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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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that it is a difficult situation, but i also know that in the case of an invitation, we have started work. we have been quite open about the fact that we need fewer gray areas and about ukraine's right to choose its own future. they have been very clear about what that future is, and we will support it. i would be happy if we gave an invitation, but nato is 32 countries that have to agree. more importantly, it is practical help from nato allies. for ukraine, such as air defense, as a czech initiative to provide ammunition, this is more important than words. it would be nice to have a beautiful wording, but without practical help, ukraine would not be able to defend itself. personally, me and the czech republic, we would be happy if the results were higher, but it is still a very good result for ukraine and ukrainians. ostapa, yulia has just noted that nato is creating a whole command in german effort to support ukraine. what have you heard about... the significance
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of this decision in washington and also is there any news about when exactly the patriots announced by the allies will be in ukraine? congress played down allied aid will coordinate how aid will be found, how it will be distributed, we know that there will also be 700 officers, including civilian personnel, we currently do not know when exactly it will be operational, they say no... soon it will happen, it is also important to understand that this will be a parallel effort to the meetings of the defense contact group in support of ukraine in the ramstein format, that is, these things remain, will work in parallel, regarding the patriots in the pentagon, for security reasons, they do not disclose when they will arrive, but they say that this will be soon. let's listen to petaraider, the pentagon spokesman. for security reasons, i will not be able to tell you about the timing of the deployment, except that, as always, we will work with our ukrainian.
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partners to deliver these assets as soon as possible, and of course, we will leave it to ukrainian officials to say when these systems will arrive and when they will be put into operation. needless to say, we understand the urgency of this issue, as evidenced by the horrific missile strikes in russia this week, one of which hit a children's hospital. so all that will continue to be incredibly important to us. ukraine requested seven such systems. we have heard the announcement of five equivalent air defense systems. are you trying to find more patriots for ukraine? again, without going into specific systems, i will simply emphasize and reiterate that we understand the urgent need for air defense, that is our priority, and we will continue to work with our allies and partners around the world to provide ukraine with what it needs to protect itself and its people. mustapa, have you heard any updates from the pentagon regarding af-16? and willingness
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to help with their service in ukraine, of course, the united states will help in this direction, i also asked this question to peturaider, let's listen to his comment. the coalition for the strengthening of the air force of ukraine within the framework of the contact group on the defense of ukraine is working very hard together with denmark and the netherlands, as well as with the united states, to ensure not only the training of ukrainian pilots, but also ukrainian technicians, as well as above the questions operate them in the conditions of danger that ukrainian pilots will face, so again, we will have to work on this in the future. ultimately, it will be up to ukraine to decide how to use these aircraft on ukrainian sovereign territory, but we will work with the international community to do everything we can to ensure that when the ukrainians receive these aircraft, they can maintain, maintain and operate them. and finally, have
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they commented anything in the pentagon regarding strikes on the territory of russia with the use of western weapons? oleksiy, we hear different opinions, they say that these conversations with the ukrainians are ongoing, however , pantheon lister petrider says that the usa is also paying attention to the potential risks of escalation. let's listen. our policy on long distance shots has not changed. i think it's important to understand here that we don't want to see... unintended consequences, an escalation that can turn this conflict into a wider one that will go beyond the borders of ukraine, and this is something that i think we all need to pay attention to and treat it very seriously, however we never in any way we underestimate the threat that russia poses to ukraine, so we will continue to work with ukraine to ensure that it has everything it needs to protect its sovereign territory and its people. it did not escalate after the recent us authorization to strike on the russian border, but as the situation is. can
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escalate, i think in this case we are talking about common sense, if you are being fired upon across the border, or if they are forming troops to carry out attacks, say on kharkiv, i think it makes sense to give them the opportunity to shoot back. but again well, you have to look at the secondary and tertiary consequences in terms of potential escalation if targets inside russia come under strikes that don't necessarily have a strategic impact or may have unintended consequences in terms of escalation, so throughout this conflict we've been very closely we are working with ukraine and our partners across europe to prevent a wider war. the us is not at war with russia, we do not seek conflict with russia, but we... fully support ukraine's right to self-defense and we will continue to work with ukraine to ensure that it can do so. thank you very much, yulia yarmonta and ostap yarysh were in direct contact with us from the nato summit in washington and from the pentagon. president of ukraine volodymyr
