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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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do you have any recommendations that could be transferred to other teams to be as effective as your team. a sergeant is a must in general, it is the backbone, yes, of an army unit, and it is the sergeant on the battlefield, it is the main soldier, the most important soldier, it is the one who is looked up to, the one who is listened to, the one who gives orders , solves and similar things. including those who, by their direct example on the battlefield, show what to do, how to behave and everything else, therefore it is extremely important indeed to join, train and train this sergeant branch within our units, it should be different from what was there during the soviet army, yes, because there the sergeant was no one at all, now we are building the sergeant as a leader among the soldiers, the only thing. .. i will say that if the officers still
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somehow manage to accumulate their experience, then unfortunately, in this war, due to the high intensity of the battles, very often we are faced with the situation that it is the sergeants, those who are an example on the battlefield, they are very often die during hostilities, because it is they who lead the fighters forward, and it is they who show that there is no need to stop, no no, it is not time to break and everything else, and unfortunately, in this... we have already lost a lot of good trained sergeants, so it is extremely it is important to train them, preserve and give them the opportunity to accumulate their experience so that they can pass it on to the soldiers. and a few issues of the technological plan, for the past week your brigade has destroyed six operational russian drones of the orlan and zala type, if i am not mistaken, does this mean that you already have...
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some kind of antidote has been developed, a technical antidote against these drones, which pose a significant threat to our defense forces, no technical details are needed, just explain what is going on with you there, why you are so successful in destroying eagles and halls, but actually it is eagles so far that it is difficult for us to succeed, but the halls are almost a solved issue for us, all thanks to the unconditional initiative... those who directly deal with our unmanned robotic complexes are mostly young people who bring their ideas, which they bring their initiative and their energy, which we in turn will support and then get such a result. at the moment, there is really almost a systematic fight against these wings and these drones, so if you even look at the radar there, yes, which shows where and how the enemy wings fly, then you can see...
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you see that now the line of responsibility of the third assault the brigades of the enemy wings try to fly around from any side, because they already know that they cannot fly safely here. it is quite difficult for zerlan so far, because after all, he has enough high speed and altitude, but we are also moving towards this systemic solution. and a last question, i heard from our weapons manufacturers that your brigade purchases certain... weapons directly from our defense and industrial companies, this also applies to small arms, weapons of mass destruction and so on, what are the approaches of your brigade here opportunities and priorities for such purchases? er, yes, such processes are taking place, they are to some extent forced, because we have and have the desire and are forced to provide ourselves today directly with those with the means that we... we believe, it is possible
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to effectively conduct combat operations that will protect the lives of our personnel, and therefore , in fact, we purchase weapons and equipment not only from ukrainian manufacturers, but also from foreign ones, this procedure was essential complicated by the bureaucratic process, but today it has become a little easier, after all, the army hears, heard, and in this regard, it gave the brigades the opportunity... to equip themselves and buy, buy directly for themselves the weapons, the equipment, certainly it happens with the approval of the senior commander, the brigade itself cannot buy everything it wants, but we show where we want to buy, what we want to buy and why we want to buy it, and we buy it at the expense of those funds that help us or cities, or big business officially on... the accounts of our brigade and with
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these funds we independently find all over the world the ammunition and weapons and equipment we need and buy them. and one more question, as difficult as it seems to me: your brigade captures enemies from time to time, then we we see the exchanges where we give the enemies so full and confident, and we see our soldiers coming from captivity exhausted by torture and hunger, and we also see how the enemies shoot our soldiers, as was the case just a few days ago, so the question is whether it is necessary to take the enemies at all in captivity, what do they say... your brothers, what is your opinion? this is a really difficult moral question, it is always in front of us, it has been in front of us since the very beginning of a large-scale war, because a lot of our brothers who were and defended mariupol were captured, and therefore
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we have always set the task of our people to capture enemies in order to have the opportunity to exchange them, but today these exchanges are extremely difficult and there are very few azovs. in general, recently , the processes of exchange, as for the form in which our people are returned to us, in which form we give to the enemy, well, it is quite difficult for me to look at it, i have friends who returned from captivity and have already died here because of the torture they experienced there, and this time will be spent on fattening... well, let them let the creatures that we give, we feed, spend huge amounts of money on them, it is certainly difficult from a moral point of view, i understand, we would never behave like this and in no case do i think that we
