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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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when i look at france, i positively evaluate macron and his policy towards ukraine, but i am horrified by marie le pen, but we will see, this is an open process, so it is a great miracle, a great effort of many people who understood that russia is interested in our conflicts, polsko -ukraińska, no to jestem bardzo krytyczny, przepraszam, że tak mózię, returning now to polish-ukrainian everyday life, i will be very critical.
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i am outraged by the situation on the polish-ukrainian border, i experienced the polish-german border when poland was not a member of nato, and the germans could not allow people to wait so long at that border. of course, roads and trade should be controlled, but not people, everything was done to ensure active contacts, tourism, and cultural exchanges. this border is also because of us poles, a border further to another political system, not to brothers and sisters.
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reinforces both sides, of different characters, and this is the nature of the free market system, there is no one who wins, because monopoly is in an authoritarian society, but what is it about? there are not enough polish political elites, and journalists also talk about the chances of the future, applying our very specific experience, because this is not a utopia, we have gone through this process. in my opinion, we are not active enough in debunking widespread fears, and secondly, the european elections. look, the pro-european majority won in poland, but we have more than 40%, i.e. 48% of anti-european votes.
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these days , duda seems to be out of bed, but from there he went to the president of china, i am very sorry, china is most interested in making this war last for a long time, so i have to tell you this, as a citizen and an expert, it annoys me. for example, why does that border have to be a problem, why do people, you and i have to wait so long, humanitarian aid has to wait so long, it's absurd, it's never happened before, i was in serbia now, a country that sympathizes with putin, but it's much easier go there with putin, they will go there, the european union.
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when we started talking about ukraine and its future in the european union, now the negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu have actually started. for poland, the path to the european union lasted 10 years, and that's about it because poland did not have a war, i hope, and will not have one. polish society is not as polarized as ukrainian society, because ukraine was divided between two empires, and this did not pass without consequences. a people is not only an ethnic thing, it is a community of people, democrats,
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they can have different roots, here i think multiculturalism is ukraine's chance, its advantage, not a weakness. how much longer will this ukrainian path to the european union, which began back in 2013 with the association agreement, associations and then, actually, last? started, that's a good question, when did it start? for my generation, it began back in 1991 , at the time of the fall of the soviet union. after all, two countries that stalin occupied. the baltic states became part of the european union, therefore nato and the eu entered the former space of the soviet union. but surely the orange revolution is like that, it was very european, in the 14th it was flawlessly about
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stopping putin's actions to block a very specific road, that's why the conflict in ukraine is a conflict. on your question, there is a certain paradox for me from from the moment of the second invasion, from the moment when the ukrainians nevertheless defended their independence, the political elites also remained in kyiv, to defend kyiv, for me, ukraine is part of the european union in the sense of a political community.
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that is, let's say that everything is over, ukraine has fulfilled all the conditions, the european union, the commission, they say it is perfect, and then we are talking about 27 countries through each parliament, cyprus, malta, italy, hungary, poland, slovakia, and each country must have a parliamentary majority , and i don't know what it looks like, because putin. china can buy everything, change everything, one country can say no, let's see.
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introduce yourself big member countries, and i hope that they will say, enough, do not get money, we will isolate you, ukraine should be part of europe, also regardless of the development of this war, because putin will do everything not to leave ukraine, we we know that, right? ukrainy, to wiemy, prawda, ale tu jest drugi temat to jest nowa, to jest kompletnie nowe experience dla unii europejskiej, ale here is another topic, this is a completely new experience for the european union, this is the topic of inseparability from military experience.
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has a great chance, because solidarity was a huge movement, it was 10 million people who created an anti-communist organization, a democratic one, poland was a symbol of democracy then, it had leho walesa, the support of the pope, but it also had a lot of sympathy from very smart politicians, mazowiecki, geremyk, wise people, writers, intellectuals, cinema, culture, so it is not only politics, but there is an optimist, because today ukraine is a giant in the realm of, for example, literature, it is a culture that is incredibly enriching.
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this is important, because then we have semi-democracies, which can be, as we see in hungary today, used by authoritarian regimes and be countries that spoil the eu, states that spoil. why did we poles fight for an independent court, because it was about us, but
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at the same time about europe, because the destroyed polish country was destroying europe, right? it seems to me that this is a ukrainian discussion, the quality of ukrainian democracy, you should take care of it, it is definitely for you if you ukrainianize.
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intensify the war by talking a lot about it, but the word war, because you can also speed it up, looking as detached as possible, that is, with from my perspective, we have a gigantic global conflict right now, which is actually a war of those.
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look at that region, we have central europe, eastern europe, we have the whole black sea gulf, turkey itself, which is a participant, but now finally stabilizing. we have russia's ally iran, we have a new war in the middle
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east and behind us we have china, which has not yet attacked taiwan, but is participating in the war. is it not a world war is a world war true but its field is also the us election in france but i don't say this to scare people, but to emphasize that we are responsible. for example, we in poland had national elections in october, these were elections in which... it was not only about poland, but also about europe. and they were anti-putin, anti-chinese, anti-iranian, also against the church, which is very anti-feminist, homophobic, so today we all defend certain values ​​in that global, unfortunately, line. a very important
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topic for me is chinese technology, which we should not accept, we should not attract chinese capital. leszyk kolakowski, i didn't talk about him, because he is a polish philosopher, but he covered everything in one sentence, saying that in history, people were brought up, for example, in russia, in hatred,
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tyranny. us in dignity, we respect ourselves and others, we think about what rights we have, we want those rights, and this is also the 201st century, you as a journalist, i too in my work, we undertake to educate people in dignity, this is a struggle against putin, with china, with iran, they invest a lot of money in. center of solidarity, was a guest of the studio of the tv channel, we talked about the center of freedom and democracy, which was recently created in lviv and will operate here in
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lviv. thank you, our dear viewers, my name is lesya vakulyuk, stay tuned. attention, a profitable offer, order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price of only uah 149, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, but we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light for only uah 149. take advantage of this advantageous offer: the smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours. without recharging, the secret is in the built-in city battery, it’s so convenient, especially now, and the smart light bulb is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when dropped, the standard
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abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, with tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. an unusual look at the news: good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, for example, if mykola veresin would do that, he would go to prison, a special look at events in ukraine, yes that it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond it, then who is china, my heart hurts, all this in the information marathon with mykola september, saturday 17:10, sunday 18 :15 for espresso.
