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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EEST

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forced, yakiv holodovsky remembered the surnames, and he was forced to give it up and leave russia, because, as i understand it, they made it clear to him there that he was not really needed here, and therefore business became a component of the state machine, and many from the russian oligarchs, he is, as they say, the official owner of the money belonging to the russian elite, that is, putin can't write everything down, he likes to say that he is a poor person. and according to the documents, this is most likely the case, because all his assets are listed on many billionaire fathers, who are nominally the owners of this money, actually belong to the leadership of russia, that is, either to putin or to people from his entourage, and therefore , of course , we take russian money privately, but should also be considered as a possible pledge for russia and its return. which
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to their owners should happen only after russia stops the war and pays all reparations in full, if she will not pay reparations, this money should be used for this purpose, i think it is can cover a significant part of the money, you know, the world bank already says, if i am not mistaken, 473 billion dollars of losses that russia did not find in ukraine, that is, 300 billion will not cover what is frozen, so here we cannot do without that... money, another issue is that legally all this should be done clearly so that there is no reason to appeal such decisions, i think that the lawyers there will do everything possible to appeal them, but still, i understand that this is how mr. stiglitz wrote in in his article, what do you know if he wrote about 300 billions of state money, that if they are not transferred to ukraine, it will be a signal that any country in the world can undermine the world order and be sure that
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nothing will happen with... money, it is hardly a positive signal that we can give to everyone else countries, because no matter what dictatorial regimes they are, they all want to keep money in europe, and or in the united states of america, that is, in the countries of the west, and no one really wants to keep this money in countries where they are not sure , that they have for tomorrow, tomorrow this money will not be taken away, that is why kim jongin probably studied in switzerland. and not in north korea, and like many children of dictatorial countries, but russia has really returned to the time when tsar ivan the terrible said that my scumbags should be executed by the head, and actually everything was a tsereva, and any boyar there he could have called mitka, not dmitriy, because all that mitka has is his tsar, tsar's, and the same thing is happening in russia now, no, let's say. a russian
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star, a famous person, alla pohacheva, who so very carefully expressed that, well, how much, well as if it is already too much to beat a children's hospital in the state duma of russia, they say that a brand should be put on her forehead, all her property in russia should be taken away, this is modern russia, that is, it is impossible to talk about the fact that it is not possible to kill children, the brand is on the forehead, traitor and let's take all the property, once and for all they will be shot or something else, well, this is modern russia, i think the west should understand this, who is it dealing with, there is no private, not private, just look at the list of mysterious deaths managers of the gazpromitekh company, starting from the 22nd year, that's it, there's no such thing, somewhere there's just something wrong with you, you all shot yourself with this family, drowned in the pool, fell off a yacht, one more thing and that's it, this is such and such russia, and we have literally two minutes, i'm the last i wanted to ask about the prospects of the resource, or, as they say, the resistance and battery charge of the ukrainian... economy, because we
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also have to withstand this opposition to the resource, of course, that is, we have a big problem, you know, at this period, what we have the negative balance is growing at a frantic pace, for the first half of the current year it is already 13 billion dollars, a negative balance, that is, the currency comes out more than, that is, we buy more than we sell, so yes, this puts a lot of pressure on our currency, and this is a problem, on the other hand, it is partially covered by what ukraine has already adapted. as for me, the conditions of existence during the constant attacks of russia, even the power outages, we see how many generators are working in the streets, that is, it all means that small and even medium-sized businesses, if they don't stop, they work, and that's why we have about and gdp growth was in the 23rd year, and the forecast on growth in the current 24th year, that is , the state has more or less adapted, and their partners remain with us, because they understand that no one... a repetition of the scenario
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of the first world war, no one captured berlin, and germany lost the first world war, because the economy did not hold up and many people understand that the same scenario would not happen in ukraine. for ukraine to survive economically, and therefore i think that there will be support, yes, now is a difficult month of negotiations, because we know that we have to pay 210 million dollars for warrants and for with certain loans we received, we managed to postpone it for two years, two years ago, now it will be difficult to postpone it again, but it does not mean difficult, it is impossible, so i hope that our partners will not help us negotiate. creditors that let's postpone it until better times, we don't refuse to pay, but we still need to do it after the victory, so as not to spend the resources necessary for achieving this victory, well, my colleague , oleksandr morchivka, tells me that, actually, well,
