presidency in the radbezion, the main dish on the menu was kyiv-style cutlet, writes the permanent representative of... ukraine to the un serhiy kislytsia in the ex social network. the action took place immediately after the meeting of the security council regarding the russian attack on the okhmadyt children's hospital. at the security council meeting, okislytsia noted that the dinner organized by russia was paid for with blood money. a video of the search and rescue operation in kryvyi rih, which was hit on july 8, appeared enemy missile. the personnel was published by the state service for emergency situations. the occupiers hit
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the administrative building of the northern medinvest mining and beneficiation plant. according to the local authorities, 10 people died, and about fifty were injured. 29 victims are still in the city's hospitals. our people are converted into donats due to enemy shelling. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and wounded. tooth set. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized division with a donation of the kholodniyar brigade. they choose victory every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so for evacuation, atvs are indispensable helpers, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible off-road, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the citizens of holodoyariv not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return from them alive. join the gathering. our goal -
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ukraine can use british stormshadow missiles to hit military targets on the territory of russia, new prime minister. of great britain keir starmer agreed that the way missiles are used is ukraine's business - bloomberg reports. in the next few weeks, ukraine will receive the first tranche of the profits from the frozen assets of the russian federation, european commission representative christian wigant said during a press conference in brussels, and by the end of the year we will receive about 15. portugal will provide ukraine with eur 220 million in aid in 2024 and 2025, said prime minister of portugal luis montenegro. let me remind you that on may 28 kyiv and
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lisbon signed a 10-year bilateral security agreement. a large-scale accident in ternopil. in shchyna, six people were injured as a result of an accident on the stryi izvarene highway. three trucks, a bus and two suvs collided. at the time of the accident , there were about 40 passengers in the bus, according to the regional police, the truck driver, a child, two bus passengers, as well as the driver and passenger of the suv are currently in the hospital. ukrposhta presented a new stamp dedicated to the return of crimean stamps. there are nine jewels on the arkosh stamps with images of exhibits, design sketches were developed by darya tsykonova. the number of sets is limited: only 565 copies. let me remind you that last year artifacts from four crimean museums, which
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were in amsterdam at the time of the occupation of the peninsula, were returned to ukraine. our brands have recently acquired a certain quality of this kind. predict certain events, and today we are launching a brand called treasures of crimea return. today we are talking about the return of treasures on the territory of ukraine, but i want to believe that this return will be in everyone's hands in the sense of this word and we will have the opportunity to really see these treasures on the territory returned to ukraine crimea. today , a specialized brand has appeared in the world, a brand that would be included in many, many collections. not only ukrainian, but also world connoisseurs of philatelic miniatures, which would become another, additional, but extremely important and necessary tool, the proclamation of the foundations on which we now stand. the symbol of faith and
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indomitability will soon be on store shelves. despite constant shelling. the first 160 tons of watermelons were collected in the kherson region. large-scale invasion, every third melon was grown here. this year , about a thousand hectares were sown with melons and coffee beans, which is five times more than last year. currently, work is boiling in the fields, the collection of early fruits continues. we have been engaged in coffee for more than eight years, we came from the left bank, we found land here, that year we had 20 hectares, this year we increased our crops. up to 46 hectares, there are currently 30 hectares of early kauna varieties celin and talisman, and for more interesting videos, look for espresso's youtube channel, be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts, all news releases, programs and special projects that can
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only be seen here, as well as short videos on hot topics in the shorts section, share them, comment, be close. that's all for a moment, i tell you, see you at 5 p.m., the editorial office... is working, we are monitoring what is happening in ukraine and the world, i will tell you about the most important things, my colleagues will work for you in the future, marta oliyarnyk , antin borkovskyi, welcome, the tv channel's information day continues, important news has arrived from poland, therefore to ukraine. legion hundreds of ukrainian men are ready to enlist in poland, the polish authorities will provide the mobilized with equipment, nato military will train them. this is reported by the rmf-fm, referring to its unofficial sources in diplomatic institutions (i am quoting
