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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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espresso channels. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. great britain does not allow ukraine to hit targets on the territory of russia with stormshadow missiles. zelegraph writes about it. with reference to sources from the ministry of defense of the united kingdom. the department allegedly stated that the government's policy has not changed. kyiv was allowed to launch missiles at targets in the occupied crimea and on the mainland of ukraine. officials fear escalation of war and invasion. great britain in conflict with russia. earlier , bloomberg wrote that prime minister keir starmer allowed the destruction of the logistics of the occupiers on the territory of erefia with long-range missiles rockets the un general assembly adopted the ukrainian resolution on the safety and security of nuclear facilities of ukraine, including the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. as reported by ukrinform , 99 countries voted for the document, while nine countries voted against it. about 60. deputy representative
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of ukraine to the un, serhiy kyslytsia, recalled that the magathe had adopted a number of resolutions in which they expressed concern about the unstable situation in the armed forces, called on russia to withdraw its military, and also demanded its immediate return to the control of ukraine. in addition, the nuclear issue security was violated at the peace summit in switzerland. in order to develop the position of the assembly regarding threats related to the russian war, ukraine initiated the adoption accordingly. resolutions restoration work has begun at the ohmadit children's hospital. currently, the medical facility already has electricity and water supply. the turn to provide critically important medical services. as of today , a blood center has already been launched at the hospital. small oncological patients are returned to departments that have had time to carry out primary repairs. the next one next week, the cost of restoring the new building will be known, in parallel with these.
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consequences of damage to objects of cultural heritage on the territory of the hospital, the toxicology building was completely destroyed, it is not subject to restoration. today we have already launched the blood center, i also became a donor today, and this allows us, taking into account the fact that the oncology hematology laboratory was launched, to slowly return oncology patients to departments that have already undergone primary repairs and... introduced to the state that can receive patients. in parallel, we waiting for the completion of the defective act, which will say what the cost of construction should be in order to clean up all the mess after the terrorist act. we already have a radiology department. we continued to irradiate those children who started irradiation even before the attack, and now all the facilities of this department are working at full capacity, this is mri, this... vct, and currently we
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expect to include in the near future a new machine, a new machines for the whole of ukraine, this is petka with an effect, it will be a new technology. they wanted to block the shipment of weapons to the front. the security service kidnapped saboteurs of the fsb of russia in kharkiv and arrested a recidivist from odesa red-handed. the man tried to destroy the relay cabinet for. railway traffic light, two more arrested in the rivne region, one of them set fire to a relay box that controlled the operation of semaphores on one of the main railway lines, and the other filmed the sabotage on camera to then send a report to the fsb. the men received money for their work, now they are in custody, the saboteurs face life imprisonment. in bilhorodska region of russia, one of the occupiers shot his comrades with a machine gun. at least
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two russians were killed, one more was wounded. after that, the soldier fled. an interception plan has been announced in the region. the shooter may have a machine gun and ammunition, so there may be casualties. more. the drowned man's body was found on the border with romania. a 33-year-old resident of transcarpathia tried to flee the country through the tisza river. the deceased was brought ashore, the state border service reported. this is already the 17th case of death of men in the tisza river since the beginning of the year while fleeing abroad. the injured tourist was rescued. an elderly resident of kharkiv region injured her leg while descending from mount hoverla. and could not move on her own, they came to help, they provided medical assistance and transported the tourist to her place of residence. the woman was part of a group of 25 people, the state emergency service reported. there will be less light, stricter
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shutdown schedules will come into effect from 2 p.m. previously, the 16th was planned. at this time , four queues out of six will be without light at the same time, i.e. 70.50% of consumers in each region will be cut off, at other times half will be without electricity, reported ukrenergo. the situation with electricity will ease at the end of july, the heat should subside, and several units at power plants will come out of repairs, and in september-october there are even good chances to avoid blackouts, provided there are no new shellings, noted the head of ukreenergo volodymyr kudrytskyi. and yesterday's heat in the capital... broke three temperature records at once, the minimum air temperature turned out to be the warmest for this day, because it did not drop below 21.7°. previous the record value was exceeded by 0.3°. the maximum temperature in kyiv reached