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cannot afford to descend to the level to which, as the enemy behaves, however, at least we make trips here and there, for example, some... works are mandatory for them to determine, i think that it would be possible for it to be somehow justified, because it is really difficult for us there from a moral point of view look at how our friends return and how we return these creatures. mr. maksym, on behalf of all our viewers, i would like to thank you for your service and that of your brothers, what you do for the defense of our state, i will remind our viewers that it was maksym zhorin, deputy. commander of the third separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. these were the main results of this day's war, then vasyl zima will continue the big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. i thank serhii zgorets, and i thank
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his guest for an interesting and important conversation. in fact, there is a great deal going on, providing a lot of interesting and important information. well, i want to immediately. to inform you that from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. i am with you as part of the verdicty program, and at 11:30 p.m. we plan to broadcast the final press conference of jens stoltenberg on espresso tv channel, and at 12:0015, approximate time, of course, once again in kiev , the press conference of joe biden, the president of the united states of america, although such an option may still appear in our country before that. as the speech of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi together with jens stoltenberg, so a lot of interesting, important things are waiting for you, let's start our conversation now with the announcement of the collection. we invite you
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to join the project from zero to life, which is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the legendary 93rd separate mechanized division with a donation. of the kholodny yar brigade , our defenders win every day without leaving the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so for evacuation, atvs are indispensable assistants, and they also allow to move as quickly as possible on the off-road, which is much more efficient, allows you to perform combat tasks, soldiers who have already passed more than one test, at ground zero, are always ready to give to the enemy that for the sake of our peace, they continue to be on duty at the positions both on holidays and on weekdays. your support will go a long way. chances not only to successfully complete the task, but also to return from it alive, so join the collection, our goal is 4 million hryvnias, i will announce a little later how much we have already managed to collect with you for this good and righteous goal, well, now i will involve
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conversation with our guest, oksana pogomiy, deputy of the kherson city council, ms. oksano, i welcome you, i have so many questions about kherson oblast today, we haven't talked for a long time, and in general... we talked about the situation in kherson oblast, that's why the questions were piling up , moreover, something worth talking about happens every day, i will first of all ask about the security situation, i know that the enemy has been attacking the kherson region, well, they are constantly flying there. drone, but if we talk about the last day in general, enemy strikes in kherson-kherson region, please tell about the consequences of enemy attacks, please, they, unfortunately, as the military says, more, better batteries have appeared in rusna, and they can now fly drones further than they have always flown, and therefore now in... in our the city is dangerous not only on the edge of the dnipro, but also deeper into the center, and they
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are looking for the military, that is first of all understandable, but civilians also suffer from the resettlement, you are now showing the city center, our city center is under fire every day and day and night, the last two weeks, it's just, well, just horror, well, things, me i can only add right away, maybe you can tell more about this story of the enemy. dropped, and from the reset, here is the explosive on the fire truck of the rescuers in kherson, please, these are actually the drones you are talking about, so this tactic is not only ours, they repeated it here, thank god the desnesniks are alive, they managed to hide, but the car was badly damaged , and now they have such a tactic, they shoot at one place, and then after some time, when our... liberators arrive there, they shoot a second time, so what
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is war? well now another story the prosecutor's office started the proceedings, well, this is like such an illustrative story, tragic, terrible, but illustrative, maybe there are more such stories that we don't know about, in the occupation in the temporarily occupied territory, this is just such an appeal from my side, although, for sure, i am not i have the right to appeal, i am not at the front now. but i am a ukrainian, i should probably appeal to those people who say, well, nothing, you will come to an agreement with putin, and he will not kill anyone, but there are people who are in the occupied territory, there is such a thing, the prosecutor's office has started proceedings on this matter, in this case tragic, are there other stories about how the enemy commits atrocities and simply tortures or kills ukrainian citizens, in this story it was about a 20-year-old young man, maybe there are other stories, well, look... there are such stories, but we will learn a lot more about them when the left bank is freed. i
