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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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in russia, weekly inflation in the first week of july amounted to 0.66%. you can say that this is not such a critical figure, but i will remind you that a week before it was 0.22, that is , inflation increased three times, let's see what will happen next, it is quite possible that the reason for this significant increase was the increase in tariffs , it also happened in ukraine, and the same thing happened in russia, but nevertheless we see that inflation... is accelerating there, and what is interesting is that in june russia used 0.63 of its national welfare fund, for understanding, it remains according to russian data, that is, it is not a fact that these are real data, 4.6, if we multiply 0.6 elementary by eight months, then it will turn out that there will be nothing, and i, in addition, that this is just money taken from the national bank of ukraine. there is still a budget deficit,
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which is expected in russia to be 2.1/3 at the end of this year, and it will also have to be covered by the imf, so maybe not as we wanted, but the russian economy, it is clearly going down, you know , there is such a phrase in russia: "they did not live well", i will not speak russian to speak, because now the russian language should not be heard on the airwaves, not even in quotes, they did not live well, there is nothing to do. to start, therefore , of course, for many residents of russia, there are taxes, a reduction of some social expenses for medicine, for something else, well , nothing actually changes in their lives, and when you watch the video, it’s a kind of siberia there, well, it’s just like history, illustration, and there they have such a monorail that goes, goes once a quarter, like, well, something brings food there, there is some kind of fab, houses, well, siberia, there there is nothing one person per 100 km, it
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was like that even before the full-scale invasion, and the local residents say, well, now this train runs there with two cars, but the forest takes away this road, and as it grows overgrown, it will not go, and to them it does not occur to me that it is possible to cut down that forest, it is possible to clear it, no, it will be overgrown and there will be no more, and how will they deliver food to you, but we do not know how, well, how and whether taxes will have any effect on them there, but of course it is on russia affects, i mean moscow and st. petersburg there, the big cities of russia, but here the information is very interesting, not up for discussion, it’s just about the fact that russia doesn’t care, but it doesn’t care, well, it doesn’t matter, cnn gives such information with reference to officials, and cnn itself, i think, has earned a reputation as a media that should be trusted , that russia planned to kill the ceo of rain metal, a company that, together with ukraine, sells weapons to ukraine and prepares a factory. on
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the territory of ukraine, there in poland, which will produce weapons for ukraine, the american german special services were able to disrupt these plans of the russian federation, this is one thing that is important that and they don't care, they don't care, again they don't care, they just can't think of anything other than to kill someone or something else, and there was also a meeting between the president of the united states and joseph biden, joseph biden, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, according to the information that already it turned out that joe biden announced a new aid package for ukraine. to this the us president did not give any details, only updated that the ministry of defense, that is , the pentagon, will later make public the details, apparently through the mouth of lloyd austin, and he also said that everything is being done to ensure that the f-16 aircraft arrive in ukraine already this summer, i think that we will be able to hear zelenskyi and biden, the presidents of both countries, a little later, we are waiting for their approach to the press, for the broadcast, and will be the approach of nato secretary general jens stoltonberg. stoltenberg and
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the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, well , i also know that it is important for russia, or very painful, they really do not like humiliation when their money, which is interest from russian assets in european banks there or possibly in certain funds, other , i do not i know where they kept this money there, in investment funds or some venture capital, i don’t know where, again, i don’t know, but you, but you say that these interest will work for ukraine, how painful a blow it is , it's not somewhere not 10 trillion dollars at once, but... it's still significant, it's billions, and the prospects, again , of these percentages, which we can then have even more, how painful and financially painful it is, and morally painful for russia? well, actually, you know, now the conversation is about 300 billion, approximately, because no one knows the number i never said exactly, they said, someone says 200, 50, someone 300, well, i am more concerned with the figure of 300 billion dollars, these are frozen russian assets. of them are the assets
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of the central bank of russia, this is important, because this is not private money, it is purely state money, of which 200, or rather 191 billion is located in... that is, to understand where physically these securities are located, and they belong to the central bank of russia, there belgium plus luxembourg 210 in total, that is , every country has, by the way, the united states of america does not have so much of this money, i.e. mostly all of europe, however, if we go back now to the 22nd year, it was february, march, then it was clear. understanding that these assets should be frozen, what was actually done, and that they will be transferred to ukraine, but sometime later, conversations began, sometime in april, in may, that this should not be done, that this would undermine confidence in the european economy, and somehow there was a question on pause, and it is still