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zelenskyi also met in washington with the lawmakers of the us senate and house of representatives. he thanked the president of the united states, both houses and parties of congress, and everyone. to the american people for their constant support of ukraine. i followed these meetings and also had the opportunity to present questions to zelenskyi and the leaders of both parties. our congress correspondent is kateryna lisonova. katya, i congratulate you. greetings, oleksia. katya, who did president zelensky meet at the congress, and what was his main message during the meeting with the legislators? as you rightly noted, zelensky met with representatives of legislators from both the senate and the house of representatives from both parties. among the topics discussed by zelensky himself , at least on his own. inka in social networks outlined such questions of gratitude for the already existing one assistance, as well as the implementation and continuation of this assistance in various areas and the strengthening of sanctions against russia. an important issue was also the discussion of how the congress can contribute to the removal from ukraine of all restrictions on
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the use of american weapons from the ukrainian army. answering my question to the president of ukraine, he said that ukraine expects that these restrictions will be lifted and that this is what is being discussed now. mr. president, do you think that all restrictions will be lifted from the ukrainian army? we count on it. and ukraine's most pressing needs since the start of nato's full-scale invasion of ukraine. nato allies have provided unprecedented support to ukraine, including tens of billions of euros in aid. ukraine was important. in the winter and spring, the pauses in the delay in the provision of military support had real consequences on the battlefield, the ukrainians showed extraordinary bravery and resilience in holding the front line, but we cannot and will not allow this to
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happen again, at this summit we left behind past difficulties and lay the groundwork for the victory of ukraine. the allies agreed to launch the nato structure. for the provision of assistance and training for ukraine with a command in germany, logistics hubs in the eastern part of the alliance and, on top of that, hundreds of personnel. nato will coordinate the training of ukrainian forces at the facilities of the allied countries, plan and coordinate the provision of assistance, will manage, manage the transfer and repair of equipment, and will also provide support for the long-term development of the development of the ukrainian armed forces. the allies also agreed to a major financial commitment for of ukraine with a minimum base level of at least 40 million euros over the next year and to support
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ukraine with our help so that it wins. we will review this level at future summits to ensure that our support meets ukraine's needs. the europeans have already exceeded the total us aid to ukraine, a commitment to ensure greater burden sharing in terms of military support. it will also provide ukraine with the reliable support it needs to deter and defend against further russian aggression now and in the future in the future at the summit, allies made further announcements of immediate military assistance, including critical assets. more allies signed bilateral security agreements with ukraine, and now there are more than 20 of them, we took further steps to deepen ukraine's operational interoperability with nato by stimulating the ukrainian defense industry, strengthening
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cooperation on innovation, we also agreed on the establishment of a joint training and education analysis center ukraine -nato, poland, all this. all this support does, will make ukraine stronger and more capable. in fact, everything we do, the command, the commitment, more military assistance, the further introduction of security, the operational in... interoperability lays the groundwork for ukraine's victory and serves as a bridge to nato, the allies agreed with the way ukraine will continue the necessary reforms, we support ukraine on the irreversible path to membership. today we are sending a powerful signal of unity and determination to moscow that violence and intimidation will not work, that ukraine can rely on nato now and in the long term. prospects today at our meeting we also met with our partners from the indo-pacific region. china has become
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a decisive player in russia's war against ukraine and through its unfettered partnership and support of ukraine's industrial defense base. this includes the transfer of dual-use materials for such weapons components. nicks and raw materials, we agreed that countries that china cannot continue to fuel such a major military conflict in europe without consequences for beijing's reputational interests, other authoritarian states, such as iran and north korea, which also support the russian war with drones, ammunition and other supplies, this makes our work, close work with our like-minded partners, even more important. that is, we have launched new projects of cooperation in the fight against
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disinformation, cyber security, artificial intelligence, as well as support for ukraine. we discussed expanding the scope of our industrial cooperation in defense industries and how to improve our intelligence sharing. these are all important steps because we can clearly see that what happens in europe is important for asia what happens in asia is important for europe. and and in this more dangerous world , we must stand together in defense of our common interests in security and adhere to our common values. at this point, i am ready to answer your questions. thank you. let's start with the polish news agency in the second row. good morning. chelsea polish television, i would like to ask you about your comment on the recent ones. exercises from belarus and china near the polish border with belarus
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we, it is extremely dangerous, especially given that poland is experiencing flows of migrants from belarus, and the minister said that poland and belarus have a solution, and i think maybe not only from myself, wanted to thank you for cooperation with zmi, with journalists, for these 10 years of your work. thank you. uh, the chinese exercises together with the belarusian armed forces of belarus, this is part of the pattern. this only confirms how authoritarian regimes are increasingly uniting, and how china is getting closer territorially to... nato in europe, in africa and in other regions, this fits into a pattern