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want to tell you, last week, i don't know why they did it, but they dug three graves in kalanchak with dead soldiers, these are our soldiers who died on the first day of the great invasion, they were buried by our people, and the russians for some reason needed these coffins with these dead soldiers of ours, this is in kalenti kutra. they dug up and around ten they dug up a keychain, if i'm not mistaken, yes, i think it's a keychain, they just leveled the graves with the ground, where they took these remains, i don't know, well , they think that maybe it will be an exchange in exchange for prisoners, they will use it, i'm not sure about it, i think they're just... they're doing everything to raze to the ground, er , some kind of reminder, a reminder of our er
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soldiers, and in general about ukraine, and what is now even when they do not affect the local population, they do not help him. fires started last week, we haven't had rain for two months, on the left bank there are pine trees, forests, there are villages, there are summer cottages. where our people live, so when the fire started, a gun drove in, shot, hails out, the ground caught fire, it was gone, people turned, called the firemen and asked them to come and help, because the people are all old and they have children in the village, the firemen said, collect things that you have time and move in, we won't come, people were putting out, it's good that there is a small lake nearby. they hauled water from there and tried to put out the fire, there is a lot of this
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now, because, well, because the war, because ours are also shooting, and there these forests catch fire and it is impossible to put them out, i remember that before the great war we had a forest on fire on the other side, then we had planes to put it out, planes flew over us to the other side and put out the fire, you know, the temperature is like that now. plus i don’t know how the rains affected the eyes, actually the absence of the kakhov reservoir, well, how in may not have had an effect, again, i am not an expert in this matter, i don’t know, but there is even a broken glass somewhere and... if the heat is strong and the sun is falling, it can burn somewhere even without the effect of the lens, as they say, can to work, so the situation here is clear, and for good reason , the special forces of the special operations forces of the armed forces of ukraine destroyed 15 enemy boats, the enemy tried to land there on the right bank, he did not succeed, well, i
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will ask you one more question very briefly, the enemy legalized propaganda for children, ukrainian children in... occupied territories, how is it generally in your opinion, according to your information, is this happening and is the same thing happening in the occupied kherson oblast, temporarily occupied, as is happening now, say in the temporarily occupied zaporizhzhia, when the enemy is simply trying to change the ethnic picture in these territories, by settling there as many people as possible from, as they say, endless russia, please, we have the same thing with the fact that they come, well, i know for sure... one village of the haloprystan district, let's call it, a rabbit comes and says, you get out, you until the evening, the deadline, i will live here with my family, the family has already left, they evict from nice homes, they evict people and settle, this is how they started from the moment they occupied kherson, we saw a lot of these russians here, i
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don't know what to call them, their women, with their children, they are here with us... there was nothing at all, practically, well, they started bringing in their shops there, and we have freedom square, and there is a cinema ukraine , and they dressed there every morning on the heels of their children's sundresses, and we even saw such a case when the child was tied to a chair on a rope so that it wouldn't run far, and they sat and watched their katsapnia opposite in the square handing out a humanitarian aid, that's how they... had a problem, and they, they very russian told: "in you are not interested here, you don't have discos here, you don't have anything here, it was when we were under occupation, they move, a lot of people move, they like it here a lot, they want to live here, but i hope it's not for long, i would i wanted so, well, yes, indeed, if we live in their stench, then
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they are probably better off here, but we believe in the armory forces of ukraine, each of us, which is really not for long, because fortunately they are not in kherson either, although kherson, unfortunately, suffers constantly from enemy attacks. thank you for your work, and first of all, thank you for your comments. oksana pogomiy, a member of the kherson city council, was in touch with us, listen, they don't have discos. i think that the ukrainian hymers and atakams, and f-16s, when they arrive, will make them discos and a foam party, as they say well, we will now continue our conversation and i will invite iryna grashchenko, national deputy and now she will join in and let 's continue about about about the foam party, if you remember, this is what mrs. oksana says, that when the russians were in kherson, they lacked discotheques, do you remember when they fled from kherson, through this destroyed antoniv bridge, because of the pontoons that they hastily brought up, there were even memes making a video of how it arrived, how everything was and the disco, and the foam