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we have an economic columnist, that's a little our partners are worried about the fact that until september 1 , august, the time is getting shorter, and our partners from ukraine, obviously, do not hear any answer that they would like to hear. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine is in the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon. and with the matrik topper, you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order a topper matrix for a comfortable sleep for approx. at that price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper mattrik, which comes in a convenient package, which is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover in which you can hide your topper will become not only a new item of interior, but also quite
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learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters of all kinds. became like relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. weekly saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. journalist who joined
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the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts, in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. comments of leading specialists and experts, analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to understand disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras. conscript every saturday at 21:30 at espresso. greetings, this is the chronicles of the war, i'm olga len, espresso tv channel. well, the first thing i want to say is to call you to join the new collection of the espresso tv channel. zero to life collection is a collection of atvs for fast. these are wounded and transporting ammunition. please support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodnaya
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yar. they choose victory every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so for evacuation, atvs are indispensable assistants, and they also allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible, help you work efficiently. your support significantly increases the chances of the soldiers of holodoyariv not only, not only to successfully perform combat tasks. and to return from them alive, join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million, for such a large collection, you see, a private bank, a monobank, there are qr codes, there are account numbers, please support a large, very important collection, well, now let's look at our battle map, let's see what in recent days, there has been a skirmish on the battle line. well, let's discuss all this further. map
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of combat operations for the period 3:10 july. the front line changes dynamically in critical areas. the russian army aimed to capture the entire donetsk region south of the kramatorsk agglomeration. toretsk, pokrovsk, volhydar and kurakhove were targeted. in all areas, the occupiers have certain successes. if during may the number of armed clashes increased every week from... and from 500 battles at the beginning of the month to 800 at the end, then in the first week of july the level battles exceeded 900. the russians understand that the window of opportunity may close soon, and therefore, despite the substantial increase in their losses, they are forcing events to gain maximum ukrainian lands. during the yar period, the fortress shuddered, but stood. after three weeks of active fighting for the kanal region, during which the armed forces of ukraine launched several counteroffensives, the armed forces of the russian federation are so ready. intended to occupy the entire area and push the defense forces to the left bank of the siver-donets canal. as a result
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, the rest of our defensive positions are on the other side channel, lost their relevance, therefore the armed forces abandoned them completely both in the southern part of the city and in the area of ​​the village of kalynivka. the channel has been on the defensive for almost six months since mid- february. the destroyed district has fully fulfilled its protective function. now the occupiers will start knocking out our defenders from the central areas with kababs. ravine their attempts to jump into the nova district failed, and therefore the rashists will continue to try to bypass the city from the north through kalynivka and from the south along the road that runs over the channel attempts to exterminate the ticks have completely failed and the armed forces of ukraine are currently clearing individual positions of russians in the village. therefore, in addition to the brilliant plan to take yar times head-on, the russians also began an offensive from the turkish direction, from where they can in the future reach the southern outskirts of konstantinka. toretsk is the new target of the occupiers. as it became known, to break through the positions of the defense forces on
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the outskirts of toretsk, in the south and north, the russian troops used their favorite method, which has already brought them success more than once: they dug a tunnel under by land if in the first days of the breakthrough, the rashists managed to break through directly to turetska street and engage in city battles, later the situation stabilized and it was not possible to expand the breakthrough. this became possible thanks to the transfer of the 95th here. airborne assault brigade, which the general staff often uses as a fire brigade. having failed to break through to the front, the russians shifted their focus to the south in order to bypass the turkish agglomeration, or impose battles around the entire perimeter of the city. the enemy broke through a narrow corridor of 3.5 km, captured the outskirts of the village of new york and started urban battles here. however, so far, the russians have not succeeded in expanding this corridor, so there remains the possibility of its elimination. at the same time, the invaders will try to break through our defenses in the direction. kalynovo, stara mykolaivka, to kill turkish style and cut logistics across the highway from
