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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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three o'clock in the morning, he called me back later, i heard his voice, i think, well, that's all, it's calm now, you can go to bed. at 7:00 in the morning , i got a call from his father, and he says that one of the pilots died at the point where our ivan is, but they don't tell me his last name, i worry more for him than i care that he was alive. every time the feeling of anxiety is constant, not for nothing, you know that now, well, the war is going on, it was probably the most difficult period of the entire war, i call, he is out of the zone, i call, he is out of the zone. i and i, well, just on
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for 10 seconds i had the impression that i had disconnected, but then i gathered myself together, i think, no, it’s not him, and at that second he calls me back, i just heard hello, i didn’t want to talk to him anymore, because i, well i couldn't, we can't be sure that we will return, if, of course, that everyone, we are all waiting for... you know, but you came back, and everyone on earth is waiting for us, something when the plane will return, he was ready, he, no, it's my turn, i'm flying, and unfortunately, he didn't come back, and you begin to understand at first i was biting myself, that it was you who should have flown, that he shouldn't have been, that it was a pit, the boys told me that he just lay all day and looked at one point and... it was as if he
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felt his guilt, because he was older , guys, in addition to the work they do, it is still very difficult for them morally after the loss of their brothers, it is very difficult, behind our backs are our families, our relatives, and just in... the people, we do not want this the bastard just came to our lands, i do, all my boys do everything to win this war, to stop this bastard, constantly, when i go to work here, well , i constantly see these bilgords, it is often mentioned, unfortunately, a lot of my loved ones have been lost and... you understand that they will
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forever be in your hearts, in your thoughts, if, that's for sure . i sometimes think to myself that somewhere on the ship there is one of my brothers, i see a little cloud there, for example, which i liked, i say to her, oh, that is probably zhenya, vlad, there, i say, hello, i ... that you are calm, there is no war there, you just support us from heaven, we did not come to someone to take someone else's, we left to protect your own, you know that your wife, child, family are waiting for you at home, and you understand that if not you, then what will happen to them, that's the question. so you will understand what you
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are fighting for, i even said in our wedding vows that i promise to always accompany you on business trips and meet you, and in principle , it always worked out that way for us, when you come home, you see your wife, your beloved child, who is running to you in an embrace, what could be better, this is the most valuable.
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friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. war in the middle east. crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of changing processes. country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second presidency of trump will be
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terrible. a project for those who care and think. politclub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. here i am i'm coming to ukraine with three children, i don't have a job, i need to find one, i don't have a home, i need to find it, and i'm still sick, what should the state do for people like me to return? the stories of the displaced people that we tell in the film are more eloquent than optimistic official reports and spectacular presentations from state structures, real life destroys myths. there is no money, wait, here we are waiting, to return or stay, where to return. what will happen to work, loans, children's education, where and at what cost to be treated? nothing is done to return people abroad, absolutely nothing. internally displaced persons increasingly either go to the west or return to the occupation altogether. if the government does not stand up and act, we will lose the war for the future, even
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if we defeat the enemy. how the state should act, i will tell in the film. if we compare the types of aviation with football, then the attackers are attack aircraft, those who play on the flanks and can be said to cover the attackers, these are fighters, and those who play in defense can be said to be bombers. air defense is possible take it as a keeper. she flies, you shoot at her, everything is too simple.
