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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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news time on express tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night, russia attacked ukraine with shaheds. sounds similar to explosions were heard in the western regions of ukraine, in particular in lviv oblast and prykarpattia. the consequences of the attack are currently being clarified. the occupiers attacked the village of slatine in the kharkiv region, a woman died there, oleg synigubov, the head of the regional military administration, said. fires also broke out in private houses and commercial buildings. firefighters managed to save. three people drone attack on
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moscow. mayor of the russian capital serhiy sobyanin said that in the morning in the stupinsky district, in the south of the moscow region, air defense allegedly shot down a drone. he assures that the aircraft was flying towards the capital. locals wrote on social networks that they heard two explosions, after which they rolled down the windows and the sound of cars. allegedly, there are no victims. and 40 billion euros during 2025. the leaders of the north atlantic alliance have decided to provide security assistance to ukraine for the next year. with this money , they plan to buy modern weapons for ukrainian defenders, repair the military equipment and conduct training for our soldiers. this is stated in the declaration of the nato summit held in washington. in addition , the alliance undertook long-term assistance to the armed forces. this issue will be dealt with by a separate structure within the association. she will support. our
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defense forces and will contribute to the further integration of ukraine into nato. and canada will allocate more than $360 million in military aid to ukraine. the new support package for kyiv was announced by canadian prime minister justin trudeau during a meeting on the sidelines of the nato summit with president volodymyr zelenskyi. the head of the canadian government also emphasized that his country is ready to provide medical support to the victims of the russian attack on the children's hospital. okhmedit at the same time, the parties exchanged views on additional training for ukrainian pilots on canadian flight simulators. strengthening ukrainian-american cooperation. this topic became key during the meeting in washington between president volodymyr zelenskyi and speaker of the house of representatives of the us congress mike johnson. the parties also discussed expectations from the nato summit and ukraine's progress in implementing reforms on the way to joining the eu and the alliance. in addition, the ukrainian head
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of state thanked the united states for all the assistance provided and emphasized the importance of further budgetary support for the economic stability of ukraine. meanwhile, great britain allowed ukraine to fire storm shadow missiles at military facilities on the territory of russia. this was confirmed by president volodymyr zelenskyy based on the results of negotiations with prime minister kir starmer during the meeting. leaders of countries nato. it was the first meeting of the ukrainian head of state with the newly appointed head of the british government. zelensky thanked starmer for all the aid packages for our country, and also discussed the practical implementation of the use of british missiles on the battlefield. poland will not shoot down russian missiles flying towards the western regions of ukraine without nato's permission. this was announced by the ministry of defense of the country and. noted that
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currently there is no unity in the alliance on this issue, they say they do not want the conflict to escalate. let me remind you that ukraine was a few days ago and poland concluded a security agreement, which , in particular, provides for the possibility of intercepting missiles and drones in the airspace of ukraine, launched in the direction of poland. and ukraine is planning to hold a major exchange with russia in order to return women, prisoners of war. this was stated by dmytro, the human rights representative of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. bobinets he also said that the united arab emirates is helping kyiv in this matter. according to the obutsman, seriously injured women are always a priority for return, but russia often receives them does not want to give at the same time, ukraine is developing new tools to protect the rights of ukrainian prisoners in enemy prisons, he added. the czech republic extradited a suspected 36-year-old citizen of moldova to germany. in
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the murder of a nine-year-old ukrainian valeriya, the police of saxony reported. the judge upheld the issued arrest warrant. the accused is currently in custody in the saxon penitentiary. colonies let me remind you that the man was detained on june 14 in prague. he is the ex-boyfriend of the mother of the dead girl. nine-year-old valeria disappeared on june 3. after more than a week of searching, the child's body was found in a forest near the town of debeln. the girl and her mother lived in germany since 2022 . a village that no longer exists. the krynka documentary was presented in kyiv. tape. tells about a unique operation on the left bank of the kherson region. photojournalists kostyantyn and vlada liberovy filmed the events at the krynkiv bridgehead. they recorded the testimony of the soldiers of the 126th separate tro brigade, as well as unique footage of battles and evacuation of the wounded on boats.