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34.2°, which is half a degree higher than the previous indicator. the average daily air temperature also broke the record by half a degree, the central geophysical observatory noted. today, weather forecasters are also reporting heat throughout the country, with temperatures reaching 41°. chronology of events from the revolution of dignity to the first months of the full-scale invasion of russia. the documentary film 10 years of war was presented in ternopil. a team worked on the film espresso tv channel. the military, social activists, politicians and writers came to the show. details, let's see further. the key events of the history of ukraine during the last decade are intertwined with the destinies of extraordinary people, this is exactly what the new film from the espresso tv channel is about. in the two-hour film, the creators talk about the victories, defeats, challenges and transformations that have happened
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to our people over the last decade. ternopil is the third city where a pre-premier screening was organized. when the summer of last year we thought, how would it be right for us to celebrate the ten-year anniversary of the tv channel. we thought that the celebration of the tenth anniversary is an important story, but the current events do not correspond to any large-scale celebration, so the idea arose precisely in honor of the tenth anniversary to create a documentary film about the history of ukraine, about the history of ukraine's struggle for independence in the last 10 years. in the basis of the plot, the stories of several ukrainians, in particular, paramedic yulia became the heroes of the film. journalist tetyana chornovol, writer svitlana povalyaeva and her son, fallen hero of ukraine, activist roman town hall we tell through the fates of our heroes, tyra, ratushny, tetyana chornovol and many hundreds of thousands of other heroes who are now
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defending ukraine and who stood up for the independence of ukraine and for our european elections, starting with the maidan. the work on the creation of the documentary lasted over a year, by the director and screenwriter. the film was directed by oleg garenchar, who lives and works in the united states of america. the picture consists of archival footage taken from 2013 to 2023. the chronicle must be written, it is very important, because it is not only about memory, it is about stories about people, stories about events that are already happening. we have to realize that such films help ukrainians as well, and i hope there will be viewers abroad, to realize what is happening to us and what is happening around us. the creation of the film was made possible thanks to the public
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organization all-ukrainian democratic forum with the support of yousite, a media program in ukraine, which is implemented by the international organization internews and the zmi development fund, the us embassy. in ukraine, i watched the film on one occasion, after the film there were so many emotions and feelings that after the film it is very difficult to always talk, then i was for about half an hour... alone, and how they fought for it, the regional people felt the atmosphere to have a pro-european state. in the coming year, when i also went to the maidan, when pre-premiere screenings will also take place in other centers besides ukraine, the tape is planned for the maidan, when ukrainians were shoulder to shoulder to present it abroad for english-speaking audiences. so that foreigners from all over the world know about the crimes of russia and remember that the war in
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ukraine continues. kateryna oliynyk, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. and i am asking you to join our collection for drones and components for art reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. you and i need to raise 2.5 million hryvnias, i understand that it is a lot, but drones are what gives security to our military, and they can confidently go forward, and most importantly, they save. their lives, so i ask you to join and not waste time. that's all the news i have for now, see you tomorrow, take care. this is the verdict program, remind me of... you summary, at 8:30 p.m. we are waiting for the live broadcast of the meeting between the president of the united
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states of america, joseph biden, and the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, you will see and hear, there will be a ukrainian translation. i want to start with the good news: kyril sazonov, in his past life a political scientist whom we repeatedly included and invited to the studio, now he is a soldier of the armed forces of ukraine, fights in donbas and posts his photos on facebook. on the page that there are several fires in the sacks, also burning in the area of ​​the belbek airfield, this is near sevastopol, military the airfield, and also the satellite shows a fire near the airfield in novofedorivka, this is also in crimea, as far as i understand, i think it is somewhere near yevpatoria, but i could be wrong, well, in any case, if they hit something there, then kudos god, the russians have no place on our land, well, we are starting the program of verdicts and we will talk with mykola malamuzh, general of the army of ukraine, mr. mykola, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes,
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you know what i want to start with, in our today is the name of our ether, my colleagues they wrote as follows: after the attack on okhmadite, the russian pilot contacted the main intelligence agency, did he leak secret data, to be honest, i don’t know anything about it, i’m looking, reading, looking, i don’t know, maybe there is some information, on in your opinion, could this be the case and is it really publicized? photos, videos, contacts of him, his wife, one of those who was at the wheel of the mig plane that flew into the carrier, the carrier of the dagger missile, could somehow make him contact, because we know, and because we know the story when one russian pilot run-run, and then he didn’t finish, something happened to him there, in this, well, some bad story happened to him in his life, he was shot, here the question is different, if there really was such a story... and he made contact, then whether it is worth voicing this, making this