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before the full-scale one, no one paid much attention to us, no one even knew what we were for. everyone saw, everyone felt our work, no one in the world shot down such targets, ballistic missiles, we were lucky, with such work, the air force became the first to receive a blow in the back, or whatever you want to call it, a sneaky blow from the russians. command posts, radar units that we have throughout
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the country, anti-aircraft missile units, air defense positions, aviation, airfields of the air force, everything was attacked by missiles of various classes, it was a powerful missile strike, our work begins, not least during the alarm. when you go to shelter, the work begins even earlier, even before the alarm sounds, because, well, if the same aircraft takes off there, something else, we see it all, and accordingly in advance everyone is put on alert, our enemies are trying to attack us precisely at night, so that those small units that are armed, anti-aircraft. were less effective in destroying the target, here i
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see a target, there is not one, there are several, quite very beautifully falling and disintegrating in the sky, we like to shoot it very much, i am the battery commander of the anti-missile division. our main task is to cover important state facilities from enemy air attack. well, we have work all the time, the main task is to see it, at least a few seconds of stable work, so that we can see at least a little bit, at least some dot, that will be enough for us. our dad is a small radar, there are constant conversations with the older one, at the beginning and of course they said that vvika, you understand, dad at war, dad military, i say dad sby. airplanes, and she says: my dad is a superhero, and she still says, my dad is a superhero. we protect the country, the people,
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but also our family, and you understand that all those targets on the radar, they have the goal of destruction. you not only our state, but also people, relatives, relatives and at any moment something irreparable can happen, and therefore it gives an incentive to work better more better cations to check, an indication of the case, of course. work nothing special during the search, the target is detected, detection operators
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transferred to me, i see that here is a target as a target, of course on this operator, here i see a target, it is unusual, it is very fat like this, very big, i have not seen such marks before, i captured the target, the missiles hit, but the target the escort did not disappear. here the refusal became a little less, and then we realized that there was not one, there were several of them. we had an application at night, today the boys worked, it is necessary to provide some list of awards that we can encourage them, call it, well, if the toad is not empty, in principle for courage, we start with the third and continue to go, yes, i pronuyu on the arrow submitted to me. commander calculations for the courage of the third degree in the future drivers and the rest of the calculations of
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strong guys fall for an exemplary word. i have been working in the air defense since 2014 and until now , the fate of a commander is such a fate that you have to worry about the entire staff under your command. we are all here for each other, we all support, we are all happy for each other, well, it's really like a real real family. you know, and if i had to say, for me we are, as they say, whole cardinals, sometimes there were moments that when there is a threat, you can see that a missile is already flying right at you. there were cases when the commander simply kicked everyone out, said i will do everything myself, and these actions are really inspiring, and i think that it is not for nothing that our guys get heroes. the air defense system is not a distinction between units, it is a single organism where one unit relies on another, it is a single system, a single organism,
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of course we trust each other, because we understand that our backs above us... are covered by our comrades-in-arms, and we cover our backs others my service years are 5 years, i joined the army, young, and before that i studied at a university, not a military one, my father is also a military man, he was a former ppboshnyk, served in the zrm. now he is serving as part of the terogoron, on the other hand, in aviation, so the three of us are representatives of the main branches of the air force. air defense is not only the popular missile troops and aviation, there are also radio engineering troops, these are those
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who see the air forces inside the country and far beyond its borders, it is the second largest in number. type of armed forces after the ground forces, only in peacetime, it is 50 00 servicemen, now there are much and much more, in 2018 after returning from atos, and the end of the contract, i decided to leave the ranks of the armed forces, go to civilian life, which i succeeded in principle, found myself in it. worked very well in the field, everything worked out for him, but unfortunately, fate made its adjustments, i had to return to the ranks of the military, on february 24 i received the news, at four in the morning my wife informed me that she was giving birth, at 6 in the morning
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she ran into the room and ... it started, and i tell him, i know what started, back in the quarter it started in the morning, he tells me, but no, he says, the war has started, and the first thing i did was, when everyone was leaving the city center, leaving kyiv, i drove to the city center, took my wife to the maternity hospital. on the 25th , he took me home, he had already collected things, he said, you understand that i have to go, he brought them home, and he kissed me. gathered, he says, a maximum of a week, he says, i will be at home, and i had to get behind the wheel, take him out, it happened like this, some point on the map, a meeting with his brother, we are going, he only directs where to go, he says here stop, we stop, a bus pulls up, the military gets out, he kisses me and says goodbye, he gets into the bus and drives off, and that's it,
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and i saw him for the first time only two months later. when recalling the first days of the war, one must remember the day before or two days before this war, because the tension was enormous, people were already receiving weapons, people were already, well, in readiness for the fact that an attack might be launched. on the night of february 24, everyone was already at the control points, they are calling from kyiv, four ballistic missiles are coming for you, hide. well that is 5 minutes and you have them, they tried to put our povo system out of order, so the first morning the litho-rocket units met their own units with a powerful fire impression, but thanks to a timely maneuver
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, part of the units still survived, this part entered the first days in the fight against... enemies, everyone in the air commands understood that losing control of the sky would be a collapse, it would be a loss, and they would simply destroy us from above, and a decision was made the day before, how we would react, we from the mobile water groups first we met an attack from the air by the enemy, it flew near us and at us. he is all around us, they wanted to destroy the air force, they wanted to deprive us of our eyes, and... the aviation is powerful, 450 planes, 400 and 350, or rather helicopters, were at 40 airfields at
