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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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what to prepare? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime . two hours of your time. two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. two hours to... keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. watch the news at 9:00 p.m., the results of the week, without deadlines for joining, but with promises to support, no matter what...
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nato summit for ukraine. queues in tsnapa and tsk. by july 16, all conscripted ukrainians must update their military registration data. abnormal heat covered ukraine. the temperature is breaking records, and forecasters do not expect coolness. about all this and much more already at 21 on espresso. cheers again, 17:31 minutes 10 seconds like me promised, serhii dzherzh, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, head of the ukraine-nato civil league, candidate of political sciences, will now appear before us. thank you, mr. serhiy, for finding time for us on saturday evening. i wish you health. well, look, so the first question. this is this this is this meeting, this visit to
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the president of ukraine in washington, where the 75th anniversary of the creation of nato was held, the washington summit, how close ukraine came to the alliance, did not come close, this is success, this is defeat, this is betrayal, this is victory, this it is, how would you rate it, please, mr. serhiy, well, there was no summit. history of nato, where ukraine would be talked about as much as it would be discussed, decided, proposed, even this declaration, the joint communique signed by all participating countries based on the results of the summit, uh, it is calculated that ukraine is mentioned 59 times there, uh , in a positive way, russia 43 times in a negative way, as a condemnation of this aggressive policy and everything else. and china,
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iran, and north korea are mentioned there, as countries that add fuel to the fire, encouraging supporting russia to pursue its aggressive policy, therefore, in general, we can say that we would like to see some political solutions, however, if there are none, then something on the scales of the libra should be adequate, appropriate, which would have the same meaning and influence. and in this aspect, i think, we received economic aid, military aid, plans for strengthening air defense, ensuring the activities of this contact, contact group, support for ukraine, a new command will be created in nato, and other directions as well, all this was decided, discussed, planned. mr. sergey, look, there is such a discussion, i am there for...
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i will say that i am in the absolute minority, because when there is criticism of nato, they don't give planes, they don't give this, they don't give this, why so slowly, i always say , we may have even mentioned this with you once, you know, since 1991 there was a lot of time to write a letter to nato, accept us, to encourage politicians to encourage citizens, to somehow promote and tell about it. they set people up, and now, oh, they don't accept us, well, you know, the time has come, how about you how do you feel about this, and what do you think about that, as a critic of nato, do you say that it was necessary to think earlier, as i, for example, say that it was necessary to think earlier, maybe i am wrong, i do not agree with you, as they said in the communist party of the soviet union, please, just like that, because it turns out that we have... well, we don't need nato, if
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it's bad, then we need nato. so until 2010, everything was fine, it was necessary to declare a pose. indolence, because yanukovych followed the instructions of the kremlin and, in principle, bowed the parliament before this, and how does everything in nato react to this, that is, we developed relations, ukraine pursued an action plan for membership in nato in 2008, that is, the process of cooperation was active, and then for some reason we left the bloc, what is the reason for this, well, we we understand that russia was trying... by the hands of ukraine itself to cut itself off from any international support so that we would have no support from any international institution, well in particular znato, as a military structure, and remain so, i would say
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security orphan, which can be quite simply there with some bare hands, er... to carry out this colonial policy and capture in any way military, economic, political russia worked on this, but if we still had such a consistent policy, then we would have, i i think we really have more rights to say, what if, and to insist on these, on these things that we expect today, and... so we really need a lot of diplomatic efforts to convince our partners of the necessity to support our state, yes, well, but it's not even yanukovych that worries me, you know, yanukovych, he is alone, but if this non-alignment was
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declared in the tenth year, 100-200 thousand people would go to the square with the words "no-no-no, we don't need" for non-alignment, we need nato, then somehow if the world would react to all this. and so the world says: you yourselves wanted to be non-aligned, you yourselves wanted, this, many of you wanted to be friends with russia and so on, brotherly nations, or one nation, well, in short, that’s all, now one more provocative question, immediately, i immediately inform you that it is provocative, many believes that china and turkey are, so to speak, on the side of russia. i have no doubt that belarus, north korea, and iran are on russia's side, but china, for example, which in all the conversations you just talked about, in nato, at this summit, is also named, as it were, russia's help is
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from china, and i'm not, i'm tormented by a vague doubt, i see that there is some help, but i see that the banking sector is practically closed, the industrial sector... started to close since june this year, in short, there is as many markers as is now fashionable to say, signs that china is also not very comfortable helping russia, and china is very concerned, excuse the taftology, about trade with the united states, which exceeds trade with russia there ten times, plus europe, that is, what do you think, china, he is so clear. for russia or china , definitely for yourself, for china? china, for china, it is obvious, and that is why they, having such a large trade balance with europe and the united states, are subject to this