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you can see the film about the wounded on the boats already today. you can watch the film already today at 6 p.m. on the ukrinform youtube channel. we and the authorities realized that it is impossible to convey what is happening there with just one photo, we need a conversation with the soldiers who passed there and we started writing a series of interviews, this series , this series of interviews, we took additional material from them on their phones and from all this they edited one single film, the main thing for us is to show what is happening there in general and not show it in reality shocking, so that the viewer... turns away and finds a kind of balance, such films should convey to people a little bit of the front, so that they are not afraid, you should not be afraid to go to the army, you should be a man, you should protect your parents, your families, your children,
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you have to go and protect your property, friends, whatever. the poroshenko foundation will restore the area destroyed as a result of the russian attack. the foundation established by the foundation in the ohmadit hospital over the past 10 years. it will also apply to the restoration of one of the branches of the building efforts and fund funds. this was announced by maryna poroshenko during a meeting with the general director of the children's medical center volodymyr zhovnir. as you know, the poroshenko foundation and the roshen company have been taking care of okhmadit for 10 years. during this time , 100 million hryvnias were allocated to equipment, repair and reconstruction. noted the platform. thanks to benefactors, united-24 has already collected more than uah 300 million for the restoration of the hospital. we are standing near the 11th building, this is exactly the building that we started to restore and update back in the 13th year.
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to make it modern, to fill it with modern equipment and everything necessary for it to function already under modern new conditions, and doctors could provide medical services at a completely different level. a lot of work that was done here then, the wiring was completely changed in this building, these are very high-tech works, but very necessary, which will help and connect the necessary equipment. and to ensure the operation of surgical wards and intensive care units, a concentrated device was also installed here air on the roof, and a very large
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oxygen system that supplies the intensive care and... surgery rooms, and thank god she survived because that would have been another explosion, she's working, two elevators, one of which works, one is unfortunately damaged. i am asking you to join the gathering for drones and equipping the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine for artillery reconnaissance. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of maviks laycombo and five maviks 3t quadroco. they are the eyes in the sky that watch over safety and provide the ability to confidently move forward, most importantly, they help save the lives of our military. we have to collect uah 2.5 million together with you, so do not waste time, join the collection for our defenders, look for espresso on
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youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of ether, all program releases and special projects that can be seen only in us. also a short video on hot topics, shorts section, subscribe, comment, it's important to us. and your thoughts. to learn more interesting and relevant information, follow updates on our website, as well as on our social networks. we will see you in less than an hour. then howl at you. my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting, stay with espresso.
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well, good morning to everyone who watches the espresso tv channel, thank you for... before our telethon, we will start today, as always, with the morning roll call of the regions that
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are close to the front, and the 869th day for those who remember and for those who have forgotten, i also remind you that the 969th day of heroic resistance of ukraine continues, and you know, actually, sikorski wrote very well, we all think how the war will end, i... you know, i'll start with this, if i may, radoslaw sikorski, the minister of foreign affairs of poland, wrote an important thing, i'll just start with such a preamble, you know that no one actually starts a war, lawrence friedman , a british military historian, also wrote well about this, that no one starts a war with the idea that let's make it a war of attrition, it will last for years, it will be terrible, difficult, with a wave of mobilization and so on, and putin also did not want such a war, he has a war, we know that it was supposed to be a couple of days. and then a parade to christen the horse, but something went wrong, he actually tripped over the patriotism
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of the ukrainian people for their courage to defend their independence, their land with weapons in hand, for the willingness of the west to pay for this ukrainian victory and help us, and in fact in a war of attrition in the end , the one who doesn't exhaust himself first wins, and russia is great, and putin tries to be cheeky, but sikorsky wrote very well: you know on twitter that no matter how much you go on russian propaganda, no matter how much putin puffs up his cheeks and shows gdp numbers that are growing, it is growing for very simple reasons, russia is now riveting a bunch of tanks, well, as much as it can do, sending them to the front and they burn there, but if you make a tank, send it to the front and it burns, then you have gdp numbers that go up, but you're actually burning the wealth of your country, that's... what happens, and as sikorsky says that germany lost the first world war war, simply because they have run out of