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party and the spa and the water procedures, everything, everything was, everything was organized by the armed forces of ukraine with the help of our partners , i think that if the help of our partners will come as quickly and efficiently as it was then, and the reserves and available forces of the defense forces, the armed forces of ukraine, and ours, our weapons, which are also manufactured, will be effectively used, then i think that such discos it will be possible to arrange in different places, of course i'm trying to raise the mood here somewhere, the situation is very difficult, well, but in any case, in any case, we believe in ukraine. armed forces iryna grashchenko, people's deputy of ukraine is already in touch with us, mrs. iryna, i congratulate you, good evening to all viewers, espresso, well, actually there are several topics that i would like to discuss with you, but let's start, we will start with the nato summit, but today , closer to night, we are expecting, as they say, the final speeches from joe baide the ukraine-nato council, which will take place in kyiv from the 21st
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to the 23rd, and we will definitely broadcast it on espresso, but still. yours is your evaluation of the productive part as of now, we wanted more, thought that it would be possible to be less, what prospects does it give us in in the future, what is our homework and the help that we should receive already now, and i will say frankly, i am disappointed and believe that the nato summit, which should and could have become historic, did not become so, in the end. . declarations are important statements about ukraine's non-alternativeness and membership in nato, but we have been hearing this position since at least 2008, and in fact i like, somewhere i read or heard the phrase that it is like a tetrapark when they repackage this phrase
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about irreversibility membership of ukraine in nato, but it is not known when from package to package from declaration to declaration and being afraid to make a historic decision, and if in 2008 the united states was just playing about that ukrainian role and then and then president. president bush jr. visited kyiv the day before in order to send a signal to the alliance and partners that he supports the provision of humanitarian aid to georgia and ukraine, but then it was blocked by germany and france, now we thank france for changing its position, it was such a long evolution, but unfortunately, the united the states and germany were not yet ready to contribute to final document, this is an important word for ukraine. invitation yes, and actually, i think this is a big mistake, i realize that the nato countries, well, it is obvious that not only germany and the usa were probably not
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ready for this, but everything always depends on the position of the leaders, i realize that until ukraine has issues, yes, we have to meet nato standards, not only in the security sphere, although our army is the best army, i believe, on the european continent now, which demonstrates enormous pro'. professionalism and motivation, oh, well, but in the security sphere, in the sphere there, for example, we still have not reformed the security service of ukraine, which is politicized, we have problems with democracy, we have problems with corruption, in other areas we do not meet the standards nato, it is true, and we should move forward with these reforms, but on the other hand, it is very important that russia does not influence the decisions of the alliance, russia was not at the nato table, but on this decision. that in the final declaration there is no word invitation, there is no word invitation, this is also the influence the influence of russia, because our partners
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are afraid of an aggravation of the situation, an open confrontation there, sorry, what else to be afraid of, a war, a terrible war has been going on for more than 10 years, russia is doing such a terrible slap to the alliance on the eve of the summit, simply shooting the civilian population in kyiv, destroying a children's hospital.. hospitals, this is a war crime, it is reveling in its own, well, actually, what we want from the alliance is more, we want more steps, more determination from the alliance, but actually you mentioned this, sorry, demonstrative terrorist action by the enemy, which he wanted obviously to intimidate, to intimidate nato members, perhaps one of the ukrainian politicians... also to intimidate, and here it is very important that along with the nato summit, ukraine convened a meeting of the security council of the united
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nations on this very issue, i wanted i would like you to comment on their position, statements, well , to be honest, we spoke with politicians yesterday about this bullying in a purely russian and cynical way, this kiev-style cutlet is on the menu, because russia is... catching , she organizes herself, they even here they are trying to deepen this pain with their cynical act, but in your opinion, is it worth talking about, i am absolutely convinced that the ukrainian side is working quite fruitfully in the united nations organization, specifically the ukrainian delegation, but is it worth talking about what can be done on to calculate something more, because it is a great joy for me, i will honestly say that they at least cautiously admitted that it is a russian missile, well, thank god, at least on this or that. please, you are right in your assessment that the presence of russia, her the chairmanship of the un security council shows the deep degradation of this international organization, like