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pressure of sanctions, which the eu and the usa create for them. in particular, the possibility was announced secondary sanctions for china. of their banks that cooperate with the russian ones, and stopped this cooperation, because there is an understanding of the possible loss of this huge market that exists, and that is why china has such painful points, let's say, on which you can in principle put pressure, which you can't say about iran and north korea, because north korea already has all the sanctions it can, and that's why they... don't care if there are any more sanctions against them, they trade with russia as best they can, so does iran, which also to a large extent under sanctions, under sanctions pressure, and these countries are less dependent, now taking into account these circumstances, from the outside world, and china
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is dependent, so here you can find ways ways that influenced, say, chinese politics. look, the 40 billion nato says they will give is the best option, the optimistic option, the pessimistic option. obviously, if they gave 150 billion, it would be better, but i don't always see where they can take it, so easily, and here is my question, is 40 billion good, bad, or what is it that we should clap our hands or vice versa to cry, it is so realistically, realistically important, realistically, this is a necessary option for us, and indeed, this figure, it is to some extent... based on those, on that aid, on that volume of aid, which was provided to our country
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in the previous two years, so it arose from these calculations , and to some extent there is even a positive thing in the fact that it will be nato that will take care of this, because in the past we introduced such bilateral negotiations with various countries, gave them certain requests, dialogues, they are accepted... these decisions in support of ukraine, these decisions depend on the opinion in the parliament, on the mood of society, after all, when the nato structure itself will solve these issues, then within nato there, let's say, among themselves, they will speak a completely different language, and it will look more technological, because even for the example of hungary, which refused to provide us with weapons and even... there were such statements that they will not let military cargo pass through their
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territory until ukraine, then within the framework of nato they must fulfill some obligations, because this is already the structure in which they enter, if nato makes any general decision , it is accepted, approved, therefore regardless of such political sentiments there, if the countries would be more automatic, i would say so, more... uh, more planned approach to providing this support and thus ukraine will receive the amounts that were announced. mr. sergey, the last question we have literally 30 seconds, what do you think, i think, again, i have such a controversy with you here, i think that there will be no attack, putin will not dare to attack nato, the baltics, but about that how are you? do you think this can happen or not? war against nato is already underway, russia is waging this war, it's just
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that not everyone in nato has realized it yet. war, in our time, is not necessarily tanks and helicopters, it is informational influence, it is bribery of politicians, it is economic manipulation, economic pressure and so on, that is, this whole spectrum, except, except explosions and and... and on and on the focus of the fires, er, is already present, so it would be better for the nato countries , if they realized this, to cooperate more er more clearly with ukraine and together with all er, so to speak, with all of this european democratic community , oppose the russian federation. thank you very much. serhii dzherij, military serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, head of the civil league of ukraine nato, candidate. of political science was with us, now we have another four-minute commercial, and
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then we will talk about poland, but after the commercial, you think about a new mattress, but this is what stops you, did you think about what you sleep on, old mattresses accumulate not only dust , but also the moisture that a person emits while sleeping on... you mattress pad or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. choose a camel orthopedic mattress and your sleep will be noticeably better. take advantage of the super offer for half the price. call now and order a camel orthopedic mattress. instead of paying the full price of the mattress, pay only half. due to the fact that our production is located in ukraine, we will be able to quickly manufacture a mattress and deliver it directly to you. we perfectly combine innovative technologies and modern ecological materials. dial the number
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to be treated. nothing is done to return people abroad. absolutely nothing. internal president. more and more often, they either go to the west or return to the occupation altogether. if the government does not stand up and act, we will lose the war for the future, even if we defeat the enemy. how the state should act, i will tell in the film. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project. espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso.
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good health once again, ladies and gentlemen, 17:47 minutes and 50 seconds, and we will speak with mr. yuriy banakhevich, ukrinform's own correspondent in poland. good health, mr. yuri, thank you for finding time for us. good afternoon, my sincere greetings. look, my first question is whether or not to shoot down russian missiles over ukraine. poland will not shoot down russian missiles in the sky over ukraine - said the minister of defense of poland. poland is considering a proposal to shoot down missiles over ukraine, says foreign minister sikorskyi. and what the newspapers say, what the experts say, what the public says, these are all the people, i know where public opinion in poland is leaning.