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largely on pause, because then half-measures began to appear, at first they said that let ukraine give taxes from those income from these assets. then the actual profits and the actual last meeting of the big seven were just discussing that ukraine would be granted a secured loan under the profits, or rather these profits, but now there is information that saudi arabia is threatening that it will then realize the debt obligations of europe, that is, asking not to do it, well, actually there are many reasons why it is not done, you know, i once specifically analyzed this point, that first of all, there is a real fear that it will hit... on, let's say, the image of the country, who will do it it will undermine confidence in them, in these economies, secondly, the legal component, thirdly - this is germany's fear that this will be a precedent, according to which germany itself will be deprived of its assets since the time of the second world war. someone says that it was a long time ago,
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but poland during the time of the previous government submitted, let me remind you, a complaint for one and a half billion euros to germany precisely since the second world war, and there are also certain italian... there are complaints from italian banks, which is interesting. italy was an ally of germany, nevertheless, precisely because of the second world war, there are complaints and ideas that let's seize german property, that is, germany is very afraid of this, and the precedent with ukraine can play a negative role for it, and that is why germany has always, let's say, slowed down the decision on this issue, because nevertheless, the fact that the issue is moving is good, for russia, it is a very painful issue, but i will say for myself that... you know, since i very often appear in the airwaves of arab channels, and arab television, it is built, i think, as in other countries of the world, that there is a guest from ukraine, a guest from russia, and various topics are discussed, including russian assets are frozen, and i constantly heard the phrase that under no circumstances
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should you touch the state assets of russia, because it would be theft from the state itself, and at the same time , they were not against private money, that let the private ones touch, but not the state ones. russian funds, well, okay, i think that there will be a moment when joseph stiglis, the nobel laureate in economics, at the beginning of this year even said that why are we only thinking about public funds, let’s also think about private funds, because after all, public funds are 300 billion, and if you take private money, that is , the money of people who are under sanctions, who are most likely connected to the kremlin, the number will be much higher, but the main thing is that, again , these discussions are already being joined by scientific circles. .. they bloomberg asked the lawyers, the lawyers said that it is possible to transfer to ukraine, it will not be a violation of legal statutes, legal norms, that is, okay, we see that this moment also falls away and the economic and legal one, that is, in principle, there is a discussion, it is
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good, i think that there will be a solution, it is unpleasant for russia, because it will once again demonstrate that no matter how they declare there that they want to withdraw from the event in every possible way, but they need this money. in order for their economy to work normally, because you know, they say again that everything is great, and if you just listen to certain business forums that take place in russia, there is a statement for a moment by the first deputy chairman of the central bank, about the fact that if russia does not come up with something urgently, the russian economy may, let's say, get into trouble, and they practically say that let's return to natural exchange. to barter, that is you know, somehow the world moved away from these natural exchanges a long, long time ago, but russia wants to return, because the options, because these sanctions, among other things, let's say, on june 24, i'm sorry, the 14th package of eu sanctions is adopted, and three days before
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, the leading chinese manufacturer of tailings for energy supply of shale gas terminals lng 2 arctic, in russia. such a person declares that he is leaving russia because he has an insight that there will be sanctions against lng in the 14th package, and he does not want to be present in of russia, and this happens a few days before itself. on these sanctions, that is, we see that even china is moving away from russia little by little, and this is understood in russia, this is understood by the economic leadership, which asks the political to do something, the political is starting to increase pressure on ukraine, unfortunately, we all saw this during the attack on ukraine and ahmadite, in my opinion, this was just another attempt to force ukraine to peace, because there i understand that if there are no... all peace talks, then it is quite possible that the economy of russia, if and will last this year, not the fact that it
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will last next year. well, by the way, i want to suggest now to hear about, well, what you said that a chinese company there is withdrawing from a certain project because it is afraid of secondary sanctions from the united states of america, i would like us to listen now of nato secretary general jens stoltenberg, actually about... china in supporting the russian economy. china supplies russia with dual-use equipment, including microelectronics and many other tools that allow the russian federation to build bombs, missiles, planes for attacks on ukraine. beijing cannot support the largest war on the continent in recent history without negative consequences for its reputation. by the way,