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kostyantynivka. in addition, this will allow them to collapse our fortified area in the alexandropol region without heavy fighting. the shelling and assault actions of turetsk, the number of which has increased exponentially, demonstrate that in the near future the rashists will bet on a breakthrough on this particular area of ​​the front. the crisis in the pokrovsk region has intensified. it took about two months for the occupiers to in the end, almost completely push our troops back to the right bank of the vovcha river and the karliv reservoir and seize territory 5-8 km deep into ukraine and. 20 km long. in recent days, they occupied the villages of novopokrovskoe and sokil. the occupation of yevgenivka is almost complete. yasnobrodivka has entered the gray zone, that is , the defense forces have left it, but the occupiers have not entered it yet. the last village east of the vovcha river remains novoselivka persha. however, the enemy has sharpened it from three sides and is gradually displacing
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our heroes. in addition, very slowly, but steadily, the russians are advancing along both banks of the karlov reservoir. however, the worst scenario unfolds in the area of ​​vozdvizhenka and lozuvatskyi, where the occupiers are breaking through with two arms to the pokrovsk-konstiantynivka highway, a key logistical artery. the other day, in both directions , the rashists managed to penetrate more than a kilometer deep into our defensive redoubts. south of lyzovatsky, occupiers along the railway climb to the west in order to gain an opportunity to bypass the defensive positions built along the vovcha river. at the moment, it is not clear where the armed forces can stop the rioters on pokrovsky. direction, because after the occupation of avdiivka, the creeping offensive in this direction has been going on for six months. kurakhiv and ugledar directions. the situation in krasnohorivka, where city battles have been going on for two months, is critical. the armed forces continue to hold the central areas of the city, but the enemy is advancing at the rate of one or two streets a week. the trend of fullness is clearly visible occupation of the city in the coming months. in
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georgiivka, the russians essentially expanded sivrona, which covers the entire village. this is the penultimate one. settlement before the exit to kurakhove. therefore, in the event of a full occupation of krasnohorivka, the enemy will free up his resources and be able to focus on attacking the key defensive city in this sector. in addition, the situation in the kurakhiv direction directly affects the development of events near ughledar, which critically depends on logistics from that side. over the past week, the offensive in the ughledar direction was aimed at advance to the north from volodymyrivka towards volgedar, as well as to paraskoivka and vodyane. through which also runs one of the logistical arteries feeding the ugledar. despite the fact that the enemy came within 3 km of this road, it is not as critical for the coalfield as some politicians began to tell. kharkiv region - an attack on the boar. despite the fact that in the north of kharkiv oblast, the armed forces of ukraine managed to throw out the occupiers from deep, and also to expand the zone of their control in the northeastern part of vovchansk. the offensive
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of the russians in this area has fulfilled its main purpose function, withdrew such critical reserves for us. meanwhile, the previously announced offensive on borova, a town on oskol, south of kupyansk, began. after the defense forces pushed back the enemy on the lyman direction near terni, the armed forces of the russian federation focused their attention on two locations: makivka and pischany and berestovo. the invaders made their way 2 km to the southern and northern outskirts of makiivka, are trying to cross the zherebets river in several places and knock out the defense forces from the village. this will open the enemy's way to the other side of the river yes you can. expand the bridgehead. in addition, in the section between tabaivka and berestov , the rashists managed to break through the ukrainian defenses, and broke 5 km deep into our territory and occupied part of the village of pishchany. here the enemy wants to push back the defense force to the right bank of the oskil river. now they have less than 10 km left to the coast. probably, after such a rapid breakthrough, it will be necessary to rebuild the line
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of defense on a large part of the front. if the advance continues, the russians will open new fronts and create a threat. simultaneously kupyanska from the south and borova from the north. taking into account the gradual advance that the enemies previously carried out on this part of the front, as well as the significant amount of resources that they brought here, in the near future the attack on borova may become no less threatening than the fighting on the pokrovsky and turkish directions. wool flourished massively in russia. despite the tragic situation in many areas of the front, the number of explosions in russia demonstrates that the armed forces began to receive significantly more different means of destruction. not the most successful the complete destruction of a huge military base in the village of sergiyivka, voronezh region, became a joke. in tambov, sbu and gur drones blew up a powder factory for the fourth time, and also hit an oil depot. four drones successfully hit the redkinsky plant in the tver region, which produces aviation fuel. in addition, uavs visited the air base in kursk and the vakhtubinsk airfield.