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resources, and putin is on the way to the same defeat, the polish minister believes, and here we are in solidarity with him, we are saying that yes, of course, they help us, but we also help , we need to report on drones, we will definitely do it, the eyes of victory, these are actually the eyes we need, well... we need it, dmytro kelchuk , deputy of the zaporozhye city council, is already joining us. mr. dmitry, we congratulate you. good morning. i will naturally start with the operational situation, how the night passed, whether there were any shelling. well, sir andrii, here we should note that the night passed in general for zaporozhye, it was calm, if you do not count only those moments, which, well, you know, like every night. it is already happening that it was reported about the movement of mopeds there through that of the zaporizhzhia region, and of course these
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roads lie across the city, i.e. the townspeople could hear it when the guys there started to work late, and as for the situation in the front-line settlements, here the situation is, as usual, difficult when the enemy is slandering more than 300-400 times a day, and in the past day, let's note, he struck 12... the settlement of prifratov and it was 404 strikes struck by them, the most terrible thing is what they do and continue to do, unfortunately, are three airstrikes, they for... is it precisely in kamianskyi and pyatikhatka of the zaporizhzhia region, and at the same time we note that 188 drones were struck, as it is precisely there malynivka, novodanilivka, novoandriivka, mala takmachka, other settlements of lovadne in that number, and besides that yes, where do they get, from
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rszzv, they carried out five such shellings right there on the small takmachka, novodanilivka and novoandriivka, well... of course, the biggest and scariest thing they have, well, in arsenal, which they have, unfortunately, to the great regret, there are still a lot of these resources, this is the artillery, which they only fired 208 blows at the entire settlement, which included a field, a kmacka hammer, a robot, but they covered this settlement only in the past day, and we should note that a resident of the vasyliv district was wounded it. what can you hear from the front, how, what is happening there? well, let's note here, you know, mr. andrii, that, in general, their line, what they tried to do for such a long period of time, they continue to do, namely, we are talking about the arichov direction, and here it is divided again after all,
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there are two strategic settlements for them, where they carry out. after all, from there assaults or there passes there in small groups, this is precisely the small fight and work, so the past day is not an exception, and our the defenders repelled two of the same attempts, one in the direction of the small takmechka, and the other in the direction of the robot , but our defenders repelled the attempts, the resolute attempts to advance in this direction, well, the situation is, as always, difficult there, but... controlled, but together with that, let's note that yesterday the rashists made another attempt to advance in the direction of gulyai pole, for what they did again they got in the nuts there and our defenders repelled these efforts of the rashists, that is why they carry out and continue, you know, against the background of this shelling, and of course
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the most and most often we hear and see it from the briefing that... yes, every day, that it is shelling with all the weapons that are available, there are drones, anti-aircraft guns and artillery, they are going exactly on the motherland, so all the work is going on, and in it is trying to advance in that direction, that 's why this line, unfortunately, continues, and this meat is being pulled up, pulled up and they continue to carry out these actions, but of course everything there is controlled by our defenders, including the same fpodrons, which is important to report and it is important for everyone to join these processes so that our... these was, it is such a means of restraint in this situation, yes, if we are specifically talking about this direction, then it helps a lot, then of course, it should happen on a permanent basis, heat, incredible heat in ukraine, 40° for ukraine, it seems that really a lot, today it is expected in zaporizhzhia,
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which, as it affects the life of the city, i know that the movement of trucks is prohibited. for that, well, in addition to restrictions, yes, and trucks, of course, for the price of such preventive measures, they should be applied, yes, in addition, it is prohibited, for example, swimming there on the city beaches, because of course it was not allowed even before that, and of course, when against the background of this heat of the heat there is fixation there, again, non-cholera vibrio, yes, or other pathogens there from such heat, of course that's all we understand that such heat is only one of the points, and from such heat, well, people save themselves as much as they can, and of course there under the same air conditioners, and even less to be under direct sunlight there, but we know with you that this factor it concerns and zaporizhzhya said that
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power outages continue every day, so unfortunately not everyone has the opportunity, of course, to protect themselves. there is an air conditioner there from the consequences of the heat, yes, because there now there , well, as of today, ukrenergo has announced, yes, as for zaporizhzhia, two or three queues a day are turned off on a permanent basis, and the situation is more complicated there with water supply, it is relevant, it is right there in the communities of the zaporizhzhia district, and of course we say that the most dire situation is in the settlements that are closer to the front edge closer to the front, in general, out of 14 settlements are without any supply at all, mr. dmytro, thank you very much for the conversation, for the opportunity to talk, dmytro kyrylchuk, deputy. zaporizhzhia city council was with us, we hope that this day will be calm and hot, yes, but hot only in the sense of the sun's rays, well