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information public, please, well, there really is such information, there is even a clear list of personnel who are in strategic aviation, what positions are occupied by surnames, family members, respectively, and the version is that it turned out to be a pilot who really saw the sacrifices that really pushed him internally to such a step, which looking for contact and in order to provide information, which is possible and to show who is carrying out the strikes, and of course, the materials could be in another way, agent, and in order to cover the agent, of course , it is made public, and this information is made public, so there are various combinations of operational , which are used. i understand that russia will now be looking for an average member, but i will say frankly that the intelligence is not so simple as to
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release the information that the pilot gave in this way, and there, for example, there are about 150-160 stormtroopers there, they are easy are calculated, so in this situation it is most likely only a cover operation, the materials were obtained by real agents through an agency or by technical means, and this penetration is precisely into technical secrets. but our connection may slow down a little bit, and the connection may slow down a bit, we understand that... now there is light somewhere, somewhere there is no light, somewhere the internet is good, somewhere bad, so now we will try to connect again to contact mr. mykola, you know, when they say that all russians are scum, i can agree with that somewhere, eh, is it moral or - moral
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the story of what a person saw, why she took aim, i don't know what flying tasks... pilots who sit at the wheel of a mig get, and do they know that after aiming at such and such a square, well, they are given their own squares they are drawing a map and they know that they are aiming there, whether they know what is going on or not, i don't know, maybe a person found out and thought that children and people died there, but in any case, mr. mykola returned , in any case, what do you think, here is a person who... even gets in touch, this person is already suicide bomber, and is it possible here, and can it have an impact on other pilots who in our future, sitting at the wheel, will think about where the missile will fly and whether there will be revenge for that later, because again, the story with the death of one of the russian pilots, we remember it, it took place, well,
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first of all, i speak as a version, because i emphasize once again that the intelligence always plans and covers exactly... those fools are not only agents, but those who took the initiative and released information to protect them so that they would not be harmed, so russia will conduct now massive counter-liberal measures, identify possible pilots or other specialists of this unit, who gave information in order to identify him, detain, arrest, and possibly kill him, because often, as they count, they call them traitors, they destroy them, remember we even follow prigozhin, who was putin's friend, but also... who took over just one helicopter, we remember, and even moved to europe and was found there by the russian special services, that is, they do not forgive anything, that's why i orientate myself that our intelligence did not give specific information about the pilot who handed over the materials, that is, this is most likely, i emphasize once again , the operation that covers up the sources to what
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method we obtained, whether technical or intelligence, and it is clear that somewhere he can direct the trail of russian counterintelligence... in a different direction, but if we say , this option cannot be ruled out that this initiator, who will deeply understand, there are many of them among the russians who see what they are doing, and at some stage, when the victims are particularly large, and if the pilot sees such an ahmadite, then it is clear that someone should have and an extraordinary rush to find out who is doing this, to publicize it so that russia will beware in the future, and even more so, it exposes the version... the one that putin is trying to push, that it's like uh-uh some other uh- e format, well, as if our ppo sent a missile there and it hit, this is an absurd version, although everything is one hundred percent proven, and foreign expert positions, and investigative actions, and e.e. the kyiv institute of forensic examinations
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consistently established that it was a russian missile starting from the moment of its launch from russia, transfer to the territory of ukraine and... the flight directly near ahmadyt, which was recorded, and specifically those parts that were discovered, but at the moment, once again the testimony of the pilot, it seems, it shows that putin is actually all this at, today he is bluffing, at the un , i realized that he was again showing this format, which does not correspond to reality, here the russian himself gives out information, specifically names the persons, pilots, commanders who carry it out, who specifically strikes. but it’s one hundred percent, it’s tu95, tu160, flight deck, and i understood, they every time rise, become carriers of ballistic missiles, this is an additional plus in the format of revealing, so to speak, the influence of the raiders, that they commit crimes and acts of terrorism against even children, and this should have a very powerful psychological effect, i think that this is a big operation , which will really have