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in addition, in akhtubinsk, we were impressed by the refinery and the electric substation of the astrakhan region. two oil depots should be added to the collection: lukoil in the krasnodar territory, an oil depot in kalichi provided in the volgograd region, a large power substation in the rostov region. naval drones carried out a massive attack on the port in novorossiysk, and missiles destroyed anti-aircraft defense in the village of streletske, belohorod region. the highlight was a successful drone attack on two electrical substations in the belohorod region, which stopped the oskol electrometallurgical plant, russia's only modern full-cycle metallurgical plant. the blackout led to... stopping all electrode furnaces and the molten metal solidified inside, due to which the plant, which supplying metal to a large number of defense enterprises of the russian federation has stopped for at least several months. we win everywhere. death to enemies. so, with us now is anatoliy hrabchynskyi, an aviation expert, deputy director of the company for the production of equipment
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rep. congratulations, mr. anatoly. congratulations. well, let's still talk about what was not in our map, namely about the last big attack on ukraine, on july 8, when quite a lot of missile weapons were used by the russians. serious lesions in various places and first of all serious losses of the civilian population, you know, there is a lot of talk about this attack, they are talking about non-standard use of missiles, about some interesting such nomenclature of missiles, can you explain what is non-standard and what is the peculiarity of this attack? let's probably start with the fact that , in fact, if we talk about this massive shelling, well, in fact, there are comments there, they say about the mass, because remember the year 22, 203, when the enemy used 100, 70 missiles at a time times, but here it should be noted that here it was a complex combination
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an attack due to both ballistic and air ballistic strikes, as well as cruise missiles, that is , the vector of the direction and movement of these missiles was laid out in such a way as to mislead the means of air defense, in fact, we are constantly communicating with you about what we need to provide more. .. air defense missiles, but for some reason we are silent about the radar devices that detect these very missiles, which help to target black missiles, if we are talking about a firing range or a surveillance range, therefore, in principle , it should be understood here that the increase in means air defense needs a complete complex, that is, we are talking about both radar and command vehicles, as well as direct means of destruction, therefore, in principle, the enemy... used complex glasses for ours for these missiles, and flew very low, this should also be note that most
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classic air defense systems are built on the basis that they can see any targets at an altitude of more than 500 m, therefore , in principle, there was a powerful powerful load on air defense, that is why we have such consequences, but tell me, this missile.. . which specifically hit the okhmadite x101, well , first of all, they used them, if i’m not mistaken, there were 12 or 13 of them, most of them were, well, 10 or so were shot down, two flew by, one was an okhmadite, one gets the impression that tsilivokhmadit in general, well , it’s just aimed there, are there any features of this particular missile, because again i heard the expert’s assessment that they are trying to use it at all... this missile is used there in the dark time of day, in the morning, once again, what is there around it this is also a peculiarity of its own, well, in its dark time it is unprofitable to use, because certain
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elements that help it to fly and orient itself in terms of space in the area are visual, that is, due to the cameras that are there, so it is necessary, we see that they use them at dawn, when it is already plus or minus. we will do better. as for the kha101, it is definitely an x101, because the appearance and the external engine on this missile and the tail of this missile and the length of this missile, because russian propaganda began to talk about the im 120, which are used there, here it is necessary to understand that the length of the missile is x101 is about 8 m, the length of the rocket. and the im 120 is about 4 m, that is, in half, and again here it should be understood that the x101 missile is programmed, that is, the coordinates of the target are entered into the missile