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that we are seeing and seeing also closer ties between china and russia, and now with belarus, and of course, it also fits into a pattern with which authoritarian states work together to support an aggressive russia's war against ukraine. we... we have to remember what regimes we're talking about, we're talking about authoritarian regimes, china is oppressing its own people, persecuting democratic votes, actually in hong kong, and probably engaging in certain behaviors in the north, south china sea, taiwan, and china is building up its military. power without transparency, and this, and missiles, and
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nuclear weapons, so again, the fact that they are getting closer, closer behind russia and belarus fits into this larger picture, the authors, when authoritarian states work together, and this means that we increasingly need to work more and more closely with our partners in the pacific and indochina, thank you... my question is this: under the law passed by congress last december , the united states undertakes in the future to continue our cooperation with nato, from the side of the alliance, nato, are there any plans to be right with any changes in the
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us administration, i mean the elections in november, and from another point of view. side of the north atlantic, we are now seeing certain changes in europe with the coming to power of legal parties that are winning the elections, does nato, in general, have a plan to deal with, how to respond to these changes on both sides of the atlantic. well, nato is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year, and throughout our history we've had... been through a lot, witnessed a lot changes of governments and the coming to power of different parties in different countries, allies, and there were often concerns about new, whether there will be new governments, new parties, whether they will hold back nato, of course, there are no guarantees in democracies, that is, but in the reality of nato proved its extraordinary resilience,
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because every time a new government and a new party or a new party came to power, they understood ... that every nato ally is safer, that is, feels safer in nato than outside it, then nato satisfies the interests in the safety of all allies who are together are coming together, and i hope that will continue to be the case, because it's a positive thing for both north america and europe to have a strong nato, and as for the united states, i want to say that i expect the united states to remain, and. .. a powerful and loyal ally, a member of nato, because it is in the interests of the united states, and with the united states there are concerns about the rise in economic growth, which is china, and of course, the united states is 25% of the world economy, 25 %, but together in
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nato, nato countries are represented twice more. 50% of the world economy, that is, nato also makes the united states safer and more powerful, this is a strong argument for the united states to continue to support and remain, to remain loyal and committed to nato, that is, there is bipartisan support in the united states, in congress, and thirdly, the main criticism of, for example, former president trump was not that he was against nato, but that nato member countries did not sufficiently finance, invest in the nato budget, and this changed, that is, when we made this decision, only a few allies spent more than 2% of their gdp on
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defense, now there are 23 of them, such allied countries, er... 23 allied countries are doing this , they met this norm and will spend much more, today canada, the prime minister trudeau announced that canada is now developing a plan, which is to be at 2% in a few years, which means that all these allies who have not yet reached the mark. hundreds are planning to do it, that is, i congratulate those countries, those countries that have reached this mark and those that have clear plans for that matter, for all those reasons, i expect the united states, some other allies , to remain committed to nato because it's in our best interest to be together. and this is the last
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question, unfortunately. to ask you what role you would like them to play in ensuring self-defense of ukraine, and would you like them to sell military aid, and do you speak, have you spoken with... with south korea about this. our support to ukraine is both humanitarian and economic. economic and military is decided by each country, member or other country, they decide themselves what kind of help they are ready to transfer, and today i spoke,
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i met with the president of korea, president yoon, and this is the third time he has participated in nato summits, and this reflects the fact that nato and the republic of korea are really intensifying. cooperation south korea is a very valuable nato partner. and we are looking at ways to work more together through political dialogue as well as through strengthening our practical cooperation. we agreed on an individual partnership program within which we can cooperate. and at the meeting with president today, we also talked about what's happening in ukraine today, and
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how it shows how interconnected security in europe is with security in the itr, and we know that russia's illegal war in ukraine is supported by china, iran, and also not lastly. north korea. north korea has provided huge amounts of shells, and will continue to provide shells and weapons for this illegal war to russia. and it's not free, of course it happens. we are very concerned about the potential aid through the missile program , aid to russia, to korea. rocket programs, it is a threat not only to south korea, but also to regional stability. security is no longer regional, it is global
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, north korea helping russia in ukraine is one example of that, and for all these reasons we welcome the deepening of the partnership between nato and the republic of korea. and i appreciate it. the fact that we had the opportunity to meet with the president of south korea today, we will continue to intensify this cooperation. thank you very much mr. secretary general, i am very sorry, but this is the last question, thank you very much.