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rmfm now): hundreds of ukrainians living in poland have already expressed their desire to join this formation, these people volunteered, although the recruitment to this formation... has not yet started, the creation of this legion was announced in warsaw on monday by the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi and prime ministers of poland, donald tusk. interested ukrainians will be accommodated. in polish units and will provide the equipment necessary for training, detailed plans are still being worked out, but ukrainians who are currently in poland will most likely undergo training at those military bases where ukrainian soldiers have been trained before. according to modest estimates , several thousand ukrainian refugees may join the legion. well, now we will talk with natalia samonenko, head of the center for orphan diseases. yes, with us now there is no natalia, ivan karychevskyi, an expert from the defense express military portal, is currently in contact with us, we are currently trying
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to contact him, but i would like to continue the topic that you mentioned, about the legions, it is not about the legion, but about our military power and what our partners promise us, so today there was information that norway will transfer six f-16 fighter jets to ukraine, the first planes will be in ukraine by the end of the 24th year. sarcasm should immediately appear here , because we remember the promises of others our partners, who promised us that we will have f16 already in the summer, thank god, we are already experiencing the middle of july and we very much hope that they will definitely be there by the end of this summer, but will norway keep its word and deliver to the end this year, well, time will tell, well, here is the key story, to what extent we will be ready to ensure a reliable, reliable stay of this aviation. on our military airfields, this is a question of our air defense system, and here we are again ringing for what, for help from
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our western allies, but now we will talk about our children, who suffered as a result of the barbaric criminal russian strike. nataliya samonenko, head of the okhmadut center for orphan diseases, glory to ukraine, ms. nataliya, glory to the heroes, well, we would like to ask you to share, yes, we understand that it is difficult to talk about it, but it is necessary to talk about it. the condition of ohmada's children in ohmadita? thank god, the condition of the children is absolutely stable today, we are very lucky that none of the patients were seriously injured, there are minor some injuries, damage due to some shrapnel or simply from glass, but the children did not receive significant such injuries, you know the official statistics that there are four seriously injured employees, there are two of the... dead, one of them is our doctor, our colleague, for whom we, we cry together, all
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together, because this is our family, and one of our visitors, who, one of the parents, who was at that time not far from the place of the explosion, you are talking about svitlana lukyanchuk, i i understand, who was buried today in lviv, and they said goodbye to her already today in the garrison church in lviv, where many mourn. soldiers, almost everyone who lived in lviv or in the lviv region, and by the way, what was svitlana like, how did she get to work with you, she was only 30 years old, a young woman, we know that she grew up without parents, today she will be buried in fact, near her parents, what kind of person she was and in fact, how did she get into your team, when did it happen, well, svitlana got to us actually right after university, she graduated in kyiv. medical university, immediately after university she came to work for us
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in the department of nephrology, in the department of dialysis, chronic dialysis, and she worked there, they have a very cool and very good team, from which two doctors have already suffered, a senior nurse, you know, svetlana died, olga is currently being treated, and victoria, who is a senior nurse, is also now receiving care in and she is still in intensive care at... as far as we know, svitlana was an incredible person, in fact, the doctors of okhmadito are a big, big family, not only doctors, let's say, medical staff, and we, well, it is very scary for us loss, it's true, for us svetlana was a sensitive person, she was extremely devoted to her patients, she knew her business very well, and this is a loss, i'm afraid, not only for us, but for her colleagues and her friends, and this also... any human life
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is priceless and irreplaceable. mrs. natalia, we would also like to ask you about the needs, right? we understand that the assembly has begun, the assembly has already been closed. well, but i think there will be additional fees, yes, because it is necessary to exhibit. work on in normal mode and return it all it's up to the corresponding, well , at least the previous level. currently , almost all of our patients are in safe places, they, well, they are all in safe places, of course, those departments that remained functioning in the ohmadit hospital, they continue to function, these are the departments of pediatrics, endocrinology, neurology, this department, ah, this is our
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hemostasis department, they continue to work, as of today , departments in the new building have started to be connected, where restored electricity supply, other patients are now relocated to other medical institutions, to other medical institutions, regarding the needs, at the moment we know that the state has undertaken to fully restore our hospital now, i think, i believe that it will be so, questions about additional needs, currently there is no need for medical drugs, for example, or for medical equipment as such, all this is centralized, the needs are submitted to the minister. health care, all damaged property is now being counted and handed over to the ministry and there all the needs will be collected and the community will be informed about any additional necessary necessities. thank you, nataliya symonenko, head of the okhmadito orphan diseases center, was on our air, and we are already adding