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please, mr. yuri. well, in fact, this issue has been on the agenda for some time, probably, up to... two or three months, so i personally asked the ministry of foreign affairs of poland, and they also explained to me that poland is actually is considering this issue, i.e. this issue is being considered, instead there are no solutions, in fact the polish government follows this line, i.e. they do not say no, but they also do not say yes, in the opinion of official warsaw they should not accept an unequivocal decision of warsaw itself, i.e. it should, if it is positive. decision, then it should be the decision of all of nato, that is, there should be agreement, if not all 32 countries, then at least those of the main players, we are talking about the usa, great britain and others. here, i spoke recently with a polish military man expert and asked him, specifically about this, whether poland can potentially make this decision,
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if not at the nato summit, this decision can be announced, then, for example, a little later, then he told me that poland. does not want, well , he repeated in fact that poland does not want to be drawn directly into the conflict, into the hot phase of the conflict, if it itself starts to knock down nato without its consent, and also does not want accusations from russia, i quote him, that some crazy freedom of poland started the chaos of nato dragged all of nato into the third world war, i.e.... didn't want to, everyone understands that putin, as it were, is playing everyone, so that he blackmails everyone, on the other hand, poland is still very, very careful about this and would like the... leftist players in nato to agree to this, i think that most likely everything will go in the direction that ukraine still gets a larger number of air defense systems, and warsaw will not shoot down
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russian missiles flying in its direction from its territory with its air defense systems. there are still some technical and legal issues, which also raise questions among the poles, for example, for example, if... for example , potentially, poland would start to agree and start shooting down russian missiles with its anti-missile missiles, if such an anti-missile fell on , god forbid, some residential building, someone would be hurt down there, then who would be responsible in such a case, that's how they explained it to me, that is, there are many other legal aspects and purely technical aspects, why poland is not in a hurry, of course, thank you mr. yuriy, see prime minister tusk proposes to produce electricity. for ukraine, as far as it is on the agenda specially for ukraine, it is obvious that it will not be only specially, because energy, electricity is such a thing, such a substance,
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which can very easily flow from country to country, at least on the roads of europe, as far as it is on the agenda to produce electricity for ukraine, now this is a critical problem to a certain extent, because kyiv is in the dark very often, much more often than the city. or two years ago, and the same can be said about lviv and so on and so on, what can be said about it today? well, actually, this is a fairly new topic, she appeared, appeared during president zelenskyi's visit to warsaw and during the signing of the actual security agreement between poland and ukraine, then at the press conference, polish prime minister donald tusk said that there is such a proposal from warsaw that poland can help ukraine with electricity, energy. the bridge has been functioning since the 22nd year already at full capacity between, that is, there are technical possibilities to export electricity, but the situation is really, if it were successful, it would be a win-win for ukraine,
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and for poland. poland is already official turned to the european commission with this proposal, and from what the polish media write, the european commission is currently quite skeptical about this proposal from warsaw, but as the prime minister of poland tusk himself says, who, i will remind you , was the president for 5 years. of the european council, everything related to european issues, in principle, he can decide with high, if there is evidence that everything will be positive for poland, that's why it is beneficial for poland, poland has quite a large number of coal-fired power plants, that's why the european commission is obviously pressing , so that there were fewer exits into the atmosphere, here, and poland is one of the countries of the european union, where there are those exits, the atmosphere is well enough, let's say , the volume is high. well, if the european commission did not turn a blind eye, let's say, to this increased emission of co2 into the atmosphere, and poland could export this electricity
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to ukraine as help for ukraine in this difficult period, then this would also give poland the opportunity and for example use more capacity, people would have jobs, this is also the case in poland, i also have a coal mine. baths, so i think it would be great for poland too profitable, the european commission would obviously also have to partially compensate for the production of electricity for ukraine, so poland would be interested in it, ukraine would be interested in receiving electricity, in return for the final result, the european commission will agree to it, i think we have to wait a little longer for it. mr. yuriy, look, again the controversy is like this, yes, poland will encourage ukrainians to return for protection. of ukraine, and there is such information, well, i am interested, but there is no shortage of workers in poland, well because here, too, the controversy is such, on the one hand,
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to encourage, on the other hand, it seems to me, polish, polish agriculture, polish industry, polish trade, it received a good amount of help from ukrainians who work, who make up a part of the gross domestic product , in short for... they definitely aren't, moreover , to the extent that poland is such a nationalist country, they don't like foreigners like that, of different colors, let's say, we won't offend anyone, but it's probably better to have ukrainians than some people to whom in poland , in in hungary, well, in many european countries , the attitude is not very positive, what do you say, mr. yuri, well, actually, how do you, as you noted, this issue is quite controversial, and there is no agreement on this issue even in the... government itself poland, because i, for example, have heard several opposite, practically, comments, some polish government officials say that this is how we will help ukraine return, men mobi.