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both evidential and demonstrative effects, if it reveals these people, and on the other hand, psychologically. on the russian pilots themselves, well, i think what affects the russian pilots the most is not even what they saw, what they did, but the fact that photos and videos of their families are made public, and fear for their lives and the lives of their families, probably plays a key role here, it seems to me, but again, if it is possible to carry out this operation and achieve a certain result and minimize such blows , it will be very good, we are now, you can see right now on the screen... a video of the meeting between the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi and the president of the united states of america joseph biden. this meeting has already taken place, we have a video, but my colleagues will tell me if we are we will have a briefing a little later. approach to the press, we are waiting for the approach to the press of both presidents and we will hear what they tell us, very briefly, but i just opened the tape and read very interesting and important
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information, in fact, it should inspire people, you know, when someone takes certain steps with of our western partners, such decisive cardinal steps, they probably have someone to force someone to shame someone that you are not doing this, to inspire someone to do the same , and the prime minister. mete frederiksen of the kingdom of denmark said in an interview with the publication voice of america that denmark should transfer all air defense systems to ukraine, as it already did with artillery. metta frederickson said that ukraine knows better what to do with air defense systems than, say, denmark. tell us, please, that this is the step of our partners and friends. by the way, denmark is a very supportive and helpful country. in particular, mykolaiv region, mykolaiv, i just know, i have an acquaintance who works in this project, and this is also a big plus, and this should inspire others, and maybe even
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to embarrass certain countries that, let's say, are still thinking of giving us some type of missiles, or not giving us these missiles, but someone takes such steps and says, maybe you should do that, well, for some reason, denmark, which, by the way, has disputes with russia in the arctic ocean, over the shelves, we understand this very well, it is an ancient story. well, for some reason it is not afraid to give both artillery and anti-aircraft defense and is not afraid of russia and possible conflicts with russia, although, again , the disputes over the gas-bearing shelves in the arctic ocean, they continue, and this it is also no secret that there is its own history, please, well, a number of country leaders clearly proceed from the concept that russia is a threat not only to ukraine, but to europe, nato countries, and therefore the most effective way to neutralize it so that it is defeated, it is to provide up to... aid to ukraine, not to keep everything in reserves, we need to defend ourselves, poland says so, america says so, germany, france, spain, and italy also say so, that is, we have to preserve, we depart
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from the concept , here the question is solved relatively who will defeat the aggressor, and there will be a specific result on the field, therefore the transfer is correct, denmark is setting an example, i will say it directly, because some are doubtful whether to transfer or not to transfer, and denmark says, we are not directly carrying out combat missions, we are. ukraine, today we can hand over everything we have, and then, accordingly, as part of nato , we will defend ourselves if russia dares to attack in the extreme case, although this will not happen, so this is both an example and an embarrassment, but also a lot of people will be motivated countries to transfer when small denmark transmits everything, and great germany refrains, for example, from tauris or other systems that can powerfully change the situation in certain directions and especially suppress those points that launch missiles, accordingly lift aircraft with different cabins, for example, or with ballistic missiles that are attacking our cities and villages, that is, i think that this will also be an incentive for concrete
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actions, because the main strategy, we are saying today, let's give those weapons that will really help us defeat the enemy, not just deter and destroy reserves, this already we are doing it, but on the limit, let's give at least one third of the armament of the equipment to the fifth-sixth generation. and we will defeat russia in a short period of time, and then there will be a prospect of global security for both europe and the usa, because then russia will not be able to rise, and in this way it will really build up resources for a long time, form a protracted war, destabilize the situation in europe, to provoke, carry out sabotage in european countries, which it does today, only in this way, generating forces, transferring the latest weapons, equipment a sufficient number, not one, hundreds, but in some positions... thousands, and ammunition several million, this is already, so to speak, a real format, danya is moving forward, forward, i am coming to you now, as the former head of