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in advance, that is, before it hits the plane, therefore, in principle, the crew cannot affect the change of coordinates or reprogram it, in fact the enemy has actively upgraded, there are already four types of modernization of this missile, one of them sees there heat traps in order not to be shot down by air defense means, one system, one of the modernizations allowed them to increase the explosive part by two times, that is, it can lead to serious destruction, here, by the way , it is necessary to check exactly the ahmadi missile with which the combat part was, and therefore, in principle, all factors confirm that russia purposefully used it. medvid for striking, well, again, let's probably return to the tactics of strikes of the russian federation, remember how many hospitals in ukraine have already been destroyed due to
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e-strikes. returning to global history, let's remember how many hospitals were destroyed in syria precisely due to the bombing of russian 22m3 planes, so in principle this is a classic tactic of the russian federation. again, let's go back to the fact that putin likes to kill children. think of beslan, think of mariupol, so in principle, all the confirming factors are there. but again, we need to actively work with ours now. by western partners, because in principle such and such terrible strikes can be repeated and we can stop them by uniting with our western partners, not only due to the provision of quantitative weapons there, but also with many other tools, well, in general, the fact that many of these missiles were shot down, perhaps we can say that if, for example, not 10 of these missiles were shot down, but
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less, then we would they saw... not one missile hit ohmadit, but several, most likely it can be assumed, but you know, for me personally, the information that was made public by the financial times today was quite shocking, previously it was made public by the actually informed palm, our investigative community , that kha-101 has quite a lot, and even in what was found already after this attack on the territory of the ohmadites, there are quite a lot of western ones. components, and in particular swiss components, again, it seems, texas technologies, there is something there, well, that is, there is not what we would expect, there are no blocked opportunities for the supply of western components to russia, which they put their weapons, this is also a fact, and this, it seems to me, is also quite a shocking story, in fact,
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it should be noted here that russia ... is now able to circumvent sanctions at the expense of friendship countries such as china, iran, we see, india too, feels good in relations with the russian federation, so in principle, of course, it should be noted here that this is also a problem, but it is also the achilles heel of the russian federation, because let's let's return to the problems with russian aviation, the avionics of russian aircraft can be significantly affected by the absence of certain components, because it was after the 12th year, when the russians began to actively promote their aviation on foreign platforms, to try to sell it, they encountered the fact that they are not competitive in terms of engines, in terms of avionics, that is why they began to actively cooperate with european countries, for example, they talked with france about and received certain components in order to improve some systems of their aircraft, actually after the 18th
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year they started complications, we... we see it in the number of aircraft releases, they have decreased significantly, and this is the problem, so in principle, if we talk about ineffective, it is possible that the sanctions mechanisms, that is, they work, but not as reliably as would like there are still opportunities to track down, for example, certain individuals or companies that are engaged in helping the russian federation, both intelligence and special services of other countries should already be working on this, and... in addition to striking russian factories, because the loss of some factories, the loss of the technical documentation itself will lead to the fact that they will not be able to restore the technology, because in principle the key factor is the documentation that is with the russians, according to which they are preparing, building other missiles, and say that so, well, if we talk about x101 eyes, what
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are the general ways to knock them down? well, in general, that is, can we somehow put more effort into ensuring that the missiles do not reach this particular plan? let's start with the fact that, in principle, the knockdown ratio of these missiles, when the russians were actively using the kha101 missiles, was almost 75%. and therefore, in principle, it should be noted here that due to the combination of combined strikes, and recently, the enemy mostly. increased precisely the strikes with ballistic missiles, due to this, russia managed to monday to make such a massive attack with a hit, therefore, in principle, if we are talking about missiles of the hasta-1 class, then the classic air defense system copes with these missiles and can be destroyed by any, any, any air defense forces , which are more precisely...


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