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that time, i.e. in readiness for departure, readiness for landing landing, preparedness for bombing, in the first days of the pitornya war, we destroyed three enemy targets, there were helicopters of different types, mi8 and 24, that is, those from the latest igla 1 manpads complexes with soviet models, we showed that we we can destroy them like this, behind the occupier , no one even thought how many of them there were, i had a task, the enemy's goal was to destroy everything, the fighter takes over, distracts a group of russian planes, the beech sits quietly in the bushes and receives the command, turns on, it turns on and launches four missiles at once and could even four planes at once, it was really so tragic for russia. and the heroic for us combat days of the first weeks of the war, you understand that if you don't do this work,
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no one will do it for you, and you don't want to to return home, to the house, from which only the ruins remained, we had no other choice, that is why we mobilized as much as possible, the boy who made the first start, he did not even believe that he would crash now, that is... ben the first he launches and the target goes beyond the defeat zone, we he changes the missile, shoots down with the second one and that’s it, there are emotions, there is no joy, emotions, everything resets at once, the missile is pierced after it, it continues to work, until april we did not leave the cockpit, let’s put it this way , we slept and spent the night in it, and 24/7 we were in the fireplace, this it was precisely that active period when the enemy's aviation was trying to seize air superiority, and then there was no time for rest or anything else. very early in the morning , we are raised on readiness, that is , the calculation comes to the workplace,
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of course, people are very tired, people do not get enough sleep, but we know that we have work to do, we come, turn on, we are given directions, literally after a few seconds of arrival at night, we drop rockets and strike. the goal is calmly reported, we are told, thank you for the work, turn off, everything, that is, it took for sure, well, 10 minutes, and we left, you came to sleep, and then when he woke up, and what was it, it was the sun, it was reality, during the time when enemy helicopters began to be shot down, air defense immediately became the number one enemy, that is, the target , that is, if there was an open desire for us, my boys were positive, because i said what i am saying, if we die, we will all die together, i say, no one will be jealous. to each other, my main task was to save the lives of the personnel and to carry out all the combat tasks, as we would have done in principle,
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we were able to win back our sky in the war with the enemy, we destroyed the enemy with our skills, our motivation, our... support , the fact that we were supported by the people, i asked my wife that in case she sees something, or hears a plane, to she dropped this information and even one of them worked, well , i hear just a hum outside the window, not a real goal, i write to him, wow, something flies there, he doesn’t react at all, i write to his brother, literally 30-40 seconds pass and i want him... he is already texting my brothers on the phone that don't worry, your dad has already shot down planes, it was just planes, but it was so bad that
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i don’t know what they were shooting down, but it was half a district away, my husband wrote to me: they flew in, there’s nothing to fly over my girls, i have guys in mobile groups on trips, that’s it... yes it turns out that some guys left before the start of the full-scale, so they are still sitting in the fields, well, by the way , we let them go on vacation there, but still most of the time it was like at the beginning, when they left, and until now, and until now in the fields, but they don't want to return, what else do we have here, yes there is sugar, coffee, very often the boys say that... i am their mother, and yury volodymyrovych is their father, that's how it turns out, well, you know, i have another family, i don't have my own children yet, but
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i do already more of course they listen and listen and come for advice and come to confess and come to speak out, so, really, just like a mother, during combat work we try to be constantly in touch with one of... to help, if there is such an opportunity, to suggest something somewhere , we are a real fighting family, because there is no other way. your team is everyone's driver, i am shooter, this is a scholar, they already start with families , friends, yes, here we have all our family, in our way we see everyone very rarely, i would like more often, but this is the situation in the country, we
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choose, we chose. early detection of an air enemy, but now everything is calm with us, there are days when the entire indicator is completely red, the result of the combat work of our aviation and air defense depends on how quickly i release information. drones are the easiest to shoot down because they follow the same
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course and have a low speed. speed and you have less time here reaction, well, of course, it is more difficult to shoot down aviation, it is more difficult to work on them, but let's put it this way, this is the most desired goal of a poshnik. our boys not only protect our sky, but also have time to build new families, families, that short period of time of some kind of liberation, yes, in mine, probably almost half of the boys got married, they somehow all at once, a boy from your battery said that i i was fired once, i came already married and everyone started after me, i got married, on august 19, 22, my husband and i
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got married. at the beginning of a full-scale we we thought that it would all wait, then it would be later, but closer to this date we decided that after all life goes on, we do not know what will happen tomorrow and why postpone those moments of joy and happiness for later, the commander let us go for a couple of days , well, let's celebrate, we found each other here inside the papoot, thank you, let's go give everything to the boys. actually, two years have passed since the great war, and of course everything has changed to the original, people have changed , first of all, who learned to shoot down cruise missiles only on training grounds, they have acquired a great experience, and the technique has changed. nasams
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is definitely a complex that has already proven itself in the world. iris is one of the most modern complexes that we have in service today, it can work in cooperation, well, with different systems, that is , to issue information from the iris radar, it is possible even on the soviet system, the radar there is wonderful, now we already have patriot, we already have do you prefer to work on the s-300 or the patriot and no, well, it's impossible to compare, why? well, because es3 is like, if petrio is a grandson, then strisa is like great-grandfather, that is, these are different generations of missile
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systems, peter, it is much more effective.


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