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the foreign intelligence service of ukraine , i want to ask a question, here is this unexpected for many information that f-16s will be in ukraine by the end of july, but doesn't this mean that they may already be in ukraine? i understand that no information will be divulged, we know that... that the enemy searched for, killed vasylkov, and beat myrhorod, hit on others, well, maybe the enemy does not know where all such small military airfields are located in our country, where in which forests, in which regions, there are many of them in ukraine, fortunately, the enemy does not know everything, but he is also looking for them in the frankiv region, and again, in poltava oblast, it’s a little secret here, and in sumy oblast , near one of the populated areas, he also tried to strike, and it’s clear that the enemy is preparing for the appearance of the f-16, so here’s this statement that at the end july wait, i think so, i am not a scout and never have been was engaged in similar things, let's say so, but it seems to me that there can be some kind of
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verbal fog here, because... what to say specifically to the enemy that here is something that you want to hunt, and you are already re-equipping your planes there , and you are preparing planes, and everything else, under the f-16, no one will say for sure, it seems to me, when and what will arrive in ukraine, how do you comment on this statement that there will already be f-16s in the summer? well, there are a number of political statements that indeed they will, it does not indicate specific terms, especially where they will move where the airfields will be, because at the moment they have old maps. the airfields hit them constantly in eight areas, we see the target, they think that there we have already changed the lanes, created precisely the engineering systems and flight coordination systems of the f-16 and will accordingly constantly hit there, we know this scenario, alternative elements have worked out , there is a demonstration, possibly even of models and the like, which will be placed there, or will be after it is already known that the f-16 is in ukraine, but
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delivery options and especially the term. is encrypted, so a number of politicians point out that anthony blinkin, who is already moving, representatives of the netherlands, precisely those countries that will move, also say, well, they say approximately for several weeks, a month there, but russia cannot monitor exactly every day these formats, even more so i do not know the logistics, how it will be delivered and where it will be delivered and whether they will be fully disassembled or partially disassembled, and therefore will be assembled, where they will be hidden so that there is no threat of blows missiles at them. in the fields, placing them, so to speak, maybe in deep hangars that will be protected, of course powerful, and this is the right approach, so i will just say, the format of disinformation from our side of the enemy works, it is agreed with the politicians that they do not give specific dates and specific directions where they will move, and most likely the enemy will not be able to achieve any specifics and neutralize their delivery or
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striking at the time of them. so to speak, or already placement, the more use in combat of order and tell me, please, we will hear a little later, i understand, the speeches of president biden, president zelensky, based on the results of their meeting, we saw the video, it took place, and i would like to talk about the nato summit, well actually the main positions were voiced these days and air defense for ukraine and strengthened, biden's statement that the ukrainian army with western help, i add from myself, expanding, what he meant in... obviously, biden is capable of defeating russia on battlefield in ukraine, at least with the resources and on the scale that the russian army is currently using on the territory of our country, that we are capable of doing it, but from your experience, with your assessment, what we heard about the results of the nato summit, and what there really could have been more discussed, but not voiced, approximately what percentage of what was voiced and actually
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agreed upon... but what we will see a little later on the battlefield, and maybe we will not know what it was, but we will just see the result. well, 90% of people have strategically announced that ukraine has a nato perspective, that it is it will be guaranteed in nato, the terms are roughly determined, and this is the end of the war and for 10 years, the budget is determined to be 40 billion, this is also still legal, so the system bodies that will work in europe to prepare just and... of our soldiers and about the formation of aid packages, the special representative in ukraine, that is, all these points are known, in the legal part, in the illegal part, these are specific measures for the supply of weapons, equipment, especially high-precision, and here it is important, the factor that, how much will be supplied, for example f-16 in general because a number of countries have already made commitments, it will no longer be 24, there will be 26, but somewhere up to fifty more, these are the nearest prospects, in
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the future there will also be 100 and 120, from the second. on the one hand , these are missile complexes of various types, not only stromshadow, for example, scalp t, but also, perhaps, the latest fifth-sixth generations, which are not deciphered today, and this is already a powerful unit that will destroy the reserves in the deep rear and medium the rear, and this will provide opportunities to replenish the combat team on the demarcation line, which is a prospect of our offensive operations, this is an armored vehicle, which does not say how much... that in general they talked about, for example, the same bradleys in addition, leopards, which are additionally different and systems for combating drones, which will be actively used by us today systematically and on the front line and already in a number of regions, where we feel that the logistical paths of these drones are systematically running, from where they are launched, from russia, from crimea, for example, there will already be cheetahs here, other systems that will be delivered today.


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