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ivan karachevsky, an expert from the defense express military portal, to our air. mr. ivan, congratulations, glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. well, let's start with the last speech of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi at the ronald institute reagan in washington. so, i am now quoting volodymyr zelenskyi. he wanted, putin, to use this pause, more than six months in the congress with this decision, so he wanted to quickly occupy kharkiv, where 15 million people live, now - said zelensky. yes, he gave the information that russia occupied some villages along the border with kharkiv. , but our soldiers managed to save people and prevent the advance of the enemy. mr. ivan, the situation at the front, well, let's talk about the activation of the enemy in the pokrovsky direction, in donetsk region, yes, although the key story is activation, rapid activation of the enemy on almost all directions of the great front
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of the russian-ukrainian war, when we talk about the eastern borders of our homeland. that if we speak precisely in the accent of the activation of the enemy, we will be doing something methodologically incorrect, because even if we proceed literally from the logic that can be read between the lines, even from the speech of the president, and actually, if we take even such a foreign policy context , in which we have to operate and, let's say, hold our positions so as not to suffer of foreign political pressure, and in principle from a factual point of view, it would be more accurate to formulate here that despite the fact that the russians... well, they tried to take advantage of this six-month benefit when we did not have direct military aid from the united states, despite the fact that the russians have certain tactical successes against this background, because , unfortunately, they captured avdiyivka, which improved their position, they broke through to the new york area, but despite all this, despite the fact that the enemy keeps behind them, well, you know, sometimes technical advantage, despite that, even more
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let's say, the accumulation of internal problems in us, the armed forces of ukraine as a whole... you know, if you compare the scale of the russian efforts that they are making, and the result that russia, the russian occupiers are getting, then you can say that the armed forces of ukraine in on the whole, the situation at the front is stable, no matter how hard it is for our soldiers now, because let's remember, we were talking about the prospects just a couple of weeks ago, that god forbid, now there are still russians in a group of ten thousand and plus with a tank regiment, they will attack a new forest and capture it, unfortunately, let's say this... let's say this, fortunately, this did not happen, although, unfortunately, there was a certain tension in society, so now it is more correct to say that despite the pressure of the enemy, the armed forces of ukraine are holding positions at the front, because if we ourselves, especially now in this specific foreign policy period, pay attention to the fact that the russians are pressing, they are moving somewhere, then we may have problems,
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you know, even more various voyages of orban, where not to go, what plan? problems, mr. ivan, there is also political pressure from the column, but now the specifics of the situation are that when it seems to be in april, vadym skibitskyi from the main directorate of intelligence is drawing that somewhere in the second half of 2025 , here we are there the window for negotiations should open not earlier, well, and they say that until this moment, both sides will compete for the most advantageous positions on the battlefield with the fact that this will then be used as arguments on the battlefield, accordingly, the buzzing of these arguments from in order to preserve our favorable foreign policy position, it happens not only there at the level of diplomatic activity, at the level of how to interpret the situation at the front, so in this case, if we will... talk only about the fact that the russians are trying to go somewhere press, well , here we will do what is called simply shoot. well, we don't know exactly
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that, yes, because as the president says, we're still waiting for the bulk of the aid package from the united states, so that might have some effect on the situation on the front, but you you're right in the aspect that we're saying that certain peace processes, they're going to be underpinned by what's going to happen on the front, and it's obvious, and it's obvious that... that now we need some inclusion, more, i would said, the inclusion of our partners in the processes, if they are interested in these peace processes taking place as soon as possible, and in order for them to take place as soon as possible, we need to have a strong negotiating position, that is, here we have a common tower and a common goal with them, but here you know, another question is what now at the nato summit, there are certain discussions going on, and also joseph biden announced yesterday about , as it were, additional air defense systems, whether they are actually additional, it is still a question, because he said yes, he said that one patriot will be provided by the states, one the patriot will provide germany and romania, i.e. two, but they have already talked about it before, i.e.