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more elastic skin and reduction of the depth of wrinkles. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on magnesium, 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will speak about the most important thing. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component. serhiy zgurets and what the world lives on. yuri fizer is already in front of me and it's time to talk about what happened outside ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchyvka field winter and sports news. i invite you to talk. for this
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weekend, as well as distinguished studio guests. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care. espresso in the evening. this is the verdict program, i remind you that my name is vasyl zima. at 8:30 p.m., we are waiting for the live broadcast of the meeting between the president of the united states of america, joseph biden, and the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, you will see and hear, there will be a ukrainian translation. i want to start with the good news: kyryll sazonov, in his past life a political scientist, whom we have repeatedly included, invited to the studio, now he is a soldier of the armed forces of ukraine, fighting in donbas and posting photos. on facebook on
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his page that there are several fires in saka, there is also a fire near the belbek airfield, it is near sevastopol, a military airfield, and the satellite also shows a fire near the airfield in novofedorivka, it is also in crimea, as far as i understand, this is my opinion somewhere near yevpatoria, but i could be wrong, well, in any case, if something was hit there, thank god, the russians have no place on our land, and we are starting the verdict program and... we will talk with mykola malomuzhym, the general of the ukrainian army, mr. mykola, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, you know what i want to start with, today we have the name of our broadcast, my colleagues wrote it like this, russian pilot after the attack on okhmadite, he got in touch with the main intelligence agency, did he leak secret data, to be honest, i don’t know anything about it, i’m looking, reading, looking, i don’t know,
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maybe there is some information, in your opinion, could so be and whether this is really the publication of his photos, videos, contacts, of his wife, one of those who was at the helm of the mig plane that flew into the carrier, the carrier of the kenzhal missile, and could somehow make him come into contact, because we know that, because we know the story, when one russian pilot was flying and then he didn’t catch up, something happened to him there in this, well, some bad story happened to him in his life, he was shot, and... here the question is different, if there really was such a story and he came into contact, then should it be announced, publicize this information, please, well, there really is such information, and even clearly there is a staff, who is in the strategic aviation, what positions are held, surnames, family members, respectively, and the version is that it turned out to be a pilot who really saw the sacrifices that really
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pushed him inside. to such a step that the contact was looking for and in order to see the information that is possible and show who is making the hits and understandably, the materials could be another way, the agent, and in order to cover the agent, understandably is made public, and this information is made public , therefore... there are various operative combinations that are used, i understand that russia will now be looking for middle-class, but i will say frankly that intelligence is not so simple as to give out the information that the pilot gave in this way, and there, for example, there are about 150-160 stormtroopers in total, they are easily calculated, so in this situation it is most likely only a cover operation, the materials obtained were real, obtained through an agency or by technical means. and
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this penetration into precisely the technical secrets, but our communication may slow down a little, and the communication may slow down a little, we understand that now somewhere there is light, somewhere there is no light, somewhere the internet is good, somewhere it's not good, so now we'll try to contact mr. mykola the unmarried once again, you know when everyone says... russians are scum, i can agree with that somewhere, is this a moral story - a moral story that a person i saw why she aimed, i don't know what flight tasks are given to the pilots who sit at the helm of the mig, and do they know that after aiming at such and such a square, well, they are given their own squares by eyes, drawn on a map.


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