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just so you know, you talked about the fact that public funds are okay, private, let's think, i think that it is necessary to agree with the western establishment, first of all, not only the western one, that in this putin's racist russia, recognize it as the term racism, but not to be afraid of the fact that nazism, it has risen in modern russia, because it is... it is simply called differently, and to recognize that these private funds rich people of russia, they could not have happened without the help of the fsb, without the help of the authorities, and i will only say that somewhere before the start of the full-scale invasion, long before the start of the full-scale invasion, only one moscow had an official 21-dollar billionaire, this is only officially for one moscow , it was almost the largest among all the capitals of the world, this is just a huge number of people, we understand that there are much more of them throughout russia, these people could not have earned their billions without... cooperation with russia, what they are today remain billionaires in this of russia, this means that their money
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somehow works for the modern, for the modern russian-racist regime, is it so difficult to admit and, but another question, whether these people can influence putin's decisions, even if they, they will be squeezed by the throat quite strongly, the impression is that in russia there is such a thing. the social contract between the oligarchy and the government, that the government does not touch the oligarchy, gives it the opportunity to earn, in exchange for this, the oligarchy does not get involved in politics, you know, a person who was against such a social contract, we can remember, this is mykhailo khadarkovskiy, who even criticized certain approaches of the state during one meeting with putin at the beginning of putin's coming to power as president, and after that khadarkovskiy was arrested. a man who at that time was the richest man in russia with 15 billion dollars worth of machines,
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it was about 2003, and here he was arrested, and this was a signal to all russian business that now the rules have changed, now or you are completely becoming a component of this big mechanism, for this you will not be touched, or you will have problems, and problems, by the way, well, khadarkovskii is the most famous case, i now... i won't remember the name right away, there was another businessman in russia who, i remember, was arrested in miller's waiting room, that is, a person is invited to a meeting with the head of gazprom , he comes, he is arrested there, because the sibur company, if i am not mistaken, he owned it, they asked him to give it up, he is actually forced to give it up, yakov holodovsky mentioned the names, and he was forced to give it up and leave russia, because he is there, i understand made it clear that... he is not really needed here, that is why business has become a component of the state machine, and many of the russian
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oligarchs, he is, as they say, the official owners of the money that belongs to the russian elite, that is, putin cannot to write everything down, he likes to say that he is a poor person, and according to the documents, it is most likely the case, because all his assets are registered to many of these same billionaires, who are purely nominally the owners of this money for... in fact, they belong to the management to russia, that is, to putin or people from his entourage, and therefore, we definitely take russian money, private brackets. a-a should also be considered as possible collateral against russia and the return of which to their owners should take place only after russia ends the war and pays all reparations in full, if it does not pay reparations, this money should be used for this purpose, i think it can cover a significant amount of money, you know,
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the world bank already says, if i'm not mistaken, 473 billion. damages that russia has caused to ukraine, that is, it will not cover 300 billion dollars, what is frozen, so this money cannot be dispensed with, another issue is that legally all this must be done clearly so that there are no grounds to appeal such decisions, i think that the lawyers there will do everything possible to appeal them, but that's all well, i understand that this is how mr. stiglitz wrote his articles, that you know that if he wrote about 300 billion state money, that if it is not... given to ukraine, it will be a signal that any country in the world can undermine the world order and be sure that nothing will come of her money, this is unlikely to be positive a signal that we can give to all other countries, because no matter what dictatorial regimes they are, they all want to keep money in europe and or in the united states of america, that is, in the countries of the west, and no one really wants
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to keep this money in the states, where they are not sure that they have... tomorrow tomorrow i will not take this money away, so yes, that is why kim jong-un probably studied in switzerland, not in north korea, and like many children of dictatorial countries, but russia really returned to the time when tsar ivan the terrible said that mykhal i was right to execute imil's timaeus, and actually everything was a tsareva, and he could not call any boyar there, not dmitriy, but someone there. a copper, because all a copper has is his king, the tsar, and the same thing is happening in russia now, there is no, well, let's say, a russian star, a famous person, allagachova, who so very carefully expressed that, well, because, well as if it is already too much to beat a children's hospital in the russian state duma, they say that it is necessary to put a turban on her forehead, take away all her property in russia, this is modern russia, that is