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friends, i welcome you, we will talk today about the odessa film festival, which started in kyiv. in general, you know, we talked about the odesa film festival, which took place in chernivtsi. last year, chernivtsi generally became such a place of pilgrimage for our cinematographers, because the mykolai chukov open festival, which actually always takes place there, was originally held there. and then the organizers of the odesa film festival obviously saw that chernivtsi is a good place to hold the odesa film festival there, because we understand that in odesa at the moment this is not very obviously appropriate. to spend, and that's why everything happened in chernivtsi, and this year we have everything in kyiv, on the one hand, i know, i'm glad, because here at
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my side at least i don't have to go all the way to odessa, on the other hand, i love odessa very much, and the odesa film festival was always so atmospheric, precisely because it was in odesa, because there is a sea there, because there are all these chips and showing tapes on the stairs, i don't know if it's in kyiv? this will happen, but now we will ask the director of the film festival anna machuk about it, if she is already with us at communication, i see you, anya, hello, hello, congratulations, yes, i know, some discovery, yes, and everything is very much planned for you, yes, so we quickly talk and talk about, probably, the most interesting thing that will happen on film festivals, but first i will ask, in general, if... we do not hold a festival in odesa, then we understand that it is impossible now, why kyiv, why other places are not suitable, because personally i am always very
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worried about our regions , which... which constantly do not add something to them in the sense of culture, everything is received by kyiv, but somehow so it turns out that the organizers really think that everything should be held in kyiv, why not chernivtsi this year and why kyiv? well , in fact, we as the odessa film festival are very supportive of all festivals that are held in regions that are recovering, that are held in small, large cities, in regional centers, and we ourselves would like to return to odessa, to... such a southern capital of ukraine, but from the point of view of security, kyiv is still more protected, it feels so more protected, although the events of the last week have shown that it is not so protected, but also the second reason, of course, is logistical, after all, we are an international film festival, we invite many international guests, and if you evaluate how to get to which cities,
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it is much faster to kyiv. than to many other cities, even border cities, that is why this year we decided to hold the odessa international film festival in kyiv with the hope that victory will come very quickly, and next year we will be able to return to our native city of odessa. and what about the foreign guests, they agreed to come here normally, because i know that some refuse, if we talk about other international events, and some normally say, we will come to... kyiv, we are not afraid, what happened with your agreements? it is exactly the same story and we understand it very well, that is , we sent invitations to a large number of foreign guests, of course a lot of them refused, refused for two reasons: one reason is of course the danger, the other reason is that many wanted to come, but their contracts , for example, for shooting films, they provide full insurance against all
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absolutely risks, including. from the risks of war, and we in ukraine cannot ensure this, because we have the risk of war every day for 10 years, the last years of a full-scale war, so of course many of those who wanted to, even they could not come, because after all everyone in the world perfectly understands what is happening in ukraine now. as for such a persistent question, i don't know glamour, i don't know, because the red carpet is always the closing and opening ceremony. it always is for almost all festivals, ok not all but almost for everyone, this is a very important component, because in the media there are different photos, stars and in dresses, it is very good for our filmmakers to shine again there in some media, but at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, i keep seeing this criticism, what do you think you can, it's war now, you
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're dressing up on your red carpets here. that is , this is also a double situation, how important is this criticism and this opinion in general, well, for you, for the odessa film festival, because i know the events, the organizers, who say that, well, listen, we have decided so, we are making a red the runway, we're making it less glamorous, pompous, as always, but it's a must-have stage, and how are you going to have all that glamor stuff, we don't have glamor stuff, first a full-scale invasion and we don't have a red carpet this year, really there was an idea... still, to make a partial red out of respect for the work of cinematographers, for those works that are presented at the film festival, but we refused, of course we will have a photo booth, and there will be a black carpet, but definitely not a red one, we are a red carpet, near our hundred-meter we will return the opera house when, after all, there is a victory in ukraine, and of course, there are a lot of questions about whether there will be parties at the odessa film festival,
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there will be no parties either, that is, the film festival is dedicated to... first of all, the demonstration of ukrainian and foreign films to the industrial the program of discussion of the most important issues for the industry for its development and, of course , honoring and remembering our heroes and those who are now supporting those who are now at the front and would like to make a film, but do not have such an opportunity, that is, the film festival is first of all professional event. yes, i will say right away that for people who may not go to various events, there is a lot going on here. events, various concerts, almost always, at almost every such event, there are auctions, gatherings, the military must be mentioned there, that is, these are now events that are also necessarily included in the war, anya, then of course we will talk about the films that our viewers will be able to watch in your program, here we traditionally focus on espresso first of all.


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