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age of mobilization age to ukraine, others say that this is quite such a controversial issue, and actually hint that poland, well, it has one of the lowest levels of unemployment in the european union, 5%, that is, the market is very, very flexible and workers are needed, yes, workers are needed, ukrainians occupy a very important niche and generate, according to various estimates, even up to 2%. the country's gdp, that's why the question is yes, the question is difficult, the question is difficult, because on the one hand, warsaw wants to show that it is in solidarity with kyiv and wants to help with everything it can, on the other hand, it is obviously the economy of poland, here, which is also important for, it is clear that it is important for of the polish authorities, and i think that in this matter, there will be no drastic, radical steps on the part of the polish authorities, i have one more serious question, mr. yuriy, and what...
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is happening now on the border between ukraine and poland that my wife tried to cross just a few hours ago, i was very surprised that it was hours and hours and hours and hours, i understand an hour, i understand two, i understand three, well, well, not five, not seven still, i understand seven, when the war began, then maybe not seven, and 24 hours, but what is happening there, there is simply not enough transition. or what, what is missing, and who is to blame, by the way, is it the ukrainians who are slowing down, or is it the poles who are slowing down, look, look at the lines of cars standing near the border, please, in fact, this issue, as they say, is as old as the world, because many hours queues between poland and ukraine at the borders were much longer even before 2000, even in 14 years, that is, it was possible to stand in line on
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a bus for, for example, 5 hours, it was absolutely... if normal, well, not normal, of course, but a typical thing , let's say so, and this is not a question of the beginning of a full-scale, after a full-scale invasion, then it is not a question after 2014, when the russian aggression against ukraine began, this is a systemic, deep, long-standing problem, which obviously has, as they say, many, many factors of its own , this is a really small number of checkpoints between ukraine and poland, i would like to remind you that the border between ukraine and poland is still more than... 500 km, and there are about 10 of those checkpoints, but it is very critically few. secondly, not all of them work at full capacity, some do of them are quite small, and, well, there are also complaints about the border customs authorities themselves, about the functioning of the border customs authorities, this is from both sides, so that, for example, there are technically several windows that could work, a window,
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let's say, instead, for example, half of them are closed during the day, the polish side says that there are not enough border guards , the ukrainian side also has some problems, obviously, with the pass, i think that this complex of various problems, it is also the human factor, it is also technical aspects, it and simply not enough infrastructure and access roads to the border, and this obviously needs to be solved by building at least three, four, five more checkpoints so that... every 50 km, let's say, every 15-20 km, there is a checkpoint on our common border, and what do you say about the europeans, about brussels, because when you once answered a question, i thought, well, we should turn to brussels and say, give a little money so that we can organize all this, well if there really are no border guards, there are none in poland the possibility of hiring twice as many border guards, i can understand it, because
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the budgets are adjusted. then it is necessary to go to the europeans, what do you say? well, the border between poland and ukraine, this border of the european union, and in principle, poland provides funds for, for example, the modernization of infrastructure, by the way, poland also provides loans for the modernization of infrastructure on the ukrainian side of the border, which should be acknowledged and said that this is a very very positive aspect if the european commission helps, partly in various projects to modernize checkpoints, with construction of access roads. infrastructure , the share of the european union's money is obviously there, on the other hand , as i said, it is about the fact that this is a rather complex, long-standing problem that is, well , let's say this, multidimensional, and here it is necessary, thank you very much, thank you very much, mr. yuriy, yuriy banahevich, the owner of ukrinform in poland, now we have news, then we have advertising, then again mykola veresen, but not alone, but with tibor tompa, the head of the hungarian community
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of kyiv region. talk about hungary, obviously.


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