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all organizations where russia is today, it destroys the very foundations of these organizations, it is obvious that if the security council is not reformed, if russia is not expelled from there, then it will remain as it is, you know, demagoguery, simply speaking, where there is deep concern, well, really. has been expressing himself for many years, but nothing has changed, i just left okhmadyt, and i had the opportunity to talk with the doctors, to thank once again for the unprecedented courage, and to okhmadit this a terrible tragedy, this war crime, the russians really united the ukrainians in one line, when they showed such unity both in helping the hospital and in the collapse, in sorting out the debris, evacuating the children, and i saw the chief doctor and simply thanked him too, you know, you have to have a lot of endurance to be at the event, even in online mode, where this scumbag is sitting, a natural scumbag, not a diplomat,
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and... i believe that such are the first- hand testimonies given by mr. jovnir, our doctors should give more in international arenas because from their mouths it sounds much more convincing than even from diplomats and politicians, well , it is very important for all of us, you know, the team, what is it worrying about now, and first of all, tomorrow in ahmedity there will be a requiem in memory of the fallen employees during the attack, two adults were killed in hostilities, among them a doctor, she was buried today in lviv, but... in general, during the full-scale invasion, okhmadit lost six workers due to various circumstances, someone was going to work in the 22nd year, and a doctor died from enemy attacks, someone was killed by a rocket at home, and that all are very big losses, because believe me, unique doctors, and it is very important for us to preserve the staff of this hospital, the preservation of the staff depends on the speed of the hospital's recovery, but now the assessment of the impressions that the corps hospital has suffered is ongoing. equipment,
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you know, is important, and our team there, in particular the poroshenko foundation, have already announced that they are ready to restore one of the departments of the victims and purchase the necessary equipment, thank you very much to all the businesses that are joining today to support ahmadyt and ordinary ukrainians, so that every hryvnia, she should work here very transparently for its recovery, but i think that our faction will initiate a plenary meeting next week with the head of the minister of health, mr. lyashko, to hear an assessment of the damage caused ahmadyt and what are the government's plans here, are they going to rebuild from scratch, or is it still correct, everything that is currently possible, to conserve, repair and run this unique hospital as quickly as possible in order to preserve the team and give children in need an opportunity of this urgent treatment, this
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is the salvation, mrs. iryna, i will only add that tomorrow... by the way, viktor lyashko, the minister of health of ukraine, will give a press conference, in okhmaditya, actually, i think it will be just right connected with the requiem, because at 4:00 p.m. a briefing is planned there, and i understand that he will make some kind of statement, it is very good that you said, by the way, about the work of petro poroshenko's foundation, we call the whole all the businesses, i listed, i want to thank all the businesses, there was simply just such a story, like, here are the people, i don't understand why bring up these... i don't want to use this word, but these political clarifications of relations where they don't exist, and what did you give, and what did everyone give, everyone who has the opportunity handed over businesses, and all the more so that, well, here it is simply necessary to say that petro poroshenko bought equipment from okhmady, back when this, this, this department was being built, so there is no need to throw any accusations, you simply did not know , maybe, yes then you have to inquire, but please, i want to say the opposite, like ours
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team, for the tragedy of ahmadyt, it united ukrainians, we want to thank everyone, you know, who transferred from uah 100, because this is his ability, a pensioner transfers uah 100, this is a very large contribution, and from large businesses that are really there sent millions, but there are such companies, for example, as the roshens, as the poroshenko foundation, which take a different path and take what is called a plug-in project, the repair of a certain branch, and this is also very good, because it guarantees speed, which responsibilities, i think that everyone should really report that he did, i would like to take this opportunity to say that since 2005, for example, i have been transferring part of my salary to the okhmadit oncology and hematology department, so for me it is also a great tragedy today, and plus i understand that both deputies, and business, and people , and volunteers, they are involved in the fact that now the children, let's say, are accepted there , slovakia is ready to help, germany is ready to unite ukraine, and i think
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you know that we... and very often, we know how to unite, but there are such people who know how to devalue, well, holy shit, it's not me, it's just a lady irina, finally, because we have almost run out of time, but i would be very interested, maybe there are opportunities, sorry for the taftology, will israel accept, i know that there is a very cool developer, well, israel once had an oncology there, it would be cool , if, let's say, they could accept ukrainian children and provide this help, immediately after the tragedy it is very important that ambassadors visited the hospital... and it was not only the j7 countries there, as traditionally, which are the first to respond to such emotional moments , and the ambassadors of other countries, and there are already statements from germany, and from israel, who are ready to accept ukrainian children who were in the hospital at that time, but you are alone, this is very important, we are already aware.


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