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we have not heard anything new, and also another one will be jointly collected by the netherlands with other partners, i.e. if it is a dry residue, then biden did not say anything new the fact, well, give it away one problem is ours, which means that we will not be given as many patriots as we would need for effective defense. our territory on the other side, well, this is biden’s position, which is also not very obviously calculated, or rather biden’s problem, which does not very obviously take into account the context that if a more energetic donald trump, more energetic, including in terms of various security positions, he will step on fifth, because you know here, just in case , for the future, i propose to record that on the one hand, different, let's say, different, let's call yes, the foreign policy initiatives that the western press can attribute to donald trump, she. they look cool, on the other hand, the representatives of the white house outlined for us such, you know, a simple and uncomplicated strategy for victory: the armed forces of ukraine stop the russian invaders at the front, well
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, that is, they stop them completely, and the country completely protects its energy with anti-aircraft defense, and it turns out, what is the stated second point, that we protect with anti-aircraft defense, i will only energize five patriots here, well, that is, you know here, you can to put three points and just give... our viewers to think about the fact that it is not enough that they give not only so many petri dishes less than what we need, but in this way they even undermine their own declared strategy by the way they they see that we have to defeat the russian invaders. well , yes, your clarification is extremely important, well, on the other hand, we understand that the war with the russian federation really requires a huge amount of resources, the president of ukraine voiced our need for an airplane. f16, yes, i am quoting now president: ukraine needs 128 f-16 fighter jets to be able to counter russia in
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the sky, even if there are 50, that's nothing. well, mr. ivan, let's talk about this now, if you want, i can quote the president of ukraine, who spoke at the ronald reagan institute in washington, well, but, well, quite eloquent. it is quite eloquent, you have the word, we can recall that even before this the head of state spoke about the fact that at the nato summit, our delegation will ask the usa the question that in 16 we need more, well because then let's clarify the first point, 128 f16, this is not the entire need for our modern combat aircraft, do you think that f16 is with the correction for the fact that we still have mirages to fall somewhere, well, to arrive more precisely with the correction for the parliamentary elections as a result elections in france, that is, since we... lipan has no power, according to that, nothing has been canceled yet with airplanes, maybe some other options will be talked about, well, because after all, i’m not going to say yes, no no, that is, at least they are not
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delayed by the long perspective, point two, the problem here is that 128 f16 is what we need literally for now, and the problem is that if you summarize all, well, you know, even the overly optimistic promises of our partners, if in principle, mr. the word is warm, well, that is, we are still in the 16th... we don’t have it, although we promised, it turns out to be about 90 pieces over the next few years, it turns out, that is, it is not enough that we have to squeeze out something more in the amount of approximately 40, so planes, so we also need to squeeze in speed, which we we can't wait a few years, of course , the real problem here is that if somewhere there western politicians overheated expectations, the western press overheated expectations, and that's why we're still here for now, unfortunately, and that's actually 128 f-16 aircraft , well... on the one hand, the ability of our military airfields, the ability of our air defense, to cover these airfields in such a way, and, accordingly, the number of trained
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personnel. to service 128 planes, that is, the number of planes, it assumes the number of components listed above, here you know, it looks like such a specific problem that we somehow allowed ourselves to be driven into a state, as if we are some kind of children who cannot be given an expensive toy, otherwise we will suddenly beat them, but there are adults who definitely know how to use all this , well, we are simply talking to you in those realities when, on the one hand , we are presented with an air defense system and no infrastructure. there is still something not ready, but on the other hand, in the countries of western europe, everything is ready for you, the connection with mr. ivan karachevsky, the expert of the defense express military portal, was with us directly connection and now we will continue our broadcast, so there will be a short pause ahead, it will not last long, after it we will continue.
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verdict with serhiy rudenko from now in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday, from 20 to 22. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast.


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