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, we are going for a short break now and will come back, we will ask, what is it like in another hot city at 40°, today they promise that in the dnipro there are discounts, the only discounts are a separate court, 15%. in travel pharmacies to you and save. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. interview with eustratius zorya about challenges for the ukrainian church. the problem of the institute of reputation in our society on the example of mykola tyschenko. in the article by viktor boberenko. lada vvedenska about the difficulties and challenges of military medics. the country is always at vistra golovnoy. search at press outlets or pre-pay online. its discounts represent the only discounts on eurofast softcaps 10% in pharmacies of travelers and savings. the book women at war - shared
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the vrp according to the presidential quota, who angered the ethics council? i have nothing to do with this post there is no please, excuse me, stop. but who spent millions on cars at the height of the war. so i came to the car dealership and bought them. on thursday, july 11 at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatiana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. new week on espresso - a weekly summary information and analytical program. a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion. spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. new week project with khrystyna. yatskiv and andrii smoly, every monday at 20:00 at espresso. dear friends, good morning, we are returning to ether, we will continue our roll call and now
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we will move to dnipropetrovsk region, we will ask about how dnipropetrovsk region is now after this week's attacks, odarka, a white volunteer from dnipro, joins us, mrs. odarko, good morning, good in the morning, how did this night go, was it calm or out of thin air? alarms, well, we probably, although we cannot say that we are used to air alarms, but they do not escape us, and if we talk about the shelling of our region, unfortunately, they do not stop either, and russia continues to terrorize dnipropetrovsk region from the side of nikopol itself , marganytsk hromada, pokrovsk, chervono-grigorivska, well, i think, as the whole country already knows, the most... really goes to nikopol, because they continue to work on it with heavy artillery and launch unmanned aerial vehicles, er,
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nikopol is really like a punching bag for the russians that they keep hitting, but this week dnipro and kryvyi rih were also in the spotlight, so to speak, russians, what are the consequences, as now after the hits, or already the houses where the windows were broken, the doors were broken, what is happening now, mrs. odark, tell me, on the ninth. on july 9, we also had a day of mourning, as in the whole of ukraine, and indeed, kryvyi rih suffered extremely badly, there was a large number of dead, which cannot be left behind indifferent, and slowly people are recovering, but of course, the most terrible thing is that there are irreversible losses, and among people, if we talk
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about the dnipro, more... it is easier this time, we had minor destruction of a multi-story building, thank god for everything , and the utility services on the same day began to eliminate the consequences, if we talk about another hit, then i think you saw the footage of the hit directly at the service station, and what the russians said in their publics that all the targets they planned were hit, then... it turns out that this was once again a residential building, as in kryvyi rih, as in dnipro, civil infrastructure objects, and a terrible pain for all of us, of course, these are hospitals that have healed in kyiv, and dnipro, the people of dnipro directly, and i i know that other communities in our region have also united and
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joined in support. to donors, what the civilian population can still do is really support and donate, well, maybe a little about this scandal that started this week, and in the dnipro there is such a little scandal, so to speak, you know that yaroslav mighty, what an athlete who jumps high, and recently set a world record of 2:10, and it seems to be 2:10, broke the record that lasted for 36 months, i read interesting, interesting. and it is interesting why it is so important, because most of these track and field records were set in the late 80s, when it was very weak under control, and those world champions at that time, they just ate, in short, those pills, you can just say , pills, pots, sat on and all doping, and therefore they
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decreed such... proud that normal it is simply impossible for a person to achieve them, well , but there are of course uniques such as yaroslava maguchykh, and here she made this one, and now it is not known how long that record will last, but what is interesting is that mayor boris filatov, as always, has such an interesting opinion, and he wrote in his, in his social networks, that he, they say, skeptically watches how everyone rejoices at this record, because he sees through people. reminded how maguchich was then photographed with maria latyskine, that russian track and field athlete even before the russian full-scale invasion and said that he then, by the way, he supported the mighty, and she did not support him, so in a word he always loves you against everyone, that is why she cheated, lied and manipulated in an interview, and said that the fact that you jump high is not means that you are human, because maybe you are just an antelope, then he supported her, but now he will not
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support her. well, people say that maybe it is connected with the fact that maguchykh refused to support his friend korban hennadiy in the elections, in a word, everything is not so simple in the dnipro, the big politics of the big city, tell us a little about how it is in the dnipro explain this whole story, because you read it like that and think, what is going on in general, well , look how they say that our dnipro is a big city, but everyone knows everything and... on one massif they itch, on another they say, be healthy, well, probably it would be better to ask boris albertovych himself about his posts on social networks, and in general dnipro residents, for the most part, also do not support the story when our truly athletic athlete, who is a great person who broke this record, was photographed with a russian woman, and i will even tell you that this is mostly the position.
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that is, there are those people who find.


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