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, to talk about the fact that killing children is not you can, all tavro on the forehead, a traitor and give all the property for... in general, and soon they will be shot or something else, well, that is, this is modern russia, i think that the west should understand this, with whom it is dealing, there is no private, non-private, just look at the list of mysterious deaths of gazprom and novatech managers, starting from the 22nd year, and that's it, there's no such thing, somewhere there's just something wrong with you, everyone shot himself with the whole family, drowned in swimming pools, fell off a yacht, something else and everything, this is such and such russia, and we have literally two minutes, the last thing i wanted to ask. and the prospects of the resource, or, as they say, the resistance and battery charge of the ukrainian economy, because we also have to withstand this in this opposition to the resource, of course, that is, we have a big problem, you know, in this period, which is growing at a frantic pace negative balance, for the first half of the current year there is already a negative balance of 13 billion dollars, that is, the currency
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comes out more than that, we buy more than we sell, yes yes yes, and this is very strong. on our currency, and this is a problem, on the other hand, it is partially covered by the fact that ukraine has already adapted, in my opinion, to the conditions of existence during the constant attacks of russia, even with the power outage, we see how many generators are working on the streets, that is, this everything means that small and even medium-sized business, if it does not stop, it works, and that is why we have about and gdp growth was in the 23rd year, and the forecast for growth in the current 24th year. that is , the state more or less adapted, and the partners, they remain with us, because they are understand that no one wants a repeat of the scenario of the first world war, no one captured berlin, and germany lost the first world war because the economy did not survive, and many understand that even if the same scenario does not happen in ukraine, ukraine will survive economically, and therefore i think there will be support, but
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now is a difficult month of negotiations, because we know that we have to pay 210 million dollars for warrants and for certain loans we received, we managed to postpone it for two years two years ago, now it is difficult will postpone once more, but this is not means, it's difficult, it's impossible, so i hope that our partners will help us agree with the creditors that let's postpone it until better times, we don't refuse to pay, but we still need to do it after the victory, so that now we don't... chat resources necessary for obtaining this promotion, well, my colleague oleksandr morchivka tells me that actually, well, we have an economic survey, that ours are a little worried. partners that until september 1, august, time is getting shorter, and our partners from ukraine, obviously, what kind of answer do they have would like to hear, but do not hear. there are discounts
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society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaliy portnikov and guests of the project: it's boring, because there's nothing to fight about, let's figure it out, they help understand the present and predict the future, the second trump presidency will be terrible. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. new week on espresso, weekly summary information and analytical program. clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join
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the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week, the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly every monday at 20:00 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, more more analytes. even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and. competent opinions, for example, if mykola veresin did so, he would go to prison, a special view of the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond its
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borders, who is china then, my heart hurts, that's all it's in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. greetings, this is the chronicles of the war, i'm olga len, espresso tv channel. well , the first thing i want to say is to call you to join the new collection of the espresso tv channel, the collection from zero to life, this collection for quad bikes for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and delivery of ammunition. please support donato soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar, they are fighting for victory every day. they do not leave the wounded and fallen on the battlefield, so quad bikes are indispensable assistants for evacuation, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible off-road, help
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efficient work, your support significantly increases the chances of the soldiers of the cold war not only, not only to successfully perform combat tasks, but also to return from them alive, join the collection, our goal is 4 million hryvnias to be so big collection, you see at... tatbank, monobank, there are qr codes, there are account numbers, please support a large, very important collection, and now let's look at our battle map , let's see what happened on the line in recent days combat clash, well, we will discuss all this further, the map of combat operations for the period 3:10 july, the front line. dynamically changes in critical areas. the russian army aimed to capture the entire donetsk region south of the kramatorsk agglomeration. toretsk,
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pokrovsk, volhydar and kurakh were targeted. in all areas the occupiers have some success. if during may the number of military clashes increased every week from 500 battles at the beginning of the month to 800 at the end, then in the first week of july the level of battles exceeded 900. the russians understand that the window of opportunity may close soon, and therefore, despite the substantial increase in their losses, they are forcing events, to get the maximum amount of ukrainian lands. during the yar period , the fortress shuddered, but stood. after three weeks. of the battles for the kanal district, during which the armed forces of ukraine carried out several counteroffensives, armed forces forces of the russian federation managed to occupy the entire area and push the defense forces to the left bank of the siver-donetsk canal. as a result , the rest of our defensive positions on the other side of the canal lost their relevance, so the armed forces completely abandoned them both in the southern part of the city and in the area of ​​the village of kalynivka. the canal held defense for almost six months from mid-
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february, the area is still destroyed. has fully fulfilled its protective function. now the occupiers will start knocking out our defenders from the central districts of chasovoy with kababs yaru their attempts to jump into the novaya microdistrict failed, so the rashists will continue to try to bypass the city from the north through kalynivka and from the south along the road that runs over the canal. attempts to destroy the yak ticks have completely failed, and the armed forces of ukraine are currently clearing individual positions of russians in the village. therefore, in addition to the brilliant plan to take chasiv yar head-on, russia... also began an offensive from the turkish direction, from where they can in the future reach the southern outskirts of kostiantynivka. toretsk is the new target of the invaders. as it became known, for a breakthrough positions of the defense forces on the outskirts of toretsk, in the south and north, the russian troops used their favorite method, which has already brought them success more than once: they dug a tunnel underground . if in the first days of the breakthrough, the rashists managed to make their way directly to turetska street and get involved in city battles, then
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later. the situation stabilized and the breakthrough could not be widened. this became possible thanks to the transfer here of the 95th airborne assault brigade, which the general staff often uses as a fire brigade. not being able to break through to the forehead, the russians shifted their focus to the south in order to bypass the turkish agglomeration in order to impose battles around the entire perimeter of the city. the enemy broke through a narrow corridor of 3.5 km, captured the outskirts of the village of new york and started urban battles here. however, so far the russians have not managed to expand this corridor. and therefore there remains the possibility of its liquidation. at the same time, the occupiers will try to break through our defenses in the direction of kalynovo , the old mykolaivka, in order to kill the turkish soldiers and cut the logistics across the road from kostyantynivka. in addition, it will allow them to collapse our fortified area in the alexandropol area without heavy fighting. the shelling and assault actions of turetsk, the number of which increased in geometric progression, demonstrate that in the near future the rashists will bet on
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a breakthrough in this part of the front. the crisis in the pokrovsky direction has intensified. it took about two months for the occupiers to, after seizing the fortified area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine in ocheretiny, almost completely push our troops back to the right bank of the vovcha river and the karliv reservoir and seize territory measuring 5-8 km deep into ukraine and 20 km deep. in recent days, they occupied the villages of novopokrovska and sokil. the occupation of yevgenivka is almost complete. yasnobrodivka came to the... roz zone, that is, the defense forces left it, but the occupiers have not entered it yet. the last village east of the vovcha river remains novoselivka the first. however, the enemy has sharpened it from three sides and is gradually displacing our heroes. in addition, very slowly, but relentlessly, the russians are advancing along both banks of the karlov reservoir. however, the worst scenario unfolds in the vozdvizhenka area and lozuvatsky, where the occupiers are breaking through with two arms to the pokrovsk-konstyantynivka highway, a key
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logistical artery. the other day, in both directions , the rashists managed to penetrate more than a kilometer deep into our defensive redoubts. south of zlozovacki, the occupiers along the railway are climbing to the west in order to gain an opportunity to bypass the defensive positions built along the vovcha river. at the moment, it is not clear where the armed forces can stop the rashists in the pokrovsky direction, because after the occupation of avdiivka, the creeping offensive in this direction has been going on for six months. the kurakhiv and ughledar directions are critically affected by the situation in... where urban battles have been going on for two months. the armed forces continue to hold the central areas of the city, but the enemy is advancing at the rate of one or two streets a week. the trend of full occupation of the city in the coming months is clearly visible. in georgiivka, the russians essentially expanded sivrona, which covers the entire village. this is the penultimate settlement before the exit to kurakhove. therefore, in the event of a complete occupation of krasnohorivka , the enemy will release its resources and be able to focus on attacking a key defensive
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city. in this sector, moreover, the situation is on the rocks.


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